American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME)

Related Organizations

Data about an organization is collected from a variety of government sources and there is no standardized name or common identifier across data sources. Digital Democracy experts make judgments about which entries are related, such as an organization that has various spellings or a corporation and its affiliates. Those relationships are used to determine financial contributions and advocacy on legislation. Below are the entities that Digital Democracy has linked to the organization above:

  • American Federation Of State County And Municipal Employees Afl-Cio
  • American Federation Of State, County & Municiple Employees (Afscme)
  • American Federation Of State, County And Municipal Employees California People
  • AFSCME Local 2620
  • AFSCME Local 685
  • American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees
  • AFSCME 3299
  • american federation of state county and municipal employees
  • AFSCME 2620
  • American Federation of State County Municiple Employees
  • American Federation of State and County Municipal Employees
  • American Federation Of State, County & Municipal Employees
  • AFSCME 2700
  • American Confederation of State County Municipal Home Employees
  • AFSCME American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, AFL-CIO, Council 36
  • AFSCME Local 3993
  • AFSCME American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, AFL-CIO
  • AFSCME-American Federation of State, County & Municipal Employees California District Council 36 PAC
  • American Federation Of State County And Municipal Employees AflCio
  • American Federation Of State County And Municipal Employees Local 3299
  • American Federation Of State County And Municipal Employees California People
  • Los Angeles Probation Officers Union Afscme Local 685
  • American Federation Of State County Municipal Employees
  • Los Angeles County Probation Officers Union Afscme Local 685
  • American Federation Of State County Municiple Employees Afscme
  • American Federation State, County and Municipal Employees
  • American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees
  • American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees Local 2620
  • Los Angeles Deputy Probation Officers Union AFSCME local 685
  • American Federation of State, County, Municipal Employees, AFL-CIO
  • Los Angeles Probation Unionafscmelocal 685
  • AFSCME Council 36
  • American Federation State County Municipal Employees
  • American Federal of State, County and
  • American Federation of State County Municipal Employees
  • AFSCME Council 57
  • American Federation of State Municipal Employees
  • AFSCME Local 206
  • American Federation Of State County Municipal Employees Local 3299
  • AFSCME California

Bill Alignment

Bill Alignments represents this person's position on legislation and, where it applies, the organization they were representing. These positions are captured from in-person testimony and written positions that have been submitted to committees. The data covers 2015-18 and 2023-present.


Below is a list of financial exchanges between this organization and legislators including campaign donations, gifts, independent expenditures or travel expenses. The data covers 2015-present.
Current Legislator:
Transaction Type:
Time Period:
Financials Loading...


Preview image for AB 27359MIN
Jul 3, 2024

AB 2735

Joint powers agreements: water corporations.

Preview image for AB 255733MIN
Jun 11, 2024

AB 2557

Local agencies: contracts for special services and temporary help: performance reports.

Preview image for SB 117417MIN
May 1, 2024

SB 1174

Elections: voter identification.

Preview image for NON 04MIN
Apr 29, 2024

No Bills Identified

No Bills Identified

Preview image for AB 228615MIN
Apr 24, 2024

AB 2286

Vehicles: autonomous vehicles.

Preview image for SB 105713MIN
Apr 23, 2024

SB 1057

Juvenile justice coordinating council.

Preview image for NON 030MIN
Apr 17, 2024

No Bills Identified

No Bills Identified

Preview image for AB 248934MIN
Apr 17, 2024

AB 2489

Local agencies: contracts for special services and temporary help.

Preview image for SB 136520MIN
Apr 15, 2024

SB 1365

Pharmacy technicians: supervision.

Showing 1-9 of 56 testimonies