Facebook Login

A convenient way for Facebook’s billions of global users to log into your app or website.

Facebook Login enables people to have private & secure experiences, from basic account creation to social networking, all with the click of a button—it is uniquely positioned to offer a seamless experience across platforms, devices, and operating systems.

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Login Connect with Messenger now available

Drive deeper customer care and more tailored engagement with Login Connect with Messenger.

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A Universal Product

Billions of people around the world are active on Facebook every day and can use Facebook to log in to over a million apps and websites. Facebook Login works seamlessly for everyone, across iPhones, Android devices, smart TVs, and more.

Built for Control

People are empowered when using Facebook Login. They can share as little - or as much - as they want. Plus, Facebook Login now offers a Limited Login mode. When using the limited version of Facebook Login, the fact that a person used Facebook Login with this iOS app will not be used to personalize or measure advertising effectiveness. Find out more about Limited Login.

Easy to Use

Whether on the web or on mobile, it’s a snap to add Facebook Login to your app or website with our iOS, Android and JavaScript SDKs. By leveraging Facebook Login, you are reducing friction and helping people engage with your app right away.

Introducing Login Connect with Messenger

Go further with Facebook Login by integrating Login Connect with Messenger - a new feature enabling people to opt into communicating with your business through the Messenger Platform right from the Facebook Login flow

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