Past Affiliations


Known Affiliations

Known Roles

  • Lobbyist

Lobbying Representations

This list shows when this lobbyist testified in a hearing, who they were representing and which bill was involved. The data covers 2015-18 and 2023-present.
August 15, 2024California Hydrogen CoalitionBudgetTestimony Link
July 2, 2024EquinorSB 867Natural ResourcesTestimony Link
July 1, 2024City of AlamedaSB 1053Natural ResourcesTestimony Link
July 1, 2024California Hydrogen CoalitionSB 1420Natural ResourcesTestimony Link
July 1, 2024City of AlamedaSB 707Natural ResourcesTestimony Link
July 1, 2024California Hydrogen Business CouncilSB 1418TransportTestimony Link
June 26, 2024California Hydrogen CoalitionSB 1418Local GovernmentTestimony Link
June 26, 2024California Hydrogen Business CouncilSB 347Local GovernmentTestimony Link
May 15, 2024EquinorBudget #4 Climate Crisis, Resources, Energy, and TransportationTestimony Link
April 23, 2024California Hydrogen CoalitionSB 983TransportTestimony Link
Showing 1-10 of 43 rows


Preview image for NON 041MIN
Aug 15, 2024

No Bills Identified

No Bills Identified

Preview image for SB 8671H
Jul 2, 2024

SB 867

Safe Drinking Water, Wildfire Prevention, Drought Preparedness, and Clean Air Bond Act of 2024.

Preview image for SB 105321MIN
Jul 1, 2024

SB 1053

Solid waste: recycled paper bags: standards: carryout bag prohibition.

Preview image for SB 142046MIN
Jul 1, 2024

SB 1420

Hydrogen production facilities: certification and environmental review.

Preview image for SB 70719MIN
Jul 1, 2024

SB 707

Responsible Textile Recovery Act of 2024.

Preview image for SB 14189MIN
Jul 1, 2024

SB 1418

Hydrogen-fueling stations: expedited review.

Preview image for SB 141822MIN
Jun 26, 2024

SB 1418

Hydrogen-fueling stations: expedited review.

Preview image for SB 3477MIN
Jun 26, 2024

SB 347

Subdivision Map Act: exemption: hydrogen fueling stations and electric vehicle charging stations.

Preview image for NON 03H
May 15, 2024

No Bills Identified

No Bills Identified

Showing 1-9 of 25 testimonies