Costuming:SL-Ventress body armor

From 501st Legion Databank
Asajj Ventress: Body Armor
Model none, Photo by nonei


Description: Asajj Ventress: Body Armor
Prefix: SL
Detachment: The Flagship Eclipse Detachment
Context: Star Wars Expanded Universe

This CRL is a work in progress and is not yet ready to use for any approval!

Required Costume Components

The following costume components are present and appear as described below.

Blankwhite.gif Bald Head
  • The costumer's hair is shaved or covered with a tight-fitting bald cap.
  • If a bald cap is used, the cap is tinted to match the color of the costumer's face, and the edges are blended to make them as inconspicuous as possible.

Blankwhite.gif Makeup
  • The costumer's head and neck are very pale, with a grayish or white tone. Black triangular "tattoo" designs are located over and in front of the ears.
  • There are four triangles pointing downward over the ears, and two triangles pointing forward in front of the ears.
  • The lipstick is dark gray or black.

Blankwhite.gif Shirt
  • The form-fitting shirt is dark gray and has long sleeves.
  • The collar is worn high and tight against the neck.
  • There are two parallel lines on the collar which may be pieced or topstitched.

Blankwhite.gif Body Armor
  • The torso armor is made of a sturdy fabric, leather, or leatherette material that may be black or gray in color.
  • It is wide at the upper torso, and narrows until it reaches the belt.
  • The armor is divided into quilted horizontal sections up the full length.
  • The neckline is square, and the horizontal sections continue up the shoulder straps.
  • The armor may stop at the back of the shoulders, leaving the back of the shirt uncovered, or there may be a matching armor section covering the costumer's back.

Blankwhite.gif Gloves
  • The dark gray or black gloves reach to the elbows.
  • They may be detailed with three wide bands of black or dark gray leather or fabric.

Blankwhite.gif Belts
  • Two black leather belts are draped to create an X pattern in the front and back.
  • Alternatively, a single black leather belt may be worn.
  • Attachment points for lightsabers may be included on the back sides of the belt(s).
  • The belts are detailed with small greeblies, pouches, or Jedi-style food capsules.

Blankwhite.gif Skirt
  • The wide, flowing skirt is approximately ankle length.
  • The skirt is dark gray-brown, and it may be solid in color, or it may have a stripe pattern at the base, using a narrow black stripe over a wider light gray-brown section.
  • The skirt is designed in two sections. The back section covers the back and sides. The front section is narrow and does not overlap the back.
  • The front of the skirt may open over the front of each thigh, revealing the leggings beneath.
  • A short over-skirt may be worn. This skirt is approximately 30 cm long and is made of a slightly lighter fabric than the rest of the skirt.

Blankwhite.gif Leggings
  • The form-fitting leggings are dark gray in color.
  • A black leather or fabric strap creates an X pattern over each thigh.
  • The X straps may be attached to the leggings, or may be worn separately over them.

Blankwhite.gif Boots
  • The boots are black or dark gray, and have low heels.
  • The upper section of the boots is covered with three wide gray bands, or with a crisscross wrap of black leather or fabric.

Optional Accessories

Items below are optional costume accessories. These items are not required for approval, but if present appear as described below. If adding in an accessory after initial approval, the item still needs to be submitted to local GML for approval before use.

SL ventress sash sabers.jpg Lightsabers
  • The twin hilts resemble the established curved design for Asajj Ventress.
  • They may be attached together into a double saber design, or they may be worn and carried separately.
  • If the lightsabers have blades, the blades are red in color.

Concept Ventress cloak.jpg Robe
  • A Jedi style robe in dark gray or black may be worn.

This document and all of the images within were created by and are the property of the 501st Legion. Other media owned by Lucasfilm Ltd and Disney are used under authorization. All other uses are prohibited. The 501st Legion is a worldwide Star Wars costuming organization comprised of and operated by Star Wars fans. While it is not sponsored by Lucasfilm Ltd., it follows generally accepted ground rules for Star Wars fan groups. Star Wars, its characters, costumes, and all associated items are the intellectual property of Lucasfilm. Copyright and Trademark Lucasfilm Ltd. All rights reserved. Used under authorization.