Survival Guide Index

From 501st Legion Databank

501st Legion Field Manual

The Legion Field manual is a compilation of Survival Guides to assist you in your Service to the Empire. Click on the heading to be directed to the appropriate Survival Guide.

Trooper Survival Guide

The trooper Survival Guide is the basic trooping guide it will lead you through initial questions like "What is the 501st Legion?" and "How do I join?" to "What is expected of a Trooper?" and "How to I maintain my costume?"

Other Helpful Links are Membership, Glossary, and Costume Reference Library

Charity Activities, Appearances, and Casual Appearances

Command Survival Guide

Ok so you unit has elected you Commanding Officer, "Now what do I do?" This section offers basic guidelines for managing your unit. It is also helpful for the Unit Officers and Staff.

Garrison Membership Liaison Survival Guide

Congratulation you have been appointed GML...... AAARRRGGGHHH!!! Here's what you need to know to stay sane.

Garrison WEB Liaison Survival Guide

Still to come. Watch this space for more.

Public Relations Survival Guide

Some Progress....

Merchandise Survival Guide

Merchandising and Branding of the Legion.

Charity Survival Guide

Still to come. Watch this space for more.

Detachmant Survival Guide

You piers believe you know your costume category better than anyone else in the Empire and have elected you Detachment Leader! This ones for you.