Formance Logo Design

Logo breakdown incoming 💥 The new Formance logomark, named "Connector," serves as the central hub for financial infrastructure.

Craft­ed with a flu­id motion, the cir­cu­lar shape express­es an approach­able ener­gy cou­pled with tech­ni­cal empow­er­ment, all while remain­ing inclu­sive and accessible.

The logo­type, Polymath, har­mo­nizes geo­met­ric pre­ci­sion with con­tem­po­rary stroke widths that mir­ror the intri­cate details of the logo­mark. It exudes con­fi­dence, ampli­fied by its high x‑height, giv­ing the brand a com­mand­ing presence. 🫡

When locked up, the logo comes into its own through a simul­ta­ne­ous­ly clas­sic and futur­is­tic feel.

The logo­type is sim­ple, expert, and approach­able, while the logo­mark is for­ward-think­ing, dar­ing, and intricate.

Intrigued? Click here to dive into the full case study.

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