Custom content

The global freelance staff employed by AP Content Services uphold AP’s core values as a trusted source of informative content. With AP’s news principles guiding all of our work, we’ll craft stories that help you increase brand awareness, build user engagement and generate more revenue.



Count on our network of experienced freelancers to conduct interviews, research, write and bring your story to life.

Photo assignments

Allow AP to handle all the logistics, from crewing to editing to production. Our worldwide network of photographers and editors creates content for brands across more than 100 countries.

Photo assignments
Video assignments

Video assignments

From b-roll and soundbites to sizzle reels and larger video storytelling projects, our network of videographers and video editors have an unmatched global footprint to support you whenever and wherever you need.


Make an impact with compelling infographic visualizations of trusted research and data, with dedicated design teams devoted to elevating your story to a visual medium.



Leverage a dedicated development team to produce high-quality animation and responsive design. From interactive quizzes to deep data dives, we’ll collaborate with your brand to create stories that leap off the screen.

Editing and consultation

Optimize your storytelling for engagement (and AP style) with consultation backed by data and years of content marketing experience.

Editing and consultation
Live and location services

Live and location services

Go live with our unbeatable range of bespoke broadcast solutions across the globe. Our Global Media Services team combines the highest technical skillsets with AP’s journalistic expertise.

Worldwide infrastructure
Our global studios in over 30 key locations offer single- and multi-camera solutions suitable for:
– Live down-the-line news reports
– Multiple guest debates
– Long-format program production
– Corporate and brand transmissions
– Remote productions
– Livestreaming

Achieve maximum exposure for your custom content through advertising and media distribution.

Impactful storytelling, real results

Our loyal clients rely on us to capture compelling stories and exceed their performance goals, as demonstrated by our case studies. Tap into our comprehensive optimization and reporting services, whatever form your story takes.

Showcasing Hiroshima Prefecture as a premier travel destination
Showcasing Hiroshima Prefecture as a premier travel destination

The Hiroshima Tourism Association sought media production and advertising services to promote Hiroshima Prefecture as an international travel destination. AP Content Services produced and distributed custom content through the themes of nature, history and culture, and exceeded expectations.

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Creating campaign content to help GPE raise $4 billion for education
Creating campaign content to help GPE raise $4 billion for education

Our international production team produced a range of multimedia content, across several countries, capturing both educational challenges and the COVID-19 impact on educational infrastructures.

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Highlighting Osaka and Kansai prior to the G20 Osaka Summit
Highlighting Osaka and Kansai prior to the G20 Osaka Summit

AP Content Services created and distributed content highlighting three main stories: an introduction to Osaka, a focused spotlight on business in Osaka and a dive into iPS cell research conducted at Kyoto University.

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Global production and distribution for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations
Global production and distribution for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations

European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations worked with AP Content Services for full production and distribution of content around projects in countries such as Ukraine, Colombia, Turkey, Spain, Romania, Sweden, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Greece, Iraq and Sierra Leone.

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Transitioning the Television Academy’s member events and awards coverage to completely virtual
Transitioning the Television Academy’s member events and awards coverage to completely virtual

AP Content Services was able to pull a variety of images from broadcast and virtual content to be made available for internal use and publicity.

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Promoting Okinawa Convention and Visitors Bureau to international audiences
Promoting Okinawa Convention and Visitors Bureau to international audiences

AP Content Services created a teaser video, which was promoted via social media amplification and native advertising.

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Large-scale, nationwide photo and video coverage for Pizza to the Polls
Large-scale, nationwide photo and video coverage for Pizza to the Polls

AP Content Services provided photo and video coverage with real-time asset delivery, across 29 cities, on overlapping and consecutive dates.

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Capturing the EU’s forest fire relief efforts in Sweden
Capturing the EU’s forest fire relief efforts in Sweden

AP Content Services was tasked with filming and photographing the EU's relief effort as Sweden tackled its worst forest fires in decades.

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Driving maximum exposure of the future of transportation
Driving maximum exposure of the future of transportation

Daimler engaged AP Content Services to distribute the launch film of the Mercedes-Benz Future Truck 2025, the self-driving truck of the future, for its world premiere.

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Airbnb reaches for the stars with astro-tourism campaign
Airbnb reaches for the stars with astro-tourism campaign

Airbnb hosted a social impact experience for stargazers and relied on AP Content Services to create and distribute content promoting the event.

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Pushing the new LEGO® NEXO KNIGHTS™ range to a worldwide audience
Pushing the new LEGO® NEXO KNIGHTS™ range to a worldwide audience

As the LEGO® brand continues to grow and evolve, AP Content Services' global distribution network was utilized to promote the launch of its new LEGO®​ NEXO KNIGHTS™ range.

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Worldwide reach for the Global Green Growth Institute
Worldwide reach for the Global Green Growth Institute

When the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) organized GGGWeek2016, it turned to AP Content Services for content marketing and reporting from the conference

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Connecting with the culture of Mie Prefecture
Connecting with the culture of Mie Prefecture

The Mie Citizens Council enlisted AP Content Services to help encourage travel and tourism through compelling custom photos and videos of the region.

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The Content Services group is separate from the AP newsroom. While sponsorship arrangements are available surrounding AP's news coverage, these do not include any brand influence or oversight of the coverage. AP Content Services' custom brand storytelling projects, conversely, do not involve AP editorial staff and do invite brand input and review.