Built-In Interactive Notification Types

Predefined App Buttons

Airship provides a set of standard Interactive Notification types.

The Airship library, along with the custom user notification types, will always register the following set:

TypType IDExamplesDescriptionButton 1 labelB1 IDB1 ForegroundButton 2 labelB2 IDB2 Foreground
Yes or No (Open the app)ua_yes_no_foregroundWould you like to fill out a survey? [Yes] [No]Yes option takes user into the app. No dismisses the notification, but can record a tag.YesyesTRUENonoFALSE
Yes or No (Dismiss notification)ua_yes_no_backgroundWould you receive black friday offers? [Yes] [No]Yes and No options dismiss the notification when clicked, without taking the user into the app.YesyesFALSENonoFALSE
Accept or Decline (Open the app)ua_accept_decline_foregroundWould you like to fill out a survey? [Accept] [Decline]Accept option takes the user into the app. No dismisses the notification, but can record a tag.AcceptacceptTRUEDeclinedeclineFALSE
Accept or Decline (Dismiss notification)ua_accept_decline_backgroundWould you receive black friday offers? [Accept] [Decline]Yes and No options dismiss the notification when clicked, without taking the user into the app.AcceptacceptFALSEDeclinedeclineFALSE
Shop Nowua_shop_now20% off Men’s shoes [Shop now]Shop Now takes user into the app; should be a different location from the notification action. Can also set a tag.Shop Nowshop_nowTRUEn/an/an/a
Buy Nowua_buy_now20% off Men’s shoes [Buy Now]Buy Now takes user into the app; should be a different location from the notification action. Can also set a tag.Buy Nowbuy_nowTRUEn/an/an/a
Folgen Sieua_followNew York City bans the plastic bag. [Follow]Follow sets a tag allowing a user to opt in to receiving more notifications about a story, offer, event, program, etc.Folgen SiefollowFALSEn/an/an/a
Opt-inua_opt_inWould you receive Black Friday offers? [Opt-in]Opt-in sets a tag allowing a user to opt in to receiving more notifications about a story, offer, event, program, etc.Opt-inopt_inFALSEn/an/an/a
Unfollowua_unfollowBlack Friday Furby Boom 80% off Last Chance! [Unfollow]Unfollow sets a tag allowing a user to stop receiving notifications about a story, offer, event, program, etc.UnfollowunfollowFALSEn/an/an/a
Opt-outua_opt_outBlack Friday Furby Boom 80% off Last Chance! [Opt-out]Opt-out sets a tag allowing a user to stop receiving notifications about a story, offer, event, program, etc.Opt-outopt_outFALSEn/an/an/a
Opt-in / Remind Me Laterua_opt_in_remindBlack Friday Furby Boom 80% off Last Chance! [Opt-in] [Remind me later]Encouraging Opted-Out Users to Opting In to a program, feature or option. Remind can set tag for retargeting.Opt-inopt_inNoRemind Me LaterremindNo
Remind Me Laterua_remind_me_laterBlack Friday Furby Boom 80% off Last Chance! [Remind Me Later]Remind Me Later sets a tag that can be used for retargeting a message, e.g. manually or with automationRemind Me LaterremindFALSEn/an/an/a
Tell Me Moreua_more_infoBlack Friday Furby Boom 80% off Last Chance! [Tell me more]Deep link to more details about a specific offer or programTell Me Moremore_infoYes
Downloadua_downloadWeekly wallpaper view of the Grand Canyon [Download]Download deep links users directly to media e.g. wallpaper images, apps, music downloads, file downloads, etc.DownloaddownloadTRUEn/an/an/a
Aktieua_shareObama wins the election! [Share]Pass sharing text through to native OS apps like Facebook and Twitter using the UA Share Action.AktieshareTRUEn/an/an/a
Download / Shareua_download_shareWeekly wallpaper view of the Grand Canyon [Share] [Download]Download deep links users directly to media e.g. wallpaper images, apps, music downloads, file downloads, etc. Share the same media socially.DownloaddownloadTRUEAktieshareTRUE
Remind Me Later / Shareua_remind_shareBlack Friday Furby Boom 80% off Last Chance! [Share] [Remind Me Later]Remind Me Later sets a tag that can be used for retargeting a message, e.g. manually or with automation. See UA Share Action.Remind Me LaterremindFALSEAktieshareTRUE
Opt-in / Shareua_opt_in_shareWould you receive Black Friday offers? [Share] [Opt-in]Opt-in sets a tag allowing a user to opt in to receiving more notifications about a story, offer, event, program, etc. See UA Share Action.Opt-inopt_inFALSEAktieshareTRUE
Opt-out / Shareua_opt_out_shareBlack Friday Furby Boom 80% off Last Chance! [Share] [Opt-out]Opt-out sets a tag allowing a user to stop receiving notifications about a story, offer, event, program, etc. See UA Share Action.Opt-outopt_outFALSEAktieshareTRUE
Follow / Shareua_follow_shareNew York City bans the plastic bag. [Share] [Follow]Follow sets a tag allowing a user to opt in to receiving more notifications about a story, offer, event, program, etc. See UA Share Action.Folgen SiefollowFALSEAktieshareTRUE
Unfollow / Shareua_unfollow_shareBlack Friday Furby Boom 80% off Last Chance! [Share] [Unfollow]Unfollow sets a tag allowing a user to stop receiving notifications about a story, offer, event, program, etc. See UA Share Action.UnfollowunfollowFALSEAktieshareTRUE
Shop Now / Shareua_shop_now_share20% off Men’s shoes [Share] [Shop now]Shop Now takes user into the app; should be a different location from the notification action. Can also set a tag. See UA Share Action.Shop Nowshop_nowTRUEAktieshareTRUE
Buy Now / Shareua_buy_now_share20% off Men’s shoes [Share] [Buy Now]Buy Now takes user into the app; should be a different location from the notification action. Can also set a tag. See UA Share Action.Buy Nowbuy_nowTRUEAktieshareTRUE
More Like This / Less Like Thisua_more_like_less_likeTake 30% off of all Mead notebooks and White Out. [More Like This] [Less Like This]Let users opt in to additional messages of this type. Set tags in the background.More Like Thismore_likeFALSELess Like Thisless_likeFALSE
Like / Dislikeua_like_dislikeJustin Bieber just got a pet poodle in prison and named it Sparky. [Like] [Dislike]Capture user sentiment by recording the # of likes/dislikes of a message. Optionally set tags for retargeting.WielikeFALSEDislikedislikeFALSE
Wieua_likeJustin Bieber just got a pet poodle in prison and named it Sparky. [Like]Capture user sentiment by allowing users to like a message. Optionally set a tag for retargeting.WielikeFALSEn/an/an/a
Like / Shareua_like_shareWeird Al playing at the Moda Center this weekend, last chance to buy tickets. [Like] [Share]Capture user sentiment by allowing users to like a message, or share. Optionally set tags for retargeting.WielikeFALSEAktieshareTRUE
Add to Calendarua_add_calendar_remindAdd David Bowie Look-Alike Contest to your calendar? [Add to calendar]Add a calendar event (.ics file) to the calendar on the phone.Add to Calendaradd_calendarYesRemind Me LaterremindNo
hinzufügenua_addAdd Wesley Willis Tribute Concert ticket to your Wallet now. [Add]Add an item: most frequently a wallet pass or card to your digital WallethinzufügenaddYes
Save / Noua_saveTiger Flees Zoo, Steals Ice Cream Truck! [Save]Save something for future referenceSpeichern SiesaveNo
Follow / Saveua_follow_saveTiger Flees Zoo, Steals Ice Cream Truck! [Follow] [Save]Give customer choice of following a story, which implies opting in to ongoing notifications, vs. merely saving it for future reference.Folgen SiefollowNoSpeichern SiesaveNo
Rate Nowua_rateShow us some love in the app store. [Rate now]Drive users to rate the app in the app store by deep linking from this buttonRate NowrateYes
Rate Now / Remind Me Laterua_rate_remindShow us some love in the app store. [Rate now] [Remind me later]Prompt users to rate app or alternative set tag for retargeting and reminding user to rate at future date.Rate NowrateYesRemind Me LaterremindNo
Sucheua_searchFind a deal on Weird Al plastic Furby shoes? [Search]Deep link to a search functionality within the appSuchesearchYes
Book Nowua_bookRest up for Black Friday! Save your hotel room early. [Book now]Deep link to booking flow within an appBook NowbookYes


You may also assign button labels that render on the device as emoji.


For iOS and devices running Android M or higher, the types will render as emoji as shown below. For older Android versions we use icons instead of emoji.

TypType IDExamplesDescriptionButton 1 labelB1 IDB1 ForegroundButton 2 labelB2 IDB2 Foreground
😄 / 😒ua_icons_happy_sadJustin Bieber just got a pet poodle in prison and named it Sparky. 😄 😒Capture user sentiment by recording the number of happy/sad emotions for a message. Optionally set tags for retargeting.😄happyFALSE😒sadFALSE
👍 / 👎ua_icons_up_downJustin Bieber just got a pet poodle and named it Sparky 👍 👎Capture user sentiment by recording the number of thumbs up or down for a message. Optionally set tags for retargeting.👍upFALSE👎downFALSE