Costuming:TB scout trooper - sw rebels

From 501st Legion Databank
Scout Trooper: SW Rebels
TB RebelScout Frontandback.jpg
Model TB-18484, Photo by Stephanie Mortimer
Visit the Gallery for this Costume for more models and parts views.


Description: Scout Trooper - SW Rebels
Prefix: TB
Detachment: PathFinders
Context: Star Wars: Rebels

Trained to operate in all conditions, Scout Troopers are the Imperial Army's advance eyes in any situation. Sometimes called Biker Scouts for their primary method of transport, the Speeder Bike, Scouts have been deployed in theaters all over the Empire.

This Visual Guide has been reviewed by the detachment staff and the LMO team and is certified for use as a minimum approval guideline for GMLs. GMLs are free to approve this costume type.

  • This document is not intended to be a detailed how-to on costume construction; rather a visual guide to be used for 501st costume approval. Details on construction may be found on the respective costume detachment web forum.
  • GMLs uncertain about an aspect of submitted costume shall post questions in the appropriate DL/GML peer review section of the Legion forum.
  • Measurements given in this document are intended to be approximate and generalized; not criteria for approval.
  • Requirements for all 501st costumes are proportional to the wearer in scale, fit and size.
  • Text descriptions are only one part of the guideline. GMLs and costumers must consider both text and pictures (CRL and Reference) when reviewing the costume.

Required Costume Components

The following costume components are present and appear as described below.

TB rebelscout helmet.jpg Helmet
  • Gloss white or semi-gloss and may be lightly weathered.
  • There is a “fishhook” emblem on the left side of the visor.
  • There is a red emblem on the right rear consisting of a vertical red line and four solid circles.
  • There are a series of 16 vertical black lines on the left rear on the lower half of the oblate portion.
  • The two traps on the top rear mayr be hand painted or decals.
  • Visor bolts are painted grey to match the traps and consist of a large diameter cover with cutout inset.
  • There is a grey rectangle detail atop the visor with a grey pinstripe line around it.
  • “Hole” pattern snout aerator matching the screen reference. Aerator is grey in color to match the traps and visor bolts.
  • Lenses sufficiently dark enough to obscure the costumer's eyes.
  • Chin cup is optional.
  • ROTJ-style Scout helmets are NOT acceptable.

TB Rebelscout Neck Seal.jpg Neck Seal
  • Black with horizontal ribs and a wide band uppermost, fitted to the wearer, and extending from the base of the neck to conceal the entire neck.
  • Balaclava is optional.

TB rebelscout shirt.jpg Under Suit - Shirt
  • Black non-textured material with no visible zippers or logos.
  • Shirt is fairly fitted and not baggy.

TB Rebelscout pants.jpg Under Suit - Pants
  • Pants are plain and without decorations.
  • The only visible seams are the side seams of the pants.
  • Pants without pockets are preferred. If pockets are present the front pocket must open discreetly along the outside leg seam and the rear pockets do not have flaps.
    • Optional: Creases on the front and back of the legs are acceptable.

TB rebelscout Shoulder Armor.jpg Shoulder Armor
  • Gloss white or semi-gloss and may be lightly weathered.
  • Black Elastic is used to secure the armor around upper arm.
  • They do not have any adornment.

TB rebelscout Bicep Armor.jpg Upper Arm Armor
  • Gloss white or semi-gloss and may be lightly weathered.
  • Armor has a black rectangular detail attached within.
  • Black elastic is used to secure the armor around upper arm.

TB Rebelscout Forearm Armor.jpg Forearm Armor
  • Gloss white or semi-gloss and may be lightly weathered.
  • Black elastic is used to secure the armor around forearm.

TB Rebelscout Gauntlets.jpg Gloves
  • Black, leather or leather-like, enclosed fingered, non-textured, (normal leather grain/texture/lines are acceptable) fitted gauntlet style.
  • There are no labels/logos, clips, or external straps.
  • Stitch lines on the back of the hand are acceptable.

TB Rebelscout chest.jpg Chest Armor
  • Gloss white or semi-gloss and may be lightly weathered.
  • A grey and black rectangular area is present over the left breast.
  • The sides of the chest armor are attached to the back armor with white cotton webbing or elastic that either matches the height of the sides in width or is slightly narrower.
  • Shoulder bridges may be made from a different material than the chest armor but must match the armor color.

TB rebelscout tank.jpg Back Armor
  • Gloss white or semi-gloss and may be lightly weathered.
  • The back armor has a center tank attached.
  • The top of the tank is flat with a detail piece painted black.
  • The tank has a single horizontal black horizontal stripe detail.
  • There is a hollow circle outline and 45 degree triangle detail in red on the top left side.
  • No visible seam between the tank and the back.

TB Rebelscout Cummerbund.jpg Cummerbund
  • Made from matte white, heavy weight cotton fabric.
  • Closes in back with white hook and loop fastener. Closure is left over right.
  • Extends from the chest armor down to the waist.
  • There is no gap between the belt and cummerbund.
  • Has a tapered cod section with a grey or black inverted curve sewn in spaced approximately 1/3 of the length below the top of the cod piece.
    • Made from the same material as the cummerbund.
    • Connects between the legs to the back of the cummerbund at the bottom by a black elastic strap.
  • Front of cummerbund has grey or black vertical stitch lines producing raised ribs of equal width.
  • Vertical stitch lines continue for the full length of the cummerbund.
  • The same color grey/black stitch line is used on the cummerbund, cod section and pouches.

TB rebelscout Belt Pouches.jpg Belt
  • Belt boxes are gloss white or semi-gloss and may be lightly weathered.
  • The front belt boxes have a vertical groove or grey pinstripe detail with a horizontal grey or black notch detail
  • The rear two boxes have a groover or grey detail line around their perimeter
  • The belt is made from a heavy white textile material (canvas/duck cloth).
  • Hanging from the sides of the belt are hip pouches.
    • Hip pouches are made from a heavy white textile material (canvas/duck cloth)
    • Hip pouches are connected to the front and rear of the belt via four white matte textile straps.
    • Straps match the width of the slots in the belt connection.
    • Hip Pouches have the distinctive ‘corner slash’ on the flap of the pouch.
    • The flap of the pouch have a grey or black outline sewn in. The stitch is the same grey/black color as used on the cummerbund and cod section.
    • Four “parachute” type buckles are attached to the pouch straps.
    • Pouches are filled to give them a box-like appearance.

TB Rebelscout Knee Armor.jpg Knee Armor
  • Gloss white or semi-gloss and may be lightly weathered.
  • Black elastic is used to secure the armor around the leg.

TB rebelscout Boot Front.jpg Boots
  • White and may be lightly weathered.
  • The soles of the boot are tan.
  • A rectangular-shaped strap covers the bridge of the foot.
    • ROTJ-style "dog bone" straps are acceptable.
  • The boots are secured up the back using white hook and loop fastener.
  • Closure for right boot will be right over left.
  • Closure for left boot will be left over right.
  • The calf of the boot rises to just slightly underneath the bottom of the knee armor.
  • There is a holster attached to the outside right side of the right boot.
    • Holster is gloss white or semi-gloss and may be lightly weathered.

This document and all of the images within were created by and are the property of the 501st Legion. Other media owned by Lucasfilm Ltd and Disney are used under authorization. All other uses are prohibited. The 501st Legion is a worldwide Star Wars costuming organization comprised of and operated by Star Wars fans. While it is not sponsored by Lucasfilm Ltd., it follows generally accepted ground rules for Star Wars fan groups. Star Wars, its characters, costumes, and all associated items are the intellectual property of Lucasfilm. Copyright and Trademark Lucasfilm Ltd. All rights reserved. Used under authorization.