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WUNC Drawing Rules
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

WUNC conducts several drawings in conjunction with the station fundraisers. The following rules apply to all drawings on WUNC:

General Rules

1.         No pledge or purchase is necessary to enter and pledging does not increase the chances of winning.

2.         Void where prohibited.

3.         You must be a natural person, eighteen years or older, and a legal resident of the 50 United States (including the District of Columbia) to enter.

4.         One entry per person.

5.         All entries must be complete and accurate to be eligible to win.

6.         By entering, you agree to comply with all applicable law and the rules governing this drawing, and you agree to abide by all decisions of WUNC regarding the administration of this drawing, your eligibility to enter and win, and the interpretation of the rules governing this drawing.

7.         The following rule shall not apply to those drawings that are digital only or will occur at a particular event where attendance is required, and the rules specific to such drawings or events shall instead govern such that NO OTHER FORMS OR METHODS OF ENTRY ARE PERMITTED OTHER THAN THOSE EXPRESSLY SET FORTH IN THE RULES SPECIFIC TO SUCH DRAWINGS. All WUNC “Sustainers,” defined as those individuals who make ongoing monthly donations to WUNC as of the Entry Deadline (as that term is defined below), will be automatically entered into all drawings. For more information on WUNC’s Sustainer program, please visit the following link: others satisfying the qualification criteria set forth in these rules may enter either by (1) making a monetary donation/pledge to WUNC during the pledge drive or campaign that is occurring at the same time as the drawing entry period, (2) filling out the required form on the WUNC website by the Entry Deadline (as that term is defined below), located at, or (3) submitting a drawing-only pledge entry over the phone. In the case of entry by monetary donation/pledge, website form submission, or entry over phone, you will be entered into all currently active drawings at the time of receipt (as defined below in Section 18) of your donation/pledge, website form submission, or entry over phone (as applicable). NO OTHER FORMS OR METHODS OF ENTRY ARE PERMITTED.

8.         Once submitted, entries become the sole property of WUNC and will not be returned.

9.         WUNC personnel, and family members or partners residing with WUNC personnel, are not eligible to win.

10.   For any drawing that includes airfare, the flight must originate in any of the 50 United States.

11.   For any drawing that requires travel:

          the time period or periods established by WUNC during which you may redeem and take your trip are non-negotiable (however WUNC may, in its sole discretion, waive any time limitation on the trip dates due to extenuating circumstances)

          the trip must be booked through WUNC’s designated travel service;

          the trip and all other aspects of the prize are non-transferable and may not be redeemed for cash.

12.   For prizes that include meeting NPR personalities, breaking news may necessitate their absence.

13.   Prizes are not redeemable for cash and are non-transferable. No prize substitution or alteration allowed by winner. WUNC reserves the right to substitute a prize of equal or greater value for any reason in WUNC’s sole discretion if any prize or any component thereof is unavailable for any reason. If the value of any prize turns out to be less than the stated approximate retail value, the difference will not be awarded in cash.

14.   The odds of winning depend on the number of entries.

15.   Each winner is solely responsible for any expenses, taxes, and costs in any way associated with or resulting from winning a prize, including but not limited to personal incidental items, ground transportation, taxes, surcharges, food, beverage, recreational activities, souvenirs, gratuities, and licenses.

16.   WUNC will attempt to notify each potential winner through some or all of the contact information indicated on or by that potential winner’s entry, and WUNC is not responsible for incomplete, incomprehensible, illegible, incorrect, or out-of-service contact information. Each potential winner must be currently residing in the 50 United States (including the District of Columbia) to be eligible to collect the prize. For any prize collected via mail, WUNC will only deliver such prizes to valid mailing addresses located within the 50 United States (including the District of Columbia). If a potential winner is unable to collect a prize, violates any of these rules, or does not respond within 15 days to WUNC’s notification that he or she has been selected as a potential winner, the potential winner irrevocably forfeits the prize(s) and WUNC may, in its sole discretion, award the prize(s) to another potential winner.

17.   WUNC will not verify receipt of entries. Incomplete entries are void. WUNC is not responsible for lost, late, incomplete, illegible, destroyed, misdirected, or invalid entries, or for technical or administrative issues that interfere with WUNC’s receipt of an attempted entry, and all such entries are void. Mechanically generated entries are void. Entries generated by any automated means, including but not limited to entries generated by use of bots, macros, or scripts, are void.

18.   An entry is deemed “received” when, as applicable, it is recorded by WUNC’s servers or at the end time of an eligible call to the WUNC pledge line. Proof of submission is not and will not be deemed to be proof of receipt by WUNC.

19.   Each potential winner will be required to sign WUNC’s affidavit of eligibility and identification and additional tax and other forms, where applicable, in order to be eligible to receive prize.

20.   WUNC reserves the right to change, alter, or amend these rules as necessary, in its sole discretion, to ensure the fair administration of the drawing or to comply with applicable law. You agree that WUNC has the right but not any responsibility to enforce these rules, and that failure by WUNC to enforce any provision of these rules shall not constitute a waiver of that provision.

             The following specific rules, together with the foregoing general rules, govern WUNC’s Spring 2024 Drive drawings:

22.   WUNC’s 2024 Summer Campaign begins at 12:01 AM ET on August 5, 2024 and ends at 11:59 PM ET on August 30, 2024. (the “Campaign Period”). Entry deadlines are set forth below that apply to Additional Prizes (as those terms are defined below). All WUNC “Sustainers,” defined as those individuals who make ongoing monthly donations to WUNC as of the end of the Campaign Period will be automatically entered into all drawings. For more information on WUNC’s Sustainer program, please visit the following link: All others satisfying the qualification criteria set forth in these rules may enter either by (1) making a monetary donation/pledge to WUNC during the 2023 Summer Campaign, (2) by filling out the required form on the WUNC website, located at, or (3) by submitting a drawing-only pledge entry over the phone. In the case of entry by monetary donation/pledge, website form submission, or entry over phone, you will be entered into all currently active drawings at the time of receipt (as defined above in Section 18) of your donation/pledge, website form submission, or entry over phone (as applicable). NO OTHER FORMS OR METHODS OF ENTRY ARE PERMITTED.

23.   Once submitted, entries become the sole property of WUNC and will not be returned.

24.   WUNC personnel, and family members or partners residing with WUNC personnel, are not eligible to win.

25.   Prizes are not redeemable for cash and are non-transferable.

26.   The odds of winning depend on the number of entries.

27.   Potential winners will be selected by random drawing within 30 days of the end of the Campaign Period.

28.   Each winner is solely responsible for any expenses, taxes, and costs in any way associated with or resulting from winning a prize or prizes.

29.   WUNC will attempt to notify each potential winner through some or all of the contact information indicated on or by potential winner’s entry, and WUNC is not responsible for incomplete, incomprehensible, illegible, incorrect, or out-of-service contact information. Each potential winner must be currently residing in the 50 United States (including the District of Columbia) to be eligible to collect the prize. For any prize collected via mail, WUNC will only deliver such prizes to valid mailing addresses located within the 50 United States (including the District of Columbia). If a potential winner is unable to collect the prize or prizes (as applicable), violates any of these rules, or does not respond within 15 days to WUNC’s notification that he or she has been selected as a potential winner, the potential winner irrevocably forfeits the prize or prizes and WUNC may, in its sole discretion, award the prize or prizes to another potential winner or winners (as applicable).

30.   WUNC will not verify receipt of entries. Incomplete entries are void. WUNC is not responsible for lost, late, incomplete, illegible, destroyed, misdirected, or invalid entries, or for technical or administrative issues that interfere with WUNC’s receipt of an attempted entry, and all such entries are void. Mechanically generated entries are void. Entries generated by any automated means, including but not limited to entries generated by use of bots, macros, or scripts, are void.

31.   An entry is deemed “received” when, as applicable, it is recorded by WUNC’s servers or at the end time of an eligible call to the WUNC pledge line. Proof of submission is not and will not be deemed to be proof of receipt by WUNC.

32.   Potential winners will be required to sign WUNC’s affidavit of eligibility and identification and additional tax and other forms, where applicable, in order to be eligible to receive any prize.

33. The WUNC 2024 Summer Campaign Drawing Prizes are:

34.   “Trip of Your Choice” prizes provide the winner with the opportunity to select various aspects of a trip of the winner’s choosing, subject to the requirements and limitations set out in these rules, including that the trip must be booked through WUNC’s designated travel service and the trip and all other aspects of the prize are non-transferable and may not be redeemed for cash, and subject to any additional requirements and limitations further established by WUNC from time to time. You must redeem any Trip of Your Choice and/or Getaway Package and take your trip within the following time period: 3 years from the date on which WUNC first attempts to notify you that you are a potential winner.

35.   If the value of the prize  turns out to be less than the stated approximate retail value, the difference will not be awarded in cash. Trip of Your Choice and Additional Prizes are non-transferable and may not be redeemed for cash. No prize substitutions or alterations allowed by winner. WUNC reserves the right to substitute another prize of equal or greater value for any reason in WUNC’s sole discretion if any component of any prize is unavailable for any reason. A winner must claim prize by providing to WUNC a valid mailing address within the 50 United States (including the District of Columbia) where the winner can receive Additional Prize within sixty days after the date on which WUNC sends to the winner the affidavit of eligibility and identification and additional forms, otherwise Additional Prize is forfeited. WUNC is not responsible for loss, destruction, damage, or other harm to any prize caused by or relating to the mailing of the prize. Each winner is responsible for all taxes, expenses, and fees associated with or in any way related to prize to be awarded to winner. If the winner is unwilling or unable to assume the costs associated with prize, including the tax liabilities associated with prize, prize is deemed forfeited. Prizes are non-transferable and may not be redeemed for cash.

37.   WUNC reserves the right to change, alter, or amend these rules as necessary, in its sole discretion, to ensure the fair administration of the drawing or to comply with applicable law. You agree that WUNC has the right but not any responsibility to enforce these rules, and that failure by WUNC to enforce any provision of these rules shall not constitute a waiver of that provision.