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National Online Informative References Program OLIR


Mappings to NIST Documents

The National Online Informative References (OLIR) Program is a NIST effort to facilitate subject matter experts (SMEs) in defining standardized online informative references (OLIRs) between elements of their documents, products, and services and elements of NIST documents like the Cybersecurity Framework Version 1.1Privacy Framework Version 1.0NISTIR 8259A, or NIST SP 800-53 Revision 5. The NIST Interagency or Internal Report (IR) 8278 - National Online Informative References (OLIR) Program: Program Overview and OLIR Uses focuses on explaining what OLIRs are, what benefits they provide, how anyone can search and access OLIRs, and how subject matter experts can contribute OLIRs.


Informative Reference Catalog

Contains all the Reference Data—Informative References and Derived Relationship Mappings (DRMs)

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Derived Relationship Mapping Analysis Tool

Provides Users the ability to generate DRMs for Reference Documents with a Focal Document of the Users’ choice.

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OLIR Focal Document Templates

Downloadable templates of OLIR Focal Documents

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Latest Updates

Stay tuned for OLIR program news and new content:

Created September 08, 2020, Updated May 14, 2024