United States Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Statistics Service ISSN: 0748- 0318 Meat Animals Production, Disposition, and Income 2017 Summary April 2018 Contents Summary................................................................................ 5 Meat Animals Production and Income - United States: 2016 and 2017...................... 5 Cattle and Calves Inventory, Supply, and Disposition - States and United States: 2016.. 6 Cattle and Calves Inventory, Supply, and Disposition - States and United States: 2017.. 8 Cattle and Calves Production and Income - States and United States: 2016............... 10 Cattle and Calves Production and Income - States and United States: 2017............... 11 Hogs and Pigs Inventory, Supply, and Disposition - States and United States: 2016...... 12 Hogs and Pigs Inventory, Supply, and Disposition - States and United States: 2017...... 14 Hogs and Pigs Production and Income - States and United States: 2016................... 16 Hogs and Pigs Production and Income - States and United States: 2017................... 17 Statistical Methodology................................................................ 18 Terms and Definitions.................................................................. 18 Information Contacts................................................................... 19 This page intentionally left blank Summary Total 2017 production of cattle and calves and hogs and pigs for the United States totaled 81.7 billion pounds, up 4 percent from 2016. Production increased 4 percent for cattle and calves and 3 percent for hogs and pigs. Total 2017 cash receipts from marketings of meat animals increased 7 percent to $88.4 billion. Cattle and calves accounted for 76 percent of this total and hogs and pigs accounted for 24 percent. The 2017 gross income from cattle and calves and hogs and pigs for the United States totaled $88.9 billion, up 7 percent from 2016. Gross income increased 6 percent for cattle and calves and 11 percent for hogs and pigs from previous year's gross income. Cattle and Calves: Cash receipts from marketings of cattle and calves increased 6 percent from $63.7 billion in 2016 to $67.4 billion in 2017. All cattle and calf marketings totaled 57.4 billion pounds in 2017, up 6 percent from 2016. Hogs and Pigs: Cash receipts from hogs and pigs totaled $21.1 billion during 2017, up 11 percent from 2016. Marketings totaled 38.1 billion pounds in 2017, up 3 percent from 2016. Meat Animals Production and Income - United States: 2016 and 2017 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Year : Production : Marketings : Value of : Cash receipts :Value of home: Gross : : : production : : consumption : income ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : -- million pounds -- ------------------ million dollars ----------------- : 2016 ..........: 78,643 91,006 65,947 82,711 501 83,213 2017 ..........: 81,652 95,525 69,439 88,424 481 88,906 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cattle and Calves Inventory, Supply, and Disposition - States and United States: 2016 [Balance sheet estimates by State; the sum of inventory January 1, 2016, calf crop, and inshipments is equal to the sum of marketings, farm slaughter, deaths, and inventory January 1, 2017] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : : : : Marketings 1/ State : Inventory : Calf : Inshipments :--------------------------- :January 1, 2016: crop : : Cattle : Calves --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : 1,000 head : Alabama .......: 1,250.0 600.0 5.0 441.0 64.0 Alaska ........: 11.0 4.0 0.4 1.2 0.1 Arizona .......: 900.0 320.0 379.0 485.5 101.5 Arkansas ......: 1,700.0 780.0 150.0 589.0 222.0 California ....: 5,150.0 1,850.0 640.0 1,852.0 401.0 Colorado ......: 2,700.0 830.0 1,500.0 1,965.5 101.5 Connecticut ...: 49.0 18.5 0.9 9.8 8.1 Delaware ......: 16.0 6.0 1.1 4.2 1.9 Florida .......: 1,680.0 810.0 51.0 222.0 560.5 Georgia .......: 1,100.0 490.0 24.0 256.0 201.0 : Hawaii ........: 140.0 59.0 - 14.8 36.0 Idaho .........: 2,390.0 930.0 450.0 1,135.0 175.0 Illinois ......: 1,180.0 410.0 115.0 349.0 80.0 Indiana .......: 890.0 340.0 105.0 288.0 117.0 Iowa ..........: 3,950.0 1,090.0 1,360.0 2,217.0 101.5 Kansas ........: 6,250.0 1,480.0 3,705.0 4,809.0 4.0 Kentucky ......: 2,170.0 980.0 31.0 491.0 408.0 Louisiana .....: 770.0 350.0 2.0 121.0 185.0 Maine .........: 81.0 32.0 2.7 11.6 15.6 Maryland ......: 190.0 68.0 5.0 50.1 19.0 : Massachusetts .: 38.0 17.0 0.9 7.0 8.6 Michigan ......: 1,140.0 410.0 81.0 338.0 41.0 Minnesota .....: 2,420.0 800.0 560.0 1,122.0 108.5 Mississippi ...: 940.0 380.0 12.0 263.0 134.0 Missouri ......: 4,100.0 1,890.0 160.0 771.0 843.0 Montana .......: 2,650.0 1,450.0 140.0 1,360.0 151.0 Nebraska ......: 6,450.0 1,700.0 5,010.0 6,405.0 89.0 Nevada ........: 435.0 200.0 105.0 191.0 85.0 New Hampshire .: 35.0 13.5 0.7 6.0 6.5 New Jersey ....: 28.0 9.5 1.2 4.6 5.0 : New Mexico ....: 1,370.0 610.0 380.0 771.5 101.0 New York ......: 1,460.0 560.0 24.0 175.0 296.5 North Carolina : 800.0 370.0 7.0 191.0 125.5 North Dakota ..: 1,710.0 910.0 115.0 749.5 105.2 Ohio ..........: 1,250.0 480.0 50.0 401.0 25.0 Oklahoma ......: 4,800.0 1,870.0 1,000.0 2,102.0 339.5 Oregon ........: 1,310.0 640.0 140.0 500.0 204.0 Pennsylvania ..: 1,600.0 560.0 55.0 323.0 202.2 Rhode Island ..: 5.0 2.2 0.2 1.4 1.0 South Carolina : 340.0 148.0 8.0 126.3 15.7 : South Dakota ..: 3,900.0 1,690.0 625.0 1,757.0 460.0 Tennessee .....: 1,830.0 840.0 33.0 485.0 304.0 Texas .........: 11,800.0 4,250.0 2,370.0 5,325.0 252.5 Utah ..........: 840.0 380.0 100.0 426.5 36.0 Vermont .......: 260.0 105.0 4.2 35.1 61.2 Virginia ......: 1,490.0 650.0 10.5 334.5 225.5 Washington ....: 1,150.0 430.0 156.0 533.0 6.0 West Virginia .: 390.0 200.0 20.0 108.0 77.5 Wisconsin .....: 3,500.0 1,420.0 143.0 905.0 402.7 Wyoming .......: 1,310.0 660.0 250.0 716.0 135.5 : United States .: 91,918.0 35,092.7 20,088.8 41,746.1 7,650.8 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- See footnote(s) at end of table. --continued Cattle and Calves Inventory, Supply, and Disposition - States and United States: 2016 (continued) [Balance sheet estimates by State; the sum of inventory January 1, 2016, calf crop, and inshipments is equal to the sum of marketings, farm slaughter, deaths, and inventory January 1, 2017] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : : Deaths : State : Farm :-------------------------------: Inventory : slaughter 2/ : Cattle : Calves :January 1, 2017 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : 1,000 head : Alabama .......: 2.0 21.0 27.0 1,300.0 Alaska ........: 0.2 0.4 0.5 13.0 Arizona .......: 1.0 23.0 18.0 970.0 Arkansas ......: 1.0 30.0 38.0 1,750.0 California ....: 7.0 95.0 135.0 5,150.0 Colorado ......: 1.0 57.0 55.0 2,850.0 Connecticut ...: 0.4 1.1 1.0 48.0 Delaware ......: 0.3 0.3 0.4 16.0 Florida .......: 1.5 25.0 32.0 1,700.0 Georgia .......: 2.0 20.0 25.0 1,110.0 : Hawaii ........: 0.2 2.5 3.5 142.0 Idaho .........: 4.0 41.0 45.0 2,370.0 Illinois ......: 7.0 18.0 31.0 1,220.0 Indiana .......: 4.0 15.0 21.0 890.0 Iowa ..........: 1.5 70.0 110.0 3,900.0 Kansas ........: 2.0 145.0 75.0 6,400.0 Kentucky ......: 3.0 41.0 68.0 2,170.0 Louisiana .....: 1.0 17.0 18.0 780.0 Maine .........: 0.3 1.7 2.5 84.0 Maryland ......: 0.5 3.4 4.0 186.0 : Massachusetts .: 0.3 1.0 1.0 38.0 Michigan ......: 3.0 24.0 45.0 1,180.0 Minnesota .....: 5.5 46.0 88.0 2,410.0 Mississippi ...: 2.0 20.0 23.0 890.0 Missouri ......: 6.0 65.0 115.0 4,350.0 Montana .......: 2.0 22.0 55.0 2,650.0 Nebraska ......: 1.0 130.0 85.0 6,450.0 Nevada ........: 1.0 6.0 12.0 445.0 New Hampshire .: 0.2 0.7 0.8 35.0 New Jersey ....: 0.1 0.5 0.5 28.0 : New Mexico ....: 1.5 21.0 35.0 1,430.0 New York ......: 2.5 28.0 42.0 1,500.0 North Carolina : 1.5 10.0 19.0 830.0 North Dakota ..: 1.3 17.0 42.0 1,820.0 Ohio ..........: 5.0 20.0 29.0 1,300.0 Oklahoma ......: 3.5 95.0 130.0 5,000.0 Oregon ........: 6.0 20.0 40.0 1,320.0 Pennsylvania ..: 7.8 28.0 34.0 1,620.0 Rhode Island ..: 0.1 0.1 0.2 4.6 South Carolina : 2.0 6.0 6.0 340.0 : South Dakota ..: 1.0 65.0 82.0 3,850.0 Tennessee .....: 3.0 34.0 47.0 1,830.0 Texas .........: 7.5 305.0 230.0 12,300.0 Utah ..........: 1.5 13.0 23.0 820.0 Vermont .......: 0.9 5.0 7.0 260.0 Virginia ......: 3.5 22.0 45.0 1,520.0 Washington ....: 6.0 20.0 21.0 1,150.0 West Virginia .: 1.5 7.0 11.0 405.0 Wisconsin .....: 5.3 65.0 135.0 3,550.0 Wyoming .......: 0.5 12.0 26.0 1,330.0 : United States .: 122.9 1,735.7 2,139.4 93,704.6 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Represents zero. 1/ Includes custom slaughter for use on farms where produced and State outshipments, but excludes interfarm sales within the State. 2/ Excludes custom slaughter for farmers at commercial establishments. Cattle and Calves Inventory, Supply, and Disposition - States and United States: 2017 [Balance sheet estimates by State; the sum of inventory January 1, 2017, calf crop, and inshipments is equal to the sum of marketings, farm slaughter, deaths, and inventory January 1, 2018] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : : : : Marketings 1/ State : Inventory : Calf : Inshipments :--------------------------- :January 1, 2017: crop : : Cattle : Calves --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : 1,000 head : Alabama .......: 1,300.0 630.0 12.0 475.0 75.0 Alaska ........: 13.0 4.5 0.3 2.3 0.1 Arizona .......: 970.0 310.0 415.0 550.0 100.5 Arkansas ......: 1,750.0 790.0 155.0 627.0 238.0 California ....: 5,150.0 1,880.0 675.0 1,952.0 316.0 Colorado ......: 2,850.0 830.0 1,571.0 2,174.0 100.5 Connecticut ...: 48.0 17.5 2.3 8.0 7.5 Delaware ......: 16.0 7.0 1.1 3.7 2.3 Florida .......: 1,700.0 790.0 37.0 229.0 610.5 Georgia .......: 1,110.0 480.0 15.0 283.0 206.0 : Hawaii ........: 142.0 60.0 - 11.3 42.0 Idaho .........: 2,370.0 960.0 440.0 1,105.0 163.0 Illinois ......: 1,220.0 420.0 110.0 462.0 82.0 Indiana .......: 890.0 340.0 115.0 317.0 117.0 Iowa ..........: 3,900.0 1,090.0 1,695.0 2,396.5 101.5 Kansas ........: 6,400.0 1,430.0 3,840.0 5,129.0 4.0 Kentucky ......: 2,170.0 990.0 38.0 505.5 425.5 Louisiana .....: 780.0 370.0 2.0 118.0 181.0 Maine .........: 84.0 30.0 3.1 16.2 14.5 Maryland ......: 186.0 70.0 5.5 38.5 21.3 : Massachusetts .: 38.0 17.0 0.9 7.3 8.5 Michigan ......: 1,180.0 410.0 55.0 375.0 41.0 Minnesota .....: 2,410.0 790.0 655.0 1,261.0 105.5 Mississippi ...: 890.0 400.0 12.0 214.0 112.0 Missouri ......: 4,350.0 2,000.0 160.0 977.0 892.0 Montana .......: 2,650.0 1,480.0 113.0 1,444.5 160.5 Nebraska ......: 6,450.0 1,700.0 5,560.0 6,607.0 92.0 Nevada ........: 445.0 220.0 104.0 196.0 89.0 New Hampshire .: 35.0 13.5 0.7 4.0 6.1 New Jersey ....: 28.0 9.5 1.2 3.6 5.0 : New Mexico ....: 1,430.0 640.0 306.0 728.0 75.5 New York ......: 1,500.0 550.0 22.0 230.4 290.1 North Carolina : 830.0 365.0 7.0 222.5 142.5 North Dakota ..: 1,820.0 960.0 115.0 864.6 110.3 Ohio ..........: 1,300.0 490.0 40.0 449.0 25.0 Oklahoma ......: 5,000.0 1,950.0 1,000.0 2,262.0 355.0 Oregon ........: 1,320.0 630.0 120.0 524.0 211.0 Pennsylvania ..: 1,620.0 600.0 70.0 390.0 212.0 Rhode Island ..: 4.6 2.2 0.2 0.5 1.0 South Carolina : 340.0 147.0 5.0 124.0 14.0 : South Dakota ..: 3,850.0 1,840.0 718.0 1,764.0 500.0 Tennessee .....: 1,830.0 850.0 41.0 491.0 325.0 Texas .........: 12,300.0 4,400.0 2,160.0 5,552.0 252.0 Utah ..........: 820.0 375.0 55.0 376.0 35.5 Vermont .......: 260.0 105.0 3.1 33.8 61.4 Virginia ......: 1,520.0 640.0 13.0 369.0 258.0 Washington ....: 1,150.0 440.0 130.0 503.0 5.0 West Virginia .: 405.0 195.0 20.0 128.0 81.5 Wisconsin .....: 3,550.0 1,430.0 163.0 1,068.0 378.3 Wyoming .......: 1,330.0 660.0 245.0 737.0 135.5 : United States .: 93,704.6 35,808.2 21,027.4 44,309.2 7,788.4 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- See footnote(s) at end of table. --continued Cattle and Calves Inventory, Supply, and Disposition - States and United States: 2017 (continued) [Balance sheet estimates by State; the sum of inventory January 1, 2017, calf crop, and inshipments is equal to the sum of marketings, farm slaughter, deaths, and inventory January 1, 2018] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : : Deaths : State : Farm :-------------------------------: Inventory : slaughter 2/ : Cattle : Calves :January 1, 2018 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : 1,000 head : Alabama .......: 2.0 22.0 28.0 1,340.0 Alaska ........: 0.4 0.5 0.5 14.0 Arizona .......: 1.5 22.0 21.0 1,000.0 Arkansas ......: 1.0 32.0 37.0 1,760.0 California ....: 7.0 95.0 135.0 5,200.0 Colorado ......: 1.5 65.0 60.0 2,850.0 Connecticut ...: 0.3 1.0 1.0 50.0 Delaware ......: 0.2 0.5 0.4 17.0 Florida .......: 1.5 24.0 32.0 1,630.0 Georgia .......: 2.0 21.0 23.0 1,070.0 : Hawaii ........: 0.2 2.5 2.0 144.0 Idaho .........: 4.0 44.0 54.0 2,400.0 Illinois ......: 7.0 18.0 31.0 1,150.0 Indiana .......: 5.0 15.0 21.0 870.0 Iowa ..........: 2.0 75.0 110.0 4,000.0 Kansas ........: 2.0 155.0 80.0 6,300.0 Kentucky ......: 3.0 39.0 65.0 2,160.0 Louisiana .....: 1.0 15.0 17.0 820.0 Maine .........: 0.3 1.7 2.4 82.0 Maryland ......: 0.2 3.5 5.0 193.0 : Massachusetts .: 0.1 1.0 1.0 38.0 Michigan ......: 3.0 23.0 43.0 1,160.0 Minnesota .....: 4.5 44.0 90.0 2,350.0 Mississippi ...: 2.0 20.0 24.0 930.0 Missouri ......: 6.0 70.0 115.0 4,450.0 Montana .......: 3.0 25.0 60.0 2,550.0 Nebraska ......: 1.0 130.0 80.0 6,800.0 Nevada ........: 1.0 6.0 12.0 465.0 New Hampshire .: 0.4 0.8 0.9 37.0 New Jersey ....: 0.2 0.4 0.5 29.0 : New Mexico ....: 1.5 26.0 35.0 1,510.0 New York ......: 2.5 31.0 38.0 1,480.0 North Carolina : 1.0 10.0 16.0 810.0 North Dakota ..: 1.1 17.0 42.0 1,860.0 Ohio ..........: 5.0 21.0 30.0 1,300.0 Oklahoma ......: 3.0 100.0 130.0 5,100.0 Oregon ........: 4.0 21.0 40.0 1,270.0 Pennsylvania ..: 4.0 28.0 36.0 1,620.0 Rhode Island ..: 0.2 0.1 0.2 5.0 South Carolina : 2.0 6.0 6.0 340.0 : South Dakota ..: 1.0 63.0 80.0 4,000.0 Tennessee .....: 3.0 28.0 44.0 1,830.0 Texas .........: 6.0 320.0 230.0 12,500.0 Utah ..........: 2.5 13.0 23.0 800.0 Vermont .......: 0.9 5.0 7.0 260.0 Virginia ......: 3.0 20.0 43.0 1,480.0 Washington ....: 5.0 23.0 24.0 1,160.0 West Virginia .: 1.5 5.0 9.0 395.0 Wisconsin .....: 4.7 62.0 130.0 3,500.0 Wyoming .......: 0.5 13.0 29.0 1,320.0 : United States .: 115.7 1,784.0 2,143.9 94,399.0 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Represents zero. 1/ Includes custom slaughter for use on farms where produced and State outshipments, but excludes interfarm sales within the State. 2/ Excludes custom slaughter for farmers at commercial establishments. Cattle and Calves Production and Income - States and United States: 2016 [Dollar values based on data received from United States Department of Agriculture's Agricultural Marketing Service] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- States :Production 1/:Marketings 2/: Value of :Cash receipts 3/ :Value of home: Gross : : : production : : consumption : income ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : ----- 1,000 pounds ----- --------------------- 1,000 dollars -------------------- : Alabama .......: 546,764 508,800 452,072 419,100 3,407 422,507 Alaska ........: 2,900 1,715 3,421 1,952 178 2,130 Arizona .......: 450,705 585,625 514,051 677,356 1,982 679,338 Arkansas ......: 494,544 543,550 432,994 489,068 5,027 494,095 California ....: 1,840,204 2,227,500 2,003,012 2,556,075 10,467 2,566,542 Colorado ......: 1,652,891 2,559,846 1,899,569 3,087,015 8,554 3,095,569 Connecticut ...: 13,184 13,850 15,655 16,421 1,004 17,425 Delaware ......: 5,035 5,350 5,676 6,131 557 6,688 Florida .......: 438,599 469,460 510,629 546,571 2,538 549,109 Georgia .......: 350,077 346,000 336,222 341,578 3,952 345,530 : Hawaii ........: 35,164 32,946 45,209 42,769 503 43,272 Idaho .........: 1,206,600 1,496,350 1,384,382 1,714,763 11,696 1,726,459 Illinois ......: 485,180 497,980 593,113 609,494 17,139 626,633 Indiana .......: 274,150 324,900 294,269 367,257 14,875 382,132 Iowa ..........: 2,057,950 3,136,088 2,455,768 3,773,556 20,628 3,794,184 Kansas ........: 4,234,144 6,552,760 4,589,650 7,863,616 15,989 7,879,605 Kentucky ......: 579,487 602,550 703,234 727,565 11,251 738,816 Louisiana .....: 193,580 186,100 222,237 216,113 1,341 217,454 Maine .........: 16,939 14,818 19,760 17,659 2,069 19,728 Maryland ......: 67,834 70,550 75,386 79,532 2,869 82,401 : Massachusetts .: 8,062 7,739 9,225 8,878 1,315 10,193 Michigan ......: 469,680 476,000 505,309 529,060 15,704 544,764 Minnesota .....: 1,287,300 1,648,446 1,397,785 1,830,644 26,648 1,857,292 Mississippi ...: 190,613 222,080 185,559 210,831 4,388 215,219 Missouri ......: 1,292,810 1,184,378 1,666,622 1,548,901 23,481 1,572,382 Montana .......: 1,122,762 1,224,500 1,295,999 1,412,058 9,264 1,421,322 Nebraska ......: 5,695,958 9,131,560 6,330,536 10,975,296 9,855 10,985,151 Nevada ........: 187,228 246,400 219,427 293,018 2,348 295,366 New Hampshire .: 8,419 7,663 10,084 9,253 1,540 10,793 New Jersey ....: 6,071 6,162 7,436 7,539 969 8,508 : New Mexico ....: 599,767 776,975 695,565 895,532 3,433 898,965 New York ......: 250,316 231,140 293,527 270,361 11,922 282,283 North Carolina : 293,693 270,570 272,237 255,295 4,290 259,585 North Dakota ..: 743,111 715,575 903,207 876,540 8,437 884,977 Ohio ..........: 527,202 494,520 576,523 546,663 23,710 570,373 Oklahoma ......: 2,073,036 2,516,385 2,553,546 3,080,632 19,694 3,100,326 Oregon ........: 600,450 665,400 701,147 779,748 14,295 794,043 Pennsylvania ..: 480,585 464,845 560,868 545,121 27,090 572,211 Rhode Island ..: 1,314 1,622 1,489 1,839 260 2,099 South Carolina : 155,015 160,800 127,433 131,858 2,343 134,201 : South Dakota ..: 1,519,985 1,957,000 1,905,222 2,431,200 12,882 2,444,082 Tennessee .....: 547,920 559,200 516,055 537,227 10,278 547,505 Texas .........: 6,110,726 7,019,750 7,239,829 8,467,800 24,449 8,492,249 Utah ..........: 320,640 432,350 359,301 492,592 7,376 499,968 Vermont .......: 51,014 48,698 61,405 59,040 5,275 64,315 Virginia ......: 466,446 437,700 435,616 415,628 6,719 422,347 Washington ....: 638,350 734,500 704,488 830,161 12,058 842,219 West Virginia .: 146,234 142,350 172,920 169,923 5,717 175,640 Wisconsin .....: 1,393,843 1,422,783 1,608,713 1,639,375 35,644 1,675,019 Wyoming .......: 557,082 702,450 690,498 867,240 5,058 872,298 : United States .: 42,691,563 54,086,279 48,563,880 63,672,844 472,468 64,145,312 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1/ Adjustments made for changes in inventory and for inshipments. 2/ Excludes custom slaughter for use on farms where produced and interfarm sales within the State. 3/ Receipts from marketings and sale of farm slaughter. Cattle and Calves Production and Income - States and United States: 2017 [Dollar values based on data received from United States Department of Agriculture's Agricultural Marketing Service] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- State :Production 1/:Marketings 2/: Value of :Cash receipts 3/ :Value of home: Gross : : : production : : consumption : income ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : ----- 1,000 pounds ----- --------------------- 1,000 dollars -------------------- : Alabama .......: 614,928 596,800 518,708 499,875 4,078 503,953 Alaska ........: 3,678 2,703 4,182 3,022 447 3,469 Arizona .......: 510,792 704,895 584,578 807,233 2,473 809,706 Arkansas ......: 524,475 586,520 450,154 532,711 4,058 536,769 California ....: 1,945,416 2,321,250 2,075,234 2,625,413 10,785 2,636,198 Colorado ......: 1,774,682 2,854,660 2,042,279 3,445,352 8,014 3,453,366 Connecticut ...: 13,024 11,780 15,034 13,701 814 14,515 Delaware ......: 4,737 5,054 5,318 5,700 322 6,022 Florida .......: 421,822 496,820 501,798 580,080 3,417 583,497 Georgia .......: 330,155 376,830 331,378 369,949 4,538 374,487 : Hawaii ........: 34,084 31,851 43,891 41,502 506 42,008 Idaho .........: 1,211,600 1,465,050 1,376,883 1,661,577 11,489 1,673,066 Illinois ......: 534,354 642,095 655,603 787,154 17,915 805,069 Indiana .......: 280,980 355,930 293,240 390,459 14,977 405,436 Iowa ..........: 2,131,113 3,365,575 2,572,230 4,058,710 23,005 4,081,715 Kansas ........: 4,300,654 6,887,260 4,508,849 8,265,159 16,170 8,281,329 Kentucky ......: 616,283 631,700 722,468 740,215 10,116 750,331 Louisiana .....: 215,004 180,480 237,500 206,350 1,323 207,673 Maine .........: 16,994 20,110 18,653 22,537 982 23,519 Maryland ......: 59,915 55,279 65,049 61,303 2,010 63,313 : Massachusetts .: 9,675 8,215 10,690 9,145 1,150 10,295 Michigan ......: 493,986 527,800 519,426 570,066 15,026 585,092 Minnesota .....: 1,401,917 1,846,830 1,461,927 1,993,904 23,592 2,017,496 Mississippi ...: 229,923 200,320 210,863 189,109 3,880 192,989 Missouri ......: 1,400,718 1,445,438 1,864,098 1,916,610 23,922 1,940,532 Montana .......: 1,150,243 1,303,358 1,314,684 1,492,260 13,997 1,506,257 Nebraska ......: 5,753,607 9,285,045 6,168,424 11,165,477 13,651 11,179,128 Nevada ........: 202,723 253,660 243,176 305,842 2,340 308,182 New Hampshire .: 7,615 5,343 8,990 6,482 1,686 8,168 New Jersey ....: 6,108 5,120 7,143 6,181 938 7,119 : New Mexico ....: 604,038 723,025 694,496 823,808 5,404 829,212 New York ......: 285,424 295,008 315,300 328,883 12,599 341,482 North Carolina : 296,717 313,350 277,545 294,288 3,424 297,712 North Dakota ..: 780,191 822,100 954,688 1,010,830 6,622 1,017,452 Ohio ..........: 548,506 556,150 584,987 598,140 23,036 621,176 Oklahoma ......: 2,315,743 2,643,450 2,857,810 3,258,590 19,400 3,277,990 Oregon ........: 592,400 697,500 695,260 819,795 10,818 830,613 Pennsylvania ..: 497,634 551,955 567,112 625,151 16,867 642,018 Rhode Island ..: 1,143 485 1,267 572 508 1,080 South Carolina : 157,932 158,630 130,606 131,700 2,546 134,246 : South Dakota ..: 1,727,172 2,070,900 2,199,747 2,602,080 11,367 2,613,447 Tennessee .....: 568,444 585,050 545,407 566,248 9,718 575,966 Texas .........: 6,302,869 7,309,800 7,433,833 8,827,816 25,017 8,852,833 Utah ..........: 373,036 435,496 415,056 489,911 8,023 497,934 Vermont .......: 53,191 50,715 62,689 59,828 3,203 63,031 Virginia ......: 459,345 486,050 435,286 462,978 6,386 469,364 Washington ....: 613,675 682,900 664,438 758,267 10,512 768,779 West Virginia .: 154,166 167,250 175,922 192,638 5,617 198,255 Wisconsin .....: 1,519,997 1,646,915 1,687,348 1,829,566 28,238 1,857,804 Wyoming .......: 545,003 721,350 689,140 897,210 5,100 902,310 : United States .: 44,597,831 57,391,850 50,220,387 67,351,377 452,026 67,803,403 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1/ Adjustments made for changes in inventory and for inshipments. 2/ Excludes custom slaughter for use on farms where produced and interfarm sales within the State. 3/ Receipts from marketings and sale of farm slaughter. Hogs and Pigs Inventory, Supply, and Disposition - States and United States: 2016 [Balance sheet estimates by State; the sum of inventory December 1, 2015, pig crop, and inshipments is equal to the sum of marketings, farm slaughter, deaths, and inventory December 1, 2016] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ : : : State : Inventory : Pig crop : Inshipments : December 1, 2015 :December - November: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ : 1,000 head : Alabama ..........: 100.0 180.0 112.0 Alaska ...........: 1.4 2.1 1.9 Arizona ..........: 132.0 330.0 7.0 Arkansas .........: 166.0 1,291.0 20.0 California .......: 95.0 49.0 147.0 Colorado .........: 700.0 3,074.0 150.0 Connecticut ......: 2.5 3.8 0.7 Delaware .........: 3.0 10.6 1.0 Florida ..........: 16.0 27.0 6.0 Georgia ..........: 160.0 502.0 207.0 : Hawaii ...........: 9.0 13.0 6.0 Idaho ............: (D) (D) (D) Illinois .........: 5,100.0 10,739.0 2,367.0 Indiana ..........: 3,850.0 5,769.0 3,400.0 Iowa .............: 20,900.0 22,405.0 30,500.0 Kansas ...........: 1,940.0 3,615.0 810.0 Kentucky .........: 425.0 908.0 45.0 Louisiana ........: 8.0 5.6 2.0 Maine ............: 4.5 6.4 0.2 Maryland .........: 21.0 42.0 12.3 : Massachusetts ....: 11.0 17.6 2.5 Michigan .........: 1,120.0 2,089.0 300.0 Minnesota ........: 8,100.0 13,115.0 8,050.0 Mississippi ......: 515.0 1,118.0 4.0 Missouri .........: 3,050.0 8,289.0 1,679.0 Montana ..........: 175.0 515.0 10.0 Nebraska .........: 3,300.0 8,275.0 413.0 Nevada ...........: 1.0 2.2 2.1 New Hampshire ....: 3.9 3.2 1.4 New Jersey .......: 12.0 6.1 9.0 : New Mexico .......: 1.5 3.1 2.0 New York .........: 76.0 93.0 17.0 North Carolina ...: 8,900.0 19,108.0 657.0 North Dakota .....: 137.0 760.0 133.0 Ohio .............: 2,500.0 3,826.0 900.0 Oklahoma .........: 2,110.0 8,307.0 460.0 Oregon ...........: 10.0 19.1 2.0 Pennsylvania .....: 1,160.0 2,052.0 238.0 Rhode Island .....: 1.5 2.2 - South Carolina ...: 235.0 187.0 97.0 : South Dakota .....: 1,360.0 4,176.0 826.0 Tennessee ........: 220.0 455.0 138.0 Texas ............: 860.0 1,631.0 762.0 Utah .............: 680.0 1,437.0 1.0 Vermont ..........: 4.0 5.7 0.1 Virginia .........: 270.0 77.0 280.0 Washington .......: (D) (D) (D) West Virginia ....: 5.0 5.3 0.2 Wisconsin ........: 320.0 661.0 195.0 Wyoming ..........: 96.0 683.0 1.0 : Idaho and : Washington ......: 52.0 47.9 29.4 : United States ....: 68,919.3 125,938.9 53,004.8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ See footnote(s) at end of table. --continued Hogs and Pigs Inventory, Supply, and Disposition - States and United States: 2016 (continued) [Balance sheet estimates by State; the sum of inventory December 1, 2015, pig crop, and inshipments is equal to the sum of marketings, farm slaughter, deaths, and inventory December 1, 2016] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : : Farm : : State : Marketings : slaughter : Deaths : Inventory : 1/ : 2/ : :December 1, 2016 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : 1,000 head : Alabama ..........: 340.0 1.0 11.0 40.0 Alaska ...........: 3.1 0.7 0.1 1.5 Arizona ..........: 341.0 1.0 12.0 115.0 Arkansas .........: 1,326.0 1.0 8.0 142.0 California .......: 180.0 4.0 18.0 89.0 Colorado .........: 3,132.0 2.0 120.0 670.0 Connecticut ......: 2.7 0.3 0.4 3.6 Delaware .........: 7.3 0.1 0.2 7.0 Florida ..........: 26.8 1.0 3.2 18.0 Georgia ..........: 789.2 1.8 13.0 65.0 : Hawaii ...........: 13.3 3.5 1.2 10.0 Idaho ............: (D) (D) (D) (D) Illinois .........: 12,538.0 3.0 565.0 5,100.0 Indiana ..........: 8,517.0 2.0 400.0 4,100.0 Iowa .............: 48,281.0 4.0 3,320.0 22,200.0 Kansas ...........: 4,040.0 1.0 414.0 1,910.0 Kentucky .........: 875.0 3.0 70.0 430.0 Louisiana ........: 6.7 1.0 0.9 7.0 Maine ............: 5.9 0.1 0.5 4.6 Maryland .........: 53.2 0.1 1.0 21.0 : Massachusetts ....: 22.5 0.1 0.5 8.0 Michigan .........: 2,305.0 2.0 72.0 1,130.0 Minnesota ........: 19,486.0 4.0 1,275.0 8,500.0 Mississippi ......: 1,060.0 4.0 43.0 530.0 Missouri .........: 9,386.0 2.0 530.0 3,100.0 Montana ..........: 507.5 2.0 15.5 175.0 Nebraska .........: 8,085.0 3.0 500.0 3,400.0 Nevada ...........: 3.8 0.1 0.2 1.2 New Hampshire ....: 4.9 0.2 0.2 3.2 New Jersey .......: 15.1 0.4 0.6 11.0 : New Mexico .......: 4.1 0.2 0.6 1.7 New York .........: 127.0 0.9 12.1 46.0 North Carolina ...: 17,454.0 1.0 1,910.0 9,300.0 North Dakota .....: 875.0 0.5 8.5 146.0 Ohio .............: 4,318.0 9.0 199.0 2,700.0 Oklahoma .........: 8,270.0 2.0 445.0 2,160.0 Oregon ...........: 16.2 1.0 0.9 13.0 Pennsylvania .....: 2,050.2 2.8 187.0 1,210.0 Rhode Island .....: 1.9 0.1 0.1 1.6 South Carolina ...: 288.0 1.0 30.0 200.0 : South Dakota .....: 4,762.0 2.0 148.0 1,450.0 Tennessee ........: 547.0 2.0 39.0 225.0 Texas ............: 2,122.0 6.0 245.0 880.0 Utah .............: 1,203.5 0.5 214.0 700.0 Vermont ..........: 5.1 0.3 0.4 4.0 Virginia .........: 331.5 1.5 39.0 255.0 Washington .......: (D) (D) (D) (D) West Virginia ....: 5.1 0.8 0.6 4.0 Wisconsin ........: 814.0 1.0 26.0 335.0 Wyoming ..........: 678.0 1.0 9.0 92.0 : Idaho and : Washington ......: 94.0 2.0 3.3 30.0 : United States ....: 165,320.6 84.0 10,913.0 71,545.4 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Represents zero. (D) Withheld to avoid disclosing data for individual operations. 1/ Includes custom slaughter for use on farms where produced and State outshipments, but excludes interfarm sales within the State. 2/ Excludes custom slaughter for farmers at commercial establishments. Hogs and Pigs Inventory, Supply, and Disposition - States and United States: 2017 [Balance sheet estimates by State; the sum of inventory December 1, 2016, pig crop, and inshipments is equal to the sum of marketings, farm slaughter, deaths, and inventory December 1, 2017] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : : : State : Inventory : Pig crop : Inshipments : December 1, 2016 :December - November : ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : 1,000 head : Alabama ..........: 40.0 156.0 97.0 Alaska ...........: 1.5 2.5 2.6 Arizona ..........: 115.0 292.0 3.0 Arkansas .........: 142.0 1,141.0 20.0 California .......: 89.0 71.0 138.0 Colorado .........: 670.0 3,137.0 118.0 Connecticut ......: 3.6 3.5 0.4 Delaware .........: 7.0 24.0 1.0 Florida ..........: 18.0 24.0 5.0 Georgia ..........: 65.0 439.0 181.0 : Hawaii ...........: 10.0 2.0 3.7 Idaho ............: (D) (D) (D) Illinois .........: 5,100.0 11,024.0 1,684.0 Indiana ..........: 4,100.0 5,698.0 4,100.0 Iowa .............: 22,200.0 23,137.0 30,400.0 Kansas ...........: 1,910.0 3,387.0 1,521.0 Kentucky .........: 430.0 933.0 55.0 Louisiana ........: 7.0 5.6 3.0 Maine ............: 4.6 5.4 2.3 Maryland .........: 21.0 42.0 11.7 : Massachusetts ....: 8.0 13.7 2.5 Michigan .........: 1,130.0 2,206.0 551.0 Minnesota ........: 8,500.0 13,625.0 8,850.0 Mississippi ......: 530.0 1,217.0 4.0 Missouri .........: 3,100.0 9,295.0 1,952.0 Montana ..........: 175.0 522.0 5.0 Nebraska .........: 3,400.0 8,635.0 480.0 Nevada ...........: 1.2 2.1 1.4 New Hampshire ....: 3.2 3.2 1.6 New Jersey .......: 11.0 7.8 9.0 : New Mexico .......: 1.7 3.1 2.0 New York .........: 46.0 53.0 18.0 North Carolina ...: 9,300.0 18,871.0 606.0 North Dakota .....: 146.0 818.0 142.0 Ohio .............: 2,700.0 4,129.0 1,100.0 Oklahoma .........: 2,160.0 8,440.0 482.0 Oregon ...........: 13.0 7.5 1.1 Pennsylvania .....: 1,210.0 2,060.0 367.0 Rhode Island .....: 1.6 3.4 - South Carolina ...: 200.0 155.0 81.0 : South Dakota .....: 1,450.0 4,688.0 830.0 Tennessee ........: 225.0 514.0 142.0 Texas ............: 880.0 1,815.0 661.0 Utah .............: 700.0 1,329.0 83.0 Vermont ..........: 4.0 4.9 1.6 Virginia .........: 255.0 70.0 280.0 Washington .......: (D) (D) (D) West Virginia ....: 4.0 5.7 0.2 Wisconsin ........: 335.0 772.0 193.0 Wyoming ..........: 92.0 716.0 1.0 : Idaho and : Washington ......: 30.0 72.3 44.3 : United States ....: 71,545.4 129,577.7 55,238.4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- See footnote(s) at end of table. --continued Hogs and Pigs Inventory, Supply, and Disposition - States and United States: 2017 (continued) [Balance sheet estimates by State; the sum of inventory December 1, 2016, pig crop, and inshipments is equal to the sum of marketings, farm slaughter, deaths, and inventory December 1, 2017] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : : Farm : : State : Marketings : slaughter : Deaths : Inventory : 1/ : 2/ : :December 1, 2017 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : 1,000 head : Alabama ..........: 222.5 1.0 12.5 57.0 Alaska ...........: 4.2 0.8 0.1 1.5 Arizona ..........: 218.0 1.0 31.0 160.0 Arkansas .........: 1,153.0 1.0 18.0 131.0 California .......: 177.0 3.5 22.5 95.0 Colorado .........: 3,068.0 2.0 105.0 750.0 Connecticut ......: 4.2 0.2 0.4 2.7 Delaware .........: 25.8 0.1 0.1 6.0 Florida ..........: 28.5 1.0 2.5 15.0 Georgia ..........: 584.3 1.7 19.0 80.0 : Hawaii ...........: 8.6 1.6 0.5 5.0 Idaho ............: (D) (D) (D) (D) Illinois .........: 11,880.0 3.0 575.0 5,350.0 Indiana ..........: 9,511.0 2.0 335.0 4,050.0 Iowa .............: 49,183.0 4.0 3,750.0 22,800.0 Kansas ...........: 4,284.0 1.0 423.0 2,110.0 Kentucky .........: 944.0 3.0 61.0 410.0 Louisiana ........: 8.0 1.0 0.6 6.0 Maine ............: 7.4 0.1 0.3 4.5 Maryland .........: 47.5 0.1 1.1 26.0 : Massachusetts ....: 16.2 0.1 0.4 7.5 Michigan .........: 2,622.0 2.0 73.0 1,190.0 Minnesota ........: 21,073.0 2.0 1,400.0 8,500.0 Mississippi ......: 1,136.0 4.0 41.0 570.0 Missouri .........: 10,470.0 2.0 475.0 3,400.0 Montana ..........: 507.5 2.0 13.5 179.0 Nebraska .........: 8,457.0 3.0 455.0 3,600.0 Nevada ...........: 3.7 0.1 0.4 0.5 New Hampshire ....: 4.3 0.1 0.2 3.4 New Jersey .......: 14.2 0.1 1.0 12.5 : New Mexico .......: 4.5 0.2 0.5 1.6 New York .........: 60.9 0.8 7.3 48.0 North Carolina ...: 17,731.0 1.0 2,045.0 9,000.0 North Dakota .....: 947.5 0.5 11.0 147.0 Ohio .............: 4,808.0 6.0 165.0 2,950.0 Oklahoma .........: 8,380.0 2.0 480.0 2,220.0 Oregon ...........: 11.1 1.0 0.5 9.0 Pennsylvania .....: 2,189.5 2.5 195.0 1,250.0 Rhode Island .....: 2.7 0.1 0.2 2.0 South Carolina ...: 224.0 1.0 26.0 185.0 : South Dakota .....: 5,245.0 2.0 161.0 1,560.0 Tennessee ........: 604.0 2.0 40.0 235.0 Texas ............: 2,088.0 4.0 224.0 1,040.0 Utah .............: 1,367.5 0.5 194.0 550.0 Vermont ..........: 6.0 0.2 0.6 3.7 Virginia .........: 328.7 1.5 34.8 240.0 Washington .......: (D) (D) (D) (D) West Virginia ....: 4.1 0.2 0.6 5.0 Wisconsin ........: 960.5 1.0 33.5 305.0 Wyoming ..........: 710.0 1.0 8.0 90.0 : Idaho and : Washington ......: 86.2 2.0 7.4 51.0 : United States ....: 171,422.1 73.0 11,451.5 73,414.9 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Represents zero. (D) Withheld to avoid disclosing data for individual operations. 1/ Includes custom slaughter for use on farms where produced and State outshipments, but excludes interfarm sales within the State. 2/ Excludes custom slaughter for farmers at commercial establishments. Hogs and Pigs Production and Income - States and United States: 2016 [Dollar values based on data received from United States Department of Agriculture's Agricultural Marketing Service] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- State : Production 1/ : Marketings 2/ : Value of :Cash receipts 3/ 4/: Value of home : Gross : : : production 3/ : : consumption : income --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : ------- 1,000 pounds ------ ------------------------- 1,000 dollars ------------------------ : Alabama ..........: 39,666 51,666 21,421 28,898 270 29,168 Alaska ...........: 842 744 424 416 86 502 Arizona ..........: 83,093 85,000 46,295 47,515 305 47,820 Arkansas .........: 75,945 85,428 58,334 64,293 389 64,682 California .......: 35,140 41,820 15,295 23,715 596 24,311 Colorado .........: 233,640 244,535 175,439 183,194 291 183,485 Connecticut ......: 706 494 339 254 112 366 Delaware .........: 2,814 1,964 1,391 1,000 47 1,047 Florida ..........: 3,405 3,560 1,691 1,753 89 1,842 Georgia ..........: 108,499 129,223 54,137 65,154 505 65,659 : Hawaii ...........: 4,200 3,112 2,161 1,740 624 2,364 Idaho ............: (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) Illinois .........: 2,117,654 2,178,201 1,132,050 1,211,140 821 1,211,961 Indiana ..........: 1,959,600 1,995,210 913,318 1,010,836 768 1,011,604 Iowa .............: 12,701,206 13,157,210 5,670,532 6,514,512 1,917 6,516,429 Kansas ...........: 877,009 923,300 432,851 474,168 414 474,582 Kentucky .........: 191,221 194,375 98,590 102,698 1,311 104,009 Louisiana ........: 1,400 1,340 694 665 107 772 Maine ............: 1,520 1,372 797 732 87 819 Maryland .........: 9,882 10,784 5,012 6,058 114 6,172 : Massachusetts ....: 3,876 4,312 1,920 2,223 95 2,318 Michigan .........: 588,788 595,869 294,849 305,088 578 305,666 Minnesota ........: 4,344,222 4,503,533 2,021,704 2,312,869 1,557 2,314,426 Mississippi ......: 159,982 158,700 86,657 86,126 611 86,737 Missouri .........: 1,623,776 1,645,767 828,806 880,614 1,051 881,665 Montana ..........: 79,697 81,763 48,482 49,321 358 49,679 Nebraska .........: 1,321,652 1,325,096 717,838 731,446 1,251 732,697 Nevada ...........: 843 884 371 494 28 522 New Hampshire ....: 1,152 1,219 548 622 63 685 New Jersey .......: 1,121 1,334 258 680 156 836 : New Mexico .......: 629 713 302 374 52 426 New York .........: 21,852 24,476 10,848 12,643 1,112 13,755 North Carolina ...: 4,133,672 4,135,477 2,067,317 2,097,464 622 2,098,086 North Dakota .....: 43,969 57,455 36,767 50,010 139 50,149 Ohio .............: 1,136,650 1,141,810 557,004 581,954 3,103 585,057 Oklahoma .........: 1,673,812 1,687,805 819,334 827,697 417 828,114 Oregon ...........: 4,643 3,590 2,567 2,035 280 2,315 Pennsylvania .....: 502,727 508,492 252,236 262,092 835 262,927 Rhode Island .....: 429 378 218 192 21 213 South Carolina ...: 49,924 56,704 24,674 28,642 856 29,498 : South Dakota .....: 714,429 744,750 399,771 445,667 1,312 446,979 Tennessee ........: 143,177 147,790 69,023 73,684 738 74,422 Texas ............: 365,980 377,610 181,757 189,763 2,129 191,892 Utah .............: 238,658 236,125 141,762 140,343 134 140,477 Vermont ..........: 1,452 1,214 736 619 117 736 Virginia .........: 76,385 86,135 28,645 44,051 534 44,585 Washington .......: (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) West Virginia ....: 1,390 1,065 703 552 260 812 Wisconsin ........: 142,431 150,758 84,912 97,927 667 98,594 Wyoming ..........: 106,497 106,700 61,709 61,824 303 62,127 : Idaho and : Washington ......: 19,963 23,200 10,365 12,866 565 13,431 : United States ....: 35,951,220 36,920,062 17,382,854 19,038,623 28,797 19,067,420 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (D) Withheld to avoid disclosing data for individual operations. 1/ Adjustments made for changes in inventory and for inshipments. 2/ Excludes custom slaughter for use on farms where produced and interfarm sales within the State. 3/ Includes allowance for higher average price of State inshipments and outshipments of feeder pigs. 4/ Receipts from marketings and sale of farm slaughter. Hogs and Pigs Production and Income - States and United States: 2017 [Dollar values based on data received from United States Department of Agriculture's Agricultural Marketing Service] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- State : Production 1/ : Marketings 2/ : Value of :Cash receipts 3/ 4/: Value of home : Gross : : : production 3/ : : consumption : income --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : ------- 1,000 pounds ------ ------------------------- 1,000 dollars ------------------------ : Alabama ..........: 30,388 31,868 17,139 19,373 291 19,664 Alaska ...........: 1,191 1,071 641 643 115 758 Arizona ..........: 60,218 54,250 36,077 32,550 323 32,873 Arkansas .........: 69,193 73,949 53,325 56,972 416 57,388 California .......: 35,322 41,085 16,475 25,040 595 25,635 Colorado .........: 241,158 239,719 165,803 166,120 315 166,435 Connecticut ......: 1,060 939 568 513 106 619 Delaware .........: 6,418 6,604 3,471 3,612 50 3,662 Florida ..........: 3,221 3,816 1,694 1,993 95 2,088 Georgia ..........: 68,391 75,855 36,147 40,227 480 40,707 : Hawaii ...........: 1,577 2,041 821 1,225 309 1,534 Idaho ............: (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) Illinois .........: 2,181,101 2,209,301 1,226,794 1,282,510 896 1,283,406 Indiana ..........: 2,190,810 2,264,440 1,095,600 1,226,988 825 1,227,813 Iowa .............: 12,826,223 13,377,552 6,176,700 7,119,125 2,058 7,121,183 Kansas ...........: 973,536 980,750 503,680 541,866 452 542,318 Kentucky .........: 190,772 196,225 106,026 111,599 1,232 112,831 Louisiana ........: 1,636 1,600 864 842 101 943 Maine ............: 1,829 1,552 910 871 202 1,073 Maryland .........: 10,884 10,428 5,765 6,095 95 6,190 : Massachusetts ....: 3,125 3,223 1,656 1,771 138 1,909 Michigan .........: 679,602 681,900 359,309 372,690 607 373,297 Minnesota ........: 4,462,873 4,695,122 2,248,814 2,612,223 1,257 2,613,480 Mississippi ......: 148,032 142,350 86,644 83,749 711 84,460 Missouri .........: 1,495,511 1,509,918 850,265 914,801 1,147 915,948 Montana ..........: 86,586 86,298 54,142 53,800 503 54,303 Nebraska .........: 1,362,152 1,353,276 794,405 803,476 1,444 804,920 Nevada ...........: 828 932 440 559 30 589 New Hampshire ....: 1,084 1,067 553 588 54 642 New Jersey .......: 1,228 1,315 345 716 46 762 : New Mexico .......: 741 823 383 462 56 518 New York .........: 7,596 6,856 4,703 4,784 887 5,671 North Carolina ...: 4,249,667 4,341,770 2,270,058 2,344,429 668 2,345,097 North Dakota .....: 46,888 62,395 42,000 56,826 153 56,979 Ohio .............: 1,286,162 1,274,110 674,481 693,379 2,955 696,334 Oklahoma .........: 1,741,287 1,744,725 914,803 917,650 444 918,094 Oregon ...........: 2,201 2,450 1,311 1,496 300 1,796 Pennsylvania .....: 557,656 555,976 296,668 305,226 1,325 306,551 Rhode Island .....: 641 572 347 310 24 334 South Carolina ...: 43,114 46,612 22,394 24,847 904 25,751 : South Dakota .....: 824,584 849,615 489,525 534,060 1,552 535,612 Tennessee ........: 158,926 160,570 81,415 84,959 752 85,711 Texas ............: 369,146 370,400 195,572 197,338 1,960 199,298 Utah .............: 255,817 273,495 159,186 172,573 144 172,717 Vermont ..........: 1,548 1,599 793 870 43 913 Virginia .........: 74,626 84,345 30,835 46,224 618 46,842 Washington .......: (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) West Virginia ....: 1,356 1,008 735 557 94 651 Wisconsin ........: 164,587 175,911 107,515 122,722 572 123,294 Wyoming ..........: 110,104 110,140 68,562 68,582 323 68,905 : Idaho and : Washington ......: 22,023 21,684 12,077 13,067 606 13,673 : United States ....: 37,054,619 38,133,502 19,218,436 21,072,898 29,273 21,102,171 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (D) Withheld to avoid disclosing data for individual operations. 1/ Adjustments made for changes in inventory and for inshipments. 2/ Excludes custom slaughter for use on farms where produced and interfarm sales within the State. 3/ Includes allowance for higher average price of State inshipments and outshipments of feeder pigs. 4/ Receipts from marketings and sale of farm slaughter. Statistical Methodology Survey Procedures: These estimates were based on inventory, birth, and price estimates as published in NASS cattle, hog, and agricultural prices reports, as well as information on inshipments and marketings obtained from other sources. The NASS inventory reports are based on probability surveys of producers. All producers, regardless of size, had a chance to be in the survey. Large operations were sampled more heavily than small operations. Since all operations raising cattle or hogs are not included in the sample, survey estimates are subject to sampling variability. At the National level, this variability, as measured by the relative standard error, is about 1 percent for cattle and 1 percent for hogs. Survey results are also subject to non-sampling errors such as omissions, duplication, and mistakes in reporting, recording, and processing the data. The effects of these errors cannot be measured directly, but they are minimized through rigid quality controls in the data collection process and a careful review of all reported data for consistency and reasonableness. Readers are referred to the Survey Procedures section in the following NASS reports for further information Quarterly Hogs and Pigs released December 22, 2017, Cattle released January 31, 2018, and Agricultural Prices released February 27, 2018. Estimation Procedures: Estimation procedures for prices, beginning and ending inventories and calf and pig crop estimates are defined in the Estimation Procedures section of the reports referenced above. This report provides a balance sheet for each species. The sum of inventory on hand at the beginning of the year plus births and inshipments equals the sum of marketings, farm slaughter, deaths, and inventory on hand at the end of the year. Revision Policy: Revisions to previous estimates are made to improve current estimates. For both species, previous year estimates of inshipments, marketings, farm slaughter, and deaths are subject to revision when the current year estimates are made. Estimates are also reviewed after data from the Department of Agriculture five-year Census of Agriculture are available. No revisions are made after that date. Terms and Definitions Cash Receipts: Receipts from marketings and any sale of farm-slaughtered meats. For hogs and pigs, includes an allowance for feeder pig outshipments. United States prices received for cattle and calves and hogs and pigs were published in Agricultural Prices, released February 27, 2018. Farm Slaughter: Animals slaughtered on farms primarily for home consumption. Excludes custom slaughter for producers at commercial establishments. Gross Income: Sum of cash receipts and value of home consumption. Inshipments: Livestock shipped into States for feeding or breeding. Excludes animals brought in for immediate slaughter. Marketings: Includes animals for slaughter market and younger animals shipped to other States for feeding and breeding purposes. Excludes interfarm sales within the same State and farm slaughter. Number of head marketed includes all custom slaughter, but live weight marketed, shown in pounds, excludes custom slaughter consumed on farms where produced. Production: Includes total live weight of animals marketed, farm slaughter, and custom slaughter consumed on farms where produced, minus live weight of inshipments, with an adjustment for any increase or decrease in live weight of inventory. Value of Home Consumption: Total value of on-farm slaughter and custom slaughter consumed on the farm where produced. Information Contacts Listed below are the commodity specialists in the Livestock Branch of the National Agricultural Statistics Service to contact for additional information. E-mail inquiries may be sent to nass@nass.usda.gov. Travis Averill, Chief, Livestock Branch ......... (202) 720-3570 Scott Hollis, Head, Livestock Section ........... (202) 690-2424 Sherry Bertramsen - Livestock Slaughter ...... (202) 720-3240 Holly Brenize - Sheep and Goats .............. (202) 720-0585 Donnie Fike - Dairy Products ................. (202) 690-3236 Heidi Gleich - Cattle, Cattle on Feed ........ (202) 720-3040 Mike Miller - Milk Production and Milk Cows .. (202) 720-3278 Seth Riggins - Hogs and Pigs ................. (202) 720-3106 Access to NASS Reports For your convenience, you may access NASS reports and products the following ways: All reports are available electronically, at no cost, on the NASS web site: www.nass.usda.gov Both national and state specific reports are available via a free e- mail subscription. To set-up this free subscription, visit www.nass.usda.gov and click on "National" or "State" in upper right corner above "search" box to create an account and select the reports you would like to receive. For more information on NASS surveys and reports, call the NASS Agricultural Statistics Hotline at (800) 727-9540, 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. ET, or e-mail: nass@nass.usda.gov. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination against its customers, employees, and applicants for employment on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, sex, gender identity, religion, reprisal, and where applicable, political beliefs, marital status, familial or parental status, sexual orientation, or all or part of an individual's income is derived from any public assistance program, or protected genetic information in employment or in any program or activity conducted or funded by the Department. (Not all prohibited bases will apply to all programs and/or employment activities.) If you wish to file a Civil Rights program complaint of discrimination, complete the USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form (PDF), found online at www.ascr.usda.gov/filing-program-discrimination-complaint-usda-customer, or at any USDA office, or call (866) 632-9992 to request the form. You may also write a letter containing all of the information requested in the form. Send your completed complaint form or letter to us by mail at U.S. Department of Agriculture, Director, Office of Adjudication, 1400 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20250-9410, by fax (202) 690-7442 or email at program.intake@usda.gov.