Flour Milling Products ISSN: 2378-2498 Released May 1, 2024, by the National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS), Agricultural Statistics Board, United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). Highlights First Quarter 2023, January through March, contained 90 days. Fourth Quarter 2023, October through December, contained 92 days. First Quarter 2024, January through March, contained 91 days. All wheat ground for flour during the first quarter 2024 was 227 million bushels, down less than 1 percent from the fourth quarter 2023 grind of 227 million bushels but up 1 percent from the first quarter 2023 grind of 225 million bushels. First quarter 2024 total flour production was 106 million hundredweight, up less than 1 percent from the fourth quarter 2023 and up 1 percent from the first quarter 2023. Whole wheat flour production, at 4.69 million hundredweight during the first quarter 2024, accounted for 4 percent of the total flour production. Millfeed production from wheat in the first quarter 2024 was 1.61 million tons. The daily 24-hour milling capacity of wheat flour during the first quarter 2024 was 1.61 million hundredweight. Durum wheat ground for flour and semolina production during the first quarter of 2024 totaled 16.7 million bushels, down 2 percent from the fourth quarter 2023 and down 3 percent from the first quarter 2023. First quarter 2024 durum flour and semolina production was 8.04 million hundredweight, up 1 percent from the fourth quarter 2023 but down 4 percent from the first quarter 2023. Whole wheat durum flour and semolina production was 54,000 hundredweight, down 29 percent from 76,000 hundredweight in the fourth quarter 2023 and down 48 percent from104,000 hundredweight from the first quarter 2023. First quarter durum wheat millfeed production was 105,642 tons and the daily 24- hour milling capacity for durum and semolina production was 134,730 hundredweight. Rye ground for flour during the first quarter of 2024 was 377,000 bushels, down 3 percent from the fourth quarter 2023 and down 10 percent from the first quarter 2023. Rye flour production during the first quarter of 2024 was 175,000 hundredweight, compared to 174,000 hundredweight in the previous quarter and 189,000 hundredweight in the same quarter for the previous year. The daily 24-hour milling capacity for rye milling was 9,655 hundredweight for the first quarter 2024. All Wheat Ground, Flour Production, and Capacity - Regions and United States: January 2024 - March 2024 with Comparisons ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Region : Wheat ground for : Wheat flour : Daily (24-hour) : flour : production : capacity ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : 1,000 bushels 1,000 cwt cwt : California : January 2023 - March 2023.......................: 15,793 7,344 108,600 October 2023 - December 2023....................: 15,776 7,392 108,600 January 2024 - March 2024.......................: 16,093 7,448 109,600 : Colorado and Oklahoma : January 2023 - March 2023.......................: 7,812 3,710 55,780 October 2023 - December 2023....................: 8,295 4,040 55,780 January 2024 - March 2024.......................: 8,003 3,883 55,780 : Florida, Georgia, and South Carolina : January 2023 - March 2023.......................: 9,984 4,634 62,000 October 2023 - December 2023....................: 9,914 4,679 62,000 January 2024 - March 2024.......................: 9,692 4,558 62,000 : Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Utah, and Washington : January 2023 - March 2023.......................: 15,518 7,318 119,387 October 2023 - December 2023....................: 15,960 7,468 119,387 January 2024 - March 2024.......................: 15,971 7,557 119,387 : Illinois, Indiana, and Wisconsin : January 2023 - March 2023.......................: 25,407 11,935 163,252 October 2023 - December 2023....................: 24,605 11,672 163,252 January 2024 - March 2024.......................: 24,831 11,700 163,252 : Iowa and Nebraska : January 2023 - March 2023.......................: 6,648 3,070 50,894 October 2023 - December 2023....................: 6,775 3,113 50,894 January 2024 - March 2024.......................: 6,705 3,109 50,894 : Kansas : January 2023 - March 2023.......................: 15,536 7,234 111,800 October 2023 - December 2023....................: 15,911 7,410 111,800 January 2024 - March 2024.......................: 16,249 7,525 111,800 : Kentucky and Tennessee : January 2023 - March 2023.......................: 8,633 4,006 59,000 October 2023 - December 2023....................: 8,376 3,878 59,000 January 2024 - March 2024.......................: 8,739 4,084 59,000 : Maryland and Virginia : January 2023 - March 2023.......................: 7,011 3,195 48,500 October 2023 - December 2023....................: 6,443 2,874 48,500 January 2024 - March 2024.......................: 6,012 2,716 48,500 : Michigan : January 2023 - March 2023.......................: 5,741 2,568 39,700 October 2023 - December 2023....................: 5,612 2,524 39,700 January 2024 - March 2024.......................: 5,829 2,672 47,700 : Minnesota : January 2023 - March 2023.......................: 10,619 4,967 80,120 October 2023 - December 2023....................: 10,930 5,065 80,120 January 2024 - March 2024.......................: 10,615 4,952 80,120 : Missouri : January 2023 - March 2023.......................: 12,630 5,893 92,800 October 2023 - December 2023....................: 12,674 5,851 92,800 January 2024 - March 2024.......................: 13,205 6,176 92,800 : New Jersey and New York : January 2023 - March 2023.......................: 12,647 6,041 101,450 October 2023 - December 2023....................: 14,003 6,447 101,450 January 2024 - March 2024.......................: 13,467 6,260 101,450 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --continued All Wheat Ground, Flour Production, and Capacity - Regions and United States: January 2024 - March 2024 with Comparisons (continued) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Region : Wheat ground for : Wheat flour : Daily (24-hour) : flour : production : capacity ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : 1,000 bushels 1,000 cwt cwt : North Carolina : January 2023 - March 2023.......................: 7,864 3,587 67,796 October 2023 - December 2023....................: 7,973 3,649 67,796 January 2024 - March 2024.......................: 8,041 3,665 67,796 : North Dakota : January 2023 - March 2023.......................: 14,926 7,010 103,600 October 2023 - December 2023....................: 16,154 7,454 104,000 January 2024 - March 2024.......................: 15,404 7,240 104,000 : Ohio : January 2023 - March 2023.......................: 13,012 5,795 89,600 October 2023 - December 2023....................: 12,204 5,495 89,600 January 2024 - March 2024.......................: 12,492 5,593 89,600 : Pennsylvania : January 2023 - March 2023.......................: 11,071 5,128 77,300 October 2023 - December 2023....................: 10,837 5,045 77,300 January 2024 - March 2024.......................: 10,990 5,113 77,300 : Texas : January 2023 - March 2023.......................: 13,506 6,223 92,000 October 2023 - December 2023....................: 13,292 6,150 86,000 January 2024 - March 2024.......................: 13,137 6,094 86,000 : Other States 1/ : January 2023 - March 2023.......................: 11,001 5,149 78,407 October 2023 - December 2023....................: 10,915 5,141 78,407 January 2024 - March 2024.......................: 11,070 5,187 78,407 : United States : January 2023 - March 2023.......................: 225,359 104,807 1,601,986 October 2023 - December 2023....................: 226,649 105,347 1,596,386 January 2024 - March 2024.......................: 226,545 105,532 1,605,386 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1/ Alabama, Arkansas, Arizona, Hawaii, Massachusetts, Maine, and Louisiana combined to avoid disclosing individual operations. Flour Milling Production, and Capacity - United States: January 2024 - March 2024 with Comparisons ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Item : January - March 2023 :October - December 2023 : January - March 2024 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- All wheat : Wheat ground for flour ............1,000 bushels: 225,359 226,649 226,545 Flour production ......................1,000 cwt: 104,807 105,347 105,532 Whole wheat flour production.........1,000 cwt: 4,503 4,580 4,686 Millfeed production.........................tons: 1,618,954 1,598,055 1,606,401 Daily 24-hour capacity.......................cwt: 1,601,986 1,596,386 1,605,386 : Wheat, excluding durum : Wheat ground for flour.............1,000 bushels: 208,131 209,651 209,854 Flour production.......................1,000 cwt: 96,464 97,363 97,494 Whole wheat production...............1,000 cwt: 4,399 4,504 4,632 Millfeed production.........................tons: 1,508,641 1,490,329 1,500,759 Daily 24-hour capacity.......................cwt: 1,467,256 1,461,656 1,470,656 : Wheat, durum : Wheat ground for flour and semolina1,000 bushels: 17,228 16,998 16,691 Durum flour and semolina production....1,000 cwt: 8,343 7,984 8,038 Whole wheat durum flour : and semolina production............1,000 cwt: 104 76 54 Millfeed production.........................tons: 110,313 107,726 105,642 Daily 24-hour capacity.......................cwt: 134,730 134,730 134,730 : Rye : Rye ground for flour...............1,000 bushels: 418 390 377 Flour production.......................1,000 cwt: 189 174 175 Millfeed production.........................tons: 737 659 621 Daily 24-hour capacity.......................cwt: 9,655 9,655 9,655 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Statistical Methodology Survey Procedures: Flour Milling Products is part of the Current Agricultural Industrial Reports (CAIR) program. CAIR reports are administered under NASS's Census of Agriculture program. Response to CAIR surveys are required by law (Title 7, U.S. Code). Data are collected from all known mills that produce wheat or rye flour. The census universe was determined during operation profile interviews which were completed for each potential facility to identify the presence of wheat or rye flour production in 2014. The operation profile also documented the manner in which the firm will report. A firm headquarters can report for all milling locations or each location can report separately. In the Flour Milling Products survey questionnaires, mills are asked for previous quarter data on wheat and rye ground for flour, and production of flour, whole wheat flour, and millfeed. Quarters are based on a calendar year with the following definitions: first quarter - January through March; second quarter - April through June; third quarter - July through September; fourth quarter - October through December. Mills are mailed questionnaires with the options of completing the survey by mail or by Electronic Data Reporting (EDR). For surveys not received in a reasonable amount of time, telephone follow-up is conducted. Estimating Procedures: Imputation is done for operations with non-response by using historical data and current data relationships. Data for reporting firms are added to estimates for non-reporting firms to obtain National or Regional totals. Revision Policy: Data are revised the following quarter based on late reports or corrected data. Final figures are published in the annual summary of the following year. Reliability: Approximately 165 reports are received each month which represent about 99 percent of total capacity. Quarterly data can vary due to different firms reporting quarter to quarter. Survey data are also subject to non-sampling errors such as omissions and mistakes in reporting and in processing the data. While these errors cannot be measured directly, they are minimized by carefully reviewing all reported data for consistency and reasonableness. Information Contacts Listed below are the commodity statisticians in the Crops Branch of the National Agricultural Statistics Service to contact for additional information. E-mail inquiries may be sent to nass@usda.gov Nick Streff, Acting Chief, Crops Branch................................................................. (202) 720-2127 Chris Hawthorn, Head, Field Crops Section (202) 720-2127 Irwin Anolik - Crop Progress and Condition (202) 720-7621 Joshua Bates - Hemp, Oats, Soybeans (202) 690-3234 Natasha Bruton - Barley, Cotton System Consumption, and Stocks, Grain Crushings (202) 690-1042 David Colwell - Fats and Oils, Flour Milling Products (202) 720-8800 Michelle Harder -County Estimates, Hay (202) 690-8533 James Johanson - Rye, Wheat (202) 720-8068 Greg Lemmons - Corn, Flaxseed, Proso Millet (202) 720-9526 Becky Sommer - Cotton, Cotton Ginnings, Sorghum (202) 720-5944 Travis Thorson - Sunflower, Other Oilseeds......................................................... (202) 720-7369 Chris Hawthorn - Peanuts, Rice..................................................................... (202) 720-2127 Access to NASS Reports For your convenience, you may access NASS reports and products the following ways: All reports are available electronically, at no cost, on the NASS web site: www.nass.usda.gov. Both national and state specific reports are available via a free e- mail subscription. To set-up this free subscription, visit www.nass.usda.gov and click on "National" or "State" in upper right corner above "search" box to create an account and select the reports you would like to receive. Cornell's Mann Library has launched a new website housing NASS's and other agency's archived reports. The new website, https://usda.library.cornell.edu. All email subscriptions containing reports will be sent from the new website, https://usda.library.cornell.edu. To continue receiving the reports via e-mail, you will have to go to the new website, create a new account and re-subscribe to the reports. If you need instructions to set up an account or subscribe, they are located at: https://usda.library.cornell.edu/help. You should whitelist notifications@usda-esmis.library.cornell.edu in your email client to avoid the emails going into spam/junk folders. For more information on NASS surveys and reports, call the NASS Agricultural Statistics Hotline at (800) 727-9540, 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. ET, or e-mail: nass@usda.gov. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination against its customers, employees, and applicants for employment on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, sex, gender identity, religion, reprisal, and where applicable, political beliefs, marital status, familial or parental status, sexual orientation, or all or part of an individual's income is derived from any public assistance program, or protected genetic information in employment or in any program or activity conducted or funded by the Department. (Not all prohibited bases will apply to all programs and/or employment activities.) If you wish to file a Civil Rights program complaint of discrimination, complete the USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form (PDF), found online at www.ascr.usda.gov/filing-program-discrimination-complaint-usda-customer, or at any USDA office, or call (866) 632-9992 to request the form. You may also write a letter containing all of the information requested in the form. Send your completed complaint form or letter to us by mail at U.S. Department of Agriculture, Director, Office of Adjudication, 1400 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20250-9410, by fax (202) 690-7442 or email at program.intake@usda.gov.