
Kevin Johnston

  • This person was identified as:
  • Lobbyist (2023-2024)

Past Affiliations


Known Roles

  • Lobbyist

Lobbying Representations

This list shows when this lobbyist testified in a hearing, who they were representing and which bill was involved. The data covers 2015-18 and 2023-present.


Preview image for SB 13741H
Jul 1, 2024

SB 1374

Net energy metering.

Preview image for SB 106211MIN
Jul 1, 2024

SB 1062

Conversion of electrical generation facilities using biomass.

Preview image for AB 229211MIN
Jun 24, 2024

AB 2292

Electrical transmission facilities: certificates of public convenience and necessity.

Preview image for AB 275011MIN
Jun 18, 2024

AB 2750

Electricity: procurement: generation from biomass.

Preview image for NON 03H
Feb 22, 2023

No Bills Identified

No Bills Identified