How to enlist in the D.C. Army National Guard

1. Contact a recruiter
You start the process by entering your information in the form on this page. No obligation, no guarantees - it’s just a way of letting us know that you want to find out more information. Your local recruiter will then reach out to you within 48 hours.

Basic Non-Prior Service Enlistment Criteria

  • Meet U.S. citizenship requirements or be a permanent resident alien.
  • Be at least 17 years of age to join and enlist on or before 35th birthday (unless you have certain linguistic skills or a specialized professional skill, such as a chaplain, lawyer or certain medical specialties).
  • Have a high school diploma or qualifying equivalency. Current high school students must be a junior or senior at least 17 years old.
  • Have a qualifying Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) score.
  • Meet physical and medical standards.
  • Meet moral qualifications.

2. Take the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB)
If you and your recruiter agree that you are a good fit for the Guard, you will take a standardized test called the ASVAB. It is designed to discover your strengths so we can find the best place in the Guard for you - the one where you will fit best and be most likely to succeed. Your recruiter can give you an ASVAB pre-test to see how well you might do. You can also purchase ASVAB study guides at your local bookstore or utilize ASVAB resources online. Many high schools also sponsor the ASVAB. If you are in high school, check with your guidance department to see if the ASVAB will be given in your school.

3. Complete your application
Complete the application and gather the required source documents. You must provide copies and/or originals of these important documents to your recruiter. A sample list follows:
• Social Security card
• Driver’s license
• Verification of citizenship by birth or naturalization
• High school diploma/transcripts or GED completion certificate
• If applicable, copies of your marriage certificate, divorce decree, or separation order
• Birth certificates for your children under 18 years of age
• Court documents if ordered to pay spousal and/or child support
• Documentation of any junior ROTC or college ROTC experience
• College diploma or official transcripts
• Student loan documentation from NSLDS website
• Direct Deposit Form SF1199 completed and signed by an official from your financial institution

4. Enlist
Once you have determined that you want to become a soldier in the DC Army National Guard and have completed your application process with your recruiter, you are ready to enlist. At this point, your recruiter will make all the arrangements to finalize your enlistment at the Military Entrance Processing Station (MEPS) located in Baltimore, Maryland or a surrounding MEPS.

At the MEPS, you will:
• Complete a physical examination with our medical personnel
• Complete a personal security screening and be fingerprinted
• Lock in your ship date for Basic Combat Training (BCT)
• Confirm the military job that you have selected
• Approve any benefits and bonuses
• Review and sign all documents with the MEPS Guidance Counselor
• Take your Oath of Enlistment
At the end of this day, assuming everything goes smoothly, you will be a Soldier in the DC Army National Guard.

5. Attend the Recruit Sustainment Program (RSP)
Your ship date, the day you leave for Basic, will depend on your Guard job and the school you will attend for that job. You might ship within just a few weeks, or it might be delayed for several months. Until you ship, you will attend the RSP one weekend a month to learn Guard rules and structure and start fitness and classroom training. Learn more about our RSP program.

6. Ship to Basic Combat Training
You are ready to start becoming a Soldier. In just ten weeks, you will be physically and mentally stronger than you have ever been. After Basic Combat Training, you will attend Advanced Individual Training (AIT) to learn your military job skill. After AIT, you will return to Washington DC, a fully qualified soldier ready to begin your weekend drills with your Guard unit.

Need more information?

Watch this step by step enlistment video 

Download the enlistment steps for your records

Get started today! Contact us at [email protected] or 1-888-719-9151