Acreage ISSN: 1949-1522 Released June 28, 2024, by the National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS), Agricultural Statistics Board, United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). Update Alert - July 9, 2024 Corrections were made to the 2024 potato harvested acreage estimates for Oregon and the United States on pages 27, 32, and 34. Corrections were also made to the Quick Stats online database. Corn Planted Acreage Down 3 Percent from 2023 Soybean Acreage Up 3 Percent All Wheat Acreage Down 5 Percent All Cotton Acreage Up 14 Percent Corn planted area for all purposes in 2024 is estimated at 91.5 million acres, down 3 percent or 3.17 million acres from last year. This represents the eighth highest planted acreage in the United States since 1944. Compared with last year, planted acreage is expected to be down or unchanged in 31 of the 48 estimating States. Area harvested for grain, at 83.4 million acres, is down 4 percent from last year. Soybean planted area for 2024 is estimated at 86.1 million acres, up 3 percent from last year. Compared with last year, planted acreage is up or unchanged in 24 of the 29 estimating States. All wheat planted area for 2024 is estimated at 47.2 million acres, down 5 percent from 2023. The 2024 winter wheat planted area, at 33.8 million acres, is down 8 percent from last year and down 1 percent from the previous estimate. Of this total, about 24.1 million acres are Hard Red Winter, 6.14 million acres are Soft Red Winter, and 3.59 million acres are White Winter. Area expected to be planted to other spring wheat for 2024 is estimated at 11.3 million acres, up 1 percent from 2023 estimate. Of this total, about 10.6 million acres are Hard Red Spring wheat. Durum planted area for 2024 is expected to total 2.17 million acres, up 29 percent from the previous year. All cotton planted area for 2024 is estimated at 11.7 million acres, up 14 percent from last year. Upland area is estimated at 11.5 million acres, up 14 percent from 2023. American Pima area is estimated at 182,000 acres, up 24 percent from 2023. This report was approved on June 28, 2024. Secretary of Agriculture Designate Robert Bonnie Agricultural Statistics Board Chairperson Lance Honig Contents Principal Crops Area Planted - States and United States: 2022-2024......................................... 5 Corn and Soybean Area Left to be Planted - States and United States: 2023 and 2024......................... 6 Corn Area Planted for All Purposes and Harvested for Grain - States and United States: 2023 and 2024....... 7 Sorghum Area Planted for All Purposes and Harvested for Grain - States and United States: 2023 and 2024.... 8 Oat Area Planted and Harvested - States and United States: 2023 and 2024................................... 9 Barley Area Planted and Harvested - States and United States: 2023 and 2024................................ 10 All Wheat Area Planted and Harvested - States and United States: 2023 and 2024............................. 11 Winter Wheat Area Planted and Harvested - States and United States: 2023 and 2024.......................... 12 Durum Wheat Area Planted and Harvested - States and United States: 2023 and 2024........................... 13 Other Spring Wheat Area Planted and Harvested - States and United States: 2023 and 2024.................... 13 Rye Area Planted and Harvested - States and United States: 2023 and 2024................................... 13 Rice Area Planted and Harvested by Class - States and United States: 2023 and 2024......................... 14 Proso Millet Area Planted and Harvested - States and United States: 2023 and 2024.......................... 14 Hay Area Harvested by Type - States and United States: 2023 and 2024....................................... 15 Soybean Area Planted and Harvested - States and United States: 2023 and 2024............................... 16 Percent of Soybean Acreage Planted Following Another Harvested Crop - Selected States and United States: 2020-2024................................................................................... 17 Peanut Area Planted and Harvested - States and United States: 2023 and 2024................................ 17 Sunflower Area Planted and Harvested by Type - States and United States: 2023 and 2024..................... 18 Canola Area Planted and Harvested - States and United States: 2023 and 2024................................ 19 Flaxseed Area Planted and Harvested - States and United States: 2023 and 2024.............................. 19 Other Oilseeds Area Planted and Harvested - United States: 2023 and 2024................................... 19 Safflower Area Planted and Harvested - States and United States: 2023 and 2024............................. 20 Cotton Area Planted and Harvested by Type - States and United States: 2023 and 2024........................ 21 Sugarbeet Area Planted and Harvested - States and United States: 2023 and 2024............................. 22 Sugarcane for Sugar and Seed Area Harvested - States and United States: 2023 and 2024...................... 22 Tobacco Area Harvested - States and United States: 2023 and 2024........................................... 22 Tobacco Area Harvested by Class and Type - States and United States: 2023 and 2024......................... 23 Dry Edible Bean Area Planted and Harvested - States and United States: 2023 and 2024....................... 24 Chickpea Area Planted and Harvested - States and United States: 2023 and 2024.............................. 25 Lentil Area Planted and Harvested - States and United States: 2023 and 2024................................ 26 Dry Edible Pea Area Planted and Harvested - States and United States: 2023 and 2024........................ 26 Potato Area Planted and Harvested - States and United States: 2023 and 2024................................ 27 Corn Biotechnology Varieties as a Percent of All Corn Planted - States and United States: 2023 and 2024.... 28 Upland Cotton Biotechnology Varieties as a Percent of Upland Cotton Planted - States and United States: 2023 and 2024.............................................................................................. 29 Soybean Biotechnology Varieties as a Percent of All Soybeans Planted - States and United States: 2023 and 2024.............................................................................................. 30 Crop Area Planted and Harvested, Yield, and Production in Domestic Units - United States: 2023 and 2024.... 32 Crop Area Planted and Harvested, Yield, and Production in Metric Units - United States: 2023 and 2024...... 34 Spring Weather Summary..................................................................................... 36 Crop Comments.............................................................................................. 38 Statistical Methodology.................................................................................... 45 Reliability June Planted Acreage Estimates................................................................. 46 Information Contacts....................................................................................... 47 Principal Crops Area Planted - States and United States: 2022-2024 [Crops included in area planted are corn, sorghum, oats, barley, rye, winter wheat, Durum wheat, other spring wheat, rice, soybeans, peanuts, sunflower, cotton, dry edible beans, chickpeas, potatoes, sugarbeets, canola, and proso millet. Harvested acreage is used for all hay, tobacco, and sugarcane in computing total area planted. Includes double cropped acres and unharvested small grains planted as cover crops] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- State : 2022 : 2023 : 2024 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : 1,000 acres : Alabama ......................: 2,120 2,120 2,120 Alaska .......................: 26 27 29 Arizona ......................: 629 597 642 Arkansas .....................: 6,990 7,211 7,156 California ...................: 2,230 2,407 2,401 Colorado .....................: 5,651 5,949 5,810 Connecticut ..................: 76 77 75 Delaware .....................: 432 438 439 Florida ......................: 1,075 1,088 1,053 Georgia ......................: 3,366 3,296 3,305 : Idaho ........................: 4,034 4,057 4,173 Illinois .....................: 22,800 22,855 22,905 Indiana ......................: 11,910 11,885 11,700 Iowa .........................: 24,300 24,250 24,250 Kansas .......................: 24,047 25,024 24,428 Kentucky .....................: 5,853 6,147 6,302 Louisiana ....................: 3,204 3,214 3,225 Maine ........................: 253 242 258 Maryland .....................: 1,538 1,526 1,521 Massachusetts ................: 74 68 65 : Michigan .....................: 6,240 6,270 6,086 Minnesota ....................: 19,067 19,457 19,592 Mississippi ..................: 4,202 4,209 4,182 Missouri .....................: 13,852 14,657 13,356 Montana ......................: 9,394 9,708 9,858 Nebraska .....................: 19,268 19,473 19,813 Nevada .......................: 412 393 373 New Hampshire ................: 55 54 54 New Jersey ...................: 313 305 286 New Mexico ...................: 787 854 765 : New York .....................: 2,755 2,730 2,718 North Carolina ...............: 4,404 4,397 4,215 North Dakota .................: 21,596 24,078 23,892 Ohio .........................: 9,870 9,850 9,640 Oklahoma .....................: 9,616 10,724 9,566 Oregon .......................: 1,739 1,852 1,899 Pennsylvania .................: 3,523 3,395 3,456 Rhode Island .................: 9 8 8 South Carolina ...............: 1,462 1,423 1,430 South Dakota .................: 16,617 17,222 16,765 : Tennessee ....................: 4,910 5,000 4,928 Texas ........................: 21,728 22,136 21,752 Utah .........................: 860 856 882 Vermont ......................: 255 254 254 Virginia .....................: 2,441 2,583 2,555 Washington ...................: 3,609 3,854 3,911 West Virginia ................: 605 654 640 Wisconsin ....................: 7,909 7,875 7,802 Wyoming ......................: 1,442 1,416 1,367 : United States 1/ .............: 310,857 319,601 315,177 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1/ States do not add to United States due to rye unallocated table. Corn and Soybean Area Left to be Planted - States and United States: 2023 and 2024 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : Acres Left to be Planted Crop :------------------------------------------------------------------- : 2023 : 2024 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : 1,000 acres : Corn .....................: 2,491 3,356 Soybeans .................: 8,221 12,767 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Corn Area Planted for All Purposes and Harvested for Grain - States and United States: 2023 and 2024 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : Area planted for all purposes : Area harvested for grain State :----------------------------------------------------------------------- : 2023 : 2024 : 2023 : 2024 1/ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : 1,000 acres : Alabama .........: 330 340 320 325 Arizona .........: 105 95 38 24 Arkansas ........: 850 620 830 600 California ......: 400 420 40 60 Colorado ........: 1,330 1,370 1,015 1,100 Connecticut 2/ ..: 24 24 (NA) (NA) Delaware ........: 175 180 172 177 Florida .........: 90 80 62 45 Georgia .........: 485 440 440 400 Idaho ...........: 360 330 115 110 : Illinois ........: 11,200 10,900 11,050 10,750 Indiana .........: 5,450 5,100 5,310 4,960 Iowa ............: 13,100 13,100 12,550 12,550 Kansas ..........: 5,750 6,300 5,150 5,800 Kentucky ........: 1,600 1,550 1,500 1,450 Louisiana .......: 700 510 680 495 Maine 2/ ........: 28 30 (NA) (NA) Maryland ........: 480 490 440 450 Massachusetts 2/ : 14 15 (NA) (NA) Michigan ........: 2,400 2,150 2,060 1,810 : Minnesota .......: 8,600 8,100 8,180 7,550 Mississippi .....: 790 580 770 560 Missouri ........: 3,850 3,500 3,670 3,310 Montana .........: 135 110 68 59 Nebraska ........: 9,950 10,100 9,500 9,700 Nevada 2/ .......: 13 13 (NA) (NA) New Hampshire 2/ : 13 14 (NA) (NA) New Jersey ......: 74 80 65 75 New Mexico ......: 125 105 47 36 New York ........: 1,040 1,030 600 580 : North Carolina ..: 950 910 900 860 North Dakota ....: 4,050 3,800 3,800 3,500 Ohio ............: 3,600 3,400 3,400 3,170 Oklahoma ........: 390 370 340 320 Oregon ..........: 95 100 55 60 Pennsylvania ....: 1,040 1,100 680 750 Rhode Island 2/ .: 2 2 (NA) (NA) South Carolina ..: 365 380 350 360 South Dakota ....: 6,300 6,100 5,620 5,440 Tennessee .......: 940 850 890 800 : Texas ...........: 2,500 2,100 2,100 1,700 Utah ............: 75 75 27 34 Vermont 2/ ......: 89 94 (NA) (NA) Virginia ........: 495 500 375 380 Washington ......: 160 200 75 105 West Virginia ...: 44 43 32 32 Wisconsin .......: 4,000 3,700 3,140 2,900 Wyoming .........: 85 75 57 51 : United States ...: 94,641 91,475 86,513 83,438 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (NA) Not available. 1/ Forecasted. 2/ Area harvested for grain not estimated. Sorghum Area Planted for All Purposes and Harvested for Grain - States and United States: 2023 and 2024 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ : Area planted for all purposes : Area harvested for grain State :----------------------------------------------------------------------- : 2023 : 2024 : 2023 : 2024 1/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ : 1,000 acres : Colorado .........: 510 580 460 480 Kansas ...........: 3,600 3,200 3,250 2,900 Nebraska .........: 340 340 225 270 Oklahoma .........: 410 340 350 260 South Dakota .....: 335 345 280 230 Texas ............: 2,000 1,600 1,550 1,250 : United States ....: 7,195 6,405 6,115 5,390 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1/ Forecasted. Oat Area Planted and Harvested - States and United States: 2023 and 2024 [Includes area planted in preceding fall] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : Area planted : Area harvested State :----------------------------------------------------------------------- : 2023 : 2024 : 2023 : 2024 1/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : 1,000 acres : Arkansas 2/ .......: 8 (NA) 5 (NA) California 2/ .....: 90 (NA) 5 (NA) Georgia ...........: 55 60 15 20 Idaho .............: 45 40 12 10 Illinois ..........: 55 55 17 14 Iowa ..............: 190 210 95 120 Kansas ............: 185 175 30 35 Maine .............: 22 24 21 22 Michigan ..........: 50 50 25 30 Minnesota .........: 165 180 87 115 : Missouri 2/ .......: 32 (NA) 9 (NA) Montana ...........: 65 60 22 25 Nebraska ..........: 155 150 24 32 New York ..........: 61 60 44 38 North Carolina ....: 37 34 14 12 North Dakota ......: 280 280 105 130 Ohio ..............: 40 50 15 15 Oklahoma 2/ .......: 140 (NA) 13 (NA) Oregon ............: 20 20 12 12 Pennsylvania ......: 70 61 47 41 : South Dakota ......: 265 250 69 83 Texas .............: 390 410 70 50 Wisconsin .........: 135 130 75 68 : United States .....: 2,555 2,299 831 872 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (NA) Not available. 1/ Forecasted. 2/ Estimates discontinued in 2024. Barley Area Planted and Harvested - States and United States: 2023 and 2024 [Includes area planted in preceding fall] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ : Area planted : Area harvested State :----------------------------------------------------------------------- : 2023 : 2024 : 2023 : 2024 1/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ : 1,000 acres : Alaska ...........: 7 8 6 7 Arizona ..........: 17 15 15 12 California .......: 40 45 19 23 Colorado .........: 54 48 51 42 Delaware .........: 21 21 12 14 Idaho ............: 570 580 540 540 Kansas ...........: 16 18 5 6 Maine ............: 11 12 9 11 Maryland .........: 31 31 13 17 Michigan .........: 7 8 6 5 : Minnesota ........: 60 40 54 25 Montana ..........: 1,190 1,020 1,015 790 New York .........: 9 8 5 5 North Carolina ...: 16 16 10 10 North Dakota .....: 690 360 570 300 Oregon ...........: 41 36 24 19 Pennsylvania .....: 47 40 28 26 South Dakota .....: 38 25 9 9 Utah .............: 16 17 14 11 Virginia .........: 30 24 6 6 : Washington .......: 95 85 84 72 Wisconsin ........: 12 20 2 7 Wyoming ..........: 83 80 58 60 : United States ....: 3,101 2,557 2,555 2,017 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1/ Forecasted. All Wheat Area Planted and Harvested - States and United States: 2023 and 2024 [Includes area planted in preceding fall] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : Area planted : Area harvested State :----------------------------------------------------------------------- : 2023 : 2024 : 2023 : 2024 1/ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : 1,000 acres : Alabama .........: 205 120 145 75 Arizona .........: 38 60 37 59 Arkansas ........: 230 140 165 95 California ......: 338 305 97 98 Colorado ........: 2,300 2,100 1,820 1,830 Delaware ........: 80 70 69 48 Georgia .........: 195 145 85 70 Idaho ...........: 1,170 1,210 1,035 1,130 Illinois ........: 840 770 780 700 Indiana .........: 405 320 335 250 : Kansas ..........: 8,100 7,700 5,750 7,150 Kentucky ........: 610 560 460 410 Maryland ........: 340 325 195 175 Michigan ........: 600 420 560 375 Minnesota .......: 1,300 1,550 1,260 1,500 Mississippi .....: 120 70 95 40 Missouri ........: 780 680 600 520 Montana .........: 5,255 5,280 5,025 5,080 Nebraska ........: 1,130 1,000 880 900 New Jersey 2/ ...: 34 (NA) 32 (NA) : New Mexico ......: 405 380 85 95 New York ........: 150 135 120 100 North Carolina ..: 480 410 400 320 North Dakota ....: 6,610 6,920 6,530 6,730 Ohio ............: 650 530 590 460 Oklahoma ........: 4,550 4,350 2,450 2,700 Oregon ..........: 740 730 725 715 Pennsylvania ....: 280 240 230 160 South Carolina ..: 110 85 95 75 South Dakota ....: 1,660 1,590 1,350 1,450 : Tennessee .......: 470 380 390 310 Texas ...........: 6,400 5,700 2,100 2,450 Utah ............: 105 105 87 90 Virginia ........: 200 150 135 85 Washington ......: 2,300 2,340 2,240 2,275 Wisconsin .......: 280 265 230 190 Wyoming .........: 115 105 90 75 : United States ...: 49,575 47,240 37,272 38,785 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (NA) Not available. 1/ Forecasted. 2/ Estimates discontinued in 2024. Winter Wheat Area Planted and Harvested - States and United States: 2023 and 2024 [Includes area planted in preceding fall] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : Area planted : Area harvested State :----------------------------------------------------------------------- : 2023 : 2024 : 2023 : 2024 1/ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : 1,000 acres : Alabama .........: 205 120 145 75 Arkansas ........: 230 140 165 95 California ......: 320 280 80 75 Colorado ........: 2,300 2,100 1,820 1,830 Delaware ........: 80 70 69 48 Georgia .........: 195 145 85 70 Idaho ...........: 750 750 630 690 Illinois ........: 840 770 780 700 Indiana .........: 405 320 335 250 Kansas ..........: 8,100 7,700 5,750 7,150 : Kentucky ........: 610 560 460 410 Maryland ........: 340 325 195 175 Michigan ........: 600 420 560 375 Mississippi .....: 120 70 95 40 Missouri ........: 780 680 600 520 Montana .........: 1,850 1,950 1,680 1,900 Nebraska ........: 1,130 1,000 880 900 New Jersey 2/ ...: 34 (NA) 32 (NA) New Mexico ......: 405 380 85 95 New York ........: 150 135 120 100 : North Carolina ..: 480 410 400 320 North Dakota ....: 155 120 145 110 Ohio ............: 650 530 590 460 Oklahoma ........: 4,550 4,350 2,450 2,700 Oregon ..........: 740 730 725 715 Pennsylvania ....: 280 240 230 160 South Carolina ..: 110 85 95 75 South Dakota ....: 920 870 700 780 Tennessee .......: 470 380 390 310 Texas ...........: 6,400 5,700 2,100 2,450 : Utah ............: 105 105 87 90 Virginia ........: 200 150 135 85 Washington ......: 1,800 1,850 1,750 1,790 Wisconsin .......: 280 265 230 190 Wyoming .........: 115 105 90 75 : United States ...: 36,699 33,805 24,683 25,808 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (NA) Not available. 1/ Forecasted. 2/ Estimates discontinued in 2024. Durum Wheat Area Planted and Harvested - States and United States: 2023 and 2024 [Includes area planted in preceding fall in Arizona and California] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : Area planted : Area harvested State :----------------------------------------------------------------------- : 2023 : 2024 : 2023 : 2024 1/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : 1,000 acres : Arizona ........: 38 60 37 59 California .....: 18 25 17 23 Idaho 2/ .......: 10 (NA) 10 (NA) Montana ........: 705 880 675 850 North Dakota ...: 905 1,200 865 1,160 : United States ..: 1,676 2,165 1,604 2,092 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (NA) Not available. 1/ Forecasted. 2/ Estimates discontinued in 2024. Other Spring Wheat Area Planted and Harvested - States and United States: 2023 and 2024 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : Area planted : Area harvested State :----------------------------------------------------------------------- : 2023 : 2024 : 2023 : 2024 1/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : 1,000 acres : Idaho ..........: 410 460 395 440 Minnesota ......: 1,300 1,550 1,260 1,500 Montana ........: 2,700 2,450 2,670 2,330 North Dakota ...: 5,550 5,600 5,520 5,460 South Dakota ...: 740 720 650 670 Washington .....: 500 490 490 485 : United States ..: 11,200 11,270 10,985 10,885 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1/ Forecasted. Rye Area Planted and Harvested - States and United States: 2023 and 2024 [Includes area planted in preceding fall] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : Area planted : Area harvested State :----------------------------------------------------------------------- : 2023 : 2024 : 2023 : 2024 1/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : 1,000 acres : Minnesota ......: 75 90 22 45 North Dakota ...: 96 88 63 55 Oklahoma .......: 260 250 45 55 Pennsylvania ...: 185 185 18 22 South Dakota ...: (D) 55 (D) 20 Wisconsin ......: 240 260 15 25 : Other States 2/ : 1,437 1,276 159 156 : United States ..: 2,293 2,204 322 378 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (D) Withheld to avoid disclosing data for individual operations. 1/ Forecasted. 2/ For 2023, other States include Georgia, Illinois, Kansas, Michigan, Nebraska, New York, North Carolina, South Dakota, and Texas. For 2024, other States include Georgia, Illinois, Kansas, Michigan, Nebraska, New York, North Carolina, and Texas. Rice Area Planted and Harvested by Class - States and United States: 2023 and 2024 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Class and State: Area planted : Area harvested :--------------------------------------------------------------- : 2023 : 2024 : 2023 : 2024 1/ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : 1,000 acres : Long grain : Arkansas .......: 1,220 1,320 1,215 1,310 California .....: 10 8 10 8 Louisiana ......: 390 430 387 425 Mississippi ....: 121 160 120 158 Missouri .......: 197 215 193 210 Texas ..........: 125 145 120 140 : United States ..: 2,063 2,278 2,045 2,251 : Medium grain : Arkansas .......: 215 100 201 90 California .....: 490 480 487 477 Louisiana ......: 78 50 75 47 Mississippi ....: - 1 - 1 Missouri .......: 8 9 7 9 Texas ..........: 24 4 23 4 : United States ..: 815 644 793 628 : Short grain 2/ : Arkansas .......: 1 1 1 1 California .....: 15 20 15 20 : United States ..: 16 21 16 21 : All : Arkansas .......: 1,436 1,421 1,417 1,401 California .....: 515 508 512 505 Louisiana ......: 468 480 462 472 Mississippi ....: 121 161 120 159 Missouri .......: 205 224 200 219 Texas ..........: 149 149 143 144 : United States ..: 2,894 2,943 2,854 2,900 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Represents zero. 1/ Forecasted. 2/ Includes sweet rice. Proso Millet Area Planted and Harvested - States and United States: 2023 and 2024 [Blank data cells indicate estimation period has not yet begun] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : Area planted : Area harvested State :--------------------------------------------------------------- : 2023 : 2024 : 2023 : 2024 1/ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : 1,000 acres : Colorado .......: 390 270 370 Nebraska .......: 155 145 138 South Dakota ...: 74 35 64 : United States ..: 619 450 572 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1/ Estimates to be released January 2025 in the "Crop Production Summary." Hay Area Harvested by Type - States and United States: 2023 and 2024 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ : All hay : Alfalfa and : All other : : alfalfa mixtures : : State :----------------------------------------------------------------------- : 2023 : 2024 1/ : 2023 : 2024 1/ : 2023 : 2024 1/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ : 1,000 acres : Alabama 2/ .......: 680 690 (NA) (NA) 680 690 Alaska 2/ ........: 20 21 (NA) (NA) 20 21 Arizona ..........: 345 360 280 300 65 60 Arkansas 3/ ......: 1,162 1,220 2 (NA) 1,160 1,220 California .......: 830 910 480 480 350 430 Colorado .........: 1,220 1,300 650 700 570 600 Connecticut ......: 53 51 5 7 48 44 Delaware .........: 12 13 4 3 8 10 Florida 2/ .......: 320 300 (NA) (NA) 320 300 Georgia 2/ .......: 510 550 (NA) (NA) 510 550 : Idaho ............: 1,300 1,290 1,000 970 300 320 Illinois .........: 410 480 180 220 230 260 Indiana ..........: 530 530 270 260 260 270 Iowa .............: 1,010 1,040 750 720 260 320 Kansas ...........: 2,795 2,340 735 610 2,060 1,730 Kentucky .........: 2,070 2,110 90 80 1,980 2,030 Louisiana 2/ .....: 390 430 (NA) (NA) 390 430 Maine ............: 128 139 8 9 120 130 Maryland .........: 205 195 45 40 160 155 Massachusetts ....: 54 50 4 4 50 46 : Michigan .........: 780 780 550 550 230 230 Minnesota ........: 1,070 1,170 660 680 410 490 Mississippi 2/ ...: 580 580 (NA) (NA) 580 580 Missouri .........: 3,855 2,930 205 230 3,650 2,700 Montana ..........: 2,700 2,930 1,650 1,830 1,050 1,100 Nebraska .........: 2,285 2,570 850 930 1,435 1,640 Nevada ...........: 380 360 240 220 140 140 New Hampshire ....: 41 40 5 5 36 35 New Jersey .......: 97 96 12 13 85 83 New Mexico .......: 265 250 155 130 110 120 : New York .........: 1,120 1,140 200 200 920 940 North Carolina ...: 657 646 7 6 650 640 North Dakota .....: 2,790 2,200 1,530 1,200 1,260 1,000 Ohio .............: 810 810 290 290 520 520 Oklahoma .........: 4,075 3,300 175 200 3,900 3,100 Oregon ...........: 900 960 320 350 580 610 Pennsylvania .....: 1,200 1,220 270 270 930 950 Rhode Island .....: 6 6 1 1 5 5 South Carolina 2/ : 260 260 (NA) (NA) 260 260 South Dakota .....: 2,955 2,950 1,690 1,650 1,265 1,300 : Tennessee ........: 1,716 1,692 16 12 1,700 1,680 Texas ............: 4,685 4,990 85 90 4,600 4,900 Utah .............: 660 685 490 515 170 170 Vermont ..........: 165 160 15 15 150 145 Virginia .........: 1,155 1,135 35 35 1,120 1,100 Washington .......: 840 770 440 440 400 330 West Virginia ....: 610 597 10 7 600 590 Wisconsin ........: 1,030 1,210 640 800 390 410 Wyoming ..........: 1,090 1,075 590 555 500 520 : United States ....: 52,821 51,531 15,634 15,627 37,187 35,904 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (NA) Not available. 1/ Forecasted. 2/ Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures are included in all other hay. 3/ Beginning in 2024, alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures are included in all other hay. Soybean Area Planted and Harvested - States and United States: 2023 and 2024 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : Area planted : Area harvested State :--------------------------------------------------------------- : 2023 : 2024 : 2023 : 2024 1/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : 1,000 acres : Alabama ..........: 350 350 345 345 Arkansas .........: 2,980 3,050 2,950 3,020 Delaware .........: 150 155 148 153 Georgia ..........: 160 160 155 155 Illinois .........: 10,350 10,700 10,300 10,650 Indiana ..........: 5,500 5,750 5,480 5,730 Iowa .............: 9,950 9,900 9,880 9,820 Kansas ...........: 4,430 4,550 4,030 4,500 Kentucky .........: 1,830 2,050 1,820 2,040 Louisiana ........: 1,030 1,170 980 1,130 : Maryland .........: 470 480 460 470 Michigan .........: 2,040 2,250 2,030 2,240 Minnesota ........: 7,350 7,600 7,280 7,530 Mississippi ......: 2,180 2,250 2,130 2,210 Missouri .........: 5,600 5,600 5,520 5,530 Nebraska .........: 5,250 5,300 5,180 5,250 New Jersey .......: 100 110 98 108 New York .........: 350 345 340 340 North Carolina ...: 1,640 1,550 1,630 1,540 North Dakota .....: 6,200 6,800 6,160 6,750 : Ohio .............: 4,750 4,850 4,730 4,830 Oklahoma .........: 460 460 410 410 Pennsylvania .....: 570 610 560 600 South Carolina ...: 395 380 385 370 South Dakota .....: 5,100 5,100 5,070 5,050 Tennessee ........: 1,600 1,700 1,570 1,670 Texas ............: 125 100 85 80 Virginia .........: 580 630 570 620 Wisconsin ........: 2,110 2,150 2,060 2,120 : United States ....: 83,600 86,100 82,356 85,261 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1/ Forecasted. Percent of Soybean Acreage Planted Following Another Harvested Crop - Selected States and United States: 2020-2024 [Data as obtained from survey results. These data do not represent official estimates of the Agricultural Statistics Board but provide raw data as obtained from survey respondents. The purpose of these data is to portray trends in soybean production practices] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- State : 2020 : 2021 : 2022 : 2023 : 2024 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : : percent Alabama ..........: 23 37 21 36 11 Arkansas .........: 2 4 4 3 1 Delaware .........: 26 24 27 21 (Z) Georgia ..........: 22 49 16 9 9 Illinois .........: 4 4 5 5 4 Indiana ..........: 5 5 2 2 4 Kansas ...........: 13 7 8 12 10 Kentucky .........: 21 17 18 26 22 Louisiana ........: 3 (Z) 6 (Z) (Z) Maryland .........: 32 26 12 26 30 : Mississippi ......: 1 2 2 2 (Z) Missouri .........: 6 6 6 9 11 New Jersey .......: 14 4 3 18 16 North Carolina ...: 27 43 23 19 25 Ohio .............: 3 1 2 1 1 Oklahoma .........: 24 52 37 33 32 Pennsylvania .....: 20 27 26 20 21 South Carolina ...: 23 18 15 5 5 Tennessee ........: 9 27 21 25 14 : Texas ............: 10 (Z) (Z) 9 19 Virginia .........: 28 25 17 15 16 : United States ....: 5 5 4 4 4 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Z) Less than half of the unit shown. Peanut Area Planted and Harvested - States and United States: 2023 and 2024 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : Area planted : Area harvested State :--------------------------------------------------------------- : 2023 : 2024 : 2023 : 2024 1/ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : 1,000 acres : Alabama ........: 175.0 170.0 171.0 167.0 Arkansas .......: 35.0 35.0 34.0 34.0 Florida ........: 160.0 170.0 152.0 161.0 Georgia ........: 775.0 850.0 770.0 845.0 Mississippi ....: 18.0 21.0 16.0 20.0 Missouri 2/ ....: (NA) 22.0 (NA) 21.0 New Mexico 3/ ..: 11.0 (NA) 10.0 (NA) North Carolina .: 124.0 125.0 123.0 124.0 Oklahoma .......: 16.0 15.0 15.0 14.0 South Carolina .: 77.0 85.0 74.0 82.0 Texas ..........: 225.0 240.0 180.0 210.0 Virginia .......: 29.0 24.0 29.0 24.0 : United States ..: 1,645.0 1,757.0 1,574.0 1,702.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (NA) Not available. 1/ Forecasted. 2/ Estimates began in 2024. 3/ Estimates discontinued in 2024. Sunflower Area Planted and Harvested by Type - States and United States: 2023 and 2024 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : Area planted : Area harvested Varietal type :--------------------------------------------------------------- and State : 2023 : 2024 : 2023 : 2024 1/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : 1,000 acres : Oil : California .......: 28.0 19.0 27.5 18.5 Colorado .........: 26.0 25.0 24.0 22.0 Kansas ...........: 28.0 22.0 26.0 21.0 Minnesota ........: 49.0 45.0 48.0 44.0 Nebraska .........: 31.0 30.0 30.0 28.0 North Dakota .....: 500.0 330.0 490.0 320.0 South Dakota .....: 455.0 280.0 440.0 270.0 Texas ............: 44.0 14.0 40.0 13.0 : United States ....: 1,161.0 765.0 1,125.5 736.5 : Non-oil : California .......: 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 Colorado .........: 8.0 5.0 5.0 4.0 Kansas ...........: 6.0 4.0 5.0 4.0 Minnesota ........: 9.5 5.0 9.0 4.6 Nebraska .........: 8.5 5.0 7.5 5.0 North Dakota .....: 75.0 75.0 72.0 72.0 South Dakota .....: 40.0 35.0 38.0 33.0 Texas ............: 6.5 4.0 5.0 3.0 : United States ....: 154.0 133.5 142.0 126.1 : All : California .......: 28.5 19.5 28.0 19.0 Colorado .........: 34.0 30.0 29.0 26.0 Kansas ...........: 34.0 26.0 31.0 25.0 Minnesota ........: 58.5 50.0 57.0 48.6 Nebraska .........: 39.5 35.0 37.5 33.0 North Dakota .....: 575.0 405.0 562.0 392.0 South Dakota .....: 495.0 315.0 478.0 303.0 Texas ............: 50.5 18.0 45.0 16.0 : United States ....: 1,315.0 898.5 1,267.5 862.6 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1/ Forecasted. Canola Area Planted and Harvested - States and United States: 2023 and 2024 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : Area planted : Area harvested State :--------------------------------------------------------------- : 2023 : 2024 : 2023 : 2024 1/ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : 1,000 acres : Idaho 2/ .......: (NA) 95.0 (NA) 93.0 Kansas .........: 1.5 8.5 0.7 7.0 Minnesota ......: 80.0 93.0 79.0 90.0 Montana ........: 165.0 200.0 160.0 190.0 North Dakota ...: 1,930.0 2,050.0 1,915.0 2,030.0 Oklahoma .......: 3.0 21.0 1.5 14.0 Washington .....: 165.0 195.0 163.0 192.0 : United States ..: 2,344.5 2,662.5 2,319.2 2,616.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (NA) Not available. 1/ Forecasted. 2/ Estimates began in 2024. Flaxseed Area Planted and Harvested - States and United States: 2023 and 2024 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : Area planted : Area harvested State :--------------------------------------------------------------- : 2023 : 2024 : 2023 : 2024 1/ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : 1,000 acres : Montana ........: 68 45 57 39 North Dakota ...: 110 95 103 86 : United States ..: 178 140 160 125 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1/ Forecasted. Other Oilseeds Area Planted and Harvested - United States: 2023 and 2024 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : Area planted : Area harvested Crop :--------------------------------------------------------------- : 2023 : 2024 : 2023 : 2024 1/ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : 1,000 acres : Rapeseed 2/ ....: 13.2 20.2 10.1 18.3 Mustard seed 3/ : 245.0 218.0 238.1 203.5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1/ Forecasted. 2/ For 2023, rapeseed program States include Delaware, Idaho, Kentucky, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Virginia. For 2024, rapeseed program States include Idaho, Indiana, Kentucky, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Virginia, and Washington. 3/ For 2023, mustard seed program States include Idaho, Montana, and North Dakota. For 2024, mustard seed program States include Idaho, Montana, North Dakota, Oregon, and Washington. Safflower Area Planted and Harvested - States and United States: 2023 and 2024 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : Area planted : Area harvested State :--------------------------------------------------------------- : 2023 : 2024 : 2023 : 2024 1/ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : 1,000 acres : California .....: 22.0 25.0 21.5 24.5 Colorado 2/ ....: (NA) 10.0 (NA) 9.0 Idaho ..........: 26.0 30.0 25.5 29.0 Montana ........: 47.0 38.0 46.0 33.0 South Dakota ...: 17.0 12.0 16.5 10.5 Utah ...........: 17.5 12.0 16.5 11.0 : United States ..: 129.5 127.0 126.0 117.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (NA) Not available. 1/ Forecasted. 2/ Estimates began in 2024. Cotton Area Planted and Harvested by Type - States and United States: 2023 and 2024 [Blank data cells indicate estimation period has not yet begun] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Type and State : Area planted : Area harvested :--------------------------------------------------------------- : 2023 : 2024 : 2023 : 2024 1/ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : 1,000 acres Upland : Alabama .........: 380.0 450.0 374.0 Arizona .........: 76.0 100.0 75.0 Arkansas ........: 510.0 670.0 505.0 California ......: 13.0 18.0 12.8 Florida .........: 89.0 90.0 87.0 Georgia .........: 1,110.0 1,100.0 1,100.0 Kansas ..........: 112.0 110.0 94.0 Louisiana .......: 120.0 120.0 115.0 Mississippi .....: 400.0 520.0 395.0 Missouri ........: 335.0 400.0 330.0 : New Mexico ......: 32.0 20.0 17.0 North Carolina ..: 380.0 410.0 370.0 Oklahoma ........: 420.0 460.0 180.0 South Carolina ..: 210.0 240.0 207.0 Tennessee .......: 265.0 300.0 260.0 Texas ...........: 5,550.0 6,400.0 2,100.0 Virginia ........: 81.0 80.0 80.0 : United States ...: 10,083.0 11,488.0 6,301.8 : American Pima : Arizona .........: 16.0 12.0 16.0 California ......: 85.0 130.0 82.0 New Mexico ......: 17.0 10.0 16.8 Texas ...........: 29.0 30.0 23.0 : United States ...: 147.0 182.0 137.8 : All : Alabama .........: 380.0 450.0 374.0 Arizona .........: 92.0 112.0 91.0 Arkansas ........: 510.0 670.0 505.0 California ......: 98.0 148.0 94.8 Florida .........: 89.0 90.0 87.0 Georgia .........: 1,110.0 1,100.0 1,100.0 Kansas ..........: 112.0 110.0 94.0 Louisiana .......: 120.0 120.0 115.0 Mississippi .....: 400.0 520.0 395.0 Missouri ........: 335.0 400.0 330.0 : New Mexico ......: 49.0 30.0 33.8 North Carolina ..: 380.0 410.0 370.0 Oklahoma ........: 420.0 460.0 180.0 South Carolina ..: 210.0 240.0 207.0 Tennessee .......: 265.0 300.0 260.0 Texas ...........: 5,579.0 6,430.0 2,123.0 Virginia ........: 81.0 80.0 80.0 : United States ...: 10,230.0 11,670.0 6,439.6 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1/ Estimates to be released August 2024 in the "Crop Production" report. Sugarbeet Area Planted and Harvested - States and United States: 2023 and 2024 [Relates to year of intended harvest in all States except California] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : Area planted : Area harvested State :------------------------------------------------------------------- : 2023 : 2024 : 2023 : 2024 1/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : 1,000 acres : California 2/ : 23.0 23.0 22.6 22.6 Colorado .....: 23.2 25.0 21.3 24.1 Idaho ........: 175.0 177.0 174.0 174.0 Michigan .....: 133.0 135.0 132.0 134.0 Minnesota ....: 442.0 423.0 438.0 412.0 Montana ......: 23.7 24.0 23.3 23.5 Nebraska .....: 46.7 47.0 46.6 46.0 North Dakota .: 229.0 211.0 228.0 208.0 Oregon .......: 10.8 11.0 10.7 10.9 Washington ...: 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 Wyoming ......: 29.0 32.0 28.8 31.5 : United States : 1,137.4 1,110.0 1,127.3 1,088.6 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1/ Forecasted. 2/ Relates to year of planting for overwintered beets in southern California. Sugarcane for Sugar and Seed Area Harvested - States and United States: 2023 and 2024 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : Area harvested State :------------------------------------------------------------------- : 2023 : 2024 1/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : 1,000 acres : Florida ..................: 407.6 394.0 Louisiana ................: 505.5 515.0 Texas 2/ .................: 16.5 (NA) : United States ............: 929.6 909.0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (NA) Not available. 1/ Forecasted. 2/ Estimates discontinued in 2024. Tobacco Area Harvested - States and United States: 2023 and 2024 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : Area harvested State :------------------------------------------------------------------- : 2023 : 2024 1/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : acres : Georgia 2/ ...............: 6,300 (NA) Kentucky .................: 36,800 31,800 North Carolina ...........: 113,120 114,000 Pennsylvania 2/ ..........: 3,140 (NA) South Carolina 2/ ........: 5,900 (NA) Tennessee ................: 9,300 6,100 Virginia .................: 13,070 12,000 : United States ............: 187,630 163,900 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (NA) Not available. 1/ Forecasted. 2/ Estimates discontinued in 2024. Tobacco Area Harvested by Class and Type - States and United States: 2023 and 2024 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : Area harvested Class and type :----------------------------------------------------- : 2023 : 2024 1/ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : acres : Class 1, Flue-cured (11-14) : Georgia 2/ ..............................: 6,300 (NA) North Carolina ..........................: 113,000 114,000 South Carolina 2/ .......................: 5,900 (NA) Virginia ................................: 12,800 12,000 : United States ...........................: 138,000 126,000 : Class 2, Fire-cured (21-23) : Kentucky ................................: 6,300 5,600 Tennessee ...............................: 5,100 3,200 Virginia 2/ .............................: 100 (NA) : United States ...........................: 11,500 8,800 : Class 3A, Light air-cured (31-32) : Type 31, Burley : Kentucky ..............................: 27,000 23,000 North Carolina 2/ .....................: 120 (NA) Pennsylvania 2/ .......................: 1,100 (NA) Tennessee .............................: 3,000 2,000 Virginia 2/ ...........................: 170 (NA) : United States .........................: 31,390 25,000 : Type 32, Southern Maryland Belt 2/ : Pennsylvania ..........................: 40 (NA) : United States .........................: 40 (NA) : Total light air-cured (31-32) ........ : 31,430 25,000 : Class 3B, Dark air-cured (35-37) : Kentucky ................................: 3,500 3,200 Tennessee ...............................: 1,200 900 : United States ...........................: 4,700 4,100 : Class 4, Cigar filler 2/ : Type 41, Pennsylvania Seedleaf : Pennsylvania ..........................: 2,000 (NA) : United States .........................: 2,000 (NA) : All tobacco : United States ...........................: 187,630 163,900 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (NA) Not available. 1/ Forecasted. 2/ Estimates discontinued in 2024. Dry Edible Bean Area Planted and Harvested - States and United States: 2023 and 2024 [Excludes beans grown for garden seed and chickpeas] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : Area planted : Area harvested State :------------------------------------------------------------------- : 2023 : 2024 : 2023 : 2024 1/ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : 1,000 acres : California 2/ ....: 16.0 (NA) 15.6 (NA) Colorado .........: 33.0 33.0 29.7 30.5 Idaho ............: 35.0 36.0 34.7 35.0 Michigan .........: 210.0 240.0 208.0 237.0 Minnesota ........: 210.0 250.0 207.0 243.0 Nebraska .........: 100.0 105.0 92.0 98.0 North Dakota .....: 530.0 650.0 525.0 630.0 Washington .......: 32.0 45.0 31.6 44.5 Wyoming 2/ .......: 14.0 (NA) 13.3 (NA) : United States ....: 1,180.0 1,359.0 1,156.9 1,318.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (NA) Not available. 1/ Forecasted. 2/ Estimates discontinued in 2024. Chickpea Area Planted and Harvested - States and United States: 2023 and 2024 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : Area planted : Area harvested Size and State :--------------------------------------------------------------- : 2023 : 2024 : 2023 : 2024 1/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : 1,000 acres : Small chickpeas 2/ : California 3/ ................: (D) (NA) (D) (NA) Idaho ........................: 23.0 38.0 22.6 37.5 Montana ......................: 41.0 65.0 34.5 60.0 North Dakota .................: (D) 8.0 (D) 7.8 Washington ...................: 33.0 34.0 32.9 33.9 : Other States 4/ ..............: 8.4 - 8.2 - : United States ................: 105.4 145.0 98.2 139.2 : Large chickpeas 5/ : California 3/ ................: (D) (NA) (D) (NA) Idaho ........................: 49.0 52.0 46.6 51.5 Montana ......................: 133.0 169.0 130.0 160.0 North Dakota .................: (D) 46.0 (D) 45.7 Washington ...................: 67.0 90.0 66.5 89.5 : Other States 4/ ..............: 18.0 - 17.9 - : United States ................: 267.0 357.0 261.0 346.7 : All chickpeas : California 3/ ................: 4.4 (NA) 4.4 (NA) Idaho ........................: 72.0 90.0 69.2 89.0 Montana ......................: 174.0 234.0 164.5 220.0 North Dakota .................: 22.0 54.0 21.7 53.5 Washington ...................: 100.0 124.0 99.4 123.4 : United States ................: 372.4 502.0 359.2 485.9 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Represents zero. (D) Withheld to avoid disclosing data for individual operations. (NA) Not available. 1/ Forecasted. 2/ Chickpeas 20/64 inches or smaller. 3/ Estimates discontinued in 2024. 4/ Includes data withheld above. 5/ Chickpeas larger than 20/64 inches. Lentil Area Planted and Harvested - States and United States: 2023 and 2024 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : Area planted : Area harvested State :--------------------------------------------------------------- : 2023 : 2024 : 2023 : 2024 1/ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : 1,000 acres : Idaho 2/ .......: 18.0 (NA) 17.0 (NA) Montana ........: 390.0 650.0 373.0 610.0 North Dakota ...: 93.0 140.0 89.0 135.0 Washington .....: 45.0 46.0 44.0 45.0 : United States ..: 546.0 836.0 523.0 790.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (NA) Not available. 1/ Forecasted. 2/ Estimates discontinued in 2024. Dry Edible Pea Area Planted and Harvested - States and United States: 2023 and 2024 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ : Area planted : Area harvested State :------------------------------------------------------------------- : 2023 : 2024 : 2023 : 2024 1/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ : 1,000 acres : Idaho ..........: 19.0 18.0 18.0 17.0 Montana ........: 580.0 620.0 570.0 590.0 Nebraska .......: 21.0 27.0 19.0 24.0 North Dakota ...: 270.0 310.0 261.0 300.0 South Dakota 2/ : 14.0 (NA) 12.0 (NA) Washington .....: 62.0 58.0 61.0 57.0 : United States ..: 966.0 1,033.0 941.0 988.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (NA) Not available. 1/ Forecasted. 2/ Estimates discontinued in 2024. Potato Area Planted and Harvested - States and United States: 2023 and 2024 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : Area planted : Area harvested State :----------------------------------------------------------- : 2023 : 2024 : 2023 : 2024 1/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : 1,000 acres : California ...........: 23.0 22.0 22.9 21.8 Colorado .............: 55.0 54.0 54.8 53.8 Florida ..............: 21.0 19.0 20.9 18.7 Idaho ................: 330.0 325.0 329.5 324.5 Maine ................: 53.0 53.0 52.6 52.5 Michigan .............: 50.0 53.0 49.5 52.0 Minnesota ............: 46.0 46.0 45.6 45.5 Nebraska .............: 22.0 21.0 21.9 20.9 : North Dakota .........: 76.0 74.0 75.0 72.5 Oregon ...............: 45.0 42.0 45.0 42.0 Texas ................: 16.0 15.0 15.5 14.5 Washington ...........: 160.0 150.0 159.5 149.5 Wisconsin ............: 68.0 67.0 67.5 66.0 : United States ........: 965.0 941.0 960.2 934.2 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1/ Forecasted. Biotechnology Varieties The National Agricultural Statistics Service conducts the June Agricultural Survey in all States each year. Randomly selected farmers across the United States were asked if they planted corn, soybeans, or Upland cotton seed that, through biotechnology, is resistant to herbicides, insects, or both. Conventionally bred herbicide resistant varieties are excluded. Insect resistant varieties include only those containing bacillus thuringiensis (Bt). The Bt varieties include those that contain more than one gene that can resist different types of insects. Stacked gene varieties include only those containing biotech traits for both herbicide and insect resistance. The States published individually in the following tables represent 86 percent of all corn planted acres, 88 percent of all soybean planted acres, and 90 percent of all Upland cotton planted acres. Corn Biotechnology Varieties as a Percent of All Corn Planted - States and United States: 2023 and 2024 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : Insect resistant : Herbicide resistant State :--------------------------------------------------------------------- : 2023 : 2024 : 2023 : 2024 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : percent : Illinois .......: 3 3 5 3 Indiana ........: 1 2 8 4 Iowa ...........: 3 4 11 7 Kansas .........: 1 3 8 6 Michigan .......: 2 1 9 8 Minnesota ......: 2 2 8 4 Missouri .......: 3 2 5 5 Nebraska .......: 2 3 5 8 North Dakota ...: 1 4 10 11 Ohio ...........: 2 2 12 9 : South Dakota ...: 2 2 5 4 Texas ..........: 3 8 9 14 Wisconsin ......: 2 2 11 10 : Other States 1/ : 4 4 13 14 : United States ..: 3 3 9 7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : Stacked gene varieties : All biotech varieties 2/ State :--------------------------------------------------------------------- : 2023 : 2024 : 2023 : 2024 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : percent : Illinois .......: 87 87 95 93 Indiana ........: 78 85 87 91 Iowa ...........: 81 84 95 95 Kansas .........: 86 87 95 96 Michigan .......: 81 82 92 91 Minnesota ......: 83 88 93 94 Missouri .......: 86 85 94 92 Nebraska .......: 87 85 94 96 North Dakota ...: 85 81 96 96 Ohio ...........: 76 81 90 92 : South Dakota ...: 87 90 94 96 Texas ..........: 83 68 95 90 Wisconsin ......: 80 82 93 94 : Other States 1/ : 73 72 90 91 : United States ..: 82 83 93 94 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1/ Other States includes all other States in the corn estimating program. 2/ All biotech varieties for the United States and Other States may not add due to rounding. Upland Cotton Biotechnology Varieties as a Percent of Upland Cotton Planted - States and United States: 2023 and 2024 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : Insect resistant : Herbicide resistant State :--------------------------------------------------------------------- : 2023 : 2024 : 2023 : 2024 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : percent : Alabama ........: 4 3 3 2 Arkansas .......: 16 15 13 7 California .....: 4 9 28 18 Georgia ........: 5 4 3 1 Louisiana ......: 2 3 2 3 Mississippi ....: 2 2 3 2 Missouri .......: 4 4 20 8 North Carolina .: 3 6 7 6 Tennessee ......: 1 1 - 3 Texas ..........: 2 2 9 7 : Other States 1/ : 1 5 6 10 : United States ..: 3 3 8 6 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : Stacked gene varieties : All biotech varieties 2/ State :--------------------------------------------------------------------- : 2023 : 2024 : 2023 : 2024 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : percent : Alabama ........: 92 94 99 99 Arkansas .......: 70 77 99 99 California .....: 60 65 92 92 Georgia ........: 91 94 99 99 Louisiana ......: 95 92 99 98 Mississippi ....: 94 95 99 99 Missouri .......: 75 87 99 99 North Carolina .: 86 82 96 94 Tennessee ......: 96 86 97 90 Texas ..........: 85 87 96 96 : Other States 1/ : 90 84 97 99 : United States ..: 86 87 97 96 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Represents zero. 1/ Other States includes all other States in the Upland cotton estimating program. 2/ All biotech varieties for the United States and Other States may not add due to rounding. Soybean Biotechnology Varieties as a Percent of All Soybeans Planted - States and United States: 2023 and 2024 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : Herbicide resistant : All biotech varieties State :--------------------------------------------------------------------- : 2023 : 2024 : 2023 : 2024 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : percent : Arkansas .......: 98 98 98 98 Illinois .......: 95 95 95 95 Indiana ........: 94 96 94 96 Iowa ...........: 97 98 97 98 Kansas .........: 93 95 93 95 Michigan .......: 93 92 93 92 Minnesota ......: 96 96 96 96 Mississippi ....: 99 99 99 99 Missouri .......: 95 97 95 97 Nebraska .......: 93 95 93 95 : North Dakota ...: 96 96 96 96 Ohio ...........: 94 98 94 98 South Dakota ...: 96 97 96 97 Wisconsin ......: 91 95 91 95 : Other States 1/ : 93 93 93 93 : United States ..: 95 96 95 96 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1/ Other States includes all other States in the soybean estimating program. This page intentionally left blank. Crop Area Planted and Harvested, Yield, and Production in Domestic Units - United States: 2023 and 2024 [Data are the latest estimates available, either from the current report or from previous reports. Current year estimates are for the full 2024 crop year. Blank data cells indicate estimation period has not yet begun] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ : Area planted : Area harvested Crop :------------------------------------------------------- : 2023 : 2024 : 2023 : 2024 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ : 1,000 acres : Grains and hay : Barley .................................: 3,101 2,557 2,555 2,017 Corn for grain 1/ ......................: 94,641 91,475 86,513 83,438 Corn for silage ........................: (NA) 6,471 Hay, all ...............................: (NA) (NA) 52,821 51,531 Alfalfa ..............................: (NA) (NA) 15,634 15,627 All other ............................: (NA) (NA) 37,187 35,904 Oats ...................................: 2,555 2,299 831 872 Proso millet ...........................: 619 450 572 Rice ...................................: 2,894 2,943 2,854 2,900 Rye ....................................: 2,293 2,204 322 378 Sorghum for grain 1/ ...................: 7,195 6,405 6,115 5,390 Sorghum for silage .....................: (NA) 384 Wheat, all .............................: 49,575 47,240 37,272 38,785 Winter ...............................: 36,699 33,805 24,683 25,808 Durum ................................: 1,676 2,165 1,604 2,092 Other spring .........................: 11,200 11,270 10,985 10,885 : Oilseeds : Canola .................................: 2,344.5 2,662.5 2,319.2 2,616.0 Cottonseed .............................: (X) (X) Flaxseed ...............................: 178 140 160 125 Mustard seed ...........................: 245.0 218.0 238.1 203.5 Peanuts ................................: 1,645.0 1,757.0 1,574.0 1,702.0 Rapeseed ...............................: 13.2 20.2 10.1 18.3 Safflower ..............................: 129.5 127.0 126.0 117.0 Soybeans for beans .....................: 83,600 86,100 82,356 85,261 Sunflower ..............................: 1,315.0 898.5 1,267.5 862.6 : Cotton, tobacco, and sugar crops : Cotton, all ............................: 10,230.0 11,670.0 6,439.6 Upland ...............................: 10,083.0 11,488.0 6,301.8 American Pima ........................: 147.0 182.0 137.8 Sugarbeets .............................: 1,137.4 1,110.0 1,127.3 1,088.6 Sugarcane ..............................: (NA) (NA) 929.6 909.0 Tobacco ................................: (NA) (NA) 187.6 163.9 : Dry beans, peas, and lentils : Chickpeas ..............................: 372.4 502.0 359.2 485.9 Dry edible beans .......................: 1,180.0 1,359.0 1,156.9 1,318.0 Dry edible peas ........................: 966.0 1,033.0 941.0 988.0 Lentils ................................: 546.0 836.0 523.0 790.0 : Potatoes and miscellaneous : Hops ...................................: (NA) (NA) 54.3 44.5 Maple syrup ............................: (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) Mushrooms ..............................: (NA) (NA) Peppermint oil .........................: (NA) 31.3 Potatoes ...............................: 965.0 941.0 960.2 934.2 Spearmint oil ..........................: (NA) 12.2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ See footnote(s) at end of table. --continued Crop Area Planted and Harvested, Yield, and Production in Domestic Units - United States: 2023 and 2024 (continued) [Data are the latest estimates available, either from the current report or from previous reports. Current year estimates are for the full 2024 crop year. Blank data cells indicate estimation period has not yet begun] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ : Yield per acre : Production Crop :------------------------------------------------------- : 2023 : 2024 : 2023 : 2024 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ : --------- 1,000 -------- : Grains and hay : Barley ..........................bushels: 72.4 185,036 Corn for grain ..................bushels: 177.3 15,341,595 Corn for silage ....................tons: 20.1 129,994 Hay, all ...........................tons: 2.25 118,769 Alfalfa ..........................tons: 3.19 49,916 All other ........................tons: 1.85 68,853 Oats ............................bushels: 68.6 57,045 Proso millet ....................bushels: 34.2 19,572 Rice 2/ .............................cwt: 7,649 218,291 Rye .............................bushels: 32.2 10,375 Sorghum for grain ...............bushels: 52.0 317,745 Sorghum for silage .................tons: 13.0 4,981 Wheat, all ......................bushels: 48.6 1,811,977 Winter ........................bushels: 50.6 51.4 1,247,748 1,294,885 Durum .........................bushels: 37.0 59,329 Other spring ..................bushels: 46.0 504,900 : Oilseeds : Canola ...........................pounds: 1,793 4,157,420 Cottonseed .........................tons: (X) 3,644.0 Flaxseed ........................bushels: 18.5 2,961 Mustard seed .....................pounds: 627 149,305 Peanuts ..........................pounds: 3,742 5,890,020 Rapeseed .........................pounds: 2,003 20,230 Safflower ........................pounds: 1,036 130,570 Soybeans for beans ..............bushels: 50.6 4,164,677 Sunflower ........................pounds: 1,786 2,263,520 : Cotton, tobacco, and sugar crops : Cotton, all 2/ ....................bales: 899 12,066.0 Upland 2/ .......................bales: 895 11,750.0 American Pima 2/ ................bales: 1,101 316.0 Sugarbeets .........................tons: 31.2 35,226 Sugarcane ..........................tons: 36.3 33,766 Tobacco ..........................pounds: 2,305 432,452 : Dry beans, peas, and lentils : Chickpeas, all 2/ ...................cwt: 1,315 4,722 Dry edible beans 2/ .................cwt: 2,067 23,910 Dry edible peas 2/ ..................cwt: 1,922 18,086 Lentils 2/ ..........................cwt: 1,098 5,742 : Potatoes and miscellaneous : Hops .............................pounds: 1,915 104,042.5 Maple syrup .....................gallons: (NA) (NA) 4,843 5,860 Mushrooms ........................pounds: (NA) 666,647 Peppermint oil ...................pounds: 90 2,811 Potatoes ............................cwt: 459 440,750 Spearmint oil ....................pounds: 126 1,541 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (NA) Not available. (X) Not applicable. 1/ Area planted for all purposes. 2/ Yield in pounds. Crop Area Planted and Harvested, Yield, and Production in Metric Units - United States: 2023 and 2024 [Data are the latest estimates available, either from the current report or from previous reports. Current year estimates are for the full 2024 crop year. Blank data cells indicate estimation period has not yet begun] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : Area planted : Area harvested Crop :------------------------------------------------------- : 2023 : 2024 : 2023 : 2024 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : hectares : Grains and hay : Barley .........................: 1,254,940 1,034,790 1,033,980 816,260 Corn for grain 1/ ..............: 38,300,270 37,019,020 35,010,950 33,766,520 Corn for silage ................: (NA) 2,618,750 Hay, all 2/ ....................: (NA) (NA) 21,376,130 20,854,080 Alfalfa ......................: (NA) (NA) 6,326,920 6,324,090 All other ....................: (NA) (NA) 15,049,210 14,529,990 Oats ...........................: 1,033,980 930,380 336,300 352,890 Proso millet ...................: 250,500 182,110 231,480 Rice ...........................: 1,171,170 1,191,000 1,154,990 1,173,600 Rye ............................: 927,950 891,940 130,310 152,970 Sorghum for grain 1/ ...........: 2,911,740 2,592,040 2,474,680 2,181,280 Sorghum for silage .............: (NA) 155,400 Wheat, all 2/ ..................: 20,062,510 19,117,560 15,083,610 15,695,900 Winter .......................: 14,851,720 13,680,550 9,988,960 10,444,240 Durum ........................: 678,260 876,150 649,120 846,610 Other spring .................: 4,532,530 4,560,860 4,445,520 4,405,050 : Oilseeds : Canola .........................: 948,800 1,077,490 938,560 1,058,670 Cottonseed .....................: (X) (X) Flaxseed .......................: 72,030 56,660 64,750 50,590 Mustard seed ...................: 99,150 88,220 96,360 82,350 Peanuts ........................: 665,720 711,040 636,980 688,780 Rapeseed .......................: 5,340 8,170 4,090 7,410 Safflower ......................: 52,410 51,400 50,990 47,350 Soybeans for beans .............: 33,832,080 34,843,810 33,328,650 34,504,270 Sunflower ......................: 532,170 363,610 512,940 349,090 : Cotton, tobacco, and sugar crops: Cotton, all 2/ .................: 4,139,980 4,722,730 2,606,040 Upland .......................: 4,080,490 4,649,080 2,550,280 American Pima ................: 59,490 73,650 55,770 Sugarbeets .....................: 460,290 449,210 456,210 440,550 Sugarcane ......................: (NA) (NA) 376,200 367,860 Tobacco ........................: (NA) (NA) 75,930 66,330 : Dry beans, peas, and lentils : Chickpeas ......................: 150,710 203,150 145,360 196,640 Dry edible beans ...............: 477,530 549,970 468,190 533,380 Dry edible peas ................: 390,930 418,040 380,810 399,830 Lentils ........................: 220,960 338,320 211,650 319,710 : Potatoes and miscellaneous : Hops ...........................: (NA) (NA) 21,980 18,030 Maple syrup ....................: (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) Mushrooms ......................: (NA) (NA) Peppermint oil .................: (NA) 12,670 Potatoes .......................: 390,530 380,810 388,580 378,060 Spearmint oil ..................: (NA) 4,940 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- See footnote(s) at end of table. --continued Crop Area Planted and Harvested, Yield, and Production in Metric Units - United States: 2023 and 2024 (continued) [Data are the latest estimates available, either from the current report or from previous reports. Current year estimates are for the full 2024 crop year. Blank data cells indicate estimation period has not yet begun] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ : Yield per hectare : Production Crop :------------------------------------------------------- : 2023 : 2024 : 2023 : 2024 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ : metric tons : Grains and hay : Barley .................................: 3.90 4,028,680 Corn for grain .........................: 11.13 389,694,460 Corn for silage ........................: 45.03 117,928,570 Hay, all 2/ ............................: 5.04 107,745,420 Alfalfa ..............................: 7.16 45,283,030 All other ............................: 4.15 62,462,390 Oats ...................................: 2.46 828,010 Proso millet ...........................: 1.92 443,890 Rice ...................................: 8.57 9,901,510 Rye ....................................: 2.02 263,540 Sorghum for grain ......................: 3.26 8,071,090 Sorghum for silage .....................: 29.08 4,518,690 Wheat, all 2/ ..........................: 3.27 49,313,930 Winter ...............................: 3.40 3.37 33,958,140 35,240,990 Durum ................................: 2.49 1,614,670 Other spring .........................: 3.09 13,741,130 : Oilseeds : Canola .................................: 2.01 1,885,770 Cottonseed .............................: (X) 3,305,780 Flaxseed ...............................: 1.16 75,210 Mustard seed ...........................: 0.70 67,720 Peanuts ................................: 4.19 2,671,670 Rapeseed ...............................: 2.25 9,180 Safflower ..............................: 1.16 59,230 Soybeans for beans .....................: 3.40 113,343,930 Sunflower ..............................: 2.00 1,026,720 : Cotton, tobacco, and sugar crops : Cotton, all 2/ .........................: 1.01 2,627,060 Upland ...............................: 1.00 2,558,260 American Pima ........................: 1.23 68,800 Sugarbeets .............................: 70.05 31,956,490 Sugarcane ..............................: 81.42 30,632,000 Tobacco ................................: 2.58 196,160 : Dry beans, peas, and lentils : Chickpeas ..............................: 1.47 214,190 Dry edible beans .......................: 2.32 1,084,540 Dry edible peas ........................: 2.15 820,370 Lentils ................................: 1.23 260,450 : Potatoes and miscellaneous : Hops ...................................: 2.15 47,190 Maple syrup ............................: (NA) (NA) 24,220 29,300 Mushrooms ..............................: (NA) 302,390 Peppermint oil .........................: 0.10 1,280 Potatoes ...............................: 51.45 19,992,090 Spearmint oil ..........................: 0.14 700 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (NA) Not available. (X) Not applicable. 1/ Area planted for all purposes. 2/ Total may not add due to rounding. Spring Weather Summary Highlights: Following the warmest winter on record for the Lower 48 States, above-normal temperatures continued through spring. Overarching warmth helped to promote a rapid planting pace for a variety of summer crops, despite widespread showers. By June 2, only 9 percent of the Nation's intended corn acreage had not been planted, along with 22 percent of the soybeans. Once planted, spring-sown crops emerged and quickly developed. Consistent warmth also favored winter wheat development, with 83 percent of the crop headed by June 2, versus the 5-year average of 78 percent. Six percent of the Nation's winter wheat acreage had been harvested on June 2, twice the average pace. Despite El Niño fading away by late spring, active weather continued across much of the country. In fact, preliminary reports from the National Weather Service indicated that there were 384 tornadoes in April and 571 in May. Both totals ranked second on the all-time list, behind the respective totals of 817 tornadoes in April 2011 and 573 in May 2003. Across the country, there were three dozen tornado-related fatalities during the spring-four in March, seven in April, and 25 in May. Spring thunderstorms also resulted in thousands of reports of wind damage and hail at least an inch in diameter. Additionally, drought coverage on May 28 across the Lower 48 States stood at 12.55 percent-lowest in more than 4 years, according to the U.S. Drought Monitor-down from a spring peak of 22.25 percent on March 12. Initial reports for the 2024 growing season painted an overall favorable picture. On June 2, topsoil moisture across the country was rated 67 percent adequate and just 15 percent very short to short. The latter number marked the lowest value so late in the growing season since June 2, 2019, when topsoil moisture was 11 percent very short to short. Similarly, 51 percent of the Nation's rangeland and pastures were rated in good to excellent condition on June 2, 2024, highest at that point in the growing season since the same date in 2019 (67 percent). Finally, early-season growing conditions for a variety of summer crops were nearly ideal through June 2, with 75 percent of the Nation's corn rated in good to excellent condition, along with 81 percent of the rice, 74 percent of the spring wheat, 74 percent of the barley, 68 percent of the oats, 63 percent of the peanuts, and 61 percent of the cotton. Historical Perspective: According to preliminary data provided by the National Centers for Environmental Information, consistent warmth led to the Nation's sixth-warmest spring during the 130-year period of record, with a March-May average temperature of 53.66°F. That value was 2.75°F above the 1901-2000 mean. Higher values for spring average temperature were observed in 2012 (56.17°F), 1910 (54.07°F), 2004 (53.98°F), 2000 (53.90°F), and 1934 (53.73°F). Meanwhile, it was the Nation's 15th-wettest spring since 1895. March-May precipitation across the Lower 48 States averaged 9.25 inches, more than an inch above the 1901-2000 mean of 7.93 inches. Wetter springs have occurred only four times since the beginning of the 21st century: in 2011, 2015, 2017, and 2019. It was the second-warmest spring on record, behind 2012, in Arkansas, Kentucky, Ohio, Virginia, and West Virginia. In fact, top-ten rankings for spring warmth were observed in every state east of the Mississippi River, along with Arkansas, Kansas, Louisiana, Missouri, Oklahoma, and Texas. All states ranked within the warmest one-half of the spring historical distribution; Idaho, with its 53rd-warmest spring, was the "coolest" state. Meanwhile, precipitation rankings ranged from the 32nd-driest spring in Washington to top-ten wetness in Iowa, Louisiana, Minnesota, Wisconsin, and four Northeastern States. March: Winter wheat emerged from dormancy mostly in better shape than last autumn, with decreasing drought coverage and a general lack of cold-season extremes favoring the crop. By March 31, USDA/NASS reported that 56 percent of the Nation's winter wheat was rated in good to excellent condition, up from 50 percent on November 26, 2023. Between late November and the end of March, double-digit increases in good-to-excellent ratings were observed in several winter wheat-production states, including Kansas (from 32 to 48 percent), Oregon (from 37 to 71 percent), Michigan (from 46 to 56 percent), Nebraska (from 49 to 65 percent), and Oklahoma (from 53 to 73 percent). According to statistics derived from the U.S. Drought Monitor, the percentage of the Nation's winter wheat production area in drought decreased from an autumn 2023 peak of 49 percent to a March minimum of 12 percent. Periodic March storminess across the South, Midwest, and West led to decreases in drought coverage, while worsening conditions were noted in a few areas, including portions of the southern High Plains. An area centered on northwestern Oklahoma received minimal moisture during February and March, with short-term drought impacts being exacerbated by periods of warm, windy weather. In the upper Midwest, late-March storminess dented a "snow drought" that had left soils relatively dry heading into spring. In a 4-day period, 40 to 50 percent of the season-to-date snowfall occurred in parts of Minnesota and Wisconsin. More broadly, March storms helped to replenish soil moisture across large sections of the Plains and Midwest. Still, by March 31, topsoil moisture-as reported by USDA/NASS-was rated at least 30 percent very short to short in 13 states across the Rockies, Plains, and Midwest, led by New Mexico (81 percent very short to short) and Iowa (59 percent). As a result, fieldwork advanced with few delays, allowing 21 percent of the oats to be planted in Iowa by March 31, along with 12 percent in Nebraska and 10 percent in South Dakota. One of the wettest areas during March was the middle and northern Atlantic States. For Atlantic City, New Jersey, it was the wettest March on record, with precipitation totaling 9.85 inches. By March 31, topsoil moisture was rated 100 percent surplus in Massachusetts and Rhode Island. Meanwhile, active March weather in the West padded high-elevation snowpack. According to the California Department of Water Resources, the average water equivalency of the Sierra Nevada snowpack reached 29 inches by April 1, about 110 percent of average. In fact, near- or above-average snowpack was reported by April 1 in nearly all drainage basins along and south of a line from Oregon to western and southern Wyoming. In contrast, snow-water equivalency was mostly 75 percent of average or less in much of Montana, Washington, northern Idaho, and northeastern Wyoming. General warmth across the eastern half of the country contrasted with mostly near- or below-normal temperatures from the Pacific Coast to the High Plains. Continuing a recent theme, the warmest weather-relative to normal-stretched from the Midwest into the Northeast, with monthly temperatures averaging more than 5°F above normal in many locations. In contrast, monthly readings averaged at least 3°F below normal in parts of northern Montana and western North Dakota, propelled by cold outbreaks in early and late March. The strongest surge of cool air into the Southeast peaked on March 19, with hard freezes (28°F or below) reaching as far south as northern Alabama. April: Drought improvements in several key agricultural regions, including the western Corn Belt, were partially offset by worsening conditions across portions of the central and southern Plains. In Kansas, winter wheat rated good to excellent tumbled from 48 to 31 percent between March 31 and April 28, while wheat rated very poor to poor jumped from 15 to 31 percent. During the same 4-week period, national values for winter wheat rated good to excellent fell from 56 to 49 percent, while wheat rated very poor to poor rose from 11 to 16 percent. Despite frequent April showers, national planting progress advanced at a faster-than-normal pace, with local exceptions. Some of the most impressive April planting progress occurred in areas such as the South, which experienced long stretches of dry weather, and the western Corn Belt, which has been contending with limited soil moisture amid ongoing recovery from long-term drought. By April 28, nearly three-quarters (72 percent) of the Nation's intended rice acreage had been planted, far ahead of the 5-year average of 46 percent. On the same date, corn and soybeans were 27 and 18 percent planted, respectively, versus 5-year averages of 22 and 10 percent. Across the North, planting progress was significantly ahead of schedule by April 28 for crops such as sugarbeets (66 percent planted, compared to the 5-year average of 32 percent) and spring wheat (34 percent planted, versus the average of 19 percent). A combination of factors-including spring climatology, an active storm track associated with a fading El Niño, and a favorably positioned jet stream- resulted in several large outbreaks of severe thunderstorms. With outbreaks peaking on April 1-2, 9-11, 15-18, 25-28, and 30, there were 384 tornadoes across the country, according to preliminary reports. Although the tornadoes, along with high winds and large hail, resulted in localized damage in some of the Nation's agricultural regions, there were only seven confirmed tornado-related fatalities-all during the last 5 days of the month-compared with 363 deaths caused by tornadoes in April 2011. In most areas east of the Rockies, near- or above-normal temperatures promoted pasture growth, winter wheat development, and emergence of spring- sown crops. Monthly temperatures averaged at least 4°F above normal in scattered locations from the Plains into the Great Lakes States and central Appalachians. Nearly one-third (30 percent) of the Nation's winter wheat had headed by April 28, well ahead of the 5-year average of 21 percent-and marking the crop's most rapid pace of spring development since 2017. Similarly, 48 percent of the Nation's rice had emerged on that date-fastest since 2017 and far ahead of the 5-year average of 28 percent. In contrast, near- or slightly below-normal April temperatures slowed crop development in some areas west of the Rockies and near the Canadian border. For example, only 6 percent of the Nation's barley had emerged by April 28 (compared to the 5-year average of 8 percent), despite a faster-than-normal planting pace. Although the central and eastern United States escaped consistently cool weather, there were brief cold snaps. One such spell peaked on April 25-26 with widespread freezes in the Great Lakes and Northeastern States. A few days earlier, scattered frost had been reported as far south as the Tennessee Valley, while freezes struck the northwestern half of the Plains and the upper Midwest. May: A stable jet-stream configuration (Western trough and Eastern ridge), combined with a moisture contribution from elevated sea-surface temperatures in the Atlantic Basin, fueled almost daily showers and thunderstorms in the central and eastern United States. Tornadoes were reported somewhere in the continental United States each day during the month, except May 15 and 18, while there were more than 3,800 May reports of thunderstorm-induced wind damage and well over 1,800 observations of hail at least one inch in diameter. The Nation's preliminary monthly count of 571 tornadoes nearly matched the highest May total on record. The month's most frenetic periods of severe weather included May 6-9 and 19-28, with major outbreaks occurring on the night of May 8-9 from the Ozark Plateau to the Carolinas, and on May 26-27 from the middle Mississippi Valley to the mid-Atlantic. Tragically, ten individual tornadoes-on May 6, 8, 13, 21, 25, and 26-resulted in 25 fatalities across eight states. On May 25, a thunderstorm over Cooke County, Texas, spawned the Nation's deadliest tornado (seven fatalities) since March 31, 2023, when nine individuals perished in McNairy County, Tennessee. Corresponding to decreased drought coverage, corn and soybean production areas in drought dropped to 5 and 3 percent, respectively, by May 28. In fact, among major row crops, only sorghum (54 percent in drought) and winter wheat (25 percent) had appreciable acreage still experiencing drought at the end of May, largely due to lingering pockets of soil moisture shortages on the Plains. By June 2, topsoil moisture was rated at least one-quarter very short to short in seven of ten states comprising the Rockies and Plains-all but Nebraska and the Dakotas-led by New Mexico (83 percent very short to short), Montana (47 percent), Colorado (33 percent), and Texas (33 percent). By month's end, however, pockets of short-term dryness developed in portions of the Atlantic Coast States, including South Carolina (topsoil moisture rated 59 percent very short to short), Delaware (49 percent), and Florida (40 percent). Florida's peninsula also contended with its hottest May on record, encompassing most communities along and south of a line from Tampa to Orlando. Record-setting heat extended westward along the Gulf Coast into southern and coastal Texas. The unprecedented, early-season heat across southern Texas and peninsular Florida contributed to heavy irrigation demands for citrus and other crops. Farther north, however, frequent showers erased most of the remaining vestiges of Midwestern drought and provided abundant moisture in many areas for emerging summer crops. Excessively wet conditions developed in a few areas, slowing late-season planting and leaving topsoil moisture rated more than 20 percent surplus by June 2 in seven Midwestern States and six Southern States. On that date, topsoil moisture was rated at least 40 percent surplus in Louisiana (47 percent), Kentucky (42 percent), and Minnesota (40 percent). Despite the local wetness, planting progress for all major row crops, except peanuts, was at or ahead of the 5-year average pace by June 2. Given the warmth and ample wetness of May, many crops that had been planted were able to emerge and quickly develop. Meanwhile, winter wheat development was also generally ahead of schedule. On June 2, Texas led the Nation with 33 percent of its winter wheat harvested, followed by Oklahoma at 22 percent. Among the 18 reporting states for winter wheat, only four-Kansas (34 percent very poor to poor), Colorado (24 percent), Washington (19 percent), and Texas (19 percent)-noted a very poor to poor rating on June 2 above the national value of 18 percent. With the jet stream often diving southward in the western United States, monthly temperatures averaged at least 2 to 4°F below normal across the Intermountain region. Conversely, a northward-displaced jet stream east of the Rockies led to May readings broadly ranging from 2 to 6°F above normal from the mid-South into the Northeast, including the southern and eastern Corn Belt. Similar temperature departures (2 to 6°F above normal) across the Deep South were sufficiently extreme to shatter May heat records that had stood since 1915 in Orlando, Florida, and since 1933 in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. For the first time on record, the May average temperature topped 80°F in Baton Rouge, along with Florida locations such as Melbourne and Vero Beach. Crop Comments Corn: The 2024 corn planted area for all purposes is estimated at 91.5 million acres, down 3 percent from last year. This represents the eighth highest planted acreage in the United States since 1944. Growers expect to harvest 83.4 million acres for grain, down 4 percent from last year. Record low planted area is estimated in Rhode Island. Record high planted area is estimated in Oregon. Farmers responding to the survey indicated that 3.36 million acres of the estimated corn acreage remain to be planted at the time of the interview. By March 31, producers had planted 2 percent of the Nation's corn crop, equal to last year but 1 percentage point ahead of the 5-year average. By April 7, producers had planted 3 percent of the Nation's corn crop, equal to last year but 1 percentage point ahead of the 5-year average. By April 14, producers had planted 6 percent of the Nation's corn crop, one percentage point behind last year but 1 percentage point ahead of the 5-year average. By April 21, producers had planted 12 percent of the Nation's corn crop, equal to last year but 2 percentage points ahead of the 5-year average. Three percent of the Nation's corn acreage had emerged by April 21, one percentage point ahead of both the previous year and the 5-year average. By April 28, producers had planted 27 percent of the Nation's corn crop, 4 percentage points ahead of last year and 5 percentage points ahead of the 5-year average. Seven percent of the Nation's corn acreage had emerged by April 28, two percentage points ahead of the previous year and 3 percentage points ahead of the 5-year average. By May 5, producers had planted 36 percent of the Nation's corn crop, 6 percentage points behind last year and 3 percentage points behind the 5-year average. Twelve percent of the Nation's corn acreage had emerged by May 5, two percentage points ahead of the previous year and 3 percentage points ahead of the 5-year average. By May 12, producers had planted 49 percent of the Nation's corn crop, 11 percentage points behind last year and 5 percentage points behind the 5-year average. Twenty-three percent of the Nation's corn acreage had emerged by May 12, two percentage points behind the previous year but 2 percentage points ahead of the 5-year average. By May 19, producers had planted 70 percent of the Nation's corn crop, 6 percentage points behind last year and 1 percentage point behind the 5-year average. Forty percent of the Nation's corn acreage had emerged by May 19, six percentage points behind the previous year but 1 percentage point ahead of the 5-year average. By May 26, producers had planted 83 percent of the Nation's corn crop, 6 percentage points behind last year but 1 percentage point ahead of the 5-year average. Fifty-eight percent of the Nation's corn acreage had emerged by May 26, eight percentage points behind the previous year but equal to the 5-year average. By June 2, producers had planted 91 percent of the Nation's corn crop, 4 percentage points behind last year but 2 percentage points ahead of the 5-year average. Seventy-four percent of the Nation's corn acreage had emerged by June 2, seven percentage points behind the previous year but 1 percentage point ahead of the 5-year average. By June 9, producers had planted 95 percent of the Nation's corn crop, 3 percentage points behind last year but equal to the 5-year average. Eighty-five percent of the Nation's corn acreage had emerged by June 9, six percentage points behind the previous year but 1 percentage point ahead of the 5-year average. Ninety-three percent of the Nation's corn acreage had emerged by June 16, two percentage points behind the previous year but 1 percentage point ahead of the 5-year average. Ninety-seven percent of the Nation's corn acreage had emerged by June 23, one percentage point behind the previous year but 1 percentage point ahead of the 5-year average. By June 23, four percent of the Nation's corn acreage had reached the silking stage, 1 percentage point ahead of both last year and the 5-year average. On June 23, sixty-nine percent of the Nation's corn acreage was rated in good to excellent condition, 19 percentage points above the previous year. Ninety-four percent of this year's corn acreage was planted with biotechnology seed varieties, up from last year. Biotechnology seed includes traits for insect resistance (Bt), herbicide resistance, or stacked gene which contains traits for both herbicide and insect resistance. Sorghum: Growers planted 6.41 million acres of sorghum for all purposes in 2024, down 11 percent from last year. Kansas and Texas, the leading sorghum- producing States, account for 75 percent of the United States acreage. Growers expect to harvest 5.39 million acres for grain, down 12 percent from last year. Eighty percent of the Nation's sorghum acreage was planted by June 16, ten percentage points ahead of last year and 5 percentage points ahead of the 5-year average. Planting progress advanced by 17 percentage points or more during the week in 4 of the 6 estimating States. Texas had planted 94 percent of its sorghum acreage by June 16, equal to both last year and the 5-year average. By June 16, fifteen percent of the Nation's sorghum acreage had reached the headed stage, 1 percentage point ahead of last year but equal to the 5-year average. Fifty-eight percent of the Nation's sorghum acreage was rated in good to excellent condition on June 16, two percentage points above the previous week but 2 percentage points below the previous year. Oats: Area seeded to oats for the 2024 crop year is estimated at 2.30 million acres, up 1 percent from 2023 for comparable States. Planted acreage is up or unchanged in 10 of the 19 major producing States compared to last year. Harvested acres, forecast at 872,000 acres, is up 9 percent from 2023 for comparable States. Record low planted acreage is estimated in Idaho, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. Nationally, oat producers seeded 30 percent of this year's acreage by March 31, six percentage points ahead of both last year and the 5-year average. By April 28, producers had seeded 63 percent of this year's acreage, 16 percentage points ahead of last year and 12 percentage points ahead of the 5-year average. Seventy-seven percent of the oat acreage was emerged by May 26, five percentage points ahead of last year and 3 percentage points ahead of the 5-year average. Fifty percent of the oat crop was headed by June 16, four percentage points behind last year but 5 percentage points ahead of the 5-year average. As of June 16, sixty-seven percent of the oat acreage was reported in good to excellent condition, 22 percentage points higher than the percent rated in these two crop condition categories at the same time last year. Beginning in 2024, estimates for oats were discontinued in Arkansas, California, Missouri, and Oklahoma. Barley: Producers seeded 2.56 million acres of barley for the 2024 crop year, down 18 percent from the previous year. In Montana, the largest barley State, acreage is expected to decrease by 14 percent from last year. Planted area is a record low in Colorado, Minnesota, North Dakota, and South Dakota. Winter wheat: The 2024 winter wheat planted area is estimated at 33.8 million acres, down 1 percent from the previous estimate and down 8 percent from last year for comparable States. Of the total planted acreage, approximately 24.1 million acres are Hard Red Winter, 6.14 million acres are Soft Red Winter, and 3.59 million acres are White Winter. The only States expecting increased acreage from 2023 are Montana and Washington. Producers in California, Michigan, Utah, and Virginia expect to have record low planted areas. Beginning in 2024, estimates for winter wheat were discontinued in New Jersey. Area harvested for grain is forecast at 25.8 million acres, up 2 percent from the previous forecast and up 5 percent from last year for comparable States. As of June 23, harvest was 40 percent complete, 15 percentage points ahead the 5-year average pace. Producers expect to harvest 76 percent of the planted acres for grain. If realized, this harvest ratio would be the highest since 2019. Producers in Michigan and Virginia are expecting record low harvested areas. Nationally, 40 percent of the winter wheat crop was harvested by June 23, nineteen percentage points ahead of 2023 and 15 percentage points ahead of the 5-year average pace. As of June 23, fifty-two percent of the winter wheat acreage in the 18 major producing States was rated in good to excellent condition, 12 percentage points higher than at the same time last year. Durum wheat: Area seeded to Durum wheat for 2024 is estimated at 2.17 million acres, up 30 percent from 2023 for comparable States and represents the highest Durum wheat acreage since 2017. Of the four estimating States, all expect to increase acreage from last year. As of June 23, harvest in Arizona was 91 percent complete, 12 percentage points ahead of last year and 13 percentage points ahead of the 5-year average pace. Beginning in 2024, estimates for Durum wheat were discontinued in Idaho. Other spring wheat: Growers planted 11.3 million acres of other spring wheat, up 1 percent from 2023. Of this total, about 10.6 million acres are Hard Red Spring wheat. Planted area in North Dakota, the largest spring wheat-producing State, is estimated at 5.60 million acres, up 1 percent from last year. As of June 23, eighteen percent of the Nation's spring wheat acreage was headed, 7 percentage points behind last year but equal to the 5-year average. Harvested area is expected to total 10.9 million acres, down 1 percent from last year. As of June 23, seventy-one percent of the acreage was rated in good to excellent condition, an increase of 21 percent from the same time last year. Rye: The 2024 planted area for rye is estimated at 2.2 million acres, down 4 percent from 2023. Harvested area is expected to total 378,000 acres, up 17 percent from last year. Producers expect to harvest 17 percent of the planted acres for grain. If realized, this harvest ratio would be the highest since 2016. In Oklahoma, 92 percent of the rye acreage was harvested by June 23, thirty-seven percentage points ahead of both last year and the 5-year average pace. Rice: Area planted to rice in 2024 is estimated at 2.94 million acres, up 2 percent from 2023. Area for harvest is forecast at 2.90 million acres, up 2 percent from last year. Acres planted to long grain are estimated to increase by 10 percent from the previous year. Planted acreage in Arkansas, the largest long grain rice-producing State, is estimated to decrease by 1 percent from the previous year. Nationally, medium grain planted acres are estimated to decrease by 21 percent from 2023. California, the largest medium and short grain-producing State, is estimated to decrease medium grain acres by 2 percent but increase short grain planted acres by 33 percent. If realized, medium grain planted area in Missouri will be tied for a record high. Short grain area, estimated at 21,000 acres for the Nation, is up 31 percent, or 5,000 acres, compared to the previous year. As of June 23, eighty-three percent of the rice acreage was rated in good to excellent condition compared with seventy percent at the same time last year. Proso millet: Area planted to proso millet in 2024 is estimated at 450,000 acres, down 27 percent from 2023. Colorado, Nebraska, and South Dakota planted acreage is down from last year. Planting progress in Colorado was 56 percent complete as of the week ending June 16, ahead of last year's 51 percent complete but behind the 5-year average of 67 percent complete. Hay: Producers intend to harvest 51.5 million acres of all hay in 2024, down 2 percent from 2023. Alfalfa harvested acreage is expected to be 15.6 million acres, down slightly from 2023 in comparable States. All other hay (excluding alfalfa) is expected to be down 3 percent from last year, at 35.9 million acres. For all hay harvested area, record lows are expected in Massachusetts, Ohio, and Vermont, while a record high is expected in Arizona. Beginning in 2024, estimates for alfalfa hay are included in all other hay. Soybeans: The 2024 soybean planted area is estimated at 86.1 million acres, up 3 percent from last year. Compared with last year, planted acreage is up in 19 major producing States. Area for harvest, forecast at 85.3 million acres, is up 4 percent from 2023. If realized, this will be the fifth highest planted and fifth highest harvested soybean acreage on record. Record high planted area is estimated in Kentucky. Farmers responding to the survey indicated that 12.8 million acres of the estimated soybean acreage remained to be planted at the time of the interview. Nationwide, 3 percent of the soybean acreage was planted by April 14, equal to last year but 2 percentage points ahead of the 5-year average. Planting was most active in the Delta at that time, with Arkansas at 26 percent, Louisiana at 20 percent, and Mississippi at 16 percent planted. On April 28, eighteen percent of the soybeans were planted, 2 percentage points ahead of last year and 8 percentage points ahead of the 5-year average. By May 5, nine percent of the Nation's soybean acreage had emerged, 2 percentage points ahead of last year and 5 percentage points ahead of the 5-year average. Nationally, 26 percent of the soybean acreage was emerged by May 19, five percentage points behind last year but 5 percentage points ahead of the 5-year average. By June 9, eighty-seven percent of soybean acreage was planted with 70 percent emerged. On June 16, eighty-two percent of the soybeans were emerged, 8 percentage points behind last year but 3 percentage points ahead of the 5-year average. At that time, 70 percent of the acres were reported in good to excellent condition. Peanuts: Planted area is estimated at 1.76 million acres in 2024, up 6 percent from last year in comparable States. Area for harvest is estimated at 1.70 million acres in 2024, up 7 percent from last year in comparable States. In Georgia, the largest peanut-producing State, planted area is up 10 percent from 2023. As of June 23, fifty-nine percent of the acreage was rated in good to excellent condition compared to sixty-nine percent at the same time last year. Beginning in 2024, estimates for peanuts began in Missouri but were discontinued in New Mexico. Sunflower: Area planted to sunflowers in 2024 totals 898,500 acres, down 32 percent from 2023. This represents the lowest planted area for the Nation since 1976. Compared with last year, growers in all eight of the major sunflower-producing States showed a decrease in planted acreage this year, with five of the States decreasing by 20 percent or more. The State with the largest decline in planted acreage from last year is South Dakota, where planted area decreased 180,000 acres compared with last year. North Dakota is also showing a large decline compared with last year, with planted area down 170,000 acres from the previous year. Harvested area for sunflower is forecast at 862,600 acres, a decrease of 32 percent from last year. Planted area is a record low in California, Colorado, Kansas, and Nebraska. Planted area of oil type varieties, at 765,000 acres, is down 34 percent from 2023. This represents the lowest planted area on record for the Nation since 1976. Compared with last year, planted area of oil type varieties is down more than 30 percent in California, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Texas. Planted area for oil type varieties is the lowest on record in California, Colorado, and Kansas. Area planted to non-oil varieties, estimated at 133,500 acres, is down 13 percent from last year and represents the second lowest on record for the Nation. Compared with last year, growers in all eight major sunflower-producing States had decreases or no change in planted acreage for non-oil varieties. The largest decline compared with last year occurred in South Dakota, where planted acreage decreased by 5,000 acres. Planting began in mid-May and progressed at a pace near to or ahead of the 5-year average in Colorado, Kansas, and North Dakota during the month of May but was behind the normal pace in South Dakota. As of June 2, thirty-eight percent of the Nation's acreage had been planted, 1 percentage point ahead of last year's pace and 4 percentage points ahead of the 5-year average. At that time, planting progress was ahead of the normal pace in Colorado and North Dakota but was behind the average pace in Kansas and South Dakota. As of June 2, planting progress in Kansas was 6 percentage points ahead of last year's pace but 4 percentage points behind normal. At that time, planting in South Dakota was 10 percentage points behind last year's pace and 1 percentage point behind normal. As of June 16, planting progress had reached 83 percent complete, equal to last year's pace but 6 percentage points ahead of the 5-year average. At that time, the only State lagging behind normal progress was Colorado, where progress was 12 percentage points behind the 5-year average. Canola: Planted area of canola is estimated at a record high 2.66 million acres in 2024, up 10 percent from last year's planted area in comparable States. Area for harvest is forecast at 2.62 million acres, up 9 percent from last year in comparable States. Compared with last year, planted area is up in all major canola-producing States. Planted area in North Dakota, the leading canola-producing State, is up 6 percent from last year and is the highest area on record. Planted area in Montana and Washington is estimated at 200,000 acres and 195,000 acres, respectively, and will both be record highs. Harvested area in Montana, North Dakota, and Washington will all be record highs, if realized. After being discontinued in 2019, estimates for canola began again for Idaho in 2024. Flaxseed: Growers intend to plant 140,000 acres of flaxseed in 2024, a decrease of 21 percent from 2023 and will represent the lowest total for the Nation since 1996, if realized. Planted acreage in North Dakota, the largest flaxseed-producing State, is expected to be down 14 percent from 2023. If realized, this will be the lowest acreage for the State since 1996. Planted acreage in Montana is expected to decrease 34 percent from the previous year. Safflower: Area planted to safflower in 2024 is estimated at 127,000 acres, down 10 percent from 2023 in comparable States and represents the lowest planted area for the Nation since records began in 1991. Area for harvest is forecast at 117,000 acres, down 14 percent from last year in comparable States. Compared with last year, planted acreage is down more than 19 percent in Montana, South Dakota, and Utah. The largest increase compared with the previous year is in Idaho, where planted area is up 4,000 acres from last year. In 2024, estimates for safflower began in Colorado. Other oilseeds: Planted area of mustard seed for the Nation is estimated at 218,000 acres, down 11 percent from 2023. Mustard seed area for harvest is forecast at 203,500 acres, down 15 percent from the previous year. In 2024, estimates for mustard seed began in Oregon and Washington. Acreage planted to rapeseed is estimated at 20,200 acres, up 7,000 acres from 2023. Harvested rapeseed area is forecast at 18,300 acres, up 8,200 acres from last year. Planted and harvested area for the Nation both represent the highest on record for rapeseed since records began in 1991. Beginning in 2024, estimates for rapeseed were discontinued in Delaware and South Carolina. In 2024, estimates for rapeseed began in Indiana and Washington. Cotton: Growers planted 11.7 million acres in 2024, up 14 percent from last year. Upland area is estimated at 11.5 million acres, up 14 percent from 2023. American Pima area is estimated at 182,000 acres, up 24 percent from 2023. Compared with last year, Upland planted area increased in 12 of the 17 major cotton-producing States. The largest increase is in Texas, where Upland planted acreage increased by 850,000 acres from last year. Arkansas and Mississippi are showing an increase of over 100,000 acres compared with last year. If realized, New Mexico planted acres will be a record low. Nationwide, 90 percent of the cotton crop was planted by June 16, three percentage points ahead of the previous year but 1 percentage point behind the 5-year average. Cotton planting progress in Oklahoma and Texas advanced by 16 percentage points and 14 percentage points respectively during the week. In Texas, 88 percent of the 2024 cotton acreage was planted by June 16, seven percentage points ahead of last year but equal to the 5-year average. Twenty-two percent of the Nation's cotton acreage had reached the squaring stage by June 16, five percentage points ahead of last year and 4 percentage points ahead of the 5-year average. By June 16, six percent of the Nation's cotton acreage had begun setting bolls, 4 percentage points ahead of last year and 3 percentage points ahead of the 5-year average. On June 16, fifty-four percent of the 2024 cotton acreage was rated in good to excellent condition, 2 percentage points below the previous week but 7 percentage points above the previous year. Producers planted 96 percent of their acreage with seed varieties developed using biotechnology, down 1 percentage point from last year. Varieties containing insect resistance (Bt) were planted on 3 percent of the acreage, no change from 2023. Herbicide resistant varieties were planted on 6 percent of the acreage, down 2 percentage points from last year. Stacked gene varieties, those containing both insect and herbicide resistance, were planted on 87 percent of the acreage, down 1 percentage point from a year ago. Sugarbeets: Area planted to sugarbeets for the 2024 crop year is estimated at 1.11 million acres, down 2 percent from 2023. Area expected to be harvest at 1.09 million acres, down 3 percent from last year. In Minnesota, by the week ending in May 19, planting was at 98 percent complete, ahead of the 5-year average of 75 percent. In North Dakota, by the week ending in May 19, planting was at 97 percent, ahead of the 5-year average of 73 percent. Sugarcane: Area of sugarcane expected to be harvested for sugar and seed in the United States is 909,000 acres for the 2024 crop year, down 2 percent from last year. Growers in Louisiana, the largest growing State in terms of harvested acres, are expected to harvest 515,000 acres, or 57 percent of the Nation's acreage. As of the week ending June 17, sixty-eight percent of the crop in Louisiana was rated as good to excellent. Beginning in 2024, estimates for sugarcane were discontinued in Texas. Tobacco: United States all tobacco area for harvest in 2024 is expected to total 163,900 acres, down 5 percent from 2023 for comparable States. If realized, this will be the lowest tobacco harvested area on record. Compared with last year, harvested acreage is expected to be down in three of the four major tobacco-producing States. Flue-cured tobacco, at 126,000 acres, is up slightly from 2023 for comparable States and accounts for 77 percent of this year's total tobacco expected harvested acreage. The light air-cured burley type tobacco area, at 25,000 acres, is down 17 percent from 2023 for comparable States. Fire-cured tobacco, at 8,800 acres, is down 23 percent from 2023 for comparable States. Dark air-cured tobacco, at 4,100 acres, is down 13 percent from last year. Beginning in 2024, estimates for tobacco were discontinued in Georgia, Pennsylvania, and South Carolina. Estimates for light air-cured burley type were discontinued in North Carolina and Virginia. Estimates for fire-cured type were discontinued in Virginia. Dry edible beans: Area planted for dry edible beans in 2024 is 1.36 million acres, up 18 percent from last year for comparable States. Area expected to be harvested is 1.32 million acres, up 17 percent from last year for comparable States. Six of the seven estimating States show an increase in area planted for dry edible beans compared to last year. Beginning in 2024, estimates for dry edible beans were discontinued in California and Wyoming. Chickpeas: Area planted for all chickpeas for the 2024 crop year is 502,000 acres, up 36 percent from the previous year for comparable States. Area expected to be harvested for all chickpeas is 485,900 acres, 37 percent above 2023 for comparable States. Small chickpeas area planted is 145,000 acres. Area expected to be harvested for small chickpeas is 139,200 acres. Area planted for large chickpeas in 2024 is 357,000 acres. Large chickpeas area expected to be harvested is 346,700 acres. Beginning in 2024, estimates for chickpeas were discontinued in California. Lentils: Area planted for the 2024 crop year is 836,000 acres, up 58 percent from the previous season for comparable States. Area expected to be harvested is 790,000 acres, up 56 percent from the previous season for comparable States. All estimating States show an increase in the area planted compared to last year. As of the week ending June 16, ninety-three percent of Montana's crop has emerged, the largest growing State in terms of planted area. Beginning in 2024, estimates for lentils were discontinued in Idaho. Dry edible peas: Area planted for the 2024 crop year is 1.03 million acres, up 9 percent from the previous season for comparable States. Area expected to be harvested is 988,000 acres, up 6 percent from the previous season for comparable States. Planted area increased in three of the five States compared with last year. As of the week ending June 16, crop emergence had reached ninety-five percent in Montana, the largest growing State in terms of planted area. Beginning in 2024, estimates for dry edible peas were discontinued in South Dakota. Also beginning in 2024, wrinkled seed peas and Austrian winter peas were removed from the dry edible pea estimates. Potatoes: Area planted to potatoes in 2024 is 941,000 acres, down 2 percent from 2023. Area expected to be harvested is 934,200 acres, down 3 percent from the previous year. In Idaho, planted acres is down 5,000 acres from the previous year. Planting was ahead of last year and potatoes are emerging on schedule with eighty- six percent of the crop emerged as of June 16. In Washington, planting and emergence were ahead of last year. Beginning in 2024, estimates for potato type were discontinued. Statistical Methodology Survey procedures: The estimates of planted and harvested acreages in this report are based primarily on surveys conducted during the first 2 weeks of June. These surveys are based on a probability area frame survey with a sample of approximately 9,000 segments or parcels of land (average approximately 1 square mile) and a probability list frame survey with a sample of approximately 64,000 farm operators. Enumerators conducting the probability area frame survey contact all farmers having operations within the sampled segments of land and account for their operations. From these data, estimates can be calculated. For the probability list frame survey, data from operators was collected by mail, internet, telephone, or personal interview to obtain information on these operations. Responses from the probability list frame survey sample plus data from the probability area frame survey sample of operations that were not on the list to be sampled are combined to provide another estimate of planted and harvested acreages. Estimating procedures: National, Regional, State, and grower reported data were reviewed for reasonableness and consistency with historical estimates. Each Regional Office submits their analysis of the current situation to the Agricultural Statistics Board (ASB). Survey data are compiled to the National level and are reviewed at this level independently of each State's review. Acreage estimates were based on survey data and the historical relationship of official estimates to survey data. Revision policy: Estimates of acres for barley, corn, cotton, dry edible beans, oats, peanuts, rice, sorghum, soybeans, sugarbeets, Durum wheat, other spring wheat, and winter wheat are subject to revision in the August Crop Production report. Acres for chickpeas, corn, cotton, dry edible peas, lentils, peanuts, rice, sorghum, soybeans, and sugarbeets are subject for revision in the September Crop Production report each year. Barley, oat, rye, and wheat end-of-season estimates are made in the Small Grains Annual report at the end of September. Canola, dry edible beans, and sunflower acres are subject to revision in the October Crop Production report. Potato acres are subject to revision in the November Crop Production report. End-of-season estimates for all other row crops are made in the Annual Crop Production Summary in January. Following the marketing year revisions are made if the balance sheet or other administrative data warrant changes. Revisions to planted acres will only be made when either special survey data, administrative data, such as Farm Service Agency program "sign up" data, or remote sensing data are available. Harvested acres may be revised any time a production forecast is made if there is strong evidence that the intended harvested area has changed since the last forecast. Estimates will also be reviewed following the 5-year Census of Agriculture. No revisions will be made after that date. Reliability: The survey used to make acreage estimates is subject to sampling and non-sampling type errors that are common to all surveys. Both types of errors for major crops generally are between 1.0 and 6.0 percent. Sampling errors represent the variability between estimates that would result if many different samples were surveyed at the same time. Sampling errors cannot be applied directly to the acreage published in this report to determine confidence intervals since the official estimates represent a composite of information from more than a single source. The relative standard errors from the 2024 area frame survey for United States planted acres were: barley 11.4 percent, corn 1.3 percent, Upland cotton 3.5 percent, sorghum 7.4 percent, soybeans 1.3 percent, other spring wheat 4.6 percent, and winter wheat 2.6 percent. The biotechnology estimates are also subject to sampling variability because all operations planting biotech varieties are not included in the sample. The variability for the 48 corn States, as measured by the relative standard error at the United States level, is approximately 0.4 percent for all biotech varieties, 9.6 percent for insect resistant (Bt) only varieties, 4.8 percent for herbicide resistant only varieties, and 0.6 percent for stacked gene varieties. This means that chances are approximately 95 out of 100 that survey estimates will be within plus or minus 0.8 percent for all biotech varieties, 19.2 percent for insect resistant (Bt) varieties, 9.6 percent for herbicide resistant varieties, and 1.2 percent for stacked gene varieties. Variability for the 29 soybean States is approximately 0.4 percent for herbicide resistant varieties. Variability for the 17 Upland cotton States is approximately 0.5 percent for all biotech varieties, 12.4 percent for insect resistant (Bt) varieties, 17.6 percent for herbicide resistant varieties, and 1.3 percent for stacked gene varieties. Non-sampling errors cannot be measured directly. They may occur due to incorrect reporting and/or recording, data omissions or duplications, and errors in processing. To minimize non-sampling errors, vigorous quality controls are used in the data collection process and all data are carefully reviewed for consistency and reasonableness. A method of evaluating the reliability of acreage estimates in this report is the "Root Mean Square Error," a statistical measure based on past performances shown below for selected crops. This is computed by expressing the deviations between the planted acreage estimates and the final estimates as a percent of the final estimates and averaging the squared percentage deviations for the 2004-2023 twenty-year period; the square root of this average becomes statistically the "Root Mean Square Error." Probability statements can be made concerning expected differences in the current estimates relative to the final estimates assuming that factors affecting this year's estimate are not different from those influencing the past 20 years. For example, the "Root Mean Square Error" for the corn planted estimate is 1.2 percent. This means that chances are 2 out of 3 that the current corn acreage will not be above or below the final estimate by more than 1.2 percent. Chances are 9 out of 10 (90 percent confidence level) that the difference will not exceed 2.1 percent. Also, shown in the table is a 20-year record for selected crops of the difference between the mid-year planted acres estimate and the final estimates. Using corn again as an example, changes between the mid-year estimates and the final estimates during the past 20 years have averaged 849,000 acres, ranging from 39,000 acres to 2.33 million acres. The mid-year planted acres have been below the final estimate 6 times and above 14 times. This does not imply that the mid-year planted estimate this year is likely to understate or overstate the final estimate. Reliability June Planted Acreage Estimates [Based on data for the past twenty years] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : : : Difference between forecast : : : and final estimate : : :---------------------------------------------------------------- : : 90 percent : Thousand acres : Years Crop : Root mean : confidence :---------------------------------------------------------------- : square error : interval : : : : Below : Above : : : Average : Smallest : Largest : final : final --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : ------ percent ------ --------- 1,000 acres --------- ---- number --- : Barley .......................: 4.0 6.9 101 18 258 6 14 Corn .........................: 1.2 2.1 849 39 2,330 6 14 Hay 1/ : Alfalfa 1/ ..................: 3.9 6.7 493 24 2,032 6 14 Other 1/ ....................: 3.4 5.8 1,048 327 2,484 4 16 Oats .........................: 5.6 9.7 140 24 281 7 13 Peanuts ......................: 4.4 7.6 57 2 145 13 7 Potatoes .....................: 1.1 2.0 9 1 30 13 7 Rice .........................: 3.9 6.8 93 1 207 12 8 Sorghum ......................: 7.0 12.2 409 20 1,133 10 10 Soybeans .....................: 1.7 2.9 941 32 3,940 7 13 Sugarbeets ...................: 0.8 1.4 8 (Z) 19 10 10 Sugarcane 1/ .................: 2.0 3.4 15 3 33 9 11 Upland cotton ................: 4.1 7.1 372 8 1,245 12 8 Wheat : Winter wheat ................: 1.5 2.5 435 5 1,147 3 17 Durum wheat .................: 10.8 18.6 158 3 388 8 12 Other spring ................: 3.3 5.8 291 2 1,283 9 11 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Z) Less than half of the unit shown. 1/ Harvested acreage. USDA, National Agricultural Statistics Service Information Contacts Listed below are the commodity statisticians in the Crops Branch of the National Agricultural Statistics Service to contact for additional information. E-mail inquiries may be sent to Nicholas Streff, Acting Chief, Crops Branch.......................................... (202) 720-2127 Chris Hawthorn, Head, Field Crops Section............................................ (202) 720-2127 Irwin Anolik - Crop Progress and Condition, Flaxseed, Mustardseed............... (202) 720-7621 Joshua Bates - Hemp, Oats, Soybeans............................................. (202) 690-3234 Natasha Bruton - Barley, Cotton System Consumption and Stocks, Grain Crushings.. (202) 690-1042 David Colwell - Fats and Oils, Flour Milling Products........................... (202) 720-8800 Michelle Harder - Hay, Peanuts.................................................. (202) 690-8533 James Johanson - Rye, Wheat..................................................... (202) 720-8068 Greg Lemmons - Corn, Proso Millet, Rice......................................... (202) 720-9526 Becky Sommer - Cotton, Cotton Ginnings, Sorghum................................. (202) 720-5944 Travis Thorson - Canola, Rapeseed, Safflower, Sunflower......................... (202) 720-7369 Fleming Gibson, Head, Fruits, Vegetables and Special Crops Section................... (202) 720-2127 Deonne Holiday - Almonds, Carrots, Coffee, Cranberries, Garlic, Onions, Plums, Prunes, Tobacco............................................................... (202) 720-4288 Bret Holliman - Apricots, Chickpeas, Nectarines, Peaches, Snap Beans, Sweet Corn, Tomatoes................................................................. (202) 720-7235 Robert Little - Blueberries, Cabbage, Dry Beans, Lettuce, Macadamia, Maple Syrup, Pears, Raspberries, Spinach............................................. (202) 720-3250 Krishna Rizal - Artichokes, Asparagus, Celery, Grapefruit, Kiwifruit, Lemons, Mandarins and tangerines, Mint, Mushrooms, Olives, Oranges, Pistachios............... (202) 720-5412 Chris Singh - Apples, Cucumbers, Hazelnuts, Potatoes, Pumpkins, Squash, Strawberries, Sugarbeets, Sugarcane, Sweet Potatoes.......................... (202) 720-4285 Antonio Torres - Cantaloupes, Dry Edible Peas, Grapes, Green Peas, Honeydews, Lentils, Sweet Cherries, Tart Cherries, Walnuts, Watermelons.............. (202) 720-2157 Chris Wallace - Avocados, Bell Peppers, Broccoli, Cauliflower, Chile Peppers, Dates, Floriculture, Hops, Papayas, Pecans............................ (202) 720-4215 Access to NASS Reports For your convenience, you may access NASS reports and products the following ways: All reports are available electronically, at no cost, on the NASS web site: Both national and state specific reports are available via a free e- mail subscription. To set-up this free subscription, visit and click on "National" or "State" in upper right corner above "search" box to create an account and select the reports you would like to receive. Cornell's Mann Library has launched a new website housing NASS's and other agency's archived reports. The new website, All email subscriptions containing reports will be sent from the new website, To continue receiving the reports via e-mail, you will have to go to the new website, create a new account and re-subscribe to the reports. If you need instructions to set up an account or subscribe, they are located at: You should whitelist in your email client to avoid the emails going into spam/junk folders. For more information on NASS surveys and reports, call the NASS Agricultural Statistics Hotline at (800) 727-9540, 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. ET, or e-mail: The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination against its customers, employees, and applicants for employment on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, sex, gender identity, religion, reprisal, and where applicable, political beliefs, marital status, familial or parental status, sexual orientation, or all or part of an individual's income is derived from any public assistance program, or protected genetic information in employment or in any program or activity conducted or funded by the Department. (Not all prohibited bases will apply to all programs and/or employment activities.) If you wish to file a Civil Rights program complaint of discrimination, complete the USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form (PDF), found online at, or at any USDA office, or call (866) 632-9992 to request the form. You may also write a letter containing all of the information requested in the form. Send your completed complaint form or letter to us by mail at U.S. Department of Agriculture, Director, Office of Adjudication, 1400 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20250-9410, by fax (202) 690-7442 or email at