United States Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Statistics Service ISSN: 1949- 1506 Milk Production, Disposition, and Income 2017 Summary April 2018 Contents Summary........................................................................ 4 Milk Cows and Production of Milk and Milkfat - United States: 2016-2017........ 5 Milk Used and Marketed by Producers - United States: 2016-2017................. 5 Milk and Cream Marketings and Income - United States: 2016-2017................ 5 Value of Milk Production - United States: 2016-2017............................ 5 Milk Cows and Production of Milk and Milkfat - States and United States: 2016.. 6 Milk Used and Marketed by Producers - States and United States: 2016........... 7 Milk and Cream Marketings and Income - States and United States: 2016.......... 8 Value of Milk Production - States and United States: 2016...................... 9 Milk Cows and Production of Milk and Milkfat - States and United States: 2017.. 10 Milk Used and Marketed by Producers - States and United States: 2017........... 11 Milk and Cream Marketings and Income - States and United States: 2017.......... 12 Value of Milk Production - States and United States: 2017...................... 13 Statistical Methodology........................................................ 14 Information Contacts........................................................... 14 Summary Milk production increased 1.4 percent in 2017 to 215 billion pounds. The rate per cow, at 22,941 pounds, was 163 pounds above 2016. The annual average number of milk cows on farms was 9.39 million head, up 67,000 head from 2016. Cash receipts from marketings of milk during 2017 totaled $37.9 billion, 9.8 percent higher than 2016. Producer returns averaged $17.69 per hundredweight, 8.3 percent above 2016. Marketings totaled 214.5 billion pounds, 1.5 percent above 2016. Marketings include whole milk sold to plants and dealers and milk sold directly to consumers. An estimated 979 million pounds of milk were used on farms where produced, 1.4 percent less than 2016. Calves were fed 91 percent of this milk, with the remainder consumed in producer households. Milk Cows and Production of Milk and Milkfat - United States: 2016-2017 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ : : Production of milk and milkfat 2/ : :-------------------------------------------------------------------------- : : Per milk cow : All milk : Total : :-----------------------------:percent of fat:----------------------------- Year : Milk cows 1/ : Milk : Milkfat : : Milk : Milkfat ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ : 1,000 head ------ pounds ----- percent --- million pounds --- : 2016 .......: 9,325 22,778 863 3.79 212,405 8,051.8 2017 .......: 9,392 22,941 881 3.84 215,466 8,269.4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1/ Average number during year, excluding heifers not yet fresh. 2/ Excludes milk sucked by calves. Milk Used and Marketed by Producers - United States: 2016-2017 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : Milk used where produced : Milk marketed by producers :-------------------------------------------------------------------------- : : : : : Year : Fed to : Milk, : : : Fluid : calves 1/ : cream, and : Total : Total 2/ : grade 3/ : : butter : : : ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : ----------------- million pounds ----------------- percent : 2016 ...: 898 95 993 211,412 99 2017 ...: 887 92 979 214,487 99 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1/ Excludes milk sucked by calves. 2/ Milk sold to plants and dealers as whole milk and equivalent amounts of milk for cream. Includes milk produced by dealers' own herds and milk sold directly to consumers. Also includes milk produced by institutional herds. 3/ Percentage of milk sold that is eligible for fluid use (Grade A in most States). Includes fluid grade milk used in manufacturing dairy products. Milk and Cream Marketings and Income - United States: 2016-2017 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : Combined marketings of milk and cream :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Year : : All milk : Returns : Cash : Milk : average returns : per : receipts : utilized : per cwt 1/ : pound of : from : : : milkfat : marketings ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : million pounds dollars dollars 1,000 dollars : 2016 .....: 211,412 16.34 4.31 34,538,700 2017 .....: 214,487 17.69 4.61 37,937,689 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1/ Cash receipts divided by milk or milkfat in combined marketings. Value of Milk Production - United States: 2016-2017 ------------------------------------------------------------------- : Combined marketings of milk and cream :----------------------------------------------------------- : Used for milk, : : : cream, and butter : Gross : Value : by producers : producer : of :-----------------------------: income 2/ : milk Year : Milk : Value 1/ : :produced 1/ 3/ : utilized : : : ------------------------------------------------------------------- :million pounds ------------ 1,000 dollars ----------- : 2016 ..: 95 15,956 34,554,656 34,704,326 2017 ..: 92 16,789 37,954,478 38,114,004 ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1/ Value at average returns per 100 pounds of milk in combined marketings of milk and cream. 2/ Cash receipts from marketings of milk and cream plus value of milk used for home consumption. 3/ Includes value of milk fed to calves. Milk Cows and Production of Milk and Milkfat - States and United States: 2016 [May not add due to rounding] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : : Production of milk and milkfat 2/ : :--------------------------------------------------------------------- : : Per milk cow : All milk : Total : : : : percent of : : :Milk cows 1/ :---------------------------: fat :--------------------------- State : : Milk : Milkfat : : Milk : Milkfat ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : 1,000 head ------ pounds ----- percent --- million pounds --- : Alabama ........: 7.0 13,143 499 3.80 92.0 3.5 Alaska .........: 0.3 11,667 455 3.90 3.5 0.1 Arizona ........: 196.0 24,679 876 3.55 4,837.0 171.7 Arkansas .......: 6.0 13,333 489 3.67 80.0 2.9 California .....: 1,762.0 22,968 870 3.79 40,469.0 1,533.8 Colorado .......: 151.0 25,993 949 3.65 3,925.0 143.3 Connecticut ....: 19.0 21,526 844 3.92 409.0 16.0 Delaware .......: 5.0 19,100 733 3.84 95.5 3.7 Florida ........: 123.0 20,285 734 3.62 2,495.0 90.3 Georgia ........: 84.0 21,786 780 3.58 1,830.0 65.5 : Hawaii .........: 2.4 14,542 486 3.34 34.9 1.2 Idaho ..........: 595.0 24,647 951 3.86 14,665.0 566.1 Illinois .......: 94.0 20,340 771 3.79 1,912.0 72.5 Indiana ........: 184.0 22,571 835 3.70 4,153.0 153.7 Iowa ...........: 213.0 23,634 908 3.84 5,034.0 193.3 Kansas .........: 146.0 22,801 841 3.69 3,329.0 122.8 Kentucky .......: 58.0 18,052 661 3.66 1,047.0 38.3 Louisiana ......: 12.0 14,083 524 3.72 169.0 6.3 Maine ..........: 30.0 21,000 794 3.78 630.0 23.8 Maryland .......: 48.0 19,938 752 3.77 957.0 36.1 : Massachusetts ..: 12.0 18,417 716 3.89 221.0 8.6 Michigan .......: 419.0 25,957 953 3.67 10,876.0 399.1 Minnesota ......: 461.0 20,967 818 3.90 9,666.0 377.0 Mississippi ....: 10.0 14,400 546 3.79 144.0 5.5 Missouri .......: 85.0 14,824 575 3.88 1,260.0 48.9 Montana ........: 14.0 21,071 786 3.73 295.0 11.0 Nebraska .......: 60.0 23,317 888 3.81 1,399.0 53.3 Nevada .........: 30.0 22,000 840 3.82 660.0 25.2 New Hampshire ..: 14.0 20,500 787 3.84 287.0 11.0 New Jersey .....: 7.0 17,429 666 3.82 122.0 4.7 : New Mexico .....: 315.0 24,479 879 3.59 7,711.0 276.8 New York .......: 620.0 23,834 908 3.81 14,777.0 563.0 North Carolina .: 46.0 20,978 770 3.67 965.0 35.4 North Dakota ...: 16.0 21,500 832 3.87 344.0 13.3 Ohio ...........: 265.0 20,936 798 3.81 5,548.0 211.4 Oklahoma .......: 37.0 18,703 692 3.70 692.0 25.6 Oregon .........: 125.0 20,744 819 3.95 2,593.0 102.4 Pennsylvania ...: 529.0 20,454 775 3.79 10,820.0 410.1 Rhode Island ...: 0.8 17,625 701 3.98 14.1 0.6 South Carolina .: 15.0 16,667 642 3.85 250.0 9.6 : South Dakota ...: 115.0 22,139 899 4.06 2,546.0 103.4 Tennessee ......: 42.0 16,571 608 3.67 696.0 25.5 Texas ..........: 475.0 22,680 898 3.96 10,773.0 426.6 Utah ...........: 92.0 22,772 865 3.80 2,095.0 79.6 Vermont ........: 130.0 20,977 799 3.81 2,727.0 103.9 Virginia .......: 90.0 19,144 710 3.71 1,723.0 63.9 Washington .....: 276.0 24,094 954 3.96 6,650.0 263.3 West Virginia ..: 9.0 14,889 554 3.72 134.0 5.0 Wisconsin ......: 1,279.0 23,542 890 3.78 30,110.0 1,138.2 Wyoming ........: 6.0 23,300 832 3.57 139.8 5.0 : United States ..: 9,325.0 22,778 863 3.79 212,405.0 8,051.8 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1/ Average number during year, excluding heifers not yet fresh. 2/ Excludes milk sucked by calves. Milk Used and Marketed by Producers - States and United States: 2016 [May not add due to rounding] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : Milk used where produced : Milk marketed by producers :----------------------------------------------------------------------- : : : : : State : Fed to : Milk, : : : Fluid : calves 1/ : cream, and : Total : Total 2/ : grade 3/ : : butter : : : --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : ----------------- million pounds ----------------- percent : Alabama .......: 0.7 0.3 1.0 91.0 100 Alaska ........: 0.1 0.2 0.3 3.2 100 Arizona .......: 12.0 1.0 13.0 4,824.0 100 Arkansas ......: 1.7 0.3 2.0 78.0 100 California ....: 27.0 5.0 32.0 40,437.0 98 Colorado ......: 21.0 1.0 22.0 3,903.0 100 Connecticut ...: 2.5 0.5 3.0 406.0 100 Delaware ......: 0.9 0.1 1.0 94.5 100 Florida .......: 5.0 1.0 6.0 2,489.0 100 Georgia .......: 7.0 1.0 8.0 1,822.0 100 : Hawaii ........: 0.1 0.1 0.2 34.7 100 Idaho .........: 30.0 1.0 31.0 14,634.0 100 Illinois ......: 10.0 2.0 12.0 1,900.0 98 Indiana .......: 23.0 4.0 27.0 4,126.0 100 Iowa ..........: 14.0 1.0 15.0 5,019.0 99 Kansas ........: 13.0 1.0 14.0 3,315.0 100 Kentucky ......: 5.0 1.0 6.0 1,041.0 100 Louisiana .....: 2.0 1.0 3.0 166.0 100 Maine .........: 3.0 1.0 4.0 626.0 100 Maryland ......: 7.0 1.0 8.0 949.0 100 : Massachusetts .: 1.5 0.5 2.0 219.0 100 Michigan ......: 32.0 2.0 34.0 10,842.0 100 Minnesota .....: 100.0 5.0 105.0 9,561.0 99 Mississippi ...: 1.0 2.0 3.0 141.0 100 Missouri ......: 17.0 4.0 21.0 1,239.0 97 Montana .......: 3.0 2.0 5.0 290.0 100 Nebraska ......: 6.5 0.5 7.0 1,392.0 100 Nevada ........: 5.0 1.0 6.0 654.0 100 New Hampshire .: 1.5 0.5 2.0 285.0 100 New Jersey ....: 1.5 0.5 2.0 120.0 100 : New Mexico ....: 40.0 3.0 43.0 7,668.0 100 New York ......: 50.0 2.0 52.0 14,725.0 100 North Carolina : 4.0 1.0 5.0 960.0 100 North Dakota ..: 4.5 0.5 5.0 339.0 97 Ohio ..........: 22.0 5.0 27.0 5,521.0 97 Oklahoma ......: 5.0 1.0 6.0 686.0 100 Oregon ........: 20.0 1.0 21.0 2,572.0 100 Pennsylvania ..: 59.0 13.0 72.0 10,748.0 100 Rhode Island ..: 0.1 - 0.1 14.0 100 South Carolina : 2.0 1.0 3.0 247.0 100 : South Dakota ..: 6.0 1.0 7.0 2,539.0 100 Tennessee .....: 4.0 1.0 5.0 691.0 100 Texas .........: 27.0 1.0 28.0 10,745.0 100 Utah ..........: 13.0 1.0 14.0 2,081.0 100 Vermont .......: 13.0 2.0 15.0 2,712.0 100 Virginia ......: 8.0 2.0 10.0 1,713.0 100 Washington ....: 19.0 1.0 20.0 6,630.0 100 West Virginia .: 2.0 1.0 3.0 131.0 100 Wisconsin .....: 244.0 16.0 260.0 29,850.0 99 Wyoming .......: 1.3 0.2 1.5 138.3 100 : United States .: 898.0 95.0 993.0 211,412.0 99 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Represents zero. 1/ Excludes milk sucked by calves. 2/ Milk sold to plants and dealers as whole milk and equivalent amounts of milk for cream. Includes milk produced by dealers' own herds and milk sold directly to consumers. Also includes milk produced by institutional herds. 3/ Percentage of milk sold that is eligible for fluid use (Grade A in most States). Includes fluid grade milk used in manufacturing dairy products. Milk and Cream Marketings and Income - States and United States: 2016 [May not add due to rounding] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ : : All milk : Returns : Cash : Milk : average returns : per pound : receipts State : utilized : per cwt 1/ : of milkfat : from : : : : marketings ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ : million pounds dollars dollars 1,000 dollars : Alabama ..........: 91.0 17.10 4.50 15,561 Alaska ...........: 3.2 21.90 5.62 701 Arizona ..........: 4,824.0 15.10 4.25 728,424 Arkansas .........: 78.0 16.60 4.52 12,948 California .......: 40,437.0 15.00 3.96 6,065,550 Colorado .........: 3,903.0 16.70 4.58 651,801 Connecticut ......: 406.0 17.00 4.34 69,020 Delaware .........: 94.5 16.10 4.19 15,215 Florida ..........: 2,489.0 19.60 5.41 487,844 Georgia ..........: 1,822.0 17.50 4.89 318,850 : Hawaii ...........: 34.7 26.40 7.90 9,161 Idaho ............: 14,634.0 16.10 4.17 2,356,074 Illinois .........: 1,900.0 16.60 4.38 315,400 Indiana ..........: 4,126.0 16.20 4.38 668,412 Iowa .............: 5,019.0 16.60 4.32 833,154 Kansas ...........: 3,315.0 16.00 4.34 530,400 Kentucky .........: 1,041.0 17.20 4.70 179,052 Louisiana ........: 166.0 16.70 4.49 27,722 Maine ............: 626.0 18.60 4.92 116,436 Maryland .........: 949.0 16.40 4.35 155,636 : Massachusetts ....: 219.0 17.30 4.45 37,887 Michigan .........: 10,842.0 15.10 4.11 1,637,142 Minnesota ........: 9,561.0 16.80 4.31 1,606,248 Mississippi ......: 141.0 17.20 4.54 24,252 Missouri .........: 1,239.0 16.90 4.36 209,391 Montana ..........: 290.0 15.80 4.24 45,820 Nebraska .........: 1,392.0 16.90 4.44 235,248 Nevada ...........: 654.0 16.30 4.27 106,602 New Hampshire ....: 285.0 17.40 4.53 49,590 New Jersey .......: 120.0 16.40 4.29 19,680 : New Mexico .......: 7,668.0 15.60 4.35 1,196,208 New York .........: 14,725.0 17.00 4.46 2,503,250 North Carolina ...: 960.0 17.10 4.66 164,160 North Dakota .....: 339.0 16.20 4.19 54,918 Ohio .............: 5,521.0 16.80 4.41 927,528 Oklahoma .........: 686.0 17.70 4.78 121,422 Oregon ...........: 2,572.0 18.10 4.58 465,532 Pennsylvania .....: 10,748.0 17.20 4.54 1,848,656 Rhode Island .....: 14.0 17.20 4.32 2,408 South Carolina ...: 247.0 17.80 4.62 43,966 : South Dakota .....: 2,539.0 17.60 4.33 446,864 Tennessee ........: 691.0 17.20 4.69 118,852 Texas ............: 10,745.0 17.20 4.34 1,848,140 Utah .............: 2,081.0 16.20 4.26 337,122 Vermont ..........: 2,712.0 17.30 4.54 469,176 Virginia .........: 1,713.0 18.00 4.85 308,340 Washington .......: 6,630.0 16.50 4.17 1,093,950 West Virginia ....: 131.0 16.10 4.33 21,091 Wisconsin ........: 29,850.0 16.80 4.44 5,014,800 Wyoming ..........: 138.3 16.70 4.68 23,096 : United States ....: 211,412.0 16.34 4.31 34,538,700 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1/ Cash receipts divided by milk or milkfat in combined marketings. Value of Milk Production - States and United States: 2016 [May not add due to rounding] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- : Used for milk, : : : cream, and butter : Gross : Value of : by producers : producer : milk State :-----------------------------: income 2/ :produced 1/ 3/ : Milk : : : : utilized : Value 1/ : : --------------------------------------------------------------------------- :million pounds ------------ 1,000 dollars ----------- : Alabama .......: 0.3 51 15,612 15,732 Alaska ........: 0.2 44 745 767 Arizona .......: 1.0 151 728,575 730,387 Arkansas ......: 0.3 50 12,998 13,280 California ....: 5.0 750 6,066,300 6,070,350 Colorado ......: 1.0 167 651,968 655,475 Connecticut ...: 0.5 85 69,105 69,530 Delaware ......: 0.1 16 15,231 15,376 Florida .......: 1.0 196 488,040 489,020 Georgia .......: 1.0 175 319,025 320,250 : Hawaii ........: 0.1 26 9,187 9,214 Idaho .........: 1.0 161 2,356,235 2,361,065 Illinois ......: 2.0 332 315,732 317,392 Indiana .......: 4.0 648 669,060 672,786 Iowa ..........: 1.0 166 833,320 835,644 Kansas ........: 1.0 160 530,560 532,640 Kentucky ......: 1.0 172 179,224 180,084 Louisiana .....: 1.0 167 27,889 28,223 Maine .........: 1.0 186 116,622 117,180 Maryland ......: 1.0 164 155,800 156,948 : Massachusetts .: 0.5 87 37,974 38,233 Michigan ......: 2.0 302 1,637,444 1,642,276 Minnesota .....: 5.0 840 1,607,088 1,623,888 Mississippi ...: 2.0 344 24,596 24,768 Missouri ......: 4.0 676 210,067 212,940 Montana .......: 2.0 316 46,136 46,610 Nebraska ......: 0.5 85 235,333 236,431 Nevada ........: 1.0 163 106,765 107,580 New Hampshire .: 0.5 87 49,677 49,938 New Jersey ....: 0.5 82 19,762 20,008 : New Mexico ....: 3.0 468 1,196,676 1,202,916 New York ......: 2.0 340 2,503,590 2,512,090 North Carolina : 1.0 171 164,331 165,015 North Dakota ..: 0.5 81 54,999 55,728 Ohio ..........: 5.0 840 928,368 932,064 Oklahoma ......: 1.0 177 121,599 122,484 Oregon ........: 1.0 181 465,713 469,333 Pennsylvania ..: 13.0 2,236 1,850,892 1,861,040 Rhode Island ..: - - 2,408 2,425 South Carolina : 1.0 178 44,144 44,500 : South Dakota ..: 1.0 176 447,040 448,096 Tennessee .....: 1.0 172 119,024 119,712 Texas .........: 1.0 172 1,848,312 1,852,956 Utah ..........: 1.0 162 337,284 339,390 Vermont .......: 2.0 346 469,522 471,771 Virginia ......: 2.0 360 308,700 310,140 Washington ....: 1.0 165 1,094,115 1,097,250 West Virginia .: 1.0 161 21,252 21,574 Wisconsin .....: 16.0 2,688 5,017,488 5,058,480 Wyoming .......: 0.2 33 23,129 23,347 : United States .: 95.0 15,956 34,554,656 34,704,326 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Represents zero. 1/ Value at average returns per 100 pounds of milk in combined marketings of milk and cream. 2/ Cash receipts from marketings of milk and cream plus value of milk used for home consumption. 3/ Includes value of milk fed to calves. Milk Cows and Production of Milk and Milkfat - States and United States: 2017 [May not add due to rounding] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : : Production of milk and milkfat 2/ : :--------------------------------------------------------------------- : : Per milk cow : All milk : Total : : : : percent of : : :Milk cows 1/ :---------------------------: fat :--------------------------- State : : Milk : Milkfat : : Milk : Milkfat ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : 1,000 head ------ pounds ----- percent --- million pounds --- : Alabama ........: 6.0 14,833 573 3.86 89.0 3.4 Alaska .........: 0.3 9,667 379 3.92 2.9 0.1 Arizona ........: 203.0 24,680 893 3.62 5,010.0 181.4 Arkansas .......: 6.0 13,167 490 3.72 79.0 2.9 California .....: 1,749.0 22,755 876 3.85 39,798.0 1,532.2 Colorado .......: 160.0 26,181 966 3.69 4,189.0 154.6 Connecticut ....: 19.0 22,105 882 3.99 420.0 16.8 Delaware .......: 5.0 18,560 716 3.86 92.8 3.6 Florida ........: 124.0 20,129 743 3.69 2,496.0 92.1 Georgia ........: 84.0 21,905 795 3.63 1,840.0 66.8 : Hawaii .........: 2.3 16,913 560 3.31 38.9 1.3 Idaho ..........: 600.0 24,378 953 3.91 14,627.0 571.9 Illinois .......: 93.0 20,742 796 3.84 1,929.0 74.1 Indiana ........: 187.0 22,802 853 3.74 4,264.0 159.5 Iowa ...........: 218.0 23,725 918 3.87 5,172.0 200.2 Kansas .........: 152.0 23,000 865 3.76 3,496.0 131.4 Kentucky .......: 56.0 18,589 699 3.76 1,041.0 39.1 Louisiana ......: 12.0 13,333 517 3.88 160.0 6.2 Maine ..........: 30.0 21,000 804 3.83 630.0 24.1 Maryland .......: 48.0 19,854 758 3.82 953.0 36.4 : Massachusetts ..: 12.0 17,583 696 3.96 211.0 8.4 Michigan .......: 427.0 26,302 978 3.72 11,231.0 417.8 Minnesota ......: 458.0 21,537 838 3.89 9,864.0 383.7 Mississippi ....: 9.0 15,222 585 3.84 137.0 5.3 Missouri .......: 85.0 14,588 573 3.93 1,240.0 48.7 Montana ........: 13.0 22,154 831 3.75 288.0 10.8 Nebraska .......: 60.0 24,067 924 3.84 1,444.0 55.4 Nevada .........: 32.0 22,156 866 3.91 709.0 27.7 New Hampshire ..: 13.0 21,000 815 3.88 273.0 10.6 New Jersey .....: 6.0 19,833 758 3.82 119.0 4.5 : New Mexico .....: 329.0 24,960 909 3.64 8,212.0 298.9 New York .......: 623.0 23,936 922 3.85 14,912.0 574.1 North Carolina .: 45.0 21,156 793 3.75 952.0 35.7 North Dakota ...: 16.0 21,563 826 3.83 345.0 13.2 Ohio ...........: 263.0 21,259 821 3.86 5,591.0 215.8 Oklahoma .......: 39.0 18,667 702 3.76 728.0 27.4 Oregon .........: 124.0 20,395 816 4.00 2,529.0 101.2 Pennsylvania ...: 525.0 20,834 798 3.83 10,938.0 418.9 Rhode Island ...: 0.8 16,250 644 3.96 13.0 0.5 South Carolina .: 15.0 16,467 634 3.85 247.0 9.5 : South Dakota ...: 117.0 22,376 913 4.08 2,618.0 106.8 Tennessee ......: 40.0 17,325 651 3.76 693.0 26.1 Texas ..........: 511.0 23,589 953 4.04 12,054.0 487.0 Utah ...........: 95.0 23,316 886 3.80 2,215.0 84.2 Vermont ........: 129.0 21,147 814 3.85 2,728.0 105.0 Virginia .......: 87.0 19,954 748 3.75 1,736.0 65.1 Washington .....: 274.0 23,818 953 4.00 6,526.0 261.0 West Virginia ..: 8.0 15,875 602 3.79 127.0 4.8 Wisconsin ......: 1,278.0 23,725 906 3.82 30,320.0 1,158.2 Wyoming ........: 6.0 23,033 838 3.64 138.2 5.0 : United States ..: 9,392.0 22,941 881 3.84 215,466.0 8,269.4 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1/ Average number during year, excluding heifers not yet fresh. 2/ Excludes milk sucked by calves. Milk Used and Marketed by Producers - States and United States: 2017 [May not add due to rounding] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : Milk used where produced :Milk marketed by producers :----------------------------------------------------------------- : : : : : State : Fed to : Milk, : : : Fluid : calves 1/ : cream, and : Total : Total 2/ : grade 3/ : : butter : : : --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : --------------- million pounds --------------- percent : Alabama .......: 0.7 0.3 1.0 88.0 100 Alaska ........: 0.2 0.2 0.4 2.5 100 Arizona .......: 13.0 1.0 14.0 4,996.0 100 Arkansas ......: 1.7 0.3 2.0 77.0 100 California ....: 26.0 4.0 30.0 39,768.0 97 Colorado ......: 21.0 1.0 22.0 4,167.0 100 Connecticut ...: 2.5 0.5 3.0 417.0 100 Delaware ......: 0.9 0.1 1.0 91.8 100 Florida .......: 5.0 1.0 6.0 2,490.0 100 Georgia .......: 7.0 1.0 8.0 1,832.0 100 : Hawaii ........: 0.1 0.1 0.2 38.7 100 Idaho .........: 31.0 1.0 32.0 14,595.0 100 Illinois ......: 10.0 2.0 12.0 1,917.0 98 Indiana .......: 23.0 4.0 27.0 4,237.0 100 Iowa ..........: 15.0 1.0 16.0 5,156.0 100 Kansas ........: 12.0 1.0 13.0 3,483.0 100 Kentucky ......: 5.0 1.0 6.0 1,035.0 100 Louisiana .....: 2.0 1.0 3.0 157.0 100 Maine .........: 3.0 1.0 4.0 626.0 100 Maryland ......: 7.0 1.0 8.0 945.0 100 : Massachusetts .: 1.5 0.5 2.0 209.0 100 Michigan ......: 33.0 2.0 35.0 11,196.0 100 Minnesota .....: 95.0 4.0 99.0 9,765.0 99 Mississippi ...: 1.0 2.0 3.0 134.0 100 Missouri ......: 17.0 4.0 21.0 1,219.0 97 Montana .......: 3.0 2.0 5.0 283.0 100 Nebraska ......: 5.5 0.5 6.0 1,438.0 100 Nevada ........: 5.0 1.0 6.0 703.0 100 New Hampshire .: 1.5 0.5 2.0 271.0 100 New Jersey ....: 1.5 0.5 2.0 117.0 100 : New Mexico ....: 40.0 3.0 43.0 8,169.0 100 New York ......: 55.0 2.0 57.0 14,855.0 100 North Carolina : 5.0 1.0 6.0 946.0 100 North Dakota ..: 4.5 0.5 5.0 340.0 98 Ohio ..........: 24.0 5.0 29.0 5,562.0 97 Oklahoma ......: 6.0 1.0 7.0 721.0 100 Oregon ........: 20.0 1.0 21.0 2,508.0 100 Pennsylvania ..: 61.0 14.0 75.0 10,863.0 100 Rhode Island ..: 0.1 - 0.1 12.9 100 South Carolina : 2.0 1.0 3.0 244.0 100 : South Dakota ..: 7.0 1.0 8.0 2,610.0 100 Tennessee .....: 4.0 1.0 5.0 688.0 100 Texas .........: 25.0 1.0 26.0 12,028.0 100 Utah ..........: 12.0 1.0 13.0 2,202.0 100 Vermont .......: 13.0 2.0 15.0 2,713.0 100 Virginia ......: 8.0 2.0 10.0 1,726.0 100 Washington ....: 17.0 1.0 18.0 6,508.0 100 West Virginia .: 2.0 1.0 3.0 124.0 100 Wisconsin .....: 230.0 14.0 244.0 30,076.0 99 Wyoming .......: 1.3 0.2 1.5 136.7 100 : United States .: 887.0 92.0 979.0 214,487.0 99 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Represents zero. 1/ Excludes milk sucked by calves. 2/ Milk sold to plants and dealers as whole milk and equivalent amounts of milk for cream. Includes milk produced by dealers' own herds and milk sold directly to consumers. Also includes milk produced by institutional herds. 3/ Percentage of milk sold that is eligible for fluid use (Grade A in most States). Includes fluid grade milk used in manufacturing dairy products. Milk and Cream Marketings and Income - States and United States: 2017 [May not add due to rounding] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : : : : : : : : Cash : Milk : All milk : Returns : receipts State : utilized : average returns : per pound : from : : per cwt 1/ : of milkfat : marketings ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : million pounds dollars dollars 1,000 dollars : Alabama ........: 88.0 18.60 4.82 16,368 Alaska .........: 2.5 22.00 5.61 550 Arizona ........: 4,996.0 16.70 4.61 834,332 Arkansas .......: 77.0 18.70 5.03 14,399 California .....: 39,768.0 16.50 4.29 6,561,720 Colorado .......: 4,167.0 18.10 4.91 754,227 Connecticut ....: 417.0 18.70 4.69 77,979 Delaware .......: 91.8 17.60 4.56 16,157 Florida ........: 2,490.0 21.50 5.83 535,350 Georgia ........: 1,832.0 19.00 5.23 348,080 : Hawaii .........: 38.7 28.60 8.64 11,068 Idaho ..........: 14,595.0 17.20 4.40 2,510,340 Illinois .......: 1,917.0 18.30 4.77 350,811 Indiana ........: 4,237.0 17.70 4.73 749,949 Iowa ...........: 5,156.0 18.10 4.68 933,236 Kansas .........: 3,483.0 16.90 4.49 588,627 Kentucky .......: 1,035.0 18.90 5.03 195,615 Louisiana ......: 157.0 18.70 4.82 29,359 Maine ..........: 626.0 19.80 5.17 123,948 Maryland .......: 945.0 17.80 4.66 168,210 : Massachusetts ..: 209.0 18.80 4.75 39,292 Michigan .......: 11,196.0 16.40 4.41 1,836,144 Minnesota ......: 9,765.0 17.80 4.58 1,738,170 Mississippi ....: 134.0 18.90 4.92 25,326 Missouri .......: 1,219.0 18.70 4.76 227,953 Montana ........: 283.0 17.50 4.67 49,525 Nebraska .......: 1,438.0 18.20 4.74 261,716 Nevada .........: 703.0 17.90 4.58 125,837 New Hampshire ..: 271.0 18.60 4.79 50,406 New Jersey .....: 117.0 18.30 4.79 21,411 : New Mexico .....: 8,169.0 16.30 4.48 1,331,547 New York .......: 14,855.0 18.20 4.73 2,703,610 North Carolina .: 946.0 18.80 5.01 177,848 North Dakota ...: 340.0 17.60 4.60 59,840 Ohio ...........: 5,562.0 18.40 4.77 1,023,408 Oklahoma .......: 721.0 19.20 5.11 138,432 Oregon .........: 2,508.0 19.80 4.95 496,584 Pennsylvania ...: 10,863.0 18.60 4.86 2,020,518 Rhode Island ...: 12.9 18.60 4.70 2,399 South Carolina .: 244.0 19.10 4.96 46,604 : South Dakota ...: 2,610.0 18.80 4.61 490,680 Tennessee ......: 688.0 18.90 5.03 130,032 Texas ..........: 12,028.0 18.40 4.55 2,213,152 Utah ...........: 2,202.0 17.70 4.66 389,754 Vermont ........: 2,713.0 18.70 4.86 507,331 Virginia .......: 1,726.0 19.40 5.17 334,844 Washington .....: 6,508.0 18.20 4.55 1,184,456 West Virginia ..: 124.0 18.00 4.75 22,320 Wisconsin ......: 30,076.0 18.10 4.74 5,443,756 Wyoming ........: 136.7 17.90 4.92 24,469 : United States ..: 214,487.0 17.69 4.61 37,937,689 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1/ Cash receipts divided by milk or milkfat in combined marketings. Value of Milk Production - States and United States: 2017 [May not add due to rounding] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : Used for milk, : : : cream, and butter : Gross : Value of : by producers : producer : milk State :-----------------------------: income 2/ : produced 1/ 3/ : Milk : : : : utilized : Value 1/ : : ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :million pounds ------------- 1,000 dollars ------------- : Alabama .......: 0.3 56 16,424 16,554 Alaska ........: 0.2 44 594 638 Arizona .......: 1.0 167 834,499 836,670 Arkansas ......: 0.3 56 14,455 14,773 California ....: 4.0 660 6,562,380 6,566,670 Colorado ......: 1.0 181 754,408 758,209 Connecticut ...: 0.5 94 78,073 78,540 Delaware ......: 0.1 18 16,175 16,333 Florida .......: 1.0 215 535,565 536,640 Georgia .......: 1.0 190 348,270 349,600 : Hawaii ........: 0.1 29 11,097 11,125 Idaho .........: 1.0 172 2,510,512 2,515,844 Illinois ......: 2.0 366 351,177 353,007 Indiana .......: 4.0 708 750,657 754,728 Iowa ..........: 1.0 181 933,417 936,132 Kansas ........: 1.0 169 588,796 590,824 Kentucky ......: 1.0 189 195,804 196,749 Louisiana .....: 1.0 187 29,546 29,920 Maine .........: 1.0 198 124,146 124,740 Maryland ......: 1.0 178 168,388 169,634 : Massachusetts .: 0.5 94 39,386 39,668 Michigan ......: 2.0 328 1,836,472 1,841,884 Minnesota .....: 4.0 712 1,738,882 1,755,792 Mississippi ...: 2.0 378 25,704 25,893 Missouri ......: 4.0 748 228,701 231,880 Montana .......: 2.0 350 49,875 50,400 Nebraska ......: 0.5 91 261,807 262,808 Nevada ........: 1.0 179 126,016 126,911 New Hampshire .: 0.5 93 50,499 50,778 New Jersey ....: 0.5 92 21,503 21,777 : New Mexico ....: 3.0 489 1,332,036 1,338,556 New York ......: 2.0 364 2,703,974 2,713,984 North Carolina : 1.0 188 178,036 178,976 North Dakota ..: 0.5 88 59,928 60,720 Ohio ..........: 5.0 920 1,024,328 1,028,744 Oklahoma ......: 1.0 192 138,624 139,776 Oregon ........: 1.0 198 496,782 500,742 Pennsylvania ..: 14.0 2,604 2,023,122 2,034,468 Rhode Island ..: - - 2,399 2,418 South Carolina : 1.0 191 46,795 47,177 : South Dakota ..: 1.0 188 490,868 492,184 Tennessee .....: 1.0 189 130,221 130,977 Texas .........: 1.0 184 2,213,336 2,217,936 Utah ..........: 1.0 177 389,931 392,055 Vermont .......: 2.0 374 507,705 510,136 Virginia ......: 2.0 388 335,232 336,784 Washington ....: 1.0 182 1,184,638 1,187,732 West Virginia .: 1.0 180 22,500 22,860 Wisconsin .....: 14.0 2,534 5,446,290 5,487,920 Wyoming .......: 0.2 36 24,505 24,738 : United States .: 92.0 16,789 37,954,478 38,114,004 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Represents zero. 1/ Value at average returns per 100 pounds of milk in combined marketings of milk and cream. 2/ Cash receipts from marketings of milk and cream plus value of milk used for home consumption. 3/ Includes value of milk fed to calves. Statistical Methodology Survey Procedures: These estimates are based on inventory and price estimates as published in NASS milk production and agricultural prices reports, as well as information obtained from federal market milk orders and other sources. Readers are referred to the Survey Procedures section in NASS' monthly Milk Production and monthly Agricultural Prices publications. Estimation Procedures: Estimation procedures for prices and milk production estimates are defined in the Estimation Procedures section of the reports referenced above. Revision Policy: Revisions to previous estimates are made to improve current estimates. Previous year estimates of milk production are subject to revision when the current year estimates are made. Estimates are also reviewed after data from the Department of Agriculture five-year Census of Agriculture are available. No revisions are made after that date. Information Contacts Listed below are the commodity specialists in the Livestock Branch of the National Agricultural Statistics Service to contact for additional information. E-mail inquiries may be sent to nass@nass.usda.gov. Travis Averill, Chief, Livestock Branch ......... (202) 720-3570 Scott Hollis, Head, Livestock Section ........... (202) 690-2424 Sherry Bertramsen - Livestock Slaughter ...... (202) 720-3240 Holly Brenize - Sheep and Goats .............. (202) 720-0585 Donnie Fike - Dairy Products ................. (202) 690-3236 Heidi Gleich - Cattle, Cattle on Feed ........ (202) 720-3040 Mike Miller - Milk Production and Milk Cows .. (202) 720-3278 Seth Riggins - Hogs and Pigs ................. (202) 720-3106 Access to NASS Reports For your convenience, you may access NASS reports and products the following ways: All reports are available electronically, at no cost, on the NASS web site: www.nass.usda.gov Both national and state specific reports are available via a free e- mail subscription. To set-up this free subscription, visit www.nass.usda.gov and click on "National" or "State" in upper right corner above "search" box to create an account and select the reports you would like to receive. For more information on NASS surveys and reports, call the NASS Agricultural Statistics Hotline at (800) 727-9540, 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. ET, or e-mail: nass@nass.usda.gov. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination against its customers, employees, and applicants for employment on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, sex, gender identity, religion, reprisal, and where applicable, political beliefs, marital status, familial or parental status, sexual orientation, or all or part of an individual's income is derived from any public assistance program, or protected genetic information in employment or in any program or activity conducted or funded by the Department. (Not all prohibited bases will apply to all programs and/or employment activities.) If you wish to file a Civil Rights program complaint of discrimination, complete the USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form (PDF), found online at www.ascr.usda.gov/filing-program-discrimination-complaint-usda-customer, or at any USDA office, or call (866) 632-9992 to request the form. You may also write a letter containing all of the information requested in the form. Send your completed complaint form or letter to us by mail at U.S. Department of Agriculture, Director, Office of Adjudication, 1400 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20250-9410, by fax (202) 690-7442 or email at program.intake@usda.gov.