Commons:Upload help/Archive/2015/05

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SVG using MathML shown as corrupted

Just as the header says, if I want to upload a SVG using Javascript/ECMAScript or MathML, then I get the error message "This file might be corrupt, or have the wrong extension." Minimal example:

  xmlns       = ""
  xmlns:xlink = ""
  width       = "1200"
  height      = "800"
  viewBox     = "0 0 1200 800"

  <foreignObject x="40" y="7" width="200" height="30">
  <div xmlns="">
  <math xmlns="">
      <mi> A </mi>
      <mi> cos </mi>
      <mo> ( </mo>
      <mi> ω </mi>
      <mi> t </mi>
      <mo> ) </mo>


Why are neither MathML nor ECMA-Script allowed? What can I use to replace MathML? There are convertes, but the code becomes totally unreadble when converted to pure SVG. Is it possible to hold some petition to allow XHTML+SVG+MathML ?

Maxiantor (talk) 20:08, 26 April 2015 (UTC)

{"servedby":"mw1139","error":{"code":"verification-error","info":"This file did not pass file verification"
,"details":["uploadscriptednamespace",""],"*":"See https://commons.wikimedia
.org/w/api.php for API usage"}}
{"servedby":"mw1227","error":{"code":"verification-error","info":"This file did not pass file verification"
,"details":["uploadscriptednamespace",""],"*":"See https://commons for API usage"}}
MediaWiki supports embedding mathematical formulas using TeX syntax in <math> tags and has basic text support in SVGs. ECMAScript is definitely not allowed in SVGs and I would be surprised if foreignObjects would be rendered properly if they were accepted. -- Rillke(q?) 19:33, 27 April 2015 (UTC)
Ok thanks. Can you give me a working example or point me to some ressources? Will that work, if the SVG is not uploaded to Mediawiki, but instead being displayed directly using a browser? Maxiantor (talk) 13:25, 1 May 2015 (UTC)
@Maxiantor: C.f. mw:Extension:Math; <math>A \cdot cos( \omega t )</math>. Whether it is displayed in the browser depends on user preferences and browser capabilities (MathJax). -- Rillke(q?) 13:33, 1 May 2015 (UTC)
I'm sorry, but I really don't understand it. Something like the following does display nothing, at least when viewed locally. I would want to have this work both locally and on a server. I think I will give up on all this, it's to frustrating. Thanks for your help. MathML was flawed in the first place, because Opera rendered it almost 1.5x so long as ff did, therefore jumbling up the whole layout. It's all to flawed.
  xmlns       = ""
  xmlns:xlink = ""
  width       = "1200"
  height      = "800"
  viewBox     = "0 0 1200 800"
@Maxiantor: To have this locally working, you need a TEX compiler, or MathJax (see demo page). -- Rillke(q?) 14:46, 1 May 2015 (UTC)

Upload file

To upload file..what process should I do???

See Commons:First steps for first steps. --rimshottalk 17:43, 1 May 2015 (UTC)

upload slow

I use the upload wiz. In the beginning it's fast enough, but after one or two minutes it's going slower. What to do?  Klaas `Z4␟` V19:36, 30 April 2015 (UTC)

I noticed the same. First it starts well. After three quarters it slows to zero. What to do? -- Hans G. Oberlack (talk) 21:31, 30 April 2015 (UTC)
The Upload Wizard has been pretty much broken for a long time now because it's developers have effectively abandoned it. The only realistic alternative is to use the old upload form at Commons:Upload. Green Giant (talk) 00:11, 1 May 2015 (UTC)
Today I transferred some files from Flickr and this went lightning fast, although UploadWizard only officially support uploading 50 files from Flickr at one but it's easy to circumvent JS limits. However, for this to work, one must be either in GWToolset, image reviewer, or sysop user group. -- Rillke(q?) 13:35, 1 May 2015 (UTC)

Upload a picture using the GNU Free Documentation License

Hello Community.

I modified a picture ( File:Ramblers Skydiver (6899239115).jpg ) from wikimedia that was published under the GFDL. Due to this license I have to publish this modfication under the same license (or am I wrong)? But when I upload the picture I can only choose Creative Commons license. Is there a way to solve this?

Thanks for the help --MartinIGB (talk) 16:36, 1 May 2015 (UTC)

Deleted images of paintings

Heading inserted by me.Odysseus1479 (talk) 02:27, 5 May 2015 (UTC)

Estou a tentar fazer uma página na WIKIPEDIA com o nome de meu marido, ARTISTA PLÁSTICO Francisco Ariztía. Já criei a página mas falta pôr imagens - uma fotografia dele e três imagens de pinturas. As fotos são todas de minha autoria, mas foram apagadas em Março/2015 porque não tinha conseguido pôr as licenças. Já escolhi a licença para todas elas é - CC BY-SA 3.0. Agora a página diz que foi eliminada. Não percebo nada do que está a acontecer. Noémia Simões de Ariztía, 4/Maio/2015 — Preceding unsigned comment added by Noémia Simões de Ariztía (talk • contribs)

como são criados os java porcos,e como fazer para controlar pois as criaçãoe dos mesmo, pois existe plantaçãoes sendo devoradas — Preceding unsigned comment added by Jesus francisco da silva (talk • contribs)

Getting stuck in the file upload sequence

Hi There

Trying to load an photo through Commons and I am getting stuck in the "Describe" section. I filled out the required information but when I press "next" it is not advancing to the next step. Any ideas?


VB — Preceding unsigned comment added by Vanburen1234 (talk • contribs) 20:15, 5 May 2015‎ (UTC)

The Upload Wizard is always breaking down and is unlikely to be fixed soon. I recommend using Commons:Upload (or the upload form), which was used before the wizard and is less likely to break down. Green Giant (talk) 21:56, 5 May 2015 (UTC)

Category eines schon hochgeladenen photos ändern

Hi, ich würde gerne die Category meines beim Wetbewerb hochgeladenen photos ändern. Wie geht das? Grüße, Spoonwing — Preceding unsigned comment added by Spoonwing (talk • contribs) 18:36, 4 May 2015‎ (UTC)

Hi Spoonwing. I'm sorry for responding in English, but it doesn't look like anyone who speaks German is going to answer. You might have more luck at Commons:Forum, but it looks like you figured it out anyway. LX (talk, contribs) 21:42, 15 May 2015 (UTC)
This section was archived on a request by: LX (talk, contribs) 21:42, 15 May 2015 (UTC)

What means "You can only upload files with a size of up to -1 B"???

Hello, I'm trying to upload a photo but the system says "You can only upload files with a size of up to -1 B". I'm sorry but I really don't know what measure of size is this. "B" can be an abbreviation of Bytes, ok, but how can a file have -1 Bytes??? It really really doesn't make sense!!!

I've tried to upload images from 740 bytes to 6.78 Mega Bytes but the answer (or error) is the same!!! — Preceding unsigned comment added by Biesseck (talk • contribs) 00:25, 13 May 2015‎ (UTC)

I have been getting the same error message when using the upload wizard: "You can only upload files with a size of up to -1 B. You tried to upload a file that is 474 KB." It worked fine 12 hours ago. You can still upload using the old form (click on " Back to the old form" at the top of the upload page). Doing it that way only allows you to upload one file at a time and it isn't fully compatible with some web browsers, for example it doesn't open the mandatory description field ion Firefox. You have to try to submit, recieve an error message telling you to add the description, then refresh the page manually to go to an alternate version of the page. It works if you only have one file to upload, but it's unusable if you have multiple files. Mark Marathon (talk) 00:53, 13 May 2015 (UTC)
Me Too. Or should I say me three. "You can only upload files with a size of up to -1 B. You tried to upload a file that is 146 KB." Is there something wrong with uploading at present? --One Salient Oversight (talk) 01:17, 13 May 2015 (UTC)
Looks like someone intended preventing uploading altogether by setting the limit to a negative number. Does it work now? -- Rillke(q?) 22:11, 15 May 2015 (UTC)
According to reports at the village pump, this has now been resolved. LX (talk, contribs) 22:12, 15 May 2015 (UTC)
This section was archived on a request by: LX (talk, contribs) 22:12, 15 May 2015 (UTC)

Images remarquables


J'aimerais importer une image que je proposerais comme "image remarquable". Malheureusement, le logiciel d'importation de Commons ne "supporte" pas plus d'1 Mp alors que les images remarquables doivent avoir une définition minimum de 2 Mp. Que dois-je faire? Merci d'avance pour l'information — Preceding unsigned comment added by Glaurent (talk • contribs) 13:05, 3 May 2015‎ (UTC)

Hi Glaurent! I'm sorry for responding in English, but it doesn't look like anyone who speaks French is going to answer. You might have more luck at Commons:Bistro. If I understand your question correctly, you have a problem with some software for importing files to Commons not accepting images larger than one megapixel. There should not be any limitations like that, as far as I know. What import tool are you using, and where did you get the information about the one megapixel limitation? (If you received an error message, please quote the whole message.) LX (talk, contribs) 21:19, 15 May 2015 (UTC)
Thank you for your reply. It looks like the problem has been solved. — Preceding unsigned comment added by Glaurent (talk • contribs) 14:13, 18 May 2015‎ (UTC)
This section was archived on a request by: LX (talk, contribs) 19:06, 18 May 2015 (UTC)

Problem uploading photo

please mention the full step wise activities that perform to upload image thanks — Preceding unsigned comment added by Naveed002 (talk • contribs) 17:08, 19 May 2015‎ (UTC)

Hi Naveed002! You can find that at Commons:First steps/Uploading files. LX (talk, contribs) 17:12, 19 May 2015 (UTC)
This section was archived on a request by: LX (talk, contribs) 17:12, 19 May 2015 (UTC)

mensagem de erro

Estou tentando enviar arquivos, porém ao clicar em "enviar" aparece a mensagem de erro dizendo que a latitude e longitude devem estar entre X e Y. Este campo não está marcado como obrigatório, mas ao tentar enviar sem o preenchimento desse campo aparece a mensagem e ao preencher o campo também aparece a mesma mensagem de erro.

Ana Taemi — Preceding unsigned comment added by Ana Taemi (talk • contribs) 20:32, 19 May 2015‎ (UTC)

This section was archived on a request by: Answered in English below. LX (talk, contribs) 23:58, 19 May 2015 (UTC)

Geographical coordinates

Which format should I inform the Geographical Coordinates when uploading photos? I tried several, but everytime I get an error message saying that it should be in between X and Y. Besides, it's not mandatory item, even so, the form keeps asking for the info. thank you ana taemi — Preceding unsigned comment added by Ana Taemi (talk • contribs) 20:36, 19 May 2015‎ (UTC)

Hi Ana Taemi! The Upload Wizard requires geographical coordinates (if you provide them) to be in decimal format (for example -23.55,-46.63 for São Paulo). You can use this tool to convert from degrees, hours and minutes to decimal. Google Maps will also tell you coordinates in decimal format if you right-click on a point and select "What's here?" from the menu. LX (talk, contribs) 23:12, 19 May 2015 (UTC)
I typed 8°_37'_24"_S and 37°_9'_23"_O for Lattitude and Longitude, but I still get the error message; Converting to Decimals worked fine! — Preceding unsigned comment added by Ana Taemi (talk • contribs) 23:50, 19 May 2015‎ (UTC)
This section was archived on a request by: LX (talk, contribs) 23:57, 19 May 2015 (UTC)

Ab dem Schritt "Beschreiben" streikt der Weiter-Button

Nachdem das Bild erfolgreich hochgeladen wurde und alle Pflichtfelder zum Titel, Urheberrecht, .. ausgefüllt sind, funktioniert der "Weiter"-Button nicht! Gibt es irgendeinen Trick oder eine Notwendigkeit, die noch zusätzlich erfüllt werden muss? Pepermintberlin (talk) 13:27, 11 May 2015 (UTC)

Hi Pepermintberlin! I'm sorry for responding in English, but it doesn't look like anyone who speaks German is going to answer. You might have more luck at Commons:Forum. The Upload Wizard (the default interface for uploading files to Commons) is pretty much in a perpetual state of brokenness. It isn't broken for everyone all the time, but I don't recall a time since it was introduced that we went more than a few days without people reporting enigmatic problems with indefinitely spinning wheels, unhelpful error messages, or simply no way to move forward. Have you tried Commons:Upload? It tends to be much more reliable. LX (talk, contribs) 22:04, 15 May 2015 (UTC)
Ganz wichtig: Ist eine Lizenz gewählt? Falls ja, dann ist es ein Fehler im Assistenten zum Hochladen von Dateien und ich schließe mich aLeX an. Benutze das Formular, das funktioniert für Dateien <100 MiB eigentlich immer. -- Rillke(q?)

Hi Rille Thank you very much for your respond. It's uploaded now. — Preceding unsigned comment added by Pepermintberlin (talk • contribs) 10:05, 20 May 2015 (UTC)

This section was archived on a request by: Rillke(q?) 19:00, 20 May 2015 (UTC)

subir fotos de compañia

¿puedo subir fotos de la mi compañía? — Preceding unsigned comment added by Fenix.construcciones (talk • contribs) 21:51, 24 April 2015‎ (UTC)

Hi User:Fenix.construcciones! I'm sorry for responding in English, but it doesn't look like anyone who speaks Spanish is going to answer. You might have more luck at Commons:Café. If I understand your question correctly, you are asking if you can upload pictures that the company you work for holds the copyright to. The answer is yes, but only if they are within Commons' project scope and you are authorised by your company to publish the content under a free license that meets our licensing requirements, and you may need to provide evidence of that. You should probably read Commons:Guidance for paid editors.
I see that you have already uploaded some files. They appear to be professional architectural drawings. As noted in Commons:Guidance for paid editors, we typically require verification of the licensing permission via e-mail for this type of content, and if you did not personally create them, they shouldn't be marked as "Own work". LX (talk, contribs) 19:23, 18 May 2015 (UTC)

was the email I sent regarding permission not sufficient?

Dear helpers. Last week I tried to update the very out-of-date cover of our dictionary on this page with the current version. I uploaded a new file (File:Cover.jpg) and sent an email to [email protected], the text of which is posted below. I work for the company who produce this title, and have clearance from the creator of this image, and the permissions team to post this image. I'm not sure what I have done wrong that has resulted in my image being taken down.

Here's the email text: I hereby affirm that I, Alice Willoughby, represent Pearson Education Ltd the creator and/or sole owner of the exclusive copyright of the work depicted in the media and the attached image. The image depicts the cover of the publication, and has been updated to show the current edition.

I agree to publish the above-mentioned content under the free license: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International.

I acknowledge that by doing so I grant anyone the right to use the work in a commercial product or otherwise, and to modify it according to their needs, provided that they abide by the terms of the license and any other applicable laws.

I am aware that this agreement is not limited to Wikipedia or related sites.

I am aware that I always retain copyright of my work, and retain the right to be attributed in accordance with the license chosen. Modifications others make to the work will not be claimed to have been made by me.

I acknowledge that I cannot withdraw this agreement, and that the content may or may not be kept permanently on a Wikimedia project.

Alice Willoughby Project Manager, Dictionaries and Reference, Pearson Education Ltd. 28th April 2015

Thanks in advance for your help Alice Aliwilloughby (talk) 13:28, 5 May 2015 (UTC)

Alice, there is a backlog in handling these permission e-mails. We have a grace period for keeping images without proper permission, but this backlog often exceeds that grace period, so images are deleted. Once the e-mail is reviewed, the image will be restored. Anon124 (+2) ( ) 20:17, 12 May 2015 (UTC)

The file was taken from the site of me, and there is an inscription that "nalezaet on the car itself." I want to delete it, but because this is not possible. What to do? Petruhin (talk) 14:41, 10 May 2015 (UTC)

Hi Petruhin! Sorry it's taken so long for anyone to respond. I've tagged it for deletion using {{copyvio}}. LX (talk, contribs) 20:57, 15 May 2015 (UTC)

audio files upload

Hello! I joined yesterday & I'm looking for guidelines about the maximum file size for uncompressed audio uploads. In terms of length, also, are there restrictions? Many thanks, Jane 19:46, 10 May 2015 (UTC)

As far as I know, there should be no limits specific to audio. For information on file size limits in general, see Commons:Maximum file size. LX (talk, contribs) 21:49, 15 May 2015 (UTC)

Coordenadas geográficas.

A wikipedia não tem solução para coordenadas geográficas? Estou tentando a muito tempo e só da erro. — Preceding unsigned comment added by Gervásio Carvalho (talk • contribs) 08:48, 11 May 2015‎ (UTC)

Hi Gervásio Carvalho! I'm sorry for responding in English, but it doesn't look like anyone who speaks Portuguese is going to answer. You might have more luck at Commons:Esplanada. If I understand correctly, you are having some kind of problem with geographical coordinates, and you are getting some kind of error message (which you unfortunately seem to have forgotten to quote). If the problem is that you don't know the geographical coordinates for a particular place, that information is often found in the Wikipedia articles about the place. If it's missing in one language, check another. You can also find more detailed coordinates, for example by right-clicking on a point in Google Maps and selecting "What's here?" If the problem is that you don't know which format to use, the Upload Wizard requires decimal coordinates (for example -23.55,-46.63 for São Paulo). If it's something else, please clarify and be sure to include the error message. LX (talk, contribs) 22:01, 15 May 2015 (UTC)

try to upload a photo with a license photo had previously been taken down

I had uploaded a photo without the correct licensing. I now would like to upload it again using the licensing below. Is that OK? Photo is: Larry Salkoff.jpg. When I try to upload it I get a message that the photo was removed. Thanks for letting me know. Joanne S.

<a rel="license" href=""><img alt="Creative Commons License" style="border-width:0" src="" /></a>
Larry Salkoff by Larry Salkoff is licensed under a <a rel="license" href="">Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License</a>. — Preceding unsigned comment added by Joanne in St. Louis (talk • contribs) 21:54, 16 May 2015‎ (UTC)

The photographer, you say it's Larry Salkoff himself, has to send permission to our support team. The procedure is described in detail on COM:OTRS. There is still the question whether the photo would fall into our project scope. -- Rillke(q?) 08:13, 17 May 2015 (UTC)

Upload wikipage picture

Hello, I recently created a swedish page for information about Mortal Kombat X on Wikipedia and I want to upload the front page picture of the game (the picture with the Mortal Kombat X logo and with Scorpion in the background (yellow/black clothes)). Though I do not want to violate any terms of use or copyrights so I want to know what to do. Thanks! — Preceding unsigned comment added by Habas98 (talk • contribs) 12:24, 17 May 2015‎ (UTC)

The picture is copyrighted and may not be uploaded here. English Wikipedia has an exception for fair use, and uses the picture under those conditions. Fair use images, however, are not allowed on Commons. Swedish Wikipedia does not allow local uploads, as far as I can tell, but has extensive instructions. In summary: you cannot use the image to illustrate that article. --rimshottalk 12:58, 17 May 2015 (UTC)

Johanna Basford's image

ImageSince the owner of this image notes that anyone is free to download and print as a gift on her personal website, it's okay to upload, right? — Preceding unsigned comment added by Jocelyndurrey (talk • contribs) 13:53, 17 May 2015‎ (UTC)

Not quite, as she does not allow commercial use, which is required for our definition of free. --rimshottalk 14:09, 17 May 2015 (UTC)

CC-BY-ND licence

I tried to publish a page for my husband - Francisco Ariztía - but I don't know how to includ the licence I choosed - CC-BY-ND. The images are - 1985_BUENOS DIAS SR. ARIZTIA.jpg / 2000_diptico-CORRE QUE TE PILLO.jpg / 2015_NAI-TAN-DEI (NIGHT AND DAY).jpg. They were deleted. These pictures were painted in Lisbon, Portugal, by my husband.
My name - Noémia Simões de Ariztía.
my email - [email protected] — Preceding unsigned comment added by Noémia Simões de Ariztía (talk • contribs) 20:04, 17 May 2015‎ (UTC)

CC-BY-ND does not allow derivative works, which is required for images uploaded here. See COM:L. --rimshottalk 20:06, 17 May 2015 (UTC)

nombre des photos

Slut, Combien de photos je peux envoyer a wikimedia commons pour participer à la tombola — Preceding unsigned comment added by Ettaki alaoui (talk • contribs)

« Tombola » ? Nous n’en avons pas ici, autant que je sache. Pensez-vous d’un concours de photo, comme WIki Loves Earth ou le Défi photo ? En tout cas, il n’y a pas de limite, ni minimum ni maximum, pour participer.—Odysseus1479 (talk) 02:45, 19 May 2015 (UTC)

Trouble uploading video... upload restarts over and over

I'm trying to upload a video to File:Black_slug_at_Medieval_graveyard_near_Lewino_Poland_17_May_2015.ogv. It's about 90MB. I'm using the Upload Wizard. The first time I tried it gave me some error (forget what exactly) and said to retry. Now every time I retry, the upload progress bar counts down to zero, and then restarts with a larger and larger expected time for the upload to finish. But it never finishes and quickly get to the point where it will take longer than a day to upload. My internet connection is fine so it's something on the Common's side. Ideas how to proceed? Jason Quinn (talk) 15:54, 19 May 2015 (UTC)

The Upload Wizard is pretty much in a perpetual state of brokenness. It isn't broken for everyone all the time, but I don't recall a time since it was introduced that we went more than a few days without people reporting enigmatic problems with indefinitely spinning wheels, unhelpful error messages, or simply no way to move forward. Have you tried Commons:Upload? It tends to be much more reliable. LX (talk, contribs) 17:06, 19 May 2015 (UTC)
Alternatively, when using the Upload Wizard, using Commons:Chunked uploads might be helpful. Gestumblindi (talk) 20:01, 19 May 2015 (UTC)
On my first attempt I did not have chunked uploads turned on. On subsequent attempts I did. A possible lead on the ploblem with the upload wizard. Jason Quinn (talk) 20:09, 19 May 2015 (UTC)
I tried Commons:Upload and it worked. Thank you. I'm surprised that there's still trouble with the Upload Wizard. I thought it was supposed to become the default way of uploading years ago. How hard can it be to get a simple HTML upload form to work? What the heck? Jason Quinn (talk) 20:09, 19 May 2015 (UTC)

Well, I suceeded in uploading the video and it appears to exist on Commons but I cannot use it on the other wikis. My wikilinks to it show up as red links and when they are clicked on it prompts the user to upload the file. I've tried purging both the Commons page and the wiki pages. No idea what's going on. Jason Quinn (talk) 20:26, 19 May 2015 (UTC)

Same problem here with my image files. For an illustration on how they do _not_ show up on de.wikipedia, see [1] --AndreasPraefcke (talk) 15:19, 20 May 2015 (UTC)

Wikimedia's developers broke something. Again. And apparently, fixing what they broke is not a prioritized task. :-( LX (talk, contribs) 16:07, 20 May 2015 (UTC)

I uploaded File:MMS launch and deployment animation.ogv (some 300 MB) today using Upload Wizard with no actual difficulties. I noticed the progress bar reset thing and thought something was wrong, but checked my upload rate and found the data was moving properly. It is disconcerting though and is liable to make folks assume the worst on large uploads. Huntster (t @ c) 16:22, 20 May 2015 (UTC)

No subject

I want to create a wikipedia page about myself and my research. What I have now is a Word document. Can I simply upload it along with my picture? — Preceding unsigned comment added by Googery1 (talk • contribs) 19:37, 19 May 2015‎ (UTC)

No, Wikimedia Commons is a repository of media files (photos, videos, audio etc.) – not articles. If you want to create a Wikipedia page, you should go to Wikipedia, and if you need help, ask at their help desk (en:Wikipedia:Help desk for the English Wikipedia edition). They'll probably point you at en:Wikipedia:How to import articles and en:Wikipedia:Autobiography or related pages. LX (talk, contribs) 23:08, 19 May 2015 (UTC)

Number of Fotos

How manay fotos can be upload for this competition — Preceding unsigned comment added by Hidayatullah Akhtar (talk • contribs) 06:35, 21 May 2015‎ (UTC)

Which competition? Wikimedia Commons is not a competition, and there is no limit to the number of photos you can upload to the site. LX (talk, contribs) 16:17, 22 May 2015 (UTC)

georreferenciamento das fotos

Não consigo acertar o georreferenciamento das fotos que eu queria publicar, desisti. Tem o transformador das coordenadas em graus para decimais, mas, e o tal "heading", o que vem a ser?? Eu até consegui transformar em decimal, depois de muita pesquisa, mas aí veio outro erro dizendo que a longitude tinha que estar no intervalo entre -180 e +180...Daqui a pouco vou me transformar em expert em cartografia, astronomia, georreferenciamento e tudo o mais!! mas eu sou só arquiteta..

Laci de Carvalho Alvite - email: [email protected] — Preceding unsigned comment added by Laci Alvite (talk • contribs) 13:04, 22 May 2015‎ (UTC)

Hi Laci Alvite! I'm sorry for responding in English, but questions in Portuguese seem to rarely get any answer in Portuguese here. You might have more luck at Commons:Esplanada.
If I understand correctly, you are having some kind of problem with geographical coordinates. Geographical coordinates is not required information for uploading through the Upload Wizard (the default interface for uploading files to Commons), but if you do want to provide it, it's appreciated.
If the problem is that you don't know the geographical coordinates for a particular place, that information is often found in the Wikipedia articles about the place. If it's missing in one language, check another. You can also find more detailed coordinates, for example by right-clicking on a point in Google Maps and selecting "What's here?" If the problem is that you don't know which format to use, the Upload Wizard requires decimal coordinates (for example -23.55,-46.63 for São Paulo) rather than degrees, minutes and seconds. You can use this tool to convert from degrees, minutes and seconds to decimal. The heading, if you choose to provide it, is the direction in which the camera was pointed should be a value between 0 and 360 (so northeast would be 45, for example). LX (talk, contribs) 17:09, 22 May 2015 (UTC)

Hello all,

I am trying to add a photo to my boss' page, but the file was initially taken down because it was a photo produced by a third party person. Since then, I have gotten explicit permission from the photographer to release the image, but now I cannot upload the file anymore. Help? — Preceding unsigned comment added by Burnettlh (talk • contribs) 19:33, 22 May 2015 (UTC)

Hi Burnettlh! According to Special:Log/Burnettlh, you have uploaded only one file, File:Boaz Keysar.jpg, and that has not been deleted. Have you used any other user names in the past to upload other files?
On the topic of File:Boaz Keysar.jpg, did you personally create that photo, as you claimed when you uploaded it? Given the low resolution, missing metadata, and the fact that the photo has been previously published in higher resolution and with intact metadata, you will need to send in evidence of that (or evidence of permission to publish the photo under a free license) to our permission archive via e-mail (as described on the page I just linked to). The same advice also applies to any previously deleted content.
As noted on that page, the volunteer processing the permission will act to restore the files if they are satisfied with what you have sent in. If they are not satisfied with what you have sent in, they will request additional information from you. As also noted on that page, the volunteers currently have a backlog of about 80 days, so please be patient. You should not try to recreate previously deleted content yourself, nor do you need to request undeletion if you have sent in permission via e-mail. LX (talk, contribs) 21:04, 22 May 2015 (UTC)

Message of Trowbridge Aikikai

I have explicit permission to use images that I have uploaded but they always get deleted. I have asked for someone to help many, many times but I've got no reply. Will someone, please, actually read my request and give me an answer? Better still, will they just upload the images? — Preceding unsigned comment added by Trowbridge Aikikai (talk • contribs) 19:54, 22 May 2015 (UTC)

Hi Trowbridge Aikikai! If you haven't done so already, you need to forward the permission from the photographer to our permission archive via e-mail (as described on the page I just linked to). As noted on that page, the volunteer processing the permission will act to restore the files if they are satisfied with what you have sent in. If they are not satisfied with what you have sent in, they will request additional information from you. As also noted on that page, the volunteers currently have a backlog of about 80 days, so please be patient. You should not try to recreate previously deleted content yourself, nor do you need to request undeletion if you have sent in permission via e-mail.
You say that you have not received a reply when asking for help, but on the contrary, I see that you received replies with follow-up questions both at Commons:Undeletion requests/Archive/2015-04#Stanley Pranin and at Commons:Help desk/Archive/2015/04#undeleting images, but that you did not reply to those follow-up questions. LX (talk, contribs) 20:41, 22 May 2015 (UTC)

Limits of photography to upload

Good morning dear sir, Regarding uploading photography of contest,is there is any limit of photos..?or we can upload as much as we hv thanks in advance — Preceding unsigned comment added by Abdur Rehman 1982 (talk • contribs) 22:43, 23 May 2015‎ (UTC)

Which contest? Wikimedia Commons is not a contest, and there is no limit to the number of photos you can upload to the site. LX (talk, contribs) 09:56, 24 May 2015 (UTC)

Shiv Datt Kumar biography

I wish to create biography of Prof Shiv Datt Kumar, how to do it. — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk • contribs)

Here you are at Wikimedia-Commons, which is an image repository, not a place for biographies. You should ask that at Wikipedia. --Túrelio (talk) 09:20, 24 May 2015 (UTC)

If WebM HTML5 files can be uploaded them why not MP4 HTML5 files can not be uploaded?

They are more compatible with every divice. Doorknob 747 (talk) 00:10, 26 May 2015 (UTC)

Please have a look over to Commons:Requests for comment/MP4 Video. In theory we could have them, but without audio only. -- Rillke(q?) 06:11, 26 May 2015 (UTC)

Wiki Loves Earth 2015

Well, I still have problems with my photos upload, be cause is obrigatory to put the geografic coordenades! Someone told me that it isn't necessary... so.. what can i do? I have nice pictures from a national park! please help! — Preceding unsigned comment added by Rafael Mollica (talk • contribs) 00:30, 26 May 2015‎ (UTC)

Hi again Rafael Mollica! "Someone" was me, as you can see from my signature in the response to your previous question which is still there higher up on this page as of this writing. It would be nice if you could sign your questions and comments too.
There probably isn't much else anyone can tell you besides what I've already told you. Geographical coordinates are not required information for uploading through the Upload Wizard (the default interface for uploading files to Commons), I see nothing in the configuration of the Wiki Loves Earth 2015 in Brazil campaign that would change that, and several files in Category:Uploaded via Campaign:wle-br do not have geographical coordinates.
Still, if for some reason you think you need to provide it, I've told you how to find it. Most of the entries at pt:Lista de parques nacionais do Brasil have articles with geographical coordinates in them, and you can find more detailed coordinates for example by right-clicking on a point in Google Maps and selecting "What's here?" The Upload Wizard requires decimal coordinates (for example -23.55,-46.63 for São Paulo) rather than degrees, minutes and seconds. You can use this tool to convert from degrees, minutes and seconds to decimal. If you still have problems, please specify exactly what they are, rather than just saying you have a problem. LX (talk, contribs) 06:15, 26 May 2015 (UTC)

The file you are about to upload seems to be empty

Dear collected wisdom, sometimes when I try to upload photos from Flickr, I get the message shown in the heading of this request. Normally I then give up, after having tried to remove the text to the right of the last "slash" etc., but this time I would very much like to upload this file: Why does this happen? What should I do to avoid this "empty"-message? Kjersti L. 18:16, 26 May 2015 (UTC)

Coordenadas Geográficas.

Infelizmente não disponho das exatas coordenadas doa locais onde fotografei. Devido a isso estou impossibilitado de enviar as fotos para o wiki loves earth Brasil. Existe solução? — Preceding unsigned comment added by Rafael Mollica (talk • contribs) 01:20, 4 May 2015 (UTC)

Hi Rafael Mollica! I'm sorry for responding in English, but it doesn't look like anyone who speaks Portuguese is going to answer. You might have more luck at Commons talk:Wiki Loves Earth 2015 in Brazil. If I understand your question correctly, you are saying that you cannot participate in Wiki Loves Earth 2015 in Brazil because you don't know the geographical coordinates where you took the photos that you wish to contribute. I see several files in Category:Uploaded via Campaign:wle-br without geographical coordinates, so that information does not actually appear to be required. But if you do want to provide it, it looks like most of the entries at pt:Lista de parques nacionais do Brasil have articles with geographical coordinates in them, and you can find more detailed coordinates for example by right-clicking on a point in Google Maps and selecting "What's here?" LX (talk, contribs) 21:38, 15 May 2015 (UTC)
@Rafael Mollica: Como o LX falou acima, informar coordenadas geográficas é algo importante, mas o fato de não fazê-lo em suas fotos não impede que elas participem do concurso. Boas contribuições.—Teles «Talk to me ˱C L @ S˲» 05:08, 28 May 2015 (UTC)

Flickr Upload broken

In case someone wonders; after the latest update, Flickr Upload was broken again due to phab:T100540. -- Rillke(q?) 19:33, 27 May 2015 (UTC)

Another image with same name

I try to upload a file -- in this case, File:Neutral body posture.gif, to try to replace the inferior version File:Neutral body posture.jpg -- at which point I get the message that an image with the same name already exists. And, although it offers me the opportunity to re-edit the filename at this point, there is absolutely no way to resume the upload process, except for beginning all over again. This is suboptimal. -- The Anome (talk) 19:04, 28 May 2015 (UTC)

@The Anome: Yeah, that's a known bug in the UploadWizard, see phab:T48741. Probably one of those cases where the good old Special:Upload works better – seems you have already found a way to work around it, though. --El Grafo (talk) 07:51, 29 May 2015 (UTC)

Why isn't CC BY-SA 4.0 available in "Upload your own work" form?

I'm curious why CC BY-SA 4.0 isn't available as an option (in Licensing) in the Upload your own work form. Any body clue me in? Jason Quinn (talk) 13:03, 23 May 2015 (UTC)

It's probably neglect rather than an active decision. You could suggest a change at MediaWiki talk:Licenses/ownwork. Be sure to mark it with {{Edit request}} as noted at the top of that page. LX (talk, contribs) 10:10, 24 May 2015 (UTC)
Thanks, LX. Before I request the change, do you know if CC BY-SA 4.0 International is dual-license compatible with GFDL? As for "neglect", I'm a bit concerned about Wikimedia Commons. In the last couples days, I've had, not one, but two technical issues blocking just one upload. Now there seems to be a very important license missing as an option on the upload form. Asking you on the assumption that you use Commons a lot (I see you answer lots of Help questions!), is the state of the Commons okay? For such an important component of the whole Wikimedia world, it seems to be more severely "understaffed" for maintenance-type work than the English Wikipedia, where I usually edit. Jason Quinn (talk) 13:23, 24 May 2015 (UTC)
No worries, Jason. Yes, dual-licensing is always possible if you're the copyright holder (and allowed on Commons as long as at least one of the licenses is a free license). License compatibility is mainly an issue when combining works and for derivative works. It doesn't really come into play with multi-licensing.
As for the state of Commons: No, we're not okay. Thanks for asking. A large part of the problem is indeed lack of administrators and experienced users, particularly in relation to the number of inexperienced and "drive-by" users. A second issue is that policies and practices have not been changed to compensate for that; we continue to give uploaders of blatant copyright violations many, many chances, and we continue to require time-consuming deletion discussions (which rarely attract participation) for deletions that are obvious and easily reversible. A third issue is that the Wikimedia Foundation continues to force new half-finished features onto the community while failing to maintain existing ones and making threats against anyone trying to create workarounds. The problem is multifaceted, but there are some relatively straightforward measures that would go a long way. It is, however, unlikely that anything will happen until the Wikimedia Foundation starts taking the "media" part of their name seriously. Cheers, LX (talk, contribs) 18:49, 24 May 2015 (UTC)
@LX: Thanks for the clear words. Unfortunately, I have to agree with them. --El Grafo (talk) 08:35, 29 May 2015 (UTC)

Upload don't work

First page of Upload don't work. --Matsievsky (talk) 23:26, 28 May 2015 (UTC)
And there is advertisement on pageСлужба_поддержки. --Matsievsky (talk) 23:41, 28 May 2015 (UTC)

I have the same problem. It worked on 27 May, now it doesn't work (I can try to upload only one file and file won't be on the Wikimedia Commons). I use Safari on iOS7. Tookser (talk) 07:24, 29 May 2015 (UTC)

После того как загрузила фото куда нужно нажимать?

На каждой странице есть кнопка Далее. Обязательно подписывайте все свои сообщения. --Matsievsky (talk) 11:23, 29 May 2015 (UTC)

В том то и дело, что эта кнопка пропала. Да и другие тоже. Проверял на Хроме и Файрфоксе. ArtTrapeza (talk) 04:28, 30 May 2015 (UTC)

Так об этом и топик начал. Сейчас первая страница вообще не грузится. --Matsievsky (talk) 11:40, 30 May 2015 (UTC)

Tried to upload and there is no status. No actions from wiki at all, I am trying the ten edits first. — Preceding unsigned comment added by JQarts11 (talk • contribs) 20:26, 3 June 2015‎ (UTC)

News Outlets

I uploaded a picture of Matt Bevin, the Republican Candidate for Governor of Kentucky. I aquired the picture from this website: El Grafo nominated this picture for deletion. I would think that since the picture came from a news outlet that it is eligable for use in the public domain. Can someone please help clerify this for me? Count Awesome (talk) 01:01, 30 May 2015 (UTC)

Why would you think that? The phrase "public domain" refers to content that is not protected by copyright. Copyright protection means that the copyright holder has the right to specify who may use the work and how they may use it. Recently created works such as photos, drawings and videos are almost always protected by copyright – even if there is no copyright notice. The content is not in the public domain unless the copyright holder has explicitly released it into the public domain. Merely making a work accessible to the public does not mean that it is released into the public domain. And of course you can't claim to be the author and/or copyright holder of someone else's work, claim that it is your own work, or release it under a Creative Commons license without their permission. Please read Commons:Project scope/Summary to understand what you can and cannot upload to Commons. LX (talk, contribs) 08:43, 30 May 2015 (UTC)

Uploading Flickr files on the Upload Wizard

Hi. I can't seem to upload files from Flickr via the Upload Wizard. I was granted the reviewer rights two days ago. Has anyone else experienced this? Ali Fazal (talk) 11:23, 30 May 2015 (UTC)

See #Flickr Upload broken (3 sections above). Try hitting enter after you filled in the URL in the input (clicking the button doesn't do anything) or be more specific about what does not work. -- Rillke(q?) 16:02, 30 May 2015 (UTC)
Hitting enter worked. Thank you @Rillke: . Ali Fazal (talk) 17:49, 30 May 2015 (UTC)

not showing next button

Hi, i was uploading some pictures in contest but i cant find nest button for further process. what should i do? — Preceding unsigned comment added by CHAND ALIi (talk • contribs) 15:38, 30 May 2015‎ (UTC)

Hi CHAND ALIi, I suggest you report this issue to the organizers. Furthermore I guess you used Upload Wizard as this is the default uploader for most contests (and initially pushed by the Wikimedia Foundation but left mainly unmaintained, or at least unstable versions are regularly tested on Wikimedia Commons. If you would like to just upload works to Wikimedia Commons, go with something that is less magic from Commons:Upload, e.g. one of our old forms. They tend to be much more reliable. If you tell us the campaign you would like to participate in, I can look up the required templates and you can insert them into the upload form, so your uploads will considered valid submissions. -- Rillke(q?) 16:00, 30 May 2015 (UTC)

The code files got a new timestamp; please try again; if it doesn't work: In order to get the latest versions of them, do the following on Commons:Upload Wizard: Please purge your browser’s cache. (You only need to do it once.)


Microsoft Windows or Linux macOS
Internet Explorer Press Ctrl+F5
Mozilla Firefox Hold down  Shift while clicking Reload
(or press Ctrl+F5 or Ctrl+ Shift+R)
Press  Cmd+R (reload page) or
 Cmd+ Shift+R (reload page and rewrite cache)
Opera Press Ctrl+F5 or  Shift+F5
Apple Safari Hold down  Shift+Alt while clicking Reload
Press Ctrl+R Press  Cmd+ Option+E (clear browser cache)
or  Cmd+R (update)
Chrome Press Ctrl+F5 or  Shift+F5
or hold down  Shift while clicking Reload
Press  Cmd+F5 or  Shift+F5
or hold down  Shift while clicking Reload

If this doesn't help, please delete the entire browser cache and cookies. Then re-launch the browser and try again. It looks like some dependencies of Upload Wizard were not loaded properly. -- Rillke(q?) 18:36, 30 May 2015 (UTC)

После загрузки фотографий,не переходит на следующий этап!

Я загрузила фотографии,а кнопки дальше просто НЕТ, он не переходит на следующий этап авторские права! Что делать? — Preceding unsigned comment added by Bazykina Irina (talk • contribs) 16:28, 30 May 2015 (UTC)

The code files got a new timestamp; please try again; if it doesn't work: In order to get the latest versions of them, do the following on Commons:Upload Wizard: Please purge your browser’s cache. (You only need to do it once.)


Microsoft Windows or Linux macOS
Internet Explorer Press Ctrl+F5
Mozilla Firefox Hold down  Shift while clicking Reload
(or press Ctrl+F5 or Ctrl+ Shift+R)
Press  Cmd+R (reload page) or
 Cmd+ Shift+R (reload page and rewrite cache)
Opera Press Ctrl+F5 or  Shift+F5
Apple Safari Hold down  Shift+Alt while clicking Reload
Press Ctrl+R Press  Cmd+ Option+E (clear browser cache)
or  Cmd+R (update)
Chrome Press Ctrl+F5 or  Shift+F5
or hold down  Shift while clicking Reload
Press  Cmd+F5 or  Shift+F5
or hold down  Shift while clicking Reload

If this doesn't help, please delete the entire browser cache and cookies. Then re-launch the browser and try again. It looks like some dependencies of Upload Wizard were not loaded properly. -- Rillke(q?) 18:36, 30 May 2015 (UTC)

Não consigo fazer o upload da foto

Estou tentando fazer o upload de uma foto, mas o tempo de carregamento só faz aumentar e não finaliza o upload. — Preceding unsigned comment added by Charise Montenegro (talk • contribs) 17:35, 30 May 2015‎ (UTC)

Por favor, use um método alternativo para COM:Upload/pt-br. -- Rillke(q?) 17:53, 30 May 2015 (UTC)

The code files got a new timestamp; please try again; if it doesn't work: In order to get the latest versions of them, do the following on Commons:Upload Wizard: Please purge your browser’s cache. (You only need to do it once.)


Microsoft Windows or Linux macOS
Internet Explorer Press Ctrl+F5
Mozilla Firefox Hold down  Shift while clicking Reload
(or press Ctrl+F5 or Ctrl+ Shift+R)
Press  Cmd+R (reload page) or
 Cmd+ Shift+R (reload page and rewrite cache)
Opera Press Ctrl+F5 or  Shift+F5
Apple Safari Hold down  Shift+Alt while clicking Reload
Press Ctrl+R Press  Cmd+ Option+E (clear browser cache)
or  Cmd+R (update)
Chrome Press Ctrl+F5 or  Shift+F5
or hold down  Shift while clicking Reload
Press  Cmd+F5 or  Shift+F5
or hold down  Shift while clicking Reload

If this doesn't help, please delete the entire browser cache and cookies. Then re-launch the browser and try again. It looks like some dependencies of Upload Wizard were not loaded properly. -- Rillke(q?) 18:36, 30 May 2015 (UTC)

certas fotos nao consegui anexar pq parecem nao serem minhas. no entanto: o acordo e de q sejam genuinas. — Preceding unsigned comment added by Joao Ernesto F.M. da Costa (talk • contribs) 23:36, 30 May 2015‎ (UTC)