Egg Products ISSN: 1949-0402 Released February 28, 2024, by the National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS), Agricultural Statistics Board, United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). Shell Eggs Broken up 2 percent from Last Year January 2023 contained 22 weekdays (including 2 holidays) and 4 Saturdays. January 2024 contained 23 weekdays (including 2 holidays) and 4 Saturdays. Shell eggs broken totaled 191 million dozen during January 2024, up 2 percent from January a year ago, and 1 percent above the 189 million dozen broken during the previous month. During calendar year 2023, shell eggs broken totaled 2.37 billion dozen, up 3 percent from the comparable period in 2022. Data presented in this report were compiled from Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) inspection reports. The best available data at the time of publication were used. Federally Inspected Shell Eggs Broken - United States: January 2024 with Comparisons ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : : : : January 2024 as percent of : January : December : January :----------------------------- Inspected item : 2023 : 2023 : 2024 : January : December : : : : 2023 : 2023 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : --------- 1,000 dozen --------- ----- percent ---- : Shell eggs broken ................... : 187,233 189,245 191,211 102 101 : : --------- 1,000 pounds -------- ----- percent ---- : Edible product from shell eggs broken : Whole ..................................: 157,828 154,722 155,423 98 100 White ..................................: 55,113 58,197 60,339 109 104 Yolk ...................................: 27,137 29,341 29,625 109 101 : Total ..................................: 240,078 242,260 245,387 102 101 : Inedible product from shell eggs broken : 19,777 19,877 20,002 101 101 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Federally Inspected Shell Eggs Broken by Month - United States: 2022-2023 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : Monthly : Cumulative :----------------------------------------------------------------------- Month : : : 2023 as : : : 2023 as : : : percent : : : percent : 2022 : 2023 : of 2022 : 2022 : 2023 : of 2022 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : --- 1,000 dozen --- percent ---- 1,000 dozen ---- percent : January .......: 200,884 187,233 93 200,884 187,233 93 February ......: 185,281 174,966 94 386,165 362,199 94 March .........: 210,749 189,469 90 596,914 551,668 92 April .........: 190,571 189,666 100 787,485 741,334 94 May ...........: 190,067 207,771 109 977,552 949,105 97 June ..........: 190,484 199,216 105 1,168,036 1,148,321 98 July ..........: 185,080 209,100 113 1,353,116 1,357,421 100 August ........: 209,396 215,269 103 1,562,512 1,572,690 101 September .....: 183,639 201,679 110 1,746,151 1,774,369 102 October .......: 181,224 209,987 116 1,927,375 1,984,356 103 November ......: 195,913 198,946 102 2,123,288 2,183,302 103 December ......: 181,674 189,245 104 2,304,962 2,372,547 103 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Federally Inspected Egg Products by Item and Month - United States: 2022-2023 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ : Monthly : Cumulative :----------------------------------------------------------- Item and Month : : : 2023 as : : : 2023 as : : : percent : : : percent : 2022 : 2023 : of 2022 : 2022 : 2023 : of 2022 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ : 1,000 pounds percent --- 1,000 pounds -- percent : Whole edible product : January ..............: 155,049 157,828 102 155,049 157,828 102 February .............: 150,410 145,987 97 305,459 303,815 99 March ................: 167,100 163,625 98 472,559 467,440 99 April ................: 160,810 154,946 96 633,369 622,386 98 May ..................: 157,580 171,809 109 790,949 794,195 100 June .................: 158,857 166,970 105 949,806 961,165 101 July .................: 149,676 169,209 113 1,099,482 1,130,374 103 August ...............: 169,116 174,475 103 1,268,598 1,304,849 103 September ............: 154,631 166,651 108 1,423,229 1,471,500 103 October ..............: 151,304 172,846 114 1,574,533 1,644,346 104 November .............: 157,267 160,551 102 1,731,800 1,804,897 104 December .............: 149,640 154,722 103 1,881,440 1,959,619 104 : White edible product : January ..............: 66,580 55,113 83 66,580 55,113 83 February .............: 57,202 52,620 92 123,782 107,733 87 March ................: 67,412 56,475 84 191,194 164,208 86 April ................: 57,362 59,158 103 248,556 223,366 90 May ..................: 59,229 66,033 111 307,785 289,399 94 June .................: 56,469 63,150 112 364,254 352,549 97 July .................: 55,378 63,521 115 419,632 416,070 99 August ...............: 63,804 68,171 107 483,436 484,241 100 September ............: 54,900 63,890 116 538,336 548,131 102 October ..............: 53,887 63,112 117 592,223 611,243 103 November .............: 64,393 63,258 98 656,616 674,501 103 December .............: 55,395 58,197 105 712,011 732,698 103 : Yolks edible product : January ..............: 33,336 27,137 81 33,336 27,137 81 February .............: 27,655 26,571 96 60,991 53,708 88 March ................: 32,686 28,424 87 93,677 82,132 88 April ................: 27,724 30,323 109 121,401 112,455 93 May ..................: 27,780 33,904 122 149,181 146,359 98 June .................: 26,173 31,659 121 175,354 178,018 102 July .................: 26,856 31,956 119 202,210 209,974 104 August ...............: 30,515 33,210 109 232,725 243,184 104 September ............: 27,258 31,715 116 259,983 274,899 106 October ..............: 27,251 31,802 117 287,234 306,701 107 November .............: 31,596 30,434 96 318,830 337,135 106 December .............: 27,658 29,341 106 346,488 366,476 106 : Total edible product : January ..............: 254,965 240,078 94 254,965 240,078 94 February .............: 235,267 225,178 96 490,232 465,256 95 March ................: 267,198 248,524 93 757,430 713,780 94 April ................: 245,896 244,427 99 1,003,326 958,207 96 May ..................: 244,589 271,746 111 1,247,915 1,229,953 99 June .................: 241,499 261,779 108 1,489,414 1,491,732 100 July .................: 231,910 264,686 114 1,721,324 1,756,418 102 August ...............: 263,435 275,856 105 1,984,759 2,032,274 102 September ............: 236,789 262,256 111 2,221,548 2,294,530 103 October ..............: 232,442 267,760 115 2,453,990 2,562,290 104 November .............: 253,256 254,243 100 2,707,246 2,816,533 104 December .............: 232,693 242,260 104 2,939,939 3,058,793 104 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Federally Inspected Inedible Product by Month - United States: 2022-2023 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : Monthly : Cumulative :----------------------------------------------------------------------- Month : : : 2023 as : : : 2023 as : : : percent : : : percent : 2022 : 2023 : of 2022 : 2022 : 2023 : of 2022 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : -- 1,000 pounds -- percent --- 1,000 pounds -- percent : January .......: 21,374 19,777 93 21,374 19,777 93 February ......: 20,184 18,619 92 41,558 38,396 92 March .........: 21,671 19,165 88 63,229 57,561 91 April .........: 19,288 18,526 96 82,517 76,087 92 May ...........: 19,636 20,698 105 102,153 96,785 95 June ..........: 18,965 19,907 105 121,118 116,692 96 July ..........: 17,932 19,825 111 139,050 136,517 98 August ........: 20,158 20,822 103 159,208 157,339 99 September .....: 18,342 20,092 110 177,550 177,431 100 October .......: 18,206 20,656 113 195,756 198,087 101 November ......: 20,825 19,511 94 216,581 217,598 100 December ......: 19,066 19,877 104 235,647 237,475 101 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Statistical Methodology Data Sources: Data for the Egg Products report are obtained from Egg Products Volume Reports (FSIS Form 5200-11) completed by inspectors of FSIS, USDA. FSIS is responsible for administering a mandatory inspection program for egg products under the authority of the Egg Products Inspection Act of 1970. The act and its associated regulations require that all commercial egg breaking and processing plants operate under continuous USDA supervision. Reports are currently received from approximately 60 plants in the United States. Plant management provides monthly volume data to the resident USDA inspector at the applicable plant. Revision Policy: Revisions are generally the result of late reports received by FSIS from plants. Revisions for the previous month and year-to-date totals are published in each monthly release. Additional revisions are published annually in the February report. Procedures and Reliability: FSIS reviews plant data for accuracy and completeness and provides NASS a data file. NASS reviews the data for unusual values. The egg products estimates are based on a census of all commercial egg breaking and processing plants; therefore, there are no statistical estimation and sampling errors. Information Contacts Listed below are the commodity specialists in the Livestock Branch of the National Agricultural Statistics Service to contact for additional information. E-mail inquiries may be sent to Travis Averill, Chief, Livestock Branch ............................... (202) 692-0069 Jean Porter, Head, Poultry and Specialty Commodities Section .......... (202) 690-3223 Holly Brenize - Poultry Slaughter................................... (202) 720-0585 Liana Cuffman - Catfish and Trout, Mink, Census of Aquaculture ..... (202) 720-8784 Fatema Haque - Turkey Hatchery, Turkeys Raised ..................... (202) 720-3244 Derron Martin - Chicken Hatchery, Egg Products...................... (202) 690-3237 Seth Riggins - Honey, Honey Bee Colonies ........................... (202) 690-4870 Shulonda Shaw - Cold Storage, Capacity of Refrigerated Warehouses .. (202) 720-3240 Autumn Stone - Layers, Eggs ........................................ (202) 690-3676 Takiyah Walker - Broiler Hatchery................................... (202) 720-6147 Access to NASS Reports For your convenience, you may access NASS reports and products the following ways: All reports are available electronically, at no cost, on the NASS web site: Both national and state specific reports are available via a free e- mail subscription. To set-up this free subscription, visit and click on "National" or "State" in upper right corner above "search" box to create an account and select the reports you would like to receive. Cornell's Mann Library has launched a new website housing NASS's and other agency's archived reports. The new website, All email subscriptions containing reports will be sent from the new website, To continue receiving the reports via e-mail, you will have to go to the new website, create a new account and re-subscribe to the reports. If you need instructions to set up an account or subscribe, they are located at: You should whitelist in your email client to avoid the emails going into spam/junk folders. For more information on NASS surveys and reports, call the NASS Agricultural Statistics Hotline at (800) 727-9540, 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. ET, or e-mail: The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination against its customers, employees, and applicants for employment on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, sex, gender identity, religion, reprisal, and where applicable, political beliefs, marital status, familial or parental status, sexual orientation, or all or part of an individual's income is derived from any public assistance program, or protected genetic information in employment or in any program or activity conducted or funded by the Department. (Not all prohibited bases will apply to all programs and/or employment activities.) If you wish to file a Civil Rights program complaint of discrimination, complete the USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form (PDF), found online at, or at any USDA office, or call (866) 632-9992 to request the form. You may also write a letter containing all of the information requested in the form. Send your completed complaint form or letter to us by mail at U.S. Department of Agriculture, Director, Office of Adjudication, 1400 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20250-9410, by fax (202) 690-7442 or email at