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Statement by Congressman Kildee on Biden Veto of Solar CRA Resolution

May 16, 2023

WASHINGTON—Congressman Dan Kildee (MI-08) issued the following statement after President Joe Biden vetoed his legislation, H.J.Res. 39, to support Michigan and American workers and hold those who violate U.S. trade laws accountable:

"I am disappointed that President Biden vetoed this important legislation.

"Failing to stand up to those who engage in unfair trade practices hurts American workers and manufacturers. Our workers and businesses will never be able to compete globally unless we hold those who violate U.S. trade laws accountable. The Biden administration found, in its own investigation, that Chinese companies are violating the law. Yet the president's position, and today's veto, fails to hold China accountable and hurts American workers.

"Congress passed this bipartisan resolution with strong support from Republicans and Democrats. Now that the president has vetoed this bill, Congress should once again vote to override today's veto without delay."