Securing your wireless gateway/router

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One of the most important things you can do to manage your usage is to secure your wireless gateway or router. If you use Wi-Fi at home and you have not secured it with a password, someone with a computer or Wi-Fi-enabled device nearby could access your home network, and their use of your High Speed Internet Service would count towards your data plan.

If you connect to the internet with AT&T-provided Wi-Fi equipment, your connection is likely already secured with your 10-digit Wi-Fi Network Password(WPA - Wi-Fi Protected Access). For AT&T provided equipment, look on the back of your gateway for the 10-digit password.

If you are unable to wirelessly connect to the Internet, here are the steps to get connected and to start surfing with Wi-Fi:

You should now be safely connected to wireless Internet. More detailed instructions can be found in our online self-help. If you use a third party Wi-Fi router with an AT&T modem, please refer to their technical materials on how to secure Wi-Fi with a password. These materials are typically online and available at your manufacturer's support website.

AT&T Parental Controls

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If you have family members, children or friends who share your Internet connection, remember that their online activity will count toward your data plan. AT&T Parental Controls is a free tool included with your service that enables you to customize access to websites, email, instant messaging, chat, message boards, and more for each family member. You can even set time limits for access to the Internet.

Go to and click on the download button to get AT&T Parental Controls.

AT&T Copyright Alert Program

AT&T respects the intellectual property rights of others. Accordingly, you may not use AT&T's network, systems or servers to transmit, upload, download, post or submit any content, images or data in any manner that constitutes an infringement of third party intellectual property rights, including under US copyright law.

The Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998 (the "DMCA") provides that owners of copyrighted works who believe that their rights under U.S. copyright law have been infringed may report alleged infringements to service providers like AT&T when content is stored or hosted on AT&T equipment. Separately, under AT&T's Copyright Alert Program, AT&T voluntarily accepts and processes allegations of infringement over peer-to-peer (P2P) technologies so long as the content provider, or its agent, submitting such allegation abides by AT&T's business rules. AT&T provides an online form that copyright holders should use to send notifications related to alleged copyright infringement by its customers. Copyright holders can access AT&T's online form at

The AT&T Copyright Alert Program informs you about possible copyright infringement on your Internet service account (like unlawful video or audio file sharing) so that you, as the account owner, can take steps to prevent any future possible infringement using your Internet service account. Sharing copyrighted material using P2P technologies without the permission of the copyright owner or its authorized representative is in many instances unlawful and can subject infringers to potential civil and criminal liability. The unlawful use of copyrighted materials also violates AT&T's High Speed Internet Terms of Service and Acceptable Use Policy.

AT&T's Copyright Alert Program is designed to help make our customers aware of possible instances of copyright infringement using their Internet service account in order to help them take measures to prevent future possible infringement.

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