iOS Changelog

The latest updates to the Airship iOS SDK

18.9.0 September 10, 2024

Minor release that introduces fallback parameter when requesting permission updates and the permission is denied. This release also contains a fix for a regression in 18.8.0 where Channel Registration would continuously update for channels that have upgraded from an earlier SDK versions. Applications using 18.8.0 should update.


  • Added new method Airship.permissionsManager.requestPermission(_:enableAirshipUsageOnGrant:fallback:) and Airship.push.enableUserPushNotifications(fallback:) that allows you to specify a fallback behavior if the permission is already denied.
  • Fixed high CPU issues with embedded messages that define a percent based size.
  • Fixed Channel Registration bug that was introduced in 18.8.

18.8.0 September 6, 2024

Minor release with several enhancements to In-App Automation, Scenes, and Surveys.


  • Added support to disable plain markdown (text markup) support in a Scene.
  • Added support to theme markdown links in a Scene.
  • Added execution window support to In-App Automation, Scenes, and Surveys.
  • Added displayNotificationStatus status to the AirshipNotificationStatus object to get the user notification permission status.
  • Added Airship.permissionManager.statusUpdates(for:) that returns an async stream of permission status updates.
  • Added MessageCenter.shared.inbox.unreadCountUpdates that returns an async stream of unread count updates.
  • Added MessageCenter.shared.inbox.messageUpdates that returns an async stream of message updates.
  • Updated handling of priority for In-App Automation, Scenes, and Surveys. Priority is now taken into consideration at each step of displaying a message instead of just sorting messages that are triggered at the same time.
  • Updated handling of long delays for In-App Automation, Scenes, and Surveys. Delays will now be preprocessed up to 30 seconds before it ends before the message is prepared.
  • Fixed Message Center theme loader when trying to theme the OOTB Message Center window.

18.7.2 August 10, 2024

Patch release that fixes in-app experience displays when resuming from a paused state. Apps that use in-app experiences are encouraged to update.


  • Fixed Automation Engine updates when pause state changes.

18.7.1 August 1, 2024

Patch release that prevents In-App Automation, Scenes, and Surveys from being able to trigger off custom events or screen views when analytics is disabled. The actual event was not being tracked by Airship in these cases, just processed locally.


  • Prevent screen view and custom events from being processed by automations when analytics is disabled.

18.7.0 July 30, 2024

Minor release that fixes some layout issues with images and videos in a Scene, accessibility improvements, and fixes a potential crash with JSON encoding/decoding due to using a JSONEncoder/JSONDecoder across threads.


  • Fixed video & image scaling/cropping in scenes.
  • Removed reusing JSONEncoder/JSONDecoder across tasks.
  • Removed @MainActor requirement from AirshipPush.authorizedNotificationSettings.
  • Announce screen changes when banners In-App messages are displayed.
  • MessageCenterController is now optional when creating a MessageCenterView.

18.6.0 July 16, 2024

Minor release with some improvements to preference center, a fix for in-app message veritcal sizing, accessibility improvements and markdown support in scenes.


  • Added warning message to preference center email entry field.
  • Updated preference center country_code.
  • Fixed bug preventing preference center channel management from fully opting-out registered channels.
  • Fixed padding bug preventing modal in-app messages from properly sizing to their content.
  • Added accessibility improvements.
  • Added markdown support to scenes.

18.5.0 July 1, 2024

Minor release that includes cert pinning and various fixes and improvements for Preference Center, In-app Messages and Embedded Content.


  • Added ability to inject a custom certificate verification closure that applies to all API calls
  • Added width and height parameters to in-app dismiss button theming
  • Fixed bug that caused HTML in-app message backgrounds to default to clear instead of system background
  • Fixed extra payload parsing in in-app messages
  • Set default banner placement to bottom
  • Increased impression interval for embedded in-app views
  • Improved in-app banner view accessibility
  • Preference center contact channel listing is now refreshed on foreground and from background pushes

18.4.1 June 21, 2024

Patch release to fix a regression with In-App Automations, Scenes, and Surveys ignoring screen, version, and custom event triggers. Apps using those triggers that are on 18.4.0 should update.


  • Fixed trigger regression for IAX introduced in 18.4.0.

18.4.0 June 14, 2024

Minor release that adds contact management support to the preference center, support for anonymous channels, per-message in-app message theming, message center customization and logging improvements. Apps that use the message center or stories should update to this version.


  • Added support for anonymous channels
  • Added contact management support in preference centers
  • Added improved theme support and per message theming for in-app messages
  • Added public logging functions
  • Fixed bug in stories page indicator
  • Fixed message center list view background theming

18.3.1 May 27, 2024

Patch release with bug fix for message center customization. Apps that use the message center should update to this version.


  • Fixed background color application in message center.

18.3.0 May 21, 2024

Minor release with updates to message center customization, a bug fix for story pager transition animation and a bug fix for in-app banner button rendering.


  • Fixed in-app message banner button rendering.
  • Fixed story pager transition animation.
  • Added message center list and list container background color customization via new plist keys messageListBackgroundColor, messageListBackgroundColorDark, messageListContainerBackgroundColor and messageListContainerBackgroundColorDark

18.2.2 May 16, 2024

Patch release includes a fix for submission issues when building with XCFrameworks, a bug fix for emitting pager events from in-app pager views, and a bug fix for the in-app banner’s default title and body alignment to match the dashboard preview. Apps using XCFrameworks should update.


  • Fixed pager event emission from in-app pager views.
  • Fixed submission issue when building with XCFrameworks.
  • Fixed in-app banner title and body default alignment.

18.2.1 May 14, 2024

Patch release that makes IAA name property is optional and defaults to an empty string.


  • Fixed InAppMessage parsing to handle the optional name property
  • Ignore invalid schedules on parsing

18.2.0 May 7, 2024

Minor release with updates for in-app message customization, video playback improvements in scenes, web view inspection configuration and several bug fixes. Apps that require obj-c support or are migrating from an older version of the SDK to 18.x should update to this version.


  • Added in-app message tap opacity and shadow customization via new plist keys tapOpacity and shadowTheme.
  • Added isWebViewInspectionEnabled key to AirshipConfig that allows enabling or disabling web view inspection on Airship created web views. Applied only to iOS 16.4+.
  • Added improvements for video playback in scenes.
  • Fixed CoreData migration errors from SDK 16 and SDK 17 to SDK 18.
  • Fixed in-app message banner display issues within navigation controllers.
  • Exposed push singelton to Objective-C
  • Exposed UAnotificationServiceExtension to Objective-C.

18.1.2 April 29, 2024

Patch release with a bug fix for data migration. Apps migrating from an older version of the SDK to 18.x using cocoapods should update to this version.


  • Exposes mapping classes UARemoteDataMapping and UAInboxDataMapping to obj-c and removes module-specific prefixes from mapping files.

18.1.1 April 23, 2024

Patch release with a bug fix for contact operations.


  • Fixed a typo in the dutch translation of the notification action button “Vertel Mij Meer”.
  • Fixed obj-c bindings not being public.

17.10.1 April 23, 2024

Patch release with a bug fix for handling lowercased contact ID and contact operations queue.


  • Fixes un issue with handling contact operations queue and lowercased contact ID.
  • Fixes a notification button typo.

18.1.0 April 16, 2024

Minor release with several minor API additions.


  • MessageCenterInboxProtocol changes:
    • Added new method refreshMessages(timeout:) that will throw if a timeout is reached.
    • Updated the method refreshMessages() to properly cancel if the task is cancelled.
    • Refreshing messages will no longer block on network connection availability.
  • Added property identifierUpdates on AirshipChannelProtocol that provides a stream of updates whenever the channel ID changes.
  • Added new AirshipConfig properties:
    • resetEnabledFeatures to reset the PrivacyManager enabled features to those specified in config on init.
    • restoreMessageCenterOnReinstall to control Message Center recovery on reinstall.
  • Added quietTime property on AirshipPushProtocol to be able to get/set quiet time start and end time.
  • Custom event properties will now accept any Encodable values and be automatically encoded to JSON.
  • Added support for attributing a custom event to an in-app message if the event was generated from the message.
  • Updated the LICENSE file to use the standard Apache 2.0 text to be properly detected by Github. The license did not change, only the text describing the license.
  • Fixed Package.swift to properly support VisionOS platform.
  • Fixed in-app messages that were interrupted during display that define a display interval not able to be triggered for display again until the next app init.

16.12.7 April 11, 2024

Patch release that adds a privacy manifest


  • Adds privacy manifest.

17.10.0 April 5, 2024

Minor release with a new config option resetEnabledFeatures to reset the PrivacyManager enabled features to those specified in the Airship config on each launch and a bug fix for the delete button theming in the Message Center and back button theming in message views.


  • Added resetEnabledFeatures config option
  • Fixes color theme assignment for the delete button in Message Center and back button in message views.

18.0.1 March 22, 2024

Patch release that fixes a few regressions with 18.0.0.


  • Fixed issue with frequency checks being checked before the message is ready to display
  • Fixed an issue with InApp potentially being blocked when upgrading from the prerelease version of 18.0.0 to the final version of 18.0.0

18.0.0 March 21, 2024

Major SDK release with several breaking changes. see the Migration Guide for more info.


  • Xcode 15.2+ is now required
  • Added support for starting Live Activities from a push
  • Notification Service extension is now rewritten in Swift
  • New Swift Automation module
    • Objective-c support has been removed
    • Breaking API changes for any apps using custom display adapters
    • Added concurrent automation processing to reduce latency if more than one automation is triggered at the same time
  • Badge modification methods are now async and use the updated UserNotification methods
  • Consolidated NSNotificationNames and keys to AirshipNotifications class
  • Replaced access to AirshipPush, AirshipContact, AirshipChannel, AirshipAnalytics with protocols
  • Updated Airship accessors to all be class vars instead of a mix of class and instance vars
  • Preliminary VisionOS support when using XCFrameworks or SPM
  • Added window animations for Scene & Survey transitions
  • Fixed Core Data warnings with Xcode 15
  • Fixed various sendable warnings when using targeted concurrency checking

17.9.1 March 21, 2024

Patch release with a bug fix for edit and refresh button theming in Message Center.


  • Fixes color theme assignment for the edit and refresh button in Message Center.

17.9.0 March 14, 2024

Minor release with several bug fixes and stability improvements.


  • Added message center predicate functionality
  • Fixed top-placed in-app message corner rounding
  • Added message center theming support for named colors and dark mode
  • Exposed additional preference center constructors to enable styling

18.0.0-rc March 6, 2024

RC release for 18.0.0.


  • Fixed 18.0.0-beta regression where IAA would reset its internal state and display again after reaching the display limit
  • Fixed 18.0.0-beta regression with malformed IAA resolution events
  • Fixed 18.0.0-beta regression where contact operations where ignored
  • Notification Service extension is now rewritten in Swift
  • Badge modification methods are now async and use the updated UserNotification methods

17.8.0 March 5, 2024

Minor release with several bug fixes and stability improvements.


  • Added new AirshipConfig value useUserPreferredLocale that if set to true, Airship will use the device preferred locale instead of the app’s locale for as a device property.
  • Expose the addMessageCenterDismissAction view extension for Message Center UI.
  • Fixed regression where Preference Center title in the theme was ignored.
  • Fixed an issue with the key chain migrating old Airship values to kSecAttrAccessibleAfterFirstUnlockThisDeviceOnly
  • Fixed modifying a coredata entity on the wrong context.

18.0.0-beta.2 February 22, 2024

Second SDK 18.0.0 beta.


  • Added support for push to start tokens in live activities. Start tokens will automatically be tracked for attribute types passed into the restore call.
  • Added migration guide for 17.x -> 18.x.
  • Updated Airship accessors to all be class vars instead of a mix of class and instance vars.
  • Replaced access to AirshipPush, AirshipContact, AirshipChannel, AirshipAnalytics with protocols.
  • Consolidated NSNotificationNames and keys to AirshipNotifications class.
  • Fixed sendable warnings in PreferenceCenter and MessageCenter module.
  • Fixed coredata warnings with Xcode 15.

16.12.6 January 30, 2024

Patch release that fixes an issue with message limits not being respected in certain cases.


  • Fixed message limits not being respected in certain cases.

17.7.3 January 30, 2024

Patch release that fixes an issue with message limits not being respected in certain cases.


  • Fixed message limits not being respected in certain cases.

17.7.2 January 24, 2024

Patch release improving SDK stability and a fix for core-data warnings with Xcode 15.


  • Override hashing for MessageCenterMessage
  • Fixed core-data warnings
  • Fixed potential crash due to de-duping conflicts events in AirshipContact

17.7.1 December 19, 2023

Patch release that fixes an issue with app background events being attributed to the wrong session ID. This issue was introduced in 17.5.0 and impacts session duration times in Performance Analytics. Applications that rely on that report should update.


  • Fixed background app event session ID

17.7.0 December 7, 2023

Minor release that adds a new MessageCenter listener for current message state and a new method that will refresh the local state on the device for named user associations that occur through the server instead of the SDK.


  • Added new method
  • Added MessageCenterController.statePublisher to listen for the state of the Message Center
  • Fixed Preference Center title
  • Fixed direct open tracking regression introduced in 17.6.1
  • Fixed direct open tracking when opening a content-available=1 notification from a cold start
  • Fixed a possible issue with an IAX session trigger if at start a system prompt is displayed

17.6.1 November 21, 2023

Patch release that adds debug symbols to the prebuilt xcframeworks and includes fixes for SPM and Message Center.


  • Fixed SPM packages not building due to a duplicate symbol
  • Fixed Message Center list view showing a small image icon if a list icon is available and the theme does not enable list icons
  • Added debug symbols to xcframeworks to make stack traces easier to read

17.6.0 November 9, 2023

Minor release that adds support for server side feature flag segmentation, Impression billing, and improves support for animated webP images in Scenes.


  • Added server side segmentation for feature flags
  • Added support for Animated webP frame duration
  • Added support for Impression billing
  • Scene images will preload the first frame of each image in a scene to avoid the image animating in on page view
  • Fixed swipe voice commands for Scenes

16.12.5 October 19, 2023

Patch release that extends background time for Live Activity token generation from 10 seconds to 30 seconds and forces a Live Activity registration update on background if it previously failed.


  • Added an additional attempt to upload a Live Activity registration upload on background if it previously failed
  • Extended the background task used for waiting for a Live Activity token from 10 seconds to 30 seconds
  • Prebuilt frameworks now use Xcode 14 instead of Xcode 13 due to App store restrictions

17.5.1 October 18, 2023

Patch release that fixes an issue with Live Activity registration reporting the wrong value on app restart and fixes a regression introduced in 17.5.0 with image loading in both the Preference Center and Message Center OOTB UI.


  • Fixed Message Center list icon loading
  • Fixed Preference Center alert icon loading
  • Fixed Live Activity registration status reporting registered before it actually is able to register. This only occurs if the Live Activity was tracked and failed to generate a token before the app is restarted.

17.5.0 October 12, 2023

Minor release that adds support for querying the Airship registration status of a Live Activity, improves gif loading in Scenes & Surveys, and improves text input handling in Surveys. Applications that use Live Activities or several large GIFs in Scenes & Surveys should update.


  • Optimized GIF loading for Scenes & Surveys.
  • Improve text input on iOS 16+ for Surveys.
  • Fixed carthage build due to a missing dependency on AirshipDebug.
  • Added an additional attempt to upload a Live Activity registration upload on background if it previously failed.
  • Added new liveActivityRegistrationStatusUpdates(name:) and liveActivityRegistrationStatusUpdates(activity:) on AirshipChannel to make it possible to query the current registration status of a Live Activity with Airship.
  • Extended the background task used for waiting for a Live Activity token from 10 seconds to 30 seconds.

17.4.0 September 29, 2023

Minor release that improves refreshing the feeds for in-app experiences and feature flags, adds a new interaction event for feature flags, and fixes a reporting issue with direct opens and sessions counts for apps that are scene enabled.


  • Improve refresh handling of remote-data for IAX and feature flags.
  • Added new method trackInteraction(flag:) for Feature Flags.
  • Added new optional parameter dismissAction on the MessageCenterListView view
  • Fixed app session and direct open reporting for scene enabled applications

17.3.1 September 13, 2023

Patch release that updates the prebuilt XCFrameworks for Xcode 15 to use the new Xcode 15 RC release.


  • Update the Xcode 15 prebuilt XCFrameworks to use Xcode 15 RC release.

17.3.0 September 7, 2023

Minor release that adds a privacy manifest that declares the default data collected by the Airship SDK. For more information, see privacy manifest guide.


  • Added privacy manifest

17.2.2 September 1, 2023

Patch release that fixes an issue with the signing of the frameworks.


  • Fixed the certificate and included feature flags in signed frameworks.

17.2.1 August 29, 2023

Patch release that fixes an issue with not being able to update a Live Activity after it becomes stale. Apps that use staleDate with Live Activities should update.


  • Continue to track a Live Activity after it becomes stale

16.12.4 August 29, 2023

Patch release that fixes an issue with not being able to update a Live Activity after it becomes stale. Apps that use staleDate with Live Activities should update.


  • Continue to track a Live Activity after it becomes stale
  • Fixed channel registration issue with changing privacy manager flags during the first run

17.2.0 August 25, 2023

Minor release that fixes a reporting issue with hold out groups and In-App Messaging. 17.2.0 will be the minimum version required for global hold out groups.


  • Fixed reporting issue with hold out groups and In-App Messaging
  • Added a new NativeBridgeActionRunner that can be passed into a NativeBridge instance to customize action running
  • Added frameworks signing
  • Fixed a remote-data crash during init
  • Fixed Message Center sometimes not loading a message when opened from a push notification

17.1.3 August 16, 2023

Patch release that fixes a reporting issue related to global holdout groups. Applications making use of global holdout groups should update.

  • Fixed experiment info reporting for global holdout groups

17.1.2 August 11, 2023

Patch release that fixes an issue with Xcode 15 due to a WKNavigationDelegate protocol conformance issue with the AirshipNativeBridge. Applications that are facing Airship build errors with Xcode 15 should update.


  • Fixed WKNavigationDelegate protocol issue

17.1.1 August 4, 2023

Patch release that fixes a possible delay with channel creation if the enabled flags on privacy manager changes before the channel is able to be created.


  • Fixed channel registration issue with privacy manager
  • Fixed missing AirshipFeatureFlags xcframework in the

17.1.0 July 31, 2023

Minor release that adds support for global holdout groups in In-App experiences and support for feature flags.


  • Added new feature flag module AirshipFeatureFlags
  • Added support for global holdout groups
  • Fixed crash with deep links from an HTML based message

16.12.3 July 11, 2023

Patch release that works around a compiler issue with Xcode 15 beta and a Message Center issue with setting the navigation bar item tint.


  • Fix message center navigation item tint
  • Added workaround for Xcode 15 beta compile issue

17.0.3 July 11, 2023

Patch release that fixes an issue with URL allow lists defaulting to allowing all URLs if calling takeOff with a config instance.


  • Fixed URL allow list issue
  • Added workaround for Xcode 15 beta compile issue

17.0.2 June 28, 2023

Patch release that fixes an issue with modular header on podspec for AirshipServiceExtension and AirshipContentExtension, an issue deep linking to a deleted Message Center message, and fixes a regression with the share action. Applications that are using 17.0.1 or older should update.


  • Enable modular header for AirshipServiceExtension and AirshipContentExtension
  • Fixed issue with a navigation loop to a deleted Message Center message
  • Removed unused applyIf extension to avoid potential conflicts
  • Fixed share action regression

16.12.2 June 28, 2023

Patch release that fixes an issue with modular header on podspec for AirshipServiceExtension and AirshipContentExtension and a channel registration issue where if the channel’s metadata changes during an update task, a new task would not be queued to sync with Airship until the next foreground.


  • Enable modular header for AirshipServiceExtension and AirshipContentExtension.
  • Fixed channel registration task queuing

17.0.1 June 16, 2023

Patch release that addresses potential ambiguous use errors and improves Message Center module documentation. Apps upgrading to SDK 17.0.0 should update to 17.0.1 instead.


  • Fixed potential ambiguous use of overlay() errors when using SwiftUI
  • Improved Message Center module documentation

17.0.0 June 15, 2023

Major SDK release that adds support for Stories, In-App experiences downstream of a sequence in Journeys, and improves SDK auth.

This release brings several breaking changes throughout the codebase as we continue the transition from Objective-C to Swift, and as we start adopting structured concurrency.

The Airship SDK now requires iOS 14+ as the minimum deployment version and Xcode 14.3+


  • Added support for Stories, a new format for Scenes
  • Added support for In-App experiences downstream of a sequence in Journeys
  • Updated minimum deployment version to iOS 14
  • Message Center module has been rewritten in Swift
  • The provided Message Center UI has been rewritten in Swift & SwiftUI
  • The provided Preference Center UI has been rewritten in SwiftUI
  • Accengage, Chat, and Location modules have been removed
  • ExtendedActions module has been removed and actions have been merged into other modules
  • A majority of the completionHandler APIs have been replaced with async functions
  • Renamed several classes throughout the SDK to prevent API collisions for simple classes, e.g. Config -> AirshipConfig, Channel -> AirshipChannel, etc.
  • Fixed several sendable warnings throughout codebase
  • Video improvements for Scenes
  • Added a new PushNotificationStatus publisher that provides the current status of push notifications
  • Actions rewritten to be sendable and are now only available from Swift
  • Improved SDK auth
  • Default In-App Automation display interval has been changed from 30 seconds to 0 seconds
  • The SDK Allow list has been updated to allow opening all URLs by default if neither urlAllowList oder urlAllowListScopeOpen have been set in the config. Media URLs for In-App experiences are no longer checked on the allow list. Youtube URLs have been removed from the default urlAllowListScopeOpen.

16.12.1 June 14, 2023

Patch release that fixes app deep links that use the uairship:// prefix. Any uairship:// deep links that are not handled by Airship directly will now be delivered to the DeepLinkDelegate.


  • Allow the DeepLinkDelegate to process unhandled uairship:// deep links

16.12.0 June 12, 2023

Minor release that adds aspectRatio to HTML and Modal IAA styles and a new config option autoPauseInAppAutomationOnLaunch to always pause IAA during app init to be enabled later.


  • Fixed channel restore from encrypted backups
  • Added aspectRatio to HTML and Modal IAA styles
  • Added autoPauseInAppAutomationOnLaunch config option

16.11.3 March 24, 2023

Patch release that fixing Contact update merging order, improves Scene/Survey accessibility and reporting.


  • Fixed Contact update merge order, resolving a Preference Center bug that could lead to unexpected subscription states in some circumstances.
  • Improved Scene/Survey accessibility and fixed a reporting bug related to form display events.
  • Fixed an issue with downgrading to a version older than 16.10.1 would cause the channel to be recreated.
  • Added support for transparent WebView backgrounds in HTML In-App Automations

16.11.2 March 2, 2023

Patch release that fixes a regression introduced in 16.11.0 that disables Survey’s submit button and inputs, and added accessibility font scaling to Scenes & Surveys.


  • Scale fonts for Scenes & Surveys
  • Fixed Survey enablement regression

16.11.1 February 28, 2023

Patch release that exposes some Preference Center classes to Objective-C.


  • Exposes UAPreferenceCenterResources, UAPreferenceCenterViewController and UAPreferenceAlertItemButtonto obj-c.

16.11.0 February 22, 2023

Minor release that fixes a potential channel restore issue on second run. The impact should be small since the channel create will return the same channel ID if the app has a device token or the app installed the Message Center module.


  • Fixed app restore detection false positive on second run
  • Added new optional PushNotificationDelegate method extendPresentationOptions(_:notification:completionHandler) that allows returning foreground presentation options with a callback instead of synchronously
  • Added new Config method validate(logIssues:) to prevent logging on the config.
  • Fixed nil URL log message when attempting to create a channel on the first run. The channel will now wait until the URL is available before attempting to be created. This should not cause any real difference in behavior, it only prevents the log message from being logged.
  • Fixed Xcode 14.3 beta build issues

16.10.7 January 18, 2023

Patch release that adds a potential mitigation for some iOS 16 devices crashing when reading and writing to UserDefaults. We have not been able to reproduce the issue and seems limited to a small number of iOS 16 devices.


  • Added potential mitigation for a UserDefaults crash that is occurring on some iOS 16 devices.
  • Specify the classes when using 'NSKeyedUnarchiver.

16.10.6 December 5, 2022

Patch release that fixes Airship not performing network operations until next app foreground when triggered in the background.


  • Fixed background initiated operations.

16.10.5 November 30, 2022

Patch release with several fixes for Message Center, attributes, and In-App Automation.


  • Fixed issue with setting attributes to 0 oder 1.
  • Fixed message getters in the JS native bridge when using Message Center.
  • Updated the window levels to normal for IAA, Preference Center, and Message Center. This avoid conflicts with full screen video and other alert level windows.
  • Fixed share action dialog from closing when an IAA is dismissed.

16.10.4 November 22, 2022

Patch release that fixes a regression with Scenes and Surveys next page button enablement. Apps on 16.10.1-16.10.3 that use Scenes & Surveys should update.


  • Fix pager button enablement

16.10.3 November 16, 2022

Patch release that fixes checking for notification opt-in when disabling the config option requestAuthorizationToUseNotifications.


  • Check for notification opt-in on active, not just transition to foreground.

16.10.2 November 7, 2022

Patch release to fix a delay when creating the Airship channel on first run. Apps that are using 16.10.1 or requireInitialRemoteConfigEnabled config should update.


  • Fixed channel creation delay on first run

16.10.1 November 3, 2022

Patch release that significantly speeds up SDK build time, fixes issues with automatic setup for SwiftUI apps, and improves Scene & Surveys.


  • Fixed issues causing slow build times. The compile swift step is now ~6x faster.
  • Fixed issues calling the original app delegate methods when the app delegate is set using UIApplicationDelegateAdaptor in a SwiftUI app.
  • Moved Airship Keystore data to its own service bucket to avoid being accidentally deleted by other plugins/apps.
  • Improved Scene text input focus on iOS 16.
  • Improved gif rendering in Scenes & Surveys.

16.10.0 October 24, 2022

Adds support for live activity and custom Airship domains.


  • Adds support for live activities (when built with Xcode 14.1+)
  • Adds support for setting the initialConfigURL when using custom domains
  • Fixed OOTB Message Center deep linking to a Message on first display
  • Fixed logging live activities update as an error instead of debug

16.10.0-beta October 6, 2022

Beta release for SDK 16.10.0 that adds support for live activities. To support live activities, you must call restore once after takeOff during application(_:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:) with all the live activity types that you might track with Airship:

  Airship.takeOff(config, launchOptions: launchOptions)

  Task {
      await { restorer in
          await restorer.restore(
            forType: Activity<DeliveryAttributes>.self
          await restorer.restore(
            forType: Activity<SomeOtherAttributes>.self

Then whenever you want Airship to track an activity, call trackLiveActivity on the channel instance with the name of the activity:

  Task {
          name: "my-neat-activity"

You will then be able to send updates through the Airship Push API to the live activity using the name my-neat-activity.

16.9.4 October 5, 2022

Patch release that fixes Survey Attributes not being stored properly for radio buttons.

16.9.3 September 2, 2022

Patch release that fixes an IAA banner issue and renames an internal JSON enum to avoid conflicts.

16.9.2 August 15, 2022

Patch release that prevents Carthage from building internal targets and adds prebuild Carthage xcframeworks to the release. Apps using Carthage experiencing long builds should update.

  • Replaced AirshipRelease* targets with Aggregate targets
  • Added prebuilt Carthage xcframework distribution to Github releases

16.9.1 August 5, 2022

Patch release to rename an internal Task protocol to avoid conflicts with Swift concurrency Tasks.


  • Rename Task to AirshipTask to avoid name conflicts

16.9.0 July 29, 2022

Minor release that fixes the subscription list action and makes it possible to replace all Airship location integration with a location permissions delegate. The location module will be removed in SDK 17.


  • Location integration with Airship can be replaced with setting a location permission delegate on PermissionsManager.
  • Fixed subscription list action.

16.8.0 June 30, 2022

Minor release that fixes several issues and adds support for custom log handler for Airship logs.


  • Added new AirshipLogHandler protocol that can be used to override Airship logging.
  • Fixed custom preference center background color not applying to the entire preference center.
  • Fixed message center “No messages” label visibility in dark mode.
  • Fixed Preference Center to always display the correct toggle states when navigating away and back to Preference Center under poor network conditions.
  • Fixed thread optimization warnings in Xcode 14.
  • Changed the landing page and HTML IAA window to be marked as hidden on dismiss.
  • Enabled autoplay videos in any Airship webviews.

16.7.0 May 16, 2022

Path release that fixes build issues with Xcode 13.3 and adds missing obj-c class prefix to the UAPreferenceCenterComponent class.


  • Fixed class collision with CarbonCore.framework
  • Fixed build issues with Xcode 13.3

16.6.0 May 4, 2022

Minor release that adds support for randomizing response order in a Survey, adds a new delegate method to InAppMessageManager that controls when a message can be displayed, and fixes several issues with Scenes & Surveys reporting. Apps using Scenes & Surveys should update.


  • Added new delegate method to UAInAppMessagingDelegate that can control when a message is able to be displayed.
  • Added support for randomizing Survey responses.
  • Added subscription list action.
  • Updated localizations. All strings within the SDK are now localized in 48 different languages.
  • Improved accessibility with OOTB Message Center UI.
  • Updated Landing Page, HTML In-App messages, and Modal In-App Messages to have a more deterministic size when rendering not as full screen. Messages will grow to a max of 420x720 points with 24 leading, 48 top, 24 trailing, and 48 bottom padding.
  • Moved Preference Center and Message Center OOTB UI to use its own window instead of the current key window.
  • In-App rules will now attempt to refresh before displaying. This change should reduce the chances of showing out of data or cancelled in-app automations, scenes, or surveys when background refresh is disabled.
  • Fixed reporting issue with a single page Scene.
  • Fixed rendering issues for Scenes & Surveys.
  • Fixed deep links that contain invalid characters by encoding those deep links.
  • Fixed potential main thread deadlock when modifying tags, attributes, and subscription lists. The deadlock will only happen if the app is modifying the data on the main queue while a previous change is being uploaded and the device is observing NSUserDefaultsDidChangeNotification on the main queue.
  • Fixed strongly linking Network.framework on older iOS versions.

16.5.1 April 4, 2022

Patch release to fix a crash introduced in 16.5.0 on app restore on different devices. Apps running 16.5.0 should update.


  • Fixed crash with app restores.

16.5.0 March 29, 2022

A minor release that adds a style option to allow In-App Automation messages to be full screen on large devices, fixes an issue with iCloud backups recovering the same channel ID, and includes several In-App message fixes.


  • Added extendFullScreenLargeDevice to HTML and Modal styles sheets to allow displaying an In-App Automation as full screen on large devices.
  • Fixed In-App Message localization.
  • Fixed In-App Automation video inline playback.
  • Fixed channel ID being restored from an iCloud backup.

16.4.0 February 24, 2022

A minor release that fixes a potential crash with message center, marks methods on PreferenceCenterViewController as open, and includes new styles for PreferenceCenterViewController. Apps that are experiencing crashes due to message center should update.


  • Added new styles for PreferenceCenterViewController.
  • Mark methods as open on PreferenceCenterViewController to make overriding possible.
  • Automatically refresh PreferenceCenterViewController if the preference center ID changes.
  • Fixes notification options if migrating from a 14.x SDK when provision auth is used.
  • Fixed typos and awkward objective-c names for manual App integration methods.
  • Removed duplicate framework linker for UserNotifications in Swift.package

16.3.1 February 18, 2022

A patch release that fixes channel tags not updating til next app init without calling updateRegistration.


  • Made ContactSubscriptionItem.scopes accessible to objective-c
  • PreferenceCenterViewController init method is now public
  • Modifying channel tags will now queue up a channel registration update

16.3.0 February 8, 2022

A minor release that adds support for multi-channel Preference Center. Currently, these features are only available to customers in Airship’s Special Access Program. Please reach out to your account manager for more details.


  • Added support for multi-channel Preference Center.
  • Added scoped subscription lists to contacts.
  • Added methods to associate email, SMS, and open channels to a contact.

16.2.0 January 24, 2022

A minor release that adds support for two new features, Scenes and Surveys. Currently, these features are only available to customers in Airship’s Special Access Program. Please reach out to your account manager for more details.


  • Added support for Scenes and Surveys
  • Fixed In-App Automation session trigger skipping sessions when automations are paused then resumed
  • Split pod AirshipExtensions into AirshipServiceExtension and AirshipContentExtension

16.1.2 December 21, 2021

Patch release that fixes a contact update issue resulting in subsequent update operations not being executed.


  • Fixes a contact update issue resulting in subsequent update operations not being executed.

16.1.1 December 2, 2021

Patch release that fixes a styling issue with message center on iOS 15, running actions from a notification action button, and adds the AirshipPreferenceCenter.xcframework.


  • Fixed Message Center navigation style on iOS 15
  • Fixed running actions from a notification action button
  • Fixed channel registration causing extra attribute operations in the RTDS stream
  • Added AirshipPreferenceCenter.xcframework to the zip distribution

16.1.0 November 15, 2021

Minor release that fixes styling preference center, adds a new chat action, and fixes running actions in a HTML In-App Automation (including landing pages). Apps that are on SDK 15.0 - 16.0.3 that use actions in HTML In-App Automations should update.


  • Fixed native bridge actions for IAA and Landing Pages
  • Fixed styling issues with preference center
  • Added tint color for preference center switches
  • Added send chat action

16.0.3 November 9, 2021

Patch release to fix background push not being enabled by default in SDk 15/16. Apps can either update to this version or enable background with Airship.push.backgroundPushEnabled = true.

  • Enable background push by default

16.0.2 November 3, 2021

Patch release that fixes preferences resetting when upgrading to SDK 15/16. This update will restore old preferences that have not been modified in the new SDK version.

Apps that have migrated to SDK 15.0.0-16.0.1 should update. Apps currently on version 14.8.0 and below should only migrate to 16.0.2 to avoid a bug in versions 15.0.0-16.0.1.


  • Restore preferences from SDK 14.x and older
  • Added back missing Airship ready notification

16.0.1 October 19, 2021

Due to a bug that mishandles persisted SDK settings, apps that are migrating from SDK 14.8.0 or older should avoid this version and instead use SDK 16.0.2 or newer.

Minor release that fixes an IAA bug.


  • Fixed a bug with IAA not displayed after setting the isPaused to false.
  • Fixed a rare crash at the application launch.
  • Remove some log.

14.8.0 October 14, 2021

Minor release that adds the support of new iOS 15 notification types and fixing an IAA bug.


  • Added the new notification types: time sensitive and scheduled delivery to the channel registration payload.
  • Fixed a bug with IAA not displayed after setting the isPaused to false.

16.0.0 September 30, 2021

Due to a bug that mishandles persisted SDK settings, apps that are migrating from SDK 14.8.0 or older should avoid this version and instead use SDK 16.0.2 or newer.

Major SDK release to address a conflict with the class and package Airship on CocoaPods. The import for Cocoapods has been changed from Airship to AirshipKit. No other breaking API changes have been introduced in this release.


  • Changed CocoaPods import to AirshipKit
  • Added support for simple deep links for AirshipChat module
  • Fixed parsing enabledFeatures in AirshipConfig.plist
  • Fixed forward delegate on native bridge calling the decision handler multiple times
  • Fixed missing message center and automation methods if they referenced Disposable oder Padding when using Swift and SPM
  • Fixed deprecation warnings for NamedUser.

15.0.1 September 15, 2021

Due to a bug that mishandles persisted SDK settings, apps that are migrating from SDK 14.8.0 or older should avoid this version and instead use SDK 16.0.2 or newer.

Patch release fixing a crash when setting date attributes. Apps using 15.0.0 should update. 14.x remains unaffected.


  • Fixed a crash when setting date attributes.

15.0.0 September 15, 2021

Due to a bug that mishandles persisted SDK settings, apps that are migrating from SDK 14.8.0 or older should avoid this version and instead use SDK 16.0.2 or newer.

Major SDK release with several breaking changes, especially for Swift users. This release adds support for preference center, Contacts, iOS 15, and subscription lists.


  • Core module has been rewritten in Swift. During the rewrite, many of the method signatures, nullability, and classes have been updated to be more inline with Swift.
  • Dropped the UA prefix for Swift.
  • Added new module AirshipPreferenceCenter.
  • Added subscription lists APIs for Channel.
  • Added new editor APIs on Channel to modify tags and attributes to help batch updates.
  • NamedUser component has been replaced by Contact, which allows setting data on a user without an external ID (Named User ID).
  • Removed use of class load methods. Airship now requires passing in the launch options during takeOff.
  • Removed Airship.xcframework and Airship SPM target. Apps should use the modular frameworks instead.
  • Carthage and xcframework users will need to include a new module AirshipBasement.

14.7.0 September 15, 2021

Minor release that adds iOS 15 support. This build requires Xcode 13.


  • Requires Xcode 13+
  • Added new options to UANotificationCategory, UANotificationAction, and UAAuthorizedNotificationSettings for iOS 15.

14.6.2 September 10, 2021

Patch release fixing In-App Automation messages not displaying when the keyboard is visible on iOS 15 devices.


  • Fixed IAA conflict with iOS 15 keyboard

14.6.1 August 6, 2021

Patch release fixing KVO-related crashes in NSUserDefaults. Apps experiencing related crashes or having problems with SDK user defaults behavior are recommended to upgrade.


  • Migrated NSUserDefaults usage to a private suite name

14.6.0 July 30, 2021

Minor release adding support for Chat routing and fixing build issues in Xcode 13.


  • Added Chat routing support
  • Resolved build warnings in Xcode 13
  • Fixed SPM build errors in Xcode 13 beta 3 and above

14.5.2 July 12, 2021

Patch release fixing an issue with IAA banners displayed in hidden windows, fixing a race condition when loading Accengage notification categories, and changing the behavior of UAPush to persist notification options. Apps having issues with IAA banner display in multi-window UIs or apps using the Accengage module are encouraged to update.


  • IAA banners no longer display in hidden windows
  • Fixed race condition loading Accengage notification categories
  • Requested notification options are persisted between application runs