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History Unfolded Reader Feedback
Thank you for taking the time to give us feedback on the History Unfolded website. We would love for you to share your thoughts so we can deliver the best experience possible.
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Which of the following groups do you
identify yourself with?
I am a student at a middle, high school, or secondary school.
I am an instructor at a middle, high school, or secondary school.
I am a student at a college or university.
I am an instructor or academic researcher at a college or university.
I am a librarian or work at a library.
I am an author, filmmaker, or work in the media.
I work at an organization related to the Holocaust and/or genocide.
I have a personal connection to the Holocaust and/or genocide.
I have a general interest in history or the Holocaust.
If you would like to talk about a specific page, please paste the URL here.
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Please share your feedback here. We want to hear about how you are using the site as well as what you like, don't like, and what you think might be missing.
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Please leave your email address if you are open to being contacted by the Museum. This may include a response to your comments on this form or requests for feedback about our other digital resources.
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