United States Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Statistics Service ISSN: 1949- 1514 Potatoes 2016 Summary September 2017 Contents Introduction..................................................................................................... 5 Narrative........................................................................................................ 6 Potato Utilization - Program States: 2014-2016................................................................... 7 2016 Potato Disposition.......................................................................................... 7 Potato Area Planted and Harvested, Yield, and Production - States and United States: 2014-2016................... 8 Potato Production, Seed Use, Farm Disposition, Price, and Value - States and United States: 2014 Crop............ 10 Potato Production, Seed Use, Farm Disposition, Price, and Value - States and United States: 2015 Crop............ 11 Potato Production, Seed Use, Farm Disposition, Price, and Value - States and United States: 2016 Crop............ 12 Potato Area Planted and Harvested, Yield, and Production by Seasonal Group - States and United States: 2014-2016......................................................................................... 14 Potato Production, Seed Use, Farm Disposition, Price, and Value by Seasonal Group - States and United States: 2014 Crop........................................................................................................ 16 Potato Production, Seed Use, Farm Disposition, Price, and Value by Seasonal Group - States and United States: 2015 Crop........................................................................................................ 17 Potato Production, Seed Use, Farm Disposition, Price, and Value by Seasonal Group - States and United States: 2016 Crop........................................................................................................ 18 Potato Production and Value - United States: 2006-2016........................................................... 19 Potato Production by State - States: 2016........................................................................ 19 Processing - United States: 2014-2016............................................................................ 20 Number of Potato Chip and Shoestring Plants and Quantity Used - Areas and United States: 2014-2016............... 20 Quantity of Potatoes Used for Processing - 9 States: 2014-2017................................................... 21 Accumulated Potato Shrinkage and Loss - 13 Fall Storage States: 2014-2017........................................ 22 Potato Stocks Held by Growers, Local Dealers, and Processors - 13 Fall States: 2014-2017......................... 23 Potato Stocks Held by Growers, Local Dealers, and Processors - 13 Fall States: 2014-2017 (continued)............. 24 Fall Potato Percent of Acreage Planted by Type of Potato - Selected States and United States: 2014-2016.......... 25 Fall Potato Acres Planted for Certified Seed - Selected States and United States: 2014-2016...................... 25 Fall Potato Percent of Total Farm Marketings by Month - Selected States and United States: 2014-2016 Marketing Years.................................................................................................. 26 Percent of All Potato Total Farm Marketings by Month - United States: 2007-2016.................................. 27 Potato Area Planted and Harvested, Yield, and Production - Alaska: 2014-2016..................................... 28 Potato Seed Use, Farm Disposition, Price, and Value - Alaska: 2014-2016.......................................... 28 Potato Marketing Year Average Price Received - States and United States: 2014-2016............................... 29 Potato Prices Received by Farmers by Month - States and United States: 2014...................................... 30 Potato Prices Received by Farmers by Month - States and United States: 2015...................................... 31 Potato Prices Received by Farmers by Month - States and United States: 2016...................................... 32 Statistical Methodology.......................................................................................... 33 Information Contacts............................................................................................. 34 Introduction This publication presents potato estimates of acreage, yield per acre, production, farm disposition, season average price, value, and utilization of sales including processing for the 2016 season with historic comparisons. Also included are first of the month potato stocks (December through June) for the 13 major fall potato producing States. Monthly prices, farm marketings, percent of acreage planted by type, and certified seed acres are also included for selected States. Production, disposition, and value data for Alaska are shown separately. These estimates are based on information furnished by producers, processors, and cooperating State or Federal Agencies. The various sources include: Market News Service rail and truck shipments, Federal-State inspections, and miscellaneous data available through marketing programs. Price estimates represent average returns to growers for all uses and for all methods of sale. These prices are applied to total production to compute value of production, and to the quantity sold to compute value of sales. Some unsold potatoes contribute to the value of production, including farm use for seed, feed, home use, and loss. The United States season average price is obtained by weighting State prices by quantities sold. Potato production, utilization, and value of sales in each State have been classified by season according to the period when the largest supplies are harvested. The three seasons are as follows: Season Usual Time of Harvest Spring January through June Summer July to mid-September Fall August through November A crop year is associated with the calendar year in which harvest is accomplished. Seasons are not fixed dates but are approximations because of overlapping harvests. Generally, the marketing season closely follows harvest except for fall potatoes, when marketing from storage may extend through August of the following year. Thus, the marketing year for fall potatoes is from the start of harvest through August of the following year. 2016 Potato Production Up Slightly Potato production in 2016 totaled 441 million cwt, up slightly from the estimate in the Crop Production 2016 Summary and the 2015 crop. Harvested area, at 1.02 million acres, was down 3 percent from 2015. The average yield of 433 cwt per acre was up 15 cwt from the previous year. Spring potato final production for 2016 totaled 15.2 million cwt, 27 percent below the previous year. Harvested area, at 48,000 acres, decreased 34 percent from 2015. The average yield for spring potatoes was 316 cwt per acre, up 30 cwt from 2015. Beginning in 2016, spring potato estimates were discontinued in Arizona. In addition, North Carolina estimates were moved to the summer potato program. Summer potato production was 19.6 million cwt for 2016, a 25 percent increase from 2015. Harvested area, at 60,700 acres, was up 29 percent from 2015. The average yield of 323 cwt per acre was down 11 cwt from 2015. Beginning in 2016, summer potato estimates were discontinued in Delaware. Estimates began in 2016 for North Carolina. Fall potato production was estimated at 407 million cwt for 2016, up slightly from the 2015 crop. Area harvested in 2016 was 909,600 acres, 3 percent below the previous year. The average fall potato yield, at 447 cwt per acre, was up 14 cwt from 2015. Beginning in 2016, fall potato estimates were discontinued in Massachusetts, Nevada, New Mexico, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Rhode Island. The value of all potatoes sold in 2016, at $3.74 billion, increased 4 percent from the previous year. The average price, at $9.08 per cwt, was up $0.32 from 2015. The quantity of potatoes sold from the 2016 crop totaled 411 million cwt, up slightly from 2015. Quantity sold accounted for 93 percent of 2016 production, unchanged from the previous year. Growers from the 22 estimating States sold 270 million cwt of raw potatoes to processors from the 2016 crop, down 1 percent from 2015. Table stock sales totaled 114 million cwt, 2 percent above the previous year. Seed sales of 26.3 million cwt were up 3 percent from 2015. Sales for livestock feed, at 1.08 million cwt, increased 18 percent from 2015. Shrinkage and loss was estimated at 26.5 million cwt for 2016, slightly below 2015. Potatoes used for livestock feed on farms where grown and home use totaled 679 thousand cwt, a 22 percent decrease from the previous season. Growers kept 3.61 million cwt for seed on their own farms, down 4 percent from 2015. U.S. potatoes used for processing totaled 286 million cwt, up 3 percent from 2015. Potatoes used for chips and shoestrings totaled 60.3 million cwt, up 6 percent from the previous year. Frozen french fries and other frozen products utilized 170 million cwt of raw potatoes, up 2 percent from 2015. Potatoes used for dehydrating totaled 48.0 million cwt, virtually unchanged from 2015. Canning use, at 1.93 million cwt, was up 13 percent from the previous year. Other products made from potatoes utilized 6.00 million cwt of potatoes, a 7 percent decrease from 2015. Potato Utilization - Program States: 2014-2016 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : Crop year Utilization items :----------------------------------- : 2014 : 2015 : 2016 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : 1,000 cwt : Sales : Table stock ...........................................: 107,344 110,960 113,634 : Processing ............................................: 280,330 272,538 269,640 : Other sales : Livestock feed ........................................: 768 919 1,083 Seed ..................................................: 22,774 25,648 26,310 Other Sales Total .....................................: 23,542 26,567 27,393 : Total sales ........................................ : 411,216 410,065 410,667 : Non-sales : Seed used on farms where grown ........................: 3,343 3,765 3,605 Household use and used for feed on farms where grown ..: 849 866 679 Shrinkage and loss ....................................: 26,762 26,509 26,460 : Total non-sales .......................................: 30,954 31,140 30,744 : Total production ................................... : 442,170 441,205 441,411 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Potato Area Planted and Harvested, Yield, and Production - States and United States: 2014-2016 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ : Area planted : Area harvested State :----------------------------------------------------------------------- : 2014 : 2015 : 2016 : 2014 : 2015 : 2016 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ : 1,000 acres : Arizona 1/ .......: 3.8 3.6 (NA) 3.5 3.5 (NA) California .......: 33.3 35.4 33.9 33.1 35.1 33.0 Colorado .........: 60.2 57.7 57.3 59.8 57.4 57.1 Delaware 1/ ......: 1.2 (D) (NA) 1.2 (D) (NA) Florida ..........: 30.5 30.0 25.0 29.3 29.6 22.9 Idaho ............: 321.0 323.0 325.0 320.0 322.0 324.0 Illinois .........: 6.5 7.5 7.0 6.4 6.9 6.9 Kansas ...........: 4.2 3.8 4.2 4.1 3.6 4.2 Maine ............: 51.0 51.0 47.0 50.5 50.5 46.5 Maryland .........: 2.3 2.4 (D) 2.3 2.4 (D) : Massachusetts 1/ .: 3.6 3.6 (NA) 3.6 3.6 (NA) Michigan .........: 43.0 46.0 47.0 42.5 45.0 46.0 Minnesota ........: 42.0 41.0 43.0 41.0 40.5 42.0 Missouri .........: 8.2 8.5 8.2 7.9 8.1 7.9 Montana ..........: 11.5 11.0 11.1 11.3 10.9 11.0 Nebraska .........: 17.0 15.5 16.5 16.9 15.3 16.4 Nevada 1/ ........: (D) (D) (NA) (D) (D) (NA) New Jersey .......: 2.0 (D) (D) 1.9 (D) (D) New Mexico 1/ ....: (D) (D) (NA) (D) (D) (NA) New York .........: 16.0 15.0 15.0 15.8 14.8 14.8 : North Carolina ...: 14.5 13.5 14.0 13.5 12.7 13.6 North Dakota .....: 79.0 82.0 80.0 77.0 80.0 72.0 Ohio 1/ ..........: 1.6 1.3 (NA) 1.5 1.2 (NA) Oregon ...........: 39.0 39.0 39.0 38.9 38.9 38.9 Pennsylvania 1/ ..: 5.3 5.4 (NA) 5.2 5.3 (NA) Rhode Island 1/ ..: 0.5 0.6 (NA) 0.5 0.6 (NA) Texas ............: 21.0 20.0 20.0 20.6 18.2 19.6 Virginia .........: 5.0 5.0 4.4 4.5 4.7 4.1 Washington .......: 165.0 170.0 170.0 165.0 170.0 169.0 Wisconsin ........: 65.0 63.0 65.0 64.0 62.5 64.0 : Other States 2/ ..: 9.4 11.3 4.4 9.3 11.1 4.4 : United States ....: 1,062.6 1,066.1 1,037.0 1,051.1 1,054.4 1,018.3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ See footnote(s) at end of table. --continued Potato Area Planted and Harvested, Yield, and Production - States and United States: 2014-2016 (continued) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ : Yield per acre : Production State :----------------------------------------------------------------------- : 2014 : 2015 : 2016 : 2014 : 2015 : 2016 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ : ----------- cwt ----------- ---------- 1,000 cwt ---------- : Arizona 1/ .......: 310 290 (NA) 1,085 1,015 (NA) California .......: 470 393 403 15,557 13,808 13,305 Colorado .........: 388 393 389 23,196 22,575 22,236 Delaware 1/ ......: 290 (D) (NA) 348 (D) (NA) Florida ..........: 240 230 235 7,032 6,808 5,382 Idaho ............: 415 405 430 132,880 130,400 139,320 Illinois .........: 415 380 380 2,656 2,622 2,622 Kansas ...........: 340 335 300 1,394 1,206 1,260 Maine ............: 290 320 325 14,645 16,160 15,113 Maryland .........: 380 330 (D) 874 792 (D) : Massachusetts 1/ .: 285 305 (NA) 1,026 1,098 (NA) Michigan .........: 370 390 370 15,725 17,550 17,020 Minnesota ........: 400 400 400 16,400 16,200 16,800 Missouri .........: 270 305 305 2,133 2,471 2,410 Montana ..........: 320 325 335 3,616 3,543 3,685 Nebraska .........: 470 450 450 7,943 6,885 7,380 Nevada 1/ ........: (D) (D) (NA) (D) (D) (NA) New Jersey .......: 225 (D) (D) 428 (D) (D) New Mexico 1/ ....: (D) (D) (NA) (D) (D) (NA) New York .........: 275 280 240 4,345 4,144 3,552 : North Carolina ...: 210 210 220 2,835 2,667 2,992 North Dakota .....: 310 345 300 23,870 27,600 21,600 Ohio 1/ ..........: 280 230 (NA) 420 276 (NA) Oregon ...........: 580 560 590 22,562 21,784 22,951 Pennsylvania 1/ ..: 275 280 (NA) 1,430 1,484 (NA) Rhode Island 1/ ..: 245 135 (NA) 123 81 (NA) Texas ............: 335 375 395 6,901 6,825 7,742 Virginia .........: 250 220 290 1,125 1,034 1,189 Washington .......: 615 590 625 101,475 100,300 105,625 Wisconsin ........: 410 445 435 26,240 27,813 27,840 : Other States 2/ ..: 420 366 315 3,906 4,064 1,387 : United States ....: 421 418 433 442,170 441,205 441,411 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (D) Withheld to avoid disclosing data for individual operations. (NA) Not available. 1/ Estimates discontinued in 2016. 2/ Includes data withheld above. Potato Production, Seed Use, Farm Disposition, Price, and Value - States and United States: 2014 Crop [United States and totals may not add due to rounding] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : : : Farm disposition : : Value of : : :-----------------------: :--------------------------- : : Total : Where grown : : Price : : State :Production : used :---------------: : per : : : : for : Seed, :Shrink : Sold : cwt :Production 1/: Sales 1/ : : seed : feed, : and : : : : : : : home : loss : : : : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : --------------- 1,000 cwt --------------- dollars ---- 1,000 dollars ---- : Arizona ..........: 1,085 (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) California .......: 15,557 1,262 10 211 15,336 11.90 184,891 182,443 Colorado .........: 23,196 1,537 961 2,330 19,905 8.25 191,367 164,330 Delaware .........: 348 20 1 1 346 14.80 5,150 5,126 Florida ..........: 7,032 897 - 531 6,501 18.70 131,498 121,802 Idaho ............: 132,880 7,703 890 8,630 123,360 7.20 956,736 886,654 Illinois .........: 2,656 150 26 - 2,630 9.70 25,763 25,512 Kansas ...........: 1,394 107 - 50 1,344 8.55 11,919 11,508 Maine ............: 14,645 1,071 327 1,818 12,500 10.50 153,773 131,554 Maryland .........: 874 38 1 1 872 11.70 10,226 10,193 : Massachusetts ....: 1,026 83 12 5 1,009 10.40 10,670 10,490 Michigan .........: 15,725 1,058 315 450 14,960 11.70 183,983 175,151 Minnesota ........: 16,400 984 136 659 15,605 9.25 151,700 144,248 Missouri .........: 2,133 204 - - 2,133 11.90 25,458 25,458 Montana ..........: 3,616 276 226 200 3,190 12.80 46,285 40,808 Nebraska .........: 7,943 432 162 544 7,237 10.60 84,196 76,625 Nevada ...........: (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) New Jersey .......: 428 40 2 1 425 11.90 5,093 5,070 New Mexico .......: (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) New York .........: 4,345 346 82 240 4,023 12.60 54,747 50,877 : North Carolina ...: 2,835 (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) North Dakota .....: 23,870 1,782 360 2,200 21,310 9.40 224,378 200,836 Ohio .............: 420 32 5 5 410 11.70 4,914 4,788 Oregon ...........: 22,562 952 70 1,375 21,117 7.90 178,240 167,008 Pennsylvania .....: 1,430 120 13 14 1,403 13.30 19,019 18,649 Rhode Island .....: 123 11 - 1 122 13.00 1,599 1,587 Texas ............: 6,901 630 50 51 6,800 17.30 119,387 117,357 Virginia .........: 1,125 97 2 8 1,115 16.60 18,675 18,506 Washington .......: 101,475 4,318 260 6,340 94,875 7.60 771,210 719,309 Wisconsin ........: 26,240 1,501 275 846 25,119 10.40 272,896 260,021 : Other States 2/ ..: 3,906 608 6 251 7,569 10.79 84,438 82,369 : United States ....: 442,170 26,259 4,192 26,762 411,216 8.88 3,928,211 3,658,279 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Represents zero. (D) Withheld to avoid disclosing data for individual operations. 1/ May not calculate due to rounding. 2/ Includes data withheld above. Potato Production, Seed Use, Farm Disposition, Price, and Value - States and United States: 2015 Crop [United States and totals may not add due to rounding] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : : : Farm disposition : : Value of : : :-----------------------: :--------------------------- : : Total : Where grown : : Price : : State :Production : used :---------------: : per : : : : for : Seed, :Shrink : Sold : cwt :Production 1/: Sales 1/ : : seed : feed, : and : : : : : : : home : loss : : : : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : --------------- 1,000 cwt --------------- dollars ---- 1,000 dollars ---- : Arizona ..........: 1,015 (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) California .......: 13,808 908 10 1,076 12,722 13.70 188,799 172,904 Colorado .........: 22,575 1,415 930 2,030 19,615 8.40 189,630 164,857 Delaware .........: (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) Florida ..........: 6,808 658 1 - 6,807 15.90 108,247 108,027 Idaho ............: 130,400 8,060 1,089 8,420 120,891 7.00 912,800 845,940 Illinois .........: 2,622 158 - 12 2,610 8.30 21,763 21,679 Kansas ...........: 1,206 105 - 46 1,160 9.25 11,156 10,756 Maine ............: 16,160 1,029 322 1,615 14,223 10.10 163,216 143,112 Maryland .........: 792 36 1 1 790 10.50 8,316 8,310 : Massachusetts ....: 1,098 88 16 9 1,073 10.40 11,419 11,182 Michigan .........: 17,550 1,152 335 540 16,675 10.40 182,520 173,140 Minnesota ........: 16,200 840 104 826 15,270 10.00 162,000 153,362 Missouri .........: 2,471 194 - 10 2,461 11.60 28,664 28,517 Montana ..........: 3,543 294 208 140 3,195 13.00 46,059 41,546 Nebraska .........: 6,885 479 251 529 6,105 9.85 67,817 60,085 Nevada ...........: (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) New Jersey .......: (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) New Mexico .......: (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) New York .........: 4,144 288 46 290 3,808 12.20 50,557 46,606 : North Carolina ...: 2,667 (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) North Dakota .....: 27,600 1,782 456 2,234 24,910 9.25 255,300 230,376 Ohio .............: 276 29 5 5 266 12.80 3,533 3,407 Oregon ...........: 21,784 1,053 207 1,305 20,272 8.20 178,629 165,987 Pennsylvania .....: 1,484 122 28 22 1,434 12.30 18,253 17,597 Rhode Island .....: 81 12 2 1 78 11.40 923 888 Texas ............: 6,825 584 - - 6,825 15.70 107,153 106,922 Virginia .........: 1,034 70 2 3 1,029 14.90 15,407 15,319 Washington .......: 100,300 4,323 268 6,220 93,812 7.70 772,310 720,145 Wisconsin ........: 27,813 1,361 222 1,004 26,587 9.70 269,786 258,289 : Other States 2/ ..: 4,064 675 128 171 7,447 11.78 91,281 88,110 : United States ....: 441,205 25,715 4,631 26,509 410,065 8.76 3,865,538 3,597,063 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Represents zero. (D) Withheld to avoid disclosing data for individual operations. 1/ May not calculate due to rounding. 2/ Includes data withheld above. Potato Production, Seed Use, Farm Disposition, Price, and Value - States and United States: 2016 Crop [United States totals may not add due to rounding] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : : : Farm disposition : : Value of : : :-----------------------: :----------------------- : : Total : Where grown : : Price : : State :Production : used :---------------: : per : : : : for : Seed, :Shrink : Sold : cwt :Production 1/:Sales 1/ : : seed : feed, : and : : : : : : : home : loss : : : : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : --------------- 1,000 cwt --------------- dollars --- 1,000 dollars --- : California .......: 13,305 982 135 661 12,509 19.90 265,305 249,411 Colorado .........: 22,236 1,430 871 1,660 19,705 9.60 213,466 188,986 Florida ..........: 5,382 660 16 237 5,129 16.10 86,650 82,605 Idaho ............: 139,320 7,626 903 8,700 129,717 6.95 968,274 903,213 Illinois .........: 2,622 135 - 1 2,621 10.00 26,259 26,259 Kansas ...........: 1,260 142 - 13 1,247 9.20 11,592 11,496 Maine ............: 15,113 1,056 205 1,068 13,840 11.50 173,800 159,233 Maryland .........: (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) Michigan .........: 17,020 1,397 280 748 15,992 10.20 173,604 163,051 Minnesota ........: 16,800 923 73 850 15,877 9.05 152,040 143,841 : Missouri .........: 2,410 211 89 1 2,320 11.10 26,751 25,837 Montana ..........: 3,685 276 180 130 3,375 12.70 46,800 42,715 Nebraska .........: 7,380 600 248 642 6,490 11.00 81,180 71,156 New Jersey .......: (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) New York .........: 3,552 400 72 280 3,200 12.60 44,755 40,366 North Carolina ...: 2,992 312 1 36 2,955 10.90 32,613 32,281 North Dakota .....: 21,600 1,716 280 2,000 19,320 10.30 222,480 199,127 Oregon ...........: 22,951 1,026 332 1,410 21,209 7.90 181,313 168,046 Texas ............: 7,742 642 - - 7,742 17.10 132,531 132,531 Virginia .........: 1,189 76 - 2 1,187 15.30 18,192 18,165 Washington .......: 105,625 4,199 256 6,800 98,569 7.70 813,313 757,919 Wisconsin ........: 27,840 1,440 342 1,220 26,278 11.60 322,944 304,358 : Other States 2/ ..: 1,387 74 1 1 1,385 11.10 15,358 15,317 : United States ....: 441,411 25,323 4,284 26,460 410,667 9.08 4,009,220 3,735,913 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Represents zero. (D) Withheld to avoid disclosing data for individual operations. 1/ May not calculate due to rounding. 2/ Includes data withheld above. This page intentionally left blank. Potato Area Planted and Harvested, Yield, and Production by Seasonal Group - States and United States: 2014-2016 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : Area planted : Area harvested Seasonal group and State :----------------------------------------------------------------- : 2014 : 2015 : 2016 : 2014 : 2015 : 2016 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : 1,000 acres : Spring : Arizona 1/ .................: 3.8 3.6 (NA) 3.5 3.5 (NA) California .................: 25.0 27.0 26.0 24.8 26.7 25.1 Florida ....................: 30.5 30.0 25.0 29.3 29.6 22.9 North Carolina 2/ ..........: 14.5 13.5 (NA) 13.5 12.7 (NA) : United States ..............: 73.8 74.1 51.0 71.1 72.5 48.0 : Summer : Delaware 1/ ................: 1.2 (D) (NA) 1.2 (D) (NA) Illinois ...................: 6.5 7.5 7.0 6.4 6.9 6.9 Kansas .....................: 4.2 3.8 4.2 4.1 3.6 4.2 Maryland ...................: 2.3 2.4 (D) 2.3 2.4 (D) Missouri ...................: 8.2 8.5 8.2 7.9 8.1 7.9 New Jersey .................: 2.0 (D) (D) 1.9 (D) (D) North Carolina 2/ ..........: (NA) (NA) 14.0 (NA) (NA) 13.6 Texas ......................: 21.0 20.0 20.0 20.6 18.2 19.6 Virginia ...................: 5.0 5.0 4.4 4.5 4.7 4.1 : Other States 3/ ............: - 3.3 4.4 - 3.2 4.4 : United States ..............: 50.4 50.5 62.2 48.9 47.1 60.7 : Fall : California .................: 8.3 8.4 7.9 8.3 8.4 7.9 Colorado ...................: 60.2 57.7 57.3 59.8 57.4 57.1 San Luis Valley ..........: 54.2 51.9 51.6 53.9 51.8 51.5 All other areas ..........: 6.0 5.8 5.7 5.9 5.6 5.6 Idaho ......................: 321.0 323.0 325.0 320.0 322.0 324.0 10 Southwest counties 1/ .: 16.0 16.0 (NA) 16.0 16.0 (NA) All other counties 1/ ....: 305.0 307.0 (NA) 304.0 306.0 (NA) Maine ......................: 51.0 51.0 47.0 50.5 50.5 46.5 Massachusetts 1/ ...........: 3.6 3.6 (NA) 3.6 3.6 (NA) Michigan ...................: 43.0 46.0 47.0 42.5 45.0 46.0 Minnesota ..................: 42.0 41.0 43.0 41.0 40.5 42.0 Montana ....................: 11.5 11.0 11.1 11.3 10.9 11.0 : Nebraska ...................: 17.0 15.5 16.5 16.9 15.3 16.4 Nevada 1/ ..................: (D) (D) (NA) (D) (D) (NA) New Mexico 1/ ..............: (D) (D) (NA) (D) (D) (NA) New York ...................: 16.0 15.0 15.0 15.8 14.8 14.8 North Dakota ...............: 79.0 82.0 80.0 77.0 80.0 72.0 Ohio 1/ ....................: 1.6 1.3 (NA) 1.5 1.2 (NA) Oregon .....................: 39.0 39.0 39.0 38.9 38.9 38.9 Pennsylvania 1/ ............: 5.3 5.4 (NA) 5.2 5.3 (NA) Rhode Island 1/ ............: 0.5 0.6 (NA) 0.5 0.6 (NA) Washington .................: 165.0 170.0 170.0 165.0 170.0 169.0 Wisconsin ..................: 65.0 63.0 65.0 64.0 62.5 64.0 : Other States 3/ ............: 9.4 8.0 - 9.3 7.9 - : United States ..............: 938.4 941.5 923.8 931.1 934.8 909.6 : All potatoes : United States ..............: 1,062.6 1,066.1 1,037.0 1,051.1 1,054.4 1,018.3 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- See footnote(s) at end of table. --continued Potato Area Planted and Harvested, Yield, and Production by Seasonal Group - States and United States: 2014-2016 (continued) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : Yield per acre : Production Seasonal group and State :----------------------------------------------------------------- : 2014 : 2015 : 2016 : 2014 : 2015 : 2016 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : ----------- cwt ---------- --------- 1,000 cwt --------- : Spring : Arizona 1/ .................: 310 290 (NA) 1,085 1,015 (NA) California .................: 470 385 390 11,656 10,280 9,789 Florida ....................: 240 230 235 7,032 6,808 5,382 North Carolina 2/ ..........: 210 210 (NA) 2,835 2,667 (NA) : United States ..............: 318 286 316 22,608 20,770 15,171 : Summer : Delaware 1/ ................: 290 (D) (NA) 348 (D) (NA) Illinois ...................: 415 380 380 2,656 2,622 2,622 Kansas .....................: 340 335 300 1,394 1,206 1,260 Maryland ...................: 380 330 (D) 874 792 (D) Missouri ...................: 270 305 305 2,133 2,471 2,410 New Jersey .................: 225 (D) (D) 428 (D) (D) North Carolina 2/ ..........: (NA) (NA) 220 (NA) (NA) 2,992 Texas ......................: 335 375 395 6,901 6,825 7,742 Virginia ...................: 250 220 290 1,125 1,034 1,189 : Other States 3/ ............: - 245 315 - 784 1,387 : United States ..............: 324 334 323 15,859 15,734 19,602 : Fall : California .................: 470 420 445 3,901 3,528 3,516 Colorado ...................: 388 393 389 23,196 22,575 22,236 San Luis Valley ..........: 380 385 385 20,482 19,943 19,828 All other areas ..........: 460 470 430 2,714 2,632 2,408 Idaho ......................: 415 405 430 132,880 130,400 139,320 10 Southwest counties 1/ .: 515 500 (NA) 8,240 8,000 (NA) All other counties 1/ ....: 410 400 (NA) 124,640 122,400 (NA) Maine ......................: 290 320 325 14,645 16,160 15,113 Massachusetts 1/ ...........: 285 305 (NA) 1,026 1,098 (NA) Michigan ...................: 370 390 370 15,725 17,550 17,020 Minnesota ..................: 400 400 400 16,400 16,200 16,800 Montana ....................: 320 325 335 3,616 3,543 3,685 : Nebraska ...................: 470 450 450 7,943 6,885 7,380 Nevada 1/ ..................: (D) (D) (NA) (D) (D) (NA) New Mexico 1/ ..............: (D) (D) (NA) (D) (D) (NA) New York ...................: 275 280 240 4,345 4,144 3,552 North Dakota ...............: 310 345 300 23,870 27,600 21,600 Ohio 1/ ....................: 280 230 (NA) 420 276 (NA) Oregon .....................: 580 560 590 22,562 21,784 22,951 Pennsylvania 1/ ............: 275 280 (NA) 1,430 1,484 (NA) Rhode Island 1/ ............: 245 135 (NA) 123 81 (NA) Washington .................: 615 590 625 101,475 100,300 105,625 Wisconsin ..................: 410 445 435 26,240 27,813 27,840 : Other States 3/ ............: 420 415 - 3,906 3,280 - : United States ..............: 434 433 447 403,703 404,701 406,638 : All potatoes : United States ..............: 421 418 433 442,170 441,205 441,411 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Represents zero. (D) Withheld to avoid disclosing data for individual operations. (NA) Not available. 1/ Estimates discontinued in 2016. 2/ Beginning in 2016, North Carolina estimates included with Summer States. 3/ Includes data withheld above. Potato Production, Seed Use, Farm Disposition, Price, and Value by Seasonal Group - States and United States: 2014 Crop [United States and totals may not add due to rounding] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ : : : Farm disposition : : Value of : : :-----------------------: :----------------------- Seasonal group : : Total : Where grown : : Price : : and State :Production : used :---------------: : per : : : : for : Seed, :Shrink : Sold : cwt :Production 1/:Sales 1/ : : seed : feed, : and : : : : : : : home : loss : : : : ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ : --------------- 1,000 cwt -------------- dollars -- 1,000 dollars -- : Spring : Arizona ............: 1,085 (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) California .........: 11,656 1,036 8 172 11,476 12.80 149,197 147,142 Florida ............: 7,032 897 - 531 6,501 18.70 131,498 121,802 North Carolina .....: 2,835 (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) : Other States 2/ ....: - 350 6 6 3,908 14.50 56,868 56,615 : United States ......: 22,608 2,283 14 709 21,885 14.93 337,563 325,559 : Summer : Delaware ...........: 348 20 1 1 346 14.80 5,150 5,126 Illinois ...........: 2,656 150 26 - 2,630 9.70 25,763 25,512 Kansas .............: 1,394 107 - 50 1,344 8.55 11,919 11,508 Maryland ...........: 874 38 1 1 872 11.70 10,226 10,193 Missouri ...........: 2,133 204 - - 2,133 11.90 25,458 25,458 New Jersey .........: 428 40 2 1 425 11.90 5,093 5,070 Texas ..............: 6,901 630 50 51 6,800 17.30 119,387 117,357 Virginia ...........: 1,125 97 2 8 1,115 16.60 18,675 18,506 : United States ......: 15,859 1,286 82 112 15,665 13.98 221,671 218,730 : Fall : California .........: 3,901 226 2 39 3,860 9.15 35,694 35,301 Colorado ...........: 23,196 1,537 961 2,330 19,905 8.25 191,367 164,330 Idaho ..............: 132,880 7,703 890 8,630 123,360 7.20 956,736 886,654 Maine ..............: 14,645 1,071 327 1,818 12,500 10.50 153,773 131,554 Massachusetts ......: 1,026 83 12 5 1,009 10.40 10,670 10,490 Michigan ...........: 15,725 1,058 315 450 14,960 11.70 183,983 175,151 Minnesota ..........: 16,400 984 136 659 15,605 9.25 151,700 144,248 Montana ............: 3,616 276 226 200 3,190 12.80 46,285 40,808 Nebraska ...........: 7,943 432 162 544 7,237 10.60 84,196 76,625 Nevada .............: (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) : New Mexico .........: (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) New York ...........: 4,345 346 82 240 4,023 12.60 54,747 50,877 North Dakota .......: 23,870 1,782 360 2,200 21,310 9.40 224,378 200,836 Ohio ...............: 420 32 5 5 410 11.70 4,914 4,788 Oregon .............: 22,562 952 70 1,375 21,117 7.90 178,240 167,008 Pennsylvania .......: 1,430 120 13 14 1,403 13.30 19,019 18,649 Rhode Island .......: 123 11 - 1 122 13.00 1,599 1,587 Washington .........: 101,475 4,318 260 6,340 94,875 7.60 771,210 719,309 Wisconsin ..........: 26,240 1,501 275 846 25,119 10.40 272,896 260,021 : Other States 2/ ....: 3,906 258 - 245 3,661 7.06 27,570 25,754 : United States ......: 403,703 22,690 4,096 25,941 373,666 8.35 3,368,977 3,113,990 : All potatoes : United States ......: 442,170 26,259 4,192 26,762 411,216 8.88 3,928,211 3,658,279 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - Represents zero. (D) Withheld to avoid disclosing data for individual operations. 1/ May not calculate due to rounding. 2/ Includes data withheld above. Potato Production, Seed Use, Farm Disposition, Price, and Value by Seasonal Group - States and United States: 2015 Crop [United States and totals may not add due to rounding] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : : : Farm disposition : : Value of : : :-----------------------: :--------------------------- Seasonal group : : Total : Where grown : : Price : : and State :Production : used :---------------: : per : : : : for : Seed, :Shrink : Sold : cwt :Production 1/: Sales 1/ : : seed : feed, : and : : : : : : : home : loss : : : : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : --------------- 1,000 cwt -------------- dollars --- 1,000 dollars --- : Spring : Arizona ............: 1,015 (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) California .........: 10,280 754 8 935 9,337 15.50 159,340 144,673 Florida ............: 6,808 658 1 - 6,807 15.90 108,247 108,027 North Carolina .....: 2,667 (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) : Other States 2/ ....: - 422 5 33 3,644 13.25 48,797 48,057 : United States ......: 20,770 1,834 14 968 19,788 15.23 316,384 300,757 : Summer : Delaware ...........: (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) Illinois ...........: 2,622 158 - 12 2,610 8.30 21,763 21,679 Kansas .............: 1,206 105 - 46 1,160 9.25 11,156 10,756 Maryland ...........: 792 36 1 1 790 10.50 8,316 8,310 Missouri ...........: 2,471 194 - 10 2,461 11.60 28,664 28,517 New Jersey .........: (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) Texas ..............: 6,825 584 - - 6,825 15.70 107,153 106,922 Virginia ...........: 1,034 70 2 3 1,029 14.90 15,407 15,319 : Other States 2/ ....: 784 55 - 2 782 12.73 9,980 9,971 : United States ......: 15,734 1,202 3 74 15,657 12.87 202,439 201,474 : Fall : California .........: 3,528 154 2 141 3,385 8.35 29,459 28,231 Colorado ...........: 22,575 1,415 930 2,030 19,615 8.40 189,630 164,857 Idaho ..............: 130,400 8,060 1,089 8,420 120,891 7.00 912,800 845,940 Maine ..............: 16,160 1,029 322 1,615 14,223 10.10 163,216 143,112 Massachusetts ......: 1,098 88 16 9 1,073 10.40 11,419 11,182 Michigan ...........: 17,550 1,152 335 540 16,675 10.40 182,520 173,140 Minnesota ..........: 16,200 840 104 826 15,270 10.00 162,000 153,362 Montana ............: 3,543 294 208 140 3,195 13.00 46,059 41,546 Nebraska ...........: 6,885 479 251 529 6,105 9.85 67,817 60,085 Nevada .............: (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) : New Mexico .........: (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) New York ...........: 4,144 288 46 290 3,808 12.20 50,557 46,606 North Dakota .......: 27,600 1,782 456 2,234 24,910 9.25 255,300 230,376 Ohio ...............: 276 29 5 5 266 12.80 3,533 3,407 Oregon .............: 21,784 1,053 207 1,305 20,272 8.20 178,629 165,987 Pennsylvania .......: 1,484 122 28 22 1,434 12.30 18,253 17,597 Rhode Island .......: 81 12 2 1 78 11.40 923 888 Washington .........: 100,300 4,323 268 6,220 93,812 7.70 772,310 720,145 Wisconsin ..........: 27,813 1,361 222 1,004 26,587 9.70 269,786 258,289 : Other States 2/ ....: 3,280 198 123 136 3,021 9.91 32,504 30,082 : United States ......: 404,701 22,679 4,614 25,467 374,620 8.27 3,346,715 3,094,832 : All potatoes : United States ......: 441,205 25,715 4,631 26,509 410,065 8.76 3,865,538 3,597,063 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Represents zero. (D) Withheld to avoid disclosing data for individual operations. 1/ May not calculate due to rounding. 2/ Includes data withheld above. Potato Production, Seed Use, Farm Disposition, Price, and Value by Seasonal Group - States and United States: 2016 Crop [United States and totals may not add due to rounding] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : : : Farm disposition : : Value of : : :-----------------------: :--------------------------- Seasonal group : : Total : Where grown : : Price : : and State :Production : used :---------------: : per : : : : for : Seed, :Shrink : Sold : cwt :Production 1/: Sales 1/ : : seed : feed, : and : : : : : : : home : loss : : : : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : --------------- 1,000 cwt -------------- dollars --- 1,000 dollars --- : Spring : California .........: 9,789 810 89 489 9,211 22.90 224,168 210,817 Florida ............: 5,382 660 16 237 5,129 16.10 86,650 82,605 : United States ......: 15,171 1,470 105 726 14,340 20.49 310,818 293,422 : Summer : Illinois ...........: 2,622 135 - 1 2,621 10.00 26,259 26,259 Kansas .............: 1,260 142 - 13 1,247 9.20 11,592 11,496 Maryland ...........: (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) Missouri ...........: 2,410 211 89 1 2,320 11.10 26,751 25,837 New Jersey .........: (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) North Carolina .....: 2,992 312 1 36 2,955 10.90 32,613 32,281 Texas ..............: 7,742 642 - - 7,742 17.10 132,531 132,531 Virginia ...........: 1,189 76 - 2 1,187 15.30 18,192 18,165 : Other States 2/ ....: 1,387 74 1 1 1,385 11.10 15,358 15,317 : United States ......: 19,602 1,592 91 54 19,457 13.43 263,296 261,886 : Fall : California .........: 3,516 172 46 172 3,298 11.70 41,137 38,594 Colorado ...........: 22,236 1,430 871 1,660 19,705 9.60 213,466 188,986 Idaho ..............: 139,320 7,626 903 8,700 129,717 6.95 968,274 903,213 Maine ..............: 15,113 1,056 205 1,068 13,840 11.50 173,800 159,233 Michigan ...........: 17,020 1,397 280 748 15,992 10.20 173,604 163,051 Minnesota ..........: 16,800 923 73 850 15,877 9.05 152,040 143,841 Montana ............: 3,685 276 180 130 3,375 12.70 46,800 42,715 Nebraska ...........: 7,380 600 248 642 6,490 11.00 81,180 71,156 New York ...........: 3,552 400 72 280 3,200 12.60 44,755 40,366 : North Dakota .......: 21,600 1,716 280 2,000 19,320 10.30 222,480 199,127 Oregon .............: 22,951 1,026 332 1,410 21,209 7.90 181,313 168,046 Washington .........: 105,625 4,199 256 6,800 98,569 7.70 813,313 757,919 Wisconsin ..........: 27,840 1,440 342 1,220 26,278 11.60 322,944 304,358 : United States ......: 406,638 22,261 4,088 25,680 376,870 8.45 3,435,106 3,180,605 : All potatoes : United States ......: 441,411 25,323 4,284 26,460 410,667 9.08 4,009,220 3,735,913 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Represents zero. (D) Withheld to avoid disclosing data for individual operations. 1/ May not calculate due to rounding. 2/ Includes data withheld above. Processing - United States: 2014-2016 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : Crop year Utilization items :----------------------------------- : 2014 : 2015 : 2016 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : 1,000 cwt : Processing : Chips and shoestrings .................................: 73,960 56,807 60,266 All Dehydrated (including starch and flour) ...........: 48,707 48,016 48,015 Frozen french fries ...................................: 152,832 152,329 156,985 Other frozen products .................................: 9,208 13,573 12,695 Canned products .......................................: 435 985 1,234 Other canned products (hash, stews, soups) ............: 886 730 698 Other (including fresh pack, potato salad, vodka, etc) : 6,907 6,420 6,000 : Total .................................................: 292,935 278,860 285,893 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Number of Potato Chip and Shoestring Plants and Quantity Used - Areas and United States: 2014-2016 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ : 2014 : 2015 : 2016 Area :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : Plants : Quantity : Plants : Quantity : Plants : Quantity ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ : number 1,000 cwt number 1,000 cwt number 1,000 cwt : New England : Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, : New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont .......................: 3 4,135 6 2,587 6 3,707 : Eastern : Delaware, District of Columbia, Maryland, New Jersey, : New York, Pennsylvania, Virginia ...........................: 17 12,687 18 10,111 18 11,152 : North Central : Michigan, Ohio, West Virginia ..............................: 16 7,779 15 6,882 15 7,042 : Mid-Central 1/ : Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska .................................: (D) (D) 3 1,911 3 1,972 : Midwest : Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Minnesota, : North Dakota, South Dakota, Wisconsin ......................: 15 13,256 18 9,403 15 9,422 : Southeast : Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi,: North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee ..................: 11 11,369 11 9,057 11 9,238 : South Central : Arkansas, Oklahoma, Texas ..................................: 6 7,841 7 5,771 7 5,909 : Rocky Mountains 1/ : Colorado, Idaho, Montana, : New Mexico, Utah, Wyoming ..................................: (D) (D) 3 1,523 3 1,609 : West Coast : Alaska, Arizona, California, Hawaii, : Nevada, Oregon, Washington .................................: 14 11,830 15 9,562 14 10,215 : United States ........................................... : 86 73,960 96 56,807 92 60,266 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (D) Withheld to avoid disclosing data for individual operations. 1/ Included in United States total. Quantity of Potatoes Used for Processing - 9 States: 2014-2017 [Total quantity received and used for processing regardless of the State in which the potatoes were produced] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : Current : Following year State : year : : : : : : : :------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : December 1, :January 1, :February 1,: March 1, : April 1, : May 1, : June 1, : Season : 2014 : 2015 : 2015 : 2015 : 2015 : 2015 : 2015 : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : 1,000 cwt : Idaho and Malheur County, Oregon .....: 27,685 33,995 40,850 47,985 54,665 63,025 70,600 86,870 Maine ................................: 1,320 1,710 2,260 2,735 3,230 3,700 4,130 5,170 Washington and Oregon ................: 31,870 37,190 42,715 50,380 57,340 64,525 72,365 88,615 : Other States 1/ ......................: 13,705 17,295 20,865 24,685 28,550 32,080 35,415 41,379 : United States ........................: 74,580 90,190 106,690 125,785 143,785 163,330 182,510 222,034 : Dehydrated 2/ ........................: 13,045 16,325 19,965 23,645 26,345 31,515 35,490 46,340 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : Current : Following year State : year : : : : : : : :------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : December 1, :January 1, :February 1,: March 1, : April 1, : May 1, : June 1, : Season : 2015 : 2016 : 2016 : 2016 : 2016 : 2016 : 2016 : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : 1,000 cwt : Idaho and Malheur County, Oregon .....: 26,850 33,115 39,655 46,455 53,710 61,050 68,435 86,250 Maine ................................: 1,170 1,590 2,050 2,490 2,980 3,495 4,065 5,724 Washington and Oregon ................: 33,955 39,970 46,320 54,455 60,985 67,560 74,285 91,720 : Other States 1/ ......................: 8,995 12,515 16,380 20,720 24,550 28,665 33,020 39,249 : United States ........................: 70,970 87,190 104,405 124,120 142,225 160,770 179,805 222,943 : Dehydrated 2/ ........................: 12,155 15,885 19,620 23,560 27,605 31,585 35,645 47,135 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : Current : Following year State : year : : : : : : : :------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : December 1, :January 1, :February 1,: March 1, : April 1, : May 1, : June 1, : Season : 2016 : 2017 : 2017 : 2017 : 2017 : 2017 : 2017 : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : 1,000 cwt : Idaho and Malheur County, Oregon .....: 25,720 32,650 39,475 46,880 54,625 61,950 70,110 92,760 Maine ................................: 1,260 1,665 2,175 2,660 3,080 3,470 3,825 5,059 Washington and Oregon ................: 36,700 42,180 47,835 55,365 62,125 68,705 76,635 90,785 : Other States 1/ ......................: 10,035 13,570 17,140 21,005 25,085 28,505 32,385 38,631 : United States ........................: 73,715 90,065 106,625 125,910 144,915 162,630 182,955 227,235 : Dehydrated 2/ ........................: 11,560 15,305 19,085 22,675 26,565 30,545 34,890 46,317 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Represents zero. (D) Withheld to avoid disclosing data for individual operations. 1/ Other States include Colorado, Minnesota, Nevada, North Dakota, and Wisconsin. Estimates for 2015-2017 no longer include Nevada. 2/ Dehydrated products except starch and flour. Includes Colorado, Idaho, Minnesota, Oregon, and Washington. Accumulated Potato Shrinkage and Loss - 13 Fall Storage States: 2014-2017 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : Current : : : : : : Crop : year : Following year year :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :December 1, 2014 : January 1, 2015 :February 1, 2015 :March 1, 2015 :April 1, 2015 : May 1, 2015 : June 1, 2015 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : million cwt : 2014 ...: 14.2 16.6 18.2 20.4 22.1 24.0 25.5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : Current : : : : : : Crop : year : Following year year :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :December 1, 2015 : January 1, 2016 :February 1, 2016 :March 1, 2016 :April 1, 2016 : May 1, 2016 : June 1, 2016 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : million cwt : 2015 ...: 12.4 14.5 16.3 17.9 19.7 21.5 23.4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : Current : : : : : : Crop : year : Following year year :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :December 1, 2016 : January 1, 2017 :February 1, 2017 :March 1, 2017 :April 1, 2017 : May 1, 2017 : June 1, 2017 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : million cwt : 2016 ...: 12.0 14.3 16.2 18.8 20.9 23.1 25.4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Potato Stocks Held by Growers, Local Dealers, and Processors - 13 Fall States: 2014-2017 [Stocks are defined as the quantity (whether sold or not) remaining in storage for all purposes and uses, including seed potatoes that are not yet moved, and shrinkage, waste, and other losses that occur after the date of each estimate] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : Current : : : State : year : Following year :----------------------------------------------------------------------- :December 1, 2014 :February 1, 2015 : April 1, 2015 : June 1, 2015 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : 1,000 cwt : California ........: 2,500 1,600 700 (D) Colorado ..........: 17,200 13,000 8,500 4,000 Idaho .............: 95,000 74,000 49,000 23,500 Maine .............: 11,600 8,500 5,500 2,200 Michigan ..........: 9,400 5,000 2,200 (D) Minnesota .........: 10,000 7,800 5,000 2,800 Montana ...........: 3,500 3,400 2,200 (D) Nebraska ..........: 4,800 3,300 2,100 700 New York ..........: 2,100 1,400 500 (D) North Dakota ......: 16,900 12,200 7,100 2,600 Oregon ............: 17,700 13,200 8,200 2,700 Washington ........: 57,000 44,000 29,000 12,500 Wisconsin .........: 18,000 13,400 8,700 4,500 : Other States 1/ ...: - - - 835 : United States .....: 265,700 200,800 128,700 56,335 : Klamath Basin 2/ ..: 5,000 3,000 1,500 (D) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : Current : : : State : year : Following year :----------------------------------------------------------------------- :December 1, 2015 :February 1, 2016 : April 1, 2016 : June 1, 2016 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : 1,000 cwt : California ........: 2,400 1,600 1,200 290 Colorado ..........: 16,500 12,300 8,300 3,600 Idaho .............: 90,000 71,000 46,000 21,500 Maine .............: 12,500 8,900 5,800 2,300 Michigan ..........: 10,900 6,700 3,500 (D) Minnesota .........: 10,400 7,800 4,700 1,400 Montana ...........: 3,400 3,300 1,900 (D) Nebraska ..........: 4,400 3,100 2,200 (D) New York ..........: 2,200 1,500 600 (D) North Dakota ......: 19,500 14,500 9,200 3,600 Oregon ............: 17,000 12,000 7,500 3,000 Washington ........: 56,000 42,000 27,000 11,500 Wisconsin .........: 17,500 13,400 7,800 2,500 : Other States 1/ ...: - - - 1,590 : United States .....: 262,700 198,100 125,700 51,280 : Klamath Basin 2/ ..: 5,100 3,000 1,650 (D) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- See footnote(s) at end of table. --continued Potato Stocks Held by Growers, Local Dealers, and Processors - 13 Fall States: 2014-2017 (continued) [Stocks are defined as the quantity (whether sold or not) remaining in storage for all purposes and uses, including seed potatoes that are not yet moved, and shrinkage, waste, and other losses that occur after the date of each estimate] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : Current : : : State : year : Following year :----------------------------------------------------------------------- :December 1, 2016 :February 1, 2017 : April 1, 2017 : June 1, 2017 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : 1,000 cwt : California ........: (D) 1,900 (D) (D) Colorado ..........: 16,200 11,900 7,600 3,200 Idaho .............: 100,000 76,000 52,000 21,000 Maine .............: 11,100 8,000 4,900 1,900 Michigan ..........: 9,900 6,000 2,600 (D) Minnesota .........: 10,300 7,800 5,500 3,200 Montana ...........: 3,500 3,400 2,700 (D) Nebraska ..........: 4,300 3,300 1,400 (D) New York ..........: (D) 1,200 (D) (D) North Dakota ......: 16,600 11,800 7,500 2,700 Oregon ............: 18,700 12,600 7,500 3,700 Washington ........: 59,000 45,000 29,000 13,000 Wisconsin .........: 18,800 14,200 8,800 3,900 : Other States 1/ ...: 4,500 - 1,900 1,470 : United States .....: 272,900 203,100 131,400 54,070 : Klamath Basin 2/ ..: (D) 3,100 1,800 (D) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Represents zero. (D) Withheld to avoid disclosing data for individual operations. 1/ Includes data withheld above. 2/ Includes potato stocks in California and Klamath County, Oregon. Fall Potato Percent of Acreage Planted by Type of Potato - Selected States and United States: 2014-2016 [Predominant type shown may include small portion of other type(s) constituting less than 1 percent of State's total. Blue types are reported under red types] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : Potato types :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- State : Reds : Whites : Yellows : Russets :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : 2014 : 2015 : 2016 : 2014 : 2015 : 2016 : 2014 : 2015 : 2016 : 2014 : 2015 : 2016 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : percent : California 1/ .....: (NA) (NA) 7 (NA) (NA) 56 (NA) (NA) 6 (NA) (NA) 31 Colorado ..........: 5 5 6 11 9 7 9 9 8 75 77 79 Idaho .............: 3 3 3 4 4 3 2 2 2 91 91 92 Maine .............: 3 5 7 42 36 40 3 4 3 52 55 50 Michigan ..........: 1 1 3 83 83 84 1 2 1 15 14 12 Minnesota .........: 19 20 20 15 14 5 2 1 5 64 65 70 Montana 1/ ........: (NA) (NA) 3 (NA) (NA) 6 (NA) (NA) 1 (NA) (NA) 90 Nebraska 1/ .......: (NA) (NA) 3 (NA) (NA) 50 (NA) (NA) 4 (NA) (NA) 43 New York ..........: 3 5 5 95 93 88 2 2 5 (NA) (NA) 2 North Dakota ......: 25 23 31 29 33 36 1 2 1 45 42 32 : Oregon ............: 3 3 6 17 17 19 3 3 4 77 77 71 Pennsylvania 2/ ...: 3 7 (NA) 89 84 (NA) 7 8 (NA) 1 1 (NA) Washington ........: 4 4 5 11 11 11 3 3 2 82 82 82 Wisconsin .........: 9 8 8 36 34 34 3 3 2 52 55 56 : United States .....: 6 6 7 20 19 19 3 3 3 71 72 71 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (NA) Not available. 1/ Estimates began in 2016. 2/ Estimates discontinued in 2016. Fall Potato Acres Planted for Certified Seed - Selected States and United States: 2014-2016 [Data supplied by State seed certification officials] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : 2014 Crop : 2015 Crop : 2016 Crop :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : Entered for : : Percent : Entered for : : Percent : Entered for : : Percent State :certification:Certified :certified :certification:Certified :certified :certification:Certified :certified ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : ------ acres ------ ------ acres ------ ------ acres ------ : Alaska ..........: 32 32 100 46 46 100 46 46 100 Arizona .........: - - (NA) 125 63 50 - - (NA) California ......: 1,018 1,018 100 1,172 1,142 97 879 877 100 Colorado ........: 12,730 10,975 86 10,238 9,307 91 11,400 10,500 92 Idaho 1/ ........: 32,893 32,367 98 33,945 33,108 98 32,812 32,554 99 Maine ...........: 10,861 10,861 100 10,647 10,647 100 9,917 9,917 100 Michigan ........: 2,250 2,185 97 2,450 2,255 92 2,468 2,468 100 Minnesota .......: 6,754 5,580 83 6,476 5,699 88 6,615 5,889 89 Montana .........: 10,194 10,194 100 10,243 10,243 100 10,398 10,398 100 Nebraska ........: 6,127 6,016 98 5,870 5,270 90 5,015 4,411 88 : Nevada ..........: 143 143 100 207 188 91 229 188 82 New York ........: 617 617 100 715 715 100 623 623 100 North Dakota ....: 18,465 16,104 87 19,199 14,888 78 15,582 11,924 77 Oregon ..........: 2,736 2,623 96 2,536 2,529 100 2,520 2,520 100 Pennsylvania ....: 367 367 100 382 382 100 210 210 100 Washington ......: 3,215 3,215 100 3,235 3,235 100 3,415 3,415 100 Wisconsin .......: 8,675 8,643 100 8,869 8,827 100 8,919 8,910 100 Wyoming .........: 857 857 100 821 794 97 303 265 87 : United States ...: 117,934 111,797 95 117,176 109,338 93 111,351 105,115 94 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Represents zero. (NA) Not available. 1/ Includes certified acreage in northern Utah. Fall Potato Percent of Total Farm Marketings by Month - Selected States and United States: 2014-2016 Marketing Years ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- State : Jul : Aug : Sep : Oct : Nov : Dec : Jan : Feb : Mar : Apr : May : Jun : Jul : 2014 : 2014 : 2014 : 2014 : 2014 : 2014 : 2015 : 2015 : 2015 : 2015 : 2015 : 2015 : 2015 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : % : California ................: - - - - 16 12 13 10 13 12 13 11 - Colorado ..................: - 1 5 9 10 9 9 9 10 10 8 10 10 Idaho .....................: - 5 11 10 7 7 8 8 9 12 9 8 6 Maine .....................: - 1 7 9 9 11 11 10 11 12 7 6 6 Michigan ..................: - 10 11 11 11 12 12 10 9 8 5 1 - Minnesota .................: - 13 10 13 11 9 10 10 8 6 6 4 - New York ..................: - 9 15 13 12 10 11 9 8 7 5 1 - North Dakota ..............: - - 23 16 10 7 7 9 9 9 6 3 1 Oregon ....................: - 15 11 11 6 6 4 13 8 9 6 3 8 Washington ................: - 9 11 22 7 6 5 6 8 7 7 7 5 Wisconsin .................: - 6 9 10 9 8 8 10 10 10 10 10 - : United States .............: - 7 11 14 8 7 7 8 9 9 8 7 5 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- State : Jul : Aug : Sep : Oct : Nov : Dec : Jan : Feb : Mar : Apr : May : Jun : Jul : 2015 : 2015 : 2015 : 2015 : 2015 : 2015 : 2016 : 2016 : 2016 : 2016 : 2016 : 2016 : 2016 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : % : California ................: - - - - 19 12 12 11 12 12 14 8 - Colorado ..................: - 1 6 10 10 9 10 8 10 9 9 10 8 Idaho .....................: - 6 12 12 7 7 7 7 9 11 9 7 6 Maine .....................: - 1 4 9 9 11 11 10 11 11 10 7 6 Michigan ..................: - 10 9 10 10 11 10 9 10 9 7 5 - Minnesota .................: - 10 11 6 7 8 8 10 10 11 11 8 - New York ..................: - 8 17 15 10 9 10 10 9 7 4 1 - North Dakota ..............: - - 27 11 6 8 8 8 8 10 7 4 3 Oregon ....................: - 21 11 14 8 6 7 6 8 5 3 4 7 Washington ................: - 9 13 21 7 5 5 7 7 7 7 6 6 Wisconsin .................: - 3 8 9 10 9 10 9 16 11 7 8 - : United States .............: - 7 12 14 8 7 7 8 9 9 8 6 5 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- State : Jul : Aug : Sep : Oct : Nov : Dec : Jan : Feb : Mar : Apr : May : Jun : Jul : 2016 : 2016 : 2016 : 2016 : 2016 : 2016 : 2017 : 2017 : 2017 : 2017 : 2017 : 2017 : 2017 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : % : California ................: - - 1 6 15 11 10 9 11 10 11 7 9 Colorado ..................: - 2 7 9 10 10 9 9 10 9 9 8 8 Idaho .....................: - 4 10 10 8 6 7 6 11 12 11 8 7 Maine .....................: - 1 5 7 10 11 11 10 11 11 10 7 6 Michigan ..................: - 9 11 12 11 12 11 8 11 8 4 3 - Minnesota .................: - 10 9 9 9 8 7 7 7 8 7 19 - New York ..................: - 7 17 11 11 11 10 11 9 6 4 3 - North Dakota ..............: - 4 19 11 6 8 9 8 8 9 7 6 5 Oregon ....................: - 12 10 11 7 7 6 10 10 10 8 5 4 Washington ................: - 13 14 13 7 6 6 8 8 7 8 7 3 Wisconsin .................: - 6 7 8 10 7 9 7 14 11 7 14 - : United States .............: - 7 11 11 8 7 7 7 10 10 9 8 5 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Represents zero. Percent of All Potato Total Farm Marketings by Month - United States: 2007-2016 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : Marketing year Month :--------------------------------------------------------------------- : 2007 : 2008 : 2009 : 2010 : 2011 : 2012 : 2013 : 2014 : 2015 : 2016 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : percent : Previous year : November ......: 0.1 - - - - - - - - - December ......: 0.1 0.2 0.1 - - - - - - - : Current year : January .......: 0.2 0.2 0.3 - - - - - 0.1 0.1 February ......: 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.1 - - - 0.1 0.2 0.1 March .........: 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 - 0.2 0.4 0.2 April .........: 0.9 0.7 0.4 0.6 1.0 1.6 1.1 0.5 0.4 0.3 May ...........: 1.5 1.7 1.5 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.2 1.1 1.1 1.0 June ..........: 1.7 2.2 2.5 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.6 1.9 July ..........: 1.6 2.4 1.7 1.6 1.6 1.7 1.5 1.8 1.5 1.2 August ........: 6.9 5.9 5.4 4.9 8.3 7.7 6.9 6.9 6.9 7.4 September .....: 11.2 10.8 11.7 12.2 11.2 11.5 11.2 10.4 11.6 10.5 October .......: 13.4 14.3 13.1 14.4 12.6 12.3 12.7 12.8 12.7 10.1 November ......: 7.7 7.4 7.0 7.4 7.2 7.3 7.7 7.6 7.3 7.8 December ......: 7.0 6.5 6.6 6.6 6.9 6.9 7.3 7.0 6.9 6.8 : Following year : January .......: 6.9 6.9 6.3 6.4 6.6 6.5 7.0 7.0 6.9 7.1 February ......: 7.4 6.5 7.2 7.0 7.3 7.5 7.6 7.8 7.2 7.1 March .........: 7.9 8.2 8.6 8.6 8.7 8.4 8.4 8.3 8.6 9.3 April .........: 8.2 8.4 8.6 8.6 8.5 8.2 8.3 8.9 8.8 9.1 May ...........: 7.1 7.1 7.3 7.3 6.8 7.7 7.7 7.2 7.3 8.3 June ..........: 5.0 5.9 6.0 5.7 5.8 5.6 5.9 6.3 6.0 7.5 July ..........: 4.6 4.2 5.3 4.2 3.7 3.8 3.9 4.4 4.5 4.2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Represents zero. Potato Area Planted and Harvested, Yield, and Production - Alaska: 2014-2016 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : Area : Yield : Crop :-----------------------------------: per : Production year : Planted : Harvested : acre : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : ------- acres ------- cwt cwt : 2014 ....: 650 620 250 155,000 2015 ....: 560 540 260 140,000 2016 ....: 500 490 300 147,000 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Potato Seed Use, Farm Disposition, Price, and Value - Alaska: 2014-2016 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : : Farm disposition : : Value of : :-----------------------------: :------------------------ : Total : Where grown : : Price : : Crop : used :-------------------: : per : : year : for : Seed : Shrink : Sold : cwt : Production : Sales : seed : feed, : and : : : : : : home : loss : : : : ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : ------------ 1,000 cwt ------------ dollars 1,000 dollars : 2014 ....: 10.0 13.0 16.0 126.0 21.90 3,395 2,755 2015 ....: 11.0 11.0 13.0 116.0 20.60 2,884 2,390 2016 ....: 8.0 30.0 12.0 105.0 22.50 3,308 2,363 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Potato Marketing Year Average Price Received - States and United States: 2014-2016 [State Marketing Year Average Prices are computed by weighting State monthly prices by estimated sales for the month during the crop year. United States Marketing Year Average Price is computed by weighting State Marketing Year Average Prices by estimated sales for the crop year] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- State : 2014 : 2015 : 2016 :: State : 2014 : 2015 : 2016 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : dollars per cwt :: : dollars per cwt : :: : Alaska .............: 21.90 20.60 22.50 :: New Jersey .........: 11.90 (D) (D) Arizona 1/ .........: (D) (D) (NA) :: New Mexico 1/ ......: (D) (D) (NA) California : :: New York ...........: 12.60 12.20 12.60 All potatoes ..: 11.90 13.70 19.90 :: North Carolina .....: (D) (D) 10.90 Spring ........: 12.80 15.50 22.90 :: North Dakota : Fall ..........: 9.15 8.35 11.70 :: All potatoes ..: 9.40 9.25 10.30 Colorado : :: Fresh .........: (D) (D) 15.10 All potatoes ..: 8.25 8.40 9.60 :: Processing ....: (D) 8.95 8.85 Fresh .........: 9.30 9.95 11.20 :: Ohio 1/ ............: 11.70 12.80 (NA) Delaware 1/ ........: 14.80 (D) (NA) :: : : :: Oregon .............: 7.90 8.20 7.90 Florida ............: 18.70 15.90 16.10 :: Pennsylvania 1/ ....: 13.30 12.30 (NA) Idaho : :: Rhode Island 1/ ....: 13.00 11.40 (NA) All potatoes ..: 7.20 7.00 6.95 :: Texas ..............: 17.30 15.70 17.10 Fresh .........: 5.55 5.55 4.90 :: Virginia ...........: 16.60 14.90 15.30 Processing ....: 7.50 7.05 7.10 :: Washington : Illinois ...........: 9.70 8.30 10.00 :: All potatoes ..: 7.60 7.70 7.70 Kansas .............: 8.55 9.25 9.20 :: Processing ....: 7.35 7.35 7.35 Maine ..............: 10.50 10.10 11.50 :: Wisconsin : Maryland ...........: 11.70 10.50 (D) :: All potatoes ..: 10.40 9.70 11.60 Massachusetts 1/ ...: 10.40 10.40 (NA) :: Fresh .........: 10.00 9.45 13.70 : :: Processing ....: 9.40 9.25 7.85 Michigan ...........: 11.70 10.40 10.20 :: : Minnesota ..........: 9.25 10.00 9.05 :: United States : Missouri ...........: 11.90 11.60 11.10 :: All potatoes ..: 8.88 8.76 9.08 Montana ............: 12.80 13.00 12.70 :: Fresh .........: 10.28 9.79 10.60 Nebraska ...........: 10.60 9.85 11.00 :: Processing ....: 8.55 8.03 8.03 Nevada 1/ ..........: (D) (D) (NA) :: : ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (D) Withheld to avoid disclosing data for individual operations. (NA) Not available. 1/ Estimates discontinued in 2016. Potato Prices Received by Farmers by Month - States and United States: 2014 [Monthly prices refer to all potatoes sold in a given month regardless of the year harvested] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- State : Jan : Feb : Mar : Apr : May : Jun : Jul : Aug : Sep : Oct : Nov : Dec -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : $/cwt : California .........: 10.20 10.00 9.95 13.10 13.70 12.20 11.50 13.00 (S) (S) 8.95 9.20 Spring ...........: (S) (S) (S) 14.90 14.20 12.30 11.70 13.00 (S) (S) (S) (S) Fall .............: 10.20 10.00 9.95 9.95 10.10 10.30 9.60 (S) (S) (S) 8.95 9.20 Colorado ...........: 9.10 9.05 9.00 10.70 10.60 9.60 9.30 8.50 9.90 9.25 8.75 9.15 Fresh ............: 9.80 9.60 9.70 12.20 12.10 12.00 11.00 10.50 11.40 10.70 9.90 10.20 Florida ............: (S) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (S) (S) (S) (S) (S) : Idaho ..............: 7.55 7.90 7.80 8.35 7.45 7.90 6.95 6.60 6.45 6.35 6.55 6.85 Fresh ............: 7.30 6.25 6.50 6.20 7.35 7.05 4.65 (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) Processing .......: 7.75 8.80 7.70 8.00 7.35 8.20 8.40 (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) Maine ..............: 9.90 10.90 11.20 11.30 11.60 12.00 (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) Michigan ...........: 12.20 12.40 12.90 13.10 13.20 (S) (S) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) Minnesota ..........: 8.95 (D) 10.00 9.35 9.35 9.10 (S) 10.90 9.85 8.95 9.15 9.20 New York ...........: 13.30 12.80 14.40 15.90 16.10 (D) (S) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) North Carolina .....: (S) (S) (S) (S) (S) (D) (D) (S) (S) (S) (S) (S) North Dakota .......: 10.10 9.75 9.80 10.10 10.20 (D) 9.20 (S) 9.35 9.05 (D) (D) Fresh ............: 11.60 (D) 10.10 9.40 9.10 (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) Processing .......: 9.40 (D) 9.35 9.20 9.60 (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) : Oregon .............: 8.80 9.05 9.05 8.40 9.40 9.95 9.00 7.60 6.50 6.50 6.95 7.25 Texas ..............: (D) (D) (D) (D) (S) (S) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) Virginia ...........: (S) (S) (S) (S) (S) (S) (D) (D) (S) (S) (S) (S) Washington .........: 9.10 8.95 9.10 9.10 8.75 9.10 8.70 7.40 6.50 6.35 7.05 8.40 Processing .......: 8.30 8.25 8.55 8.50 8.40 8.60 8.40 (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) Wisconsin ..........: 9.55 9.45 10.60 10.20 9.45 11.60 (S) 10.50 9.50 8.95 9.20 9.65 Fresh ............: 10.00 11.20 11.00 11.00 10.50 10.70 (S) 11.00 10.30 9.20 9.40 9.50 Processing .......: 9.40 7.90 9.60 9.10 8.60 12.00 (S) 10.00 8.80 8.60 9.00 9.80 : United States ......: 9.22 9.39 9.62 10.01 9.53 10.28 9.72 8.88 7.76 7.30 8.19 8.63 Fresh ............: 9.86 10.08 10.60 12.17 11.53 12.98 9.92 11.47 9.84 8.97 9.24 9.40 Processing .......: 8.84 8.86 8.69 8.75 8.55 9.48 9.63 8.08 7.30 6.88 7.68 8.23 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Represents zero. (D) Withheld to avoid disclosing data for individual operations. (S) Insufficient number of reports to establish an estimate. Potato Prices Received by Farmers by Month - States and United States: 2015 [Monthly prices refer to all potatoes sold in a given month regardless of the year harvested] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- State : Jan : Feb : Mar : Apr : May : Jun : Jul : Aug : Sep : Oct : Nov : Dec -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : $/cwt : California .........: 13.00 13.50 12.40 14.20 14.10 14.40 15.60 12.80 12.70 (S) 8.30 8.30 Spring ...........: 22.30 19.40 18.30 20.50 15.50 15.30 15.60 12.80 12.70 (S) (S) (S) Fall .............: 9.30 9.20 9.05 9.20 9.20 9.10 (S) (S) (S) (S) 8.30 8.30 Colorado ...........: 9.30 8.60 8.50 8.10 7.50 7.90 4.75 4.60 9.40 8.30 9.05 8.60 Fresh ............: 10.40 9.45 9.00 8.70 8.35 9.50 5.40 6.30 10.30 9.85 10.00 10.10 Florida ............: (S) 21.60 17.90 17.10 15.00 14.20 13.80 (S) (S) (S) (S) (S) : Idaho ..............: 7.40 7.15 7.55 8.65 7.60 7.35 7.00 7.00 6.35 6.55 6.85 6.60 Fresh ............: 6.70 5.70 5.35 5.60 5.55 5.30 4.70 5.70 5.10 5.75 6.10 5.55 Processing .......: 7.85 7.75 7.85 7.85 8.15 8.30 8.50 7.70 6.65 6.65 7.20 7.30 Maine ..............: (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) Michigan ...........: (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (S) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) Minnesota ..........: 9.10 10.00 9.30 8.55 6.95 6.40 (S) 10.50 9.75 9.25 9.65 10.20 New York ...........: (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (S) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) North Carolina .....: (S) (S) (S) (S) (S) 10.50 9.70 (S) (S) (S) (S) (S) North Dakota .......: (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (S) (D) (D) (D) (D) Fresh ............: (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (S) (D) (D) (D) (D) Processing .......: (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (S) (D) (D) (D) (D) : Oregon .............: 8.60 8.05 9.60 9.50 9.20 8.90 8.15 6.90 6.80 7.10 7.80 8.45 Texas ..............: (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) Virginia ...........: (S) (S) (S) (S) (S) (S) 14.90 14.70 (S) (S) (S) (S) Washington .........: 8.70 8.60 8.50 8.60 8.35 8.40 8.10 7.50 6.55 6.55 7.50 8.10 Processing .......: 8.20 8.05 8.15 8.25 8.20 8.30 8.10 7.05 6.20 6.35 7.15 7.85 Wisconsin ..........: 10.00 11.20 11.20 12.00 10.90 10.30 (S) 10.80 9.25 8.60 9.60 9.10 Fresh ............: 9.85 10.50 9.90 10.60 10.70 10.70 (S) 11.00 9.50 8.90 9.70 9.00 Processing .......: 10.20 9.45 8.90 9.55 9.65 9.65 (S) 9.90 8.55 8.05 9.35 8.90 : United States ......: 9.14 9.15 9.39 9.70 10.34 9.41 9.02 8.45 7.58 7.24 8.23 8.38 Fresh ............: 9.68 9.66 9.58 9.75 11.98 10.47 9.70 10.73 8.95 8.78 8.96 8.64 Processing .......: 8.74 8.43 8.50 8.47 9.35 8.94 8.77 7.63 7.17 6.88 7.83 8.25 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (D) Withheld to avoid disclosing data for individual operations. (S) Insufficient number of reports to establish an estimate. Potato Prices Received by Farmers by Month - States and United States: 2016 [Monthly prices refer to all potatoes sold in a given month regardless of the year harvested] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- State : Jan : Feb : Mar : Apr : May : Jun : Jul : Aug : Sep : Oct : Nov : Dec -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : $/cwt : California .........: 13.80 12.90 11.80 13.80 22.90 21.60 22.60 22.90 21.70 11.50 11.70 17.60 Spring ...........: 18.60 19.00 19.30 18.50 26.60 22.70 22.60 22.90 22.70 (S) (S) 25.50 Fall .............: 8.30 8.35 8.40 8.35 8.40 8.35 (S) (S) 10.40 11.50 11.70 11.80 Colorado ...........: 9.25 9.00 8.95 8.40 7.70 6.95 7.55 6.25 9.75 10.20 10.70 9.95 Fresh ............: 9.95 10.10 10.30 10.00 10.20 9.20 9.65 11.20 10.60 11.40 12.00 11.50 Florida ............: (S) 18.80 20.00 18.40 16.00 14.20 14.00 (S) (S) (S) (S) (S) : Idaho ..............: 6.85 6.70 7.75 8.45 7.20 6.80 6.55 6.80 6.25 6.20 6.20 6.00 Fresh ............: 6.05 5.70 5.45 5.35 5.60 5.30 5.05 6.25 5.05 4.75 4.70 4.35 Processing .......: 7.20 7.05 7.50 7.50 6.10 7.40 7.50 7.25 6.55 6.65 6.85 7.20 Maine ..............: (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) Michigan ...........: (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (S) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) Minnesota ..........: 10.00 10.00 10.20 10.30 10.10 10.10 (S) 9.00 11.20 8.90 8.85 8.80 New York ...........: (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (S) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) North Carolina .....: (S) (S) (S) (S) (S) 10.80 11.10 (S) (S) (S) (S) (S) North Dakota .......: (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) Fresh ............: (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) Processing .......: (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) : Oregon .............: 8.70 8.40 10.20 12.70 10.40 9.40 8.65 7.10 7.20 (D) (D) 7.90 Texas ..............: (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) Virginia ...........: (S) (S) (S) (S) (S) (S) 15.20 14.20 (S) (S) (S) (S) Washington .........: 8.05 8.30 8.45 8.80 8.50 8.80 8.80 7.70 6.75 6.55 7.05 7.85 Processing .......: 7.60 7.90 8.00 8.45 8.40 8.60 8.30 (D) 6.40 (D) (D) 7.90 Wisconsin ..........: 9.20 9.65 10.80 9.70 10.10 10.20 (S) 13.90 13.30 12.90 12.90 12.40 Fresh ............: 8.90 8.95 8.70 8.80 10.85 11.30 (S) 15.70 14.50 14.50 14.50 14.50 Processing .......: 9.30 9.35 9.35 9.45 9.50 9.60 (S) 10.00 10.00 8.20 8.20 8.00 : United States ......: 8.63 8.64 9.41 9.61 9.99 10.54 9.59 9.07 7.93 7.66 8.51 8.85 Fresh ............: 9.05 8.94 9.29 9.39 12.99 13.50 11.77 12.80 10.48 9.59 9.91 9.59 Processing .......: 8.26 8.16 8.33 8.59 8.41 9.20 8.65 7.56 7.15 7.01 7.64 8.29 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (D) Withheld to avoid disclosing data for individual operations. (S) Insufficient number of reports to establish an estimate. Statistical Methodology Survey Procedures: Potato estimates are the results of a variety of surveys. Summer and fall potatoes are included in the June and December Quarterly Agricultural Surveys, but also follow Grower Special Surveys. For spring potatoes, March Quarterly Agricultural Surveys and Grower Special Surveys are the source of data. Telephone follow-up of mail survey non-respondents is used to ensure adequate coverage. Special grower disposition surveys are conducted at the end of each season to provide additional details about the crop. Estimating Procedures: Information obtained from the special grower disposition surveys along with federal administrative data is used to establish estimates of acreage, production, amount sold, and usage on farm where grown. These estimates are reviewed for errors, reasonableness, and consistency with historical estimates. Revision Policy: All estimates for the previous crop year can be revised at this time. However, acreage is rarely updated. End-of-season estimates of production are made following harvest and are subject to revision the following year based on a thorough review of all available data. Reliability: Survey results are subject to non-sampling errors such as omission, duplication, imputation for missing data, and mistakes in reporting, recording, and processing the data. These errors cannot be measured directly, but they are minimized through rigid quality controls in the data collection process and a careful review of all reported data for consistency and reasonableness. Information Contacts Listed below are the commodity statisticians in the Crops Branch of the National Agricultural Statistics Service to contact for additional information. E-mail inquiries may be sent to nass@nass.usda.gov Lance Honig, Chief, Crops Branch................................................ (202) 720-2127 Jorge Garcia-Pratts, Head, Fruits, Vegetables and Special Crops Section......... (202) 720-2127 Vincent Davis - Bananas, Cherries, Garlic, Lettuce, Mint, Papaya, Pears, Strawberries, Taro, Tomatoes............................................. (202) 720-2157 Fleming Gibson - Avocados, Cauliflower, Celery, Citrus, Coffee, Dates, Figs, Kiwifruit, Nectarines, Olives, Watermelons................................ (202) 720-5412 Greg Lemmons - Blackberries, Blueberries, Boysenberries, Cranberries, Cucumbers, Potatoes, Pumpkins, Raspberries, Squash, Sugarbeets, Sugarcane, Sweet Potatoes....................................................... (202) 720-4285 Dan Norris - Artichokes, Austrian Winter Peas, Cantaloupes, Dry Beans, Dry Edible Peas, Honeydews, Lentils, Mushrooms, Peaches, Snap Beans .. (202) 720-3250 Daphne Schauber - Bell Peppers, Broccoli, Cabbage, Chile Peppers, Floriculture, Grapes, Hops, Maple Syrup, Tree Nuts, Spinach..................... (202) 720-4215 Chris Singh - Apples, Apricots, Asparagus, Carrots, Lima Beans, Onions, Plums, Prunes, Sweet Corn, Tobacco.............................................. (202) 720-4288 Access to NASS Reports For your convenience, you may access NASS reports and products the following ways: All reports are available electronically, at no cost, on the NASS web site: www.nass.usda.gov Both national and state specific reports are available via a free e- mail subscription. To set-up this free subscription, visit www.nass.usda.gov and click on "National" or "State" in upper right corner above "search" box to create an account and select the reports you would like to receive. For more information on NASS surveys and reports, call the NASS Agricultural Statistics Hotline at (800) 727-9540, 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. ET, or e-mail: nass@nass.usda.gov. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination against its customers, employees, and applicants for employment on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, sex, gender identity, religion, reprisal, and where applicable, political beliefs, marital status, familial or parental status, sexual orientation, or all or part of an individual's income is derived from any public assistance program, or protected genetic information in employment or in any program or activity conducted or funded by the Department. (Not all prohibited bases will apply to all programs and/or employment activities.) If you wish to file a Civil Rights program complaint of discrimination, complete the USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form (PDF), found online at http://www.ascr.usda.gov/complaint_filing_cust.html, or at any USDA office, or call (866) 632-9992 to request the form. You may also write a letter containing all of the information requested in the form. Send your completed complaint form or letter to us by mail at U.S. Department of Agriculture, Director, Office of Adjudication, 1400 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20250-9410, by fax (202) 690-7442 or email at program.intake@usda.gov.