BFF Omaha Event Experience Survey
Thank you for completing BFF's Event Experience survey!   (only takes 1-2 mins to complete!)
Your response helps BFF improve our events and better understand our audience.
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Zip code *
Do you live in Omaha? *
2. Choose the age range(s) for member's of your  party. (choose all that apply) *
3.  How did you hear about BFF? (choose all that apply) *
4.  How many times have you attended a BFF event? *
5.  What do you enjoy most about BFF events (choose all that apply) *
6.  Would you agree with this statement: "I have experienced or learned something new while at a BFF event." *
7.  I would like to sign up for BFF's monthly e-newsletter by providing my email address, below.
8.  Do you have any suggestions or ideas for BFF events?
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