Costuming:Savage Opress

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Savage Opress
Savageopress mainphoto.png
Savage revealed full.png
Model DS-66682 DS-41488, Photo by Bodhi Del Mar
Visit the Gallery for this Costume for more models and parts views.


Description: Savage Opress
Prefix: DS
Detachment: The Flagship Eclipse Detachment
Context: Star Wars The Clone Wars Universe

Savage Opress was a Dathomirian Nightbrother, brother to Darth Maul and Feral, and son of Mother Talzin. He was physically transformed through the Nightsister's dark magic, and was handpicked by Asajj Ventress after killing his own brother. He became the apprentice of Count Dooku before defecting and joining Darth Maul in the formation of a new Sith order.

NOTE: Savage Opress Versions: Please note that there are two acceptable versions of the Savage Opress costume. If one variant has already been approved, another variant will still need to be approved by the GML before use.

This Visual Guide has been reviewed by the detachment staff and the LMO team and is certified for use as a minimum approval guideline for GMLs. GMLs are free to approve this costume type.

  • This document is not intended to be a detailed how-to on costume construction; rather a visual guide to be used for 501st costume approval. Details on construction may be found on the respective costume detachment web forum.
  • GMLs uncertain about an aspect of submitted costume shall post questions in the appropriate DL/GML peer review section of the Legion forum.
  • Measurements given in this document are intended to be approximate and generalized; not criteria for approval.
  • Requirements for all 501st costumes are proportional to the wearer in scale, fit and size.
  • Text descriptions are only one part of the guideline. GMLs and costumers must consider both text and pictures (CRL and Reference) when reviewing the costume.

Required Costume Components

The following costume components are present and appear as described below.

Savageopress-face.png Face and Head
  • Masks of any type are NOT allowed for this character.
  • There is the appearance of no hair, which may be achieved by shaving the head down to the skin, or via a bald cap in which the seam is hidden.
  • There are a total of 9 horns around the head.
    • Six horns around the crown of the head are the largest and are proportionate to the size of the costumer.
    • There are 3 smaller horns, roughly 1/3rd the size of the larger horns.
    • Two of the smaller horns are mounted one above each ear and the third is mounted two inches below the middle rear large horn.
  • All horns located in the yellow have a yellow base matching the face, where all horns in the dark brown have a dark brown base to match the face.
  • Head and facial paint are a dark charcoal brown and yellow with a matte finish.
    • The majority of the head is dark charcoal brown.
    • Yellow starts in the middle top half of the head and is rounded until it comes to a right angle at the cheekbones, following the natural curvature of the cheekbone until the nose.
    • Yellow covers the entire nose with the exception of the nose tip, nostrils, and two brown stripes extending upward on either side of the nose, connecting to the paint at the eyes.
    • There is a dark brown “Y” shape making a 45 degree angle about half way over the eyebrow.
    • There is a dark brown elongated diamond shape extending from the middle of the center horn, coming to a thin, sharp point just after the “Y” section at the bridge of the nose.
    • On the lower right and left of the elongated diamond shape there are two small marks that resemble apostrophes.
    • Two large tribal hook-like shapes surround the center horn without touching it, connecting above the eyebrows.
    • Eyelids and skin around the eyes are dark brown and come to a drop point on the outside of each eye.
    • There is a thin “S” line centered below each eye connecting paint around the eyes to the jaw line.
    • There is a yellow half circle below the bottom lip that extends to the chin with 2 dark brown triangles.
  • See the Savage Opress Face detail page for for more information.

Savageopress-vest.png Chest Armor Version One
  • The armor vest is sleeveless, black in color, and made of leather or a material that resembles leather.
  • The armor vest closes in the front in covered zipper style.
  • The vest collar resembles a military collar and is black with a silver piping along the top edge of the collar and where the collar meets the vest.
  • The breast plate has a greater thickness than the rest of the armor vest.
  • There is a square of silver piping around the breast plate coming from the edge of the shoulder, angling upward 45 degrees to where it meets the base of the breastbone. If the piping was not broken by the zipper it would form a triangle.
  • Directly below the breast plate there are three “check marks” of silver piping evenly spaced between waist sash/obi and the top part of the chest armor starting at the center of the chest and angling downward before coming to a point and changing direction at the wearer’s side. This piping continues around the back and connects with the check mark on the corresponding side.

Savageopress-undershirt.png Under Shirt Version One
  • Undershirt is black in color and form fitting.
  • There are no visible markings or brand insignia.
  • A spandex type material is recommended, but a form fitting cotton is acceptable.

Savageopress-pauldrons.png Pauldrons Version One
  • Armor is painted in a gunmetal finish and heavily weathered and scratched.
  • The armor consists of 3 plates each slightly larger than the next in the shape of a curved spade.
  • The armor attaches to itself via two rivets with each piece overlapping the next.
  • The armor attaches to the chest armor appearing to be one piece.
  • The base highest point of the armor is equal with that of the top of the collar.

Savageopress-armbands.png Upper Arm Armor Version One
  • The upper arm armor is painted in a gunmetal finish and heavily weathered to match the shoulder armor.
  • It consists of two plates approximately two inches in height tapering to where they attach to the sleeve.
  • The armor is semicircular and does not encompass the entire bicep.
  • There is roughly a half inch of space between plates.
  • The rivets used are similar to the rivets used on the shoulder armor.

Savage revealed chest back sides.png Torso and Arm Tattoos Version Two
  • The upper body is painted yellow to match the face and hands.
  • The Sith tattoos on the body are painted dark charcoal brown to match the head and facial tattoos.
  • There are matching tattoos on the exterior of the arms that extends from the shoulder to just above the top of the gauntlets.
  • There are matching circular tattoos on the interior center of the biceps consisting of an upper and lower curved line.
  • The entire neck is dark brown except for a yellow diamond that extends slightly up onto the head.
  • A crescent shape leading to a spearhead shape extends down the front from the neck to the pectorals.
  • There are two V-shaped lines extending from the front of the neck with a point going down the sides of the shoulders, then reaching to the back to cover the shoulder blades.
  • The chest tattoos split towards the arm pits and across the sides to meet the back tattoo at the middle of the shoulder blades.
  • The abdomen tattoo follows the outline of the abs, and connects to the chest tattoo via two curved lines, with a single line that extends up from where the two curved lines originate at the abdomen.
  • Two lines reach up from the abdomen tattoo and point downwards towards the belt.
  • Four lines start at the sides of the abdomen and wrap around the sides to meet the back tattoo on either side of the spine.
  • The lower back tattoo meets the upper back and side tattoos, and continues down past the belt line.

Savageopress-bracers.png Gauntlets
  • Gauntlets are painted in a gunmetal finish and heavily weathered to match shoulder and upper arm armor.
  • Gauntlets extend from the base of the hand to just below the elbow.
  • There are two black bands that go around the wrist and top of the hand on both hands.

Savageopress hands.png Hands
  • The hands are painted yellow to match the face.
  • The nails are long and pointed, and painted a very dark brown.

Savageopress-belt.png Belts
  • The belt is grey in color and made from leather or leather like material.
  • The belt consists of a narrow black belt sitting on top of a grey wider belt.
  • There are no studs fixing the two belts together.
  • The grey larger belt is roughly two to three inches in width
  • The black belt is roughly half the size of the grey belt and sits in the center so that there is an equal amount of grey belt showing on each side.
  • There is a lightsaber hook, silver and made of or resembling metal, on the left of the belt.
    • Two darker rivets or similar connectors are on top securing the clip to the black belt.
  • The buckle is a horizontal rectangle that is silver in color, made of or resembling metal, matching the lightsaber clip.
  • The buckle is affixed to the smaller black belt
  • There are two rectangular silver greeblies on both sides of the belt buckle.

Savageopress-obi.png Obi
  • The obi is black in color and made of raw silk, cotton gauze, or a similar weight material.
  • The obi is worn around the abdomen over top of the abdomen armor directly below the bottom of the last silver "check mark."
  • The obi is closes in the back via Velcro or neat ties.
  • The obi has a defined folded or pleated look.

Savageopress-skirt.png Skirt
  • The skirt is black in color and made of raw silk or a similar weight and material.
  • The skirt is worn over top of the pants and extends to just above the knee.
  • The skirt is not frayed or weathered.
  • The base of the skirt is folded and sewn to have a finished edge.

Savageopress-tabard.png Tabard
  • Tabard is dark grey in color, and made of a contrasting heavy material.
  • Tabard can be attached to the belt, but this is not required.
  • Tabard starts out narrow and gets wider, extending down past the knees and a hands width past the skirt.
  • Tabard does not extend past the top of the boots.
  • There is a silver adornment at the base of the tabard.
  • The adornment resembles three claws ordering from biggest to smallest from bottom to top.
  • All three claws are connected by a single line through the middle.
  • The decoration can be painted on or cut out of a silver fabric and stitched on.

Savageopress-pants.png Pants
  • Pants are black in color and made of raw silk or a similar weight and material.
  • Pants are baggy around the knees to allow for blousing, and have no visible pockets or markings.

Savageopress-boots.png Boots
  • Boots are made of black leather or leather like material and are moderately weathered.
  • The height of the boot cones to the top of the calf and allow for tucked pants.
  • The boots have a small heel.

Savageopress-shinguards.png Boot Armor
  • An armor plate is affixed to the front of each boot via three leather belts with silver buckles.
  • Boot armor is painted a gunmetal color to match the rest of the armor and heavily weathered.
  • There is a matching toe armor cap on the front of the boot.

Optional Accessories

Items below are optional costume accessories. These items are not required for approval, but if present appear as described below. If adding in an accessory after initial approval, the item still needs to be submitted to local GML for approval before use.

SavageOppressEyes.jpg Eye Color
  • Contacts with a sunburst red outer ring and a sunburst orange/yellow inner ring are encouraged. The predominant color should be yellow.
  • If the costumer is unable to wear contact lenses this requirement will be waived.
  • 'While considered an essential part of this character, contact lenses are not required for 501st acceptance.
    • All persons wishing to utilize contact lenses are encouraged to first see their optometrist for a fitting.

Savageopress-hilt.png Double-Bladed Lightsaber
  • The lightsaber hilt from tip to tip is approximately 23 inches long.
  • Each end has a spike coming off the blade emitter.
  • They are opposite one another meaning that one end of the saber the spike is in the 12 o’clock position and the opposite end the spike is in the 6 o’clock position.
  • The center of the saber has rubber ribs.
  • D-Ring connectors on the short side of both emitters.
  • The hilt can be a static prop or have a removable blade.
  • If the hilt does have a blade it should light up red on both ends.

Savageopress-spearaxe.jpg Pike Axe
  • Should be constructed to have the same appearance and the screen used prop in the animated series.
  • Should be made of a “safe material” such as foam or plastic.

This document and all of the images within were created by and are the property of the 501st Legion. Other media owned by Lucasfilm Ltd and Disney are used under authorization. All other uses are prohibited. The 501st Legion is a worldwide Star Wars costuming organization comprised of and operated by Star Wars fans. While it is not sponsored by Lucasfilm Ltd., it follows generally accepted ground rules for Star Wars fan groups. Star Wars, its characters, costumes, and all associated items are the intellectual property of Lucasfilm. Copyright and Trademark Lucasfilm Ltd. All rights reserved. Used under authorization.