Peanut Stocks and Processing ISSN: 1949-1875 Released February 26, 2024, by the National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS), Agricultural Statistics Board, United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). Shelled Edible Grade Season to Date Utilization Down 2 Percent from Last Year Peanut Stocks in Commercial Storage Totaled 4.57 Billion Pounds Peanut stocks reported in commercial storage on January 31, 2024 totaled 4.57 billion pounds of equivalent farmer stock, compared with 4.63 billion pounds a year ago. This total includes 3.92 billion pounds of actual farmer stock. Shelled peanuts on hand totaled 613 million pounds of farmer stock equivalent. Roasting stock totaled 38.9 million pounds. Shelled peanut stocks totaled 461 million pounds of which 434 million pounds were edible grades and 26.6 million pounds were oil stocks. Edible grade stocks by type included 89.7 million pounds of Virginias and Valencias, 325 million pounds of Runners, and 19.6 million pounds of Spanish. Millings in January totaled 367 million pounds. Millings by type were 52.4 million pounds of Virginias and Valencias, 310 million pounds of Runners, and 4.22 million pounds of Spanish. Commercial processors utilized 193 million pounds of shelled edible grade peanuts during January. Utilization by type was 124 million pounds for all peanut butter products, 30.6 million pounds for peanut candy, and 34.4 million pounds for peanut snacks. Crushing for oil and cake and meal totaled 38.7 million pounds during the month. There were no deliveries under the Government Domestic Feeding and Child Nutrition Programs during January. Stocks of treated seed on hand January 31, 2024 totaled 1.02 million pounds, compared with 64,000 pounds on December 31, 2024. Of the January total, 988,000 pounds were Runners. December stocks of treated seed included 24,000 pounds of Runners. Stocks estimates refer to January 31, 2024. All other data are for the month of January. Peanut Stocks and Specified Products at Month's End - United States: January 2024 with Comparisons [Excludes stocks on farms. Includes stocks owned by or held for account of peanut producers and CCC in commercial storage facilities. Farmer stock on net weight basis. Blank data cells indicate estimation period has not yet begun.] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : : : : Farmer stock equivalent Month : Farmer : Shelled : Roasting :-------------------------------- ending : Stock : peanuts : stock : Shelled peanuts : Total : : 1/ :(in shell) 2/: : 3/ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : 1,000 pounds : 2023 : August .......: 1,125,484 474,890 39,702 631,604 1,796,790 September ....: 1,041,432 451,247 38,029 600,159 1,679,620 October ......: 3,186,202 434,201 32,653 577,487 3,796,342 November .....: 4,168,510 439,094 28,059 583,995 4,780,564 December .....: 4,091,398 514,265 30,484 683,972 4,805,854 : 2024 : January ......: 3,915,968 460,815 38,861 612,884 4,567,713 February .....: March ........: April ........: May ..........: June .........: July .........: : 2023 : January ......: 3,961,690 484,929 28,236 644,956 4,634,882 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1/ Included shelled edible grades, shelled oil stock, and shelled seed (untreated). 2/ Cleaned and unshelled. 3/ Farmer stock + roasting stock + (actual shelled peanuts X 1.33). Farmer Stock Peanuts by Type at Month's End - United States: January 2024 with Comparisons [Excludes stocks on farms. Includes stocks owned by or held for account of peanut producers and CCC in commercial storage facilities. Farmer stock on net weight basis. Blank data cells indicate estimation period has not yet begun.] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- : Virginias : : : Month : and : Runners : Spanish : Total ending : Valencias : : : --------------------------------------------------------------------------- : 1,000 pounds : 2023 : August ........: 115,498 1,003,940 6,046 1,125,484 September .....: 81,722 952,888 6,822 1,041,432 October .......: 248,302 2,874,772 63,128 3,186,202 November ......: 368,084 3,696,324 104,102 4,168,510 December ......: 360,708 3,641,282 89,408 4,091,398 : 2024 : January .......: 372,212 3,457,338 86,418 3,915,968 February ......: March .........: April .........: May ...........: June ..........: July ..........: : 2023 : January .......: 543,184 3,356,484 62,022 3,961,690 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shelled Peanuts and Roasting Stock (in Shell) at Month's End - United States: January 2024 with Comparisons [Excludes stocks on farms. Includes stocks owned by or held for account of peanut producers and CCC in commercial storage facilities. Farmer stock on net weight basis. Blank data cells indicate estimation period has not yet begun.] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : Shelled edibles 1/ : : : :-------------------------------------------------------: Shelled : Total : Roasting Month : Virginias : : : : oil : shelled : stock 3/ ending : and : Runners : Spanish : Total : stocks 2/ : : : Valencias : : : : : : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : 1,000 pounds : 2023 : August .......: 75,482 354,234 22,283 451,999 22,891 474,890 39,702 September ....: 83,137 324,333 17,814 425,284 25,963 451,247 38,029 October ......: 77,845 317,651 13,780 409,276 24,925 434,201 32,653 November .....: 83,559 317,650 13,982 415,191 23,903 439,094 28,059 December .....: 80,380 387,602 22,840 490,822 23,443 514,265 30,484 : 2024 : January ......: 89,722 324,948 19,551 434,221 26,594 460,815 38,861 February .....: March ........: April ........: May ..........: June .........: July .........: : 2023 : January ......: 89,658 343,897 26,849 460,404 24,525 484,929 28,236 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1/ Shelled edible grades include blanched and shelled roasted peanuts converted to a raw basis using conversion factors of 1.08 and 1.12, respectively. 2/ Includes straight run oil stock peanuts. 3/ Cleaned and unshelled. Farmer Stock Peanuts Milled (Net Weight) by Month - United States: January 2024 with Comparisons [Includes peanuts milled for seed. Blank data cells indicate estimation period has not yet begun.] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Month : Virginias : : : ending : and : Runners : Spanish : Total : Valencias : : : ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : 1,000 pounds : 2023 : August ..................: 64,020 347,800 5,478 417,298 September ...............: 70,584 282,540 4,122 357,246 October .................: 57,364 324,024 776 382,164 November ................: 58,386 294,864 6,088 359,338 December ................: 51,482 299,352 19,464 370,298 : 2024 : January .................: 52,352 309,942 4,216 366,510 February ................: March ...................: April ...................: May .....................: June ....................: July ....................: : 2023 : January .................: 67,268 370,272 15,242 452,782 : 2023-2024 : August-January ..........: 354,188 1,858,522 40,144 2,252,854 : 2022-2023 : August-January ..........: 326,232 1,997,306 38,996 2,362,534 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Production of Shelled and Roasting Stock (in Shell) Peanuts by Month - United States: January 2024 with Comparisons [Blank data cells indicate estimation period has not yet begun.] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : Shelled edibles 1/ : : : :-----------------------------------------------------------: Shelled : Total : Roasting Month : Virginias : : : : Oil : Shelled : Stock 3/ ending : and : Runners : Spanish : Total : Stocks 2/ : : : Valencias : : : : : : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : 1,000 pounds : 2023 : August ..................: 30,918 242,820 3,424 277,162 31,115 308,277 19,499 September ...............: 33,493 192,700 2,451 228,644 27,200 255,844 20,313 October .................: 26,365 228,426 746 255,537 30,722 286,259 18,352 November ................: 32,712 204,001 3,694 240,407 25,227 265,634 12,610 December ................: 26,209 202,899 13,710 242,818 25,911 268,729 15,323 : 2024 : January .................: 27,087 207,783 2,564 237,434 24,145 261,579 15,981 February ................: March ...................: April ...................: May .....................: June ....................: July ....................: : 2023 : January .................: 31,426 251,146 8,573 291,145 31,397 322,542 20,268 : 2023-2024 : August-January ..........: 176,784 1,278,629 26,589 1,482,002 164,320 1,646,322 102,078 : 2022-2023 : August-January ..........: 141,966 1,367,461 23,382 1,532,809 185,210 1,718,019 103,336 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1/ Includes peanuts milled for seed 2/ Includes straight run oil stock peanuts 3/ Cleaned and unshelled Shelled Peanuts Crushed, Production, and Stocks of Peanut Oil and Cake and Meal by Month - United States: January 2024 with Comparisons [Relates to oil mills only. Blank data cells indicate estimation period has not yet begun.] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Month : Shelled : Production : Stocks (end of month) ending : Peanuts :----------------------------------------------------------- : crushed 1/ : Crude Oil :Cake and Meal : Crude oil :Cake and Meal ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : 1,000 pounds : 2023 : August ..................: 45,300 20,102 24,549 5,695 5,291 September ...............: 44,223 19,319 24,492 5,124 5,127 October .................: 42,564 17,556 23,326 3,993 5,030 November ................: 37,784 16,529 20,886 3,936 4,839 December ................: 36,441 15,744 20,377 3,727 6,976 : 2024 : January .................: 38,662 17,275 20,999 4,913 5,153 February ................: March ...................: April ...................: May .....................: June ....................: July ....................: : 2023 : January .................: 50,150 22,987 26,931 7,878 5,022 : 2023-2024 : August-January ..........: 244,974 106,525 134,629 (X) (X) : 2022-2023 : August-January ..........: 322,210 145,003 171,751 (X) (X) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (X) Not applicable. 1/ All crushings regardless of grade Apparent Disappearance or Milled Peanut Products by Month - United States: January 2024 with Comparisons [Includes in transit, exports, and domestic use. Blank data cells indicate estimation period has not yet begun.] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : Shelled Peanuts : : : Month :--------------------------------------------: Roasting : Crude : Cake ending : Edible : Oil : Total : stock : Peanut : and : grades : Stocks : : : Oil 1/ : Meal 1/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : 1,000 pounds : 2023 : August ..................: 278,225 26,196 304,421 10,384 20,245 24,381 September ...............: 255,359 24,128 279,487 21,986 19,890 24,656 October .................: 271,545 31,760 303,305 23,728 18,687 23,423 November ................: 234,492 26,249 260,741 17,204 16,586 21,077 December ................: 167,187 26,371 193,558 12,898 15,953 18,240 : 2024 : January .................: 294,035 20,994 315,029 7,604 16,089 22,822 February ................: March ...................: April ...................: May .....................: June ....................: July ....................: : 2023 : January .................: 280,953 28,960 309,913 19,851 22,446 26,134 : 2023-2024 : August-January ..........: 1,500,843 155,698 1,656,541 93,804 107,450 134,599 : 2022-2023 : August-January ..........: 1,593,536 186,528 1,780,064 118,746 147,201 171,806 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1/ Relates to oil mills only. Shelled Peanuts (Raw Basis) Used in Primary Products and In Shell Peanuts by Month - United States: January 2024 with Comparisons [Excludes peanuts milled for seed. Blank data cells indicate estimation period has not yet begun.] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : Edible grades used in products1/ : : Month :--------------------------------------------------------------------------: Total : In shell ending : Peanut : Peanut : Peanut : Other : Total : all : peanuts 6/ : candy 2/ : snacks 3/ : Butter 4/ : Products : : grades 5/ : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : 1,000 pounds : 2023 : August ..................: 40,124 36,178 143,068 4,828 224,198 269,498 12,248 September ...............: 32,634 34,084 119,756 5,088 191,562 235,785 10,961 October .................: 37,708 35,158 127,357 4,213 204,436 247,000 12,444 November ................: 32,696 33,293 117,129 3,076 186,194 223,978 11,391 December ................: 31,436 31,763 108,522 3,630 175,351 211,792 11,254 : 2024 : January .................: 30,569 34,440 123,730 4,297 193,036 231,698 11,315 February ................: March ...................: April ...................: May .....................: June ....................: July ....................: : 2023 : January .................: 38,467 41,288 120,392 3,659 203,806 253,956 15,100 : 2023-2024 : August-January ..........: 205,167 204,916 739,562 25,132 1,174,777 1,419,751 69,613 : 2022-2023 : August-January ..........: 207,691 230,220 732,311 23,156 1,193,378 1,515,588 74,596 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1/ Shelled edible grades include blanched and shelled roasted peanuts converted to a raw basis using conversion factors of 1.08 and 1.12, respectively. 2/ Includes peanut butter made by manufacturers for own use in candy. 3/ Includes salted, unsalted, dry and honey roasted, salted and unsalted roasted, snack bars, and trail mixes. 4/ Includes peanut butter made by manufacturers for own use in cookies and sandwiches, but excludes peanut butter used in candy. 5/ Includes all shelled peanuts crushed regardless of grade. 6/ Includes peanuts re-packaged, roasted in shell, salted in shell, and raw in shell. Shelled Peanuts (Raw Basis) Used in Primary Products by Month and Type - United States: January 2024 with Comparisons [Excludes peanuts milled for seed. Crushings by type not available. Blank data cells indicate estimation period has not yet begun.] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : Edible grades used in products1/ Month ending :-------------------------------------------------------------------------- and type : Peanut : Peanut : Peanut : Other : Total : candy 2/ : snacks 3/ : butter 4/ : products : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : 1,000 pounds : Runner : 2023 : August ..................: 38,031 (D) 127,517 (D) 200,532 September ...............: 29,560 (D) 110,000 (D) 173,310 October .................: 35,027 (D) 115,409 (D) 184,360 November ................: 30,623 (D) 106,288 (D) 168,369 December ................: 28,599 (D) 98,306 (D) 156,390 : 2024 : January .................: 27,838 (D) 110,826 (D) 171,368 February ................: March ...................: April ...................: May .....................: June ....................: July ....................: : 2023 : January .................: 36,690 (D) 105,928 (D) 179,981 : 2023-2024 : August-January ..........: 189,678 (D) 668,346 (D) 1,054,329 : 2022-2023 : August-January ..........: 192,386 (D) 658,743 (D) 1,058,690 : Spanish : 2023 : August ..................: (D) (D) (D) (D) 2,347 September ...............: (D) (D) (D) (D) 2,927 October .................: (D) (D) (D) (D) 2,634 November ................: (D) (D) (D) (D) 2,982 December ................: (D) (D) (D) (D) 2,553 : 2024 : January .................: (D) (D) (D) (D) 3,288 February ................: March ...................: April ...................: May .....................: June ....................: July ....................: : 2023 : January .................: (D) (D) (D) (D) 2,547 : 2023-2024 : August-January ..........: (D) (D) (D) (D) 16,731 : 2022-2023 : August-January ..........: (D) (D) (D) (D) 18,410 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- See footnote(s) at end of table. --continued Shelled Peanuts (Raw Basis) Used in Primary Products by Month and Type - United States: January 2024 with Comparisons (continued) [Excludes peanuts milled for seed. Crushings by type not available. Blank data cells indicate estimation period has not yet begun.] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : Edible grades used in products1/ Month ending :-------------------------------------------------------------------------- and type : Peanut : Peanut : Peanut : Other : Total : candy 2/ : Snacks 3/ : butter 4/ : Products : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : 1,000 pounds : Virginia and Valencia : 2023 : August ..................: (D) 4,700 (D) (D) 21,319 September ...............: (D) 4,588 (D) (D) 15,324 October .................: (D) 4,626 (D) (D) 17,442 November ................: (D) 3,861 (D) (D) 14,844 December ................: (D) 4,702 (D) (D) 16,409 : 2024 : January .................: (D) 4,788 (D) (D) 18,380 February ................: March ...................: April ...................: May .....................: June ....................: July ....................: : 2023 : January .................: (D) 6,256 (D) (D) 21,277 : 2023-2024 : August-January ..........: (D) 27,265 (D) (D) 103,718 : 2022-2023 : August-January ..........: (D) 37,047 (D) (D) 116,276 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (D) Withheld to avoid disclosing data for individual operations. 1/ Shelled edible grades include blanched and shelled roasted peanuts converted to a raw basis using conversion factors of 1.08 and 1.12, respectively. 2/ Includes peanut butter made by manufacturers for own use in candy. 3/ Includes salted, unsalted, dry and honey roasted, salted and unsalted roasted, snack bars, and trail mixes. 4/ Includes peanut butter made by manufacturers for own use in cookies and sandwiches, but excludes peanut butter used in candy. Government Domestic Feeding and Child Nutrition Program Deliveries by Month - United States: January 2024 with Comparisons [Source: Food and Nutrition Service. Blank data cells indicate estimation period has not yet begun.] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- : Deliveries by product Month :-------------------------------------------- ending : Peanut : Roasted : Total : butter : peanuts : ---------------------------------------------------------------------- : pounds pounds pounds : 2023 : August ..................: 2,265,600 25,920 2,291,520 September ...............: 1,979,520 25,920 2,005,440 October .................: 2,103,810 - 2,103,810 November ................: 2,132,595 25,920 2,158,515 December ................: 1,723,650 25,920 1,749,570 : 2024 : January .................: - - - February ................: March ...................: April ...................: May .....................: June ....................: July ....................: : 2023 : January .................: 522,225 51,840 574,065 : 2023-2024 : August-January ..........: 10,205,175 103,680 10,308,855 : 2022-2023 : August-January ..........: 6,979,799 388,800 7,368,599 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Represents zero. Stocks of Treated Seed at Month's End - United States: January 2024 with Comparisons [Excludes stocks on farms. Blank data cells indicate estimation period has not yet begun.] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Month : Virginias : : : ending : and : Runner : Spanish : Total : Valencias : : : --------------------------------------------------------------------------- : 1,000 pounds : 2023 : August ........: (D) 138 (D) 178 September .....: (D) 25 (D) 65 October .......: (D) 25 (D) 65 November ......: (D) 24 (D) 64 December ......: (D) 24 (D) 64 : 2024 : January .......: (D) 988 (D) 1,023 February ......: March .........: April .........: May ...........: June ..........: July ..........: : 2023 : January .......: (D) 1,775 (D) 2,667 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- (D) Withheld to avoid disclosing data for individual operations. Statistical Methodology Survey Procedures: The peanut stocks and processing estimates in this report are based on a survey conducted during the first three weeks of the month. The survey is required by law under Title 7 of the United States Code (7 U.S.C. 951, 2010). Peanut stocks are a census of all known cleaners, shellers, crushers, warehouses, cold storage plants, and processors of peanuts who handle more than 30,000 pounds annually. Every effort is made to obtain a report from all facilities. Estimating Procedures: Since a complete report is not always received from all facilities, estimates are made for missing facilities to assure complete coverage. Peanut stocks survey data are reviewed at the national level for reasonableness and consistency with historical estimates. Revision Policy: Peanut stocks are subject to revision at any time during the marketing year. Revisions can be made when late reports are received and errors are detected in reporting and calculating. Once the marketing year ends, no revisions can be made to the previous marketing year. Reliability: The peanut stocks and processing survey is subject to non- sampling errors such as omission, duplication, imputation for missing data, and mistakes in reporting, recording, and processing the data. These errors cannot be measured directly, but are minimized through rigid quality controls in the data collection process and a careful review of all reported data for consistency and reasonableness. Information Contacts Listed below are the commodity statisticians in the Crops Branch of the National Agricultural Statistics Service to contact for additional information. E-mail inquiries may be sent to Chris Hawthorn, Acting Chief, Crops Branch........................................... (202) 720-2127 Travis Thorson, Acting Head, Field Crops Section..................................... (202) 720-2127 Irwin Anolik - Crop Progress and Condition...................................... (202) 720-7621 Joshua Bates - Hemp, Oats, Soybeans............................................. (202) 690-3234 Natasha Bruton - Barley, Cotton System Consumption and Stocks, Grain Crushings.. (202) 690-1042 David Colwell - Fats and Oils, Flour Milling Products........................... (202) 720-8800 Michelle Harder - County Estimates, Hay......................................... (202) 690-8533 James Johanson - Rye, Wheat..................................................... (202) 720-8068 Greg Lemmons - Corn, Flaxseed, Proso Millet..................................... (202) 720-9526 Becky Sommer - Cotton, Cotton Ginnings, Sorghum................................. (202) 720-5944 Travis Thorson - Sunflower, Other Oilseeds...................................... (202) 720-7369 Travis Thorson - Peanuts, Rice.................................................. (202) 720-2127 Access to NASS Reports For your convenience, you may access NASS reports and products the following ways: All reports are available electronically, at no cost, on the NASS web site: Both national and state specific reports are available via a free e- mail subscription. To set-up this free subscription, visit and click on "National" or "State" in upper right corner above "search" box to create an account and select the reports you would like to receive. Cornell's Mann Library has launched a new website housing NASS's and other agency's archived reports. The new website, All email subscriptions containing reports will be sent from the new website, To continue receiving the reports via e-mail, you will have to go to the new website, create a new account and re-subscribe to the reports. If you need instructions to set up an account or subscribe, they are located at: You should whitelist in your email client to avoid the emails going into spam/junk folders. For more information on NASS surveys and reports, call the NASS Agricultural Statistics Hotline at (800) 727-9540, 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. ET, or e-mail: The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination against its customers, employees, and applicants for employment on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, sex, gender identity, religion, reprisal, and where applicable, political beliefs, marital status, familial or parental status, sexual orientation, or all or part of an individual's income is derived from any public assistance program, or protected genetic information in employment or in any program or activity conducted or funded by the Department. (Not all prohibited bases will apply to all programs and/or employment activities.) If you wish to file a Civil Rights program complaint of discrimination, complete the USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form (PDF), found online at, or at any USDA office, or call (866) 632-9992 to request the form. You may also write a letter containing all of the information requested in the form. Send your completed complaint form or letter to us by mail at U.S. Department of Agriculture, Director, Office of Adjudication, 1400 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20250-9410, by fax (202) 690-7442 or email at