iOS In-App Automation Customization

Import In-App Automation

In-app messaging services are available as part of the Airship framework as well as a standalone framework called AirshipAutomation.

To access the in-app messaging from the Airship framework, simply import Airship where necessary.

"Plists can be used to modify any of the default"
import AirshipKit

To access in-app messaging from the AirshipAutomation standalone framework, you must add a separate import statement in your code, as shown below:

import AirshipAutomation

Display Delegate

A delegate can be added to the in-app messaging manager to listen for when a message is displayed, finished displaying, and to control when a message is displayed. This is useful for adding analytics events outside of Airship as well as for further processing of the in-app message.

Implement the InAppMessageDisplayDelegate
  func isMessageReadyToDisplay(_ message: InAppMessage, scheduleID: String) -> Bool {
    /// Used to control if the message is ready to display if you return false here it wont display.
    /// Use `InAppAutomation.shared.inAppMessaging.notifyDisplayConditionsChanged()` to notify Airship when
    /// it should check again.
    return true
  func messageWillDisplay(_ message: InAppMessage, scheduleID: String) {
    /// Called before the message is displayed
  func messageFinishedDisplaying(_ message: InAppMessage, scheduleID: String) {
    /// Called after the message is displayed
Set the delegate
// Setting the delegate
InAppAutomation.shared.inAppMessaging.displayDelegate = displayDelegate;

Scene Delegate

The InAppMessageSceneDelegate facilitates overriding the UIWindowScene on which a given in-app message is displayed.

Implement the InAppMessageSceneDelegate
func sceneForMessage(_ message: InAppMessage) -> UIWindowScene? {
    // return a custom scene or nil to use default

Set the delegate
InAppAutomation.shared.inAppMessaging.sceneDelegate = sceneDelegate


Custom Fonts

Fonts added to the app bundle are available for use with in-app messaging. To add fonts, please read the The UIKit Custom Fonts Guide.

After adding fonts to your app, create a Font Stack in the Airship dashboard by following the steps in our Custom fonts guide.

Then you can select the stack when setting in-app message defaults and creating in-app messages.

Dynamic fonts With HTML in-app messages

Most In-App message styles support automatically scaling fonts through the use of Dynamic Type. However, automatically scaling fonts in HTML In-App messages requires you to use the following Apple system fonts when specifying the CSS font property:

  • -apple-system-body
  • -apple-system-headline
  • -apple-system-subheadline
  • -apple-system-caption1
  • -apple-system-caption2
  • -apple-system-footnote
  • -apple-system-short-body
  • -apple-system-short-headline
  • -apple-system-short-subheadline
  • -apple-system-short-caption1
  • -apple-system-short-footnote
  • -apple-system-tall-body

For example, to have the HTML body default to the Apple system font body style:

body {
    font: -apple-system-body; // available on Apple devices only

For more information about dynamic type, please see this WWDC video.


Plists can be used to modify any of the default message styles that the SDK provides. Each message type can be customized with a different plist:

  • Banner: UAInAppMessageBannerStyle.plist
  • HTML: UAInAppMessageHTMLStyle.plist
  • FullScreen: UAInAppMessageFullScreenStyle.plist
  • Modal: UAInAppMessageModalStyle.plist

Plist values:


  • additionalPadding: Padding. Adds padding around the view.
  • headerStyle: Text Style. Customizes the message’s header.
  • bodyStyle: Text Style. Customizes the message’s body.
  • mediaStyle: Media Style. Customizes the message’s media.
  • buttonStyle: Buttons Style. Customizes the message’s buttons.
  • maxWidth: Points. Max width.
  • tapOpacity: Tap Opacity. Customizes the message’s opacity it’s tapped and a tap action is present.
  • shadowStyle: Shadow Style. Customizes the message’s shadow.


  • headerStyle: Text Style. Customizes the banner’s header.
  • bodyStyle: Text Style. Customizes the banner’s body.
  • mediaStyle: Media Style. Customizes the banner’s media.
  • buttonStyle: Buttons Style. Customizes the banner’s buttons.
  • dismissIconResource: String. Resource name for a custom dismiss icon.


  • additionalPadding: Padding. Adds padding around the view.
  • headerStyle: Text Style. Customizes the banner’s header.
  • bodyStyle: Text Style. Customizes the banner’s body.
  • mediaStyle: Media Style. Customizes the banner’s media.
  • buttonStyle: Buttons Style. Customizes the banner’s buttons.
  • dismissIconResource: String. Resource name for a custom dismiss icon.
  • maxWidth: Points. Max width.
  • maxHeight: Points. Max height.
  • extendFullScreenLargeDevice: Boolean. True to allow the option ‘Display fullscreen on small screen device’ to extend to large devices as well.


  • additionalPadding: Padding. Adds padding around the view.
  • dismissIconResource: String. Resource name for a custom dismiss icon.
  • maxWidth: Points. Max width.
  • maxHeight: Points. Max height.
  • extendFullScreenLargeDevice: Boolean. True to allow the option ‘Display fullscreen on small screen device’ to extend to large devices as well.


  • top: Points. Top padding.
  • bottom: Points. Bottom padding.
  • leading: Points. Leading padding.
  • trailing: Points. Trailing padding.

Buttons Style

  • additionalPadding: Padding. Adds padding around the button area.
  • buttonHeight: Points. Button height.
  • stackedButtonSpacing: Points. Button spacing in the stacked layout.
  • separatedButtonSpacing: Points. Button spacing in the separated layout.
  • borderWidth: Points. Button’s border width.
  • buttonTextStyle: Text Style. Text style for each button.

Text Style

  • additionalPadding: Padding. Adds padding around the view.
  • letterSpacing: Points. Spacing between the letters.
  • lineSpacing: Points. Spacing between lines.

Media Style

  • additionalPadding: Padding. Adds padding around the view.

Shadow Style

  • colorHex: Color. Shadow color.
  • radius: Points. Shadow radius.
  • xOffset: Points. Shadow x-axis offset.
  • yOffset: Points. Shadow y-axis offset.

Custom adapters

Providing an adapter allows defining the behavior of the custom type or overriding any of the default message types. The adapter will be created by the in-app messaging manager when a message’s schedule is triggered. Once created, the adapter can define when the message is ready to display and the display behavior.

After the message is displayed, the caller of the display method must be notified that the message is finished displaying by returning a CustomDisplayResolution when finished. This will allow for subsequent in-app messages to be displayed.

Example custom banner adapter
final class CustomBannerAdapter: CustomDisplayAdapter {

    private let message: InAppMessage
    private let assets: AirshipCachedAssetsProtocol

    init(message: InAppMessage, assets: any AirshipCachedAssetsProtocol) {
        self.message = message
        self.assets = assets

    var isReady: Bool {
        get {
            /// Called before display
            return true

    func waitForReady() async {
        // If `isReady` is false this will be called  to wait for the
        // adapter to be ready
    func display(scene: UIWindowScene) async -> CustomDisplayResolution {
        return await withCheckedContinuation { continuation  in
            ///  After displaying call the continuation  with the result
            continuation.resume(returning: .userDismissed)

Register a factory block to return the adapter
/// Set the factory block after takeOff
InAppAutomation.shared.inAppMessaging.setAdapterFactoryBlock(forType: .banner) { message, assets in
    return CustomBannerAdapter(message: message, assets: assets)

Standard In-App Messages

Standard in-app messages delivered through push messages are managed by the legacy in-app message manager. Apps can provide extender blocks to modify the message and/or schedule when an in-app message is converted to a banner.

Modify the schedule
InAppAutomation.shared.legacyInAppMessaging.scheduleExtender = { schedule in
    // Modify the schedule
    schedule.limit = 2

Modify the message
InAppAutomation.shared.legacyInAppMessaging.messageExtender = { message in
    /// Modify the message
    if case .banner(var bannerInfo) = message.displayContent {
        bannerInfo.borderRadius = 10.0
        message.displayContent = .banner(bannerInfo)

Customizing HTML In-App Messages


In order for the Airship JavaScript interface to be loaded into the webview, the URL must be specified in the URL Allowlist.

HTML in-app messages provide a way to display custom content inside a native web view. These types of in-app messages display with a dismiss button built in, but can also be customized to provide their own buttons capable of dismissing the view. Dismissing a view requires calling the dismiss function on the UAirship JavaScript interface with a button resolution object passed in as a parameter. The button resolution object is a JSON object containing information about the interaction type and the button performing the dismissal. It should match the following format:

    "type" : "button_click",
    "button_info" : {
        "id" : "button identifier",
        "label" : {"text": "foo"}

The button resolution requires each of the key fields shown above. These include:

  • type — The type key with the value of resolution type button_click
  • button_info — The button info object containing required id and label fields
    • id — The button identifier
    • label — Label object containing the required text key
      • text — The text key with a string value representing the label text

Providing a basic dismiss button in HTML:

<button onclick="UAirship.dismiss({
    'type' : 'button_click',
    'button_info' : {
        'id' : 'button identifier',
        'label' : {'text' : 'foo'}
);">Dismiss with resolution</button>