Abous us > Public consultations EN REVAMP

Public consultations on specific statistical proposals allow people across Europe to give their views on statistical initiatives.

You can take part in shaping European policy by responding to our consultations. These consultations enable us to collect feedback directly from you - citizens, consumers and businesses - in order to understand better how you perceive our policies and to learn from your experience.

  • Open consultations: give us your opinion by taking part in a consultation
  • Closed consultations: find out about the results of consultations that have closed

Open consultations

Currently, there is no open consultation.

Closed consultations

Titel Policy activity Closing date
Single Market Programme – interim evaluation Single market 31 May 2024
Revision of the legal framework for European statistics Statistics 25 October 2022
Labour market statistics on businesses Statistics 13 May 2022
Re-developing European statistics on population Statistics 23 December 2021

Past initiatives on the topic of statistics can be found on the European Commission's website ‘Have your say’.