
In their op-ed featured in MIT Technology Review, Josh A. Goldstein and Renée DiResta provide their expert analysis on OpenAI's first report on the misuse of its generative AI.

In an article published by NPR which the discusses the surge in AI-generated spam on Facebook and other social media platforms, CSET's Josh A. Goldstein provided his expert insights.

How might AI impact the democratic process and how should policymakers respond? What steps can the media, AI providers, and social media companies take to help people find reliable information and recognize when content is AI-generated? On April 10, CSET Research Fellow Josh Goldstein and a panel of outside experts discussed these and other challenges.

Why AI conspiracy videos are spamming social media

Financial Times
| March 21, 2024

In an article published by the Financial Time exploring the rapid rise of AI-generated conspiracy theories and spam content on social media platforms, CSET's Josh A. Goldstein provided his expert insights.

In a new preprint paper, CSET's Josh A. Goldstein and the Stanford Internet Observatory's Renee DiResta explored the use of AI-generated imagery to drive Facebook engagement.

How Persuasive is AI-Generated Propaganda?

Josh A. Goldstein, Jason Chao, Shelby Grossman, Alex Stamos, and Michael Tomz
| February 2024

Research participants who read propaganda generated by GPT-3 davinci (a large language model) were nearly as persuaded as those who read real propaganda from Iran or Russia, according to a new peer-reviewed study by Josh A. Goldstein and co-authors.

Deepfakes, Elections, and Shrinking the Liar’s Dividend

Brennan Center for Justice
| January 23, 2024

In an article published by the Brennan Center for Justice, Josh A. Goldstein and Andrew Lohn delve into the concerns about the spread of misleading deepfakes and the liar's dividend.

In a WIRED article discussing issues with Microsoft's AI chatbot providing misinformation, conspiracies, and outdated information in response to political queries, CSET's Josh A. Goldstein provided his expert insights.

Controlling Large Language Model Outputs: A Primer

Jessica Ji, Josh A. Goldstein, and Andrew Lohn
| December 2023

Concerns over risks from generative artificial intelligence systems have increased significantly over the past year, driven in large part by the advent of increasingly capable large language models. But, how do AI developers attempt to control the outputs of these models? This primer outlines four commonly used techniques and explains why this objective is so challenging.

In a KCBS Radio segment that explores the rapid rise of AI and its potential impact on the 2024 election, CSET's Josh Goldstein provides his expert insights.