Agricultural Prices ISSN: 1937-4216 Released May 31, 2024, by the National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS), Agricultural Statistics Board, United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). April Prices Received Index Up 0.2 Percent The April Prices Received Index 2011 Base (Agricultural Production), at 122.5, increased 0.2 percent from March but decreased 6.3 percent from April 2023. At 101.4, the Crop Production Index was up 1.6 percent from last month but down 20 percent from the previous year. The Livestock Production Index, at 142.6, decreased 1.3 percent from March, but increased 5.6 percent from April last year. Producers received higher prices during April for hogs, broilers, strawberries, and broccoli but lower prices for market eggs, lettuce, oranges, and milk. In addition to prices, the volume change of commodities marketed also influences the indexes. In April, there was increased monthly movement for strawberries, milk, broilers, and lettuce and decreased marketing of corn, soybeans, cattle, and hay. April Prices Paid Index Down 0.2 Percent The April Prices Paid Index for Commodities and Services, Interest, Taxes, and Farm Wage Rates (PPITW), at 140.3, is down 0.2 percent from March 2024 and 0.6 percent from April 2023. Lower prices in April for wage rates, feeder cattle, hay & forages, and complete feeds more than offset higher prices for milk cows, nitrogen, gasoline, and feeder pigs. Prices Received, Prices Paid, and Ratio of Prices Received to Prices Paid Indexes 2011 Base - United States: April 2024 with Comparisons ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ : April : March : April Index Group : 2023 : 2024 : 2024 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ : percent percent percent : : Prices received by farmers ...............: 130.8 122.2 122.5 : Prices paid by farmers ...................: 141.1 140.6 140.3 : Ratio of prices received to prices paid ..: 93 87 88 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Contents Prices Received by Farmers................................................................................. 3 Prices Received Indexes, 2011 Base - United States: April 2024 with Comparisons............................ 4 Prices Received Indexes, 1910-1914 Base - United States: April 2024 with Comparisons....................... 4 Prices Received Indexes, 2011 Base by Month for Selected Groups - United States: 2023 and 2024............. 4 Prices Paid Indexes, 2011 Base by Month for Selected Groups - United States: 2023 and 2024................. 5 Prices Received for Field Crops and Fruits - United States: April 2024 with Comparisons.................... 6 Prices Received for Vegetables and Livestock - United States: April 2024 with Comparisons.................. 7 Prices Received for All Wheat, Corn, and Soybeans by Month - United States: 2024 with Comparisons.......... 8 Prices Received for Beef Cattle and All Hogs by Month - United States: 2024 with Comparisons............... 8 Prices Received for All Wheat - States and United States: April 2024 with Comparisons...................... 9 Prices Received for Winter Wheat - States and United States: April 2024 with Comparisons................... 9 Prices Received for Durum Wheat - States and United States: April 2024 with Comparisons.................... 10 Prices Received for Spring Wheat - States and United States: April 2024 with Comparisons................... 10 Prices Received for Oats - States and United States: April 2024 with Comparisons........................... 10 Prices Received for All Barley - States and United States: April 2024 with Comparisons..................... 11 Prices Received for Malting Barley - States and United States: April 2024 with Comparisons................. 11 Prices Received for Feed Barley - States and United States: April 2024 with Comparisons.................... 11 Prices Received for Corn - States and United States: April 2024 with Comparisons........................... 12 Prices Received for Sorghum Grain - States and United States: April 2024 with Comparisons.................. 12 Prices Received for Soybeans - States and United States: April 2024 with Comparisons....................... 13 Prices Received for Dry Beans - States and United States: April 2024 with Comparisons...................... 13 Prices Received for Canola - States and United States: April 2024 with Comparisons......................... 14 Prices Received for Flaxseed - States and United States: April 2024 with Comparisons....................... 14 Prices Received for Peanuts (in shell) - States and United States: April 2024 with Comparisons............. 14 Prices Received for Sunflower - States and United States: April 2024 with Comparisons...................... 14 Prices Received for Upland Cotton and Cottonseed - States and United States: April 2024 with Comparisons... 15 Prices Received and Marketings for Upland Cotton and Rice - United States: April 2024 with Comparisons..... 15 Prices Received for Hay by Type - States and United States: April 2024 with Comparisons.................... 16 Prices Received for Premium and Supreme Alfalfa Hay - States and 5-State Total: April 2024................. 16 Prices Received for Citrus Fruits by Utilization - States and United States: April 2023.................... 17 Prices Received for Citrus Fruits by Utilization - States and United States: March 2024.................... 17 Prices Received for Citrus Fruits by Utilization - States and United States: April 2024.................... 17 Prices Received for All Milk - States and United States: April 2024 with Comparisons....................... 18 Prices Received for Milk Cows - States and United States: April 2024 with Comparisons...................... 18 Parity Price Overview...................................................................................... 19 Commodity Parity Prices and Price as Percent of Parity Price - United States: April 2024 with Comparisons.. 20 Commodity Parity Prices - United States: April 2024 with Comparisons....................................... 21 Market Year for Specified Commodities...................................................................... 23 Tobacco Market Year Average Prices Received - States and United States: Marketing Years 2021-2023.......... 23 Tobacco Market Year Average Prices Received by Class and Type - States and United States: Marketing Years 2021-2023......................................................................................... 24 Reliability of Prices Received Estimates................................................................... 25 Prices Paid by Farmers..................................................................................... 26 Prices Paid Indexes and Related Parity Ratios - United States: April 2024 with Comparisons................. 27 Prices Paid Indexes and Annual Weights for Input Components and Sub-components - United States: April 2024 with Comparisons............................................................................. 28 Feed Price Ratios - United States: April 2024 with Comparisons............................................. 29 Prices Received Used to Calculate Feed Price Ratios - United States: April 2024 with Comparisons........... 29 Prices Paid for Feeder Livestock - United States: April 2024 with Comparisons.............................. 29 Feed Ratios Monthly and Annual Average - United States: 2019-2024.......................................... 30 Reliability of Prices Paid Estimates....................................................................... 31 Information Contacts....................................................................................... 32 April Prices Received by Farmers Crop production: The April index, at 101.4, is 1.6 percent higher than March but 20 percent lower than April 2023. The grain & oilseed and fruit & tree nut index increases more than offset the vegetable & melon and other crop index decreases. Grain and oilseed: The April index, at 83.9, is up 0.5 percent from March but down 27 percent from April 2023. Oilseed and feed grain index increases offset the lower food grain index. Feed grain: The April index, at 73.9, increased slightly from last month but decreased 34 percent from a year ago. The corn price, at $4.39 per bushel, is up 3 cents from last month but down $2.31 from April 2023. Food grain: At 96.7, the index for April decreased 1.2 percent from the previous month and 20 percent from a year ago. The April price for all wheat, at $5.91 per bushel, is 10 cents lower than March and $2.40 lower than April 2023. The April price for rice, at $17.60 per cwt, is 10 cents higher than March but $2.40 lower than April 2023. Oilseed: At 94.7, the index for April increased 0.1 percent from March but decreased 20 percent from April 2023. The soybean price, at $11.80 per bushel, is unchanged from March but $3.10 lower than April a year earlier. Fruit and tree nut: The April index, at 117.7, is up 1.2 percent from March but down 16 percent from a year earlier. Price increases during April for strawberries and pears more than offset price decreases for oranges, grapefruit, and lemons. Vegetable and melon: At 174.5, the index for April is down 9.5 percent from the previous month and 16 percent from April 2023. Price declines during April for lettuce, carrots, and sweet corn more than offset price inclines for broccoli, celery, and cauliflower. Other crop: The April index, at 101.5, is down 1.7 percent from the previous month and 17 percent from April 2023. The all hay price, at $179.00 per ton, is $4.00 lower than March and $72.00 lower than April 2023. At 80.8 cents per pound, the price for upland cotton is 1.0 cent lower than March and 5.4 cents lower than April 2023. Livestock production: The index for April, at 142.6, decreased 1.3 percent from the previous month but increased 5.6 percent from April a year earlier. Poultry & egg and dairy index decreases offset the higher meat animal index. Meat animal: At 146.1, the April index increased 1.1 percent from the previous month and 11 percent from a year earlier. At $66.90 per cwt, the April hog price is $4.10 higher than March and $9.90 higher than a year earlier. The April beef cattle price of $185.00 per cwt is unchanged from the previous month but $14.00 higher than April 2023. Dairy: The index for April, at 102.0, is down 1.0 percent from the previous month and 0.5 percent from April a year ago. The April all milk price of $20.50 per cwt is 20 cents lower than March and 10 cents lower than April 2023. Poultry and egg: At 169.0, the April index decreased 4.4 percent from March and 3.9 percent from April 2023. The April market egg price, at $1.79 per dozen, is 36.0 cents lower than March but 54.0 cents higher than April 2023. The April broiler price, at 77.6 cents per pound, is 2.4 cents higher than March but 5.5 cents lower than a year ago. At 56.6 cents per pound, the April turkey price is 1.8 cents lower than the previous month and 59.4 cents lower than April 2023. Food Commodities: The index, at 134.1, decreased 1.0 percent from the previous month and 1.8 percent from April 2023. Prices Received Indexes, 2011 Base - United States: April 2024 with Comparisons [Revised historical price indexes for months not shown are available at] -------------------------------------------------------------------- : 2011 Base :----------------------------------- : April : March : April Index Group : 2023 : 2024 : 2024 -------------------------------------------------------------------- : percent : Agricultural production ........: 130.8 122.2 122.5 Crop production ..............: 126.5 99.8 101.4 Grain and oilseed ..........: 115.1 83.5 83.9 Feed grain ...............: 111.7 73.6 73.9 Food grain ...............: 121.5 97.9 96.7 Oilseed ..................: 118.4 94.6 94.7 Fruit and tree nut .........: 140.1 116.3 117.7 Vegetable and melon ........: 207.6 192.8 174.5 Other crop .................: 121.6 103.3 101.5 : Livestock production .........: 135.1 144.5 142.6 Meat animal ................: 131.9 144.5 146.1 Cattle ...................: 150.5 166.2 165.8 Hog ......................: 85.7 94.4 100.6 Dairy ......................: 102.5 103.0 102.0 Poultry and egg ............: 175.8 176.8 169.0 : Food commodity .................: 136.5 135.5 134.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Prices Received Indexes, 1910-1914 Base - United States: April 2024 with Comparisons [Revised historical price indexes for months not shown are available at] -------------------------------------------------------------------- : 1910 - 1914 Base :----------------------------------- : April : March : April Index Group : 2023 : 2024 : 2024 -------------------------------------------------------------------- : percent : Agricultural production ........: 1350 1261 1264 Crop production ..............: 1102 870 884 Livestock production .........: 1570 1679 1657 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Prices Received Indexes, 2011 Base by Month for Selected Groups - United States: 2023 and 2024 [Revised historical price indexes for months not shown are available at Blank data cells indicate estimation period has not yet begun] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : 2011 Base :--------------------------------------------------------------- Month : Agricultural : Crop : Livestock : Food : production : production : production : commodities :--------------------------------------------------------------- : 2023 : 2024 : 2023 : 2024 : 2023 : 2024 : 2023 : 2024 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : -- percent -- -- percent -- -- percent -- -- percent -- : January .......: 124.4 111.9 118.2 98.0 135.7 136.5 131.7 125.6 February ......: 126.4 120.4 120.8 101.0 132.6 141.3 131.6 133.8 March .........: 128.1 122.2 118.9 99.8 137.7 144.5 134.0 135.5 April .........: 130.8 122.5 126.5 101.4 135.1 142.6 136.5 134.1 May ...........: 127.0 120.9 133.0 132.0 June ..........: 127.4 120.9 134.4 132.4 July ..........: 125.0 119.8 131.7 130.6 August ........: 125.6 118.3 133.7 133.2 September .....: 121.8 113.1 132.4 130.1 October .......: 114.0 104.2 132.5 123.1 November ......: 114.0 101.5 133.4 128.4 December ......: 113.1 101.5 129.2 124.4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prices Paid Indexes, 2011 Base by Month for Selected Groups - United States: 2023 and 2024 [Revised historical price indexes for months not shown are available at Blank data cells indicate estimation period has not yet begun] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : 2011 Base :--------------------------------------------------------------- Month : All items : : Crop : Livestock : (PPITW) : Production : sector : sector :--------------------------------------------------------------- : 2023 : 2024 : 2023 : 2024 : 2023 : 2024 : 2023 : 2024 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : -- percent -- -- percent -- -- percent -- -- percent -- : January .......: 141.7 139.1 140.0 135.2 142.3 137.4 141.0 141.0 February ......: 141.7 139.8 139.9 135.9 141.6 137.5 141.7 142.3 March .........: 141.6 140.6 139.8 136.8 141.0 138.0 142.3 143.4 April .........: 141.1 140.3 139.2 136.7 139.6 138.0 142.6 142.8 May ...........: 140.2 138.1 138.7 141.8 June ..........: 139.8 137.3 137.6 141.9 July ..........: 139.9 137.1 137.6 142.4 August ........: 140.1 137.1 137.9 142.3 September .....: 140.0 137.0 137.8 142.3 October .......: 140.2 137.1 138.3 142.1 November ......: 139.6 136.4 138.1 141.2 December ......: 139.0 135.6 138.2 139.9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prices Received for Field Crops and Fruits - United States: April 2024 with Comparisons ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ : 2011 : : : Commodity : Base Price : April 2023 : March 2024 : April 2024 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ : Field crops : Barley, all ...............dollars/bushel: 4.79 7.16 7.52 7.70 Feed .....................dollars/bushel: 4.59 6.39 5.06 4.73 Malting ..................dollars/bushel: 4.83 7.24 7.77 7.89 Beans, dry edible ............dollars/cwt: 34.60 38.40 42.20 40.40 Canola .......................dollars/cwt: 23.10 26.80 21.60 21.90 Chickpeas, all ...............dollars/cwt: 35.70 37.70 36.50 35.70 Large .......................dollars/cwt: 39.20 38.10 38.40 36.20 Small .......................dollars/cwt: 23.40 30.90 31.40 33.00 Corn ......................dollars/bushel: 6.02 6.70 4.36 4.39 : Cotton, Upland .............dollars/pound: 0.880 0.862 0.818 0.808 Cottonseed ...................dollars/ton: 131.00 (NA) (NA) (NA) Flaxseed ..................dollars/bushel: 14.20 12.10 11.50 12.10 Hay, all, baled ..............dollars/ton: 159.00 251.00 183.00 179.00 Alfalfa .....................dollars/ton: 176.00 288.00 195.00 195.00 Other .......................dollars/ton: 119.00 171.00 161.00 149.00 Lentils ......................dollars/cwt: 27.50 33.00 41.90 41.70 Oats ......................dollars/bushel: 3.42 4.04 4.23 3.88 Peanuts, in-shell ..........dollars/pound: 0.252 0.272 0.270 0.272 : Peas, dry edible .............dollars/cwt: 13.60 14.10 14.80 14.90 Rice, all ....................dollars/cwt: 13.70 20.00 17.50 17.60 Long ........................dollars/cwt: 12.30 17.10 16.30 16.40 Medium and short ............dollars/cwt: 18.40 38.20 21.20 21.50 Sorghum grain ................dollars/cwt: 10.70 12.30 8.47 8.62 Soybeans ..................dollars/bushel: 12.50 14.90 11.80 11.80 Sunflowers, all ..............dollars/cwt: 29.00 26.90 22.50 20.00 : Wheat, all ................dollars/bushel: 7.44 8.31 6.01 5.91 Winter ...................dollars/bushel: 6.93 8.07 5.64 5.60 Durum ....................dollars/bushel: 9.22 9.06 8.52 8.34 Other spring .............dollars/bushel: 8.33 8.40 6.41 6.29 Hard red winter ..........dollars/bushel: 7.07 8.47 5.70 5.67 Soft red winter ..........dollars/bushel: 6.77 6.85 5.62 5.62 Hard red spring ..........dollars/bushel: 8.38 8.47 6.45 6.34 White ....................dollars/bushel: 6.58 6.79 5.32 5.33 : Fruits : Citrus, equivalent on-tree : Grapefruit ..................dollars/box: 7.47 15.28 16.73 14.89 Lemons ......................dollars/box: 12.30 13.75 12.30 11.13 Oranges .....................dollars/box: 8.16 13.06 13.32 10.27 : Non-citrus, fresh 1/ : Apples ...................dollars/pound: 0.325 0.834 0.612 0.608 Grapes .....................dollars/ton: 598.00 (S) (S) (S) Peaches ....................dollars/ton: 507.00 (S) (S) (S) Pears ......................dollars/ton: 559.00 1,170.00 1,270.00 1,390.00 Strawberries ................dollars/cwt: 104.00 192.00 121.00 142.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (NA) Not available. (S) Insufficient number of reports to establish an estimate. 1/ Beginning February 2020, price reflects FOB shipping point basis. Prices Received for Vegetables and Livestock - United States: April 2024 with Comparisons [Price data source for potato, livestock, and poultry commodities is United States Department of Agriculture's Agricultural Marketing Service] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ : 2011 : : : Commodity : Base Price : April 2023 : March 2024 : April 2024 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ : Vegetables, fresh 1/ : Asparagus ....................dollars/cwt: 37.50 (S) (S) 231.00 Beans, snap ..................dollars/cwt: 69.00 64.40 37.50 39.40 Broccoli .....................dollars/cwt: 41.60 168.00 76.60 95.40 Cantaloupes ..................dollars/cwt: 16.50 (S) (S) (S) Carrots ......................dollars/cwt: 30.80 46.50 54.30 51.80 Cauliflower ..................dollars/cwt: 47.00 230.00 67.60 84.10 Celery .......................dollars/cwt: 22.50 47.80 47.30 64.60 Corn, sweet ..................dollars/cwt: 30.70 33.60 42.40 32.60 Cucumbers ....................dollars/cwt: 18.70 32.20 43.60 29.90 Lettuce, head ................dollars/cwt: 24.30 76.10 61.30 44.30 Onions 2/ ....................dollars/cwt: 11.90 28.00 56.60 55.30 Potatoes .....................dollars/cwt: 14.30 22.80 10.50 10.60 Tomatoes .....................dollars/cwt: 51.20 41.60 97.90 97.60 : Livestock : Calves .......................dollars/cwt: 142.00 244.00 328.00 318.00 Cattle, all beef .............dollars/cwt: 115.00 171.00 185.00 185.00 Cows 3/ .....................dollars/cwt: 71.60 99.30 119.00 130.00 Steers and heifers ..........dollars/cwt: 117.00 175.00 188.00 187.00 Milk cows 4/ ................dollars/head: 1,420.00 1,720.00 (NA) 2,120.00 Hogs, all ....................dollars/cwt: 66.50 57.00 62.80 66.90 Barrows and gilts ...........dollars/cwt: 66.80 57.70 62.70 67.10 Sows ........................dollars/cwt: 57.90 41.20 64.50 62.50 : Dairy and poultry : Milk, all 5/ .................dollars/cwt: 20.10 20.60 20.70 20.50 Fat test ........................percent: 4.24 4.11 4.28 4.24 Broilers, live 6/ ..........dollars/pound: 0.459 0.831 0.752 0.776 Eggs, all ..................dollars/dozen: 0.969 1.57 2.26 1.95 Market 7/ .................dollars/dozen: 0.796 1.25 2.15 1.79 Turkeys, live 8/ ...........dollars/pound: 0.680 1.16 0.584 0.566 : Adjusted for seasonal variation : Eggs, all ..................dollars/dozen: 0.979 1.69 1.94 2.12 Seasonal factor .................percent: 101 93 117 92 Milk, all ....................dollars/cwt: 20.20 20.30 20.60 20.10 Seasonal factor .................percent: 100 102 100 102 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (NA) Not available. (S) Insufficient number of reports to establish an estimate. 1/ Beginning February 2020, price reflects FOB shipping point basis 2/ Includes some processing. 3/ Beef cows and cull dairy cows sold for slaughter. 4/ Animals sold for dairy herd replacement only. Prices available for January, April, July, and October. 5/ Before deductions for hauling. Includes quality, quantity, and other premiums. Excludes hauling subsidies. 6/ Live weight equivalent price. 7/ Also referred to as table eggs. 8/ Live weight equivalent price is used when actual live weight price is not available. Beginning January 2011, price reflects FOB shipping point basis. Prior year price reflects delivered basis. Prices Received for All Wheat, Corn, and Soybeans by Month - United States: 2024 with Comparisons [Blank data cells indicate estimation period has not yet begun] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ : All wheat : Corn : Soybeans Month :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : 2022 : 2023 : 2024 : 2022 : 2023 : 2024 : 2022 : 2023 : 2024 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ : dollars per bushel : January ....: 8.48 8.81 6.79 5.58 6.63 4.74 12.90 14.50 12.80 February ...: 9.16 8.54 6.36 6.09 6.80 4.36 14.70 15.10 11.90 March ......: 9.93 8.35 6.01 6.56 6.67 4.36 15.40 14.90 11.80 April ......: 10.20 8.31 5.91 7.07 6.70 4.39 15.80 14.90 11.80 May ........: 10.90 8.07 7.26 6.54 16.10 14.40 June .......: 9.61 7.67 7.38 6.49 16.40 14.20 July .......: 8.69 7.61 7.25 6.22 15.50 14.70 August .....: 8.55 7.35 7.24 5.73 15.30 14.10 September ..: 8.78 7.07 7.09 5.21 14.20 13.20 October ....: 9.18 6.98 6.49 4.93 13.50 12.70 November ...: 9.15 6.53 6.49 4.66 14.00 13.00 December ...: 8.97 6.79 6.58 4.80 14.40 13.10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Prices Received for Beef Cattle and All Hogs by Month - United States: 2024 with Comparisons [Price data source for livestock commodities is United States Department of Agriculture's Agricultural Marketing Service. Blank data cells indicate estimation period has not yet begun] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : Beef cattle 1/ : All hogs 2/ Month :----------------------------------------------------------------------- : 2022 : 2023 : 2024 : 2022 : 2023 : 2024 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : dollars per cwt : January ..: 135.00 156.00 172.00 58.80 58.50 53.00 February .: 137.00 158.00 178.00 68.60 59.60 58.20 March ....: 139.00 164.00 185.00 75.10 61.70 62.80 April ....: 139.00 171.00 185.00 76.20 57.00 66.90 May ......: 141.00 173.00 75.90 58.80 June .....: 140.00 181.00 78.70 64.60 July .....: 142.00 181.00 83.00 74.30 August ...: 141.00 182.00 85.80 73.70 September : 143.00 181.00 73.80 64.90 October ..: 145.00 182.00 70.50 60.40 November .: 151.00 180.00 66.70 57.50 December .: 154.00 172.00 62.50 53.30 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1/ Cows and steers & heifers. 2/ Barrows & gilts and sows. Prices Received for All Wheat - States and United States: April 2024 with Comparisons -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- State : April 2023 : March 2024 : April 2024 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : dollars per bushel : Arizona ............: (D) (S) (S) Arkansas ...........: (S) (D) 5.82 California .........: (D) (D) (D) Colorado ...........: 8.39 5.30 5.38 Idaho ..............: 7.23 5.83 5.95 Illinois ...........: 6.57 (D) 5.72 Indiana ............: 7.31 5.53 5.47 Kansas .............: 8.50 5.70 5.73 Michigan ...........: 6.85 (D) 5.40 Minnesota ..........: 9.00 6.49 6.20 : Missouri ...........: 7.19 6.43 5.82 Montana ............: 8.68 6.47 6.16 Nebraska ...........: 8.37 5.48 5.35 North Carolina .....: (D) 5.64 6.00 North Dakota .......: 8.36 6.55 6.30 Ohio ...............: 6.38 5.43 5.42 Oklahoma ...........: 8.05 5.49 5.67 Oregon .............: (D) (D) (D) South Dakota .......: 8.23 5.81 5.81 Texas ..............: 9.85 5.47 5.69 Washington .........: 6.89 5.19 5.29 : United States ......: 8.31 6.01 5.91 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (D) Withheld to avoid disclosing data for individual operations. (S) Insufficient number of reports to establish an estimate. Prices Received for Winter Wheat - States and United States: April 2024 with Comparisons -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- State : April 2023 : March 2024 : April 2024 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : dollars per bushel : Arkansas ...........: (S) (D) 5.82 California .........: (D) (D) (D) Colorado ...........: 8.39 5.30 5.38 Idaho ..............: 7.08 5.75 5.92 Illinois ...........: 6.57 (D) 5.72 Indiana ............: 7.31 5.53 5.47 Kansas .............: 8.50 5.70 5.73 Michigan ...........: 6.85 (D) 5.40 Missouri ...........: 7.19 6.43 5.82 : Montana ............: 8.33 6.00 5.74 Nebraska ...........: 8.37 5.48 5.35 North Carolina .....: (D) 5.64 6.00 North Dakota .......: 8.61 6.24 5.74 Ohio ...............: 6.38 5.43 5.42 Oklahoma ...........: 8.05 5.49 5.67 Oregon .............: (D) (D) (D) South Dakota .......: 8.43 5.49 5.47 Texas ..............: 9.85 5.47 5.69 Washington .........: 6.84 5.16 5.19 : United States ......: 8.07 5.64 5.60 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (D) Withheld to avoid disclosing data for individual operations. (S) Insufficient number of reports to establish an estimate. Prices Received for Durum Wheat - States and United States: April 2024 with Comparisons -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- State : April 2023 : March 2024 : April 2024 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : dollars per bushel : Arizona ............: (D) (S) (S) California .........: (D) (S) (S) Idaho ..............: (S) (S) (S) Montana ............: (D) (D) (D) North Dakota .......: 9.07 8.55 8.18 : United States ......: 9.06 8.52 8.34 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (D) Withheld to avoid disclosing data for individual operations. (S) Insufficient number of reports to establish an estimate. Prices Received for Spring Wheat - States and United States: April 2024 with Comparisons -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- State : April 2023 : March 2024 : April 2024 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : dollars per bushel : Idaho ..............: 7.60 6.06 6.04 Minnesota ..........: 9.00 6.49 6.20 Montana ............: 9.09 6.84 6.69 North Dakota .......: 8.20 6.26 6.22 South Dakota .......: 7.87 6.10 6.16 Washington .........: 7.19 5.47 5.78 : United States ......: 8.40 6.41 6.29 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prices Received for Oats - States and United States: April 2024 with Comparisons -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- State : April 2023 : March 2024 : April 2024 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : dollars per bushel : Illinois ...........: (D) (D) (S) Iowa ...............: 4.91 4.48 (D) Michigan ...........: (D) 4.05 (D) Minnesota ..........: 4.10 3.55 3.57 Montana ............: (S) (S) (D) Nebraska ...........: (D) (D) (D) New York ...........: (D) (D) (S) North Dakota .......: 3.86 4.52 4.40 Oregon .............: (S) (S) (S) Pennsylvania .......: (D) (D) (D) South Dakota .......: 3.75 3.93 3.48 Texas ..............: (S) (D) (S) Wisconsin ..........: 4.25 4.00 3.46 : United States ......: 4.04 4.23 3.88 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (D) Withheld to avoid disclosing data for individual operations. (S) Insufficient number of reports to establish an estimate. Prices Received for All Barley - States and United States: April 2024 with Comparisons -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- State : April 2023 : March 2024 : April 2024 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : dollars per bushel : California .........: (S) (S) (S) Colorado ...........: 7.27 7.56 8.12 Idaho ..............: 7.92 7.96 8.02 Minnesota ..........: (S) (D) (D) Montana ............: 6.07 7.09 6.88 North Dakota .......: 7.23 (D) (D) Washington .........: 7.73 (D) 8.35 Wyoming ............: (D) 7.67 (D) : United States ......: 7.16 7.52 7.70 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (D) Withheld to avoid disclosing data for individual operations. (S) Insufficient number of reports to establish an estimate. Prices Received for Malting Barley - States and United States: April 2024 with Comparisons -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- State : April 2023 : March 2024 : April 2024 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : dollars per bushel : California .........: (S) (S) (S) Colorado ...........: 7.33 7.56 8.12 Idaho ..............: (D) 8.09 8.02 Minnesota ..........: (S) (D) (D) Montana ............: 6.05 7.33 7.09 North Dakota .......: 7.54 (D) (D) Washington .........: (D) (D) (D) Wyoming ............: (D) 7.67 (D) : United States ......: 7.24 7.77 7.89 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (D) Withheld to avoid disclosing data for individual operations. (S) Insufficient number of reports to establish an estimate. Prices Received for Feed Barley - States and United States: April 2024 with Comparisons -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- State : April 2023 : March 2024 : April 2024 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : dollars per bushel : California .........: (S) (S) (S) Colorado ...........: (D) (S) (S) Idaho ..............: (D) 3.49 (D) Minnesota ..........: (S) (D) (S) Montana ............: (D) 5.70 (D) North Dakota .......: 6.37 (D) (D) Washington .........: 5.04 (D) 3.75 Wyoming ............: (S) (S) (S) : United States ......: 6.39 5.06 4.73 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (D) Withheld to avoid disclosing data for individual operations. (S) Insufficient number of reports to establish an estimate. Prices Received for Corn - States and United States: April 2024 with Comparisons -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- State : April 2023 : March 2024 : April 2024 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : dollars per bushel : Colorado ...........: 7.62 4.72 4.82 Illinois ...........: 6.54 4.21 4.26 Indiana ............: 6.63 4.46 4.42 Iowa ...............: 6.75 4.43 4.50 Kansas .............: 7.17 4.44 4.53 Kentucky ...........: 6.85 4.74 4.54 Michigan ...........: 6.34 4.33 4.21 Minnesota ..........: 6.49 4.26 4.22 Missouri ...........: 6.91 4.52 4.39 Nebraska ...........: 6.87 4.43 4.47 : North Carolina .....: 7.46 4.95 4.92 North Dakota .......: 6.44 4.08 4.01 Ohio ...............: 6.42 4.32 4.31 Pennsylvania .......: 6.62 4.53 4.66 South Dakota .......: 6.83 4.12 4.16 Tennessee ..........: 6.42 4.59 4.09 Texas ..............: 7.77 5.36 5.36 Wisconsin ..........: 6.30 4.09 4.14 : United States ......: 6.70 4.36 4.39 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prices Received for Sorghum Grain - States and United States: April 2024 with Comparisons -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- State : April 2023 : March 2024 : April 2024 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : dollars per cwt : Kansas .............: 12.30 7.95 7.96 Nebraska ...........: 11.70 7.74 7.62 Oklahoma ...........: 12.40 7.56 (D) Texas ..............: 12.50 (D) (D) : United States ......: 12.30 8.47 8.62 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (D) Withheld to avoid disclosing data for individual operations. Prices Received for Soybeans - States and United States: April 2024 with Comparisons -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- State : April 2023 : March 2024 : April 2024 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : dollars per bushel : Arkansas ...........: (D) 12.00 11.60 Illinois ...........: 15.00 11.90 11.70 Indiana ............: 15.10 12.50 12.10 Iowa ...............: 14.80 11.70 12.10 Kansas .............: 14.90 11.40 11.70 Kentucky ...........: 15.30 11.90 11.80 Louisiana ..........: (D) 12.30 11.40 Michigan ...........: 15.60 12.20 12.00 Minnesota ..........: 14.40 11.30 11.20 Mississippi ........: 14.90 11.80 11.60 : Missouri ...........: 15.00 11.80 11.80 Nebraska ...........: 14.30 11.50 11.40 North Carolina .....: 15.00 12.00 11.60 North Dakota .......: 14.20 11.00 10.70 Ohio ...............: 15.40 12.10 12.10 South Dakota .......: 14.70 11.40 11.40 Tennessee ..........: 14.90 11.70 11.70 Wisconsin ..........: 14.50 11.60 11.50 : United States ......: 14.90 11.80 11.80 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (D) Withheld to avoid disclosing data for individual operations. Prices Received for Dry Beans - States and United States: April 2024 with Comparisons -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- State : April 2023 : March 2024 : April 2024 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : dollars per cwt : California .........: (D) (D) (S) Colorado ...........: (D) (D) (D) Idaho ..............: (S) (D) (S) Michigan ...........: 48.10 (D) 46.10 Minnesota ..........: 39.10 38.80 37.20 Nebraska ...........: (D) (D) (D) North Dakota .......: 36.20 39.50 39.00 : United States ......: 38.40 42.20 40.40 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (D) Withheld to avoid disclosing data for individual operations. (S) Insufficient number of reports to establish an estimate. Prices Received for Canola - States and United States: April 2024 with Comparisons -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- State : April 2023 : March 2024 : April 2024 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : dollars per cwt : Minnesota ..........: (D) (S) (S) Montana ............: (D) 19.00 18.70 North Dakota .......: 26.90 21.60 22.00 Oklahoma ...........: (S) (S) (S) : United States ......: 26.80 21.60 21.90 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (D) Withheld to avoid disclosing data for individual operations. (S) Insufficient number of reports to establish an estimate. Prices Received for Flaxseed - States and United States: April 2024 with Comparisons -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- State : April 2023 : March 2024 : April 2024 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : dollars per bushel : North Dakota .......: 12.10 11.50 12.10 : United States ......: 12.10 11.50 12.10 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prices Received for Peanuts (in shell) - States and United States: April 2024 with Comparisons -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- State : April 2023 : March 2024 : April 2024 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : dollars per pound : Alabama ............: 0.279 0.269 0.275 Arkansas ...........: (S) (S) (S) Florida ............: 0.289 0.283 0.268 Georgia ............: 0.266 0.265 0.269 Mississippi ........: 0.215 0.256 0.242 New Mexico .........: (S) (S) (S) North Carolina .....: 0.272 0.280 0.267 Oklahoma ...........: 0.351 0.351 0.318 South Carolina .....: 0.269 0.273 0.274 Texas ..............: 0.372 0.345 0.340 Virginia ...........: 0.278 0.280 0.279 : United States ......: 0.272 0.270 0.272 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (S) Insufficient number of reports to establish an estimate. Prices Received for Sunflower - States and United States: April 2024 with Comparisons -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- State : April 2023 : March 2024 : April 2024 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : dollars per cwt : Kansas .............: (D) (S) (S) Minnesota ..........: (D) (D) (D) North Dakota .......: 27.70 23.70 22.00 South Dakota .......: 24.60 17.80 16.50 : United States ......: 26.90 22.50 20.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (D) Withheld to avoid disclosing data for individual operations. (S) Insufficient number of reports to establish an estimate. Prices Received for Upland Cotton and Cottonseed - States and United States: April 2024 with Comparisons [Cottonseed marketing year August - February] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : Cotton, Upland : Cottonseed State :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : April : March : April : April : March : April : 2023 : 2024 : 2024 : 2023 : 2024 : 2024 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : -------- dollars per pound -------- -------- dollars per ton ------- : Alabama ............: (D) (D) (D) (NA) (NA) (NA) Arizona ............: (D) (S) (S) (NA) (NA) (NA) Arkansas ...........: (D) (D) (D) (NA) (NA) (NA) California .........: (D) (S) (S) (NA) (NA) (NA) Georgia ............: (D) (D) (D) (NA) (NA) (NA) Louisiana ..........: (D) (D) (D) (NA) (NA) (NA) Mississippi ........: (D) (D) (D) (NA) (NA) (NA) North Carolina .....: 0.880 (D) (D) (NA) (NA) (NA) Tennessee ..........: 0.827 (D) 0.794 (NA) (NA) (NA) Texas ..............: 0.744 0.828 0.770 (NA) (NA) (NA) : United States ......: 0.862 0.818 0.808 (NA) (NA) (NA) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (D) Withheld to avoid disclosing data for individual operations. (NA) Not available. (S) Insufficient number of reports to establish an estimate. Prices Received and Marketings for Upland Cotton and Rice - United States: April 2024 with Comparisons ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Item : April 2023 : March 2024 : April 2024 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : Cotton, Upland : Average price ......dollars/pound: 0.862 0.818 0.808 Marketings 1/ ........1,000 bales: 466 353 338 : Rice, all : Average price ........dollars/cwt: 20.00 17.50 17.60 Marketings 2/ ..........1,000 cwt: 9,200 12,991 10,472 : Rice, long : Average price ........dollars/cwt: 17.10 16.30 16.40 Marketings 2/ ..........1,000 cwt: 7,940 9,909 8,034 : Rice, medium and short : California : Average price ........dollars/cwt: 40.90 24.50 24.90 : Other States 3/ : Average price ........dollars/cwt: 18.10 17.20 17.30 : United States : Average price ........dollars/cwt: 38.20 21.20 21.50 Marketings 2/ ..........1,000 cwt: 1,260 3,082 2,438 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1/ Marketings based on a survey of cotton buyers in the major producing States - Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, Tennessee, and Texas. 2/ Purchases by private firms and rice (rough equivalent) shipped by cooperatives. 3/ Other States include Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, and Texas. Prices Received for Hay by Type - States and United States: April 2024 with Comparisons ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : All hay : Alfalfa hay : Other hay State :-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : April : March : April : April : March : April : April : March : April : 2023 : 2024 : 2024 : 2023 : 2024 : 2024 : 2023 : 2024 : 2024 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : dollars per ton : Arizona ..............: 344.00 209.00 204.00 345.00 210.00 205.00 240.00 130.00 135.00 California ...........: 288.00 241.00 233.00 300.00 250.00 240.00 230.00 210.00 200.00 Colorado .............: 271.00 228.00 216.00 275.00 230.00 220.00 265.00 210.00 190.00 Idaho ................: 249.00 175.00 170.00 250.00 175.00 170.00 225.00 170.00 170.00 Illinois .............: 168.00 184.00 188.00 180.00 190.00 195.00 125.00 160.00 160.00 Iowa .................: 179.00 158.00 169.00 183.00 164.00 177.00 168.00 139.00 149.00 Kansas ...............: 220.00 171.00 168.00 271.00 187.00 179.00 150.00 154.00 155.00 Kentucky .............: 188.00 194.00 191.00 228.00 225.00 226.00 170.00 181.00 174.00 Michigan .............: 173.00 164.00 168.00 195.00 180.00 185.00 135.00 130.00 130.00 Minnesota ............: 163.00 144.00 155.00 179.00 152.00 167.00 135.00 115.00 130.00 : Missouri .............: 130.00 142.00 143.00 165.00 175.00 175.00 125.00 135.00 135.00 Montana ..............: 243.00 158.00 138.00 245.00 160.00 140.00 235.00 150.00 130.00 Nebraska .............: 198.00 167.00 161.00 229.00 180.00 173.00 140.00 140.00 140.00 Nevada ...............: 253.00 178.00 167.00 260.00 180.00 170.00 210.00 160.00 145.00 New Mexico ...........: 303.00 249.00 234.00 315.00 255.00 240.00 240.00 215.00 200.00 New York .............: 182.00 177.00 186.00 260.00 219.00 231.00 163.00 163.00 171.00 North Dakota .........: 123.00 104.00 104.00 127.00 113.00 108.00 99.00 80.00 83.00 Ohio .................: 171.00 167.00 168.00 200.00 185.00 185.00 155.00 150.00 150.00 Oklahoma .............: 132.00 121.00 107.00 267.00 190.00 177.00 114.00 101.00 97.00 Oregon ...............: 300.00 229.00 224.00 315.00 230.00 225.00 255.00 225.00 220.00 : Pennsylvania .........: 182.00 172.00 179.00 260.00 228.00 241.00 165.00 162.00 170.00 South Dakota .........: 172.00 143.00 140.00 185.00 151.00 145.00 138.00 125.00 130.00 Texas ................: 201.00 237.00 225.00 276.00 298.00 301.00 184.00 225.00 213.00 Utah .................: 281.00 179.00 164.00 285.00 180.00 165.00 235.00 120.00 110.00 Washington ...........: 318.00 215.00 207.00 330.00 210.00 200.00 280.00 225.00 220.00 Wisconsin ............: 151.00 175.00 185.00 160.00 187.00 194.00 110.00 137.00 156.00 Wyoming ..............: 247.00 172.00 158.00 250.00 175.00 160.00 220.00 155.00 140.00 : United States ........: 251.00 183.00 179.00 288.00 195.00 195.00 171.00 161.00 149.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prices Received for Premium and Supreme Alfalfa Hay - States and 5-State Total: April 2024 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- State : April 2023 : March 2024 : April 2024 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : dollars per ton : California .........: 330.00 320.00 290.00 Idaho ..............: 300.00 220.00 210.00 Michigan ...........: 225.00 210.00 215.00 Minnesota ..........: 209.00 201.00 215.00 New York ...........: 335.00 309.00 309.00 Pennsylvania .......: 345.00 305.00 305.00 Texas ..............: 344.00 345.00 342.00 Wisconsin ..........: 190.00 227.00 233.00 : 5-State Total 1/ 2/ : 315.00 271.00 260.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1/ 5-State total represents a weighted (hay purchases) average price for the five largest milk producing States (based on the pounds of milk produced during the previous month). 2/ For April 2023, includes California, Idaho, New York, Texas, and Wisconsin. For March 2024, includes California, Idaho, New York, Texas, and Wisconsin. For April 2024, includes California, Idaho, New York, Texas, and Wisconsin. Prices Received for Citrus Fruits by Utilization - States and United States: April 2023 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : : Equivalent returns Commodity, : FOB :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- State, : packed : Packinghouse door : On-tree and type : fresh :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : : All : Fresh : Process : All : Fresh : Process --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : dollars per box : Grapefruit ..........................: (D) 18.15 (D) (D) 15.28 (D) (D) : Lemons ..............................: 42.10 20.42 31.03 (D) 13.75 23.83 (D) : Oranges .............................: 32.60 15.96 23.23 9.07 13.06 20.64 5.88 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (D) Withheld to avoid disclosing data for individual operations. Prices Received for Citrus Fruits by Utilization - States and United States: March 2024 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : : Equivalent returns Commodity, : FOB :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- State, : packed : Packinghouse door : On-tree and type : fresh :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : : All : Fresh : Process : All : Fresh : Process --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : dollars per box : Grapefruit ..........................: 48.80 19.00 37.32 4.77 16.73 35.09 2.48 : Lemons ..............................: 41.90 19.04 30.61 (D) 12.30 23.27 (D) : Oranges .............................: 33.90 16.92 22.26 15.51 13.32 19.07 11.81 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (D) Withheld to avoid disclosing data for individual operations. Prices Received for Citrus Fruits by Utilization - States and United States: April 2024 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : : Equivalent returns Commodity, : FOB :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- State, : packed : Packinghouse door : On-tree and type : fresh :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : : All : Fresh : Process : All : Fresh : Process --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : dollars per box : Grapefruit ..........................: 43.00 16.98 33.28 (D) 14.89 31.00 (D) : Lemons ..............................: 42.50 17.81 31.21 (D) 11.13 23.87 (D) : Oranges .............................: 34.30 13.91 22.45 12.38 10.27 19.18 8.68 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (D) Withheld to avoid disclosing data for individual operations. Prices Received for All Milk - States and United States: April 2024 with Comparisons [Before deduction for hauling. Includes quality, quantity, and other premiums. Excludes hauling subsidies] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : April 2023 : March 2024 : April 2024 State :------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : Price :Fat test : Price :Fat test : Price : Fat test ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :dollars per cwt percent dollars per cwt percent dollars per cwt percent : Arizona ............: 19.70 3.74 21.30 4.06 21.10 4.01 California .........: 20.00 4.05 20.20 4.23 19.80 4.22 Colorado ...........: 21.00 3.90 21.30 4.11 20.60 4.05 Florida ............: 24.10 3.77 25.10 3.93 25.40 3.91 Georgia ............: 23.40 3.81 25.50 4.04 25.80 3.99 Idaho ..............: 20.70 4.24 20.50 4.45 20.50 4.30 Illinois ...........: 20.80 4.12 20.70 4.28 20.10 4.25 Indiana ............: 21.40 4.04 22.20 4.16 22.00 4.11 Iowa ...............: 19.50 4.30 19.10 4.51 19.00 4.48 Kansas .............: 19.10 4.14 20.00 4.35 19.70 4.29 : Michigan ...........: 20.40 4.06 21.30 4.22 20.80 4.19 Minnesota ..........: 20.10 4.41 19.50 4.55 19.40 4.51 New Mexico .........: 18.40 3.86 19.50 4.07 19.40 4.01 New York ...........: 21.40 4.17 22.40 4.28 22.20 4.26 Ohio ...............: 21.70 4.01 21.70 4.12 21.30 4.09 Oregon .............: 23.70 4.20 23.40 4.44 22.30 4.35 Pennsylvania .......: 21.20 4.04 21.70 4.19 21.80 4.15 South Dakota .......: 21.70 4.63 20.20 4.76 19.40 4.72 Texas ..............: 20.60 4.17 21.20 4.35 21.20 4.31 Utah ...............: 20.50 4.02 20.80 4.22 20.30 4.17 : Vermont ............: 21.70 4.17 22.80 4.35 22.60 4.33 Virginia ...........: 23.40 3.92 25.10 4.12 25.20 4.06 Washington .........: 21.30 4.21 22.10 4.32 21.90 4.26 Wisconsin ..........: 20.60 4.12 19.10 4.24 18.60 4.23 : United States ......: 20.60 4.11 20.70 4.28 20.50 4.24 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prices Received for Milk Cows - States and United States: April 2024 with Comparisons [Animals sold for dairy herd replacement only. Quarterly United States milk cow prices are based on revised milk cow inventory] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- State : April 2023 : January 2024 : April 2024 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : dollars per head : Arizona ............: 1,800 2,000 2,100 California .........: 1,655 1,750 1,900 Colorado ...........: 1,700 1,800 2,000 Florida ............: 1,980 2,230 2,350 Georgia ............: 1,640 1,970 2,320 Idaho ..............: 1,700 1,900 2,100 Illinois ...........: 1,670 1,850 2,100 Indiana ............: 1,900 2,020 2,290 Iowa ...............: 1,700 1,860 2,170 Kansas .............: 1,650 1,850 2,000 : Michigan ...........: 1,860 2,190 2,320 Minnesota ..........: 1,630 1,850 2,150 New Mexico .........: 1,800 1,900 1,800 New York ...........: 1,760 1,940 2,320 Ohio ...............: 1,650 1,810 2,160 Oregon .............: 1,550 1,650 1,850 Pennsylvania .......: 1,770 1,970 2,190 South Dakota .......: 1,700 1,830 2,000 Texas ..............: 1,650 1,750 2,050 Utah ...............: 1,500 1,600 1,800 : Vermont ............: 1,800 1,950 2,340 Virginia ...........: 1,720 2,000 2,100 Washington .........: 1,600 1,750 1,950 Wisconsin ..........: 1,840 2,060 2,380 : United States ......: 1,720 1,890 2,120 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Parity Price Overview Parity prices, based on data from January 2024, and adjusted base price data from which parity prices are computed are presented in the tables on the following pages. Parity prices are computed under the provisions of Title III. Subtitle A, Section 301(a) of the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938 as amended by the Agricultural Acts of 1948, 1949, 1954, and 1956. The parity prices shown in this report are based on the provisions of the amended Act. Briefly, the actual method of computation is as follows: a. The average of prices received by farmers for individual commodities for the 10 preceding years is calculated (for 2024, the 10-average includes the years 2014-2023). An allowance for unredeemed loans and other supplemental payments resulting from price support programs, such as the deficiency payments for grains and cotton, is included for those commodities for which applicable. b. This 10-year average is divided by the average of the Index of Prices Received by Farmers for the same 10 preceding calendar years, adjusted to include an allowance for unredeemed loans and other supplemental price support operations, to give an "adjusted base price". c. Parity prices are computed by multiplying the "adjusted base prices" by the current Parity Index (the Index of Prices Paid by Farmers, including Interest, Taxes, and Wage Rates, 1910-1914=100). Parity prices are calculated in terms of prices received by farmers in the local markets in which they ordinarily sell. This means that the parity prices apply to the average of all classes and grades of the commodity as sold by all farmers in the United States, except as otherwise specified. Fruits and vegetables for fresh use and for processing are usually considered separate commodities and separate parity prices are calculated. The Agricultural Marketing Agreement Act of 1937 provided for parity prices for certain commodities covered by a marketing agreement or order program. Under present legislation, United States parity prices, with appropriate adjustments where needed, may be used for the purpose of this Act. Commodity Parity Prices and Price as Percent of Parity Price - United States: April 2024 with Comparisons [Parity prices are computed under the provisions of Title III, Subtitle a, Section 301 (a) of the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938 as amended by the Agricultural Acts of 1948, 1949, and 1956. See February "Agricultural Prices" for details on adjusted base price and parity price computations. Parity data not available for blank cells. Primary source of data for livestock and milk prices is United States Department of Agriculture's Agricultural Marketing Service] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : : Parity price : Price as percent :Adjusted : : : of parity Commodity and unit : base :----------------------------------------------------------- : price : April : March : April : April : March : April : : 2023 : 2024 : 2024 : 2023 : 2024 : 2024 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : ------------- dollars ------------- ------- percent ------ : Basic commodities : All wheat ............bushel: 0.534 20.60 20.00 20.30 40 30 29 Rice ....................cwt: 1.30 48.70 48.60 49.30 41 36 36 Corn .................bushel: 0.396 15.40 14.80 15.00 44 29 29 Cotton : Upland ..............pound: 0.065 2.49 2.43 2.47 35 34 33 American Pima .......pound: 0.144 5.02 5.38 5.46 49 33 32 Peanuts ...............pound: 0.020 0.793 0.747 0.759 34 36 36 Small chickpeas 1/ ......cwt: 2.31 85.40 86.30 87.70 36 36 38 Large chickpeas 1/ ......cwt: 2.71 104.00 101.00 103.00 37 38 35 Lentils 1/ ..............cwt: 2.42 88.00 90.40 91.80 38 46 45 : Designated non-basic : All milk, to plants 2/ ..cwt: 1.75 68.00 65.40 66.40 30 31 30 Honey, extracted 3/ ...pound: 0.199 7.48 7.43 7.55 40 34 33 : Wool and mohair : Wool ..................pound: 0.145 5.55 5.42 5.50 28 29 28 Mohair ................pound: 0.496 18.30 18.50 18.80 36 34 34 : Other non-basic : Apples, fresh 4/ ......pound: 0.047 1.700 1.760 1.780 49 35 34 Barley ...............bushel: 0.488 18.50 18.20 18.50 39 41 42 Canola ..................cwt: 1.85 68.80 69.10 70.20 39 31 31 Cottonseed ..............ton: 19.50 710.00 729.00 740.00 31 24 24 Dry edible beans ........cwt: 3.04 117.00 114.00 115.00 33 37 35 Flaxseed .............bushel: 1.15 45.00 43.00 43.60 27 27 28 Oats .................bushel: 0.295 11.40 11.00 11.20 35 38 35 Potatoes, fresh .........cwt: 1.07 40.40 40.00 40.60 56 26 26 Sorghum grain ...........cwt: 0.706 27.10 26.40 26.80 45 32 32 Soybeans .............bushel: 0.991 38.20 37.00 37.60 39 32 31 Sunflower, all ..........cwt: 2.03 77.80 75.80 77.00 35 30 26 : Citrus (equivalent on-tree) : Grapefruit 1.08 38.50 40.30 41.00 40 42 36 Lemons 2.10 79.00 78.50 79.70 17 16 14 Oranges 1.130 40.80 42.20 42.90 32 32 24 : Livestock and poultry : Beef cattle .............cwt: 12.00 446.00 448.00 455.00 38 41 41 Broilers ..............pound: 0.052 1.96 1.94 1.97 42 39 39 Calves ..................cwt: 17.70 654.00 661.00 672.00 37 50 47 Eggs 2/ ...............dozen: 0.114 4.19 4.26 4.33 40 46 49 Hogs ....................cwt: 5.33 208.00 199.00 202.00 27 32 33 Turkeys, live .........pound: 0.070 2.610 2.620 2.660 44 22 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1/ Parity prices began January 2015. 2/ Seasonally adjusted price as percentage of parity price. 3/ Wholesale extracted. Adjusted base price derived from state annual averages prices weighted by production. For 1982 through 1985 the national averages are the support prices. 4/ Equivalent packinghouse-door returns for California, New York, Oregon, and Washington. Price at point of first sale for other states. Commodity Parity Prices - United States: April 2024 with Comparisons [Parity prices are computed under the provisions of Title III, Subtitle a, Section 301 (a) of the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938 as amended by the Agricultural Acts of 1948, 1949, and 1956. See February "Agricultural Prices" for details on adjusted base price and parity price computations] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : : Parity price : Adjusted : : : Commodity and unit : base :----------------------------------------- : price : April : March : April : : 2023 : 2024 : 2024 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : dollars : Field crops and miscellaneous : Hops ..............................pound: 0.488 18.20 18.20 18.50 Mustard seed ........................cwt: 3.00 111.00 112.00 114.00 Rapeseed ............................cwt: 2.32 89.50 86.70 88.00 Rye ..............................bushel: 0.595 22.60 22.20 22.60 Safflower ...........................cwt: 2.21 82.00 82.60 83.90 Spearmint oil .....................pound: 1.66 62.30 62.00 63.00 Sweet potatoes ......................cwt: 2.05 77.80 76.60 77.80 : Tobacco : Flue-cured, 11-14 ...............pound: 0.185 6.99 6.91 7.02 Fire-cured, 21-23 ...............pound: 0.253 9.48 9.45 9.60 Burley, 31 ......................pound: 0.185 6.95 6.91 7.02 Maryland, 32 ....................pound: 0.185 6.69 6.91 7.02 Dark air-cured, 35-37 ...........pound: 0.226 8.46 8.44 8.58 Pennsylvania seedleaf, 41 .......pound: 0.253 8.88 9.45 9.60 : Non-citrus fruit : Apples, processing 1/ 2/ ............ton: 20.20 782.00 755.00 767.00 Apricots, fresh 3/ ..................ton: 123.00 4,680.00 4,600.00 4,670.00 Avocados 2/ 3/ ......................ton: 217.00 7,100.00 8,110.00 8,240.00 Cherries : Sweet .............................ton: 218.00 7,820.00 8,140.00 8,270.00 Tart 2/ .........................pound: 0.028 1.210 1.050 1.060 Cranberry 2/ 4/ ..................barrel: 3.08 121.00 115.00 117.00 Dates (California) 3/ ...............ton: 255.00 8,990.00 9,530.00 9,680.00 : Grapes (California) : Wine, processing ..................ton: 83.50 3,060.00 3,120.00 3,170.00 Kiwifruit 2/ ........................ton: 153.00 5,330.00 5,720.00 5,810.00 Nectarines, fresh (California) 3/ ...ton: 92.60 3,320.00 3,460.00 3,510.00 Olives, canning (California) 4/ .....ton: 111.00 4,120.00 4,150.00 4,210.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- See footnote(s) at end of table. --continued Commodity Parity Prices - United States: April 2024 with Comparisons (continued) [Parity prices are computed under the provisions of Title III, Subtitle a, Section 301 (a) of the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938 as amended by the Agricultural Acts of 1948, 1949, and 1956. See February "Agricultural Prices" for details on adjusted base price and parity price computations] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ : : Parity price :Adjusted : : : Commodity and unit : base :-------------------------------------------- : price : April : March : April : : 2023 : 2024 : 2024 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ : dollars : Non-citrus fruit - continued : Papayas (Hawaii) .................pound: 0.051 1.70 1.91 1.94 Peaches, fresh 4/ 5/ ...............ton: 117.00 4,270.00 4,370.00 4,440.00 Pears, fresh 5/ ....................ton: 60.60 2,320.00 2,260.00 2,300.00 Plums (California) equivalent on-tree : Fresh 6/ .........................ton: 97.80 3,430.00 3,650.00 3,710.00 Strawberries : Fresh 7/ .........................cwt: 10.80 393.00 403.00 410.00 Processing .......................cwt: 4.05 156.00 151.00 154.00 : Sugar crops : Sugar beets 2/ 8/ ................ton: 4.17 150.00 156.00 158.00 Sugarcane 2/ 8/ ..................ton: 3.45 120.00 129.00 131.00 : Tree nuts 9/ : Almonds ..........................pound: 0.235 9.33 8.78 8.92 Hazelnuts ..........................ton: 218.00 8,420.00 8,140.00 8,270.00 Pistachios .......................pound: 0.242 9.56 9.04 9.18 Walnuts ............................ton: 182.00 7,780.00 6,800.00 6,910.00 : Vegetables, fresh 7/ : Carrots 10/ ........................cwt: 2.92 99.70 109.00 111.00 Cauliflower 10/ ....................cwt: 4.71 159.00 176.00 179.00 Celery 10/ .........................cwt: 2.24 80.50 83.70 85.00 Honeydew melons ....................cwt: 2.37 79.30 88.50 89.90 Lettuce ............................cwt: 2.85 99.70 106.00 108.00 Onions 10/ .........................cwt: 1.68 54.80 62.80 63.80 Tomatoes ...........................cwt: 4.22 154.00 158.00 160.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1/ Equivalent returns at processing plant door. 2/ Adjusted base price is carried forward from the previous year since current marketing year average price is not yet available. 3/ Equivalent returns at packinghouse door. 4/ Equivalent returns for bulk fruit at first delivery point. 5/ Equivalent packinghouse-door returns for California, New York (apples only), Oregon (except Peaches), and Washington. Price at point of first sale for other states. 6/ Based on "as sold" prices for fresh fruit in all states. 7/ FOB shipping point price. 8/ Relates to prices including average conditional payments per ton made under the sugar acts of 1937 and 1948. Crop deficiency and abandonment payments not included. 9/ Prices In-Shell basis except almonds which are shelled basis. 10/ Includes some processing. Marketing Year for Specified Commodities Tobacco, Dark Air-cured: December 1 to February 28 for the United States and all States Tobacco, Flue-cured: July 1 to November 30 for the United States and all States Tobacco, Fire-cured: December 1 to March 31 for the United States; January 1 to March 31 for Kentucky and Tennessee; December 1 to January 31 for Virginia Tobacco, Light Air-cured: November 1 to May 31 for the United States; November 1 to February 28 for Kentucky, North Carolina, Tennessee, and Virginia; March 1 to May 31 for Pennsylvania Tobacco Market Year Average Prices Received - States and United States: Marketing Years 2021-2023 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- State : 2021 : 2022 : 2023 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : Dollars per Pound : Georgia ................................: 1.970 2.070 2.270 Kentucky ...............................: 2.303 2.471 2.558 North Carolina .........................: 2.000 2.100 2.140 Pennsylvania ...........................: 2.781 3.338 3.572 South Carolina .........................: 2.020 2.030 2.140 Tennessee ..............................: 2.632 2.713 2.893 Virginia ...............................: 2.121 2.332 2.366 : United States ..........................: 2.139 2.265 2.309 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tobacco Market Year Average Prices Received by Class and Type - States and United States: Marketing Years 2021-2023 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Class and Type : 2021 : 2022 : 2023 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : Dollars per Pound : Class 1, Flue-cured (11-14) : Georgia ..............................: 1.970 2.070 2.270 North Carolina .......................: 2.000 2.100 2.140 South Carolina .......................: 2.020 2.030 2.140 Virginia .............................: 2.120 2.330 2.360 : United States ........................: 2.013 2.119 2.167 : Class 2, Fire-cured (21-23) : Kentucky .............................: 2.760 2.850 2.960 Tennessee ............................: 2.820 2.900 (D) Virginia .............................: 2.480 2.880 (D) : Other States 1/ ......................: (X) (X) 3.072 : United States ........................: 2.782 2.870 3.009 : Class 3A, Light air-cured : Type 31, Burley : Kentucky .............................: 2.060 2.210 2.390 North Carolina .......................: 2.010 2.240 2.030 Pennsylvania .........................: 2.220 2.250 2.500 Tennessee ............................: 2.040 2.170 (D) Virginia .............................: 2.010 2.160 (D) : Other States 1/ ......................: (X) (X) 2.409 : United States ........................: 2.069 2.209 2.395 : Type 32, Southern Maryland Belt : Pennsylvania .........................: 2.180 2.290 2.370 : United States ........................: 2.180 2.290 2.370 : Total light air-cured (31-32) ..........: 2.070 2.209 2.395 : Class 3B, Dark air-cured (35-37) : Kentucky .............................: 2.520 2.610 2.730 Tennessee ............................: 2.450 2.550 2.720 : United States ........................: 2.496 2.587 2.728 : Class 4, Cigar filler : Type 41, Pennsylvania Seedleaf : Pennsylvania .........................: 3.380 4.050 4.180 : United States ........................: 3.380 4.050 4.180 : All tobacco : United States ........................: 2.139 2.265 2.309 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (D) Withheld to avoid disclosing data for individual operations. (X) Not applicable. 1/ Includes data withheld above. Reliability of Prices Received Estimates Definition: Prices received represent sales from producers to first buyers. They include all grades and qualities. The average commodity price from the survey multiplied by the total quantity marketed theoretically should give the total cash receipts for the commodity. Survey procedures: Primary sales data used to determine grain prices were obtained from probability samples of about 1,900 mills and elevators. These procedures ensure that virtually all grain moving into commercial channels has a chance of being included in the survey. Generally, States surveyed account for 90 percent or more of total United States production. Livestock prices are obtained from packers, stockyards, auctions, dealers, and market check data from AMS-USDA, private marketing organizations, and state commodity groups and agencies. Inter-farm sales of grain and livestock are not included since they represent very small percentages of the total sales. Grain marketed for seed is also excluded. Fruit and vegetable prices are obtained from sample surveys and market check data from AMS-USDA, private marketing organizations, state agencies, and universities. Summary and estimation procedures: Survey quantities sold are expanded by strata to state levels and used to weight average strata prices to a state average. State prices are then weighted to a United States price based on expanded sales. Recommendations are prepared by the Regional Field Offices and reviewed by the Agricultural Statistics Board in Washington, D.C. State recommendations are reviewed for reasonableness with survey data, other States, and recent historic estimates. Revisions: In general, revisions are made during annual commodity market year estimation time, following five-year Census revisions, or when later information is received. Revisions are published in monthly issues of Agricultural Prices. Reliability: United States price estimates based on probability surveys generally have a sampling error of less than one percent for the major commodities such as corn, wheat, soybeans, cotton, and rice. Current methods of summarization for non-probability commodities are not designed directly to calculate sampling errors. However, analytical measures approximate the United States relative sampling errors at around five percent. Any non- sampling errors are attributed to such things as the inability to obtain correct information, differences in interpreting questions or definitions, mistakes in coding or processing the data, etc. Efforts are made at each step in the survey process to minimize these non-sampling errors. Program Changes: See Price Program Links at the end of this report for details on program changes to the Prices Program methodology. April Prices Paid by Farmers The April Prices Paid Index for Commodities and Services, Interest, Taxes, and Farm Wage Rates (PPITW), at 140.3, is down 0.2 percent from March 2024 and 0.6 percent from April 2023. Production: The April index, at 136.7, is down 0.1 percent from March and 1.8 percent from last year. Lower prices for feeder cattle, hay & forages, complete feeds, and concentrates more than offset higher prices for milk cows, nitrogen, gasoline, and feeder pigs. Feed: At 115.7, the April index decreased 1.0 percent from March and 18 percent from last April. Since March, lower prices for hay & forages, complete feeds, concentrates, and supplements more than offset higher prices for feed grains. Livestock and poultry: The April index, at 183.7, decreased 0.6 percent from March but increased 25 percent from last year. Since March, lower prices for feeder cattle more than offset higher prices for milk cows and feeder pigs. The April feeder cattle price, at $264.00 per cwt, is down $5.00 per cwt from the March price. The April feeder pigs price, at $236.00 per cwt, is up $7.00 per cwt from March. Fertilizer: The index for April, at 107.7, is up 1.2 percent from March but down 7.1 percent from April a year ago. Since March, higher prices for nitrogen and mixed fertilizer more than offset lower prices for potash & phosphate. Chemicals: The April index, at 125.8, is down 0.1 percent from March and 13 percent from last April. Fuels: At 95.4, the April index is up 0.8 percent from March but down 1.5 percent from April 2023. Compared with March, prices are higher for gasoline but lower for diesel and LP gas. Machinery: The index for April, at 165.4, increased 0.2 percent from March and 2.3 percent from last April. Compared with last month, prices are higher for other machinery, self-propelled machinery, and tractors. Consumer Price Index: The April 2024 Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U), as issued by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, increased 3.3 percent over the last 12 months to an index level of 313.548 (1982- 1984=100). For the month, the index increased 0.4 percent prior to seasonal adjustment. Prices Paid Indexes and Related Parity Ratios - United States: April 2024 with Comparisons [Revised historical price indexes for months not shown are available at] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : 1910-1914 Base : 2011 Base Index Group :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- and : April : March : April : April : March : April Ratios : 2023 : 2024 : 2024 : 2023 : 2024 : 2024 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : percent : Prices paid by farmers for : commodities, services, : interest, taxes, and wage : rates (PPITW) ...................: 3816 3804 3795 141.1 140.6 140.3 Production ....................: 2898 2847 2844 139.2 136.8 136.7 Feed ........................: 1553 1287 1273 141.1 116.9 115.7 Livestock and poultry .......: 2889 3647 3624 146.4 184.8 183.7 Seeds .......................: 4562 4562 4562 138.7 138.7 138.7 Fertilizer ..................: 1398 1283 1298 115.9 106.4 107.7 Chemicals ...................: 1301 1129 1129 145.1 125.9 125.8 Fuels .......................: 2709 2646 2666 96.9 94.6 95.4 Supplies and repairs ........: 1702 1715 1716 144.2 145.4 145.4 : Autos and trucks ............: 3975 3960 3960 129.2 128.8 128.8 Machinery ...................: 9877 10083 10103 161.7 165.1 165.4 Building materials ..........: 3842 3900 3908 165.1 167.6 167.9 Services and rent ...........: 3180 3247 3246 (NA) (NA) (NA) Services ....................: (NA) (NA) (NA) 142.3 145.4 145.3 Rent ........................: (NA) (NA) (NA) 127.0 129.0 129.0 : Interest 1/ ...................: 5771 5722 5722 158.3 156.9 156.9 Taxes 2/ ......................: 9061 9589 9589 152.7 161.6 161.6 Wage rates ....................: 11576 12478 12152 161.6 174.2 169.6 Family living-CPI 3/ ..........: 2883 2968 2980 134.9 138.9 139.4 : Production, interest, taxes, : and wage rates (PITW) .........: 4006 3974 3961 142.0 140.9 140.4 : Ratio (received/paid) ...........: (NA) (NA) (NA) 93 87 88 Parity ratio 4/ .................: 35 33 33 (NA) (NA) (NA) Parity ratio adjusted 5/ ........: 36 34 34 (NA) (NA) (NA) PPITW adjusted for : productivity 6/ ...............: 2044 1999 1979 (NA) (NA) (NA) : Crop sector (PPITW) .............: (NA) (NA) (NA) 139.6 138.0 138.0 Livestock sector (PPITW) ........: (NA) (NA) (NA) 142.6 143.4 142.8 : Farm sector (production) ........: (NA) (NA) (NA) 142.5 142.8 141.8 Non-farm sector (production) ....: (NA) (NA) (NA) 137.1 133.2 133.5 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (NA) Not available. 1/ Interest per acre on farm real estate debt and interest rate on farm non-real estate debt. 2/ Farm real estate taxes payable per acre. 3/ Bureau of Labor Statistics, Consumer Price Index for all urban consumers (CPI-U), converted by the USDA. 4/ Ratio of index of prices received to PPITW (1910-1914=100). 5/ Based on estimated cash receipts, from marketings and government payments, the preliminary adjustment factor is updated annually. 6/ PPITW is adjusted based on productivity trend for the prior 15 years. Prices Paid Indexes and Annual Weights for Input Components and Sub-components - United States: April 2024 with Comparisons [Revised historical price indexes for months not shown are available at Relative weights are a five year moving average] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : Relative weights : Indexes (2011=100) :------------------------------------------------------- Index Group : : : April : March : April : 2023 1/ : 2024 : 2023 : 2024 : 2024 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : percent : Production items ............: 74.105 76.036 139.2 139.8 136.7 : Feed ......................: 14.697 14.590 141.1 116.9 115.7 Feed grains .............: 2.102 2.086 113.1 76.9 77.4 Complete feeds ..........: 7.202 7.149 142.2 121.9 121.1 Hay and forages .........: 1.837 1.824 156.1 120.2 116.4 Concentrates ............: 2.322 2.305 141.9 128.1 126.0 Supplements .............: 1.235 1.226 158.6 130.2 129.5 Livestock and poultry .....: 9.752 9.438 146.4 184.8 183.7 Feeder cattle ...........: 7.597 7.352 153.8 196.4 192.7 Feeder pigs .............: 0.780 0.755 110.0 163.6 168.6 Milk cow replacements ...: 0.790 0.765 121.1 133.1 149.3 Poultry .................: 0.585 0.566 133.5 133.5 133.5 : Seeds .....................: 4.901 4.766 138.7 138.7 138.7 Field crops .............: 4.440 4.318 136.9 136.9 136.9 Grasses and legumes .....: 0.461 0.448 156.4 156.4 156.4 Fertilizer ................: 6.668 8.927 115.9 106.4 107.7 Mixed fertilizer ........: 2.934 3.928 110.1 105.4 106.1 Nitrogen ................: 2.801 3.749 122.6 106.0 108.8 Potash and phosphate ....: 0.934 1.250 114.1 110.4 109.4 Chemicals .................: 3.637 4.695 145.1 125.9 125.8 Herbicides ..............: 2.291 2.958 159.1 138.0 138.0 Insecticides ............: 0.837 1.080 121.0 105.0 105.0 Fungicides and other ....: 0.509 0.657 121.5 105.4 105.4 : Fuels .....................: 3.042 3.668 96.9 94.6 95.4 Diesel ..................: 1.893 2.283 95.1 93.3 92.9 Gasoline ................: 0.637 0.768 99.1 94.5 99.6 LP gas ..................: 0.511 0.617 100.6 99.6 99.2 Supplies and repairs ......: 4.392 4.176 144.2 145.4 145.4 Supplies ................: 1.471 1.399 145.0 142.6 142.5 Repairs .................: 2.920 2.777 143.8 146.8 146.9 Autos and trucks ..........: 1.140 1.074 129.2 128.8 128.8 Autos ...................: 0.148 0.140 123.0 121.7 121.4 Trucks ..................: 0.992 0.934 130.2 129.8 129.9 : Machinery .................: 4.827 4.501 161.7 165.1 165.4 Tractors ................: 1.062 0.990 137.6 139.2 139.5 Self-propelled ..........: 1.931 1.800 147.3 151.1 151.4 Other machinery .........: 1.834 1.710 190.9 194.7 195.1 Building materials ........: 3.648 3.485 165.1 167.6 167.9 Services ..................: 10.954 10.726 142.3 145.4 145.3 Custom rates ............: 1.128 1.105 141.2 141.2 141.2 Other services ..........: 9.826 9.621 142.4 145.9 145.8 Rent ......................: 6.448 5.990 127.0 129.0 129.0 Cash ....................: 3.463 3.217 129.0 129.0 129.0 Share ...................: 2.986 2.773 124.7 129.0 129.0 : Interest ....................: 2.095 2.032 158.3 156.9 156.9 Taxes .......................: 3.159 2.923 152.7 161.6 161.6 Wage rates ..................: 7.114 6.436 161.6 174.2 169.6 Family living-CPI ...........: 13.526 12.574 134.9 138.9 139.4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1/ Starting 2023, relative weights published to three decimals. Feed Price Ratios - United States: April 2024 with Comparisons ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Feed price ratio 1/ : April 2023 : March 2024 : April 2024 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : Broiler-feed: pounds of broiler grower feed equal : in value to 1 pound of broiler, live weight 2/ ......: 4.8 5.9 6.1 : Market egg feed: pounds of laying feed equal in : value to 1 dozen eggs 3/ ............................: 8.2 20.0 16.6 : Hog-corn: bushels of corn equal in value to : 100 pounds of hog, live weight ......................: 8.5 14.4 15.2 : Milk-feed: pounds of 16% mixed dairy feed equal : in value to 1 pound of whole milk 4/ ................: 1.47 2.17 2.14 : Steer & heifer-corn: bushels of corn equal : in value to 100 pounds of steer & heifers, : live weight .......................................: 26.1 43.1 42.6 : Turkey-feed: pounds of turkey grower equal in : value to 1 pound of turkey, live weight 5/ ..........: 7.3 5.0 4.9 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1/ Effective January 1995, prices of commercial prepared feeds are based on current United States prices received for corn, soybeans, alfalfa hay, and all wheat. 2/ The price of commercial prepared broiler feed is based on current United States prices received for corn and soybeans. The modeled feed uses 58 percent corn and 42 percent soybeans. 3/ The price of commercial prepared layer feed is based on current United States prices received for corn and soybeans. The modeled feed uses 75 percent corn and 25 percent soybeans. 4/ The price of commercial prepared dairy feed is based on current United States prices received for corn, soybeans, and alfalfa. The modeled feed uses 51 percent corn, 8 percent soybeans, and 41 percent alfalfa. 5/ The price of commercial prepared turkey feed is based on current United States prices received for corn, soybeans, and wheat. The modeled feed uses 51 percent corn, 28 percent soybeans, and 21 percent wheat. Prices Received Used to Calculate Feed Price Ratios - United States: April 2024 with Comparisons [Price data source for livestock and poultry commodities is United States Department of Agriculture's Agriculture Marketing Service] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Item : April 2023 : March 2024 : April 2024 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : dollars : Broilers, live ................pound: 0.831 0.752 0.776 Eggs, market ..................dozen: 1.25 2.15 1.79 : Hogs, all .......................cwt: 57.00 62.80 66.90 Milk, all .......................cwt: 20.60 20.70 20.50 : Steers and heifers ..............cwt: 175.00 188.00 187.00 Turkeys, live .................pound: 1.160 0.584 0.566 : Corn .........................bushel: 6.70 4.36 4.39 Hay, alfalfa ....................ton: 288.00 195.00 195.00 : Soybeans .....................bushel: 14.90 11.80 11.80 Wheat, all ...................bushel: 8.31 6.01 5.91 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prices Paid for Feeder Livestock - United States: April 2024 with Comparisons [Price data source is United States Department of Agriculture's Agriculture Marketing Service] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Item : April 2023 : March 2024 : April 2024 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : dollars : Feeder cattle & calves ..........cwt: 211.00 269.00 264.00 Feeder pigs .....................cwt: 154.00 229.00 236.00 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Feed Ratios Monthly and Annual Average - United States: 2019-2024 [Annual average is a simple average of monthly ratios, January through December] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : Broiler 1/ :------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Year :January :February :March :April : May :June :July :August :September :October :November :December : Average -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2019: 5.8 5.1 5.3 5.8 6.1 5.4 4.8 4.3 4.0 4.1 4.1 4.5 4.9 2020: 4.9 4.2 4.4 2.4 3.8 4.0 3.7 3.3 2.9 3.0 3.5 3.7 3.7 2021: 3.5 3.1 3.0 3.6 3.6 3.7 3.7 3.6 4.2 4.3 4.3 5.1 3.8 2022: 5.3 4.5 5.0 5.6 5.7 5.5 5.2 4.3 4.2 4.4 4.4 4.3 4.9 2023: 4.1 3.9 4.4 4.8 5.0 4.8 4.0 3.8 4.4 4.5 4.7 5.1 4.5 2024: 5.4 5.7 5.9 6.1 5.7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : Market Egg 2/ :------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Year :January :February :March :April : May :June :July :August :September :October :November :December : Average -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2019: 9.3 7.9 7.0 4.3 2.4 4.4 2.4 6.5 5.2 4.9 10.8 8.3 6.1 2020: 5.6 7.4 18.7 10.1 6.3 5.5 6.0 6.3 6.6 8.5 7.7 4.7 7.8 2021: 6.5 6.3 7.5 4.4 3.7 3.6 4.1 5.8 6.2 5.3 7.0 9.3 5.8 2022: 9.8 8.5 9.2 13.8 11.4 11.4 16.1 11.2 17.0 19.7 23.6 32.2 15.3 2023: 19.6 16.0 17.7 8.2 5.0 6.7 6.6 8.1 7.6 7.8 13.8 14.4 11.0 2024: 17.2 21.3 20.0 16.6 18.8 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : Turkey 3/ :------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Year :January :February :March :April : May :June :July :August :September :October :November :December : Average -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2019: 5.6 5.8 5.9 6.3 6.1 6.1 6.2 6.6 7.0 7.0 7.5 6.9 6.4 2020: 6.7 7.0 7.4 7.9 8.3 8.5 8.7 8.7 8.6 8.2 7.3 6.9 7.9 2021: 6.5 5.9 5.8 5.7 5.5 5.8 5.8 6.0 7.2 7.3 6.3 6.1 6.2 2022: 6.1 5.7 5.5 5.4 5.5 5.9 6.5 6.6 7.4 8.2 8.1 7.7 6.6 2023: 7.6 7.2 7.4 7.3 6.8 6.7 6.3 5.8 6.1 5.8 5.2 3.7 6.3 2024: 4.3 5.0 5.0 4.9 4.8 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : Milk 4/ :------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Year :January :February :March :April : May :June :July :August :September :October :November :December : Average -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2019: 2.06 2.07 2.13 2.11 2.12 2.09 2.16 2.26 2.34 2.42 2.65 2.57 2.25 2020: 2.42 2.35 2.25 1.85 1.77 2.37 2.70 2.52 2.30 2.51 2.60 2.19 2.32 2021: 2.00 1.80 1.76 1.75 1.65 1.56 1.52 1.48 1.66 1.84 1.92 1.96 1.74 2022: 2.13 2.04 2.02 1.95 1.91 1.87 1.77 1.69 1.71 1.90 1.92 1.83 1.89 2023: 1.71 1.57 1.55 1.47 1.40 1.35 1.37 1.66 1.88 2.02 2.11 1.98 1.67 2024: 1.98 2.13 2.17 2.14 2.11 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : Hog-Corn 5/ :------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Year :January :February :March :April : May :June :July :August :September :October :November :December : Average -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2019: 12.5 12.1 12.9 16.8 17.2 14.9 13.6 14.9 12.6 12.8 13.0 12.7 13.8 2020: 12.6 12.0 13.0 12.9 15.9 13.1 12.4 13.8 14.6 15.6 13.7 12.4 13.5 2021: 11.8 11.9 13.7 14.2 13.4 13.8 13.1 12.5 12.9 13.0 11.1 10.3 12.7 2022: 10.5 11.3 11.4 10.8 10.5 10.7 11.4 11.9 10.4 10.9 10.3 9.5 10.8 2023: 8.8 8.8 9.3 8.5 9.0 10.0 11.9 12.9 12.5 12.3 12.3 11.1 10.6 2024: 11.2 13.3 14.4 15.2 13.5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : Steer & Heifer-Corn 6/ :------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Year :January :February :March :April : May :June :July :August :September :October :November :December : Average -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2019: 34.8 35.0 35.7 36.3 33.6 28.9 27.2 28.5 27.4 28.3 31.3 32.3 31.6 2020: 33.0 32.3 31.0 33.7 34.7 34.8 30.5 33.3 30.8 29.9 28.8 28.0 31.7 2021: 26.4 24.2 23.7 22.8 20.5 20.5 20.4 19.8 23.2 25.1 25.1 25.8 23.1 2022: 24.9 23.2 21.6 20.1 19.8 19.2 19.9 19.9 20.5 22.8 23.7 24.0 21.6 2023: 24.1 23.8 25.0 26.1 27.1 28.4 29.6 32.5 35.3 37.7 39.5 36.7 30.5 2024: 37.1 41.7 43.1 42.6 41.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1/ The price of commercial prepared broiler feed is based on current United States prices received for corn and soybeans. The modeled feed ration uses 58 percent corn and 42 percent soybeans. 2/ The price of commercial prepared layer feed is based on current United States prices received for corn and soybeans. The modeled feed ration uses 75 percent corn and 25 percent soybeans. 3/ The price of commercial prepared turkey feed is based on current United States prices received for corn, soybeans, and wheat. The modeled feed ration uses 51 percent corn, 28 percent soybeans, and 21 percent wheat. 4/ The price of commercial prepared dairy feed is based on current United States prices received for corn, soybeans, and alfalfa. The modeled feed ration uses 51 percent corn, 8 percent soybeans, and 41 percent alfalfa. 5/ Number of bushels of corn equal in value to 100 pounds of all hogs, live weight. 6/ Number of bushels of corn equal in value to 100 pounds of steers & heifers, live weight. Reliability of Prices Paid Estimates Definition: Prices paid by farmers represent the average costs of inputs purchased by farmers and ranchers to produce agricultural commodities. Conceptually, the average price when multiplied by quantity purchased should equal total producer expenditures for the item. Survey procedures: The prices paid data are obtained from establishments that sell goods and services to farmers and ranchers. Annually, about 8,500 firms are randomly selected from lists by type of item sold with an average response rate in the range of 75-80 percent. Firms are asked to report the price for the specified item "most commonly bought by farmers" or that was the "volume seller". Approximately 135 items are surveyed each March to represent all production input items purchased. The survey reference period for all items is the full preceding calendar year. Separate prices paid surveys are conducted for agricultural chemicals, fuels, feed, fertilizer, machinery, and seed. Summary and estimation procedures: The annual March Prices Paid Survey is summarized as a non-probability survey. Average prices reported are aggregated to the region and United States level using weights available from expenditure data and other administrative sources. Price recommendations are prepared by the Regional Field Offices and Headquarters for review by the Agricultural Statistics Board in Washington, D.C. Also, the change in price level for individual items surveyed are combined to the regional and United States levels, and are published as prices paid indexes referenced to a specific base period. Prices paid indexes for new autos and trucks, building materials, farm supplies, motor supplies, and marketing containers are updated based on price changes measured in selected Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) indexes. Revisions: Any revisions are published in the monthly and in annual issues of Agricultural Prices. The basis for revision must be supported by additional data that directly affect the level of the estimate. More revisions are likely for March when separate prices paid surveys are conducted, in lieu of BLS indexes, by the USDA to measure price change. Reliability: Current methods of summarization for the March data are not designed directly to calculate sampling errors. However, analytical measures approximate the United States relative sampling errors for major items around 10 percent. Any non-sampling errors are attributed to such things as the inability to obtain correct information, differences in interpreting questions or definitions, mistakes in coding or processing the data, etc. Efforts are made at each step in the survey process to minimize these non- sampling errors. Program Changes: See Price Program Links at the end of this report for details on program changes to the Prices Program methodology. Information Contacts General Bryan Combs, Chief, Environmental, Economics, and Demographics Branch..................................... (202) 720-6146 Crop Prices Received Nick Streff, Chief, Crops Branch ......................................................................... (202) 720-2127 Chris Hawthorn, Head, Field Crops Section................................................................. (202) 720-2127 Irwin Anolik - Flaxseed, Mustard Seed................................................................... (202) 720-7621 Joshua Bates - Hemp, Oats, Soybeans..................................................................... (202) 690-3234 Natasha Bruton - Barley................................................................................. (202) 690-1042 Michelle Harder - Hay, Peanuts.......................................................................... (202) 690-8533 James Johanson - Rye, Wheat............................................................................. (202) 720-8068 Greg Lemmons - Corn, Proso Millet, Rice................................................................. (202) 720-9526 Becky Sommer - Cotton, Cotton Ginnings, Sorghum......................................................... (202) 720-5944 Travis Thorson - Canola, Rapeseed, Safflower, Sunflower................................................. (202) 720-7369 Fleming Gibson, Head, Fruits, Vegetables and Special Crops Section........................................ (202) 720-2131 Deonne Holiday - Almonds, Carrots, Coffee, Cranberries, Garlic, Onions, Plums, Prunes, Tobacco................................................................................ (202) 720-4288 Bret Holliman - Apricots, Chickpeas, Nectarines, Peaches, Snap Beans, Sweet Corn, Tomatoes.................................................................................. (202) 720-7235 Robert Little - Blueberries, Cabbage, Dry Beans, Lettuce, Macadamia, Maple Syrup, Pears, Raspberries, Spinach.............................................................. (202) 720-3250 Krishna Rizal - Artichokes, Asparagus, Celery, Grapefruit, Kiwifruit, Lemons, Mandarins and tangerines, Mint, Mushrooms, Olives, Oranges, Pistachios................................ (202) 720-5412 Chris Singh - Apples, Cucumbers, Hazelnuts, Potatoes, Pumpkins, Squash, Strawberries, Sugarbeets, Sugarcane, Sweet Potatoes........................................... (202) 720-4285 Antonio Torres - Cantaloupes, Dry Edible Peas, Grapes, Green Peas, Honeydews, Lentils, Sweet Cherries, Tart Cherries, Walnuts, Watermelons............................... (202) 720-2157 Chris Wallace - Avocados, Bell Peppers, Broccoli, Cauliflower, Chile Peppers, Dates, Floriculture, Hops, Papayas, Pecans............................................. (202) 720-4215 Livestock Prices Received Travis Averill, Chief, Livestock Branch................................................................... (202) 692-0069 Scott Hollis, Head, Livestock Section..................................................................... (202) 690-2424 Ryan Cowen - Cattle and Cattle on Feed.................................................................. (202) 720-3040 Kim DaPra - Milk, Milk Cows............................................................................. (512) 501-3266 Anthony Fischer - Hogs and Pigs......................................................................... (202) 720-3106 Fatema Haque - Turkeys.................................................................................. (202) 505-0041 Seth Riggins - Honey.................................................................................... (202) 720-3106 Autumn Stone - Eggs..................................................................................... (202) 690-3676 Takiyah Walker - Broilers............................................................................... (202) 720-6147 Indexes, Prices Paid, and Parity Prices Bryan Combs, Chief, Environmental, Economics, and Demographics Branch..................................... (202) 720-6146 Bruce Boess, Head, Economics Section...................................................................... (202) 720-4447 Ralph Mondesir - Prices Received Indexes, Parity Prices, Prices Paid Indexes........................... (202) 221-9297 Scott Peterson - Prices Received Indexes, Parity Prices, Prices Paid Indexes (360) 890-3261 Max Reason - Prices Received Indexes, Parity Prices, Prices Paid Indexes, Prices Paid for Feed, Fertilizer, Chemicals, Seeds, Fuels, Farm Supplies and Repairs, Farm Machinery, Feeder Livestock, Poultry Chicks, Feed Price Ratios.................................................................... (202) 720-8844 Access to NASS Reports For your convenience, you may access NASS reports and products the following ways: All reports are available electronically, at no cost, on the NASS web site: Both national and state specific reports are available via a free e- mail subscription. To set-up this free subscription, visit and click on "National" or "State" in upper right corner above "search" box to create an account and select the reports you would like to receive. Cornell's Mann Library has launched a new website housing NASS's and other agency's archived reports. The new website, All email subscriptions containing reports will be sent from the new website, To continue receiving the reports via e-mail, you will have to go to the new website, create a new account and re-subscribe to the reports. If you need instructions to set up an account or subscribe, they are located at: You should whitelist in your email client to avoid the emails going into spam/junk folders. For more information on NASS surveys and reports, call the NASS Agricultural Statistics Hotline at (800) 727-9540, 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. ET, or e-mail: The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination against its customers, employees, and applicants for employment on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, sex, gender identity, religion, reprisal, and where applicable, political beliefs, marital status, familial or parental status, sexual orientation, or all or part of an individual's income is derived from any public assistance program, or protected genetic information in employment or in any program or activity conducted or funded by the Department. (Not all prohibited bases will apply to all programs and/or employment activities.) If you wish to file a Civil Rights program complaint of discrimination, complete the USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form (PDF), found online at, or at any USDA office, or call (866) 632-9992 to request the form. You may also write a letter containing all of the information requested in the form. Send your completed complaint form or letter to us by mail at U.S. Department of Agriculture, Director, Office of Adjudication, 1400 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20250-9410, by fax (202) 690-7442 or email at Price Program Links Economics and Prices Agricultural Prices Program and Survey