United States and Canadian Hogs ISSN: 1949-1956 Released August 30, 2023, by the National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS), Agricultural Statistics Board, United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). United States and Canadian Hog Inventory Down Slightly United States and Canadian inventory of all hogs and pigs for June 2023 was 86.2 million head. This was slightly lower than June 2022 and down 2 percent from June 2021. The breeding inventory, at 7.39 million head, was slightly lower than last year and down 1 percent from 2021. Market hog inventory, at 78.8 million head, was slightly lower than last year and down 2 percent from 2021. The semi-annual pig crop, at 80.0 million head, was up 1 percent from 2022 but down 1 percent from 2021. Sows farrowing during this period totaled 7.06 million head, down 1 percent from last year and down 2 percent from 2021. United States inventory of all hogs and pigs on June 1, 2023 was 72.4 million head. This was up slightly from June 1, 2022 but down 1 percent from March 1, 2023. The breeding inventory, at 6.15 million head, was down slightly from last year, but up 1 percent from the previous quarter. Market hog inventory, at 66.2 million head, was up slightly from last year, but down 1 percent from last quarter. The pig crop, at 32.9 million head, was up 1 percent from 2022 but down 1 percent from 2021. Sows farrowing during this period totaled 2.90 million head, down 2 percent from 2022 and down 5 percent from 2021. Canadian inventory of all hogs and pigs on July 1, 2023 was 13.8 million head. This was down 1 percent from July 1, 2022 and down 4 percent from July 1, 2021. The breeding inventory, at 1.24 million head, was down slightly from last year and down 2 percent from 2021. Market hog inventory, at 12.5 million head, was down 1 percent from last year and down 4 percent from 2021. The semi-annual pig crop, at 15.0 million head, was up 1 percent from 2022, but down 2 percent from 2021. Sows farrowing during this period totaled 1.25 million head, up 1 percent from last year, but down 2 percent from 2021. Hogs and Pigs Inventory, Sows Farrowed, and Pig Crop - United States and Canada: 2018-2023 [May not add due to rounding] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Item : : : : : : : 2023 as : 2018 : 2019 : 2020 : 2021 : 2022 : 2023 : percent : : : : : : : of 2022 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : --------------------------- 1,000 head --------------------------- percent : June inventory 1/ : All hogs and pigs ............: 86,301 89,845 91,824 87,508 86,224 86,169 100 Kept for breeding ...........: 7,568 7,645 7,672 7,490 7,415 7,389 100 Market ......................: 78,733 82,201 84,152 80,018 78,809 78,781 100 Under 50 pounds ............: 26,428 27,536 27,416 26,780 26,144 26,058 100 50-119 pounds ..............: 21,279 22,028 22,344 21,491 21,144 21,170 100 120-179 pounds .............: 16,352 16,937 18,224 16,280 16,226 16,262 100 180 pounds and over ........: 14,674 15,701 16,168 15,466 15,295 15,291 100 Sows farrowed 2/ .............: 7,271 7,447 7,575 7,238 7,132 7,059 99 Pig crop 2/ ..................: 78,069 81,758 84,199 80,621 79,461 79,991 101 : December inventory 3/ : All hogs and pigs ............: 89,140 90,898 91,432 88,616 88,769 Kept for breeding ...........: 7,578 7,801 7,439 7,382 7,350 Market ......................: 81,563 83,097 83,993 81,234 81,420 Under 50 pounds ............: 27,119 25,755 27,293 26,919 26,977 50-119 pounds ..............: 21,764 23,131 22,173 21,498 21,613 120-179 pounds .............: 16,848 17,771 18,223 16,804 17,185 180 pounds and over ........: 15,833 16,439 16,304 16,013 15,646 Sows farrowed 4/ .............: 7,595 7,527 7,693 7,352 7,388 Pig crop 4/ ..................: 82,551 84,182 86,032 82,949 83,445 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1/ United States June 1 and Canadian July 1 inventory items. 2/ United States December through May and Canadian January through June totals. 3/ United States December 1 and Canadian following year January 1 inventory items. 4/ United States June through November and Canadian July through December totals. Sources: National Agricultural Statistics Service and Livestock and Animal Products Section, Statistics Canada. Hogs and Pigs Inventory, Sows Farrowed, and Pig Crop - United States: 2018-2023 [May not add due to rounding] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : : : : : : : 2023 as Item : 2018 : 2019 : 2020 : 2021 : 2022 : 2023 : percent : : : : : : : of 2022 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : 1,000 head 1,000 head 1,000 head 1,000 head 1,000 head 1,000 head percent : March 1 inventory .............: All hogs and pigs ...........: 72,055 74,661 75,164 73,933 72,689 73,109 101 Kept for breeding 1/ ......: 6,210 6,349 6,425 6,215 6,098 6,096 100 Market ....................: 65,845 68,313 68,739 67,718 66,591 67,014 101 Under 50 pounds .........: 20,553 21,373 22,741 20,238 20,105 20,059 100 50-119 pounds ...........: 17,929 19,168 19,133 19,138 19,030 18,975 100 120-179 pounds ..........: 15,062 15,001 13,071 15,375 14,988 15,193 101 180 pounds and over .....: 12,300 12,771 13,793 12,966 12,468 12,787 103 Sows farrowed ...............: 2,977 3,098 3,182 2,929 2,919 2,910 100 Pig Crop ....................: 31,497 33,164 35,016 32,059 31,947 32,058 100 : June 1 inventory ..............: All hogs and pigs ...........: 72,231 75,725 77,664 73,153 72,314 72,394 100 Kept for breeding 1/ ......: 6,320 6,410 6,426 6,220 6,168 6,146 100 Market ....................: 65,911 69,316 71,238 66,933 66,146 66,249 100 Under 50 pounds ..........: 21,081 22,210 22,100 21,354 20,903 20,939 100 50-119 pounds ............: 18,846 19,693 19,890 18,919 18,691 18,748 100 120-179 pounds ...........: 13,898 14,396 15,730 13,830 13,827 13,863 100 180 pounds and over ......: 12,085 13,017 13,517 12,829 12,725 12,699 100 Sows farrowed ...............: 3,064 3,132 3,147 3,034 2,967 2,896 98 Pig crop ....................: 32,556 34,455 34,621 33,233 32,635 32,891 101 : September 1 inventory .........: All hogs and pigs ...........: 74,556 78,583 78,104 74,867 74,125 Kept for breeding 1/ ......: 6,330 6,431 6,333 6,190 6,152 Market ....................: 68,226 72,153 71,771 68,677 67,973 Under 50 pounds ..........: 22,040 23,376 23,234 21,690 21,893 50-119 pounds ............: 20,099 21,224 20,790 20,211 19,677 120-179 pounds ...........: 13,986 14,654 14,807 14,246 14,013 180 pounds and over ......: 12,100 12,899 12,939 12,529 12,390 Sows farrowed ...............: 3,172 3,274 3,260 3,050 3,062 Pig crop ....................: 34,019 36,370 36,056 33,944 34,096 : December 1 inventory ..........: All hogs and pigs ...........: 75,070 76,833 77,312 74,446 74,849 Kept for breeding 1/ ......: 6,326 6,551 6,176 6,125 6,104 Market ....................: 68,745 70,282 71,136 68,321 68,746 Under 50 pounds ..........: 21,858 20,453 21,989 21,594 21,788 50-119 pounds ............: 19,369 20,696 19,680 19,005 19,130 120-179 pounds ...........: 14,323 15,256 15,791 14,374 14,800 180 pounds and over ......: 13,195 13,876 13,675 13,348 13,028 Sows farrowed ...............: 3,205 3,030 3,165 3,049 3,092 Pig crop ....................: 34,496 33,599 34,987 34,123 34,701 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1/ Includes boars. Source: National Agricultural Statistics Service Hogs and Pigs Inventory, Sows Farrowed, and Pig Crop - Canada: 2018-2023 [May not add due to rounding. Blank data cells indicate estimation period has not yet begun] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : : : : : : : 2023 as Item : 2018 : 2019 : 2020 : 2021 : 2022 : 2023 : percent : : : : : : : of 2022 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : --------------------------- 1,000 head --------------------------- percent : January 1 inventory : All hogs and pigs ............: 14,245 14,070 14,065 14,120 14,170 13,920 98 Kept for breeding 1/ ........: 1,260 1,252 1,250 1,263 1,257 1,246 99 Market ......................: 12,985 12,818 12,815 12,857 12,913 12,674 98 Under 50 pounds ............: 5,279 5,261 5,302 5,304 5,325 5,189 97 50-119 pounds ..............: 2,554 2,395 2,435 2,493 2,493 2,483 100 120-179 pounds .............: 2,542 2,525 2,515 2,432 2,430 2,385 98 180 pounds and over ........: 2,611 2,638 2,563 2,629 2,665 2,618 98 Sows farrowed ................: 1,244 1,218 1,223 1,268 1,254 1,234 98 Pig crop .....................: 14,309 14,036 14,213 14,988 14,882 14,649 98 : July 1 inventory : All hogs and pigs ............: 14,070 14,120 14,160 14,355 13,910 13,775 99 Kept for breeding 1/ ........: 1,248 1,235 1,246 1,270 1,247 1,243 100 Market ......................: 12,822 12,885 12,914 13,085 12,663 12,532 99 Under 50 pounds ............: 5,347 5,326 5,316 5,426 5,241 5,119 98 50-119 pounds ..............: 2,433 2,335 2,454 2,572 2,453 2,422 99 120-179 pounds .............: 2,454 2,541 2,494 2,450 2,399 2,399 100 180 pounds and over ........: 2,589 2,684 2,651 2,637 2,570 2,592 101 Sows farrowed ................: 1,230 1,217 1,246 1,274 1,246 1,254 101 Pig crop .....................: 14,016 14,139 14,562 15,329 14,879 15,043 101 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1/ Includes boars. Source: Livestock and Animal Products Section, Statistics Canada. This publication is a result of a joint effort by Statistics Canada and NASS to release the total hogs, breeding, market hogs, sows farrowed, and pig crop for both countries within one publication. This information was requested by the United States hog industry to provide producers additional information about potential hog supplies. United States inventory numbers were previously released on June 29, 2023. Canadian inventory numbers were released on August 23, 2023. Information Contacts Listed below are the commodity specialists in the Livestock Branch of the National Agricultural Statistics Service to contact for additional information. E-mail inquiries may be sent to nass@usda.gov. Travis Averill, Chief, Livestock Branch ....................................................... (202) 692-0069 Scott Hollis, Head, Livestock Section ......................................................... (202) 690-2424 Sherry Bertramsen - Livestock Slaughter .................................................... (202) 690-8632 Ryan Cowen - Cattle, Cattle on Feed ........................................................ (202) 720-3040 Kim DaPra - Milk Production and Milk Cows (512) 501-3266 Donnie Fike - Dairy Products.. (202) 690-3347 Anthony Fischer - Hogs and Pigs............................................................. (202) 720-3106 Suzanne Richards - Sheep and Goats ......................................................... (202) 720-4448 Access to NASS Reports For your convenience, you may access NASS reports and products the following ways: All reports are available electronically, at no cost, on the NASS web site: www.nass.usda.gov. Both national and state specific reports are available via a free e- mail subscription. To set-up this free subscription, visit www.nass.usda.gov and click on "National" or "State" in upper right corner above "search" box to create an account and select the reports you would like to receive. Cornell's Mann Library has launched a new website housing NASS's and other agency's archived reports. The new website, https://usda.library.cornell.edu. All email subscriptions containing reports will be sent from the new website, https://usda.library.cornell.edu. To continue receiving the reports via e-mail, you will have to go to the new website, create a new account and re-subscribe to the reports. If you need instructions to set up an account or subscribe, they are located at: https://usda.library.cornell.edu/help. You should whitelist notifications@usda-esmis.library.cornell.edu in your email client to avoid the emails going into spam/junk folders. For more information on NASS surveys and reports, call the NASS Agricultural Statistics Hotline at (800) 727-9540, 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. ET, or e-mail: nass@usda.gov. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination against its customers, employees, and applicants for employment on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, sex, gender identity, religion, reprisal, and where applicable, political beliefs, marital status, familial or parental status, sexual orientation, or all or part of an individual's income is derived from any public assistance program, or protected genetic information in employment or in any program or activity conducted or funded by the Department. (Not all prohibited bases will apply to all programs and/or employment activities.) If you wish to file a Civil Rights program complaint of discrimination, complete the USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form (PDF), found online at www.ascr.usda.gov/filing-program-discrimination-complaint-usda-customer, or at any USDA office, or call (866) 632-9992 to request the form. You may also write a letter containing all of the information requested in the form. Send your completed complaint form or letter to us by mail at U.S. Department of Agriculture, Director, Office of Adjudication, 1400 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20250-9410, by fax (202) 690-7442 or email at program.intake@usda.gov.