United States Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Statistics Service ISSN: 1949- 0895 Farm Production Expenditures 2016 Summary August 2017 Contents United States Farm Production Expenditure Highlights 2016..................................................... 5 Farm Production Expenditures, Total and Average per Farm by Year -United States: 2007-2016 Chart.............. 6 Fuel Expenditure, Total and Average per Farm by Year -United States: 2007-2016 Chart.......................... 6 Farm Production Expenditures by Expenditure Category and Percent of Total - United States: 2015 and 2016...... 7 Farm Production Expenditures by Farms Reporting, Average per Farm, and Total - United States: 2015 and 2016................................................................................................. 7 Farm Production Expenditures by Year - United States: 2012-2016............................................... 8 Farm Production Expenditures by Percent of Total - United States: 2012-2016................................... 8 Crop Farms Production Expenditures by Farms Reporting, Average per Farm, and Total - United States: 2015 and 2016................................................................................................. 9 Livestock Farms Production Expenditures by Farms Reporting, Average per Farm, and Total - United States: 2015 and 2016................................................................................................. 9 Farm Production Expenditures, Economic Class Gross Sales, by Percent of Total, Average per Farm, and Total - United States: 2015 and 2016................................................................................ 10 Farm Production Expenditures, Economic Class Gross Sales of Less than $10,000 by Farms Reporting, Average per Farm, and Total - United States: 2015 and 2016............................................................ 10 Farm Production Expenditures, Economic Class Gross Sales of $10,000-$49,999 by Farms Reporting, Average per Farm, and Total - United States: 2015 and 2016............................................................ 11 Farm Production Expenditures, Economic Class Gross Sales of $50,000-$99,999 by Farms Reporting, Average per Farm, and Total - United States: 2015 and 2016............................................................ 11 Farm Production Expenditures, Economic Class Gross Sales of $100,000-$249,999 by Farms Reporting, Average per Farm, and Total - United States: 2015 and 2016.................................................... 12 Farm Production Expenditures, Economic Class Gross Sales of $250,000-$499,999 by Farms Reporting, Average per Farm, and Total - United States: 2015 and 2016............................................................ 12 Farm Production Expenditures, Economic Class Gross Sales of $500,000-$999,999 by Farms Reporting, Average per Farm, and Total - United States: 2015 and 2016.................................................... 13 Farm Production Expenditures, Economic Class Gross Sales of $1,000,000-$4,999,999 by Farms Reporting, Average per Farm, and Total - United States: 2015 and 2016.................................................... 13 Farm Production Expenditures, Economic Class Gross Sales of $5,000,000 and Over by Farms Reporting, Average per Farm, and Total - United States: 2015 and 2016.................................................... 14 Fuel Production Expenditure Sub-Components by Type of Farm, Economic Class, and Region - United States: 2015 and 2016................................................................................................. 15 Farm Production Expenditures - Region, State, and United States: 2015 and 2016................................ 16 Farm Production Expenditures by Farms Reporting, Average per Farm, and Total - Atlantic Region: 2015 and 2016................................................................................................. 25 Farm Production Expenditures Total by Year - Atlantic Region: 2012-2016....................................... 25 Farm Production Expenditures by Farms Reporting, Average per Farm, and Total - North Carolina: 2015 and 2016................................................................................................. 26 Farm Production Expenditures by Farms Reporting, Average per Farm, and Total - All Other States, Atlantic Region: 2015 and 2016......................................................................................... 26 Farm Production Expenditures by Farms Reporting, Average per Farm, and Total - South Region: 2015 and 2016................................................................................................. 27 Farm Production Expenditures Total by Year - South Region: 2012-2016.......................................... 27 Farm Production Expenditures by Farms Reporting, Average per Farm, and Total - Arkansas: 2015 and 2016........ 28 Farm Production Expenditures by Farms Reporting, Average per Farm, and Total - Florida: 2015 and 2016......... 28 Farm Production Expenditures by Farms Reporting, Average per Farm, and Total - Georgia: 2015 and 2016......... 29 Farm Production Expenditures by Farms Reporting, Average per Farm, and Total - All Other States, South Region: 2015 and 2016......................................................................................... 29 Farm Production Expenditures by Farms Reporting, Average per Farm, and Total - Midwest Region: 2015 and 2016................................................................................................. 30 Farm Production Expenditures Total by Year - Midwest Region: 2012-2016........................................ 30 Farm Production Expenditures by Farms Reporting, Average per Farm, and Total - Illinois: 2015 and 2016........ 31 Farm Production Expenditures by Farms Reporting, Average per Farm, and Total - Indiana: 2015 and 2016......... 31 Farm Production Expenditures by Farms Reporting, Average per Farm, and Total - Iowa: 2015 and 2016............ 32 Farm Production Expenditures by Farms Reporting, Average per Farm, and Total - Minnesota: 2015 and 2016....... 32 Farm Production Expenditures by Farms Reporting, Average per Farm, and Total - Missouri: 2015 and 2016........ 33 Farm Production Expenditures by Farms Reporting, Average per Farm, and Total - Wisconsin: 2015 and 2016....... 33 Farm Production Expenditures by Farms Reporting, Average per Farm, and Total - All Other States, Midwest Region: 2015 and 2016......................................................................................... 34 Farm Production Expenditures by Farms Reporting, Average per Farm, and Total - Plains Region: 2015 and 2016................................................................................................. 35 Farm Production Expenditures Total by Year - Plains Region: 2012-2016......................................... 35 Farm Production Expenditures by Farms Reporting, Average per Farm, and Total - Kansas: 2015 and 2016............ 36 Farm Production Expenditures by Farms Reporting, Average per Farm, and Total - Nebraska: 2015 and 2016........ 36 Farm Production Expenditures by Farms Reporting, Average per Farm, and Total - Texas: 2015 and 2016........... 37 Farm Production Expenditures by Farms Reporting, Average per Farm, and Total - All Other States, Plains Region: 2015 and 2016.................................................................................. 37 Farm Production Expenditures by Farms Reporting, Average per Farm, and Total - West Region: 2015 and 2016..... 38 Farm Production Expenditures Total by Year - West Region: 2012-2016........................................... 38 Farm Production Expenditures by Farms Reporting, Average per Farm, and Total - California: 2015 and 2016...... 39 Farm Production Expenditures by Farms Reporting, Average per Farm, and Total - Washington: 2015 and 2016...... 39 Farm Production Expenditures by Farms Reporting, Average per Farm, and Total - All Other States, West Region: 2015 and 2016......................................................................................... 40 Farm Production Expenditures Regions-Map...................................................................... 41 Program History............................................................................................... 42 Statistical Methodology....................................................................................... 44 Terms and Definitions......................................................................................... 45 Statistical Procedures........................................................................................ 46 Information Contacts.......................................................................................... 48 2016 United States Total Farm Production Expenditure Highlights Farm Production Expenditures in the United States are estimated at $346.9 billion for 2016, down from $362.8 billion in 2015. The 2016 total farm production expenditures are down 4.4 percent compared with 2015 total farm production expenditures. For the 17 line items, 5 showed an increase from previous year, while the rest showed a decrease. The four largest expenditures at the United States level total $171.4 billion and account for 49.3 percent of total expenditures in 2016. These include feed, 16.0 percent, farm services, 12.0 percent, livestock, poultry and related expenses, 11.5 percent, and labor, 9.8 percent. In 2016, the United States total farm expenditure average per farm is $169,035, down 4.1 percent from $176,181 in 2015. On average, United States farm operations spent $27,092 on feed, $19,491 on livestock, poultry and related expenses, $20,319 on farm services, and $16,616 on labor. For 2015, United States farms spent an average of $28,408 on feed, $20,202 on farm services, $22,047 on livestock, poultry and related expenses, and $15,443 on labor. Total fuel expense is $11.3 billion. Diesel, the largest sub component, is $7.4 billion, accounting for 65.5 percent. Diesel expenditures are down 7.5 percent from the previous year. Gasoline is $2.1 billion, down 8.7 percent. LP gas is $1.2 billion, down 14.1 percent. Other fuel is $640 million, down 1.5 percent. The United States economic sales class contributing most to the 2016 United States total expenditures is the $1,000,000 - $4,999,999 class, with expenses of $113.0 billion, 32.6 percent of the United States total, down 5.2 percent from the 2015 level of $119.2 billion. The next highest is the $5,000,000 and Over class with $80.6 billion, down from $81.3 billion in 2015. In 2016, crop farms expenditures decreased to $177.0 billion, down 1.8 percent, while livestock farms expenditures decreased to $169.9 billion, down 6.9 percent. The largest expenditures for crop farms are rent at $24.8 billion (14.0 percent of total), labor at $24.6 billon (13.9 percent), and farm services at $22.9 billion (12.9 percent). Combined crop inputs (chemicals, fertilizers, and seeds) are $52.8 billion, accounting for 29.8 percent of crop farms total expenses. The largest expenditures for livestock farms are feed at $54.1 billion (31.8 percent of total), livestock, poultry and related expenses at $38.1 billion (22.4 percent), and farm services at $18.8 billion (11.1 percent). Together, these line items account for 65.3 percent of livestock farms total expenses. The average total expenditure for a crop farm is $187,948 compared to $152,995 per livestock farm. The Midwest region contributed the most to United States total expenditures with expenses of $108.9 billion (31.4 percent), down from $113.1 billion in 2015. Other regions, ranked by total expenditures, are the Plains at $89.0 billion (25.7 percent), West at $71.4 billion (20.6 percent), Atlantic at $42.1 billion (12.1 percent), and South at $35.5 billion (10.2 percent). The Plains decreased $4.52 billion from 2015, which is the largest regional decrease. Combined total expenditures for the 15 estimate states is $228.0 billion in 2016 (65.7 percent of the United States total expenditures) and $238.0 billion in 2015 (65.6 percent). California contributed most to the 2016 United States total expenditures, with expenses of $34.2 billion, (9.9 percent). California expenditures are down 3.8 percent from the 2015 estimate of $35.5 billion. Iowa, the next leading state, has $26.3 billion in expenses, (7.6 percent). Other states with more than $20 billion in total expenditures are Texas with $23.9 billion and Nebraska with $21.7 billion. For further information on USDA farm expenditures, please visit http:/www.nass.usda.gov/Statistics_by_Subject/index.php. Farm Production Expenditures by Expenditure Category and Percent of Total - United States: 2015 and 2016 [For definitions of terms used in this table, see Terms and Definitions. Excluding Alaska and Hawaii. Totals may not add due to rounding] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Expenditure : 2015 : 2016 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ :million dollars percent million dollars percent : Livestock, poultry and related expenses ..........: 45,400 12.5 40,000 11.5 Feed .............................................: 58,500 16.1 55,600 16.0 Farm services ....................................: 41,600 11.5 41,700 12.0 Rent .............................................: 31,000 8.5 29,800 8.6 Agricultural chemicals ...........................: 14,600 4.0 15,200 4.4 Fertilizer, lime and soil conditioners ...........: 25,500 7.0 23,500 6.8 Interest .........................................: 9,500 2.6 9,100 2.6 Taxes ............................................: 12,800 3.5 11,900 3.4 Labor ............................................: 31,800 8.8 34,100 9.8 Fuel .............................................: 12,300 3.4 11,300 3.3 : Farm supplies and repairs ........................: 18,700 5.2 17,600 5.1 Farm improvements and construction ...............: 16,100 4.4 14,500 4.2 Tractors and self-propelled farm machinery .......: 11,900 3.3 10,600 3.1 Other farm machinery .............................: 6,100 1.7 5,000 1.4 Seeds and plants .................................: 21,300 5.9 21,800 6.3 Trucks and autos .................................: 5,000 1.4 4,400 1.3 Miscellaneous capital expenses ...................: 700 0.2 800 0.2 : Total farm production expenditures ...............: 362,800 100.0 346,900 100.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Farm Production Expenditures by Farms Reporting, Average per Farm, and Total - United States: 2015 and 2016 [For definitions of terms used in this table, see Terms and Definitions. Excluding Alaska and Hawaii. Totals may not add due to rounding] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : Farms : Average : Total : reporting : per farm : expenditures Expenditure :----------------------------------------------------- : 2015 : 2016 : 2015 : 2016 : 2015 : 2016 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : -- percent -- --- dollars --- million dollars : Livestock, poultry and related expenses ..........: 25.3 25.7 22,047 19,491 45,400 40,000 Feed .............................................: 56.8 57.3 28,408 27,092 58,500 55,600 Farm services ....................................: 92.3 91.1 20,202 20,319 41,600 41,700 Rent .............................................: 29.4 30.0 15,054 14,521 31,000 29,800 Agricultural chemicals ...........................: 41.6 45.4 7,090 7,407 14,600 15,200 Fertilizer, lime and soil conditioners ...........: 51.4 50.4 12,383 11,451 25,500 23,500 Interest .........................................: 32.7 32.0 4,613 4,434 9,500 9,100 Taxes ............................................: 99.5 99.5 6,216 5,799 12,800 11,900 Labor ............................................: 27.4 25.8 15,443 16,616 31,800 34,100 Fuel .............................................: 85.1 83.6 5,973 5,506 12,300 11,300 : Farm supplies and repairs ........................: 80.7 80.4 9,081 8,576 18,700 17,600 Farm improvements and construction ...............: 50.9 48.8 7,818 7,065 16,100 14,500 Tractors and self-propelled farm machinery .......: 14.5 13.0 5,779 5,165 11,900 10,600 Other farm machinery .............................: 16.3 15.1 2,962 2,436 6,100 5,000 Seeds and plants .................................: 39.2 36.3 10,344 10,623 21,300 21,800 Trucks and autos .................................: 13.3 11.6 2,428 2,144 5,000 4,400 Miscellaneous capital expenses ...................: 4.9 5.2 340 390 700 800 : Total farm production expenditures ...............: 100.0 100.0 176,181 169,035 362,800 346,900 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Farm Production Expenditures by Year - United States: 2012-2016 [For definitions of terms used in this table, see Terms and Definitions. Excluding Alaska and Hawaii] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : : : : : Expenditure : 2012 : 2013 : 2014 : 2015 : 2016 : : : : : ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : million dollars : Livestock, poultry and related expenses ..........: 33,500 34,200 45,100 45,400 40,000 Feed .............................................: 60,500 62,400 63,700 58,500 55,600 Farm services ....................................: 41,100 39,000 45,300 41,600 41,700 Rent .............................................: 29,700 31,400 32,600 31,000 29,800 Agricultural chemicals ...........................: 14,000 14,600 15,800 14,600 15,200 Fertilizer, lime and soil conditioners ...........: 28,800 28,300 28,000 25,500 23,500 Interest .........................................: 8,400 8,700 9,700 9,500 9,100 Taxes ............................................: 11,500 11,700 13,600 12,800 11,900 Labor ............................................: 31,800 32,000 34,200 31,800 34,100 Fuel .............................................: 15,600 16,400 16,700 12,300 11,300 : Farm supplies and repairs ........................: 18,200 18,700 19,900 18,700 17,600 Farm improvements and construction ...............: 15,600 16,600 18,200 16,100 14,500 Tractors and self-propelled farm machinery .......: 17,000 17,100 16,900 11,900 10,600 Other farm machinery .............................: 8,000 8,800 9,000 6,100 5,000 Seeds and plants .................................: 20,900 21,900 22,100 21,300 21,800 Trucks and autos .................................: 5,000 4,990 6,200 5,000 4,400 Miscellaneous capital expenses ...................: 500 480 600 700 800 : Total farm production expenditures ...............:360,100 367,270 397,600 362,800 346,900 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Farm Production Expenditures by Percent of Total - United States: 2012-2016 [For definitions of terms used in this table, see Terms and Definitions. Excluding Alaska and Hawaii] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : : : : : Expenditure : 2012 : 2013 : 2014 : 2015 : 2016 : : : : : ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : percent : Livestock, poultry and related expenses ..........: 9.3 9.3 11.3 12.5 11.5 Feed .............................................: 16.8 17.0 16.0 16.1 16.0 Farm services ....................................: 11.4 10.6 11.4 11.5 12.0 Rent .............................................: 8.2 8.5 8.2 8.5 8.6 Agricultural chemicals ...........................: 3.9 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.4 Fertilizer, lime and soil conditioners ...........: 8.0 7.7 7.0 7.0 6.8 Interest .........................................: 2.3 2.4 2.4 2.6 2.6 Taxes ............................................: 3.2 3.2 3.4 3.5 3.4 Labor ............................................: 8.8 8.7 8.6 8.8 9.8 Fuel .............................................: 4.3 4.5 4.2 3.4 3.3 : Farm supplies and repairs ........................: 5.1 5.1 5.0 5.2 5.1 Farm improvements and construction ...............: 4.3 4.5 4.6 4.4 4.2 Tractors and self-propelled farm machinery .......: 4.7 4.7 4.3 3.3 3.1 Other farm machinery .............................: 2.2 2.4 2.3 1.7 1.4 Seeds and plants .................................: 5.8 6.0 5.6 5.9 6.3 Trucks and autos .................................: 1.4 1.4 1.6 1.4 1.3 Miscellaneous capital expenses ...................: 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.2 : Total farm production expenditures ...............: 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Crop Farms Production Expenditures by Farms Reporting, Average per Farm, and Total - United States: 2015 and 2016 [For definitions of terms used in this table, see Terms and Definitions. Excluding Alaska and Hawaii. Totals may not add due to rounding] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ : Farms : Average : Total : reporting : per farm : expenditures Expenditure :--------------------------------------------------- : 2015 : 2016 : 2015 : 2016 : 2015 : 2016 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ : -- percent -- --- dollars --- million dollars : Livestock, poultry and related expenses ..........: 9.5 9.2 2,315 2,018 2,200 1,900 Feed .............................................: 20.9 21.8 1,473 1,593 1,400 1,500 Farm services ....................................: 89.1 87.6 25,154 24,316 23,900 22,900 Rent .............................................: 31.8 32.4 26,733 26,334 25,400 24,800 Agricultural chemicals ...........................: 53.6 54.4 13,630 14,494 12,950 13,650 Fertilizer, lime and soil conditioners ...........: 60.7 59.3 22,418 21,025 21,300 19,800 Interest .........................................: 35.0 32.7 5,420 5,033 5,150 4,740 Taxes ............................................: 99.8 99.6 8,420 7,858 8,000 7,400 Labor ............................................: 30.5 27.4 23,786 26,122 22,600 24,600 Fuel .............................................: 80.4 78.8 7,894 7,539 7,500 7,100 : Farm supplies and repairs ........................: 75.9 75.5 11,472 11,149 10,900 10,500 Farm improvements and construction ...............: 46.7 44.8 7,999 7,114 7,600 6,700 Tractors and self-propelled farm machinery .......: 13.6 12.9 7,157 6,902 6,800 6,500 Other farm machinery .............................: 15.5 15.5 3,842 3,398 3,650 3,200 Seeds and plants .................................: 51.9 50.7 19,471 20,494 18,500 19,300 Trucks and autos .................................: 12.2 11.6 2,263 2,177 2,150 2,050 Miscellaneous capital expenses ...................: 4.1 4.7 316 382 300 360 : Total farm production expenditures ...............: 100.0 100.0 189,762 187,948 180,300 177,000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Livestock Farms Production Expenditures by Farms Reporting, Average per Farm, and Total - United States: 2015 and 2016 [For definitions of terms used in this table, see Terms and Definitions. Excluding Alaska and Hawaii. Totals may not add due to rounding] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ : Farms : Average : Total : reporting : per farm : expenditures Expenditure :--------------------------------------------------- : 2015 : 2016 : 2015 : 2016 : 2015 : 2016 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ : -- percent -- --- dollars --- million dollars : Livestock, poultry and related expenses ..........: 38.7 39.6 38,950 34,309 43,200 38,100 Feed .............................................: 87.6 87.4 51,483 48,717 57,100 54,100 Farm services ....................................: 95.0 94.1 15,959 16,929 17,700 18,800 Rent .............................................: 27.4 28.0 5,049 4,503 5,600 5,000 Agricultural chemicals ...........................: 31.2 37.7 1,488 1,396 1,650 1,550 Fertilizer, lime and soil conditioners ...........: 43.4 42.9 3,787 3,332 4,200 3,700 Interest .........................................: 30.7 31.4 3,922 3,926 4,350 4,360 Taxes ............................................: 99.3 99.3 4,328 4,052 4,800 4,500 Labor ............................................: 24.6 24.4 8,295 8,555 9,200 9,500 Fuel .............................................: 89.1 87.6 4,328 3,782 4,800 4,200 : Farm supplies and repairs ........................: 84.9 84.6 7,033 6,394 7,800 7,100 Farm improvements and construction ...............: 54.4 52.3 7,664 7,024 8,500 7,800 Tractors and self-propelled farm machinery .......: 15.2 13.1 4,598 3,692 5,100 4,100 Other farm machinery .............................: 16.9 14.8 2,209 1,621 2,450 1,800 Seeds and plants .................................: 28.3 24.2 2,525 2,251 2,800 2,500 Trucks and autos .................................: 14.2 11.6 2,570 2,116 2,850 2,350 Miscellaneous capital expenses ...................: 5.7 5.7 361 396 400 440 : Total farm production expenditures ...............: 100.0 100.0 164,546 152,995 182,500 169,900 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Farm Production Expenditures, Economic Class Gross Sales, by Percent of Total, Average per Farm, and Total - United States: 2015 and 2016 [For definitions of terms used in this table, see Terms and Definitions. Excluding Alaska and Hawaii. Totals may not add due to rounding] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : Percent of : Average : Total : total : per farm : expenditures Expenditure :----------------------------------------------------------------------- : 2015 : 2016 : 2015 : 2016 : 2015 : 2016 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : ------ percent ----- ------ dollars ------ million dollars : Less than $10,000 ......................: 4.3 4.1 15,180 13,756 15,650 14,130 $10,000 - $49,999 ......................: 4.5 4.6 36,542 35,726 16,470 16,120 $50,000 - $99,999 ......................: 4.2 4.1 89,761 85,587 15,210 14,270 $100,000 - $249,999 ....................: 7.1 6.8 178,330 162,413 25,840 23,480 : $250,000 - $499,999 ....................: 9.5 9.6 354,090 339,800 34,630 33,280 $500,000 - $999,999 ....................: 15.0 15.0 663,264 635,288 54,580 52,100 $1,000,000 - $4,999,999 ................: 32.8 32.6 1,600,967 1,528,687 119,160 112,970 $5,000,000 and over ....................: 22.4 23.2 9,308,133 9,258,621 81,260 80,550 : Total farm production expenditures .....: 100.0 100.0 176,181 169,035 362,800 346,900 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Farm Production Expenditures, Economic Class Gross Sales of Less than $10,000 by Farms Reporting, Average per Farm, and Total - United States: 2015 and 2016 [For definitions of terms used in this table, see Terms and Definitions. Excluding Alaska and Hawaii. Totals may not add due to rounding] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ : Farms : Average : Total : reporting : per farm : expenditures Expenditure :--------------------------------------------------- : 2015 : 2016 : 2015 : 2016 : 2015 : 2016 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ : -- percent -- --- dollars --- million dollars : Livestock, poultry and related expenses ..........: 17.5 17.9 456 516 470 530 Feed .............................................: 56.7 57.5 1,484 1,285 1,530 1,320 Farm services ....................................: 86.9 85.0 2,047 2,015 2,110 2,070 Rent .............................................: 10.2 11.3 223 243 230 250 Agricultural chemicals ...........................: 22.3 23.5 116 107 120 110 Fertilizer, lime and soil conditioners ...........: 32.3 29.7 446 350 460 360 Interest .........................................: 18.1 16.8 892 711 920 730 Taxes ............................................: 99.3 99.2 2,018 1,898 2,080 1,950 Labor ............................................: 14.8 12.4 466 389 480 400 Fuel .............................................: 76.2 73.6 660 652 680 670 : Farm supplies and repairs ........................: 69.7 69.2 1,009 974 1,040 1,000 Farm improvements and construction ...............: 39.1 36.6 2,279 1,947 2,350 2,000 Tractors and self-propelled farm machinery .......: 10.4 9.0 1,416 1,178 1,460 1,210 Other farm machinery .............................: 8.4 8.4 349 273 360 280 Seeds and plants .................................: 18.9 15.5 165 146 170 150 Trucks and autos .................................: 8.9 7.5 999 837 1,030 860 Miscellaneous capital expenses ...................: 2.8 3.9 155 234 160 240 : Total farm production expenditures ...............: 100.0 100.0 15,180 13,756 15,650 14,130 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Farm Production Expenditures, Economic Class Gross Sales of $10,000-$49,999 by Farms Reporting, Average per Farm, and Total - United States: 2015 and 2016 [For definitions of terms used in this table, see Terms and Definitions. Excluding Alaska and Hawaii. Totals may not add due to rounding] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ : Farms : Average : Total : reporting : per farm : expenditures Expenditure :--------------------------------------------------- : 2015 : 2016 : 2015 : 2016 : 2015 : 2016 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ : -- percent -- --- dollars --- million dollars : Livestock, poultry and related expenses ..........: 25.0 28.5 2,063 1,839 930 830 Feed .............................................: 60.6 62.1 2,951 3,103 1,330 1,400 Farm services ....................................: 95.4 94.2 5,081 5,363 2,290 2,420 Rent .............................................: 28.7 26.5 1,265 1,285 570 580 Agricultural chemicals ...........................: 40.5 48.2 710 731 320 330 Fertilizer, lime and soil conditioners ...........: 56.0 58.2 2,108 1,906 950 860 Interest .........................................: 27.1 29.1 1,509 1,529 680 690 Taxes ............................................: 99.4 99.5 3,284 3,302 1,480 1,490 Labor ............................................: 24.2 24.7 1,620 1,773 730 800 Fuel .............................................: 89.1 88.6 1,997 1,817 900 820 : Farm supplies and repairs ........................: 85.0 85.4 3,151 2,837 1,420 1,280 Farm improvements and construction ...............: 54.2 51.3 3,439 3,546 1,550 1,600 Tractors and self-propelled farm machinery .......: 13.1 13.2 2,995 2,615 1,350 1,180 Other farm machinery .............................: 14.1 14.1 976 997 440 450 Seeds and plants .................................: 40.3 35.3 1,087 1,130 490 510 Trucks and autos .................................: 12.8 10.5 1,997 1,574 900 710 Miscellaneous capital expenses ...................: 5.8 5.3 311 377 140 170 : Total farm production expenditures ...............: 100.0 100.0 36,542 35,726 16,470 16,120 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Farm Production Expenditures, Economic Class Gross Sales of $50,000-$99,999 by Farms Reporting, Average per Farm, and Total - United States: 2015 and 2016 [For definitions of terms used in this table, see Terms and Definitions. Excluding Alaska and Hawaii. Totals may not add due to rounding] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ : Farms : Average : Total : reporting : per farm : expenditures Expenditure :--------------------------------------------------- : 2015 : 2016 : 2015 : 2016 : 2015 : 2016 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ : -- percent -- --- dollars --- million dollars : Livestock, poultry and related expenses ..........: 31.3 33.6 5,724 4,918 970 820 Feed .............................................: 54.9 59.5 5,016 6,478 850 1,080 Farm services ....................................: 99.0 99.3 11,626 11,995 1,970 2,000 Rent .............................................: 47.0 51.2 6,315 6,118 1,070 1,020 Agricultural chemicals ...........................: 61.0 71.8 2,951 2,939 500 490 Fertilizer, lime and soil conditioners ...........: 73.7 72.8 7,554 6,597 1,280 1,100 Interest .........................................: 45.0 43.5 3,246 3,359 550 560 Taxes ............................................: 99.8 99.8 5,842 5,518 990 920 Labor ............................................: 38.0 36.2 4,898 4,498 830 750 Fuel .............................................: 94.9 94.6 4,603 4,078 780 680 : Farm supplies and repairs ........................: 93.4 93.7 6,610 6,118 1,120 1,020 Farm improvements and construction ...............: 62.1 61.9 7,436 7,797 1,260 1,300 Tractors and self-propelled farm machinery .......: 17.1 14.6 5,960 4,918 1,010 820 Other farm machinery .............................: 23.0 20.9 2,833 1,979 480 330 Seeds and plants .................................: 60.3 59.3 5,901 4,978 1,000 830 Trucks and autos .................................: 17.6 15.1 2,715 2,939 460 490 Miscellaneous capital expenses ...................: 7.4 5.8 531 360 90 60 : Total farm production expenditures ...............: 100.0 100.0 89,761 85,587 15,210 14,270 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Farm Production Expenditures, Economic Class Gross Sales of $100,000-$249,999 by Farms Reporting, Average per Farm, and Total - United States: 2015 and 2016 [For definitions of terms used in this table, see Terms and Definitions. Excluding Alaska and Hawaii. Totals may not add due to rounding] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ : Farms : Average : Total : reporting : per farm : expenditures Expenditure :--------------------------------------------------- : 2015 : 2016 : 2015 : 2016 : 2015 : 2016 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ : -- percent -- --- dollars --- million dollars : Livestock, poultry and related expenses ..........: 36.0 31.3 9,938 7,885 1,440 1,140 Feed .............................................: 51.8 50.7 10,904 11,621 1,580 1,680 Farm services ....................................: 99.7 99.8 22,774 22,480 3,300 3,250 Rent .............................................: 64.2 67.1 16,425 16,186 2,380 2,340 Agricultural chemicals ...........................: 77.1 81.3 9,248 8,923 1,340 1,290 Fertilizer, lime and soil conditioners ...........: 86.9 84.2 18,081 15,494 2,620 2,240 Interest .........................................: 59.5 58.0 5,728 5,880 830 850 Taxes ............................................: 99.8 100.0 9,179 8,093 1,330 1,170 Labor ............................................: 43.9 39.6 12,560 10,376 1,820 1,500 Fuel .............................................: 97.8 97.5 7,937 6,986 1,150 1,010 : Farm supplies and repairs ........................: 97.5 97.1 12,422 10,929 1,800 1,580 Farm improvements and construction ...............: 66.2 65.7 9,248 7,816 1,340 1,130 Tractors and self-propelled farm machinery .......: 19.5 17.1 9,317 8,370 1,350 1,210 Other farm machinery .............................: 31.1 22.7 5,659 3,735 820 540 Seeds and plants .................................: 79.7 74.9 14,493 13,834 2,100 2,000 Trucks and autos .................................: 18.4 16.0 3,934 3,251 570 470 Miscellaneous capital expenses ...................: 7.0 6.7 483 553 70 80 : Total farm production expenditures ...............: 100.0 100.0 178,330 162,413 25,840 23,480 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Farm Production Expenditures, Economic Class Gross Sales of $250,000-$499,999 by Farms Reporting, Average per Farm, and Total - United States: 2015 and 2016 [For definitions of terms used in this table, see Terms and Definitions. Excluding Alaska and Hawaii. Totals may not add due to rounding] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ : Farms : Average : Total : reporting : per farm : expenditures Expenditure :--------------------------------------------------- : 2015 : 2016 : 2015 : 2016 : 2015 : 2016 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ : -- percent -- --- dollars --- million dollars : Livestock, poultry and related expenses ..........: 41.8 38.2 29,652 21,748 2,900 2,130 Feed .............................................: 54.5 47.9 29,141 26,241 2,850 2,570 Farm services ....................................: 100.0 99.5 43,456 43,598 4,250 4,270 Rent .............................................: 76.6 75.9 40,389 41,658 3,950 4,080 Agricultural chemicals ...........................: 85.3 90.6 19,121 20,216 1,870 1,980 Fertilizer, lime and soil conditioners ...........: 86.7 88.5 34,867 33,184 3,410 3,250 Interest .........................................: 69.5 71.4 11,452 11,333 1,120 1,110 Taxes ............................................: 99.9 99.9 16,155 14,294 1,580 1,400 Labor ............................................: 54.3 51.9 23,006 24,505 2,250 2,400 Fuel .............................................: 99.7 99.0 14,110 13,273 1,380 1,300 : Farm supplies and repairs ........................: 98.9 98.1 21,268 21,442 2,080 2,100 Farm improvements and construction ...............: 70.4 68.6 13,497 13,784 1,320 1,350 Tractors and self-propelled farm machinery .......: 22.5 20.1 14,519 12,763 1,420 1,250 Other farm machinery .............................: 34.6 30.9 8,589 6,943 840 680 Seeds and plants .................................: 81.9 85.2 28,937 29,610 2,830 2,900 Trucks and autos .................................: 21.6 21.6 5,215 4,595 510 450 Miscellaneous capital expenses ...................: 8.2 8.7 716 613 70 60 : Total farm production expenditures ...............: 100.0 100.0 354,090 339,800 34,630 33,280 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Farm Production Expenditures, Economic Class Gross Sales of $500,000-$999,999 by Farms Reporting, Average per Farm, and Total - United States: 2015 and 2016 [For definitions of terms used in this table, see Terms and Definitions. Excluding Alaska and Hawaii. Totals may not add due to rounding] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ : Farms : Average : Total : reporting : per farm : expenditures Expenditure :--------------------------------------------------- : 2015 : 2016 : 2015 : 2016 : 2015 : 2016 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ : -- percent -- --- dollars --- million dollars : Livestock, poultry and related expenses ..........: 41.6 39.5 57,844 49,994 4,760 4,100 Feed .............................................: 49.9 46.6 62,705 62,797 5,160 5,150 Farm services ....................................: 100.0 100.0 75,951 73,650 6,250 6,040 Rent .............................................: 78.0 78.4 87,131 82,917 7,170 6,800 Agricultural chemicals ...........................: 88.8 89.7 37,550 41,093 3,090 3,370 Fertilizer, lime and soil conditioners ...........: 88.8 87.4 65,379 60,968 5,380 5,000 Interest .........................................: 81.0 75.3 18,228 18,047 1,500 1,480 Taxes ............................................: 100.0 100.0 21,874 20,119 1,800 1,650 Labor ............................................: 66.9 65.5 48,973 46,945 4,030 3,850 Fuel .............................................: 99.7 99.6 25,884 22,924 2,130 1,880 : Farm supplies and repairs ........................: 99.5 97.7 36,943 35,605 3,040 2,920 Farm improvements and construction ...............: 74.6 75.7 25,884 22,558 2,130 1,850 Tractors and self-propelled farm machinery .......: 29.6 28.9 21,995 21,705 1,810 1,780 Other farm machinery .............................: 38.6 35.1 13,124 10,974 1,080 900 Seeds and plants .................................: 83.6 85.1 56,143 58,042 4,620 4,760 Trucks and autos .................................: 26.2 24.6 6,927 6,097 570 500 Miscellaneous capital expenses ...................: 9.5 8.9 729 854 60 70 : Total farm production expenditures ...............: 100.0 100.0 663,264 635,288 54,580 52,100 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Farm Production Expenditures, Economic Class Gross Sales of $1,000,000-$4,999,999 by Farms Reporting, Average per Farm, and Total - United States: 2015 and 2016 [For definitions of terms used in this table, see Terms and Definitions. Excluding Alaska and Hawaii. Totals may not add due to rounding] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : Farms : Average : Total : reporting : per farm : expenditures Expenditure :---------------------------------------------------- : 2015 : 2016 : 2015 : 2016 : 2015 : 2016 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :-- percent -- ----- dollars ----- million dollars : Livestock, poultry and related expenses ..........: 57.1 52.5 188,231 165,765 14,010 12,250 Feed .............................................: 60.8 56.8 327,825 297,023 24,400 21,950 Farm services ....................................:100.0 100.0 180,035 179,296 13,400 13,250 Rent .............................................: 73.2 73.3 163,912 154,939 12,200 11,450 Agricultural chemicals ...........................: 86.8 88.4 72,014 75,237 5,360 5,560 Fertilizer, lime and soil conditioners ...........: 77.7 79.7 118,232 108,931 8,800 8,050 Interest .........................................: 80.2 78.0 37,619 34,641 2,800 2,560 Taxes ............................................:100.0 100.0 35,201 33,559 2,620 2,480 Labor ............................................: 77.2 80.8 137,042 155,616 10,200 11,500 Fuel .............................................: 99.4 99.7 49,577 45,196 3,690 3,340 : Farm supplies and repairs ........................: 99.4 99.1 67,983 66,982 5,060 4,950 Farm improvements and construction ...............: 82.4 80.9 51,055 41,678 3,800 3,080 Tractors and self-propelled farm machinery .......: 33.6 25.8 37,754 33,153 2,810 2,450 Other farm machinery .............................: 41.4 39.8 22,303 19,621 1,660 1,450 Seeds and plants .................................: 77.0 80.1 101,438 106,225 7,550 7,850 Trucks and autos .................................: 28.2 27.3 9,539 9,743 710 720 Miscellaneous capital expenses ...................: 9.0 9.8 1,209 1,083 90 80 : Total farm production expenditures ...............:100.0 100.0 1,600,967 1,528,687 119,160 112,970 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Farm Production Expenditures, Economic Class Gross Sales of $5,000,000 and Over by Farms Reporting, Average per Farm, and Total - United States: 2015 and 2016 [For definitions of terms used in this table, see Terms and Definitions. Excluding Alaska and Hawaii. Totals may not add due to rounding] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : Farms : Average : Total : reporting : per farm : expenditures Expenditure :------------------------------------------------------------ : 2015 : 2016 : 2015 : 2016 : 2015 : 2016 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : --- percent -- ------- dollars ------ million dollars : Livestock, poultry and related expenses ....: 53.1 57.7 2,281,787 2,091,954 19,920 18,200 Feed .......................................: 61.1 64.7 2,382,589 2,350,575 20,800 20,450 Farm services ..............................: 100.0 100.0 919,817 965,517 8,030 8,400 Rent .......................................: 70.9 66.2 392,898 377,011 3,430 3,280 Agricultural chemicals .....................: 81.9 87.6 229,095 237,931 2,000 2,070 Fertilizer, lime and soil conditioners .....: 75.3 81.9 297,824 303,448 2,600 2,640 Interest ...................................: 77.9 84.2 126,002 128,736 1,100 1,120 Taxes ......................................: 100.0 100.0 105,384 96,552 920 840 Labor ......................................: 95.2 94.5 1,312,715 1,482,759 11,460 12,900 Fuel .......................................: 99.6 99.9 182,131 183,908 1,590 1,600 : Farm supplies and repairs ..................: 99.9 99.4 359,679 316,092 3,140 2,750 Farm improvements and construction .........: 86.9 89.5 269,187 251,724 2,350 2,190 Tractors and self-propelled farm machinery .: 38.5 41.0 79,038 80,460 690 700 Other farm machinery .......................: 40.8 45.6 48,110 42,529 420 370 Seeds and plants ...........................: 74.5 83.4 290,951 321,839 2,540 2,800 Trucks and autos ...........................: 42.5 42.0 28,637 22,989 250 200 Miscellaneous capital expenses .............: 9.5 12.8 2,291 4,598 20 40 : Total farm production expenditures .........: 100.0 100.0 9,308,133 9,258,621 81,260 80,550 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fuel Production Expenditure Sub-Components by Type of Farm, Economic Class, and Region - United States: 2015 and 2016 [For definitions of terms used in this table, see Terms and Definitions. Excluding Alaska and Hawaii] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : : Fuel Production Expenditure : :--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Type of farm : Total : Diesel : Gasoline : LP gas : Other fuel -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : 2015 : 2016 : 2015 : 2016 : 2015 : 2016 : 2015 : 2016 : 2015 : 2016 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : million dollars : : Crop farms .................: 7,500 7,100 5,200 4,900 1,250 1,200 580 540 470 460 Livestock farms ............: 4,800 4,200 2,800 2,500 1,050 900 770 620 180 180 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : : Fuel Production Expenditure : :--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Economic class : Total : Diesel : Gasoline : LP gas : Other fuel -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : 2015 : 2016 : 2015 : 2016 : 2015 : 2016 : 2015 : 2016 : 2015 : 2016 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : million dollars : : Less than $10,000 ..........: 680 670 380 390 240 220 40 40 20 20 $10,000 - $49,999 ..........: 900 820 550 510 280 250 50 40 20 20 $50,000 - $99,999 ..........: 780 680 500 440 200 180 50 50 30 10 $100,000 - $249,999 ........: 1,150 1,010 770 680 250 210 90 80 40 40 $250,000 - $499,999 ........: 1,380 1,300 970 900 250 240 120 110 40 50 $500,000 - $999,999 ........: 2,130 1,880 1,500 1,300 320 290 240 190 70 100 $1,000,000 - $4,999,999 ....: 3,690 3,340 2,310 2,130 540 470 590 500 250 240 $5,000,000 and over ........: 1,590 1,600 1,020 1,050 220 240 170 150 180 160 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : : Fuel Production Expenditure : :--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Region : Total : Diesel : Gasoline : LP gas : Other fuel -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : 2015 : 2016 : 2015 : 2016 : 2015 : 2016 : 2015 : 2016 : 2015 : 2016 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : million dollars : : Atlantic ...................: 1,650 1,390 980 830 320 290 230 170 120 100 South ......................: 1,560 1,480 990 940 290 270 230 200 50 70 Midwest ....................: 3,660 3,220 2,390 2,100 530 470 570 520 170 130 Plains .....................: 2,950 2,770 2,000 1,860 600 530 160 150 190 230 West .......................: 2,480 2,440 1,640 1,670 560 540 160 120 120 110 : United States ..............: 12,300 11,300 8,000 7,400 2,300 2,100 1,350 1,160 650 640 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Farm Production Expenditures - Region, State, and United States: 2015 and 2016 [For definitions of terms used in this table, see Terms and Definitions. Excluding Alaska and Hawaii. Totals may not add due to rounding] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Region : Total farm : Livestock, poultry, and : production expenditures : and related expenses state :----------------------------------------------------------------------- : 2015 : 2016 : 2015 : 2016 : 2015 : 2016 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ : -------------- million dollars ------------- percent of total : : Atlantic : North Carolina .: 10,520 10,330 2,090 1,930 19.9 18.7 Other States ...: 33,670 31,780 2,060 1,850 6.1 5.8 Total ..........: 44,190 42,110 4,150 3,780 9.4 9.0 : South : Arkansas .......: 8,230 8,105 740 750 9.0 9.3 Florida ........: 5,790 5,900 140 120 2.4 2.0 Georgia ........: 7,590 7,130 870 840 11.5 11.8 Other States ...: 15,470 14,385 1,430 1,480 9.2 10.3 Total ..........: 37,080 35,520 3,180 3,190 8.6 9.0 : Midwest : Illinois .......: 17,860 15,815 870 640 4.9 4.0 Indiana ........: 10,400 10,235 570 630 5.5 6.2 Iowa ...........: 27,750 26,345 5,120 3,780 18.5 14.3 Minnesota ......: 17,330 17,205 1,650 1,520 9.5 8.8 Missouri .......: 10,600 10,375 1,210 1,190 11.4 11.5 Wisconsin ......: 10,910 10,910 450 460 4.1 4.2 Other States ...: 18,230 18,005 980 1,010 5.4 5.6 Total ..........: 113,080 108,890 10,850 9,230 9.6 8.5 : Plains : Kansas .........: 20,230 17,700 7,770 6,000 38.4 33.9 Nebraska .......: 22,740 21,720 6,770 6,170 29.8 28.4 Texas ..........: 24,130 23,900 5,720 5,670 23.7 23.7 Other States ...: 26,430 25,690 3,000 3,010 11.4 11.7 Total ..........: 93,530 89,010 23,260 20,850 24.9 23.4 : West : California .....: 35,540 34,200 730 740 2.1 2.2 Washington .....: 8,420 8,105 180 100 2.1 1.2 Other States ...: 30,960 29,065 3,050 2,110 9.9 7.3 Total ..........: 74,920 71,370 3,960 2,950 5.3 4.1 : United States ....: 362,800 346,900 45,400 40,000 12.5 11.5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --continued Farm Production Expenditures - Region, State, and United States: 2015 and 2016 (Continued) [For definitions of terms used in this table, see Terms and Definitions. Excluding Alaska and Hawaii. Totals may not add due to rounding] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Region : Feed : Farm services and : : state :--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : 2015 : 2016 : 2015 : 2016 : 2015 : 2016 : 2015 : 2016 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : million dollars percent of total million dollars percent of total : : Atlantic : North Carolina .: 3,470 3,440 33.0 33.3 890 1,010 8.5 9.8 Other States ...: 6,580 5,990 19.5 18.8 3,930 4,090 11.7 12.9 Total ..........: 10,050 9,430 22.7 22.4 4,820 5,100 10.9 12.1 : South : Arkansas .......: 2,260 2,080 27.5 25.7 810 850 9.8 10.5 Florida ........: 410 440 7.1 7.5 700 760 12.1 12.9 Georgia ........: 2,270 2,180 29.9 30.6 860 840 11.3 11.8 Other States ...: 3,810 3,920 24.6 27.3 1,810 1,750 11.7 12.2 Total ..........: 8,750 8,620 23.6 24.3 4,180 4,200 11.3 11.8 : Midwest : Illinois .......: 1,370 930 7.7 5.9 1,710 1,560 9.6 9.9 Indiana ........: 1,410 1,450 13.6 14.2 1,030 1,060 9.9 10.4 Iowa ...........: 5,190 5,210 18.7 19.8 2,310 2,610 8.3 9.9 Minnesota ......: 2,640 2,700 15.2 15.7 1,790 1,920 10.3 11.2 Missouri .......: 1,620 1,600 15.3 15.4 990 1,100 9.3 10.6 Wisconsin ......: 1,880 1,950 17.2 17.9 1,530 1,550 14.0 14.2 Other States ...: 2,840 2,860 15.6 15.9 2,110 2,100 11.6 11.7 Total ..........: 16,950 16,700 15.0 15.3 11,470 11,900 10.1 10.9 : Plains : Kansas .........: 3,250 2,500 16.1 14.1 1,400 1,420 6.9 8.0 Nebraska .......: 2,650 2,470 11.7 11.4 1,910 1,980 8.4 9.1 Texas ..........: 4,460 4,560 18.5 19.1 2,670 2,750 11.1 11.5 Other States ...: 1,790 1,870 6.8 7.3 3,150 3,100 11.9 12.1 Total ..........: 12,150 11,400 13.0 12.8 9,130 9,250 9.8 10.4 : West : California .....: 4,050 3,930 11.4 11.5 6,490 5,750 18.3 16.8 Washington .....: 750 830 8.9 10.2 1,590 1,420 18.9 17.5 Other States ...: 5,800 4,690 18.7 16.1 3,920 4,080 12.7 14.0 Total ..........: 10,600 9,450 14.1 13.2 12,000 11,250 16.0 15.8 : United States ....: 58,500 55,600 16.1 16.0 41,600 41,700 11.5 12.0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --continued Farm Production Expenditures - Region, State, and United States: 2015 and 2016 (Continued) [For definitions of terms used in this table, see Terms and Definitions. Excluding Alaska and Hawaii. Totals may not add due to rounding] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Region : Rent : Agricultural chemicals and : : state :--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : 2015 : 2016 : 2015 : 2016 : 2015 : 2016 : 2015 : 2016 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : million dollars percent of total million dollars percent of total : : Atlantic : North Carolina .: 270 260 2.6 2.5 320 300 3.0 2.9 Other States ...: 1,460 1,480 4.3 4.7 870 860 2.6 2.7 Total ..........: 1,730 1,740 3.9 4.1 1,190 1,160 2.7 2.8 : South : Arkansas .......: 730 700 8.9 8.6 400 450 4.9 5.6 Florida ........: 150 120 2.6 2.0 360 420 6.2 7.1 Georgia ........: 240 200 3.2 2.8 320 340 4.2 4.8 Other States ...: 950 780 6.1 5.4 760 750 4.9 5.2 Total ..........: 2,070 1,800 5.6 5.1 1,840 1,960 5.0 5.5 : Midwest : Illinois .......: 3,810 3,570 21.3 22.6 1,110 1,130 6.2 7.1 Indiana ........: 1,540 1,580 14.8 15.4 500 560 4.8 5.5 Iowa ...........: 3,970 3,570 14.3 13.6 990 1,130 3.6 4.3 Minnesota ......: 2,110 2,120 12.2 12.3 690 710 4.0 4.1 Missouri .......: 1,090 990 10.3 9.5 500 510 4.7 4.9 Wisconsin ......: 590 590 5.4 5.4 320 330 2.9 3.0 Other States ...: 1,270 1,330 7.0 7.4 730 720 4.0 4.0 Total ..........: 14,380 13,750 12.7 12.6 4,840 5,090 4.3 4.7 : Plains : Kansas .........: 1,470 1,540 7.3 8.7 730 770 3.6 4.4 Nebraska .......: 2,590 2,560 11.4 11.8 770 790 3.4 3.6 Texas ..........: 1,020 1,040 4.2 4.4 590 600 2.4 2.5 Other States ...: 3,000 3,070 11.4 12.0 1,560 1,510 5.9 5.9 Total ..........: 8,080 8,210 8.6 9.2 3,650 3,670 3.9 4.1 : West : California .....: 2,120 1,890 6.0 5.5 1,650 1,840 4.6 5.4 Washington .....: 670 580 8.0 7.2 450 440 5.3 5.4 Other States ...: 1,950 1,830 6.3 6.3 980 1,040 3.2 3.6 Total ..........: 4,740 4,300 6.3 6.0 3,080 3,320 4.1 4.7 : United States ....: 31,000 29,800 8.5 8.6 14,600 15,200 4.0 4.4 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --continued Farm Production Expenditures - Region, State, and United States: 2015 and 2016 (Continued) [For definitions of terms used in this table, see Terms and Definitions. Excluding Alaska and Hawaii. Totals may not add due to rounding] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Region : Fertilizer, lime : Interest and : and soil conditioners : state :--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : 2015 : 2016 : 2015 : 2016 : 2015 : 2016 : 2015 : 2016 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : million dollars percent of total million dollars percent of total : : Atlantic : North Carolina .: 470 420 4.5 4.1 160 150 1.5 1.5 Other States ...: 1,820 1,770 5.4 5.6 920 800 2.7 2.5 Total ..........: 2,290 2,190 5.2 5.2 1,080 950 2.4 2.3 : South : Arkansas .......: 480 500 5.8 6.2 200 180 2.4 2.2 Florida ........: 480 490 8.3 8.3 120 90 2.1 1.5 Georgia ........: 470 420 6.2 5.9 180 120 2.4 1.7 Other States ...: 990 830 6.4 5.8 290 300 1.9 2.1 Total ..........: 2,420 2,240 6.5 6.3 790 690 2.1 1.9 : Midwest : Illinois .......: 2,210 1,870 12.4 11.8 460 420 2.6 2.7 Indiana ........: 1,200 1,060 11.5 10.4 330 320 3.2 3.1 Iowa ...........: 2,040 1,880 7.4 7.1 740 750 2.7 2.8 Minnesota ......: 1,650 1,440 9.5 8.4 570 580 3.3 3.4 Missouri .......: 930 790 8.8 7.6 350 390 3.3 3.8 Wisconsin ......: 780 710 7.1 6.5 430 420 3.9 3.8 Other States ...: 1,500 1,340 8.2 7.4 530 540 2.9 3.0 Total ..........: 10,310 9,090 9.1 8.3 3,410 3,420 3.0 3.1 : Plains : Kansas .........: 1,030 980 5.1 5.5 380 350 1.9 2.0 Nebraska .......: 1,430 1,360 6.3 6.3 480 560 2.1 2.6 Texas ..........: 940 910 3.9 3.8 410 420 1.7 1.8 Other States ...: 2,600 2,480 9.8 9.7 990 940 3.7 3.7 Total ..........: 6,000 5,730 6.4 6.4 2,260 2,270 2.4 2.6 : West : California .....: 2,060 2,150 5.8 6.3 830 610 2.3 1.8 Washington .....: 560 500 6.7 6.2 260 200 3.1 2.5 Other States ...: 1,860 1,600 6.0 5.5 870 960 2.8 3.3 Total ..........: 4,480 4,250 6.0 6.0 1,960 1,770 2.6 2.5 : United States ....: 25,500 23,500 7.0 6.8 9,500 9,100 2.6 2.6 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --continued Farm Production Expenditures - Region, State, and United States: 2015 and 2016 (Continued) [For definitions of terms used in this table, see Terms and Definitions. Excluding Alaska and Hawaii. Totals may not add due to rounding] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Region : Taxes : Labor and : : state :--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : 2015 : 2016 : 2015 : 2016 : 2015 : 2016 : 2015 : 2016 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : million dollars percent of total million dollars percent of total : : Atlantic : North Carolina .: 210 210 2.0 2.0 750 840 7.1 8.1 Other States ...: 1,490 1,390 4.4 4.4 3,410 3,720 10.1 11.7 Total ..........: 1,700 1,600 3.8 3.8 4,160 4,560 9.4 10.8 : South : Arkansas .......: 160 180 1.9 2.2 380 360 4.6 4.4 Florida ........: 210 200 3.6 3.4 1,710 1,770 29.5 30.0 Georgia ........: 180 170 2.4 2.4 540 520 7.1 7.3 Other States ...: 350 330 2.3 2.3 920 750 5.9 5.2 Total ..........: 900 880 2.4 2.5 3,550 3,400 9.6 9.6 : Midwest : Illinois .......: 610 460 3.4 2.9 600 590 3.4 3.7 Indiana ........: 480 410 4.6 4.0 410 450 3.9 4.4 Iowa ...........: 830 840 3.0 3.2 700 760 2.5 2.9 Minnesota ......: 690 670 4.0 3.9 660 750 3.8 4.4 Missouri .......: 310 260 2.9 2.5 350 390 3.3 3.8 Wisconsin ......: 450 380 4.1 3.5 880 1,070 8.1 9.8 Other States ...: 900 770 4.9 4.3 1,720 1,880 9.4 10.4 Total ..........: 4,270 3,790 3.8 3.5 5,320 5,890 4.7 5.4 : Plains : Kansas .........: 600 560 3.0 3.2 580 650 2.9 3.7 Nebraska .......: 1,210 1,110 5.3 5.1 710 700 3.1 3.2 Texas ..........: 930 940 3.9 3.9 2,060 1,840 8.5 7.7 Other States ...: 910 870 3.4 3.4 720 810 2.7 3.2 Total ..........: 3,650 3,480 3.9 3.9 4,070 4,000 4.4 4.5 : West : California .....: 1,080 1,020 3.0 3.0 9,240 9,880 26.0 28.9 Washington .....: 230 240 2.7 3.0 1,840 2,070 21.9 25.5 Other States ...: 970 890 3.1 3.1 3,620 4,300 11.7 14.8 Total ..........: 2,280 2,150 3.0 3.0 14,700 16,250 19.6 22.8 : United States ....: 12,800 11,900 3.5 3.4 31,800 34,100 8.8 9.8 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --continued Farm Production Expenditures - Region, State, and United States: 2015 and 2016 (Continued) [For definitions of terms used in this table, see Terms and Definitions. Excluding Alaska and Hawaii. Totals may not add due to rounding] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Region : Fuel : Farm supplies and : : and repairs state :--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : 2015 : 2016 : 2015 : 2016 : 2015 : 2016 : 2015 : 2016 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : million dollars percent of total million dollars percent of total : : Atlantic : North Carolina .: 340 290 3.2 2.8 360 370 3.4 3.6 Other States ...: 1,310 1,100 3.9 3.5 2,550 2,180 7.6 6.9 Total ..........: 1,650 1,390 3.7 3.3 2,910 2,550 6.6 6.1 : South : Arkansas .......: 410 400 5.0 4.9 350 360 4.3 4.4 Florida ........: 210 230 3.6 3.9 350 330 6.0 5.6 Georgia ........: 290 250 3.8 3.5 290 260 3.8 3.6 Other States ...: 650 600 4.2 4.2 830 680 5.4 4.7 Total ..........: 1,560 1,480 4.2 4.2 1,820 1,630 4.9 4.6 : Midwest : Illinois .......: 580 480 3.2 3.0 760 700 4.3 4.4 Indiana ........: 340 300 3.3 2.9 500 460 4.8 4.5 Iowa ...........: 690 660 2.5 2.5 1,050 1,040 3.8 3.9 Minnesota ......: 600 530 3.5 3.1 870 920 5.0 5.3 Missouri .......: 390 340 3.7 3.3 530 520 5.0 5.0 Wisconsin ......: 380 330 3.5 3.0 800 840 7.3 7.7 Other States ...: 680 580 3.7 3.2 1,030 1,080 5.7 6.0 Total ..........: 3,660 3,220 3.2 3.0 5,540 5,560 4.9 5.1 : Plains : Kansas .........: 470 450 2.3 2.5 620 630 3.1 3.6 Nebraska .......: 540 550 2.4 2.5 820 850 3.6 3.9 Texas ..........: 800 790 3.3 3.3 1,050 930 4.4 3.9 Other States ...: 1,140 980 4.3 3.8 1,620 1,360 6.1 5.3 Total ..........: 2,950 2,770 3.2 3.1 4,110 3,770 4.4 4.2 : West : California .....: 1,140 1,120 3.2 3.3 1,780 1,580 5.0 4.6 Washington .....: 220 230 2.6 2.8 510 520 6.1 6.4 Other States ...: 1,120 1,090 3.6 3.8 2,030 1,990 6.6 6.8 Total ..........: 2,480 2,440 3.3 3.4 4,320 4,090 5.8 5.7 : United States ....: 12,300 11,300 3.4 3.3 18,700 17,600 5.2 5.1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --continued Farm Production Expenditures - Region, State, and United States: 2015 and 2016 (Continued) [For definitions of terms used in this table, see Terms and Definitions. Excluding Alaska and Hawaii. Totals may not add due to rounding] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Region : Farm improvements : Tractors and self-propelled and : and construction : farm machinery state :--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : 2015 : 2016 : 2015 : 2016 : 2015 : 2016 : 2015 : 2016 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : million dollars percent of total million dollars percent of total : : Atlantic : North Carolina .: 290 300 2.8 2.9 310 230 2.9 2.2 Other States ...: 2,130 2,140 6.3 6.7 1,810 1,280 5.4 4.0 Total ..........: 2,420 2,440 5.5 5.8 2,120 1,510 4.8 3.6 : South : Arkansas .......: 260 270 3.2 3.3 300 280 3.6 3.5 Florida ........: 210 220 3.6 3.7 100 110 1.7 1.9 Georgia ........: 230 200 3.0 2.8 250 270 3.3 3.8 Other States ...: 630 570 4.1 4.0 730 470 4.7 3.3 Total ..........: 1,330 1,260 3.6 3.5 1,380 1,130 3.7 3.2 : Midwest : Illinois .......: 620 430 3.5 2.7 600 640 3.4 4.0 Indiana ........: 520 360 5.0 3.5 300 320 2.9 3.1 Iowa ...........: 880 890 3.2 3.4 610 620 2.2 2.4 Minnesota ......: 730 740 4.2 4.3 530 510 3.1 3.0 Missouri .......: 560 520 5.3 5.0 560 570 5.3 5.5 Wisconsin ......: 900 910 8.2 8.3 400 360 3.7 3.3 Other States ...: 1,180 890 6.5 4.9 540 530 3.0 2.9 Total ..........: 5,390 4,740 4.8 4.4 3,540 3,550 3.1 3.3 : Plains : Kansas .........: 340 360 1.7 2.0 390 400 1.9 2.3 Nebraska .......: 530 430 2.3 2.0 450 430 2.0 2.0 Texas ..........: 830 840 3.4 3.5 960 920 4.0 3.8 Other States ...: 1,450 1,280 5.5 5.0 1,240 1,300 4.7 5.1 Total ..........: 3,150 2,910 3.4 3.3 3,040 3,050 3.3 3.4 : West : California .....: 1,830 1,210 5.1 3.5 520 330 1.5 1.0 Washington .....: 360 310 4.3 3.8 210 150 2.5 1.9 Other States ...: 1,620 1,630 5.2 5.6 1,090 880 3.5 3.0 Total ..........: 3,810 3,150 5.1 4.4 1,820 1,360 2.4 1.9 : United States ....: 16,100 14,500 4.4 4.2 11,900 10,600 3.3 3.1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --continued Farm Production Expenditures - Region, State, and United States: 2015 and 2016 (Continued) [For definitions of terms used in this table, see Terms and Definitions. Excluding Alaska and Hawaii. Totals may not add due to rounding] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Region : Other farm machinery : Seeds and plants and : : state :--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : 2015 : 2016 : 2015 : 2016 : 2015 : 2016 : 2015 : 2016 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : million dollars percent of total million dollars percent of total : : Atlantic : North Carolina .: 90 70 0.9 0.7 380 370 3.6 3.6 Other States ...: 790 630 2.3 2.0 1,640 1,830 4.9 5.8 Total ..........: 880 700 2.0 1.7 2,020 2,200 4.6 5.2 : South : Arkansas .......: 120 90 1.5 1.1 490 520 6.0 6.4 Florida ........: 50 30 0.9 0.5 490 480 8.5 8.1 Georgia ........: 100 70 1.3 1.0 410 330 5.4 4.6 Other States ...: 240 160 1.6 1.1 800 750 5.2 5.2 Total ..........: 510 350 1.4 1.0 2,190 2,080 5.9 5.9 : Midwest : Illinois .......: 330 360 1.8 2.3 2,030 1,860 11.4 11.8 Indiana ........: 190 160 1.8 1.6 950 960 9.1 9.4 Iowa ...........: 380 370 1.4 1.4 2,010 2,030 7.2 7.7 Minnesota ......: 350 310 2.0 1.8 1,610 1,600 9.3 9.3 Missouri .......: 290 220 2.7 2.1 660 690 6.2 6.7 Wisconsin ......: 310 250 2.8 2.3 670 650 6.1 6.0 Other States ...: 400 410 2.2 2.3 1,620 1,680 8.9 9.3 Total ..........: 2,250 2,080 2.0 1.9 9,550 9,470 8.4 8.7 : Plains : Kansas .........: 290 200 1.4 1.1 700 720 3.5 4.1 Nebraska .......: 420 290 1.8 1.3 1,230 1,260 5.4 5.8 Texas ..........: 330 220 1.4 0.9 830 890 3.4 3.7 Other States ...: 560 450 2.1 1.8 2,030 2,140 7.7 8.3 Total ..........: 1,600 1,160 1.7 1.3 4,790 5,010 5.1 5.6 : West : California .....: 210 180 0.6 0.5 1,530 1,750 4.3 5.1 Washington .....: 120 100 1.4 1.2 360 310 4.3 3.8 Other States ...: 530 430 1.7 1.5 860 980 2.8 3.4 Total ..........: 860 710 1.1 1.0 2,750 3,040 3.7 4.3 : United States ....: 6,100 5,000 1.7 1.4 21,300 21,800 5.9 6.3 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --continued Farm Production Expenditures - Region, State, and United States: 2015 and 2016 (Continued) [For definitions of terms used in this table, see Terms and Definitions. Excluding Alaska and Hawaii. Totals may not add due to rounding] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Region : Trucks and autos : Miscellaneous capital expenses and : : state :--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : 2015 : 2016 : 2015 : 2016 : 2015 : 2016 : 2015 : 2016 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : million dollars percent of total million dollars percent of total : : Atlantic : North Carolina .: 110 120 1.0 1.2 10 20 0.1 0.2 Other States ...: 800 590 2.4 1.9 100 80 0.3 0.3 Total ..........: 910 710 2.1 1.7 110 100 0.2 0.2 : South : Arkansas .......: 130 120 1.6 1.5 10 15 0.1 0.2 Florida ........: 90 80 1.6 1.4 10 10 0.2 0.2 Georgia ........: 85 100 1.1 1.4 5 20 0.1 0.3 Other States ...: 265 250 1.7 1.7 15 15 0.1 0.1 Total ..........: 570 550 1.5 1.5 40 60 0.1 0.2 : Midwest : Illinois .......: 160 140 0.9 0.9 30 35 0.2 0.2 Indiana ........: 115 120 1.1 1.2 15 35 0.1 0.3 Iowa ...........: 210 160 0.8 0.6 30 45 0.1 0.2 Minnesota ......: 170 160 1.0 0.9 20 25 0.1 0.1 Missouri .......: 210 250 2.0 2.4 50 45 0.5 0.4 Wisconsin ......: 120 100 1.1 0.9 20 10 0.2 0.1 Other States ...: 165 240 0.9 1.3 35 45 0.2 0.2 Total ..........: 1,150 1,170 1.0 1.1 200 240 0.2 0.2 : Plains : Kansas .........: 190 140 0.9 0.8 20 30 0.1 0.2 Nebraska .......: 200 180 0.9 0.8 30 30 0.1 0.1 Texas ..........: 490 500 2.0 2.1 40 80 0.2 0.3 Other States ...: 610 440 2.3 1.7 60 80 0.2 0.3 Total ..........: 1,490 1,260 1.6 1.4 150 220 0.2 0.2 : West : California .....: 240 190 0.7 0.6 40 30 0.1 0.1 Washington .....: 100 90 1.2 1.1 10 15 0.1 0.2 Other States ...: 540 430 1.7 1.5 150 135 0.5 0.5 Total ..........: 880 710 1.2 1.0 200 180 0.3 0.3 : United States ....: 5,000 4,400 1.4 1.3 700 800 0.2 0.2 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Farm Production Expenditures by Farms Reporting, Average per Farm, and Total - Atlantic Region: 2015 and 2016 [For definitions of terms used in this table, see Terms and Definitions. Totals may not add due to rounding] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ : Farms : Average : Total : reporting : per farm : expenditures Expenditure :--------------------------------------------------- : 2015 : 2016 : 2015 : 2016 : 2015 : 2016 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ : -- percent -- --- dollars --- million dollars : Livestock, poultry and related expenses ..........: 23.5 30.2 10,116 9,252 4,150 3,780 Feed .............................................: 66.0 69.0 24,497 23,082 10,050 9,430 Farm services ....................................: 94.6 95.0 11,749 12,483 4,820 5,100 Rent .............................................: 19.4 27.9 4,217 4,259 1,730 1,740 Agricultural chemicals ...........................: 33.9 42.5 2,901 2,839 1,190 1,160 Fertilizer, lime and soil conditioners ...........: 51.1 59.2 5,582 5,361 2,290 2,190 Interest .........................................: 28.1 26.1 2,633 2,325 1,080 950 Taxes ............................................: 100.0 100.0 4,144 3,916 1,700 1,600 Labor ............................................: 25.6 25.0 10,140 11,162 4,160 4,560 Fuel .............................................: 94.1 91.4 4,022 3,402 1,650 1,390 : Farm supplies and repairs ........................: 90.1 87.9 7,093 6,242 2,910 2,550 Farm improvements and construction ...............: 51.9 50.3 5,899 5,972 2,420 2,440 Tractors and self-propelled farm machinery .......: 16.8 13.1 5,168 3,696 2,120 1,510 Other farm machinery .............................: 15.7 14.4 2,145 1,713 880 700 Seeds and plants .................................: 34.7 34.4 4,924 5,385 2,020 2,200 Trucks and autos .................................: 13.1 8.6 2,218 1,738 910 710 Miscellaneous capital expenses ...................: 4.4 5.5 268 245 110 100 : Total farm production expenditures ...............: 100.0 100.0 107,715 103,074 44,190 42,110 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Farm Production Expenditures Total by Year - Atlantic Region: 2012-2016 [For definitions of terms used in this table, see Terms and Definitions] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : : : : : Expenditure : 2012 : 2013 : 2014 : 2015 : 2016 : : : : : ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : million dollars : Livestock, poultry and related expenses ..........: 3,970 4,300 4,600 4,150 3,780 Feed .............................................: 10,000 10,810 10,630 10,050 9,430 Farm services ....................................: 4,870 4,400 5,290 4,820 5,100 Rent .............................................: 1,580 1,550 1,810 1,730 1,740 Agricultural chemicals ...........................: 1,230 1,250 1,320 1,190 1,160 Fertilizer, lime and soil conditioners ...........: 2,470 2,610 2,620 2,290 2,190 Interest .........................................: 980 910 1,120 1,080 950 Taxes ............................................: 1,580 1,510 1,970 1,700 1,600 Labor ............................................: 4,290 4,660 4,510 4,160 4,560 Fuel .............................................: 2,060 2,200 2,190 1,650 1,390 : Farm supplies and repairs ........................: 2,670 2,720 3,000 2,910 2,550 Farm improvements and construction ...............: 2,470 2,460 2,700 2,420 2,440 Tractors and self-propelled farm machinery .......: 1,900 2,220 2,120 2,120 1,510 Other farm machinery .............................: 890 1,050 1,190 880 700 Seeds and plants .................................: 1,920 1,990 2,190 2,020 2,200 Trucks and autos .................................: 580 700 860 910 710 Miscellaneous capital expenses ...................: 80 80 70 110 100 : Total farm production expenditures ...............: 43,540 45,420 48,190 44,190 42,110 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Farm Production Expenditures by Farms Reporting, Average per Farm, and Total - North Carolina: 2015 and 2016 [For definitions of terms used in this table, see Terms and Definitions. Totals may not add due to rounding] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ : Farms : Average : Total : reporting : per farm : expenditures Expenditure :--------------------------------------------------- : 2015 : 2016 : 2015 : 2016 : 2015 : 2016 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ : -- percent -- --- dollars --- million dollars : Livestock, poultry and related expenses ..........: 24.8 28.6 42,828 40,208 2,090 1,930 Feed .............................................: 60.6 60.8 71,107 71,667 3,470 3,440 Farm services ....................................: 93.7 96.1 18,238 21,042 890 1,010 Rent .............................................: 29.3 30.6 5,533 5,417 270 260 Agricultural chemicals ...........................: 48.1 51.5 6,557 6,250 320 300 Fertilizer, lime and soil conditioners ...........: 62.3 61.5 9,631 8,750 470 420 Interest .........................................: 28.0 29.0 3,279 3,125 160 150 Taxes ............................................: 100.0 100.0 4,303 4,375 210 210 Labor ............................................: 31.2 24.6 15,369 17,500 750 840 Fuel .............................................: 92.5 91.7 6,967 6,042 340 290 : Farm supplies and repairs ........................: 89.5 86.8 7,377 7,708 360 370 Farm improvements and construction ...............: 55.8 53.1 5,943 6,250 290 300 Tractors and self-propelled farm machinery .......: 16.3 13.3 6,352 4,792 310 230 Other farm machinery .............................: 14.0 14.8 1,844 1,458 90 70 Seeds and plants .................................: 46.7 38.5 7,787 7,708 380 370 Trucks and autos .................................: 13.3 12.0 2,254 2,500 110 120 Miscellaneous capital expenses ...................: 1.8 6.2 205 417 10 20 : Total farm production expenditures ...............: 100.0 100.0 215,574 215,208 10,520 10,330 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Farm Production Expenditures by Farms Reporting, Average per Farm, and Total - All Other States, Atlantic Region: 2015 and 2016 [For definitions of terms used in this table, see Terms and Definitions. Totals may not add due to rounding] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ : Farms : Average : Total : reporting : per farm : expenditures Expenditure :--------------------------------------------------- : 2015 : 2016 : 2015 : 2016 : 2015 : 2016 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ : -- percent -- --- dollars -- million dollars : Livestock, poultry and related expenses ..........: 23.3 30.5 5,699 5,131 2,060 1,850 Feed .............................................: 66.8 70.1 18,204 16,614 6,580 5,990 Farm services ....................................: 94.7 94.9 10,873 11,344 3,930 4,090 Rent .............................................: 18.1 27.5 4,039 4,105 1,460 1,480 Agricultural chemicals ...........................: 31.9 41.3 2,407 2,385 870 860 Fertilizer, lime and soil conditioners ...........: 49.6 58.8 5,035 4,909 1,820 1,770 Interest .........................................: 28.2 25.7 2,545 2,219 920 800 Taxes ............................................: 100.0 100.0 4,122 3,855 1,490 1,390 Labor ............................................: 24.8 25.1 9,434 10,318 3,410 3,720 Fuel .............................................: 94.3 91.3 3,624 3,051 1,310 1,100 : Farm supplies and repairs ........................: 90.2 88.1 7,055 6,046 2,550 2,180 Farm improvements and construction ...............: 51.4 49.9 5,893 5,936 2,130 2,140 Tractors and self-propelled farm machinery .......: 16.8 13.1 5,008 3,550 1,810 1,280 Other farm machinery .............................: 15.9 14.4 2,186 1,747 790 630 Seeds and plants .................................: 33.1 33.9 4,537 5,076 1,640 1,830 Trucks and autos .................................: 13.1 8.2 2,213 1,636 800 590 Miscellaneous capital expenses ...................: 4.7 5.4 277 222 100 80 : Total farm production expenditures ...............: 100.0 100.0 93,153 88,146 33,670 31,780 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Farm Production Expenditures by Farms Reporting, Average per Farm, and Total - South Region: 2015 and 2016 [For definitions of terms used in this table, see Terms and Definitions. Totals may not add due to rounding] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ : Farms : Average : Total : reporting : per farm : expenditures Expenditure :--------------------------------------------------- : 2015 : 2016 : 2015 : 2016 : 2015 : 2016 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ : -- percent -- --- dollars --- million dollars : Livestock, poultry and related expenses ..........: 26.1 23.1 12,137 12,106 3,180 3,190 Feed .............................................: 65.3 62.9 33,397 32,713 8,750 8,620 Farm services ....................................: 94.0 89.9 15,954 15,939 4,180 4,200 Rent .............................................: 24.5 23.6 7,901 6,831 2,070 1,800 Agricultural chemicals ...........................: 42.8 47.2 7,023 7,438 1,840 1,960 Fertilizer, lime and soil conditioners ...........: 59.5 54.0 9,237 8,501 2,420 2,240 Interest .........................................: 25.5 23.0 3,015 2,619 790 690 Taxes ............................................: 98.7 99.3 3,435 3,340 900 880 Labor ............................................: 26.4 24.0 13,550 12,903 3,550 3,400 Fuel .............................................: 90.2 87.2 5,954 5,617 1,560 1,480 : Farm supplies and repairs ........................: 84.7 81.6 6,947 6,186 1,820 1,630 Farm improvements and construction ...............: 48.3 44.9 5,076 4,782 1,330 1,260 Tractors and self-propelled farm machinery .......: 15.1 10.7 5,267 4,288 1,380 1,130 Other farm machinery .............................: 15.7 11.9 1,947 1,328 510 350 Seeds and plants .................................: 35.2 32.1 8,359 7,894 2,190 2,080 Trucks and autos .................................: 14.6 10.9 2,176 2,087 570 550 Miscellaneous capital expenses ...................: 3.3 3.2 153 228 40 60 : Total farm production expenditures ...............: 100.0 100.0 141,527 134,801 37,080 35,520 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Farm Production Expenditures Total by Year - South Region: 2012-2016 [For definitions of terms used in this table, see Terms and Definitions] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : : : : : Expenditure : 2012 : 2013 : 2014 : 2015 : 2016 : : : : : ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : million dollars : Livestock, poultry and related expenses ..........: 2,800 2,990 3,750 3,180 3,190 Feed .............................................: 10,090 10,310 9,990 8,750 8,620 Farm services ....................................: 4,490 4,000 4,430 4,180 4,200 Rent .............................................: 1,970 2,150 2,080 2,070 1,800 Agricultural chemicals ...........................: 2,020 1,930 2,210 1,840 1,960 Fertilizer, lime and soil conditioners ...........: 2,860 2,760 2,600 2,420 2,240 Interest .........................................: 660 660 760 790 690 Taxes ............................................: 830 750 900 900 880 Labor ............................................: 3,630 3,460 3,460 3,550 3,400 Fuel .............................................: 1,900 1,860 1,970 1,560 1,480 : Farm supplies and repairs ........................: 1,700 1,690 1,840 1,820 1,630 Farm improvements and construction ...............: 1,260 1,230 1,290 1,330 1,260 Tractors and self-propelled farm machinery .......: 1,910 1,690 1,800 1,380 1,130 Other farm machinery .............................: 520 490 510 510 350 Seeds and plants .................................: 2,050 2,100 2,160 2,190 2,080 Trucks and autos .................................: 610 570 730 570 550 Miscellaneous capital expenses ...................: 30 30 20 40 60 : Total farm production expenditures ...............: 39,330 38,670 40,500 37,080 35,520 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Farm Production Expenditures by Farms Reporting, Average per Farm, and Total - Arkansas: 2015 and 2016 [For definitions of terms used in this table, see Terms and Definitions. Totals may not add due to rounding] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ : Farms : Average : Total : reporting : per farm : expenditures Expenditure :--------------------------------------------------- : 2015 : 2016 : 2015 : 2016 : 2015 : 2016 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ : -- percent -- --- dollars --- million dollars : Livestock, poultry and related expenses ..........: 25.8 33.7 17,011 17,442 740 750 Feed .............................................: 65.7 71.5 51,954 48,372 2,260 2,080 Farm services ....................................: 92.1 94.0 18,621 19,767 810 850 Rent .............................................: 26.1 32.1 16,782 16,279 730 700 Agricultural chemicals ...........................: 37.5 44.5 9,195 10,465 400 450 Fertilizer, lime and soil conditioners ...........: 45.8 46.2 11,034 11,628 480 500 Interest .........................................: 32.4 33.3 4,598 4,186 200 180 Taxes ............................................: 99.2 99.5 3,678 4,186 160 180 Labor ............................................: 25.5 24.5 8,736 8,372 380 360 Fuel .............................................: 88.4 87.5 9,425 9,302 410 400 : Farm supplies and repairs ........................: 81.7 84.5 8,046 8,372 350 360 Farm improvements and construction ...............: 47.9 50.4 5,977 6,279 260 270 Tractors and self-propelled farm machinery .......: 16.0 17.1 6,897 6,512 300 280 Other farm machinery .............................: 15.2 15.5 2,759 2,093 120 90 Seeds and plants .................................: 24.7 23.5 11,264 12,093 490 520 Trucks and autos .................................: 17.0 14.3 2,989 2,791 130 120 Miscellaneous capital expenses ...................: 4.5 6.0 230 349 10 15 : Total farm production expenditures ...............: 100.0 100.0 189,195 188,488 8,230 8,105 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Farm Production Expenditures by Farms Reporting, Average per Farm, and Total - Florida: 2015 and 2016 [For definitions of terms used in this table, see Terms and Definitions. Totals may not add due to rounding] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ : Farms : Average : Total : reporting : per farm : expenditures Expenditure :--------------------------------------------------- : 2015 : 2016 : 2015 : 2016 : 2015 : 2016 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ : -- percent -- --- dollars --- million dollars : Livestock, poultry and related expenses ..........: 24.0 25.5 2,960 2,548 140 120 Feed .............................................: 63.3 60.0 8,668 9,342 410 440 Farm services ....................................: 92.9 92.9 14,799 16,136 700 760 Rent .............................................: 13.6 14.1 3,171 2,548 150 120 Agricultural chemicals ...........................: 39.4 40.6 7,611 8,917 360 420 Fertilizer, lime and soil conditioners ...........: 60.1 47.1 10,148 10,403 480 490 Interest .........................................: 18.8 15.7 2,537 1,911 120 90 Taxes ............................................: 100.0 100.0 4,440 4,246 210 200 Labor ............................................: 33.0 28.4 36,152 37,580 1,710 1,770 Fuel .............................................: 84.5 81.0 4,440 4,883 210 230 : Farm supplies and repairs ........................: 81.6 76.3 7,400 7,006 350 330 Farm improvements and construction ...............: 50.9 47.4 4,440 4,671 210 220 Tractors and self-propelled farm machinery .......: 9.7 9.4 2,114 2,335 100 110 Other farm machinery .............................: 7.2 8.5 1,057 637 50 30 Seeds and plants .................................: 28.9 24.3 10,359 10,191 490 480 Trucks and autos .................................: 9.7 7.7 1,903 1,699 90 80 Miscellaneous capital expenses ...................: 2.6 2.7 211 212 10 10 : Total farm production expenditures ...............: 100.0 100.0 122,410 125,265 5,790 5,900 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Farm Production Expenditures by Farms Reporting, Average per Farm, and Total - Georgia: 2015 and 2016 [For definitions of terms used in this table, see Terms and Definitions. Totals may not add due to rounding] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ : Farms : Average : Total : reporting : per farm : expenditures Expenditure :--------------------------------------------------- : 2015 : 2016 : 2015 : 2016 : 2015 : 2016 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ : -- percent -- --- dollars --- million dollars : Livestock, poultry and related expenses ..........: 27.6 22.3 21,481 20,096 870 840 Feed .............................................: 61.7 53.3 56,049 52,153 2,270 2,180 Farm services ....................................: 89.5 85.1 21,235 20,096 860 840 Rent .............................................: 24.3 23.5 5,926 4,785 240 200 Agricultural chemicals ...........................: 49.6 50.8 7,901 8,134 320 340 Fertilizer, lime and soil conditioners ...........: 60.3 57.8 11,605 10,048 470 420 Interest .........................................: 30.4 29.2 4,444 2,871 180 120 Taxes ............................................: 100.0 100.0 4,444 4,067 180 170 Labor ............................................: 33.8 29.4 13,333 12,440 540 520 Fuel .............................................: 91.7 85.0 7,160 5,981 290 250 : Farm supplies and repairs ........................: 84.1 76.2 7,160 6,220 290 260 Farm improvements and construction ...............: 43.5 43.9 5,679 4,785 230 200 Tractors and self-propelled farm machinery .......: 13.9 11.2 6,173 6,459 250 270 Other farm machinery .............................: 13.4 9.5 2,469 1,675 100 70 Seeds and plants .................................: 34.2 43.6 10,123 7,895 410 330 Trucks and autos .................................: 7.8 11.1 2,099 2,392 85 100 Miscellaneous capital expenses ...................: 1.5 4.9 123 478 5 20 : Total farm production expenditures ...............: 100.0 100.0 187,407 170,574 7,590 7,130 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Farm Production Expenditures by Farms Reporting, Average per Farm, and Total - All Other States, South Region: 2015 and 2016 [For definitions of terms used in this table, see Terms and Definitions. Totals may not add due to rounding] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ : Farms : Average : Total : reporting : per farm : expenditures Expenditure :--------------------------------------------------- : 2015 : 2016 : 2015 : 2016 : 2015 : 2016 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ : -- percent -- --- dollars --- million dollars : Livestock, poultry and related expenses ..........: 26.6 19.0 10,941 11,246 1,430 1,480 Feed .............................................: 67.0 64.2 29,151 29,787 3,810 3,920 Farm services ....................................: 96.4 88.9 13,849 13,298 1,810 1,750 Rent .............................................: 28.0 24.2 7,269 5,927 950 780 Agricultural chemicals ...........................: 43.8 49.4 5,815 5,699 760 750 Fertilizer, lime & soil conditioners .............: 63.6 57.8 7,575 6,307 990 830 Interest .........................................: 24.1 20.3 2,219 2,280 290 300 Taxes ............................................: 97.7 98.8 2,678 2,508 350 330 Labor ............................................: 21.9 20.5 7,039 5,699 920 750 Fuel .............................................: 92.4 90.1 4,973 4,559 650 600 : Farm supplies and repairs ........................: 86.9 84.4 6,350 5,167 830 680 Farm improvements and construction ...............: 48.9 42.5 4,820 4,331 630 570 Tractors and self-propelled farm machinery .......: 17.2 9.0 5,585 3,571 730 470 Other farm machinery .............................: 19.6 12.6 1,836 1,216 240 160 Seeds and plants .................................: 41.2 34.1 6,121 5,699 800 750 Trucks and autos .................................: 17.8 10.8 2,028 1,900 265 250 Miscellaneous capital expenses ...................: 3.6 2.0 115 114 15 15 : Total farm production expenditures ...............: 100.0 100.0 118,363 109,309 15,470 14,385 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Farm Production Expenditures by Farms Reporting, Average per Farm, and Total - Midwest Region: 2015 and 2016 [For definitions of terms used in this table, see Terms and Definitions. Totals may not add due to rounding] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ : Farms : Average : Total : reporting : per farm : expenditures Expenditure :--------------------------------------------------- : 2015 : 2016 : 2015 : 2016 : 2015 : 2016 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ : -- percent -- --- dollars --- million dollars : Livestock, poultry and related expenses ..........: 22.7 24.7 18,569 15,875 10,850 9,230 Feed .............................................: 44.3 43.2 29,009 28,724 16,950 16,700 Farm services ....................................: 91.4 89.9 19,630 20,468 11,470 11,900 Rent .............................................: 36.7 35.2 24,611 23,650 14,380 13,750 Agricultural chemicals ...........................: 48.7 51.1 8,283 8,755 4,840 5,090 Fertilizer, lime and soil conditioners ...........: 58.0 55.5 17,645 15,635 10,310 9,090 Interest .........................................: 41.8 44.0 5,836 5,882 3,410 3,420 Taxes ............................................: 100.0 100.0 7,308 6,519 4,270 3,790 Labor ............................................: 21.8 22.6 9,105 10,131 5,320 5,890 Fuel .............................................: 82.1 80.0 6,264 5,538 3,660 3,220 : Farm supplies and repairs ........................: 79.7 78.6 9,481 9,563 5,540 5,560 Farm improvements and construction ...............: 53.4 50.9 9,225 8,153 5,390 4,740 Tractors and self-propelled farm machinery .......: 14.0 13.2 6,059 6,106 3,540 3,550 Other farm machinery .............................: 19.1 18.8 3,851 3,578 2,250 2,080 Seeds and plants .................................: 53.6 50.9 16,344 16,288 9,550 9,470 Trucks and autos .................................: 11.5 11.7 1,968 2,012 1,150 1,170 Miscellaneous capital expenses ...................: 4.4 4.1 342 413 200 240 : Total farm production expenditures ...............: 100.0 100.0 193,531 187,289 113,080 108,890 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Farm Production Expenditures Total by Year - Midwest Region: 2012-2016 [For definitions of terms used in this table, see Terms and Definitions] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : : : : : Expenditure : 2012 : 2013 : 2014 : 2015 : 2016 : : : : : ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : million dollars : Livestock, poultry and related expenses ..........: 8,070 8,500 10,600 10,850 9,230 Feed .............................................: 15,220 16,330 17,560 16,950 16,700 Farm services ....................................: 10,630 10,530 11,830 11,470 11,900 Rent .............................................: 14,240 15,360 15,710 14,380 13,750 Agricultural chemicals ...........................: 4,700 5,170 5,080 4,840 5,090 Fertilizer, lime and soil conditioners ...........: 12,240 11,990 10,860 10,310 9,090 Interest .........................................: 3,070 3,250 3,450 3,410 3,420 Taxes ............................................: 3,830 3,740 4,760 4,270 3,790 Labor ............................................: 5,760 5,000 5,590 5,320 5,890 Fuel .............................................: 4,620 4,900 5,100 3,660 3,220 : Farm supplies and repairs ........................: 5,590 5,700 5,780 5,540 5,560 Farm improvements and construction ...............: 5,410 5,570 6,560 5,390 4,740 Tractors and self-propelled farm machinery .......: 6,570 6,570 5,790 3,540 3,550 Other farm machinery .............................: 3,510 3,990 3,800 2,250 2,080 Seeds and plants .................................: 9,720 10,110 9,830 9,550 9,470 Trucks and autos .................................: 1,460 1,540 1,530 1,150 1,170 Miscellaneous capital expenses ...................: 155 150 200 200 240 : Total farm production expenditures ...............:114,795 118,400 124,030 113,080 108,890 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Farm Production Expenditures by Farms Reporting, Average per Farm, and Total - Illinois: 2015 and 2016 [For definitions of terms used in this table, see Terms and Definitions. Totals may not add due to rounding] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ : Farms : Average : Total : reporting : per farm : expenditures Expenditure :--------------------------------------------------- : 2015 : 2016 : 2015 : 2016 : 2015 : 2016 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ : -- percent -- --- dollars --- million dollars : Livestock, poultry and related expenses ..........: 13.4 13.4 11,821 8,864 870 640 Feed .............................................: 28.6 23.4 18,614 12,881 1,370 930 Farm services ....................................: 88.5 80.9 23,234 21,607 1,710 1,560 Rent .............................................: 43.0 41.9 51,766 49,446 3,810 3,570 Agricultural chemicals ...........................: 58.6 60.3 15,082 15,651 1,110 1,130 Fertilizer, lime and soil conditioners ...........: 61.8 61.3 30,027 25,900 2,210 1,870 Interest .........................................: 40.2 36.9 6,250 5,817 460 420 Taxes ............................................: 100.0 100.0 8,288 6,371 610 460 Labor ............................................: 21.5 24.2 8,152 8,172 600 590 Fuel .............................................: 79.6 73.7 7,880 6,648 580 480 : Farm supplies and repairs ........................: 77.3 67.7 10,326 9,695 760 700 Farm improvements and construction ...............: 49.3 42.9 8,424 5,956 620 430 Tractors and self-propelled farm machinery .......: 15.1 12.4 8,152 8,864 600 640 Other farm machinery .............................: 18.8 15.7 4,484 4,986 330 360 Seeds and plants .................................: 62.3 60.0 27,582 25,762 2,030 1,860 Trucks and autos .................................: 12.1 10.3 2,174 1,939 160 140 Miscellaneous capital expenses ...................: 4.1 3.3 408 485 30 35 : Total farm production expenditures ...............: 100.0 100.0 242,663 219,044 17,860 15,815 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Farm Production Expenditures by Farms Reporting, Average per Farm, and Total - Indiana: 2015 and 2016 [For definitions of terms used in this table, see Terms and Definitions. Totals may not add due to rounding] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ : Farms : Average : Total : reporting : per farm : expenditures Expenditure :--------------------------------------------------- : 2015 : 2016 : 2015 : 2016 : 2015 : 2016 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ : -- percent -- --- dollars --- million dollars : Livestock, poultry and related expenses ..........: 20.4 28.1 9,879 10,957 570 630 Feed .............................................: 45.2 43.8 24,437 25,217 1,410 1,450 Farm services ....................................: 88.4 85.1 17,851 18,435 1,030 1,060 Rent .............................................: 32.7 33.3 26,690 27,478 1,540 1,580 Agricultural chemicals ...........................: 44.0 51.1 8,666 9,739 500 560 Fertilizer, lime and soil conditioners ...........: 58.2 53.4 20,797 18,435 1,200 1,060 Interest .........................................: 48.7 38.7 5,719 5,565 330 320 Taxes ............................................: 100.0 100.0 8,319 7,130 480 410 Labor ............................................: 22.6 18.1 7,106 7,826 410 450 Fuel .............................................: 82.0 79.6 5,893 5,217 340 300 : Farm supplies and repairs ........................: 78.5 77.7 8,666 8,000 500 460 Farm improvements and construction ...............: 54.9 41.3 9,012 6,261 520 360 Tractors and self-propelled farm machinery .......: 12.0 10.9 5,199 5,565 300 320 Other farm machinery .............................: 15.7 16.3 3,293 2,783 190 160 Seeds and plants .................................: 52.7 51.5 16,464 16,696 950 960 Trucks and autos .................................: 11.0 10.0 1,993 2,087 115 120 Miscellaneous capital expenses ...................: 3.1 3.9 260 609 15 35 : Total farm production expenditures ...............: 100.0 100.0 180,243 178,000 10,400 10,235 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Farm Production Expenditures by Farms Reporting, Average per Farm, and Total - Iowa: 2015 and 2016 [For definitions of terms used in this table, see Terms and Definitions. Totals may not add due to rounding] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ : Farms : Average : Total : reporting : per farm : expenditures Expenditure :--------------------------------------------------- : 2015 : 2016 : 2015 : 2016 : 2015 : 2016 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ : -- percent -- --- dollars --- million dollars : Livestock, poultry and related expenses ..........: 27.4 28.3 58,514 43,448 5,120 3,780 Feed .............................................: 39.2 38.0 59,314 59,885 5,190 5,210 Farm services ....................................: 98.7 95.0 26,400 30,000 2,310 2,610 Rent .............................................: 46.8 44.6 45,371 41,034 3,970 3,570 Agricultural chemicals ...........................: 61.8 63.9 11,314 12,989 990 1,130 Fertilizer, lime and soil conditioners ...........: 63.4 60.4 23,314 21,609 2,040 1,880 Interest .........................................: 48.3 50.1 8,457 8,621 740 750 Taxes ............................................: 100.0 100.0 9,486 9,655 830 840 Labor ............................................: 27.2 29.0 8,000 8,736 700 760 Fuel .............................................: 78.0 74.6 7,886 7,586 690 660 : Farm supplies and repairs ........................: 75.9 73.7 12,000 11,954 1,050 1,040 Farm improvements and construction ...............: 55.4 54.2 10,057 10,230 880 890 Tractors and self-propelled farm machinery .......: 14.3 13.3 6,971 7,126 610 620 Other farm machinery .............................: 19.1 19.7 4,343 4,253 380 370 Seeds and plants .................................: 64.2 60.4 22,971 23,333 2,010 2,030 Trucks and autos .................................: 13.6 12.0 2,400 1,839 210 160 Miscellaneous capital expenses ...................: 4.3 5.5 343 517 30 45 : Total farm production expenditures ...............: 100.0 100.0 317,143 302,816 27,750 26,345 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Farm Production Expenditures by Farms Reporting, Average per Farm, and Total - Minnesota: 2015 and 2016 [For definitions of terms used in this table, see Terms and Definitions. Totals may not add due to rounding] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ : Farms : Average : Total : reporting : per farm : expenditures Expenditure :--------------------------------------------------- : 2015 : 2016 : 2015 : 2016 : 2015 : 2016 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ : -- percent -- --- dollars --- million dollars : Livestock, poultry and related expenses ..........: 25.3 24.5 22,418 20,737 1,650 1,520 Feed .............................................: 40.6 43.3 35,870 36,835 2,640 2,700 Farm services ....................................: 96.0 94.9 24,321 26,194 1,790 1,920 Rent .............................................: 41.0 41.6 28,668 28,922 2,110 2,120 Agricultural chemicals ...........................: 54.7 55.4 9,375 9,686 690 710 Fertilizer, lime and soil conditioners ...........: 56.7 54.3 22,418 19,645 1,650 1,440 Interest .........................................: 43.1 47.8 7,745 7,913 570 580 Taxes ............................................: 100.0 100.0 9,375 9,141 690 670 Labor ............................................: 25.1 28.3 8,967 10,232 660 750 Fuel .............................................: 79.9 80.3 8,152 7,231 600 530 : Farm supplies and repairs ........................: 78.3 78.8 11,821 12,551 870 920 Farm improvements and construction ...............: 59.1 55.2 9,918 10,095 730 740 Tractors and self-propelled farm machinery .......: 14.7 14.3 7,201 6,958 530 510 Other farm machinery .............................: 23.2 21.1 4,755 4,229 350 310 Seeds and plants .................................: 58.9 55.1 21,875 21,828 1,610 1,600 Trucks and autos .................................: 14.2 13.5 2,310 2,183 170 160 Miscellaneous capital expenses ...................: 4.5 4.2 272 341 20 25 : Total farm production expenditures ...............: 100.0 100.0 235,462 234,720 17,330 17,205 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Farm Production Expenditures by Farms Reporting, Average per Farm, and Total - Missouri: 2015 and 2016 [For definitions of terms used in this table, see Terms and Definitions. Totals may not add due to rounding] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ : Farms : Average : Total : reporting : per farm : expenditures Expenditure :--------------------------------------------------- : 2015 : 2016 : 2015 : 2016 : 2015 : 2016 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ : -- percent -- --- dollars --- million dollars : Livestock, poultry and related expenses ..........: 27.6 33.7 12,461 12,293 1,210 1,190 Feed .............................................: 60.6 58.7 16,684 16,529 1,620 1,600 Farm services ....................................: 90.3 91.2 10,196 11,364 990 1,100 Rent .............................................: 27.5 25.8 11,226 10,227 1,090 990 Agricultural chemicals ...........................: 35.8 40.9 5,149 5,269 500 510 Fertilizer, lime and soil conditioners ...........: 55.1 62.3 9,578 8,161 930 790 Interest .........................................: 37.1 39.8 3,605 4,029 350 390 Taxes ............................................: 100.0 100.0 3,193 2,686 310 260 Labor ............................................: 17.2 22.1 3,605 4,029 350 390 Fuel .............................................: 81.1 86.2 4,016 3,512 390 340 : Farm supplies and repairs ........................: 80.7 85.3 5,458 5,372 530 520 Farm improvements and construction ...............: 50.1 52.1 5,767 5,372 560 520 Tractors and self-propelled farm machinery .......: 13.3 17.6 5,767 5,888 560 570 Other farm machinery .............................: 16.4 18.4 2,987 2,273 290 220 Seeds and plants .................................: 34.8 33.0 6,797 7,128 660 690 Trucks and autos .................................: 12.8 15.8 2,163 2,583 210 250 Miscellaneous capital expenses ...................: 6.9 6.7 515 465 50 45 : Total farm production expenditures ...............: 100.0 100.0 109,166 107,180 10,600 10,375 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Farm Production Expenditures by Farms Reporting, Average per Farm, and Total - Wisconsin: 2015 and 2016 [For definitions of terms used in this table, see Terms and Definitions. Totals may not add due to rounding] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ : Farms : Average : Total : reporting : per farm : expenditures Expenditure :--------------------------------------------------- : 2015 : 2016 : 2015 : 2016 : 2015 : 2016 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ : -- percent -- --- dollars --- million dollars : Livestock, poultry and related expenses ..........: 27.3 27.3 6,531 6,696 450 460 Feed .............................................: 51.5 55.4 27,286 28,384 1,880 1,950 Farm services ....................................: 93.9 94.5 22,206 22,562 1,530 1,550 Rent .............................................: 34.1 33.9 8,563 8,588 590 590 Agricultural chemicals ...........................: 50.6 51.5 4,644 4,803 320 330 Fertilizer, lime and soil conditioners ...........: 59.5 54.7 11,321 10,335 780 710 Interest .........................................: 41.1 48.4 6,241 6,114 430 420 Taxes ............................................: 100.0 100.0 6,531 5,531 450 380 Labor ............................................: 19.7 22.6 12,772 15,575 880 1,070 Fuel .............................................: 88.5 83.5 5,515 4,803 380 330 : Farm supplies and repairs ........................: 82.8 87.4 11,611 12,227 800 840 Farm improvements and construction ...............: 52.9 61.4 13,062 13,246 900 910 Tractors and self-propelled farm machinery .......: 15.5 11.0 5,806 5,240 400 360 Other farm machinery .............................: 21.4 23.3 4,499 3,639 310 250 Seeds and plants .................................: 58.1 56.7 9,724 9,461 670 650 Trucks and autos .................................: 11.9 11.0 1,742 1,456 120 100 Miscellaneous capital expenses ...................: 5.3 1.6 290 146 20 10 : Total farm production expenditures ...............: 100.0 100.0 158,345 158,806 10,910 10,910 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Farm Production Expenditures by Farms Reporting, Average per Farm, and Total - All Other States, Midwest Region: 2015 and 2016 [For definitions of terms used in this table, see Terms and Definitions. Totals may not add due to rounding] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ : Farms : Average : Total : reporting : per farm : expenditures Expenditure :--------------------------------------------------- : 2015 : 2016 : 2015 : 2016 : 2015 : 2016 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ : -- percent -- --- dollars --- million dollars : Livestock, poultry and related expenses ..........: 18.1 19.0 7,784 8,022 980 1,010 Feed .............................................: 42.1 39.1 22,558 22,716 2,840 2,860 Farm services ....................................: 86.1 87.3 16,759 16,680 2,110 2,100 Rent .............................................: 33.6 29.8 10,087 10,564 1,270 1,330 Agricultural chemicals ...........................: 41.4 42.2 5,798 5,719 730 720 Fertilizer, lime and soil conditioners ...........: 54.3 45.5 11,914 10,643 1,500 1,340 Interest .........................................: 38.4 45.1 4,210 4,289 530 540 Taxes ............................................: 100.0 100.0 7,149 6,116 900 770 Labor ............................................: 20.5 16.4 13,662 14,932 1,720 1,880 Fuel .............................................: 85.0 80.8 5,401 4,607 680 580 : Farm supplies and repairs ........................: 82.7 78.6 8,181 8,578 1,030 1,080 Farm improvements and construction ...............: 53.2 48.6 9,373 7,069 1,180 890 Tractors and self-propelled farm machinery .......: 13.5 11.7 4,289 4,210 540 530 Other farm machinery .............................: 19.2 17.5 3,177 3,257 400 410 Seeds and plants .................................: 50.4 47.0 12,867 13,344 1,620 1,680 Trucks and autos .................................: 7.2 9.4 1,311 1,906 165 240 Miscellaneous capital expenses ...................: 2.7 2.8 278 357 35 45 : Total farm production expenditures ...............: 100.0 100.0 144,797 143,010 18,230 18,005 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Farm Production Expenditures by Farms Reporting, Average per Farm, and Total - Plains Region: 2015 and 2016 [For definitions of terms used in this table, see Terms and Definitions. Totals may not add due to rounding] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ : Farms : Average : Total : reporting : per farm : expenditures Expenditure :--------------------------------------------------- : 2015 : 2016 : 2015 : 2016 : 2015 : 2016 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ : -- percent -- --- dollars --- million dollars : Livestock, poultry and related expenses ..........: 27.9 25.5 47,431 42,690 23,260 20,850 Feed .............................................: 62.7 65.7 24,776 23,342 12,150 11,400 Farm services ....................................: 90.0 91.0 18,617 18,939 9,130 9,250 Rent .............................................: 34.6 33.2 16,476 16,810 8,080 8,210 Agricultural chemicals ...........................: 42.1 43.8 7,443 7,514 3,650 3,670 Fertilizer, lime and soil conditioners ...........: 45.3 42.5 12,235 11,732 6,000 5,730 Interest .........................................: 31.4 31.7 4,608 4,648 2,260 2,270 Taxes ............................................: 100.0 100.0 7,443 7,125 3,650 3,480 Labor ............................................: 29.5 26.3 8,299 8,190 4,070 4,000 Fuel .............................................: 80.7 82.4 6,015 5,672 2,950 2,770 : Farm supplies and repairs ........................: 75.6 78.7 8,381 7,719 4,110 3,770 Farm improvements and construction ...............: 49.2 48.3 6,423 5,958 3,150 2,910 Tractors and self-propelled farm machinery .......: 14.9 13.6 6,199 6,245 3,040 3,050 Other farm machinery .............................: 16.4 15.1 3,263 2,375 1,600 1,160 Seeds and plants .................................: 34.9 29.3 9,768 10,258 4,790 5,010 Trucks and autos .................................: 15.3 14.1 3,038 2,580 1,490 1,260 Miscellaneous capital expenses ...................: 5.4 6.1 306 450 150 220 : Total farm production expenditures ...............: 100.0 100.0 190,722 182,248 93,530 89,010 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Farm Production Expenditures Total by Year - Plains Region: 2012-2016 [For definitions of terms used in this table, see Terms and Definitions] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : : : : : Expenditure : 2012 : 2013 : 2014 : 2015 : 2016 : : : : : ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : million dollars : Livestock, poultry and related expenses ..........: 15,610 14,980 21,680 23,260 20,850 Feed .............................................: 13,110 12,180 12,950 12,150 11,400 Farm services ....................................: 9,090 8,350 9,230 9,130 9,250 Rent .............................................: 7,430 7,820 8,260 8,080 8,210 Agricultural chemicals ...........................: 3,170 3,240 3,540 3,650 3,670 Fertilizer, lime and soil conditioners ...........: 6,930 6,550 6,940 6,000 5,730 Interest .........................................: 1,910 2,000 2,290 2,260 2,270 Taxes ............................................: 3,000 3,530 3,530 3,650 3,480 Labor ............................................: 4,100 3,780 4,470 4,070 4,000 Fuel .............................................: 3,900 4,220 4,100 2,950 2,770 : Farm supplies and repairs ........................: 4,090 4,030 4,260 4,110 3,770 Farm improvements and construction ...............: 3,630 3,720 3,630 3,150 2,910 Tractors and self-propelled farm machinery .......: 4,600 4,860 5,180 3,040 3,050 Other farm machinery .............................: 2,260 2,460 2,500 1,600 1,160 Seeds and plants .................................: 4,550 4,540 5,000 4,790 5,010 Trucks and autos .................................: 1,570 1,370 1,940 1,490 1,260 Miscellaneous capital expenses ...................: 65 60 120 150 220 : Total farm production expenditures ...............: 89,015 87,690 99,620 93,530 89,010 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Farm Production Expenditures by Farms Reporting, Average per Farm, and Total - Kansas: 2015 and 2016 [For definitions of terms used in this table, see Terms and Definitions. Totals may not add due to rounding] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ : Farms : Average : Total : reporting : per farm : expenditures Expenditure :--------------------------------------------------- : 2015 : 2016 : 2015 : 2016 : 2015 : 2016 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ : -- percent -- --- dollars --- million dollars : Livestock, poultry and related expenses ..........: 24.6 29.9 128,642 100,671 7,770 6,000 Feed .............................................: 45.7 52.3 53,808 41,946 3,250 2,500 Farm services ....................................: 79.8 89.5 23,179 23,826 1,400 1,420 Rent .............................................: 45.2 46.9 24,338 25,839 1,470 1,540 Agricultural chemicals ...........................: 61.7 62.0 12,086 12,919 730 770 Fertilizer, lime and soil conditioners ...........: 52.6 59.0 17,053 16,443 1,030 980 Interest .........................................: 36.8 42.3 6,291 5,872 380 350 Taxes ............................................: 100.0 100.0 9,934 9,396 600 560 Labor ............................................: 24.8 26.7 9,603 10,906 580 650 Fuel .............................................: 69.8 80.8 7,781 7,550 470 450 : Farm supplies and repairs ........................: 64.4 75.8 10,265 10,570 620 630 Farm improvements and construction ...............: 39.0 48.0 5,629 6,040 340 360 Tractors and self-propelled farm machinery .......: 10.5 10.1 6,457 6,711 390 400 Other farm machinery .............................: 16.5 13.0 4,801 3,356 290 200 Seeds and plants .................................: 44.0 45.1 11,589 12,081 700 720 Trucks and autos .................................: 15.6 13.5 3,146 2,349 190 140 Miscellaneous capital expenses ...................: 4.0 5.0 331 503 20 30 : Total farm production expenditures ...............: 100.0 100.0 334,934 296,980 20,230 17,700 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Farm Production Expenditures by Farms Reporting, Average per Farm, and Total - Nebraska: 2015 and 2016 [For definitions of terms used in this table, see Terms and Definitions. Totals may not add due to rounding] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ : Farms : Average : Total : reporting : per farm : expenditures Expenditure :--------------------------------------------------- : 2015 : 2016 : 2015 : 2016 : 2015 : 2016 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ : -- percent -- --- dollars --- million dollars : Livestock, poultry and related expenses ..........: 28.8 29.2 139,014 127,479 6,770 6,170 Feed .............................................: 43.6 46.4 54,415 51,033 2,650 2,470 Farm services ....................................: 92.5 90.3 39,220 40,909 1,910 1,980 Rent .............................................: 55.3 53.9 53,183 52,893 2,590 2,560 Agricultural chemicals ...........................: 63.1 64.3 15,811 16,322 770 790 Fertilizer, lime and soil conditioners ...........: 62.1 60.6 29,363 28,099 1,430 1,360 Interest .........................................: 50.8 53.4 9,856 11,570 480 560 Taxes ............................................: 100.0 100.0 24,846 22,934 1,210 1,110 Labor ............................................: 30.7 29.4 14,579 14,463 710 700 Fuel .............................................: 80.0 79.5 11,088 11,364 540 550 : Farm supplies and repairs ........................: 79.9 80.9 16,838 17,562 820 850 Farm improvements and construction ...............: 48.6 46.2 10,883 8,884 530 430 Tractors and self-propelled farm machinery .......: 11.3 13.4 9,240 8,884 450 430 Other farm machinery .............................: 20.5 23.1 8,624 5,992 420 290 Seeds and plants .................................: 64.5 59.9 25,257 26,033 1,230 1,260 Trucks and autos .................................: 19.1 18.8 4,107 3,719 200 180 Miscellaneous capital expenses ...................: 6.8 9.4 616 620 30 30 : Total farm production expenditures ...............: 100.0 100.0 466,940 448,760 22,740 21,720 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Farm Production Expenditures by Farms Reporting, Average per Farm, and Total - Texas: 2015 and 2016 [For definitions of terms used in this table, see Terms and Definitions. Totals may not add due to rounding] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ : Farms : Average : Total : reporting : per farm : expenditures Expenditure :--------------------------------------------------- : 2015 : 2016 : 2015 : 2016 : 2015 : 2016 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ : -- percent -- --- dollars -- million dollars : Livestock, poultry and related expenses ..........: 24.2 22.0 23,636 23,478 5,720 5,670 Feed .............................................: 72.8 78.2 18,430 18,882 4,460 4,560 Farm services ....................................: 93.2 90.0 11,033 11,387 2,670 2,750 Rent .............................................: 24.1 22.3 4,215 4,306 1,020 1,040 Agricultural chemicals ...........................: 29.3 33.9 2,438 2,484 590 600 Fertilizer, lime and soil conditioners ...........: 41.4 34.3 3,884 3,768 940 910 Interest .........................................: 16.7 17.4 1,694 1,739 410 420 Taxes ............................................: 100.0 100.0 3,843 3,892 930 940 Labor ............................................: 28.9 25.4 8,512 7,619 2,060 1,840 Fuel .............................................: 84.2 83.8 3,306 3,271 800 790 : Farm supplies and repairs ........................: 78.7 78.1 4,339 3,851 1,050 930 Farm improvements and construction ...............: 46.1 42.7 3,430 3,478 830 840 Tractors and self-propelled farm machinery .......: 14.2 11.5 3,967 3,810 960 920 Other farm machinery .............................: 10.5 12.1 1,364 911 330 220 Seeds and plants .................................: 25.4 17.6 3,430 3,685 830 890 Trucks and autos .................................: 9.4 9.3 2,025 2,070 490 500 Miscellaneous capital expenses ...................: 4.4 4.3 165 331 40 80 : Total farm production expenditures ...............: 100.0 100.0 99,711 98,965 24,130 23,900 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Farm Production Expenditures by Farms Reporting, Average per Farm, and Total - All Other States, Plains Region: 2015 and 2016 [For definitions of terms used in this table, see Terms and Definitions. Totals may not add due to rounding] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ : Farms : Average : Total : reporting : per farm : expenditures Expenditure :--------------------------------------------------- : 2015 : 2016 : 2015 : 2016 : 2015 : 2016 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ : -- percent -- --- dollars --- million dollars : Livestock, poultry and related expenses ..........: 35.6 28.2 21,536 21,670 3,000 3,010 Feed .............................................: 59.2 56.4 12,850 13,463 1,790 1,870 Farm services ....................................: 88.1 93.5 22,613 22,318 3,150 3,100 Rent .............................................: 40.9 39.0 21,536 22,102 3,000 3,070 Agricultural chemicals ...........................: 48.6 46.2 11,199 10,871 1,560 1,510 Fertilizer, lime & soil conditioners .............: 43.1 43.2 18,665 17,855 2,600 2,480 Interest .........................................: 48.0 44.6 7,107 6,767 990 940 Taxes ............................................: 100.0 100.0 6,533 6,263 910 870 Labor ............................................: 32.1 26.5 5,169 5,832 720 810 Fuel .............................................: 79.7 81.6 8,184 7,055 1,140 980 : Farm supplies and repairs ........................: 73.7 80.3 11,630 9,791 1,620 1,360 Farm improvements and construction ...............: 59.4 59.0 10,409 9,215 1,450 1,280 Tractors and self-propelled farm machinery .......: 19.3 18.8 8,902 9,359 1,240 1,300 Other farm machinery .............................: 25.1 18.4 4,020 3,240 560 450 Seeds and plants .................................: 36.9 32.2 14,573 15,407 2,030 2,140 Trucks and autos .................................: 24.2 21.1 4,379 3,168 610 440 Miscellaneous capital expenses ...................: 7.4 8.5 431 576 60 80 : Total farm production expenditures ...............: 100.0 100.0 189,734 184,953 26,430 25,690 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Farm Production Expenditures by Farms Reporting, Average per Farm, and Total - West Region: 2015 and 2016 [For definitions of terms used in this table, see Terms and Definitions. Totals may not add due to rounding] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ : Farms : Average : Total : reporting : per farm : expenditures Expenditure :--------------------------------------------------- : 2015 : 2016 : 2015 : 2016 : 2015 : 2016 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ : -- percent -- --- dollars --- million dollars : Livestock, poultry and related expenses ..........: 27.5 24.0 12,680 9,504 3,960 2,950 Feed .............................................: 52.0 50.4 33,942 30,445 10,600 9,450 Farm services ....................................: 93.3 89.5 38,425 36,244 12,000 11,250 Rent .............................................: 25.2 23.7 15,178 13,853 4,740 4,300 Agricultural chemicals ...........................: 36.2 39.2 9,862 10,696 3,080 3,320 Fertilizer, lime and soil conditioners ...........: 42.0 39.0 14,345 13,692 4,480 4,250 Interest .........................................: 29.4 25.4 6,276 5,702 1,960 1,770 Taxes ............................................: 97.8 97.0 7,301 6,927 2,280 2,150 Labor ............................................: 37.7 33.5 47,070 52,352 14,700 16,250 Fuel .............................................: 81.3 78.8 7,941 7,861 2,480 2,440 : Farm supplies and repairs ........................: 75.0 75.7 13,833 13,177 4,320 4,090 Farm improvements and construction ...............: 49.6 47.3 12,200 10,148 3,810 3,150 Tractors and self-propelled farm machinery .......: 11.1 13.6 5,828 4,381 1,820 1,360 Other farm machinery .............................: 12.0 11.8 2,754 2,287 860 710 Seeds and plants .................................: 28.3 26.3 8,806 9,794 2,750 3,040 Trucks and autos .................................: 12.3 11.8 2,818 2,287 880 710 Miscellaneous capital expenses ...................: 7.2 7.5 640 580 200 180 : Total farm production expenditures ...............: 100.0 100.0 239,898 229,929 74,920 71,370 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Farm Production Expenditures Total by Year - West Region: 2012-2016 [For definitions of terms used in this table, see Terms and Definitions] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : : : : : Expenditure : 2012 : 2013 : 2014 : 2015 : 2016 : : : : : ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : million dollars : Livestock, poultry and related expenses ..........: 3,050 3,430 4,470 3,960 2,950 Feed .............................................: 12,080 12,770 12,570 10,600 9,450 Farm services ....................................: 12,020 11,720 14,520 12,000 11,250 Rent .............................................: 4,480 4,520 4,740 4,740 4,300 Agricultural chemicals ...........................: 2,880 3,010 3,650 3,080 3,320 Fertilizer, lime and soil conditioners ...........: 4,300 4,390 4,980 4,480 4,250 Interest .........................................: 1,780 1,880 2,080 1,960 1,770 Taxes ............................................: 2,260 2,170 2,440 2,280 2,150 Labor ............................................: 14,020 15,100 16,170 14,700 16,250 Fuel .............................................: 3,120 3,220 3,340 2,480 2,440 : Farm supplies and repairs ........................: 4,150 4,560 5,020 4,320 4,090 Farm improvements and construction ...............: 2,830 3,620 4,020 3,810 3,150 Tractors and self-propelled farm machinery .......: 2,020 1,760 2,010 1,820 1,360 Other farm machinery .............................: 820 810 1,000 860 710 Seeds and plants .................................: 2,660 3,160 2,920 2,750 3,040 Trucks and autos .................................: 780 810 1,140 880 710 Miscellaneous capital expenses ...................: 170 160 190 200 180 : Total farm production expenditures ...............: 73,420 77,090 85,260 74,920 71,370 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Farm Production Expenditures by Farms Reporting, Average per Farm, and Total - California: 2015 and 2016 [For definitions of terms used in this table, see Terms and Definitions. Totals may not add due to rounding] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ : Farms : Average : Total : reporting : per farm : expenditures Expenditure :--------------------------------------------------- : 2015 : 2016 : 2015 : 2016 : 2015 : 2016 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ : -- percent -- --- dollars --- million dollars : Livestock, poultry and related expenses ..........: 17.6 18.1 9,419 9,648 730 740 Feed .............................................: 30.2 28.2 52,258 51,239 4,050 3,930 Farm services ....................................: 97.6 95.2 83,742 74,967 6,490 5,750 Rent .............................................: 19.4 17.4 27,355 24,641 2,120 1,890 Agricultural chemicals ...........................: 50.9 55.9 21,290 23,990 1,650 1,840 Fertilizer, lime and soil conditioners ...........: 60.2 59.1 26,581 28,031 2,060 2,150 Interest .........................................: 24.4 22.3 10,710 7,953 830 610 Taxes ............................................: 100.0 100.0 13,935 13,299 1,080 1,020 Labor ............................................: 59.5 57.1 119,226 128,814 9,240 9,880 Fuel .............................................: 83.4 82.1 14,710 14,602 1,140 1,120 : Farm supplies and repairs ........................: 83.2 80.4 22,968 20,600 1,780 1,580 Farm improvements and construction ...............: 53.4 38.8 23,613 15,776 1,830 1,210 Tractors and self-propelled farm machinery .......: 11.1 8.4 6,710 4,302 520 330 Other farm machinery .............................: 8.5 8.3 2,710 2,347 210 180 Seeds and plants .................................: 33.0 33.3 19,742 22,816 1,530 1,750 Trucks and autos .................................: 9.3 9.1 3,097 2,477 240 190 Miscellaneous capital expenses ...................: 5.3 4.2 516 391 40 30 : Total farm production expenditures ...............: 100.0 100.0 458,581 445,893 35,540 34,200 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Farm Production Expenditures by Farms Reporting, Average per Farm, and Total - Washington: 2015 and 2016 [For definitions of terms used in this table, see Terms and Definitions. Totals may not add due to rounding] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ : Farms : Average : Total : reporting : per farm : expenditures Expenditure :--------------------------------------------------- : 2015 : 2016 : 2015 : 2016 : 2015 : 2016 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ : -- percent -- --- dollars --- million dollars : Livestock, poultry and related expenses ..........: 27.6 27.0 5,000 2,786 180 100 Feed .............................................: 45.3 54.6 20,833 23,120 750 830 Farm services ....................................: 86.2 86.4 44,167 39,554 1,590 1,420 Rent .............................................: 19.9 22.6 18,611 16,156 670 580 Agricultural chemicals ...........................: 37.1 38.2 12,500 12,256 450 440 Fertilizer, lime and soil conditioners ...........: 43.2 42.3 15,556 13,928 560 500 Interest .........................................: 33.1 27.8 7,222 5,571 260 200 Taxes ............................................: 100.0 100.0 6,389 6,685 230 240 Labor ............................................: 28.9 30.7 51,111 57,660 1,840 2,070 Fuel .............................................: 74.1 81.0 6,111 6,407 220 230 : Farm supplies and repairs ........................: 75.4 79.9 14,167 14,485 510 520 Farm improvements and construction ...............: 45.5 49.4 10,000 8,635 360 310 Tractors and self-propelled farm machinery .......: 10.3 11.4 5,833 4,178 210 150 Other farm machinery .............................: 14.0 16.0 3,333 2,786 120 100 Seeds and plants .................................: 30.4 28.0 10,000 8,635 360 310 Trucks and autos .................................: 11.7 11.9 2,778 2,507 100 90 Miscellaneous capital expenses ...................: 4.9 5.4 278 418 10 15 : Total farm production expenditures ...............: 100.0 100.0 233,889 225,766 8,420 8,105 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Farm Production Expenditures by Farms Reporting, Average per Farm, and Total - All Other States, West Region: 2015 and 2016 [For definitions of terms used in this table, see Terms and Definitions. Totals may not add due to rounding] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ : Farms : Average : Total : reporting : per farm : expenditures Expenditure :--------------------------------------------------- : 2015 : 2016 : 2015 : 2016 : 2015 : 2016 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ : -- percent -- --- dollars --- million dollars : Livestock, poultry and related expenses ..........: 31.3 25.8 15,342 10,667 3,050 2,110 Feed .............................................: 61.7 58.2 29,175 23,711 5,800 4,690 Farm services ....................................: 92.9 87.8 19,718 20,627 3,920 4,080 Rent .............................................: 28.5 26.4 9,809 9,252 1,950 1,830 Agricultural chemicals ...........................: 30.3 32.9 4,930 5,258 980 1,040 Fertilizer, lime & soil conditioners .............: 34.7 30.6 9,356 8,089 1,860 1,600 Interest .........................................: 30.7 26.1 4,376 4,853 870 960 Taxes ............................................: 96.5 95.4 4,879 4,499 970 890 Labor ............................................: 30.8 24.9 18,209 21,739 3,620 4,300 Fuel .............................................: 81.9 77.2 5,634 5,511 1,120 1,090 : Farm supplies and repairs ........................: 71.8 73.1 10,211 10,061 2,030 1,990 Farm improvements and construction ...............: 48.8 50.1 8,149 8,241 1,620 1,630 Tractors and self-propelled farm machinery .......: 11.2 16.0 5,483 4,449 1,090 880 Other farm machinery .............................: 13.0 12.4 2,666 2,174 530 430 Seeds and plants .................................: 26.2 23.2 4,326 4,954 860 980 Trucks and autos .................................: 13.5 12.9 2,716 2,174 540 430 Miscellaneous capital expenses ...................: 8.4 9.2 755 683 150 135 : Total farm production expenditures ...............: 100.0 100.0 155,734 146,941 30,960 29,065 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Atlantic: Connecticut, Delaware, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina1, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Tennessee, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia South: Alabama, Arkansas1, Florida1, Georgia1, Louisiana, Mississippi, South Carolina Midwest: Illinois1, Indiana1, Iowa1, Michigan, Minnesota1, Missouri1, Ohio, Wisconsin1 Plains: Kansas1, Nebraska1, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas1 West: Arizona, California1, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington1, Wyoming 1 Estimate State (shaded on map) Program History The National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) has conducted periodic surveys of farm production expenditures since 1956, and annually since 1971. In 1973, Congress required USDA to provide Cost of Production estimates on an annual basis for wheat, feed grains, cotton, and dairy. Since then, other commodities were added to the Cost of Production program. The Farm Production Expenditure Survey and the Cost of Production Survey were combined and called the Farm Costs and Returns Survey (FCRS) beginning in 1985. The Agricultural Resource Management Survey (ARMS) replaced the former Cropping Practices Survey (CPS) and the FCRS in 1996, which improved the efficiency of data collection. The initiative to combine these surveys came from a growing need for more data to perform detailed comparisons of the relationship between various production practices (such as chemical and tillage use) and farm financial conditions. NASS initiated an estimation program in calendar year 1993 for Farm Production Expenditures. For earlier years, Farm Production Expenditure publications included only survey indications for expenditures at the United States, regional, size and type of farm levels. Currently, estimates are published for major groupings of farm production expenses for the United States, five Farm Production Regions, eight United States Economic Sales Classes, two farm types, the 15 Leading Cash Receipts States, and five Other State groupings. In 1993, due to increased demand for quality production input data, NASS and the Economic Research Service (ERS) began jointly setting estimates for production input costs. This change in procedure was facilitated by the adoption of new summary adjustments for non-response and farm coverage. The Agricultural Statistics Board establishes estimates for major expenditure items for the current year and considers revisions for the previous year's preliminary data. Formal release of expense data occurs before, but in coordination with, release of related ERS statistics such as net farm income. One of the primary NASS uses of farm-production expenditure data is for weighting of Prices Paid Indexes. In early 1995, NASS completed a revision of the indexes. To facilitate this process, changes were made in component items estimated in this publication. Grazing fees were moved from the Farm Services category to Rent; Oils and Lubricants were moved from Fuels to Farm supplies and repairs; repairs and maintenance expenditures were moved from Other farm machinery to Farm supplies and repairs; and Building and fencing materials were combined with Farm and land improvements to make the Farm improvements and construction category. Estimates for these levels were revised back to 1990, at the United States level, to provide a more useful series for data users. The uses of financial and demographic data collected in ARMS Phase III has widespread and significant impact on the agriculture industry. The data collected allows ERS to develop estimates that include farm income, cost of production for selected commodities, farm business balance sheets, farm productivity indicators, and analysis of farm financial and household characteristics. In addition, Congress, USDA, Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA), researchers, Agricultural Extension, and agribusinesses utilize data to develop forecasts, conduct research projects, and establish and review farm policy. The demand for quality farm expenditure and income data continues to increase, as the agricultural community becomes increasingly more complex and integrated. Economic classification has been revised over time. Before 2002, five United States Economic Classes for Gross Value of Sales were used in previous reports (see table below). In 2002, the United States Economic Classes were updated to be consistent with other NASS economic publications and seven United States Economic Classes for Gross Value of Sales were used. In 2007, a change was made to divide the largest economic class. See table below for historic economic class publication methods. Prior to 2002 2002 to 2006 2007 to present Less Than $10,000 Less Than $10,000 Less Than $10,000 $10,000 - $39,999 $10,000 - $49,999 $10,000 - $49,999 $40,000 - $99,999 $50,000 - $99,999 $50,000 - $99,999 $100,000 - $249,999 $100,000 - $249,999 $100,000 - $249,999 $250,000 and Over $250,000 - $499,999 $250,000 - $499,999 - $500,000 - $999,999 $500,000 - $999,999 - - $1,000,000 and Over - $1,000,000 - $4,999,999 $5,000,000 and Over In 2003, Congress appropriated funding for the restoration and expansion of the ARMS program. The subsequent changes included an increased sample size, recombining of expenditure categories, fuel sub-component estimates, and a fully calibrated summary. ERS funding was used to support ARMS data collection. Sample sizes were increased in the 15 States with the highest cash receipts. The additional samples improved data quality and allowed for the publication of state level estimates the following year. NASS funding restored the ARMS III sample to historical levels, and restored the Field Crops Chemical Use Program and ARMS II - Production Practices Report. The items included in the Farm improvement and construction expenditure were changed in 2003 to include expenses for the operator's dwelling (if the dwelling is owned by the operation). Fuels expense sub-components (diesel, gasoline, LP gas, and other) were published for the first time in 2003. Significant variations in energy prices over the last few years have made energy usage an important issue for all consumers. In 2004, the first expenditure estimates were published for the 15 Leading Cash Receipts States. The Farm Production Regions were reduced from 10 to 5 regions. This change was made to allow NASS to publish state-level expenditure estimates without disclosing data for unpublished states. The map on page 41 shows the new distribution of regions and states. In 2005, the Fuel sub-components sample was increased by adding the sub- component questions to two more questionnaire versions (versions four and five) in 2005 and to all questionnaires in 2006. In 2006, a separate line item was added to the publication: Miscellaneous capital expenses. Summary inconsistencies with version five (CORE) questionnaires dictated that the former Miscellaneous expense be summarized with General business expense into Farms services expenditure. In 2008, all eight economic classes were published for Total Farm Production Expenditures. The 2008 summary also included a significant recalibration of the 2007 data and substantial revisions to the 2007 estimates because of farm numbers released in the 2007 Agricultural Census. Similarly, the 2013 summary includes changes to the 2012 data and estimates, due to the farm numbers released in the 2012 Census of Agriculture. For this survey, item level nonresponse is accounted for by imputing data where there are missing values. Beginning in 2014, item level imputations are now done using a multivariate approach. Prior to the implementation of the multivariate approach, NASS used an un-weighted conditional means imputation system that placed records into homogenous groups and imputed based off of reported data from those groups. The new multivariate approach uses a regression-based technique that allows for flexibility in the selection of conditional models while providing a valid joint distribution. In this procedure, labeled as Iterative Sequential Regression (ISR), parameter estimates and imputations are obtained using a Markov chain Monte Carlo sampling method. Using ISR, we are better able to preserve the relationships within the data and also allow the imputed values to better represent the variability of the data. Records with imputed data are re-edited to ensure the returned value is acceptable. The imputation algorithm delivers an acceptable value more than 99.5 percent of the time and Field Office statisticians are required to manually impute for any missing items. Statistical Methodology Survey: The 2016 Agricultural Resource Management Survey Publication: "Farm Production Expenditures 2016 Summary" was released on August 3, 2017. This publication is released early in August each year. Data Collection: The Agricultural Resource Management Survey (ARMS III) was conducted January through April of 2017. Sampling: ARMS III is a multi-frame survey, which utilizes a list frame (OL)/area frame (NOL) design. The list frame typically represents the larger, more specialized operations contributing the greater portion of the data expansions. The area frame provides coverage for the operations that are not available for sampling from the list. Since all of the operators on the list frame are also part of the area frame, rigorous procedures are followed to assure that operations are not double counted. These multiple frame expansions are unbiased and provide more precise expansions than could be obtained by using a single frame approach. ARMS III covers a population of all farms in the 48 contiguous states (excluding Alaska and Hawaii) that meet the official USDA definition (all establishments that sold or would normally have sold at least $1,000 of agricultural products during the previous year). These operations include not only traditional agricultural farms such as grain farms and ranching operations, but also specialty farms like orchards, nurseries, and aquaculture. Sample Design creates an additional stratum (stratum 60) consisting of Farm Value of Sales (FVS) greater than $5,000,000 in States that meet the threshold for the number of large operations in higher economic classes. June Area Survey (JAS) area non-overlap tracts for ARMS III with June farm value of sales (FVS) $1,000 or more, after point determination, were eligible for the 2015 ARMS sample. This includes operations that are determined to have pasture points only. To ensure consistent and proper execution of survey procedures in farm determination, data collection, and editing of detailed expense, income data, and demographic data, specialized training occurred on the national and state levels prior to the ARMS data collection period. Data are collected using electronic data reporting (EDR), mail return, and personal enumeration. Sample: The 2016 sample was 35,269 farms and ranches. Questionnaires: The ARMS III Cost and Returns Report (CRR) version collects information on general farm finances, farm expenses and income, assets, debt, farm household expenses, off-farm income, and farm operator demographic information. The commodity-specific ARMS III Cost of Production (COP) questionnaires collect the same information as the CRR. Additionally, these versions collect information related to the amount spent for selected expense items so that entire farm costs can be allocated to the targeted crop or livestock enterprise. In 2016, there were two COP commodities: Corn, and Dairy. The States involved for this year were: Corn: Colorado, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, Texas, Wisconsin Dairy: Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Maine, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, New Mexico, New York, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, Vermont, Washington, Wisconsin Terms and Definitions Agricultural chemicals: This expense line item includes material and application costs. Average per farm: The average per farm is computed by dividing the line-item total expense by the total number of farms at that level (United States, region, type, economic class, or state). Expense line items: All expense line items include the operator, landlord, and contractor shares of farm production expenses. Farm improvements and construction: Includes all expenditures related to new construction or repairs of buildings, fences, operator dwelling (if dwelling is owned by operation), and any improvements to physical structures of land. Farm services: This is a summation of all crop custom work, veterinary custom services, transportation costs, marketing charges, insurance, leasing of machinery and equipment, utilities, general expenses, and miscellaneous business expenses. Farm supplies and repairs: This expense includes bedding/litter, marketing containers, power farm-shop equipment, oils and lubricants, temporary fencing, miscellaneous non-capital equipment and supplies, repairs and maintenance of equipment not depreciated, and other small, non-capital equipment. Livestock, poultry, and related expenses: This line item includes purchases and leasing of livestock and poultry. Intra-state and inter-state transfers of livestock are captured. Miscellaneous capital expenses: Expenditures for depreciable capital purchases that are excluded from the defined expense categories of farm improvements and construction, trucks and autos, tractors and self-propelled equipment, and other farm machinery. Other fuels: Line item includes all other forms of fuel such as natural gas, coal, fuel oil, kerosene, wood, etc., excluding diesel, gasoline, and LP gas. Regions: There are 5 agricultural regions based on geographic farm typology, which you can refer to page 41 for a breakdown of regional boundaries and estimating states. Rent: Rent includes cash rent paid, share rent, plus public and private grazing fees. Seeds and plants: All purchases of seed, plants, or seed treatments for nursery and farming operation are included. Bedding plants, nursery stock, and seed purchased for resale are excluded. Taxes: This expense is the sum of real estate taxes and personal property taxes for operator, landlord, and contractor. Statistical Procedures Survey Edit: Data were edited using both manual and automated edit procedures. Questionnaires were reviewed for consistency, data relationships, and completeness. Past analysis has shown approximately half of all changes made by editors were for correcting data recorded in the wrong cell. In cases where respondents were unable or unwilling to report data for any item on the questionnaire, the field enumerators or survey statisticians can impute a value. For income cells, debt/asset data, and a few expense items an imputation algorithm supplied data for any marked missing values based on similar size and type of operations after all records have cleared the edit. For other expense items where no data were reported, cells were edited if appropriate by the survey statistician to a positive value based on other reported values from similar operations, previously reported data, or other administrative sources. Macro analysis is accomplished using the Interactive Data Analysis System (IDAS). This allows analysts to compare groups of records for outliers or other unusual relationships. Adjustments to the records for keying and reporting errors are often found and corrected at this level. Commodity Statisticians edit data along with NASS Regional Field Office (RFO) statisticians providing a ground truth understanding of the dataset. IDAS analysis starts early on a national basis before all records are entered into the database and cleaned of errors. Headquarters personnel review outliers, contract pricing, and profitability measures across records. Feedback is provided to RFO editors on specific records and general procedures as record editing progresses. Outliers: Outliers are checked for accurate data and mitigated through a review process by the Agricultural Statistics Board (ASB). This mitigation is usually a reweighting to the median of the economic class by farm type. National expense outliers are treated on an individual basis and weighting actions are approved by the ASB. Calibration: Since 1992, the Direct Expansion (DE) summary has been adjusted for under coverage and total number of farms. In 2003, a second calibrated summary was developed which uses a more robust methodology that adjusts weights based on an increased number of target commodities (31 in 2014). The sources for the targets are official USDA-NASS estimates. Additional targets may be added to control for commodities in the COP questionnaire versions. The sample weights are calibrated to these targets to ensure that farms of all sizes are properly represented in the survey results and that their economic activity is fully representative of the farm population. Estimation: The implementation of the estimates analysis tool Analysis Comments Estimation Review (ACER) was done in 2004. Since 2005, Executive Summaries have been sent to all states electronically. ACER improvements over several years have made it possible to set and revise the 1360 estimates now contained in this publication. The ACER tools provide more administrative data, charting, and sample coverage data to the NASS analysis stats as they complete their review of the summary. The following states are assigned large enough samples that expenditure estimates are set: Arkansas, California, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Carolina, Texas, Washington, and Wisconsin. As a final estimate step, State expenditure estimates are reviewed and commented on by the 15 Estimate States. All other states are grouped by region and an estimate is set for them. These are used by ERS to develop the value added tables (Income and Expense estimates by state). After data are summarized, a combined NASS/ERS Board is used for Outlier treatment and confirmation of National Expenditure Estimates. This board procedure is consistent with the procedure used to set estimates for other NASS surveys. Seventeen United States level line items are set first (on rounded indication). After the Farm Production Expenditures Board formally approves the national estimates, NASS and ERS staff set estimates for line items in Regions, 15 States, type of farm, economic class, and fuel subcomponents. NASS publishes the expenditures and ERS staff set USDA estimates for income and demographic data. Revision Policy: Each publication contains the current year preliminary estimates and the previous year final estimates. Farm Production Expenditure estimates are subject to revision one year after their preliminary release. Revisions are made only when additional information becomes available that changes the summarization of survey results. Additional information may become available when the calibration methodologies for production estimates are improved or revisions occur in farm number estimates by sales class or other official estimates of commodity production. Data are not subject to revision in the five-year census cycle. For more information concerning methodology and quality measures, see Farm Production Expenditures Methodology and Quality Measures located at http://www.nass.usda.gov/Publications/Methodology_and_Data_Quality/index.asp. Information Contacts Listed below are the commodity statisticians in the Environmental, Economics, and Demographics Branch of the National Agricultural Statistics Service to contact for additional information. E- mail inquiries may be sent to nass@nass.usda.gov. Jody McDaniel, Chief, Environmental, Economics, and Demographics Branch............. (202) 720-6146 Tony Dorn, Head, Economics Section.................................................. (202) 690-3223 Rachel Antzak - Cash Receipts, Land Values....................................... (202) 720-5446 Daryl Brinkman - Prices Received, Prices Received Indexes, Parity Prices......... (202) 720-8844 Liana Cuffman - Prices, Prices Research, Prices Received Indexes, Parity Prices.. (202) 690-3229 Kuan Chen - Prices, Prices Research.............................................. (202) 690-3347 Stephen Habets - Farm Production Expenditures.................................... (202) 720-9168 Joe Hagedorn - Cash Rents, Grazing Fees.......................................... (202) 690-3231 Benjamin Johnson - Data Analysis and Estimation Process.......................... (202) 690-3225 Michael Mathison - Farm Production Expenditures.................................. (202) 720-3243 Scott Shimmin, Head, Environmental and Demographics Section......................... (202) 720-0684 Stephanie Brennan - Field Crops Chemical Use .................................... (202) 690-0392 Natasha Bruton - Current Agricultural Industrial Reports......................... (202) 720-7644 Ryan Cowen - Farms, Land in Farms, Census........................................ (202) 690-3233 Doug Farmer - Organics, Vegetable Chemical Use................................... (202) 720-7492 Ginger Harris - Census of Agriculture............................................ (502) 907-3211 Courtney Charles - Current Agricultural Industrial Reports....................... (202) 690-3226 Dominique Sims - Local Foods, Census............................................. (202) 720-5581 Theresa Varner - Farm Labor, Chemical Use........................................ (202) 690-2284 Released August 3, 2017, by the National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS), Agricultural Statistics Board, United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). Access to NASS Reports For your convenience, you may access NASS reports and products the following ways: All reports are available electronically, at no cost, on the NASS web site: www.nass.usda.gov Both national and state specific reports are available via a free e- mail subscription. To set-up this free subscription, visit www.nass.usda.gov and click on "National" or "State" in upper right corner above "search" box to create an account and select the reports you would like to receive. For more information on NASS surveys and reports, call the NASS Agricultural Statistics Hotline at (800) 727-9540, 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. ET, or e-mail: nass@nass.usda.gov. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination against its customers, employees, and applicants for employment on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, sex, gender identity, religion, reprisal, and where applicable, political beliefs, marital status, familial or parental status, sexual orientation, or all or part of an individual's income is derived from any public assistance program, or protected genetic information in employment or in any program or activity conducted or funded by the Department. (Not all prohibited bases will apply to all programs and/or employment activities.) If you wish to file a Civil Rights program complaint of discrimination, complete the USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form (PDF), found online at http://www.ascr.usda.gov/complaint_filing_cust.html, or at any USDA office, or call (866) 632-9992 to request the form. You may also write a letter containing all of the information requested in the form. Send your completed complaint form or letter to us by mail at U.S. Department of Agriculture, Director, Office of Adjudication, 1400 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20250-9410, by fax (202) 690-7442 or email at program.intake@usda.gov.