2023 - 2024 LEGISLATURE
December 26, 2023 - Introduced by Senators Taylor, Larson, Hesselbein and L.
, cosponsored by Representatives Subeck, Sinicki, J. Anderson,
Andraca, Emerson, Conley, Considine, Bare, Cabrera, Jacobson, Joers,
Ohnstad, Palmeri, Ratcliff, Shelton, Stubbs and Haywood. Referred to
Committee on Judiciary and Public Safety.
SB863,1,3 1An Act to amend 165.83 (2) (d), 175.37 (title) and 175.37 (2); and to create
2165.83 (2) (dd), 175.36 and 175.37 (1m) of the statutes; relating to: a
3requirement to report lost or stolen firearms and providing a penalty.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
Under this bill, a person who owns a firearm that is stolen or missing must
report the theft or loss to a law enforcement agency within 24 hours of discovering
the theft or loss. A person who violates this requirement is guilty of a Class A
misdemeanor for a first offense and guilty of a Class I felony for a subsequent offense.
A person who falsely reports a stolen or lost firearm is guilty of the current-law crime
of obstructing an officer and is subject to a fine of up to $10,000 or a sentence of
imprisonment of up to nine months, or both.
This bill also requires a person who commercially sells or transfers a firearm
to provide the purchaser or transferee a written notice of the requirement, created
in this bill, to report a theft or loss of a firearm within 24 hours of discovering it. A
seller or transferor who violates this requirement is subject to a fine of up to $500 or
imprisonment for up to 30 days, or both.
Because this bill creates a new crime or revises a penalty for an existing crime,
the Joint Review Committee on Criminal Penalties may be requested to prepare a

For further information see the state and local fiscal estimate, which will be
printed as an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
SB863,1 1Section 1. 165.83 (2) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB863,2,32 165.83 (2) (d) Obtain Except as provided in par. (dd), obtain and file
3information relating to identifiable stolen or lost property.
SB863,2 4Section 2 . 165.83 (2) (dd) of the statutes is created to read:
SB863,2,105 165.83 (2) (dd) 1. If a law enforcement agency forwards a file under s. 175.36
6(2) (a) 2. to the department, enter the information into the national crime
7information center systems and put the file in a database that is created for stolen
8or lost firearms and make the database available to law enforcement agencies for the
9purpose of locating and identifying stolen or lost firearms and identifying violators
10of s. 175.36 (1).
SB863,2,1411 2. If a law enforcement agency notifies the department under s. 175.36 (2) (b)
12that a stolen or lost firearm has been recovered, enter that information into the
13national crime information center systems and add to the database a notation that
14the firearm has been recovered and the date on which it was recovered.
SB863,3 15Section 3 . 175.36 of the statutes is created to read:
SB863,2,19 16175.36 Reporting stolen or lost firearm. (1) (a) A person who owns a
17firearm and who discovers that the firearm is stolen or lost shall, within 24 hours of
18the discovery, report the theft or loss to a law enforcement agency that has
19jurisdiction over the area in which the firearm was stolen or lost.
1(b) If a person who has reported a theft or loss under par. (a) recovers the
2firearm, the person shall report as soon as practicable to a law enforcement agency
3the date on which the firearm was recovered.
SB863,3,5 4(2) (a) A law enforcement agency that receives under sub. (1) (a) a report of a
5stolen or lost firearm shall do all of the following:
SB863,3,96 1. Create a file that includes, if known, the date on which the firearm was stolen
7or lost; the caliber, make, and model of the firearm; the serial number of the firearm;
8any distinguishing mark on the firearm; and the location at which the firearm was
9purchased by, or transferred to, the person making the report under sub. (1) (a).
SB863,3,1110 2. As soon as practicable, forward a copy of the file created under subd. 1. to the
11department of justice for inclusion in a database under s. 165.83 (2) (dd).
SB863,3,1412 (b) A law enforcement agency that receives under sub. (1) (b) a report of a
13recovered firearm shall report to the department of justice the date on which the
14firearm was recovered.
SB863,3,16 15(3) A person who reports under sub. (1) (a) a stolen or lost firearm, when he or
16she knows that the report is false, is guilty of violating s. 946.41.
SB863,3,17 17(4) A person who violates sub. (1) (a) is guilty of one of the following:
SB863,3,1818 (a) For a first offense, a Class A misdemeanor.
SB863,3,1919 (b) For a 2nd or subsequent offense, a Class I felony.
SB863,4 20Section 4 . 175.37 (title) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB863,3,21 21175.37 (title) Warning Requirements whenever transferring a firearm.
SB863,5 22Section 5 . 175.37 (1m) of the statutes is created to read:
SB863,3,2523 175.37 (1m) Upon the retail commercial sale or transfer of a firearm, the seller
24or transferor shall provide to the buyer or transferee a written notice of the
25requirements under s. 175.36 (1) and of the penalties under s. 175.36 (4).
1Section 6. 175.37 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB863,4,32 175.37 (2) Any person who violates sub. (1) or (1m) may be fined not more than
3$500 or imprisoned for not more than 30 days or both.
SB863,7 4Section 7. Initial applicability.
SB863,4,65 (1) Lost or stolen firearms. The treatment of s. 175.36 (1) (a) first applies to
6discoveries of stolen or lost firearms made on the effective date of this subsection.
SB863,4,87 (2) Requirements when transferring firearm. The treatment of s. 175.37 (1m)
8first applies to sales and transfers that occur on the effective date of this subsection.
SB863,4,99 (End)