ACM SIGPLAN International Workshop on the State Of the Art in Java Program Analysis (SOAP)

Venue statistics

records by year

document access 

    frequent authors

      13th SOAP@PLDI 2024: Copenhagen, Denmark

      12th SOAP@PLDI 2023: Orlando, FL, USA

      11th SOAP@PLDI 2022: San Diego, CA, USA

      10th SOAP@PLDI 2021: Virtual Event, Canada

      9th SOAP@PLDI 2020: London, UK

      8th SOAP@PLDI 2019: Phoenix, AZ, USA

      6th SOAP@PLDI 2017: Barcelona, Spain

      5th SOAP@PLDI 2016: Santa Barbara, CA, USA

      4th SOAP@PLDI 2015: Portland, OR, USA

      3rd SOAP@PLDI 2014: Edinburgh, UK

      2nd SOAP@PLDI 2013: Seattle, WA, USA

      1st SOAP@PLDI 2012: Beijing, China