Costuming:BH - Shae Vizla

From 501st Legion Databank
Shae Vizla
BH Shae Vizla Full.jpg
Model BH-15077, Photo by Matt Spoljarevic
Visit the Gallery for this Costume for more models and parts views.

Description: Shae Vizla
Prefix: BH
Detachment: Bounty Hunters Guild
Context: Star Wars: The Old Republic
Shae Vizla was a Human Mandalorian female who lived during the Great Galactic War and the subsequent Cold War that resulted from the peace established between the two warring factions, the Galactic Republic and the resurgent Sith Empire.

Please note that there are two variants of this costume, one using a sewn undersuit, the other using a printed undersuit (listed as Ver B), as there will be slight differences between each one. When submitting your costume, you must specify which version you're doing.

For 501st membership, only the requirements in black need to be met.

The Bounty Hunters’ Guild defines an additional optional level of costuming excellence. In the page below, requirements for Level 2, referred to as “Infamous”, are listed in blue. These optional requirements are meant for those who strive to meet the highest level of screen accuracy. Please visit the BHG web site for a full description of these standards.

This Visual Guide has been reviewed by the detachment staff and the LMO team and is certified for use as a minimum approval guideline for GMLs. GMLs are free to approve this costume type.

  • This document is not intended to be a detailed how-to on costume construction; rather a visual guide to be used for 501st costume approval. Details on construction may be found on the respective costume detachment web forum.
  • GMLs uncertain about an aspect of submitted costume shall post questions in the appropriate DL/GML peer review section of the Legion forum.
  • Measurements given in this document are intended to be approximate and generalized; not criteria for approval.
  • Requirements for all 501st costumes are proportional to the wearer in scale, fit and size.
  • Text descriptions are only one part of the guideline. GMLs and costumers must consider both text and pictures (CRL and Reference) when reviewing the costume.

Required Costume Components

The following costume components are present and appear as described below.

Bh Shae Vizla helmet.jpg Helmet
  • The Helmet is metallic silver/grey which matches the body armour
  • The paint work is weathered
  • The Helmet has red highlights and symbols painted onto it
  • Helmet has a mirrored Gold coloured, full visor.
  • The visor has an engraved border to represent the optical display function
  • Helmet has a Communications aerial the right side.
  • The aerial is a metallic silver/grey to match the Helmet.
  • Speaker canisters/chambers are located on either side of the helmet and are blue in color
  • The centre upright between the 2 microphones are painted red
  • 2 microphone canisters are located on either side of the centre upright and are painted metallic silver/grey
  • The centre upright between the 2 microphones are painted red
  • The background area, behind the Microphones and the centre upright is painted black
  • There is 2 x ventilation holes in the centre of the forehead.

OPTIONAL Level two certification (if applicable):
  • Speaker cansiters are illuminated blue

Bh Shae Vizla neckseal.jpg Neck Seal
  • The Neck seal is made from Leather or Faux Leather material
  • Four horizontal ribs run along the seal, and 3 smaller (5mm) ribs run in between these creating 7 ribs in total
  • The larger ribs are between approximately 12-15mm wide
  • The Neck Seal will be closed at the back with Velcro or hidden attachment method.

Bh Shae Vizla undersuit.jpg Undersuit
  • Black one piece non-textured material, with no visible zippers or logos/designs.
  • Silver/grey inserts are fitted to the hips & thighs, and run down either arm from the shoulder to the forearm above the wrist.
  • (Version B): Undersuit can be a printed version, and must follow visual references. Please check the Bounty Hunters Guild Detachment forums for specific info.

Bh Shae Vizla chestarmour.jpg Chest Armour
  • The chest armour is in 2 pieces consisting of the main breast plate and sternum plate which hangs from the centre of the breast plate.
  • The chest armour and sternum plate are metallic silver/grey in colour
  • 2 opposite facing arrows are located in the centre of the breast plate, and are painted red.
  • The paint work is weathered.
  • On either side of the breast plate there are 2 vent slots, the slots are closed with a silver grey backing plate
  • A 90deg elbow is located on the Left side of the breast plate. This elbow is approximately 25mm in diameter, and is used to position the power conduit
  • There are 2 x approximately 3mm holes on either side of the breast plate, located on the lip where the breast plate steps up
  • There are 4 x approximately 3mm holes located on each corner of the centre plate, located in the centre of the lower breast plate
  • The lower rim of the Chest armour is sectioned into 9 flat plates.
  • The sternum plate hangs freely from the centre of the chest armour.
  • The chest armour is secured to the back plate:
    • With a metallic Silver/Grey strap over each shoulder
    • There is no visible screws or rivets securing the shoulder straps to the chest armour
    • And 3 clip fasteners on each side. The clip fasteners are painted metallic silver/grey to match the armour.
    • 2 pieces of approximately 4mm elastic cord are used from the side of the chest armour to each of the fasteners (i.e. each side has 6 x cords and 3 x clip fasteners)

Bh Shae Vizla backarmour.jpg Back Armour
  • The back armour is a single moulded plate which wraps round approximately half the width of the body.
  • It extends from the shoulders down approximately 3/4 of the length of the back
  • The back armour is metallic silver grey in colour
  • The paint work is weathered
  • There is a V shaped cut out in the bottom of the back plate
  • A wedge shaped "tail" extended from behind the back plate and down the centre of the V shaped cut out
  • A bracket is required to mount the jet pack onto, and this bracket is concealed when the jetpack in fitted
  • 2 low profile brackets are located on the upper portion of the back plate to retain the power generator, these brackets are painted to match the armour so as to conceal them as best as possible.
  • The back armour is secured to the chest plate
    • With a metallic Silver/Grey strap over each shoulder
    • There is no visible screws or rivets securing the shoulder straps to the back armour
    • And 3 clip fasteners on each side. the clip fasteners are painted metallic silver/grey to match the armour.

Bh Shae Vizla jetpack.jpg Jetpack
  • The colours for the jetpack are metallic silver/grey with red and blue highlights/trim, to match visual reference
  • The paint work is weathered to match visual references
  • There are 2 x Jet exhausts at the rear at approximately 45deg angles
  • Jetpack sits snugly against the Back plate mounted of a fixing bracket which is concealed when the jetpack is mounted
  • There is a single fuel tank at the top of the back plate.
  • There is a single vent port running vertically down the pack, below the fuel tank.

OPTIONAL Level two certification (if applicable):
  • The blue strip along the top and sides are illuminated blue
  • Jetpack exhaust is illumiated blue

Bh Shae Vizla shoulderarmour.jpg Shoulder Armour
  • The shoulder armour has base colour of metallic silver grey
  • The right hand side
    • Has 2 x claws projecting from the out edge, which are painted with red tint
    • The lower rim and 2 panels either side of the top centre line are also painted with red tint
  • The Left hand side
    • Is predominantly gold over the Metallic silver/grey,
    • Has a rounded dome shape rather than the square finish of the Right side.

Bh Shae Vizla powergen.jpg Power Generator
  • The power generator is metallic silver grey, with a black corrugated cylinder in the centre.
  • 2 x Gun metal grey panels are situated on either side of the corrugated cylinder.
  • The generator is secured to the back plate directly above the Jetpack.
  • A power conduit exits the generator from the left hand side and is secured to the elbow on the chest armour.
  • The power conduit is an approximately 19mm black rubber hose with a grey / silver diamond pattern over it.

Bh Shae Vizla belt.jpg Utility Belt
  • The Utility Belt is made up of 4 separate straps (2 upper and 2 lower).
  • The 2 upper straps are made up of 2x approximately 20mm strips of rigid approximately 3mm ABS plastic fixed to the top and bottom of approximately 75mm wide rubber.
  • The approximately 20mm strips are painted in metallic silver grey to match the armour.
  • An approximately 25mm strip of black rubber is inserted between the 2 ABS strips.
  • The 2 lower [soft] straps are made up of 2 x approximately 10mm black cross hatched fabric webbing, fixed top and bottom onto an approximately 60mm wide rubber strap
  • An approximately 22mm wide vertically ribbed strip of elastic is fixed to the centre of the approximately 60mm rubber strap, leaving an approximately 9mm gap between the 2 black webbing
  • The top belt is worn up and over the hips, and the lower belts are left to sag down across the thighs.

Bh Shae Vizla beltpouches.jpg Belt Pouches
  • There are 2 pouches, one on the belt each side of the digital Buckle.
  • They are hard plastic bodies (to maintain shape), and leather covers.
  • The pouches are Black colour, however they are also shown in some reference photos as Gold.
  • There are 2 thin strips running down the pouch body on either side of a thicker strip. the think strip is utilised as the velcro closure.

Bh Shae Vizla beltbuckle.jpg Belt Buckle & Digital Display
  • Approximately 120mm high x 95mm wide x 10mm deep.
  • The belt buckle is positioned at the very most front of the utility belt.
  • The buckle is painted in metallic silver grey paint to match the armour.
  • The backing plate is textured, with a series of button plates on the RHS and under the display screen.
  • The display screen is designed to match the game used display as close as is distinguishable from the images available.

OPTIONAL Level two certification (if applicable):
  • The display is illuminated blue

Bh Shae Vizla TDtube.jpg Thermal Detonator (tubular)
  • The Thermal detonator is attached to the centre back of the belt, mounted on a ‘Y’ shaped panel.
  • The detonator is painted metallic silver grey and gun metal grey.
  • The cylinder is approximately 200mm long and 80mm in diameter.
  • The end of each is painted blue

OPTIONAL Level two certification (if applicable):
  • Each end is illuminated blue

Bh Shae Vizla abbplate.jpg Abdomen Plate
  • Painted in metallic silver grey paint to match the armour.
  • The Groin Plate is positioned under the digital belt buckle and the Utility belt.
  • 4 x silver studs/rivets are located at the top of the groin plate and are visible above the belt.
  • A re-enforcing plate is fixed to the centre of the groin plate and runs from the top and finishes under the Belt Buckle.

Bh Shae Vizla kidneyplate.jpg Kidney Plate
  • Painted in metallic silver grey paint to match the armour.
  • The Rear Plate is positioned under the Utility belt and helps supports the tubular thermal detonator.
  • The lower approximate 25mm of the rear plate flares out approximately 30deg.
  • The LHS of the utility belt is fixed permanently to the rear plate and key hole slots are cut into the RHS to enable the RHS of the Belt to be attached.

Bh Shae Vizla TDsphere.jpg Thermal Detonator (spherical)
  • The spherical Thermal detonator is secured to the rear right hand side of the utility belt.
  • The Thermal Detonator is Domed shaped with a flat base.
  • The top of the dome is divided in 4 equal parts, by way of 2 engraved crossing the centre.

Bh Shae Vizla armstraps.jpg Upper Arm Utility Straps
  • The Upper arm straps (one per arm) are made up of 5 separate pieces
  • The armband
    • Made up of 2 x approximately 30mm Light Grey straps
    • Attached under the arm with 2 x gold coloured clips/Fasteners
  • Code Cylinders
    • Code Cylinders are approximately 100mm long, comprising of a central approximately 13mm tube, dark metallic grey in color with silver domed caps top and bottom
    • 5 Code cylinders are fixed to the Left Arm Strap, and 3 to the Right
  • Fuel Cylinders
    • One Fuel cylinder is attached to the outer arm, on each arm band
    • Brass colored cylinders approximately 100mm in length
    • The central tube is approximately 13mm wide, flaring out to approximately 19mm top and bottom
    • An approximately 7mm rubber tube is attached to the top of the fuel Cylinder and extends up and under the shoulder armour
    • An approximately 7mm tube extends from the bottom of the fuel cylinders and attaches to the back of each gauntlet/ Flame thrower
  • Adrenalin Injectors
    • 2 injectors are located on the Right Armband, and 1 on the left
    • The Injectors are metallic silver grey and include a display
  • Arm Tools
    • 2 Arm Tools are located on the Right Armband, and 1 on the left
    • The Arm tools are predominantly red in colour with a metallic silver grey band on the lower half of the body.

OPTIONAL Level two certification (if applicable):
  • Adrenalin injector display is illuminated blue

Bh Shae Vizla gauntlets.jpg Gauntlets
  • Gauntlets are metallic silver grey and are weathered.
  • They are identical in design but are left and right handed. The missile to the outer side of each arm.
  • The wrist bands are conical shaped and 2 large square opening are located on the underside of each wrist band.
  • The gauntlets are invisibly hinged on the inner side, and are joined with Velcro under the rocket launcher.
  • Triangular combs are located to the front of the flame thrower exhaust.
  • A rocket is fixed to each gauntlet, inside a launching platform.
  • The missiles are black with 2 tones of gold, at the tip and rear.
  • Weathering includes burn marks around the flame thrower exhaust outlets.

Bh Shae Vizla wristdisplay.jpg Wrist Holographic Display
  • The Holographic is an Octagonal shaped display unit ,approximately 150mm long x 50mm wide.
  • The body of the display is metallic silver grey.
  • 2 display panels are installed
  • The Holographic display is secured to the bottom of the Left Hand gauntlet.

OPTIONAL Level two certification (if applicable):
  • Display on right side is illuminated blue

Bh Shae Vizla handplates.jpg Hand Plates
  • The hand plates are facetted with 3 flat surfaces to the rear.
  • The front lip is a smooth curve, and a slot is visible from the front.
  • The Hand plates are curved to match the shape of the hand.
  • The plates are painted in metallic silver grey to match the other armour.
  • They are secured to the hand via black straps

Bh Shae Vizla gloves.jpg Gloves
  • Plain black gloves to match the under suit.
  • The gloves are long enough to cover the wrist so no skin is showing.

Bh Shae Vizla leftthigh.jpg Left Thigh Armour
  • The left thigh armour is made up of 3 pieces. The large front armoured plate and 2 x small plates fixed to the centre of the straps.
  • The armour is painted in Metallic silver grey to match the other armour. The lower portion is painted with a red tint. The armour is heavily weathered.
  • A large square notch is cut out from the bottom of the front plate.
  • A rubber seal is visible around the lower edge of the front plate.
  • The thigh plate is secured to the leg using 2 approximately 25mm black straps.

Bh Shae Vizla rightthigh.jpg Right Thigh Armour
  • The right thigh armour is a single tubular piece, with no openings.
  • The armour is painted in Metallic silver grey to match the other armour, and is heavily weathered.
  • A flat plate is fitted to the front. A single groove it located at the top of the plate. The plate is painted in gun metal grey.
  • 2 x bars (1 wide and 1 narrow) are fitted to the bottom of the plate and ate painted in metallic silver grey.
  • A hexagonal button in fitted to the outside of the thigh armour.
  • 2 x flat strips run from the centre of the outer side to the back corner of the thigh armour.
  • A rubber seal is fixed to the inside of the armour and is visible around the bottom of the thigh armour.

Bh Shae Vizla knees.jpg Knee Armour
  • Right Hand Knee Armour.
    • Knee Armour Metallic silver grey in colour, with a darker grey band across the top,
    • The Knee armour is heavily weathered
    • Knee Armour attaches via an approximately 25mm black strap around the back of the knee.
    • A stepped round protrusion is located on either side of the armour.
    • The centre of the front plate protrudes out, from the top to bottom of the armour
  • Left Hand Knee Armour.
    • Knee Armour Metallic silver grey in colour, with Gold angled plated on either side,
    • The Knee armour is heavily weathered
    • Knee Armour attaches via an approximately 25mm black strap around the back of the knee.
    • A stepped round protrusion is located on either side of the armour.
    • The centre of the front plate is inset from the gold plates, and contain 2 x vertical grooves from the top to bottom of the armour
    • 2 x black studs/rivets are located in the front of the gold plates, on either side of the knee armour.

Bh Shae Vizla lowerlegs.jpg Lower Leg Armour
  • Right Hand Lower Leg Armour.
    • The Lower Leg Armour Metallic silver grey in colour.
    • A darker grey ammunition box is fitted to the outer side of the armour.
    • The lower leg armour is heavily weathered.
    • Knee Armour attaches via a split opening to the rear, closed with Velcro, or similar attachment method.
    • A darker grey cover plate is fitted across the upper portion of the rear seam/opening.
    • A groove / check out is located in the upper edge of the front plate.
    • A rubber seal is fitted to the top edge of the armour and runs fully around.
    • The lower rim of the armour is flared to fit over the boot.
  • Left Hand Low Leg Armour
    • The Lower Leg Armour Metallic silver grey in colour.
    • The lower leg armour is heavily weathered.
    • Knee Armour attaches via a split opening to the rear, closed with Velcro.
    • A rubber seal is fitted to the top edge of the armour and runs fully around.
    • The lower rim of the armour is flared to fit over the boot.

Bh Shae Vizla boots.jpg Boots
  • Black leather or Faux Leather ankle high, with black sole, low heel. They can be a pull-on, Chelsea style boot.
  • An upside down U shaped armour plate covers the upper portion of each boot, finishing just behind the toes.
  • The Armour plate is painted metallic silver grey and heavily weathered.
  • The Armour plates are secured with Velcro, and held into place with a single dark grey elastic strap.
  • (Version B): Boot must have additional silver lines, to match visual reference. Please check Bounty Hunters Guild Detachment forum for specific info

Optional Accessories

Items below are optional costume accessories. These items are not required for approval, but if present appear as described below. If adding in an accessory after initial approval, the item still needs to be submitted to local GML for approval before use.

Bh Shae Vizla pistol.jpg E-41 Sonic Shriekers
  • Pair of pistols as used by Shae Vizla, Silver Grey / Black in colour, with Blue display panels.

Bh Shae Vizla rifle.jpg Blaster Rifle
  • Scratch Built Blaster rifle in accordance with references from the "The Art and Making of Star Wars - The Old Republic".

This document and all of the images within were created by and are the property of the 501st Legion. Other media owned by Lucasfilm Ltd and Disney are used under authorization. All other uses are prohibited. The 501st Legion is a worldwide Star Wars costuming organization comprised of and operated by Star Wars fans. While it is not sponsored by Lucasfilm Ltd., it follows generally accepted ground rules for Star Wars fan groups. Star Wars, its characters, costumes, and all associated items are the intellectual property of Lucasfilm. Copyright and Trademark Lucasfilm Ltd. All rights reserved. Used under authorization.