Costuming:DZ hondo ohnaka

From 501st Legion Databank
Hondo Ohnaka
DZ hondo ohnaka B.jpg
Model DZ-29992 Julian Ensign, Photo by BH-29992 Sarah Ensign
Visit the Gallery for this Costume for more models and parts views.


Description: Hondo Ohnaka
Prefix: DZ
Detachment: Underworld Detachment
Context: Star Wars: The Clone Wars Season 5
Hondo Ohnaka is a Weequay pirate and leader of the Ohnaka Gang. Hondo and his gang dealt spice and received ransoms through kidnapping and extortion. Hondo is a con man and pirate, yet lives by a code to which he tries to teach his gang.

This Visual Guide has been reviewed by the detachment staff and the LMO team and is certified for use as a minimum approval guideline for GMLs. GMLs are free to approve this costume type.

  • This document is not intended to be a detailed how-to on costume construction; rather a visual guide to be used for 501st costume approval. Details on construction may be found on the respective costume detachment web forum.
  • GMLs uncertain about an aspect of submitted costume shall post questions in the appropriate DL/GML peer review section of the Legion forum.
  • Measurements given in this document are intended to be approximate and generalized; not criteria for approval.
  • Requirements for all 501st costumes are proportional to the wearer in scale, fit and size.
  • Text descriptions are only one part of the guideline. GMLs and costumers must consider both text and pictures (CRL and Reference) when reviewing the costume.

Required Costume Components

The following costume components are present and appear as described below.

DZ hondo ohnaka head.png Head
  • The mask is light brown and made of high quality silicon or latex. Face, neck and all skin exposed by the neckline are covered by the mask.
  • There are two (2) pigtails on back of the head.
  • The left pigtail has a fishtail braid in white/off-white. The pigtail has a orange colored tie at the top of the fishtail braid.
  • The right pigtail has one (1) large wrap close to the scalp, and three (3) more small wraps in light yellow with approximately evenly spaced. The pigtail has a orange colored tie near the bottom spacer.
  • Both ears have two (2) hoop earrings. Top earring is smaller in size than the lower.
  • Neck has two (2) necklaces in gold color.
    • The top necklace has three (3) gold colored beads, left-to-right they are square, triangle and round in shape.
    • The lower necklace shows four (4) gold colored beads, left-to-right they are round, large round, round and square in shape.

DZ hondo ohnaka goggles.png Goggles
  • Goggles have green tinted lenses.
  • The goggles are square in shape and are secured by a strap.
  • The goggles have two (2) bridges between the lenses.

DZ hondo ohnaka B Helmet.jpg Helmet
  • Helmet is grey in color with weathered appearance on edges.
  • The helmet features a 'turtle shell' style pattern.
  • The helmet has an extended ridge running from the front of the helmet to the back.
  • The front trim of the helmet features three (3) plates on top of a brim.
  • The helmet has a plated point at the back that extends down to the middle of the costumers shoulder blades.

DZ hondo ohnaka hands.png Hands
  • The hands are made from the same material as the mask and are colored to match.
  • The hands are wrinkly and have squared fingernails.
  • The left hand has eight (8) rings all gold in color.
  • The right hand has five (5) rings all gold in color.
  • Left wrist has three (3) gold bangles.
  • Right wrist has one (1) gold bangle with beads spaced to match the necklaces.
    • See the gallery for image placement of rings.

DZ hondo ohnaka chest armour.jpg Chest Armour
  • The chest armor is grey in color with green weathering and and curves across the costumers shoulders.
  • The coat collar should be visible.
  • The armor has a dividing line between the front chest panels and the back upper back/neck portion.
  • Armour has dimension giving the feeling of thickness and depth.
  • At the front there are three (3) indents / holes in the chest panels, with lines connecting them.

DZ hondo ohnaka shoulders.png Shoulder Armour
  • The shoulder armor is grey in color with green weathering.
  • Armour has dimension giving the feeling of thickness and depth.
  • Shoulder bells have two (2) indents / holes each, one (1) in front and one (1) in the back near the corner edge. These indent / holes have a line connecting them.
  • Shoulder bells have a gap between them and the chest/back armor.

DZ hondo ohnaka B Coat.png Coat
  • Coat should be made of thick material.
  • Coat has two (2) grey colored front panels, one (1) on each side.
    • There is a large top quilted panel, followed by twelve (12) symmetrical quilted panels.
  • The coat has gold trim.
  • The sleeves of the coat end at the elbow.
  • The coat has a high peaked collar.
  • The coat has three (3) sections to it, each with gold trim. These sections are the upper, middle and bottom hem.
  • The top portion of the coat has a dark reddish brown symbol repeated over a red / maroon backing. The back pattern is only apparent on the upper section, and bottom section of the coat, not the middle section.
  • The middle section is a lighter red / maroon color with weathered appearance.
  • The coat has gold trim:
    • Around the collar and around the waist, including over the top of the panels and an upward arc / semi-circle in the center of the back.
    • The hem of the coat and cuffs of the coat.

DZ hondo ohnaka shirt.png Shirt
  • The shirt is white with grey lines. The lines run diagonally from left should to lower right.
  • The collar is trimmed in gold, and comes to a v-neck shape.
  • The right side of the collar has three (3) gold triangle points connecting to the trim.

DZ hondo ohnaka pants.png Pants
  • Khaki or tan pants, with front pockets.
  • Pants tuck into boots.

DZ hondo ohnaka belt.jpg Belt
  • A wide grey belt with a gold colored buckle is worn.
  • The buckle is oval in shape with two (2) knobs on either side.
  • The buckle has the Ohnaka symbol raised.

DZ hondo ohnaka boots.png Boots
  • Black Corellian style pirate boots are worn. These boots are knee high, and feature a wide fold at the top.
    • Note: May be achieved with a spat.
  • Boot has a strap with a buckle around the ankle.

Optional Accessories

Items below are optional costume accessories. These items are not required for approval, but if present appear as described below. If adding in an accessory after initial approval, the item still needs to be submitted to local GML for approval before use.

DZ Hondo Ohnaka Blaster.png Weequay Blaster Pistol
  • Pistol not identified by name or number, but should bear the appearance in reference material.

DZ Hondo Staff.jpg Electrostaff
  • Long metal colored staff.