Xamarin Changelog

The latest updates to the Airship Xamarin library

18.3.0 May 29, 2024

Minor release that updates the Airship SDK to iOS 17.10.1 and Android 17.8.1.


  • Updated iOS SDK to 17.10.1
  • Updated Android SDK to 17.8.1
  • Fixed an issue with app version targeting for in-app segmentation on Android.

18.2.0 March 19, 2024

Minor release that updates the Airship SDK to iOS 17.9.0 and Android 17.7.3, expands plist theming options available for Message Center, and fixes the cross-platform MarkMessageRead and DeleteMessage methods.


  • Updated iOS SDK to 17.9.0
  • Updated Android SDK to 17.7.3
  • Support for dark mode and extended theming options for Message Center plist
  • Fixed an iOS bug in the Message Center message delete and mark read methods in Airship.Net

18.1.0 January 22, 2024

Minor release that updates to Airship SDK 17.7.1 and fixes an iOS custom event properties reporting issue. Apps that target iOS and make use of custom events should update.


  • Updated iOS SDK to 17.7.1
  • Updated Android SDK to 17.7.1
  • Fixed a bug that prevented custom event properties from being reported on iOS
  • Deprecated iOS Trace log level and add the replacement Verbose log level.

18.0.0 October 4, 2023

Major release that updates to Airship SDK 17.x. This release adds support for Stories, In-App experiences downstream of a sequence in Journeys, and improves SDK auth. The Airship SDK now requires iOS 14+ as the minimum deployment version and Xcode 14.3+.


  • Updated iOS SDK to 17.4.0
  • Updated Android SDK to 17.3.0
  • Added the ability to update Channel and Contact subscriptions to the .NETStandard library
  • Removed Channel update listener in favor of a new notification status listener.

See the Migration Guide for further details.

17.1.1 September 27, 2023

Minor release that updates to the latest Airship SDKs and fixes missing dependencies in the Android and iOS binding NuSpecs.


  • Updated iOS SDK to 16.12.4
  • Fixed missing dependencies in the Android and iOS binding NuSpecs.

17.1.0 July 10, 2023

Minor release that updates to the latest Airship SDKs. Apps that make use of Message Center, Preference Center, and Scenes/Surveys should update to this version.


  • Updated iOS SDK to 16.12.2
  • Updated Android SDK to 16.11.1
  • Added a new config option, autoPauseInAppAutomationOnLaunch (default: false), to pause IAA during app init and allow it to be enabled later.
  • Deeplinks that use the uairship:// scheme but are not handled by Airship directly will now be delivered to the DeepLink delegate or listener.
  • Fixed a channel registration issue on iOS that could lead to registration updates not being synced with Airship until the next foreground if the channel’s metadata changes while an update task is in flight.
  • Fixed an Android bug in Preference Center that could cause locally cached subscription list state to become incorrect when switching named users.
  • Fixed an Android Preference Center contact subscription chips to avoid duplicated views when scrolling a long Preference Center.
  • Fixed handling of sms:, tel: and mailto: links in Android Message Center, when using custom HTML and <a> tags.
  • Fixed an Android issue with window resizing in Scenes and Surveys, to prevent the keyboard from covering the input field.

17.0.2 March 29, 2023

Patch release that fixes Contact update merging order, improves Scene/Survey accessibility and reporting.


  • Updated iOS SDK to 16.11.3
  • Updated Android SDK to 16.9.1
  • Fixed Contact update merge order, resolving a Preference Center bug that could lead to unexpected subscription states in some circumstances.
  • Improved Scene/Survey accessibility and fixed a reporting bug related to form display events.

17.0.1 March 17, 2023

Minor release that fixes compatibility issues with v17.0.0. Maui support has been moved to a separate repository and artifacts under the Airship.Net.* package ID.


  • Updated iOS SDK to 16.11.2
  • Updated Android SDK to 16.9.0
  • Restored binding library compatibility with Xamarin projects.

16.3.1 March 2, 2023

Minor release that updates to the latest Airship SDKs. The iOS SDK update fixes an issue with the Preference Center on iOS.


  • Updated iOS SDK to 16.11.1
  • Updated Android SDK to 16.8.1
  • Fix a binding issue with preference center on iOS.

17.0.0 March 1, 2023

Major release to support MAUI. The Airship .NET SDK now targets .NET 6.0, and is compatible with Android 5.0 (API 21) or higher, and iOS 13 or higher, using the latest supported release of Xcode (currently 14.2).


  • Updated bindings and cross-platform libraries to target net6.0, net6.0-android, and net6.0-ios
  • Updated Android SDK to 16.8.1
  • Updated iOS SDK to 16.11.1
  • Renamed Airship.NETStandard to Airship.NET (namespace AirshipDotNet)
  • Added a new airship.net.messagecenter that provides a cross-platform control that can be used to display Message Center messages.
  • Created a new MAUI Sample App

16.3.0 January 3, 2023

Minor release to support iOS SDK 16.10.6 and Android SDK 16.8.0 and fix an issue with the Message Center NativeBridge on iOS.


  • Updated Android SDK to 16.8.0
  • Updated iOS SDK to 16.10.6
  • Set UAMessageCenterNativeBridgeExtension delegate in the iOS NETStandard MessagePageRenderer, to provide access to message properties and user ID in the WebView JavaScript environment.

16.2.1 September 12, 2022

Minor release to support iOS SDK 16.9.3 and Android SDK 16.7.2.


  • Updated Android SDK to 16.7.2
  • Updated iOS SDK to 16.9.3
  • Fixes a crashes due to Message Center database migrations for Android.
  • Fixes an IAA banner issue and renames an internal JSON enum to avoid conflicts for iOS.

16.2.0 August 30, 2022

Minor release that updates to the latest Airship SDKs. The Android SDK update fixes an issue with invalid schemas with Message Center. Applications updating from Android versions older than 15.1 should update directly to this version.


  • Updated Android SDK to 16.7.1
  • Updated iOS SDK to 16.9.1

16.1.1 June 2, 2022

Patch release that fixes a crash with casting launch options on iOS. Apps should no longer cast the launch options when calling takeOff.


  • Removed need to cast launch options on iOS.

16.1.0 May 24, 2022

Minor release to support iOS SDK 16.7.0 and Android SDK 16.5.0 and fix a crash with custom event.


  • Updated Android SDK to 16.5.0
  • Updated iOS SDK to 16.7.0
  • Add Room runtime as a dependency on Android Core
  • Add InAppMessagingDelegate method and notifyDisplayConditionsChanged on iOS.
  • add binding for missing obj-c class prefix to the UAPreferenceCenterComponent class.
  • Fix a crash when adding a custom event.

16.0.1 April 12, 2022

Minor release updating to latest iOS Airship SDK.


  • Updated iOS SDK to 16.5.1.

16.0.0 March 9, 2022

Major release fixing an issue with nuget package path length.


  • Updated Android SDK to 16.3.3.
  • Updated iOS SDK to 16.4.0.
  • Rename all nugets name from urbanairship.x.x to airship.x.x.
  • Reduce nuget package path length.
  • Add bindings for ios Preference center module.
  • Add a new package airship.android.layout to support the two new features: Scenes and Surveys.

15.0.3 January 20, 2022

Minor release fixing an issue with nuget package path length.


  • Reduce nuget package path length.

15.0.2 January 12, 2022

Minor release updating to latest Android Airship SDK and fixing an issue with nuget package path length.


  • Updated Android SDK to 16.1.1
  • Reduce nuget package path length.

15.0.1 December 22, 2021

Minor release updating to latest iOS Airship SDK.


  • Updated iOS SDK to 16.1.2
  • Fixed Message Center navigation style on iOS 15
  • Fixed running actions from a notification action button
  • Fixed channel registration causing extra attribute operations in the RTDS stream
  • Add BlockAction type
  • Fix packages references conflicts in the preference center nuspec

Version 15.0.0 - Nov 23, 2021 November 24, 2021

Major release updating to latest Airship SDKs and adding support for Preference Center


  • Updated iOS Airship SDK to 16.1.0
  • Updated Android Airship SDK to 16.1.0
  • Added urbanairship.ios.preferencecenter and urbanairship.android.preferencecenter packages
  • Added urbanairship.ios.basement package. This package is now a dependency for the other iOS packages.
  • Updated NETStandard bindings to work with the new Privacy Manager features of the SDK for more detailed feature enablement.

14.2.0 May 22, 2021

Minor release updating to latest Airship SDKs and adding support for live chat.'


  • Updated iOS Airship SDK to 14.4.1
  • Updated Android Airship SDK to 14.4.3
  • Added urbanairship.ios.chat and urbanairship.android.chat packages

14.1.1 February 13, 2021

Minor release to latest Airship SDKs and to fix missing methods in the Android FCM bindings.


  • Updated iOS Airship SDK to 14.2.3
  • Updated Android Airship SDK to 14.1.3
  • Fixed Android binding issues

14.1.0 January 15, 2021

Minor release to support iOS SDK 14.2.1 and Android SDK 14.1.1.' ’' ‘### Changes’ ‘- Added frequency limits support to IAA’ ‘- Added support for advanced IAA segmentation’ ‘- Added a new search event template’ ‘- Added wishlist options to retail event template’ ‘- Added tel: sms: and mailto: to default allow list settings’ ‘- IAA messages no longer redisplay if interrupted due to app termination

14.0.0 September 29, 2020

Major release to support iOS SDK 14.1.2 & Android SDK 14.0.1.


Starting with SDK 14, all landing page and external urls are tested against a URL allow list. The easiest way to go back to 13.x behavior is to add the wildcard symbol * to the array under the URLAllowListScopeOpenURL key in your AirshipConfig.plist for iOS, and urlAllowListScopeOpenUrl = * to the airshipconfig.properties on Android. Config for whitelist has been removed and replaced with:

  • iOS: URLAllowList, Android: urlAllowList
  • iOS: URLAllowListScopeOpenURL, Android: urlAllowListScopeOpenUrl
  • iOS: URLAllowListScopeJavaScriptInterface, Android: `urlAllowListScopeJavaScriptInterface

13.1.0 July 29, 2020

Minor release adding Date and NamedUser attributes as well as ' ‘MessageCenter and Deep Link event support to the .NETStandard libraries,’ ‘and providing a new Xamarin Forms based sample app.’ ’' ‘- Updated Android SDK to 13.3.2’ ‘- Updated iOS SDK to 13.5.2’ ‘- Added Message Center and Deep Link events to the .NETStandard library ' ‘- Added Date and Named user attributes support to the .NETStandard library’ ‘- New sample app written using Xamarin Forms.

13.0.0 April 6, 2020

Major release to support Android SDK 12.2.3 and cross-platform attributes. Android platform now requires compatibility with Jetpack/AndroidX.


  • Updated Android SDK to 12.2.3
  • Migrated Android bindings projects to use AndroidX
  • Added string and number attribute support to Android, iOS and .NETStandard/PCL
  • Added sample content extension to ios-unified sample project

12.0.1 March 23, 2020

Patch addressing a regression in iOS SDK 13.1.0 causing channel tag loss when upgrading from iOS SDK versions prior to 13.0.1. Apps upgrading from xamarin plugin 11.1.0 or below should avoid plugin version 12.0.0 in favor of version 12.0.1.

  • Updated iOS SDK to 13.1.1

12.0.0 March 13, 2020

Major release to support iOS SDK 13.1.


  • Updated iOS SDK to 13.1.0
  • Created new package layout for the new iOS SDK modules:
    • New packages
      • UrbanAirship.iOS.Automation
      • UrbanAirship.iOS.Core
      • UrbanAirship.iOS.ExtendedActions
      • UrbanAirship.iOS.MessageCenter
      • UrbanAirship.iOS.NotificationContentExtension
    • Renamed packages
      • UrbanAirship.iOS.locationkit -> UrbanAirship.iOS.location
      • UrbanAirship.iOS.AppExtensions -> UrbanAirship.iOS.N otificationServicEextension
    • Removed undefined constants from iOS bindings.
    • Changes handling of CustomEvent generics in .NETStandard and PCL libraries.
    • Fixed nupkg installations failing to link with missing symbol errors.
    • Fixed .NETStandard and PCL app crashes when adding a custom event (Airship.Instance.AddCustomEvent())

11.1.0 March 13, 2020

Patch release to fix a bug affecting loss of tags on iOS during app migration to iOS SDK 12.0.0. This patch release fixes the bug by combining previous tags with tags that have been set since the update to iOS SDK 12.0.0. Applications using iOS SDK 12.0.0 should update.


  • Update iOS SDK to 12.1.2

11.0.0 March 13, 2020

  • Update iOS SDK to 12.0.0

10.1.1 March 13, 2020

  • Update Android SDK to 10.1.1
  • Patch release to fix direct open reporting for notifications when an activity is resumed from the background

10.1.0 March 13, 2020

  • Update iOS SDK to 11.1.0
  • Fixed problem with installation of new iOS LocationKit package.

10.0.0 March 13, 2020

  • Update Android SDK to 10.0.2
  • Update iOS SDK to 11.0.0
  • Android GCM support has been removed. Please use FCM instead.
  • Android preference support has been moved to the urbanairship.android.preference package.
  • iOS location support has been moved to the urbanairship.ios.locationkit package.
  • Location support has been removed from the PCL and .NETStandard libraries.

9.4.0 March 13, 2020

Fixed a security issue within Urban Airship SDK, that could allow trusted URL redirects in certain edge cases. Affected package versions include the deprecated urbanairship package 5.0.0 - 5.0.2, the urbanairship.android packages 9.2.0 - 9.5.6, as well as the urbanairship.netstandard and urbanairship.portable packages 9.0.0 - 9.3.3. Apps using any of these should update as soon as possible. For more details, please email [email protected].


  • Update Android SDK to 9.7.2
  • iOS SDK remains at 10.0.3

9.3.2 March 13, 2020

  • Update Android SDK to 9.5.5
  • iOS SDK remains at 10.0.3

9.2.0 March 13, 2020

  • Update iOS SDK to 9.4.0
  • Update Android SDK to 9.5.2

9.0.0 March 13, 2020

  • Updated iOS SDK to 9.1.0
  • Updated Android SDK to 9.2.0.
  • Split urbanairship package into iOS and Android packages. Also moved Android push providers into their own packages. UrbanAirship has been split into:
    • UrbanAirship.iOS (iOS)
    • UrbanAirship.iOS.appextensions (iOS Notification Service Extension)
    • UrbanAirship.Android.Core (Android core functionality)
    • UrbanAirship.Android.ADM (Android ADM Push Provider)
    • UrbanAirship.Android.FCM (Android FCM Push Provider)
    • UrbanAirship.Android.GCM (Android GCM Push Provider)
  • Starting with Version 9 of the Xamarin SDK, the version of the native bindings will track the native SDK version contained in that binding. The cross-platform libraries will be independently versioned.

9.4.1 April 19, 2019

  • Update package references to better support Xamarin 9.x
  • Update Android package dependencies to target API level 28
  • Update Android package to SDK remains at 9.7.1
  • Update iOS SDK to 10.2.2

9.3.3 November 20, 2018

  • Update Android SDK to 9.5.6
  • iOS SDK remains at 10.0.3

9.3.1 November 9, 2018

  • Update iOS SDK to 10.0.3
  • Update Android SDK to 9.5.4

9.3.0 October 4, 2018

  • Update iOS SDK to 10.0.1
  • Android SDK version is still 9.5.2

9.1.0 July 23, 2018

  • Update iOS SDK to 9.3.2
  • Updated Android SDK to 9.4.0