2023 - 2024 LEGISLATURE
September 19, 2023 - Introduced by Representatives J. Anderson, Allen, Baldeh,
Cabrera, Conley, Goeben, Joers, Moore Omokunde, Ortiz-Velez, Palmeri,
Ratcliff, Sinicki, Snodgrass, Stubbs, Subeck and Jacobson, cosponsored by
Senators Spreitzer, Carpenter, Hesselbein and Larson. Referred to
Committee on Consumer Protection.
AB417,1,2 1An Act to create 134.495 of the statutes; relating to: automatic renewals of
2consumer contracts and providing a penalty.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
This bill requires a person making a renewal offer, which is defined in the bill
to mean a plan or arrangement for consumer goods or services offered to a consumer
in which a subscription or purchasing agreement either continues until the
consumer cancels or is automatically renewed at the end of a definite term for a
subsequent term, to do all of the following:
1. Present the terms of the renewal offer clearly and conspicuously, in a manner
capable of being retained by the consumer.
2. If the renewal offer includes a free gift or trial, present in the renewal offer
a clear and conspicuous explanation of the price that will be charged after the trial
ends or the manner in which the subscription or purchasing agreement pricing will
change upon conclusion of the trial.
3. Refrain from charging a consumer for a renewal offer without the consumer's
affirmative consent to the renewal offer terms.
4. Provide to the consumer certain acknowledgements, including the renewal
offer terms, the cancellation policy, the available methods for cancellation, and
information regarding how to cancel in a manner that is capable of being retained
by the consumer.
5. Provide easy-to-use mechanisms for the consumer to cancel a renewal offer,
including giving consumers who accept a renewal offer online the opportunity to
terminate the renewal offer provisions online.

6. Provide to consumers notice of any material change in the terms of a
previously accepted renewal offer.
7. Under certain circumstances, provide certain notices to a consumer before
the renewal offer automatically renews or continues for a subsequent term.
The bill also requires that any goods, wares, merchandise, or products sent to
a consumer under a renewal offer without having first obtained the consumer's
affirmative consent shall be considered an unconditional gift to the consumer.
The bill gives the Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection
the ability to investigate violations and commence an action to restrain by injunction
violations and permits the department and any district attorney to commence
actions to recover forfeitures for a violation of the bill's provisions. Individuals
aggrieved by a violation of the bill may also bring a private civil action against the
violating person.
For further information see the state fiscal estimate, which will be printed as
an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
AB417,1 1Section 1. 134.495 of the statutes is created to read:
AB417,2,3 2134.495 Automatic renewal offers in consumer contracts. (1)
3Definitions. In this section:
AB417,2,54 (a) “Clear and conspicuous” or “clearly and conspicuously” means any of the
AB417,2,96 1. In larger type than the surrounding text, or in contrasting type, font, or color
7to the surrounding text of the same size, or set off from the surrounding text of the
8same size by symbols or other marks, in a manner that clearly calls attention to the
AB417,2,1110 2. In the case of an audio disclosure, in a volume and cadence sufficient to be
11readily understandable.
AB417,2,1212 (b) “Consumer” has the meaning given in s. 100.195 (1) (b).
1(c) “Consumer goods or services" means goods or services that are used or
2intended for use for personal, family, or household purposes. “Consumer goods or
3services" does not include any of the following:
AB417,3,54 1. The treatment of disease, as defined in s. 448.01 (2), by a health care provider,
5as defined in s. 155.01 (7), or the provision of emergency medical care.
AB417,3,76 2. Goods or services whose delivery is required by law even though the
7consumer has not agreed to purchase or lease those goods or services.
AB417,3,98 3. The sale or lease of a motor vehicle by a licensed motor vehicle dealer, as
9defined in s. 218.0101 (23) (a).
AB417,3,1010 4. Services provided pursuant to an attorney-client relationship.
AB417,3,1411 (d) “Renewal offer” means a plan or arrangement for consumer goods or
12services offered to a consumer in which a subscription or purchasing agreement
13either continues until the consumer cancels or is automatically renewed at the end
14of a definite term for a subsequent term.
AB417,3,1615 (e) “Renewal offer terms” means the following clear and conspicuous
AB417,3,1817 1. That the subscription or purchasing agreement will automatically renew or
18continue until the consumer cancels.
AB417,3,1919 2. The complete cancellation policy that applies to the renewal offer.
AB417,3,2320 3. The recurring charges that will be charged to the consumer's credit card,
21debit card, or payment account with a 3rd party as part of the renewal offer, and if
22applicable and known, that the amount of the charge may change and how much the
23amount of the charge will change.
14. The length of the renewal offer's automatic renewal term and whether the
2length of the automatic renewal term has been chosen by the consumer, or that the
3renewal offer will continue until the consumer cancels.
AB417,4,44 5. The minimum purchase obligation, if any.
AB417,4,6 5(2) Renewal offer requirements. A person that makes a renewal offer to a
6consumer shall do all of the following:
AB417,4,137 (a) Present the renewal offer terms in a clear and conspicuous manner before
8the subscription or purchasing agreement is fulfilled and in visual proximity, or in
9the case of a renewal offer conveyed by voice in temporal proximity, to the request
10for consent to the renewal offer. If the renewal offer includes a free trial, the renewal
11offer shall include a clear and conspicuous explanation of the price that will be
12charged after the trial ends or the manner in which the subscription or purchasing
13agreement pricing will change upon conclusion of the trial.
AB417,4,1714 (b) Before charging the consumer's credit card, debit card, or payment account
15with a 3rd party, obtain the consumer's affirmative consent to the renewal offer and
16the renewal offer terms, including any term of a renewal offer that is made at a
17promotional or discounted price for a limited period.
AB417,4,2418 (c) Provide to the consumer an acknowledgement that includes the renewal
19offer terms, cancellation policy, the available mechanisms for cancellation described
20under sub. (4), and information regarding how to cancel in a manner that is capable
21of being retained by the consumer. If the renewal offer includes a free gift or trial,
22the person shall also disclose in the acknowledgement under this paragraph how the
23consumer may cancel, and allow the consumer to cancel, the renewal offer before the
24customer is charged or pays.
1(3) Required notices. (a) 1. For the purpose of this paragraph, “free gift” does
2not include a free promotional item or gift that differs from the consumer good or
3service that is the subject of the renewal offer.
AB417,5,84 2. Except as provided under subd. 4., if the consumer accepted under the
5renewal offer a free gift or trial lasting for more than 31 days or a promotional or a
6discounted price and the applicability of that price was for more than 31 days, the
7person that made the renewal offer shall provide the consumer with a notice that
8clearly and conspicuously states all of the following:
AB417,5,109 a. That the renewal offer will automatically renew or continue unless the
10consumer cancels.
AB417,5,1111 b. The length and any additional terms of the renewal period.
AB417,5,1212 c. One or more methods by which a consumer can cancel the renewal offer.
AB417,5,1613 d. If the notice is sent electronically, either a web page link that directs the
14consumer to the cancellation process, or another reasonably accessible electronic
15method that directs the consumer to the cancellation process if no web page link
AB417,5,1717 e. Contact information for the person that made the renewal offer.
AB417,5,2118 3. The person that made the renewal offer shall provide the notice required
19under subd. 2. to the consumer at least 3 days, and not more than 21 days, before the
20expiration of the predetermined period for which the free gift or trial or promotional
21or discounted price applies.