Past Affiliations


Known Roles

  • Advocate
  • Lobbyist

Known Affiliations

Lobbying Representations

This list shows when this lobbyist testified in a hearing, who they were representing and which bill was involved. The data covers 2015-18 and 2023-present.
Showing 1-10 of 84 rows


Preview image for SB 21911MIN
Aug 29, 2024

SB 219

Greenhouse gases: climate corporate accountability: climate-related financial risk.

Preview image for NON 01H
Aug 26, 2024

No Bills Identified

No Bills Identified

Preview image for SB 104742MIN
Jul 2, 2024

SB 1047

Safe and Secure Innovation for Frontier Artificial Intelligence Models Act.

Preview image for AB 312930MIN
Jul 2, 2024

AB 3129

Health care system consolidation.

Preview image for AB 194911MIN
Jul 2, 2024

AB 1949

California Consumer Privacy Act of 2020: collection of personal information of a consumer less than 18 years of age.

Preview image for SB 7645MIN
Jun 25, 2024

SB 764

Minors: online platforms.

Preview image for AB 271659MIN
Jun 25, 2024

AB 2716

Oil and gas: low-production wells: Baldwin Hills Conservancy: Equitable Community Repair and Reinvestment Account.

Preview image for AB 24016MIN
Jun 19, 2024

AB 2401

Clean Cars 4 All Program.

Preview image for AB 18318MIN
Jun 18, 2024

AB 1831

Crimes: child pornography.

Showing 1-9 of 121 testimonies