Costuming:GM GalacticMarine

From 501st Legion Databank
Revision as of 00:00, 13 May 2011 by Torment (talk | contribs)
Galactic Marine Clone Trooper


Description: Galactic Marine Clone Trooper
Prefix: GM
Detachment: Clone Trooper Detachment
Context: Episode III: Revenge of the Sith
The Galactic Marines, originally known as the 21st Nova Corps of the 4th Sector Army, was an elite unit that was created as the Grand Army of the Republic diversified during the Clone Wars. Galactic Marines wore special body armor with maroon coloration. They were usually armed with DC-15A blaster rifles. The Marines were distinguished by their unique visor gear: synthmesh designed to keep out various hazards such as snow, sand, airborne fungus, and ash.

This CRL is a work in progress and is not yet ready to use for any approval!

Costume Components
200x150px Helmet
  • GM Clone Style Helmet – Fanmade helmet
  • Helmet is maroon in color.
  • Black or Green Visor -Welding Shield above grade 5. Lenses may be flat or bubble, either is acceptable.
  • Helmet has a rectangular vent with grating mesh.
  • White Cowl that wraps around the entire helmet.

OPTIONAL Level two certification (if applicable):
OPTIONAL Level three certification (if applicable):
  • There is a gray lining around the eyes.
  • Brow and edge of the helmet have a thin bead detail trim.

200x150px Neck Seal
  • Neck seal to be black in color with vertical ribbing or being smooth in appearance. No logos or labels are to be visible. If the seal is not incorporated as part of the undersuit, a balaclava or other similar covering is acceptable.

OPTIONAL Level two certification (if applicable):
OPTIONAL Level three certification (if applicable):

TK anh stunt undersuit.jpeg Under Suit
  • Black non-textured material, either one-piece or two-piece construction with no visible zippers or logos. The only areas visible are the arms. Tops alone are more than acceptable.

OPTIONAL Level two certification (if applicable):
OPTIONAL Level three certification (if applicable):

200x150px Shoulder Bells
  • Armor should be painted maroon.
  • Left Shoulder is the same as the Barc (Kashyyk) trooper
  • Right shoulder is TB shape with oval ridges.

OPTIONAL Level two certification (if applicable):
OPTIONAL Level three certification (if applicable):

200x150px Upper Arm Armor
  • Armor should be painted maroon.
  • Should have a dimple on the lower area of the back of the arm. The outside of the bicep should have a hard line edge at the front that turns in. The inside of the upper arm should be rounded.
  • Armor should be seamless. No visible traces of how the armor was assembled should be shown.
  • A black strap with three small white ammo boxes should wrap around the right arm.

OPTIONAL Level two certification (if applicable):
OPTIONAL Level three certification (if applicable):
  • Inner part of ammo packs should be painted off white/beige.

200x150px Elbow Armor
  • Armor should be painted matte or satin white
  • There are two elbows. On each elbow on the outside of the body near the connection point of the elbow strap there should be detail slots that look like an equal symbol on both elbow pieces.
  • Both elbows have strapping. The straps should have a raised detail line at the top and bottom of the strap.

OPTIONAL Level two certification (if applicable):
OPTIONAL Level three certification (if applicable):
  • Elbows should be mirror images of each other with a notched area on the outside of the elbow above the detail marks.
  • Both elbows have ammo box details placed on the back.

200x150px Forearm Armor
  • Armor should be painted maroon.
  • Both left and right forearms should be mirror images of each other.
  • Forearm tops should have a flattened triangular area that have a ridge that comes to a point at the top of the forearm.
  • Armor should be seamless. No visible traces of how the armor was assembled should be shown.

OPTIONAL Level two certification (if applicable):
OPTIONAL Level three certification (if applicable):
  • Instead of a hard edge the top of the forearm has a bone ridge.

200x150px Hand Plates
  • Armor should be painted maroon.
  • Hand plates are mirror images of each other.
  • Hand plates have a top curving ridge that come to a point over the index or middle finger just past the main knuckle of the hand.

OPTIONAL Level two certification (if applicable):
OPTIONAL Level three certification (if applicable):

200x150px Gloves
  • Black over the wrist gloves made of leather, nylon, or other low pile fabrics. Gloves must not show any labels or logos once the armor is on and cover any exposed skin.

OPTIONAL Level two certification (if applicable):
OPTIONAL Level three certification (if applicable):

200x150px Shoulder Epaulets

Shoulders should be covered with a black tri fold, dual panel epaulet. They connect to the chest and back and are covered by they cowl draped from the helmet

OPTIONAL Level two certification (if applicable):
OPTIONAL Level three certification (if applicable):

200x150px Chest Armor
  • Armor should be painted maroon.
  • Chest Specific shape to the GM to include 3 greeblies on front/lower area of chest plate
  • Chest and back plate should match together at the sides with no gap, just a seam line.
  • Down right side of the chest an ammo belt should be stung that has 3 large white ammo boxes and 1 small black ammo box.

OPTIONAL Level two certification (if applicable):

OPTIONAL Level three certification (if applicable):
  • Shoulder straps should be slotted into the chest into the detail ridges of the top connection points.
  • Inner part of ammo packs should be painted off white/beige.

200x150px Back Armor
  • Armor should be painted matte or satin white.
  • Rear tank has detailed area that contains 4 circles. Under the circles at the left side of the back there should be two parallel lines and the the right of the back there should a be a squared detail.
  • Chest and back plate should match together at the sides with no gap, just a seam line.
  • Shoulder straps should be placed underneath the chest to connect to the back.

OPTIONAL Level two certification (if applicable):

OPTIONAL Level three certification (if applicable):
  • Shoulder straps should be slotted into the Back into the detail ridges of the top connection points.
  • Highly detailed resin insert should replace softer details.

200x150px Back Pack
  • Armor should be painted matte or satin white.
  • Consists of a main shell and two side shells over a base mounted to the back armor.
  • Has a detonator type attachment underneath the main shell it has smooth end caps and ridges. There are no detonator keys.

OPTIONAL Level two certification (if applicable):
OPTIONAL Level three certification (if applicable):

200x150px Belt
  • Armor should be made from white canvas.
  • Belt has 2 large and 2 small canvas pouches accompanied by 2 metal like buckle looking greeblies on the front and a kama buckle in the front center of the belt.
  • Top of belt should be mounted just below the chest/back plates with little or no gap visible
  • There are 4 small canvas pouches on the rear of the belt.

OPTIONAL Level two certification (if applicable):
OPTIONAL Level three certification (if applicable):

200x150px Kama
  • The Kama should be maroon. The Kama may be lined with white color fabric trim. The rear of the Kama has a triangle split. Kama should start at the front belt boxes. Kama should be from a heavy material like denim or duck cloth similar to that seen in the films. The Kama should flow to the bottom of your knee armor.
  • There is a strap on each side that comes from the inside of the kama front and clips to the command buckle.

OPTIONAL Level two certification (if applicable):
OPTIONAL Level three certification (if applicable):

200x150px Overalls
  • The Overall trousers are a gray.
  • One rectangular cargo pocket with flap centered on the front of each thigh. Upper portion of undersuit may be back or dark grey

OPTIONAL Level two certification (if applicable):
OPTIONAL Level three certification (if applicable):
  • Inside the front of the pants there should be a cod armor insert.

200x150px Knee Armor
  • Armor should be painted matte or satin white.
  • Knees should cup the front of the leg.
  • Knees should be strapped to the leg via a white strap that wraps around the leg and connects on both sides of the Knee.

OPTIONAL Level two certification (if applicable):
OPTIONAL Level three certification (if applicable):
  • Left leg knee strap should be black.

200x150px Lower Leg Armor
  • Armor should be painted matte or satin white.
  • Lower shin/calf armor specific to a GM to include 2 sets of white straps with clip greeblies each. **These are the same shins as seen on the Barc (Kashyyk) trooper.

OPTIONAL Level two certification (if applicable):
OPTIONAL Level three certification (if applicable):
  • Calves should be seamless.

200x150px Boots
  • Must be white leather or leather-like with the sole pattern to match as closely as possible to the movie costume. Most identifiable features include a high arch pattern on the inside of the sole, four profile "swoops" between the sole and leather. Snaps on both side of heel upper to secure the boot armor is suggested. Boot Armor Plates should cover the top and sides of the boot and curves up in front and over the bottom of the shim.

OPTIONAL Level two certification (if applicable):
OPTIONAL Level three certification (if applicable):

Costume Accessories:
200x150px DC-15 Carbine Short Rifle

OPTIONAL Level two certification (if applicable):
OPTIONAL Level three certification (if applicable):

200x150px DC-15 Long Rifle

OPTIONAL Level two certification (if applicable):
OPTIONAL Level three certification (if applicable):