Costuming:BH Boushh

From 501st Legion Databank
Boushh props2meg.png
Model BH-94327, Photo by ID-45320
Visit the Gallery for this Costume for more models and parts views.


Description: Boushh
Prefix: BH
Detachment: Bounty Hunters Guild
Context: Star Wars Episode VI, Return of the Jedi
Boushh was a male Ubese known for being a formidable bounty hunter, some say second only to Boba Fett himself, with loyalty to no single employer. Eventually he ran afoul of the Black Sun crime syndicate, which resulted in his untimely death. Taking advantage of the lack of publicity of the bounty hunter's demise, Princess Leia Organa obtained and used his armor as part of a daring attempt to infiltrate Jabba the Hutt's palace and rescue Han Solo.

For 501st membership, only the requirements in black need to be met.

The Bounty Hunters’ Guild defines an additional optional level of costuming excellence. In the page below, requirements for Level 2, referred to as “Infamous”, are listed in blue. These optional requirements are meant for those who strive to meet the highest level of screen accuracy. Please visit the BHG web site for a full description of these standards.

This Visual Guide has been reviewed by the detachment staff and the LMO team and is certified for use as a minimum approval guideline for GMLs. GMLs are free to approve this costume type.

  • This document is not intended to be a detailed how-to on costume construction; rather a visual guide to be used for 501st costume approval. Details on construction may be found on the respective costume detachment web forum.
  • GMLs uncertain about an aspect of submitted costume shall post questions in the appropriate DL/GML peer review section of the Legion forum.
  • Measurements given in this document are intended to be approximate and generalized; not criteria for approval.
  • Requirements for all 501st costumes are proportional to the wearer in scale, fit and size.
  • Text descriptions are only one part of the guideline. GMLs and costumers must consider both text and pictures (CRL and Reference) when reviewing the costume.

Required Costume Components

The following costume components are present and appear as described below.

Boushhhelmet2meg.png Helmet
  • Helmet consists of three main components, an upper hatpiece, a visor, and lower snout.
  • Hatpiece and visor sections are dark brown in color with extensive grey weathering.
  • Hatpiece is square in overall shape and extends horizontally outward to the sides, past the ears with an elevated top disc and other distinguishable asymmetric sections.
  • Hatpiece's forehead has a rectangular “vision scanner” compartment that is silver in color, encasing a dark colored lens.
  • Each side of the helmet, below the hatpiece and behind the visor, has an “audio pickup” that consists of a black rounded earpiece and assembly of intricate greeblies, dark grey, and heavily weathered.
  • Helmet visor has a thin dark colored lens at eye level that wraps around from temple to temple.
  • Helmet's snout, including the jaw, are covered with two sections of tan material resembling smooth deerskin that curves behind the ear sections, appearing to wrap around the edges of the bottom edge of the helmet and snout.
    • The muzzle of the snout is a rounded trapezoid shaped detail that is silver metallic in color, with two identical horizontal trenches and a larger black looking vertical trench in the center.
    • A seam is visible on each side of the snout extending from the middle of the muzzle piece, back to the lower tips of the upper cheek of the visor section.
  • A flap the same color and material as the snout is attached to the inside of the hat section that drapes downward to cover the back and sides of the head, wrapping around and underneath the sides of the snout.
    • The flap closes via one vertical seam, sewn down the full length of the center-back with matching threading on each side of the seam.
  • A narrow strap the same color and material as the snout, extends across the back of the helmet and is connected directly behind the rounded ear pieces with dark brown snap type attachment detail.
    • Six evenly spaced seams are sewn horizontally across the middle of the strap.
  • Ten black evenly spaced vertical stripes follow the curved contour of the lower back of the hat section.
  • A ribbed black cylindrical “broadband antenna” with multiple light grey details, is mounted inside the left cutout of the hatpiece, extending outward past the vision scanner.
    • A small silver antenna detail extends outward from the center of the cylinder.
  • Faded red lettering resembling “1138” is seen above the right ear piece.
  • Brownish lettering, resembling “C23” as well as eight faded red vertical lines, is seen above the left earpiece.
  • Weathering appears in similar shapes and areas as reference material, including any physical damage.

OPTIONAL Level two certification (if applicable):
  • Hatpiece and visor sections are dark brown in color, similar to PMS 476C.
  • Forehead lens is tinted green.
  • Two horizontal lines of white lights, blinking alternately from top to bottom of the compartment are visible behind the forehead lens.
    • The lights do not extend end to end of the lens.
  • Snout, sides, and back, including the strap, are deerskin or leather.
  • Helmet's snout, including the jaw, are covered with two sections of tan material, similar to PMS 7571C.
  • Small antenna detail is metal.
  • Black section of the muzzle is the accurate Ferrari model kit piece or direct replica, identical to the same details seen on the larger oxygen tank.
  • Leather has a satin sheen to it.
  • Weathering has the same shapes and areas as reference material, including any physical damage.

Boushharmor2meg.png Chest Armor
  • Chest armor is one piece and matches the dark brown of the hat section of the helmet.
  • Chest armor begins in the middle of the back and splits at the neck, wrapping up and around the shoulders and ending just below the chest, coming together to resemble a “V” at the sternum.
  • The chest armor is wide enough to just cover the top of each shoulder and extends upward like a shirt collar, covering the sides and back of the neck.
  • The sides and collar of the armor have a significant return edge, giving the feeling of thickness and depth.
    • The front (bottom) edge of the armor has no return edge.
  • A rectangular "commlink" box, primarily dark grey and heavily weathered, consisting of multiple colored details attached, is seen in the front where the two front fork sections of armor come together.
    • Faded red lettering resembling “C1” along with faded red accents is seen on the upper section of the “commlink” box.
    • Below the Lettering is a topical greeblie that is bronze in color and shows over spray onto the area just above.
    • The lower most section is the same dark brown color as the armor and helmet's hatpiece.

OPTIONAL Level two certification (if applicable):
  • Chest armor is the same dark brown, similar to PMS 476C of the hat section of the helmet.
  • “Commlink” box sits on a 2” strip of Velcro, teeth side up, that is used to connect the forks of the armor.
  • Padded suede fabric, similar to the material used for the boot gaiters and darker tan in color, lines the inside of the collar and is seated just below the lip of the armor. The padding is thick and visible when worn, beginning just above the “commlink” box on each side and wraps around the back of the neck.
  • Armor has a satin finish.

Boushhtanks2meg.png Tanks
  • Two cylindrical tanks that are rounded at the top and bottom, mount to a square plate and hang from the back of the armor.
  • Weathering on all details appears in similar shapes and areas as reference material, including any physical damage.
  • Both tanks and mounting plate are dark grey, similar to PMS 411C.
  • A well worn medium brown leather flap, with the wrong side of the leather facing outward, connects the Oxygen Tanks just below the collar on the back of the armor via 2 black snaps.
  • The left tank is noticeably longer and wider than the right tank.
    • 2 different sized cut out sections that contain multiple inset detail greeblies, differing in colors, are visible down the front side of the larger tank.
    • A circular disc type detail is seen on the upper outside area of the larger tank.
    • A hose coupling detail is seen toward the back side on top of the smaller tank.
  • The tanks are connected by a small horizontal weathered metal looking tube fixed to the upper front sides.
    • There is visible translucent light green paint on both attachment points, which is darker on the smaller tank.
  • Lettering symbols are present on the lower sections of both tanks.
    • On the larger tank, faded red lettering is seen resembling “IIG7U”.
    • Below the red lettering is larger medium brown lettering resembling “CPT”
    • On the smaller tank, large faded red lettering is seen resembling “L2II” with a faded red line over the “2”.
  • The bottom cap of the smaller tank is light grey in color.

OPTIONAL Level two certification (if applicable):
  • Weathering has the same shapes and areas as reference material, including any physical damage.
  • Lettering is painted on with visible over-spray on the surrounding areas.
  • The smaller tank's top and bottom end caps are defined, unlike the larger tank end caps which are just rounded.
  • Vent-like greeblies on the larger tank are the accurate Ferrari model kit pieces or direct replica, identical to the same detail seen on the snout.
  • Both tanks have visible “nipples” on the top and bottom.

Boushhbandolier2meg.png Bandolier
  • Bandolier consists of a waist belt with a second belt, identical in width and color that is worn diagonally over the right shoulder, under the tanks, and connecting to the waist belt in front and back at the left hip.
    • Shoulder belt is sewn to the waist belt in the front.
    • Shoulder belt attaches to the waist belt in the back via a single black snap.
  • Belts are made of silver-grey heavy-duty standard two inch nylon webbing.
  • A standard two inch heavy-duty black slide-squeeze buckle attaches the waist belt over the right hip.
  • Two identical intricately detailed boxes, dark grey in color and heavily weathered, are seen in opposite orientations on the shoulder belt, starting at the waist belt.
    • Each box has an identical detail greeblie facing each other, identical to details seen on the larger Oxygen Tank and are weathered black, standing out in color from the boxes.
    • Each box has 4 holes on the opposite ends.
    • A closed black cylinder tube, rounded at the ends is seen in between the detailed boxes.
    • A hole detail is seen towards the middle and the edges are opaque light green, similar to the green used on the large oxygen tank.
  • A flat silver metal slide is located directly below the lower box, just above the waist belt.
  • At the top of the shoulder is another dark grey and heavily weathered T-shaped detailed box, with a mix of greeblies seen on the chest control box and larger oxygen tank details.
  • Directly below the top shoulder T-box are 6 ammo-style slots housing 6 small silver metallic looking rods.
  • On the waist belt, two dark grey cylinders, closed and rounded at the top but open at the bottom, are seen on the left side at the hip.
  • Behind the cylinders attached to the waist belt and partially covered by the cloak is a larger 2-part canister.
  • A second 2-part larger canister is also located on front of wearers right hip.

OPTIONAL Level two certification (if applicable):
  • A reinforcing section of webbing is sewn over the right shoulder that begins under the shoulder box detail piece and ends on the back of the shoulder.
  • All belt stitching matches visual references in color and style.
  • Silver rods are flat on the bottom edge, beveled at the top and are made of metal.
  • The forward-most waist belt cylinder has a reflective silver top.

Boushhcape2meg.png Cloak
  • Cloak is made from a half circle of coarsely woven fabric, beige in color and heavily weathered.
  • Cloak is fixed in three places.
    • Top-right corner attaches to the shoulder belt of the Bandoleer directly behind the T-shaped detail box at the top of the shoulder.
    • Approximately two hands width from the top left corner, the cloak attaches just right of the button at the base of the Bandoleer shoulder belt in the back.
    • The top-left corner of the cloak attaches to the waist belt of the Bandoleer, around the back left hip canister, between the canister and the side hip cylinders.
  • Cloak drapes around the bottoms of the Oxygen Tanks and should hang no further than the back of the left knee.

OPTIONAL Level two certification (if applicable):
  • Weathering has the same shapes and areas as reference material, including any physical damage.
  • Cloak is beige in color, similar to PMS 7562C, and is made from material that closely matches the weave pattern seen in visual references.
  • Sides and bottom hems of the cloak are 1” and folded under while the top hem is 1” and folded over.
  • Cloak attaches in all three locations with hook and eye type fasteners.

Boushhkimono2meg.png Outer Tunic
  • Tunic is tan in color and made from weathered suede pigskin or a similar looking material.
  • Tunic is an oversized "karate" or kimono style tunic with sleeves that extend past the elbow and a V-neck opening that slightly overlaps in the front.
  • Shoulder/sleeve seam is seen on the outside of the lower part of the shoulder.
  • Tunic lower edges and sleeve edges are raw, not hemmed.
  • Tunic is long enough to reach the mid-thigh area.

OPTIONAL Level two certification (if applicable):
  • Tunic is tan in color, similar to PMS 2317 C.
  • Weathering has the same shapes and areas as reference material, including any physical damage.
  • Tunic is made from suede pigskin.
  • Tunic has a sloppy 2” facing on the front edges of the garment.

Boushhshirt2meg.png Inner Shirt
  • Inner shirt consists of an undershirt, neck seal and long sleeves.
    • Undershirt is made of a beige cotton weave fabric.
    • Neck seal and sleeves are dark brown in color and made from suede pigskin or a similar looking material.
  • Neck seal is similar to a turtleneck dickie in style.
    • Neck seal covers the neck and under-chin completely, draping down just past the center armor “commlink” box, filling the gap between the inside edges of the armor.
  • Sleeves originate from deep within the arms of the kimono and extend to the top of the back of the hand. Seem runs on the underside of the arm only.
  • Each sleeve has a thumb hole cut out and the cuffs around the palms are hemmed.
  • Fixed to the ends of the sleeves over the back of the hands are 8 “tree spikes”.
    • From the knuckles, the spikes line up in rows of 5, then 2, then 1, all standing erect.

OPTIONAL Level two certification (if applicable):
  • Neck seal and sleeves are dark brown in color, similar to PMS 439C, and are made from suede pigskin.
  • Sleeves are lined with a black satin fabric.
  • Tree spikes are metal.

Boushhgloves2meg.png Gloves
  • Gloves are beige in color and made of a thin, soft leather or similar material.
  • Gloves are worn tucked into the sleeves.

OPTIONAL Level two certification (if applicable):
  • Gloves are same beige color as the Outer Tunic.
  • Gloves are made from leather.

Boushhclan belt2meg.png Ubese Clan Belt
  • Belt is made of leather or similar sturdy material, lighter brown in color, slightly smaller in width than the Bandoleer.
  • The buckle is rectangular in shape and dark in color.
  • Buckle has an oval detail with a small raised dot slightly off-center to the left of wearer.
  • Belt is worn on top of the Girth Belt and is overlapped by the Bandoleer waist belt.
    • Clan belt and bandoleer waist belt may form a criss-cross in the front.

OPTIONAL Level two certification (if applicable):
  • Belt is made of leather.
  • A small square detail greeblie is seen on both sides of the belt, just below the base of the bandoleer shoulder strap and at the right hip.
  • Two vertical lines are stitched into the belt to the right of the buckle.

Boushhgirth belt2meg.png Girth Belt
  • Girth Belt is made of suede pigskin or similar looking material and is dark brown in color matching the neck seal and sleeves.
  • Girth Belt is constructed of 16-17 horizontal rows of suede-covered rope (or similar material) and is approximately 8” wide.
  • Girth belt completely wraps around the body, securing in the rear, unseen.
  • Girth belt is positioned directly below the armor with little to no gap between.
    • If a gap is present between the girth belt and armor, any attachment methods are not be seen.
    • Armor slightly overlapping the girth belt is also acceptable.

OPTIONAL Level two certification (if applicable):
  • Weathering has the same shapes and areas as reference material, including any physical damage.
  • Girth Belt is dark brown, similar to PMS 439C and same color as the Inner Shirt Neck Seal and Sleeves.
  • Girth belt is made of suede pigskin.

Boushhpants2meg.png Pants
  • Pants are made of leather or similar looking material and are a medium brown color.
  • Pants have a ruched section in the front, starting approximately above the knee, flowing down into the boot gaiter.
  • Pants have a horizontal seam and stitching above the ruched section's seam that go all the way around the leg.
  • Weathering appears in similar shapes and areas as reference material, including any physical damage.

OPTIONAL Level two certification (if applicable):
  • Pants are medium brown, similar to PMS 2314C and are made from leather.
  • Pants have a satin sheen.
  • Weathering has the same shapes and areas as reference material, including any physical damage.
  • There is a second horizontal seam at the crotch area of each leg, hidden by the Outer Tunic that goes all the way around the leg.

Boushhgaiters2meg.png Spats/Boot Covers
  • The quilted Covers are made from heavy suede pigskin or similar looking material, and are beige in color.
  • Covers completely wrap around the lower leg extending from the heel of the boot and top of the foot, to upper-calf area, covering the top arch of the boot and form an upward angle immediately after the stirrups to avoid dragging.
  • Covers close vertically in the back.
  • Stitched lines run vertically, sewn approximately 1.5” apart around the entire circumference of the covers.
  • A ribbed strap with rounded ends, consisting of 5 stitched ribs, attach at the sides of the gaiters at the ankle and cross over the cover in the front.
    • A thick dark grey scuffed disc detail, with a black greeblie is attached to the strap at the outer ankles.
    • The rounded ends flare out and around the disc detail, wider than the rest of the strap.
  • Boot stirrups are sewn to the bottom of each side of the covers and wrap around the soles of the boots.
  • A small black side squeeze clip is seen at the top rear of the cover.
    • There is a cut out for the clip at the top of each adjoining sides on the upper back area of the covers.

OPTIONAL Level two certification (if applicable):
  • Covers are made from suede leather, and are same color as the Outer Tunic and Gloves.
  • Starting in the back, every other vertical stitching line is a close double row stitch.
  • Cover’s flap overlaps in the back by approximately 2”, and closes via a vertical Velcro strap spanning from the top of the gaiter to the bottom, along with 2 hook and eye clasps.
    • One hook and eye at the top, below the squeeze buckle and at the bottom, above the sole of the boot.

Boushhboots2meg.png Shoes/Boots
  • Boots are made of suede leather or similar material and are beige in color to match Boot Covers, Outer Tunic and Gloves.
  • Boots have a dark brown sole that is elevated at the heel.
  • Toe shape of the boot is defined as a “roper toe”.

OPTIONAL Level two certification (if applicable):
  • Boots are made of suede leather.
  • If a seam is seen, it matches visual references.
  • Bottom of the soles of the boots are flat with no tread detail visible.

Optional Accessories

Items below are optional costume accessories. These items are not required for approval, but if present appear as described below. If adding in an accessory after initial approval, the item still needs to be submitted to local GML for approval before use.

Boushhstaff2meg.png Vibrostaff/Electrostaff
  • Staff is approximately 12-18” taller than the costumer and is black in color.
  • The staff consists of 3 sections, the top “emitter” end, the middle shaft and “power cell” end.
  • Emitter end has multiple extensions and contoured piping that come to a tip.
  • Power cell end has multiple cylindrical and other shaped detail greeblies.
  • Both sides closely match visual references in shape and size.

Boushhdetonator2meg.png Thermal Detonator
  • Detonator is a handheld sphere that is chrome silver in color.
  • Asymmetric latitudinal lines are etched into the reflective silver body of the detonator.
  • Detonator appears to be open like a puzzle, creating a trench around the circumference of the sphere.
  • Three front activation indicators are visible within center band.
  • A light grey ovular and contoured top thumb switch is seen with a raised grip surface.
  • Detonator has the appearance of an inset red arming indicator, functional or non-functional on top in front of the thumb switch.

OPTIONAL Level two certification (if applicable):
  • Thumb switch activates the detonator.
    • Switch slides back to reveal a lit red arming light.
    • The three front activation indicators light up yellow and flash based closely on visual references.

BH-boushh-wookiee collar.png Wookiee Leash and Collar
  • Wookiee collar is thick, dark brown in color and spiked.
  • Linked chain leash attaches to the collar via a U shape connector.
  • Leash attaches to a large O-ring that acts as a handle.

OPTIONAL Level two certification (if applicable):
  • Leash is an actual metal chain, copper in color and no more than 4' long.
  • Collar is padded leather on the outside with accurate cone shaped spikes, closely matching visual references.

This document and all of the images within were created by and are the property of the 501st Legion. Other media owned by Lucasfilm Ltd and Disney are used under authorization. All other uses are prohibited. The 501st Legion is a worldwide Star Wars costuming organization comprised of and operated by Star Wars fans. While it is not sponsored by Lucasfilm Ltd., it follows generally accepted ground rules for Star Wars fan groups. Star Wars, its characters, costumes, and all associated items are the intellectual property of Lucasfilm. Copyright and Trademark Lucasfilm Ltd. All rights reserved. Used under authorization.