ISSN: 1949-1638 Capacity of Refrigerated Warehouses 2009 Summary January 2010 United States Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Statistics Service Contents Refrigerated Warehouses Capacity Highlights.....................................................4 Gross Refrigerated Storage Capacity by Principal Storage Activity, United States, October 1...............................................................................4 Refrigerated Warehouses: Number by Type, State and United States, October 1, 2009..............5 General Refrigerated Warehouses: Number by Size Group, United States, October 1, 2009............................................6 Apple and Pear Refrigerated Warehouses: Number by Size Group, United States, October 1, 2009............................................6 Refrigerated Storage: Gross Capacity by Type of Warehouse, United States, October 1, 1991-2009........................6 Refrigerated Space: By Type of Warehouse, United States, October 1, 2009.......................7 Gross Refrigerated Space: By Type of Warehouse, United States, October 1, 1991-2009............7 General Storages: Gross and Usable Refrigerated Space by State and United States, October 1, 2009.....................................................8 General Storages: Gross and Usable Cooler Space by State and United States, October 1, 2009.............................................................9 General Storages: Gross and Usable Freezer Space by State and United States, October 1, 2009....................................................10 Apple and Pear Storages: Gross and Usable Refrigerated Space, Regular and Controlled Atmosphere Capacity by State and United States, October 1, 2009 11 General and Apple Storages: Gross Refrigerated Space by Type, United States, October 1.........................................................12 General Storages: Gross Refrigerated Space, 10 Largest States, October 1, 2009................12 General Refrigerated Warehouses: Number of Facilities by Size Group, United States, October 1, 2009.............................13 Apple and Pear Refrigerated Warehouses: Number of Facilities by Size Group, United States, October 1, 2009.............................13 Definitions....................................................................................14 Survey Procedures and Reliability..............................................................15 Information Contacts...........................................................................15 Special Note NASS is in the process of modifying report layouts in order to improve readability. This is the first issue produced using the new layout. This report issue is published using both layouts but future issues will only be produced using this layout. The previous layout is available on the NASS website: General Refrigerated Warehouse Capacity Up 14 Percent General refrigerated storage capacity in the United States totaled 3.79 billion gross cubic feet on October 1, 2009, an increase of 14 percent since the previous survey was conducted two years ago. While most of the increase from previous survey was due to increased survey coverage of existing warehouses, some was due to new construction. This was the 46th biennial survey of refrigerated warehouses. The five States with the largest gross general warehouse capacity (million cubic feet) were: California with 495; Florida, 274; Pennsylvania, 227; Georgia, 218; and Texas, 198. Usable refrigerated space in general storages was 3.10 billion cubic feet, or 82 percent of the gross space. Usable freezer space was 77 percent of the usable refrigerated space with the remaining 23 percent used as cooler space. Convertible refrigerated space was classified as usable freezer space. Public general warehouse capacity totaled 2.90 billion gross cubic feet in 2009, accounting for 76 percent of the general storage. Public general storage capacity increased 16 percent since 2007 and is 35 percent above the capacity of ten years ago. Private and semiprivate general warehouse capacity totaled 894 million gross cubic feet, or 24 percent of the general gross refrigerated space. Apple and pear storage totaled 637 million gross cubic feet, down 8 percent from October 1, 2007. Controlled atmosphere (CA) capacity totaled 153 million bushels, down 9 percent from 2007. The State of Washington had 81 percent of the Nation=s CA capacity. Refrigerated Warehouses: Number by Type, State, and United States, October 1, 2009 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : General storages : Apple & pear storages : :----------------------------------------------------------------: State : : Private & : : :Controlled : : Total : Public :semi-private: Total : Regular :atmosphere : All 1/ : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : number : Alabama .......: 14 8 22 - - - 22 Alaska ........: 3 18 21 - - - 21 Arizona .......: 5 2 7 1 1 1 8 Arkansas ......: 20 5 25 - - - 25 California ....: 119 124 243 21 4 23 266 Colorado ......: 6 4 10 - - - 10 Connecticut ...: 3 3 6 24 7 25 31 Delaware ......: 5 5 10 2 - 2 12 Florida .......: 41 26 67 - - - 67 Georgia .......: 41 35 76 - - - 76 Hawaii ........: 2 - 2 - - - 2 Idaho .........: 7 13 20 4 3 4 24 Illinois ......: 30 13 43 8 1 9 52 Indiana .......: 23 5 28 24 3 25 53 Iowa ..........: 29 10 39 - - - 39 Kansas ........: 9 2 11 1 - 1 12 Kentucky ......: 6 1 7 3 - 3 10 Louisiana .....: 13 8 21 - - - 21 Maine .........: 2 15 17 16 15 20 37 Maryland ......: 6 6 12 5 2 5 17 Massachusetts .: 26 34 60 45 16 46 106 Michigan ......: 23 26 49 115 75 146 195 Minnesota .....: 19 24 43 11 1 11 54 Mississippi ...: 9 2 11 - - - 11 Missouri ......: 19 12 31 2 - 2 33 Montana .......: 2 4 6 - - - 6 Nebraska ......: 14 8 22 - 1 1 23 Nevada ........: 2 3 5 - - - 5 New Hampshire .: - 3 3 21 9 22 25 New Jersey ....: 29 12 41 15 2 16 57 New Mexico ....: 1 5 6 - - - 6 New York ......: 25 56 81 101 77 114 195 North Carolina : 16 3 19 14 1 14 33 North Dakota ..: 2 1 3 - - - 3 Ohio ..........: 17 5 22 52 14 52 74 Oklahoma ......: 8 6 14 - - - 14 Oregon ........: 15 40 55 48 18 54 109 Pennsylvania ..: 42 23 65 114 15 117 182 Rhode Island ..: - 3 3 4 2 6 9 South Carolina : 9 3 12 2 - 2 14 South Dakota ..: 2 3 5 - - - 5 Tennessee .....: 11 3 14 - - - 14 Texas .........: 48 34 82 - - - 82 Utah ..........: 11 9 20 11 2 12 32 Vermont .......: 1 2 3 12 5 13 16 Virginia ......: 21 12 33 24 9 25 58 Washington ....: 39 25 64 146 164 193 257 West Virginia .: - 2 2 13 4 15 17 Wisconsin .....: 44 73 117 15 3 15 132 Wyoming .......: - - - - - - - : United States .: 839 739 1,578 874 454 994 2,572 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Represents zero. 1/ Firms with both regular and controlled atmosphere storage are counted once. General Refrigerated Warehouses: Number by Size Group, United States, October 1, 2009 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : : : Cubic Feet : Public : Private and : All : : semi-private : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : number : 0-499,999 ................: 113 383 496 500,000-999,999 ..........: 91 122 213 1,000,000-2,499,999 ......: 209 126 335 2,500,000-4,999,999 ......: 222 80 302 5,000,000 and over .......: 204 28 232 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Apple and Pear Refrigerated Warehouses: Number by Size Group, United States, October 1, 2009 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : : Controlled : Bushels : Regular 1/ : atmosphere 1/ : All 2/ : : : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : Number : 0-49,999 .................: 601 153 559 50,000-99,999 ............: 91 79 117 100,000-499,999 ..........: 147 136 200 500,000-999,999 ..........: 24 42 54 1,000,000 and over .......: 11 44 64 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1/ Number of operations with regular or controlled atmosphere storage. Many operators have both types in the same building, thus the count of regular plus controlled atmosphere does not equal "All". 2/ Size categorization is based on the summation of regular and controlled atmosphere storage. Refrigerated Storage: Gross Capacity by Type of Warehouse, United States, October 1, 1991-2009 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : : Private and : Year : Public : semi-private : Total 1/ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : Million cubic feet : 1991 .....: 1,600 1,208 2,808 1993 .....: 1,700 1,272 2,972 1995 .....: 1,765 1,323 3,088 1997 .....: 2,068 1,359 3,427 1999 .....: 2,168 1,437 3,606 2001 .....: 2,266 1,501 3,767 2003 .....: 2,370 1,526 3,896 2005 .....: 2,445 1,484 3,929 2007 .....: 2,506 1,506 4,012 2009 .....: 2,924 1,508 4,432 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1/ Totals may not add due to rounding. Refrigerated Space: By Type of Warehouse, United States, October 1, 2009 [Totals may not add due to rounding] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ : : Gross space : Usable space Type :Number :----------------------------------------------------------- : : Cooler : Freezer : Total : Cooler : Freezer : Total ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ : --------------------- 1,000 cubic feet -------------------- : General : Public .......: 839 459,610 2,440,901 2,900,511 379,859 2,016,299 2,396,159 Private & : semi-private : 739 408,576 485,891 894,463 322,227 382,056 704,283 Total ........: 1,578 868,185 2,926,790 3,794,974 702,086 2,398,357 3,100,440 : Apple : Public .......: 23 22,535 941 23,474 20,401 733 21,134 Private & : semi-private : 971 609,983 3,138 613,118 512,422 2,437 514,856 Total ........: 994 632,520 4,079 636,593 532,826 3,170 535,992 : Total ..........: 2,572 1,500,705 2,930,869 4,431,567 1,234,912 2,401,527 3,636,432 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Gross Refrigerated Space: By Type of Warehouse, United States, October 1, 1991-2009 [Totals may not add due to rounding] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Type : 1991 : 1993 : 1995 : 1997 : 1999 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : 1,000 cubic feet : General : Public .......: 1,572,879 1,678,461 1,741,585 2,043,908 2,146,643 Private and : semi-private : 624,005 658,893 674,649 683,372 756,505 Total ........: 2,196,884 2,337,354 2,416,234 2,727,280 2,903,152 : Apple : Public .......: 27,227 21,645 23,419 23,907 21,690 Private and : semi-private : 584,296 613,093 647,993 675,838 680,736 Total ........: 611,523 634,737 671,412 699,745 702,426 : Total, all .....: 2,808,407 2,972,092 3,087,646 3,427,025 3,605,578 :---------------------------------------------------------------- : 2001 : 2003 : 2005 : 2007 : 2009 :---------------------------------------------------------------- : 1,000 cubic feet : General : Public .......: 2,251,943 2,357,080 2,435,773 2,498,198 2,900,511 Private and : semi-private : 788,853 802,454 771,725 821,998 894,463 Total ........: 3,040,796 3,159,535 3,207,497 3,320,194 3,794,974 : Apple : Public .......: 14,183 12,517 9,270 8,170 23,474 Private and : semi-private : 712,412 723,499 711,951 683,798 613,118 Total ........: 726,595 736,016 721,221 691,968 636,593 : Total, all .....: 3,767,394 3,895,551 3,928,718 4,012,162 4,431,567 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- General Storages: Gross and Usable Refrigerated Space by State and United States, October 1, 2009 [Totals may not add due to rounding. Includes frozen juice tank storage capacity.] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : Gross space : Usable space :----------------------------------------------------------------------------- State : : Private & : : : Private & : : Public :semi-private: Total : Public :semi-private: Total --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : 1,000 Cubic Feet : Alabama .......: 32,902 1,115 34,017 28,183 912 29,096 Alaska ........: 617 1,571 2,189 533 1,382 1,915 Arizona .......: (D) (D) 16,365 (D) (D) 12,567 Arkansas ......: 88,948 6,252 95,200 74,897 5,405 80,302 California ....: 340,710 154,243 494,953 280,714 128,501 409,214 Colorado ......: (D) (D) 25,978 (D) (D) 21,172 Connecticut ...: (D) (D) 8,462 6,481 75 6,555 Delaware ......: (D) (D) 29,131 (D) (D) 23,452 Florida .......: 137,498 136,310 273,808 114,719 114,202 228,921 Georgia .......: 182,685 35,736 218,421 153,140 30,351 183,490 Hawaii ........: (D) - (D) (D) - (D) Idaho .........: 36,566 23,602 60,168 31,400 19,089 50,489 Illinois ......: 165,265 32,345 197,610 (D) (D) 155,850 Indiana .......: (D) (D) 93,061 (D) (D) 77,172 Iowa ..........: 77,913 14,398 92,312 65,447 10,609 76,057 Kansas ........: (D) (D) 48,589 (D) (D) 35,084 Kentucky ......: (D) (D) 22,907 (D) (D) 18,353 Louisiana .....: 11,864 3,818 15,681 9,847 3,507 13,354 Maine .........: (D) (D) 10,341 (D) (D) 7,352 Maryland ......: 28,359 13,681 42,040 21,196 12,405 33,601 Massachusetts .: 84,745 16,752 101,497 72,634 12,392 85,027 Michigan ......: 78,628 24,659 103,287 64,071 20,291 84,362 Minnesota .....: 49,592 41,244 90,836 39,534 28,561 68,096 Mississippi ...: (D) (D) 23,742 (D) (D) 19,482 Missouri ......: 106,843 9,685 116,528 85,159 7,109 92,268 Montana .......: (D) (D) 1,020 (D) (D) 769 Nebraska ......: 36,223 6,285 42,509 29,611 3,748 33,359 Nevada ........: (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) New Hampshire .: - 4,497 4,497 - 3,568 3,568 New Jersey ....: 97,952 17,284 115,236 88,295 6,794 95,089 New Mexico ....: (D) (D) 2,442 (D) (D) 2,078 New York ......: 52,784 39,877 92,661 45,012 30,788 75,800 North Carolina : 59,161 9,572 68,733 50,099 8,603 58,702 North Dakota ..: (D) (D) 9,063 (D) (D) 6,866 Ohio ..........: 56,923 6,830 63,752 49,041 5,380 54,420 Oklahoma ......: 10,547 6,300 16,847 8,768 5,055 13,823 Oregon ........: 73,884 53,144 127,028 60,026 43,376 103,401 Pennsylvania ..: 214,135 13,256 227,391 183,792 10,073 193,865 Rhode Island ..: - (D) (D) - (D) (D) South Carolina : (D) (D) 23,265 17,641 258 17,898 South Dakota ..: (D) (D) 13,740 (D) (D) 8,158 Tennessee .....: (D) (D) 50,765 (D) (D) 45,254 Texas .........: 160,324 37,414 197,738 121,845 30,074 151,919 Utah ..........: 23,092 14,665 37,757 19,611 11,953 31,564 Vermont .......: (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) Virginia ......: 54,697 18,674 73,371 48,912 14,226 63,138 Washington ....: 151,545 42,994 194,539 120,390 33,124 153,514 West Virginia .: - (D) (D) - (D) (D) Wisconsin .....: 150,768 43,635 194,403 129,795 29,319 159,115 Wyoming .......: - - (D) - - (D) : Other States ..: 335,341 64,625 21,094 375,366 73,153 14,909 : United States .: 2,900,511 894,463 3,794,974 2,396,159 704,283 3,100,440 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Represents zero. (D) Withheld to avoid disclosing data for individual operations. General Storages: Gross and Usable Cooler Space by State and United States, October 1, 2009 [Totals may not add due to rounding. Includes frozen juice tank storage capacity.] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : Gross space : Usable space :----------------------------------------------------------------------------- State : : Private & : : : Private & : : Public :semi-private: Total : Public :semi-private: Total --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : 1,000 cubic feet : Alabama .......: 2,914 104 3,018 2,501 73 2,574 Alaska ........: (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) Arizona .......: (D) (D) 3,916 (D) (D) 2,860 Arkansas ......: (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) California ....: 72,843 113,655 186,498 60,421 92,711 153,131 Colorado ......: (D) (D) 2,521 (D) (D) 1,923 Connecticut ...: (D) (D) 2,396 (D) (D) 1,773 Delaware ......: (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) Florida .......: 25,589 75,487 101,076 19,812 66,010 85,822 Georgia .......: 42,895 17,236 60,131 36,494 14,756 51,250 Hawaii ........: (D) - (D) (D) - (D) Idaho .........: (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) 3,540 Illinois ......: (D) (D) 29,176 (D) (D) 24,036 Indiana .......: (D) (D) 14,106 (D) (D) (D) Iowa ..........: 4,117 8,543 12,660 3,325 5,811 9,136 Kansas ........: (D) (D) 8,148 (D) (D) 5,290 Kentucky ......: (D) (D) 5,017 (D) (D) 3,861 Louisiana .....: 1,402 146 1,547 1,255 136 1,391 Maine .........: (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) Maryland ......: (D) (D) 4,249 (D) (D) 3,809 Massachusetts .: (D) (D) 15,023 9,653 2,800 12,453 Michigan ......: 8,634 5,758 14,392 6,687 5,028 11,715 Minnesota .....: 8,489 15,989 24,478 7,098 9,349 16,447 Mississippi ...: (D) (D) 2,760 (D) (D) 2,103 Missouri ......: (D) (D) 32,885 (D) (D) 26,303 Montana .......: (D) (D) 441 (D) (D) 339 Nebraska ......: 4,523 1,217 5,739 3,357 472 3,830 Nevada ........: (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) New Hampshire .: - (D) (D) - (D) (D) New Jersey ....: (D) (D) 27,790 24,614 1,767 26,381 New Mexico ....: (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) New York ......: 8,400 16,733 25,133 6,328 13,784 20,113 North Carolina : (D) (D) 7,874 (D) (D) 7,521 North Dakota ..: (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) Ohio ..........: (D) (D) 8,501 (D) (D) 6,950 Oklahoma ......: (D) (D) 6,375 (D) (D) 5,501 Oregon ........: 4,213 15,065 19,278 3,124 12,880 16,004 Pennsylvania ..: (D) (D) 39,470 (D) (D) 32,184 Rhode Island ..: - (D) (D) - (D) (D) South Carolina : (D) (D) 1,617 (D) (D) 1,374 South Dakota ..: (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) Tennessee .....: (D) (D) 3,094 (D) (D) 2,249 Texas .........: 20,804 21,194 41,998 15,059 17,206 32,265 Utah ..........: (D) (D) 7,605 (D) (D) 6,185 Vermont .......: (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) Virginia ......: 14,384 9,209 23,594 11,825 7,039 18,864 Washington ....: (D) (D) 16,171 6,260 5,142 11,402 West Virginia .: - (D) (D) - (D) (D) Wisconsin .....: 48,901 33,570 82,471 41,810 21,332 63,142 Wyoming .......: - - (D) - - (D) : Other States ..: 191,502 74,670 27,037 120,236 45,931 28,365 : United States .: 459,610 408,576 868,185 379,859 322,227 702,086 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Represents zero. (D) Withheld to avoid disclosing data for individual operations. General Storages: Gross and Usable Freezer Space by State and United States, October 1, 2009 [Totals may not add due to rounding. Includes frozen juice tank storage capacity.] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : Gross space : Usable space :----------------------------------------------------------------------------- State : : Private & : : : Private & : : Public :semi-private: Total : Public :semi-private: Total --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : 1,000 cubic feet : Alabama .......: 29,988 1,010 30,999 25,683 839 26,522 Alaska ........: (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) Arizona .......: (D) (D) 12,449 (D) (D) 9,708 Arkansas ......: (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) California ....: 267,867 40,589 308,456 220,293 35,790 256,083 Colorado ......: (D) (D) 23,457 (D) (D) 19,248 Connecticut ...: (D) (D) 6,066 (D) (D) 4,782 Delaware ......: (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) Florida .......: 111,909 60,823 172,732 94,907 48,191 143,099 Georgia .......: 139,790 18,500 158,290 116,646 15,595 132,241 Hawaii ........: (D) - (D) (D) - (D) Idaho .........: (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) 46,949 Illinois ......: (D) (D) 168,435 (D) (D) 131,814 Indiana .......: (D) (D) 78,954 (D) (D) (D) Iowa ..........: 73,796 5,856 79,652 62,122 4,799 66,921 Kansas ........: (D) (D) 40,441 (D) (D) 29,795 Kentucky ......: (D) (D) 17,890 (D) (D) 14,492 Louisiana .....: 10,462 3,672 14,134 8,592 3,371 11,963 Maine .........: (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) Maryland ......: (D) (D) 37,791 (D) (D) 29,792 Massachusetts .: (D) (D) 86,474 62,982 9,592 72,574 Michigan ......: 69,994 18,901 88,895 57,383 15,264 72,647 Minnesota .....: 41,104 25,254 66,358 32,436 19,212 51,648 Mississippi ...: (D) (D) 20,982 (D) (D) 17,379 Missouri ......: (D) (D) 83,642 (D) (D) 65,966 Montana .......: (D) (D) 580 (D) (D) 430 Nebraska ......: 31,701 5,069 36,769 26,254 3,276 29,530 Nevada ........: (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) New Hampshire .: - (D) (D) - (D) (D) New Jersey ....: (D) (D) 87,446 63,681 5,027 68,708 New Mexico ....: (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) New York ......: 44,384 23,145 67,528 38,683 17,004 55,688 North Carolina : (D) (D) 60,859 (D) (D) 51,182 North Dakota ..: (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) Ohio ..........: (D) (D) 55,252 (D) (D) 47,470 Oklahoma ......: (D) (D) 10,471 (D) (D) 8,322 Oregon ........: 69,671 38,079 107,750 56,902 30,495 87,397 Pennsylvania ..: (D) (D) 187,922 (D) (D) 161,681 Rhode Island ..: - (D) (D) - (D) (D) South Carolina : (D) (D) 21,648 (D) (D) 16,524 South Dakota ..: (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) Tennessee .....: (D) (D) 47,671 (D) (D) 43,005 Texas .........: 139,520 16,220 155,740 106,786 12,867 119,654 Utah ..........: (D) (D) 30,152 (D) (D) 25,379 Vermont .......: (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) Virginia ......: 40,312 9,465 49,777 37,087 7,187 44,274 Washington ....: (D) (D) 178,368 114,130 27,981 142,112 West Virginia .: - (D) (D) - (D) (D) Wisconsin .....: 101,867 10,065 111,932 87,985 7,988 95,973 Wyoming .......: - - (D) - - (D) : Other States ..: 1,268,536 209,243 220,828 803,747 117,578 197,405 : United States .: 2,440,901 485,891 2,926,790 2,016,299 382,056 2,398,357 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Represents zero. (D) Withheld to avoid disclosing data for individual operations. Apple and Pear Storages: Gross and Usable Refrigerated Space, Regular and Controlled Atmosphere Capacity by State and United States, October 1, 2009 [Totals may not add due to rounding. Firms in this table store only apples or pears. Nearly all the storages are private and nearly all the space is cooler, thus public use and freezer space breakouts are not presented at the State level. See page 4 for United States totals.] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : Refrigerated space : Apple storage capacity :--------------------------------------------------------------------- State : : : : Controlled : : Gross : Usable : Regular : atmosphere : Total ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : 1,000 cubic feet ---------- 1,000 bushels ---------- : California ....: 19,261 14,761 3,002 2,125 5,127 Connecticut ...: 1,174 994 217 142 359 Idaho .........: 3,467 3,018 764 586 1,350 Illinois ......: 893 773 177 8 185 Indiana .......: 1,907 1,481 273 203 477 Kentucky ......: 133 100 33 - 33 Maine .........: 2,505 2,220 418 526 944 Maryland ......: 737 623 163 54 217 Massachusetts .: 2,775 2,332 622 345 967 Michigan ......: 31,060 27,647 3,696 6,360 10,057 Minnesota .....: 1,144 945 321 33 354 New Hampshire .: 1,684 1,488 300 373 672 New Jersey ....: 1,637 1,410 393 35 428 New York ......: 34,448 31,029 4,273 8,647 12,920 North Carolina : 3,784 3,097 955 90 1,045 Ohio ..........: 3,233 2,734 711 330 1,041 Oregon ........: 50,273 41,496 7,379 3,922 11,301 Pennsylvania ..: 22,325 17,468 3,193 2,290 5,482 Utah ..........: 1,567 1,197 268 176 444 Vermont .......: 2,401 1,715 208 320 528 Virginia ......: 11,281 9,802 1,499 2,002 3,501 Washington ....: 428,434 361,133 46,357 124,054 170,411 West Virginia .: 6,698 5,550 1,401 376 1,777 Wisconsin .....: 1,102 910 248 112 360 : Other States ..: 2,670 2,069 500 79 578 : United States .: 636,593 535,992 77,371 153,188 230,558 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Represents zero. Definitions General storages: Includes refrigerated facilities classified as general storages, plus facilities classified as storing only cheese, meat, or citrus concentrates. Public general storages: Refrigerated facilities maintained for storing food for others at specified rates per unit. Private and semiprivate general storages: Refrigerated facilities maintained by an operator to facilitate his principal function as a producer, processor, or manufacturer of food products. The space is used to store the owner=s products, although some space may be used by others at specified rates per unit stored. Working space, chill rooms, and curing rooms in meat storages are not included in the storage statistics. Apple and pear storages: Refrigerated facilities maintained exclusively for storing apples or pears. Storages operated by cooperatives for use by members are included as private storages. Cooler space: Space that maintains temperatures between 0 and 50 degrees Fahrenheit. Freezer space: Space that maintains temperatures at 0 degrees Fahrenheit or lower. Controlled atmosphere (CA) space: Sealed cooler space in which the oxygen and carbon dioxide content is controlled to extend the storage life of apples or pears. Gross space: Total area under refrigeration, measured from wall to wall and from floor to ceiling. Usable space: Actual area used for storing commodities. Gross space less an allowance for aisles, posts, coils, blowers, etc. Number of storages: Storages at different locations are counted separately even though operated by the same management. Survey Procedures and Reliability Survey procedures: Questionnaires were mailed about the 20th of September 2009, to operators of over 3,000 public and private cold storage warehouses. Two thousand five hundred and seventy-two firms met the qualifications that their warehouses were artificially cooled to a temperature of 50 degrees Fahrenheit or lower, and normally stored food products for 30 days or more. The other firms who received questionnaires either did not qualify or the plants had ceased being cold storage facilities during the past two years. The list included specialized storage facilities meeting the 30 day requirement, such as fruit houses, dairy manufacturing plants, frozen fruit, fruit juice, and vegetable processors, and poultry and meat packing plants. Wholesalers, jobbers, packer branch houses, and frozen food processors whose entire inventories are turned over more than once a month were excluded. Firms that did not respond were mailed a second request and/or phoned or visited. Estimating procedures: Data for reporting firms were added to estimates for non-reporting firms to obtain State and National totals. Estimates for non- reporting firms were set based on previous reports or administrative data. Revision policy: These data are considered to be final and will not be revised. Reliability: Usable reports were received from about 2,200 firms which represent about 86 percent of the total capacity tabulated. The numbers published should be considered to be minimum figures as there are cold storage firms that are not known to NASS. Special care in identifying individual plants minimizes duplication. Survey data are also subject to non-sampling errors such as omissions and mistakes in reporting and processing the data. While these errors cannot be measured directly, they are minimized by a careful review of all reported data for consistency and reasonableness. Information Contacts Listed below are the commodity specialists in the Livestock Branch of the National Agricultural Statistics Service to contact for additional information. Dan Kerestes, Chief...............................................................(202) 720-3570 Poultry and Specialty Commodities Section Bruce Boess, Head.................................................................(202) 720-4447 Doug Bounds - Poultry Slaughter, Turkey Hatchery, Turkeys Raised.............(202) 690-3237 David Colwell - Cold Storage.................................................(202) 720-8784 Chris Hawthorn - Catfish Processing, Catfish Production, Trout Production, Census of Aquaculture, Egg Products, Mink........................................................(202) 720-0585 Kim Linonis - Layers, Eggs...................................................(202) 690-8632 Troy Marshall - Broiler Hatchery, Chicken Hatchery, Honey....................(202) 720-3244 Access to NASS Reports For your convenience, you may access NASS reports and products the following ways: > All reports are available electronically, at no cost, on the NASS web site: > Both national and state specific reports are available via a free e- mail subscription. To set-up this free subscription, visit and in the "Syndication" box under "Receive reports by E-mail," click on "National" or "State" to select the reports you would like to receive. > Printed reports and products may be purchased by calling toll-free (800) 999-6779, or (703) 605-6220 if calling from outside the United States or Canada. Accepted methods of payment are Visa, MasterCard, check, or money order. For more information on NASS surveys and reports, call the NASS Agricultural Statistics Hotline at (800) 727-9540, 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. ET, or e-mail: The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination in all its programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, and where applicable, sex, marital status, familial status, parental status, religion, sexual orientation, genetic information, political beliefs, reprisal, or because all or a part of an individual's income is derived from any public assistance program. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.) Persons with disabilities who require alternative means for communication of program information (Braille, large print, audiotape, etc.) should contact USDA's TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice and TDD). To file a complaint of discrimination, write to USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20250-9410, or call (800) 795-3272 (voice) or (202) 720-6382 (TDD). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. Agricultural Outlook Forum Sustainable Agriculture The Key to Health and Prosperity February 18 - 19, 2010 Crystal Gateway Marriott Hotel 1700 Jefferson Davis Highway Arlington, Virginia Early Bird Registration $350 until January 15, 2010 * $375 after January 15 Topical Sessions Cover: *Rural Communities *Climate Change *Nutrition *Food Security & Safety *Risk Management *World Commerce *Conservation * Energy *Organics & Sustainability and the traditional Food Price, Farm Income, and Commodity Outlook Sessions