
Actions determine what happens when a user interacts with your App and Web messages.

About actions

With actions, you gain much greater control of your users’ experience with your app, and can not only provide them with more relevant, specific content, you can learn from their usage and continue to do so over time.

You set an action for all Push NotificationsA message that can appear on any screen on a mobile device. Push notifications appear as banners., In-App MessagesA message that appears inside of your app. You can send in-app messages to your entire app audience, not just users who have opted-in to push notifications. The standard format, as opposed to In-App Automation, is a banner that slides downward or upward from the top or bottom of a device screen., and Web Push NotificationsA message that appears in the top or bottom right corner of a web browser or in a notification center.On mobile devices, web push notifications appear similar to push notifications., and you associate actions with your buttons and images in Rich PageA landing page or Message Center message in your app that can include HTML, video, etc. content. After selecting an action, you can set up adding or removing TagsMetadata that you can associate with channels or Named Users for audience segmentation. Generally, they are descriptive terms indicating user preferences or other categorizations, e.g., wine_enthusiast oder weather_alerts_los_angeles. Tags are case-sensitive. when the user interacts with the message, button, or image.

Supported actions: App and Web

For app and web messages, you set an action in the Content step of a composer. Home is the default, and support differs by message type.

ActionsPush notificationsIn-app messagesWeb push notifications
Adaptive Link
Web Page
Deep Link
Landing Page
Message Center
Preference Center

Supported actions: Landing pages and Message Center

When creating landing page and Message Center content, the editors support different actions.

  • Visual editor — Refer to the configuration information on this page.

    • Deep Link
    • Aktie
    • URL (Web Page)
  • Interactive editor — See: Actions in the WYSIWYG editor.

    • No Action
    • Adaptive Link
    • App Rating
    • Deep Link
    • Preference Center
    • Aktie
    • Web Page

Disabling actions

You can disable actions (except for Home) from appearing in the composers:

  1. Go to Settings » Project Configuration and click Manage for Dashboard Settings.
  2. Disable Message Center, Landing Page, Deep Link, URL, and Add Tags (Airship Actions Framework).

Configuring actions

The behavior and configuration steps for each action is described below.

Adaptive Link opens a mobile wallet pass. Select an Adaptive LinkA vendor-agnostic, shortened mobile wallet pass link that supports templates for both Google Wallet and Apple Wallet. When a user taps the link, Airship determines the user’s platform and generates the right pass for that platform. from the list.

Deep Link opens a screen in your app or website. Select a deep link from the list.

Our Deep Link functionality supports URL templates, which expose a friendly interface to your users in our UI, while constructing the correct URL behind the scenes on the fly. You can specify substitution parameters by enclosing them in brackets. For example, if you want to define a Deep Link for a product page screen in your app (or on your mobile website), you can make the product ID number a substitution parameter. Here are example template URLs:{Product Id}

yourapp://products/{Product Id}

When you enter this URL in the Airship interface, the form parses it and previews the form your users see in the composer. It automatically identifies “Product Id” as the parameter name, and provides a field to substitute in the actual identifier. So if you had previously entered a product ID of 1872983490 for the above Product ID, the generated URL would be:


The interface treats all values for each field as a string.


Home opens your app’s home screen. For web push notifications it opens your Default Action URL. You can override the default URL by selecting the Web Page action and entering a different URL.

Landing Page

Landing Page opens a Landing page.

Message Center

Message Center opens a Message Center message. See: Message Center content.

Preference Center

Preference Center opens an app preference center. Select a preference center from the list.


Share prompts the user to share your message with apps, social media accounts, and other services. Enter the text you want to accompany the share, including any promotional information, shortened links, hashtags, etc.

Web Page

Web Page opens a web page or any valid device-level URL such as App Store or app protocol links. The web page opens in the device’s default browser. Enter a URL.