\n \n \n \n header=\"US Population Over Time\"\n place=\"country/USA\"\n variables=\"Count_Person\"\n >\n \n\n","See a live version of this example you can play around with in\nPlayground\n(source).","Components","datacommons-bar","datacommons-highlight","datacommons-gauge","datacommons-map","datacommons-pie","datacommons-ranking","datacommons-scatter","datacommons-slider","Code Playground Examples","Static page with all chart types playground\n(source)","Dynamically updating charts playground\n(source)","Variables and places","Data Commons web components visualize statistical variables about one or more\nplaces. Variables and places are identified by\nData Commons Identifiers, or\nDCIDs.","To find the DCID of a place or variable:","Browse all variables with the\nData Commons Statistical Variable Explorer.","Search for places and variables with the\nData Commons Search page.","Use the Data Commons Knowledge Graph to\nunderstand the relationship between entities.","Finding DCIDs Examples","Example #1: Finding places available for a variable","Inspecting\n","Health / Health Insurance (Household) / No Health Insurance / Households Without Health Insurance","\nshows us that the statistical variable ","Count_Household_NoHealthInsurance"," is\navailable in the ","United States"," (","DCID",": ","country/USA",") at\n","State",", ","County",", and ","City"," levels.","Example #2: Finding place DCIDs","The Knowledge Graph country/USA\npage shows the DCIDs for all US states and territories.","Styling","Custom styles are supported through\nCSS shadow parts.","priority_high","IMPORTANT:","\n Escape forward slashes in ","::part()"," names, like in DCIDs.\n","CSS ","::part","Description","container","Chart container element","All","legend","Chart legend","bar","line","map",",","pie","place-path","Geo boundary","place-path-","Geo boundary for a particular place. Example: ","place-path-geoId\\/12"," *","series","Series data (line, bar, lollipop, etc)",". ","series-place-","Series data for a particular place. Example: ","series-place-geoId\\/12","series-place--variable-","Series data for a particular place and variable. Example: ","series-place-geoId\\/12-variable-Count_Person","series-variable-","Series data for a variable. Example: ","series-place-variable-Count_Person","header","Chart title","subheader","Chart subtitle (if provided in ","slot=\"subheader\"",")","footer","Chart footer (if provided in ","slot=\"footer\"","x-axis","X-axis line","x-axis-text","X-axis label text","x-axis-tick","X-axis tick mark","y-axis-text","Y-Axis label text","y-axis-tick","Y-Axis tick mark","Additionally, the following css variables are supported:","CSS variable","Default","--dc-headings-font-family","Font family for web component headings (","h1"," through ","h6","Google Sans","--dc-font-family","Font family for web component body text","Google Sans Text","Styling Example","License","Apache 2.0","Support","For general questions or issues, please open an issue on our\n","issues"," page. For all other\nquestions, please send an email to ","[email protected]",".","An initiative from","\n Terms and Conditions\n Privacy Policy\n Disclaimers\n "]}

Data Commons Web Components

Embed Data Commons statistical variable observation visualizations in your web application.


Include datacommons.js in your html’s <head>...</head> tag. Then use Data Commons web component tags (e.g. datacommons-line) to add embedded data visualizations.

For example, to embed a line chart:

    <script src="https://datacommons.org/datacommons.js"></script>
      header="US Population Over Time"

See a live version of this example you can play around with in Playground (source).


Code Playground Examples

Variables and places

Data Commons web components visualize statistical variables about one or more places. Variables and places are identified by Data Commons Identifiers, or DCIDs.

To find the DCID of a place or variable:

  1. Browse all variables with the Data Commons Statistical Variable Explorer.

  2. Search for places and variables with the Data Commons Search page.

  3. Use the Data Commons Knowledge Graph to understand the relationship between entities.

Finding DCIDs Examples

Example #1: Finding places available for a variable

Inspecting Health / Health Insurance (Household) / No Health Insurance / Households Without Health Insurance shows us that the statistical variable Count_Household_NoHealthInsurance is available in the United States (DCID: country/USA) at State, County, and City levels.

Example #2: Finding place DCIDs

The Knowledge Graph country/USA page shows the DCIDs for all US states and territories.


Custom styles are supported through CSS shadow parts.

CSS ::part Description Components
container Chart container element All
legend Chart legend bar, line, map,pie
place-path Geo boundary map
place-path-<dcid> Geo boundary for a particular place. Example: place-path-geoId\/12 * map
series Series data (line, bar, lollipop, etc) bar, line. pie
series-place-<dcid> Series data for a particular place. Example: series-place-geoId\/12 * bar, line. pie
series-place-<dcid>-variable-<dcid> Series data for a particular place and variable. Example: series-place-geoId\/12-variable-Count_Person * bar, line
series-variable-<dcid> Series data for a variable. Example: series-place-variable-Count_Person bar, line. pie
header Chart title All
subheader Chart subtitle (if provided in slot="subheader") All
footer Chart footer (if provided in slot="footer") All
x-axis X-axis line bar, line
x-axis-text X-axis label text bar, line
x-axis-tick X-axis tick mark bar, line
y-axis-text Y-Axis label text bar, line
y-axis-tick Y-Axis tick mark bar, line

Additionally, the following css variables are supported:

CSS variable Description Default
--dc-headings-font-family Font family for web component headings (h1 through h6) Google Sans
--dc-font-family Font family for web component body text Google Sans Text

Styling Example

See a live version of this example you can play around with in Playground (source).

      #styled-map {
        --dc-headings-font-family: monospace;
      #styled-map::part(container) {
        border-radius: 10px;
        border: 1px solid #f5f5f5;
        box-shadow: 1px 2px 6px rgba(3, 7, 18, 0.04),
          5px 8px 25px rgba(3, 7, 18, 0.08);
      #styled-map::part(legend) {
        border: 1px solid #e1e1e1;
        padding: 5px 8px;
        border-radius: 10px;
      #styled-map::part(title) {
        font-weight: 200;
        font-size: 16px;
        margin-bottom: 16px;
        color: #111a1b;
      #styled-map::part(place-path) {
        fill: #e9e9e9;
      #styled-map::part(place-path-geoId\/06) {
        fill-opacity: 1;
        fill: #e76f51;
        stroke: #b72a53;
        stroke-width: 2px;
      header="Three most populous US states"


Apache 2.0


For general questions or issues, please open an issue on our issues page. For all other questions, please send an email to [email protected].