Costuming:DS nightsister Naaleth

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Nightsister: Naa'leth
DS Nightsister Naaleth Fullbody.jpg
Model DS-50174, Stefanie Geveler , Photo by Stefan Albrecht
Visit the Gallery for this Costume for more models and parts views.

Description: Nightsister: Naa'leth
Prefix: DS
Detachment: The Flagship Eclipse Detachment
Context: Star Wars Expanded Universe
Naa'leth, along with fellow sister Karis, was recognized by her leader Mother Talzin as one of the greatest warriors of the Nightsisters. Her weapons included a captured Jedi lightsaber, a dagger, and an energy bow. She also moved silently and had Force-enhanced reflexes. In combat, she was known to use the "Coiled Viper" dagger strike.

This Visual Guide has been reviewed by the detachment staff and the LMO team and is certified for use as a minimum approval guideline for GMLs. GMLs are free to approve this costume type.

  • This document is not intended to be a detailed how-to on costume construction; rather a visual guide to be used for 501st costume approval. Details on construction may be found on the respective costume detachment web forum.
  • GMLs uncertain about an aspect of submitted costume shall post questions in the appropriate DL/GML peer review section of the Legion forum.
  • Measurements given in this document are intended to be approximate and generalized; not criteria for approval.
  • Requirements for all 501st costumes are proportional to the wearer in scale, fit and size.
  • Text descriptions are only one part of the guideline. GMLs and costumers must consider both text and pictures (CRL and Reference) when reviewing the costume.

Required Costume Components

The following costume components are present and appear as described below.

DS Nightsister Naaleth Hood.jpg Hood
  • The Hood is rigid with no visable sagging.
  • The overall height and width should be proprtional to the wearer.
  • Six or more individual folds/bands of weathered shades of red.
  • Each chevron strap wraps around the hood and overlaps at the rear.
  • The fabric is a matte finish.
  • The is colored dark red or black.
  • The front ends in a point at the center of the forehead.

DS Nightsister Naaleth Neckseal.jpg Neck Seal
  • The Neck seal is rigid and made from the same material as the Hood.
  • The neckseal is made of four strips which.
  • Bottom strip is the widest.
  • The neckseal is pointed at the front.
  • Each layer fits snug on the wearer.
  • The Neck Seal is closed and hidden at the back.

DS Nightsister Naaleth Top.jpg Top
  • Tight-fitting sleeveless top with a high collar.
  • Made of matte elastic material.
  • Decorative stitchings adorn the side seams and progress to the middle and up to the collar in a dark red.
  • A dark red cap curves around the buttox.
  • One dark red strip curves around the hip.

DS Nightsister Naaleth Shorts.jpg Shorts
  • Tight-fitting burgunday shorts worn beneth the top and belt.

DS Nightsister Naaleth Leggings.jpg Leggings
  • Weathered red straps wraped around white toned legs.
  • Wider straps overlap the shorts and the knees.
  • The white skintone under the straps on legs match the color on the rest of the body.

DS Nightsister Naaleth Waistcoat.jpg Waistcoat
  • The waistcoat is in a dark rust orange tone with camouflage pattern.
  • The overlapping front has a bright brown leather (or leatherlike) coated edge with a darker brown stichted on rectangular pattern.
  • The waistcoat is short-sleeved and the shoulders are capped.

DS Nightsister Naaleth Wings.jpg Wings
  • Wings are attached to a harness and are worn like a backpack.
  • The harness has a bright brown strap with intricate designs.
  • Six points are located towards the outter sides of the harness.
    • Top points are single sharp edges.
    • Middle set of points arch upwards and have a scimitar shape.
    • Bottom set arches downwards and points outwards at the tip.
  • Wings are ivory coloured and weathered with shades of grey.

DS Nightsister Naaleth Belt.jpg Obi & Belt
  • The Obi is to be made from a flexable material that retains its hape and rigidity.
  • The main body should is layered in 3 sections.
    • Belt is a dark red.
    • Bright brown strip directly below which is larger at the top and as wide at the top as the dark red belt.
    • Red Strip that is larger at the top and same width at the top as the bright brown belt.
  • The Obi is to be closed at the back and hidden.
  • Belt buckle is redish brown in colour.
    • Two larger square sections on both sides.
    • Line verticly down the center of the two squares.
    • Small brace like design down the center.
    • Buckle is one piece.
    • Painted in a redish brown colour to fit the last layer of the belt.

DS Nightsister Naaleth Gloves.jpg Gloves
  • Weathered wraps that are fingerless.
  • Extending from the top of the knuckles to the arm to just below the elbows.

DS Nightsister Naaleth Arms.jpg Arms
  • Any exposed skin on the arms shall be covered in a white opaque face or body paint.

DS Nightsister Naaleth Armlets.jpg Upper Armlets
  • Two weathered arm wraps located at the bicep.

DS Nightsister Naaleth Boots.jpg Boots
  • Boots are a 2 toned wrapped sock over a light, flat soled shoe.
  • The upper strips of wrapping should be firmly attached to the boot the strips are a darker shade of red.
  • The top of the boot sits partially up the shin the leg wraps match the color of the boot.

DS Nightsister Naaleth Makeup.jpg Face Make-Up / Tattoos
  • White face makeup with light grey markings as per reference picture.

Optional Accessories

Items below are optional costume accessories. These items are not required for approval, but if present appear as described below. If adding in an accessory after initial approval, the item still needs to be submitted to local GML for approval before use.

DS Nightsister Naaleth Eyes.jpg Eyes
  • Eyes are silver or mirrored in color.
    • While encouraged to complete the look of this character, the contact lens requirement will be waived for 501st acceptance, if the applicant cannot wear contact lenses for health related reasons.
    • All persons utilizing contact lenses are encouraged to first see their optometrist for a fitting.

DS Nightsister Naaleth Facemask.jpg Face Mask
  • A red half faced cloth covering nose and lower half of the face.

DS Karis Sword.jpg Dagger
  • Single handed grip khukri style blade and pommel.
  • The hand guard and blade has a metal finish.
  • The handle is wooden.

DS Karis Sabre.jpg Lightsabre
  • Generic Jedi lightsabre hilt with green blade.

This document and all of the images within were created by and are the property of the 501st Legion. Other media owned by Lucasfilm Ltd and Disney are used under authorization. All other uses are prohibited. The 501st Legion is a worldwide Star Wars costuming organization comprised of and operated by Star Wars fans. While it is not sponsored by Lucasfilm Ltd., it follows generally accepted ground rules for Star Wars fan groups. Star Wars, its characters, costumes, and all associated items are the intellectual property of Lucasfilm. Copyright and Trademark Lucasfilm Ltd. All rights reserved. Used under authorization.