United States Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Statistics Service ISSN: 1949- 1514 Potatoes 2022 Summary September 2023 Contents Introduction........................................................................................... 4 Narrative.............................................................................................. 5 Potato Utilization - Program States: 2020-2022......................................................... 6 Potato Disposition - United States Chart............................................................... 6 Potato Area Planted and Harvested, Yield, and Production - States and United States: 2020-2022......... 7 Potato Production, Seed Use, Farm Disposition, Price, and Value - States and United States: 2020 Crop.. 9 Potato Production, Seed Use, Farm Disposition, Price, and Value - States and United States: 2021 Crop.. 10 Potato Production, Seed Use, Farm Disposition, Price, and Value - States and United States: 2022 Crop.. 11 Potato Production and Value - United States Chart...................................................... 12 Potato Production by State - Chart..................................................................... 12 Processing - United States: 2020-2022.................................................................. 13 Number of Potato Chip and Shoestring Plants and Quantity Used - Areas and United States: 2020-2022..... 13 Quantity of Potatoes Used for Processing - 8 States: 2020-2023......................................... 14 Accumulated Potato Shrinkage and Loss - 13 States: 2020-2023........................................... 15 Potato Stocks Held by Growers, Local Dealers, and Processors - 13 States: 2020-2023.................... 16 Potato Percent of Acreage Planted by Type of Potato - States and United States: 2020-2022.............. 18 Potato Acres Planted for Certified Seed - Selected States and United States: 2020-2022................. 18 Potato Marketing Year Average Price Received - States and United States: 2020-2022..................... 19 Statistical Methodology................................................................................ 20 Information Contacts................................................................................... 21 Introduction This publication presents potato estimates of acreage, yield per acre, production, farm disposition, season average price, value, and utilization of sales including processing for the 2022 season with historic comparisons. Also included are first of the month potato stocks (December, February, April, and June) for the 13 potato producing States. Percent of acreage planted by type, and certified seed acres are also included for selected States. These estimates are based on information furnished by producers, processors, and cooperating State or Federal Agencies. The various sources include: Market News Service rail and truck shipments, Federal-State inspections, and miscellaneous data available through marketing programs. Price estimates represent average returns to growers for all uses and for all methods of sale. These prices are applied to total production to compute value of production, and to the quantity sold to compute value of sales. Some unsold potatoes contribute to the value of production, including farm use for seed, feed, home use, and loss. The United States season average price is obtained by weighting State prices by quantities sold. A crop year is associated with the calendar year in which harvest is accomplished. Generally, the marketing season closely follows harvest except for fall harvested potatoes, when marketing from storage may extend through August of the following year. 2022 Potato Production Down 3 Percent All potato production in 2022 totaled 399 million cwt, down 3 percent from the 2021 crop. Harvested area, at 911,400 acres, was down 1 percent from 2021. The average yield of 438 cwt per acre was down 6 cwt from the previous year. The value of all potatoes sold in 2022, at $4.80 billion, increased 23 percent from the previous year. The average price, at $12.90 per cwt, was up $2.70 from 2021. The quantity of potatoes sold from the 2022 crop totaled 373 million cwt, down 3 percent from 2021. Quantity sold accounted for 94 percent of 2022 production, up slightly from the previous year. Growers from the 13 estimating States sold 262 million cwt of raw potatoes to processors from the 2022 crop, down 2 percent from 2021. Table stock sales totaled 91.6 million cwt, down 3 percent from last season. Seed sales of 18.3 million cwt for 2022 were down 4 percent from 2021. Sales for livestock feed, at 934,000 cwt for 2022 were down 24 percent from 2021. Shrinkage and loss was estimated at 21.9 million cwt for 2022, down 6 percent from 2021. Growers kept 3.53 million cwt for seed, livestock feed, and home use on their own farms, down 1 percent from 2021. United States potatoes used for processing totaled 279 million cwt, down 1 percent from 2021. Potatoes used for chips and shoestrings totaled 62.1 million cwt, up 3 percent from the previous year. Frozen french fries and other frozen products utilized 169 million cwt of raw potatoes, down 1 percent from 2021. Potatoes used for dehydrating totaled 37.9 million cwt, down 7 percent from 2021. Canning use, at 1.75 million cwt, was down 19 percent from the previous year. Other products made from potatoes utilized 8.23 million cwt of potatoes, a 14 percent increase from 2021. Potato Utilization - Program States: 2020-2022 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : Crop year Utilization items :----------------------------------- : 2020 : 2021 : 2022 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : 1,000 cwt : Sales : Table stock ...........................................: 101,195 94,399 91,569 : Processing ............................................: 270,250 268,099 262,454 : Other sales : Livestock feed ........................................: 1,173 1,236 934 Seed ..................................................: 19,399 19,149 18,314 Other Sales Total .....................................: 20,572 20,385 19,248 : Total sales ........................................ : 392,017 382,883 373,271 : Non-sales : Seed used on farms where grown ........................: 3,949 3,027 3,006 Household use and used for feed on farms where grown ..: 601 552 522 Shrinkage and loss ....................................: 23,453 23,367 21,945 : Total non-sales .......................................: 28,003 26,946 25,473 : Total production ................................... : 420,020 409,829 398,744 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Potato Area Planted and Harvested, Yield, and Production - States and United States: 2020-2022 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : Area planted : Area harvested State :----------------------------------------------------------------------- : 2020 : 2021 : 2022 : 2020 : 2021 : 2022 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : 1,000 acres : California ...........: 29.0 26.0 21.0 28.9 25.4 20.9 Colorado .............: 54.0 53.0 53.0 53.8 52.4 52.9 Florida ..............: 21.0 21.0 20.0 20.4 20.0 19.7 Idaho ................: 300.0 315.0 295.0 299.5 314.5 294.5 Maine ................: 51.0 54.0 52.0 50.8 53.3 51.9 Michigan .............: 46.0 46.0 46.0 45.0 45.0 45.5 Minnesota ............: 42.0 42.0 47.0 41.2 41.3 46.7 Nebraska .............: 19.0 19.0 20.0 18.8 18.9 19.9 North Dakota .........: 72.0 76.0 74.0 70.0 75.0 72.5 Oregon ...............: 45.0 44.0 43.0 45.0 43.8 43.0 : Texas ................: 15.5 13.0 13.0 15.3 12.0 12.9 Washington ...........: 155.0 155.0 165.0 154.5 154.5 164.5 Wisconsin ............: 69.0 69.0 67.0 68.5 67.5 66.5 : United States ........: 918.5 933.0 916.0 911.7 923.6 911.4 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --continued Potato Area Planted and Harvested, Yield, and Production - States and United States: 2020-2022 (continued) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : Yield per acre : Production State :----------------------------------------------------------------------- : 2020 : 2021 : 2022 : 2020 : 2021 : 2022 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : ----------- cwt ----------- ---------- 1,000 cwt ---------- : California ...........: 445 435 405 12,861 11,049 8,465 Colorado .............: 420 410 405 22,596 21,484 21,425 Florida ..............: 260 270 255 5,304 5,400 5,024 Idaho ................: 450 420 410 134,775 132,090 120,745 Maine ................: 265 345 355 13,462 18,389 18,425 Michigan .............: 390 430 415 17,550 19,350 18,883 Minnesota ............: 435 425 410 17,922 17,553 19,147 Nebraska .............: 490 490 485 9,212 9,261 9,652 North Dakota .........: 340 300 300 23,800 22,500 21,750 Oregon ...............: 600 600 600 27,000 26,280 25,800 : Texas ................: 465 460 575 7,115 5,520 7,418 Washington ...........: 645 595 580 99,653 91,928 95,410 Wisconsin ............: 420 430 400 28,770 29,025 26,600 : United States ........: 461 444 438 420,020 409,829 398,744 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Potato Production, Seed Use, Farm Disposition, Price, and Value - States and United States: 2020 Crop [United States and totals may not add due to rounding] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : : : Farm disposition : : Value of : : :-----------------------: :--------------------------- : : Total : Where grown : : Price : : State :Production : used :---------------: : per : : : : for : Seed, :Shrink : Sold : cwt :Production 1/: Sales 1/ : : seed : feed, : and : : : : : : : home : loss : : : : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : --------------- 1,000 cwt --------------- dollars ---- 1,000 dollars ---- : California .......: 12,861 1,001 22 299 12,540 17.70 227,640 222,038 Colorado .........: 22,596 1,484 976 2,119 19,500 10.70 241,777 207,712 Florida ..........: 5,304 (D) (D) (D) 5,203 20.30 107,671 105,420 Idaho ............: 134,775 7,245 1,320 8,250 125,206 7.28 981,162 911,590 Maine ............: 13,462 1,120 293 555 12,614 11.30 152,121 142,132 Michigan .........: 17,550 1,349 332 527 16,691 10.80 189,540 180,964 Minnesota ........: 17,922 858 72 715 17,134 10.90 195,350 186,677 Nebraska .........: 9,212 651 258 756 8,198 11.20 103,174 91,773 North Dakota .....: 23,800 1,606 210 1,218 22,371 11.70 278,460 260,955 Oregon ...........: 27,000 1,103 475 1,632 24,894 8.00 216,000 199,125 : Texas ............: 7,115 (D) (D) (D) 6,887 15.40 109,571 105,772 Washington .......: 99,653 4,016 238 6,140 93,276 7.56 753,377 705,193 Wisconsin ........: 28,770 1,715 347 920 27,503 12.20 350,994 334,342 : United States ....: 420,020 23,010 4,550 23,453 392,017 9.30 3,906,837 3,653,693 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (D) Withheld to avoid disclosing data for individual operations. 1/ May not calculate due to rounding. Potato Production, Seed Use, Farm Disposition, Price, and Value - States and United States: 2021 Crop [United States and totals may not add due to rounding] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : : : Farm disposition : : Value of : : :-----------------------: :--------------------------- : : Total : Where grown : : Price : : State :Production : used :---------------: : per : : : : for : Seed, :Shrink : Sold : cwt :Production 1/: Sales 1/ : : seed : feed, : and : : : : : : : home : loss : : : : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : --------------- 1,000 cwt --------------- dollars ---- 1,000 dollars ---- : California .......: 11,049 710 1 253 10,795 24.90 275,120 268,289 Colorado .........: 21,484 1,431 727 1,529 19,228 11.40 244,918 219,911 Florida ..........: 5,400 (D) (D) (D) 5,298 18.20 98,280 96,328 Idaho ............: 132,090 7,279 894 8,220 122,976 8.46 1,117,481 1,040,123 Maine ............: 18,389 1,200 206 1,008 17,175 11.70 215,151 201,555 Michigan .........: 19,350 1,113 283 878 18,189 13.10 253,485 237,865 Minnesota ........: 17,553 820 97 728 16,728 10.70 187,817 178,490 Nebraska .........: 9,261 620 230 696 8,335 11.80 109,280 98,270 North Dakota .....: 22,500 1,460 87 1,329 21,084 11.50 258,750 243,433 Oregon ...........: 26,280 1,084 441 1,635 24,204 9.02 237,046 218,223 : Texas ............: 5,520 (D) (D) (D) 5,315 15.80 87,216 84,000 Washington .......: 91,928 4,142 275 5,700 85,953 7.75 712,442 666,473 Wisconsin ........: 29,025 1,599 289 1,133 27,603 13.00 377,325 358,955 : United States ....: 409,829 22,158 3,579 23,367 382,883 10.20 4,174,311 3,911,915 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (D) Withheld to avoid disclosing data for individual operations. 1/ May not calculate due to rounding. Potato Production, Seed Use, Farm Disposition, Price, and Value - States and United States: 2022 Crop [United States totals may not add due to rounding] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : : : Farm disposition : : Value of : : :-----------------------: :--------------------------- : : Total : Where grown : : Price : : State :Production : used :---------------: : per : : : : for : Seed, :Shrink : Sold : cwt :Production 1/: Sales 1/ : : seed : feed, : and : : : : : : : home : loss : : : : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : --------------- 1,000 cwt --------------- dollars ---- 1,000 dollars ---- : California .......: 8,465 (D) (D) (D) 8,296 28.00 237,020 232,699 Colorado .........: 21,425 1,485 826 1,553 19,046 17.70 379,223 337,982 Florida ..........: 5,024 (D) (D) (D) 4,989 22.10 111,030 110,348 Idaho ............: 120,745 8,250 953 6,895 112,897 12.50 1,509,313 1,405,828 Maine ............: 18,425 1,060 57 994 17,374 13.40 246,895 232,240 Michigan .........: 18,883 1,076 260 854 17,769 13.90 262,474 246,183 Minnesota ........: 19,147 945 132 883 18,132 12.40 237,423 225,166 Nebraska .........: 9,652 651 244 625 8,783 12.80 123,546 112,391 North Dakota .....: 21,750 1,558 79 1,226 20,445 12.90 280,575 263,558 Oregon ...........: 25,800 1,040 501 1,590 23,709 10.30 265,740 244,738 : Texas ............: 7,418 (D) (D) (D) 7,135 15.70 116,463 112,072 Washington .......: 95,410 4,016 191 5,820 89,399 9.88 942,651 883,176 Wisconsin ........: 26,600 1,584 278 1,025 25,297 15.60 414,960 394,471 : United States ....: 398,744 23,048 3,528 21,945 373,271 12.90 5,127,313 4,800,852 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (D) Withheld to avoid disclosing data for individual operations. 1/ May not calculate due to rounding. Processing - United States: 2020-2022 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ : Crop year Utilization items :----------------------------------- : 2020 : 2021 : 2022 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ : 1,000 cwt : Processing : Chips and shoestrings ....................................: 59,217 60,289 62,076 All Dehydrated (including starch and flour) ..............: 44,893 40,553 37,853 Frozen french fries ......................................: 155,623 159,637 156,730 Other frozen products ....................................: 10,968 11,118 12,133 Canned products ..........................................: 1,429 1,314 1,142 Other canned products (hash, stews, soups) ...............: 1,172 862 611 Other (including fresh pack, potato salad, vodka, etc.) ..: 6,490 7,200 8,226 : Total ....................................................: 279,792 280,973 278,771 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Number of Potato Chip and Shoestring Plants and Quantity Used - Areas and United States: 2020-2022 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ : 2020 : 2021 : 2022 Area :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : Plants : Quantity : Plants : Quantity : Plants : Quantity ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ : number 1,000 cwt number 1,000 cwt number 1,000 cwt : New England : Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, : New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont .......................: 6 4,561 7 5,988 6 6,999 : Eastern : Delaware, District of Columbia, Maryland, New Jersey, : New York, Pennsylvania, Virginia ...........................: 20 12,888 20 11,583 20 12,069 : North Central : Michigan, Ohio, West Virginia ..............................: 15 4,257 15 4,479 14 5,490 : Mid-Central : Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska .................................: 3 1,941 3 1,780 3 1,835 : Midwest : Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Minnesota, : North Dakota, South Dakota, Wisconsin ......................: 14 10,585 14 10,579 13 10,312 : Southeast : Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi,: North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee ..................: 9 8,525 9 9,012 7 8,667 : South Central : Arkansas, Oklahoma, Texas ..................................: 7 5,282 7 5,355 7 5,500 : Rocky Mountains : Colorado, Idaho, Montana, : New Mexico, Utah, Wyoming ..................................: 3 1,702 3 1,699 4 1,566 : West Coast : Alaska, Arizona, California, Hawaii, : Nevada, Oregon, Washington .................................: 13 9,476 14 9,814 12 9,638 : United States ........................................... : 90 59,217 92 60,289 86 62,076 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Quantity of Potatoes Used for Processing - 8 States: 2020-2023 [Total quantity received and used for processing regardless of the State in which the potatoes were produced] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : Current : Following year State : year : : : : : : : :------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : December 1, :January 1, :February 1,: March 1, : April 1, : May 1, : June 1, : Season : 2020 : 2021 : 2021 : 2021 : 2021 : 2021 : 2021 : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : 1,000 cwt : Idaho and Malheur County, Oregon .....: 27,195 34,360 41,695 49,565 57,390 64,815 73,065 90,755 Maine ................................: 1,475 1,750 2,095 2,400 2,720 3,055 3,375 4,307 Washington and Oregon 1/ .............: 31,930 38,235 45,085 53,300 60,990 68,955 78,055 89,406 : Other States 2/ ......................: 11,380 14,854 18,134 21,545 25,200 28,587 32,302 38,101 : United States ........................: 71,980 89,199 107,009 126,810 146,300 165,412 186,797 222,569 : Dehydrated 3/ ........................: 13,140 16,435 19,715 23,245 27,090 30,780 34,430 43,735 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : Current : Following year State : year : : : : : : : :------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : December 1, :January 1, :February 1,: March 1, : April 1, : May 1, : June 1, : Season : 2021 : 2022 : 2022 : 2022 : 2022 : 2022 : 2022 : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : 1,000 cwt : Idaho and Malheur County, Oregon .....: 27,070 34,300 41,530 48,715 56,370 63,875 71,680 83,070 Maine ................................: 1,735 2,250 2,890 3,475 4,065 4,590 5,050 5,399 Washington and Oregon 1/ .............: 34,920 42,380 49,870 59,620 67,870 76,105 84,965 94,882 : Other States 2/ ......................: 11,882 16,011 19,773 22,981 26,364 29,486 33,035 39,642 : United States ........................: 75,607 94,941 114,063 134,791 154,669 174,056 194,730 222,993 : Dehydrated 3/ ........................: 11,855 15,715 19,495 22,335 26,080 29,360 32,415 40,406 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : Current : Following year State : year : : : : : : : :------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : December 1, :January 1, :February 1,: March 1, : April 1, : May 1, : June 1, : Season : 2022 : 2023 : 2023 : 2023 : 2023 : 2023 : 2023 : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : 1,000 cwt : Colorado .............................: 740 (D) 1,275 1,465 1,695 1,875 2,075 2,643 Idaho ................................: 22,085 28,735 35,255 42,015 48,795 55,030 62,110 77,015 Maine ................................: (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) Minnesota ............................: 2,745 3,795 4,985 5,915 7,070 8,200 8,925 10,598 North Dakota .........................: (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) Oregon ...............................: 15,630 18,630 21,335 24,515 28,000 31,145 34,490 39,185 Malheur County ....................: 3,715 4,410 5,200 5,900 6,750 7,580 8,465 9,618 All other counties ................: 11,915 14,220 16,135 18,615 21,250 23,565 26,025 29,567 Washington ...........................: 24,715 29,330 34,025 39,065 43,970 48,915 54,200 60,081 Wisconsin ............................: 4,595 5,580 6,665 (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) : Other States 4/ ......................: 4,868 7,519 8,075 17,369 20,203 22,735 25,578 30,177 : United States ........................: 75,378 93,589 111,615 130,344 149,733 167,900 187,378 219,699 : Dehydrated 3/ ........................: 11,095 14,560 17,680 20,765 24,220 27,510 31,130 37,663 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (D) Withheld to avoid disclosing data for individual operations. 1/ Oregon excluding Malheur County. 2/ Other States include Colorado, Minnesota, North Dakota, and Wisconsin. 3/ Dehydrated products except starch and flour. Includes Colorado, Idaho, Minnesota, Oregon, and Washington. 4/ Includes data withheld above. Accumulated Potato Shrinkage and Loss - 13 States: 2020-2023 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : Current : : : : : : Crop : year : Following year year :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :December 1, 2020 : January 1, 2021 :February 1, 2021 :March 1, 2021 :April 1, 2021 : May 1, 2021 : June 1, 2021 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : 1,000 cwt : 2020 ...: 12,076 13,766 15,591 17,386 19,118 20,871 22,181 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : Current : : : : : : Crop : year : Following year year :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :December 1, 2021 : January 1, 2022 :February 1, 2022 :March 1, 2022 :April 1, 2022 : May 1, 2022 : June 1, 2022 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : 1,000 cwt : 2021 ...: 12,202 13,831 15,450 17,355 18,950 20,480 21,848 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : Current : : : : : : Crop : year : Following year year :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :December 1, 2022 : January 1, 2023 :February 1, 2023 :March 1, 2023 :April 1, 2023 : May 1, 2023 : June 1, 2023 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : 1,000 cwt : 2022 ...: 11,679 13,473 14,858 16,738 18,296 19,616 20,913 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Potato Stocks Held by Growers, Local Dealers, and Processors - 13 States: 2020-2023 [Stocks are defined as the quantity (whether sold or not) remaining in storage for all purposes and uses, including seed potatoes that are not yet moved, and shrinkage, waste, and other losses that occur after the date of each estimate] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : Current : : : State : year : Following year :----------------------------------------------------------------------- :December 1, 2020 :February 1, 2021 : April 1, 2021 : June 1, 2021 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : 1,000 cwt : California ........: 1,800 1,200 800 (D) Colorado ..........: 16,900 13,200 8,600 4,300 Florida ...........: (D) (D) (D) (D) Idaho .............: 95,000 74,000 47,000 25,000 Maine .............: 9,800 6,700 3,500 1,100 Michigan ..........: 10,900 7,300 3,400 300 Minnesota .........: 12,500 8,700 5,300 2,100 Nebraska ..........: 5,000 4,100 2,400 (D) North Dakota ......: 17,100 11,600 6,900 2,400 Oregon ............: 22,400 15,200 9,600 3,600 Texas .............: (D) (D) (D) (D) Washington ........: 57,000 45,500 29,000 13,500 Wisconsin .........: 17,900 15,600 7,400 3,200 : Other States 1/ ...: 4,000 2,000 900 900 : United States .....: 270,300 205,100 124,800 56,400 : Klamath Basin 2/ ..: 4,800 2,900 1,500 (D) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : Current : : : State : year : Following year :----------------------------------------------------------------------- :December 1, 2021 :February 1, 2022 : April 1, 2022 : June 1, 2022 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : 1,000 cwt : California ........: 1,900 900 500 (D) Colorado ..........: 16,000 11,800 7,200 3,400 Florida ...........: (D) Idaho .............: 92,000 72,000 48,000 23,500 Maine .............: 13,600 9,800 5,500 1,600 Michigan ..........: 11,900 7,900 4,000 700 Minnesota .........: 12,500 9,100 6,700 4,000 Nebraska ..........: 5,500 4,100 2,300 200 North Dakota ......: 17,100 13,100 8,900 4,100 Oregon ............: 20,700 14,200 8,900 2,900 Texas .............: (D) (D) (D) (D) Washington ........: 52,000 40,000 25,000 11,000 Wisconsin .........: 19,800 14,100 9,400 4,600 : Other States 1/ ...: 2,500 1,600 900 400 : United States .....: 265,500 198,600 127,300 56,400 : Klamath Basin 2/ ..: 4,600 2,500 1,200 (D) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- See footnote(s) at end of table. --continued Potato Stocks Held by Growers, Local Dealers, and Processors - 13 States: 2020-2023 (continued) [Stocks are defined as the quantity (whether sold or not) remaining in storage for all purposes and uses, including seed potatoes that are not yet moved, and shrinkage, waste, and other losses that occur after the date of each estimate] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : Current : : : State : year : Following year :----------------------------------------------------------------------- :December 1, 2022 :February 1, 2023 : April 1, 2023 : June 1, 2023 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : 1,000 cwt : California ........: 1,400 900 600 200 Colorado ..........: 15,000 11,000 6,500 2,600 Florida ...........: (D) (D) (D) (D) Idaho .............: 85,000 66,000 43,000 21,000 Maine .............: 14,200 10,000 5,700 1,800 Michigan ..........: 11,500 7,400 3,400 800 Minnesota .........: 13,100 10,100 7,200 4,500 Nebraska ..........: 5,500 3,700 1,800 400 North Dakota ......: 16,200 12,300 7,900 3,500 Oregon ............: 19,200 13,600 8,000 3,200 Texas .............: (D) (D) (D) (D) Washington ........: 56,000 40,000 26,000 13,000 Wisconsin .........: 17,600 12,800 7,500 2,700 : Other States 1/ ...: 3,200 1,900 700 100 : United States .....: 257,900 189,700 118,300 53,800 : Klamath Basin 2/ ..: 3,800 2,400 1,200 350 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (D) Withheld to avoid disclosing data for individual operations. 1/ Includes data withheld above. 2/ Includes potato stocks in California and Klamath County, Oregon. Potato Percent of Acreage Planted by Type of Potato - States and United States: 2020-2022 [Other type potatoes are included with Russets] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : Potato types :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- State : Red and Blue : White : Yellow : Russet :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : 2020 : 2021 : 2022 : 2020 : 2021 : 2022 : 2020 : 2021 : 2022 : 2020 : 2021 : 2022 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : percent : California ........: 16 12 15 67 42 41 4 27 11 13 19 33 Colorado ..........: 3 4 4 5 2 1 9 8 11 83 86 84 Florida ...........: 26 17 35 65 76 34 9 6 31 - 1 - Idaho .............: 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 90 91 92 Maine .............: 3 4 4 38 33 33 1 3 2 58 60 61 Michigan ..........: 1 1 1 82 72 58 2 1 1 15 26 40 Minnesota .........: 17 16 16 11 10 9 2 3 3 70 71 72 Nebraska ..........: 1 1 1 48 50 44 2 2 1 49 47 54 North Dakota ......: 25 24 22 33 33 32 3 3 4 39 40 42 Oregon ............: 1 2 1 18 20 20 1 1 1 80 77 78 Texas .............: 14 12 16 59 62 66 3 5 8 24 21 10 Washington ........: 6 5 6 10 15 15 4 4 4 80 76 75 Wisconsin .........: 9 11 9 39 38 39 6 5 5 46 46 47 : United States .....: 7 7 7 22 21 19 4 4 4 67 68 70 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Represents zero. Potato Acres Planted for Certified Seed - Selected States and United States: 2020-2022 [Data supplied by State seed certification officials] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : 2020 Crop : 2021 Crop : 2022 Crop :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : Entered for : : Percent : Entered for : : Percent : Entered for : : Percent State :certification:Certified :certified :certification:Certified :certified :certification:Certified :certified ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : ------ acres ------ ------ acres ------ ------ acres ------ : Alaska ..........: 44 44 100 39 39 100 39 39 100 Arizona .........: 737 737 100 1,396 1,396 100 1,622 1,507 93 California ......: 900 826 92 894 894 100 889 889 100 Colorado ........: 6,740 6,536 97 7,784 7,631 98 8,700 7,784 89 Idaho 1/ ........: 30,186 30,020 99 31,095 30,940 100 30,164 30,164 100 Maine ...........: 9,414 9,393 100 10,198 10,168 100 9,711 9,711 100 Michigan ........: 2,511 2,511 100 2,489 2,489 100 2,535 2,535 100 Minnesota .......: 6,267 5,144 82 5,686 5,634 99 8,677 6,541 75 Montana .........: 10,893 10,878 100 10,930 10,930 100 11,553 11,322 98 Nebraska ........: 6,453 4,691 73 6,178 5,118 83 6,781 4,508 66 : Nevada ..........: 327 327 100 119 119 100 112 112 100 New York ........: 599 594 99 547 547 100 774 630 81 North Dakota ....: 15,014 14,604 97 14,324 14,286 100 13,968 12,940 93 Oregon ..........: 2,877 2,745 95 2,917 2,838 97 2,885 2,873 100 Pennsylvania ....: 460 401 87 462 452 98 471 471 100 Washington ......: 3,526 3,526 100 3,648 3,648 100 3,736 3,736 100 Wisconsin .......: 9,429 9,379 99 9,552 9,543 100 9,365 9,345 100 Wyoming .........: 762 649 85 616 610 99 797 797 100 : United States ...: 107,139 103,005 96 108,874 107,282 99 112,779 105,904 94 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1/ Includes certified acreage in northern Utah. Potato Marketing Year Average Price Received - States and United States: 2020-2022 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- State : 2020 : 2021 : 2022 :: State : 2020 : 2021 : 2022 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : dollars per cwt :: : dollars per cwt : :: : California .........: 17.70 24.90 28.00 :: Wisconsin : Colorado : :: All potatoes ..: 12.20 13.00 15.60 All potatoes ..: 10.70 11.40 17.70 :: Fresh .........: 13.20 19.00 22.40 Fresh .........: 12.00 12.50 19.20 :: Processing ....: 10.80 8.80 10.00 : :: : Florida ............: 20.30 18.20 22.10 :: United States : Idaho : :: All potatoes ..: 9.30 10.20 12.90 All potatoes ..: 7.28 8.46 12.50 :: Fresh .........: 11.90 14.60 20.00 Fresh .........: 7.00 10.10 18.40 :: Processing ....: 8.07 8.37 10.00 Processing ....: 7.10 7.52 9.80 :: : Maine ..............: 11.30 11.70 13.40 :: : Michigan ...........: 10.80 13.10 13.90 :: : Minnesota ..........: 10.90 10.70 12.40 :: : Nebraska ...........: 11.20 11.80 12.80 :: : North Dakota : :: : All potatoes ..: 11.70 11.50 12.90 :: : Fresh .........: 16.60 16.50 18.50 :: : Processing ....: 10.00 9.65 11.00 :: : : :: : Oregon .............: 8.00 9.02 10.30 :: : Texas ..............: 15.40 15.80 15.70 :: : Washington : :: : All potatoes ..: 7.56 7.75 9.88 :: : Processing ....: 6.70 7.13 8.90 :: : ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Statistical Methodology Survey Procedures: Potato estimates are the results of a variety of surveys. Potatoes are included in the June and December Quarterly Agricultural Surveys, but also follow Grower Special Surveys. Special grower disposition surveys are conducted at the end of each season to provide additional details about the crop. Telephone follow-up of mail survey non-respondents is used to ensure adequate coverage. Estimating Procedures: Information obtained from the special grower disposition surveys and federal administrative data is used to establish estimates of acreage, production, amount sold, and usage on farm where grown. These estimates are reviewed for errors, reasonableness, and consistency with historical estimates. Revision Policy: All estimates for the previous crop year can be revised at this time. End-of-season estimates of production are made following harvest and are subject to revision the following year based on a thorough review of all available data. Reliability: Survey results are subject to non-sampling errors such as omission, duplication, imputation for missing data, and mistakes in reporting, recording, and processing the data. These errors cannot be measured directly, but they are minimized through rigid quality controls in the data collection process and a careful review of all reported data for consistency and reasonableness. Information Contacts Listed below are the commodity statisticians in the Crops Branch of the National Agricultural Statistics Service to contact for additional information. E-mail inquiries may be sent to nass@usda.gov Lance Honig, Chief, Crops Branch................................................ (202) 720-2127 Fleming Gibson, Head, Fruits, Vegetables and Special Crops Section.............. (202) 720-2127 Deonne Holiday - Almonds, Carrots, Coffee, Cranberries, Garlic, Onions, Plums, Prunes, Tobacco.......................................................... (202) 720-4288 Bret Holliman - Apricots, Chickpeas, Nectarines, Peaches, Snap Beans, Sweet Corn, Tomatoes............................................................ (202) 720-7235 Robert Little - Blueberries, Cabbage, Dry Beans, Lettuce, Macadamia, Maple Syrup, Pears, Raspberries, Spinach........................................ (202) 720-3250 Krishna Rizal - Artichokes, Asparagus, Celery, Grapefruit, Kiwifruit, Lemons, Mandarins and tangerines, Mint, Mushrooms, Olives, Oranges, Pistachios.......... (202) 720-5412 Chris Singh - Apples, Cucumbers, Hazelnuts, Potatoes, Pumpkins, Squash, Strawberries, Sugarbeets, Sugarcane, Sweet Potatoes..................... (202) 720-4285 Antonio Torres - Cantaloupes, Dry Edible Peas, Grapes, Green Peas, Honeydews, Lentils, Sweet Cherries, Tart Cherries, Walnuts, Watermelons......... (202) 720-2157 Chris Wallace - Avocados, Bell Peppers, Broccoli, Cauliflower, Chile Peppers, Dates, Floriculture, Hops, Papayas, Pecans....................... (202) 720-4215 Access to NASS Reports For your convenience, you may access NASS reports and products the following ways: All reports are available electronically, at no cost, on the NASS web site: www.nass.usda.gov. Both national and state specific reports are available via a free e- mail subscription. To set-up this free subscription, visit www.nass.usda.gov and click on "National" or "State" in upper right corner above "search" box to create an account and select the reports you would like to receive. Cornell's Mann Library has launched a new website housing NASS's and other agency's archived reports. The new website, https://usda.library.cornell.edu. All email subscriptions containing reports will be sent from the new website, https://usda.library.cornell.edu. To continue receiving the reports via e-mail, you will have to go to the new website, create a new account and re-subscribe to the reports. If you need instructions to set up an account or subscribe, they are located at: https://usda.library.cornell.edu/help. You should whitelist notifications@usda-esmis.library.cornell.edu in your email client to avoid the emails going into spam/junk folders. For more information on NASS surveys and reports, call the NASS Agricultural Statistics Hotline at (800) 727-9540, 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. ET, or e-mail: nass@usda.gov. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination against its customers, employees, and applicants for employment on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, sex, gender identity, religion, reprisal, and where applicable, political beliefs, marital status, familial or parental status, sexual orientation, or all or part of an individual's income is derived from any public assistance program, or protected genetic information in employment or in any program or activity conducted or funded by the Department. (Not all prohibited bases will apply to all programs and/or employment activities.) If you wish to file a Civil Rights program complaint of discrimination, complete the USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form (PDF), found online at www.ascr.usda.gov/filing-program-discrimination-complaint-usda-customer, or at any USDA office, or call (866) 632-9992 to request the form. You may also write a letter containing all of the information requested in the form. Send your completed complaint form or letter to us by mail at U.S. Department of Agriculture, Director, Office of Adjudication, 1400 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20250-9410, by fax (202) 690-7442 or email at program.intake@usda.gov.