.NET MAUI Changelog

The latest updates to the Airship .NET MAUI library

19.4.0 July 29, 2024

Minor release that updates the Airship SDK to iOS 17.10.1 and Android 17.8.1.


  • Updated iOS SDK to 17.10.1
  • Updated Android SDK to 17.8.1

19.3.0 April 8, 2024

Minor release that updates the Airship SDK to iOS 17.10.0 and Android 17.7.4,


  • Updated iOS SDK to 17.10.0
  • Updated Android SDK to 17.7.4
  • iOS: Fixed issue with frequency checks being checked before the message is ready to display
  • Android: Fixed channel ID creation delay after enabling a feature when none was enabled
  • Android: Fixed a potential NPE when reading from intent extras on API 33

19.2.0 March 15, 2024

Minor release that updates the Airship SDK to iOS 17.9.0 and Android 17.7.3, and expands plist theming options available for Message Center.


  • Updated iOS SDK to 17.9.0
  • Updated Android SDK to 17.7.3
  • Support for dark mode and extended theming options for Message Center plist
  • Fixed an iOS bug in the Message Center message delete and mark read methods in Airship.Net

19.1.0 January 31, 2024

Minor release that updates to Airship SDK to iOS 17.7.3 and Android 17.7.2, fixes an iOS custom event properties reporting issue, and Android contact subscription list editing. Apps that target iOS and make use of custom events or Android and make use of contact subscription editing should update.


  • Updated iOS SDK to 17.7.3
  • Updated Android SDK to 17.7.2
  • Fixed a bug that prevented custom event properties from being reported on iOS
  • Fixed contact subscription list updates (EditContactSubscriptionLists) on Android
  • Deprecated iOS Trace log level and add the replacement Verbose log level.

19.0.0 November 21, 2023

Major release that updates the Airship bindings and cross-platform libraries to target .NET 8.0. The Airship .NET SDK now requires .NET 8.0 (net8.0-android and net8.0-ios) as the minimum target framework, and iOS 14+ as the minimum deployment version with Xcode 15+.


  • Updated iOS SDK to 17.6.1
  • Resolved build issues in Windows Visual Studio. Linked Mac builds are now working as expected.

18.0.0 November 10, 2023

Major release that updates to Airship SDK 17.x. This release adds support for Stories, In-App experiences downstream of a sequence in Journeys, and improves SDK auth. The .NET SDK now requires .NET 7.0 (net7.0-android and net7.0-ios) as the minimum target framework, and iOS 14+ as the minimum deployment version with Xcode 14.3+.


  • Updated iOS SDK to 17.6.0
  • Updated Android SDK to 17.5.0
  • Added the ability to update Channel and Contact subscriptions to the common .NET library
  • Removed Channel update listener in favor of a new notification status listener.
  • Partially fixed issues with building from Windows Visual Studio. Linked Mac builds are not currently working. See Known Issues for more details.

See the Migration Guide for further details.

Known Issues

Build/run via a linked Mac from Visual Studio on Windows is not currently working as expected. This appears to be a known issue and is expected to be fixed in the upcoming .NET 8 release. In our testing, this issue impacts other SDKs that make use of XCFrameworks, and is not limited to Airship SDKs. We will continue monitoring the situation and update with any new workarounds or fixes that become available.

Builds and runs performed directly on a Mac are not impacted by this issue.

Related issue: https://github.com/xamarin/xamarin-macios/issues/19173#issuecomment-1790490792

17.1.0 July 25, 2023

Minor release that updates Airship SDKs to the latest 16.x releases and fixes issues with bitcode for iOS.


  • Android SDK version 16.11.1
  • iOS SDK version 16.12.3

17.0.0 March 25, 2023

Major release to support MAUI. The Airship .NET SDK targets .NET 6.0, and is compatible with Android 5.0+ (API 21+) and iOS 13+, using the latest supported release of Xcode (currently 14.2).


  • Android SDK version 16.9.0
  • iOS SDK version 16.11.2