INTERSPEECH 2011: Florence, Italy

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Keynote Sessions

Keynote 1

Keynote 2

Keynote 3

Keynote 4: Roundtable - Future and Applications of Speech and Language Technologies for the Good Health of Society

Regular Oral Sessions

Speaker Recognition - Modeling

Speech Perception - Speech Intelligibility

Speech Representation and Modelling

Emotion, Speaking Style, and Social Behavior

HMM-based Speech Synthesis I

Speaker Recognition - Modeling, Automatic Procedures, Analysis I

Speech Perception - Perceptual Learning and Cross-Language Perception

Speech Analysis

Speech Enhancement and Dereverberation

ASR - Feature Extraction II

Speaker Recognition - Modeling, Automatic Procedures, Analysis II

Speech Production - Articulatory Measurements

Acoustic Event Detection

Speech Synthesis - Unit Selection and Hybrid Approaches

Speech Enhancement Analysis and Evaluation

Speaker Recognition - Analysis and Statistics I

Speech Production - Coarticulation and Speech Timing

Speech Segmentation

ASR - Acoustic Models II

Robust Speech Recognition II

Speaker Recognition - Analysis and Statistics II

Speaker Recognition - Analysis and Statistics II

ASR - Lexical, Prosodic and Multi-Lingual Models

Source Separation

Multimodal Signal Processing

ASR - Language Models II

Phonology and Phonetics

Voice Conversion

Robust Speech Recognition III

Spoken Language Understanding

Dialect and Accent Identification

First Language Acquisition

ASR - Acoustic Models III

Spoken Dialogue Systems I

Spoken Language Resources, Evaluation and Standardization II

Language Identification

Second Language Acquisition, Development and Learning II

ASR - Search, Keyword Spotting and Confidence Measures II

SLP for Information Extraction and Retrieval I

Speaker Diarization I

Prosody I

ASR - New Paradigms

Spoken Dialogue Systems II

Speaker Diarization II

Prosody II

Adaptation for ASR

SLP for Information Extraction and Retrieval II

Regular Poster Sessions

Second Language Acquisition, Development and Learning I

Speech Enhancement

ASR - Feature Extraction I

Spoken Dialogue & Spoken Language Understanding Systems

Prosodic Structure

Language Processing

ASR - Language Models I

Spoken Language Resources, Evaluation and Standardization I

Paralinguistic Information - Classification and Detection

Applications for Learning, Education, Aged and Handicapped Persons

Robust Speech Recognition I

ASR - Acoustic Models I

Source Separation and Speech Enhancement

HMM-Based Speech Synthesis II

Phonetics and Phonology, Stress, Accent, Rhythm

ASR - Search, Keyword Spotting and Confidence Measures I

Pitch Processing - Singing Voice Analysis

Prosodic Modeling

Discourse and Dialogue

SLP for Speech Translation, Information Extraction and Retrieval

Speech Synthesis - Selected Topics

Human Speech and Sound Perception I

Multilingual and Multimodal Approaches to Spoken Language

ASR - New Paradigms and Other Topics

Speaker Recognition - Modeling, Automatic Procedures, Analysis III

Speech Audio Analysis and Classification

Human Speech and Sound Perception II

Speech Audio Analysis

Speech Coding

Robustness and Adaptation for ASR

Voice Activity Detection

Human Speech Production I

Speaker Recognition - Analysis and Statistics III

Voice Conversion and Speech Synthesis

Human Speech Production II

Systems for LVCSR and Rich Transcription

Language, Dialect Identification and Speaker Diarization

Paralinguistic Information - Analysis and Tools

Special Sessions

Speech and Language Processing-Based Assistive Technologies and Health Applications I

Speech and Language Processing-Based Assistive Technologies and Health Applications II

Crowdsourcing for Speech Processing I

Crowdsourcing for Speech Processing II

Spoken Language Processing of Human-Human Conversations I

Spoken Language Processing of Human-Human Conversations II

Speech and Audio Processing for Human-Robot Interaction I

Speech and Audio Processing for Human-Robot Interaction II

Speech Technology for Under-Resourced Languages I

Speech Technology for Under-Resourced Languages II

Special Events

Speaker State Challenge - Intoxication and Sleepiness I

Speech Processing Tools

Speaker State Challenge - Intoxication and Sleepiness II

Show & Tell Sessions

Show & Tell Demonstration - Speech Systems and Applications

Show & Tell Demonstration - Mobility and Web-Services