2023 - 2024 LEGISLATURE
January 12, 2024 - Introduced by Representatives Myers, Drake, Madison,
Considine, Conley, Moore Omokunde, Snodgrass, Sinicki, Clancy, Joers,
Ohnstad, Shelton, C. Anderson, Emerson, Stubbs, J. Anderson, Jacobson,
Palmeri, Neubauer and Riemer, cosponsored by Senators Taylor, L. Johnson,
Roys, Larson and Hesselbein. Referred to Committee on Criminal Justice
and Public Safety.
AJR102,1,2 1To amend section 2 of article I of the constitution; relating to: slavery or
2involuntary servitude in punishment of a crime (first consideration).
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
The Wisconsin Constitution prohibits slavery and involuntary servitude, but
the constitution includes an exception to that prohibition if the slavery or
involuntary servitude is imposed as punishment for a crime for which an individual
has been duly convicted. This constitutional amendment, proposed to the 2023
legislature on first consideration, eliminates that exception. Under this
constitutional amendment, slavery and involuntary servitude are prohibited
without exception.
A proposed constitutional amendment requires adoption by two successive
legislatures, and ratification by the people, before it becomes effective.
AJR102,1,3 3Resolved by the assembly, the senate concurring, That:
AJR102,1 4Section 1 . Section 2 of article I of the constitution is amended to read:
AJR102,1,75 [Article I] Section 2. There shall be neither slavery, nor involuntary servitude
6in this state, otherwise than for the punishment of crime, whereof the party shall
7have been duly convicted
1Be it further resolved, That this proposed amendment be referred to the
2legislature to be chosen at the next general election and that it be published for three
3months previous to the time of holding such election.
AJR102,2,44 (End)